Limited Scientific Knowledge We have About Our Universe (in Bengali)

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Visible Universe is not more than 5% of the total. Dark Energy and Dark Matters take care of remaining 95% Discovery of God Particles is unable to give enough clue. On going String Theory research may throw some light in near future.

Transcript of Limited Scientific Knowledge We have About Our Universe (in Bengali)

-- - , , , , , , , - , , , , , , - , , , (logic) - Page


, , , background radiation- Big Bang- 13.7 space-time electromagnetic radiation-

- Page




dark , 5% , 95% gravitational field- effect 2012 , Sir Isaac Newton- 1897 1934 Page


atom- electron, proton neutron

atom- proton quarks gluon -,


- mass - ,

- - - 1960-70- Peter Higgs Boson-, HiggsBoson, God-particle , Large Hadron Collider (LHC), God-particle- , 2012 radiation - Boson , Page


God-particle photon-

spin Boson , Fermion Boson spin integer value- (0, 1, 2,), Fermion spin , 3/2, fermion half value- Fermion Boson- Boson , Boson Integerspin Boson Bose-Einstein statistics ; spin Fermion Fermi Fermi-Dirac statistics 1974 Standard Model (SM) quarks (up, charm, top anti-particle down, strange, bottom) electron leptons (electron, muon, tau neutrino) force carriers (photon, gluon, W Z Bosons) 12- fermion , 4- force carriers Higgs-Boson-Page


1933 Fritz Zwicky - - radiations dark matters dark matter- - 400 1000 gravity field strong - dark matter God-particle Standard Model- Super-symmetry string

theory 1928 Paul Dirac symmetry- Symmetry elementary particle- antiparticle positron , electron- anti-particlePage



particle- ,


electron- charge

negative, positron- charge positive proton- anti-particle negatron, Super-symmetry every Boson must have a corresponding Fermion super-

symmetric particle 1998 Hubble Space Telescope (HST) supernovae- expand negative gravity- dark energy By fitting a theoretical model of the composition of the Universe to the combined set of cosmological observations, scientists have come up with the composition -- ~70% dark energy, ~25% dark matter, ~5% normal matter. [Nasa Report] Dark matter Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) proton- 100 Higgs-Boson Page

String theory-


dark matter God-particle 10 , String theory- ,

Standard model- 4- basic forces electromagnetic force gravitational force , strong force weak force, atom- nucleus- while the strong force binds protons and The neutrons weak nuclear force is responsible for radioactive decay, together to make up the nucleus. Gravitational force- standard model- nucleus- gravity- effect standard model- string theory- unified model A unified theory would be a mathematical framework in which all the different kinds of forces and particles occur naturally.Page

particles from experiment; rather the theory should fix


We should not have to fix the masses and charges of

them automatically to be the right values. Instead of many types of elementary The string point-like is not particles, ``made up we of postulate that in nature there is a single variety of string-like object. anything'', rather, it is basic and other things are made up of it. Like musical strings, this basic string can vibrate, and each vibrational mode can be viewed as a point-like elementary particle Tata Institute of Fundamental Research- string vibration electrons, muons, neutrinos photons, W and Z bosons gluons force carriers String theory SM gravitational

force- carrier- graviton- String theory - 5%; , Page



- - , , know thyself; -----00000-----
