LFC 2014 2015 Annual Report

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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The Dream Moves Forward

Transcript of LFC 2014 2015 Annual Report


The Dreammoves ForwarD

Le rêve se poursuit. Il devient réalité et traverse la ville pour s’installer sur notre nouveau campus de Lincoln Square. Notre école est maintenant prête à devenir l’un des meilleurs Lycées français et internationaux en Amérique du Nord. Je suis ravi d’accompagner le Lycée pour ce nouveau chapitre de croissance et de succès.

À l’heure de célébrer l’inauguration de notre nouveau campus, ainsi que les espoirs et les rêves qu’il nourrit déjà, nous sommes très reconnaissants à tous ceux qui se sont investis dans l’avenir du Lycée. Merci à nos donateurs, aux familles, aux membres du conseil d’administration, aux enseignants, aux membres du personnel et aux bénévoles dévoués de la campagne de financement. Merci également à nos élèves pour leur investissement studieux de chaque instant et pour l’excellence des résultats obtenus au Baccalauréat et à l’IB.

Ensemble, les membres de notre communauté ont accompli tant de choses.

À travers ce rapport annuel, nous avons le privilège de vous présenter les moments forts de l’année passée. Ces moments rendent hommage à notre communauté scolaire multiculturelle et aux succès académiques de nos élèves. Ils mettent par ailleurs en évidence ce que nous avons accompli en termes d’innovation grâce à l’immersion linguistique et à l’apprentissage trilingue, la pédagogie différenciée et les nouveaux programmes d’échanges scolaires. Je suis impressionné par cette communauté extrêmement dévouée et je suis honoré d’en faire aujourd’hui partie.

Cette année, nous avons aussi fait nos adieux à Alain Weber, Chef d’établissement hors pair, qui a su guider le Lycée ces huit dernières années.

Je le remercie, ainsi que les membres du conseil d’administration, les administrateurs et enseignants, les parents et les élèves, de m’avoir accueilli en cette phase passionnante de transition.

Merci de votre soutien en cette période cruciale dans l’histoire de notre établissement. Nous savons que le Lycée demeurera l’école internationale de référence de Chicago.

The dream moves forward – and across town – to our new Lincoln Square campus. Our school is now poised to become one of the top French and International Lycées in North America. I am delighted to lead the Lycée into this new chapter of growth and success.

As we celebrate our new campus, and all the hopes and dreams that reside there, we are grateful to all those who have invested in the future of the Lycée – our donors, families, trustees, faculty, staff, and steadfast campaign volunteers. We are also grateful to the students who have invested so much in their studies and done exceptionally well, as their baccalaureate and IB results show.

Together, the members of this community have achieved so much.

In this annual report, we share highlights from the past year that showcase the spirit of our multicultural school community, the academic successes of our students, and the great strides our school has taken in innovation through language immersion and trilingual learning, differentiated instruction and new exchange programs. I am impressed by this extremely dedicated community and am honored to become part of it.

This year, we also gave a fond farewell to Alain Weber, our inestimable Head of School, who led the Lycée for the past eight years. I am grateful to him, to the trustees, administrators and faculty, parents and students for welcoming me at this exciting time.

Thank you for your partnership during this momentous time in our school’s history as we look forward to the Lycée’s continued performance as the premier international school in Chicago.

Eric Veteau Directeur général | President

The Dreammoves


Un rêve de 20 ans En 1995, un groupe ambitieux de parents fut invité à ouvrir une école internationale française à Chicago, au nom du Ministère français de l’Education Nationale. Saisissant cette incroyable opportunité, ils ont trouvé sur Bittersweet Place l’espace pour établir la nouvelle école : repeignant les murs, réparant les fenêtres et recrutant enseignants et administrateurs, dont Michelle Gragg, première directrice de l’école. Soutenus par un petit groupe de professeurs passionnés, ces parents ont donné vie à une communauté scolaire enrichissante, accueillant 134 enfants lors de son inauguration.

Le travail acharné de ces parents a permis au Lycée de devenir une institution unique, un joyau multiculturel au cœur de Chicago. Le Lycée doit énormément au dévouement et à l’engagement de longue date de ses fondateurs Patrick Balson, Nancy Lerner Frej, John Jeffry Louis et Dana Sievertson qui, entre autres, ont permis au rêve de devenir réalité. Sans leur vision, sans leurs efforts, nous ne serions pas là où nous sommes aujourd’hui. A Dream, 20 Years in the Making In 1995, a group of ambitious parents were asked to start a French international school in Chicago on behalf the French Ministry of Education. Acting on this exciting opportunity, they found space for the school on Bittersweet Place – painting walls, repairing windows, and recruiting faculty and administrators, including Michelle Gragg, the first Head of School. Together with a small group of passionate teachers, these parents created a nurturing school community that welcomed 134 children into the inaugural student body.

The tireless work of these parents allowed the Lycée to grow into an exceptional institution, a multicultural gem in the city of Chicago. The school is indebted to the long-standing leadership and dedication of founding board members: Patrick Balson, Nancy Lerner Frej, John Jeffry Louis and Dana Sievertson, among others, for making the Lycée dream come true. We would not be here today without their vision.

Du rêve à la réalité La célébration du 20e anniversaire du Lycée et la construction de notre nouveau campus marquent le début d’un nouveau chapitre et le premier volet d’une période de croissance exceptionnelle pour notre établissement. Il aura fallu une dizaine d’années d’organisation et de détermination pour en arriver là, ce grâce à l’engagement de notre Conseil d’administration, des membres du facility committee, des parents bénévoles, des enseignants, des membres du personnel et des donateurs.

Nous remercions les 380 familles, membres du personnel, grands-parents et amis qui ont permis à notre établissement de se développer. A ce jour, nous avons reçu plus de 9 millions usd en promesses de dons, un chiffre record pour une communauté aussi ‘’jeune’’ que la nôtre. L’objectif de 10 millions est à notre portée ! The Dream Becomes a RealityWith the celebration of its 20th anniversary and the construction of its own permanent home, the Lycée is entering a new chapter and embarking on a period of exceptional growth. It has taken nearly a de-cade of planning and resolve to reach the point where we are today — thanks to the inspired commitment of our Trustees, facilities committee members, parent volunteers, faculty and donors. We are grateful to those 380 families, staff, grandparents, and friends who have helped the school get to this transformational point in its history. To date, the school has received more than $9 million in commitments toward our $10 million capital campaign goal – an unprecedented showing of support for our young community. The finish line is within sight!

The Dreambecomes a realiTy

Les diplômés IB prêts à affronter le monde Bravo à notre toute première promotion de diplômés IB. Les cinq élèves de la classe ont tous été acceptés par les écoles ou universités qu’ils avaient sélectionnés en premier choix et poursuivront des études en cinéma, neuro-sciences, management et pharmacologie. Pour décrocher leur diplôme, les élèves ont dû rédiger un mémoire rigoureux, fruit de deux années d’études indépendantes, sur le sujet de leur choix. Trente lycéens de la seconde à la terminale sont aujourd’hui inscrits au programme IB, ils seront 35 l’an prochain.

IB Graduates Take on the World The Lycée proudly graduated its first International Baccalaureate class in 2015. The five members of the class were all accepted into their first-choice colleges or universities and will be pursuing studies in film, neuroscience, business and pharmacology. As part of the IB exam, the students completed the rigorous Extended Essay, which requires two years of independent research on a topic of their choice. There are now 30 Lycée students in grades 9 through 12 enrolled in the IB program, and this number will increase to 35 in 2015-2016.

Délégués du monde entier Vingt-six lycéens de la seconde à la terminale ont participé à des conférences Model UN en janvier 2015 à Michigan State University. Les élèves ont travaillé pendant des mois afin de préparer leurs rôles de délégués des différents comités des Nations Unies, se concentrant sur des thématiques telles que le droit des femmes et des jeunes filles à l’éducation en Afrique subsaharienne, le désarmement et la sécurité mondiale ainsi que l’aide humanitaire. Récompensés pour leur travail exceptionnel, nos élèves ont remporté cinq prix très convoités. Au mois de mars, d’autre délégués du Lycée ont participé à une réunion de l’Association pour les Nations Unies traitant du renforcement des compétences et de la diplomatie. Delegates from around the World Twenty-six Lycée students in grades 10 through 12 took part in the Model UN conference in January 2015 at Michigan State University. The students worked for months to prepare for their roles as delegates to various UN Committees, focusing on issues that included education rights for women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa, disarmament and global security and humanitarian aid. For their outstanding work, our students brought home five awards. Additional Lycée delegates also took part in a United Nations Association meeting in March focused on skill-building and issues of diplomacy.

Une saison marquante pour tous Durant l’année scolaire 2014-2015, 200 élèves ont pratiqué un sport au LFC. Du basket-ball au volley-ball, du football à la gymnastique, en passant par l’escalade, la zumba ou encore l’athlétisme de nombreuses disciplines furent représentées. Cinq équipes ont participé à des championnats : l’équipe masculine de football du collège, l’équipe féminine de football du collège, l’équipe JV de basket-ball féminin, celles de football féminin du lycée, volley-ball féminin du lycée et de football masculin du lycée — et ont remporté le championnat de l’IHSA (Illinois High School Association) ! En juin dernier, à Québec, l’équipe féminine de football du collège est arrivée deuxième à la Coupe du monde du Lycée. Les filles ont joué contre 16 équipes issues d’autres Lycées à travers le monde. Notre équipe, nos entraîneurs et notre école ne sont pas prêts d’oublier ce palmarès. Bravo à tous ! A Winning Season for All Two hundred students participated in athletic programs in 2014-2015 including basketball, volleyball, soccer, gymnastics, rock climbing, zumba and track & field. Five teams competed in league championships: middle school boys soccer, middle school girls soccer, JV girls basketball, high school girls soccer, high school girls volleyball and high school boys soccer — which won the IHSA championship! This past June, the middle school girls soccer team took second place in the Lycée World Cup in Quebec. The girls competed against 16 teams from Lycées around the world. What an exciting and unforgettable outcome for our team, our coaches and our school. Congratulations to all!

Takingon The worlD

Lancement du programme d’échange avec la Chine ! En février 2015, 12 élèves du lycée Daishan High School sur l’île de Zhoushan en Chine sont arrivés à Chicago pour leur séjour de deux semaines aux Etats-Unis. Un groupe de 7 élèves du Lycée s’est ensuite envolé vers la Chine. Grâce au programme d’échange, les élèves ont eu la chance d’affiner leur compréhension de la culture chinoise ainsi que leurs compétences linguistiques. Merci aux familles du Lycée qui ont accepté de recevoir nos invités chinois ainsi qu’aux familles de Zhoushan qui ont ouvert leur porte et leur cœur à nos élèves. Chinese Exchange Program Launches! In February 2015, 12 students from Daishan High School on the island of Zhoushan in China arrived in Chicago on their two week visit to the United States. A cohort of 7 Lycée high school students then flew to China. The exchange program provided an exceptional opportunity for students to gain greater cultural understanding and practice their foreign language skills. We are grateful to the Lycée families who hosted our Chinese guests and to the Zhoushan families who opened their doors and their hearts to our students.

Si à Séville En mars 2015, 16 lycéens de seconde et première se sont rendus en Espagne lors du programme d’échange avec le prestigieux Colegio Portaceli de Séville. A l’occasion de ce voyage de 10 jours, nos élèves ont assisté aux cours, visité les sites historiques et culturels de Séville et ont pu visiter les célèbres villes de Grenade et Cordoue. Des leçons de flamenco offertes à tous ont ponctué ce voyage de façon inoubliable ! En avril, le Lycée a accueilli 16 élèves du Colegio Portaceli à Chicago où ils ont été hébergés par des familles d’accueil et ont eu l’opportunité de découvrir notre belle ville. Si to Sevilla Spain was the March 2015 destination for 16 Lycée students in grades 9 and 10 as part of an exchange program with the prestigious Colegio Portaceli in Sevilla. During their 10-day trip, students attended classes, toured Sevilla’s historic and cultural sites, and traveled to the celebrated cities of Granada and Cordoba. An unforgettable highlight of the trip was flamenco dance lessons for all! In April, the Lycée hosted 16 students from Colegio Portaceli here in Chicago, where they stayed with host families and got to know our city by the lake.

Apprendre sous le soleil En mars 2015, à l’occasion du nouveau programme d’échange proposé par le LFC, 36 élèves de CM2 se sont rendus à Saint-Martin (Antilles). Lors de ce voyage de 10 jours, les élèves ont séjourné avec des familles francophones afin de perfectionner leur français. Ils ont pu découvrir la riche histoire française et néerlandaise de l’île et ont profité du cadre pour surfer et faire du kayak et du bateau. En 2015-2016, des élèves de l’école de Saint-Martin viendront à Chicago. Ils seront hébergés par les familles des élèves de CM2 ayant participéau voyage de cette année. Learning under the Sun Thirty-six 5th graders traveled to St. Martin in March 2015 as part of a new exchange program offered by the Lycée. During the 10-day trip, the students lived with French-speaking families to hone their language skills, traveled extensively to learn about the island’s rich French and Dutch history, and took full advantage of the Caribbean setting by surfing, kayaking and sailing. In 2015-2016, students from the Lycée in St. Martin will come to Chicago. They will be hosted by the families of the 5th graders who took part in this year’s trip.

eXPloring Theglobe

Servir les communautés proches et lointaines Le programme de service à la communauté concerne désormais tous les élèves de la maternelle à la terminale afin que tous aient la possibilité de rendre service grâce à des actions enrichissantes et adaptées à chaque âge. Durant l’année scolaire, les élèves ont fabriqué des cartes à l’attention d’enfants hospitalisés en Haïti, collecté de la nourriture et des jouets pour des familles défavorisées de Chicago, levé des fonds pour les survivants du typhon en Polynésie Française et donné de leur temps au Misericordia. Lors de la journée Martin Luther King, le 19 janvier dernier, 50 lycéens ont passé leur journée au service de quelqu’un. Certains ont ainsi rendu visite à d’anciens combattants, ont tenu compagnie à des résidents de Lambs Farm (organisme d’aide aux personnes présentant des troubles du développement), d’autres enfin ont repeint les bureaux du Youth Conservation Corps de Waukegan. Service in Communities Near and Far The Community Service Program was extended school-wide so every student from kindergarten through high school can now participate in meaningful, age-appropriate service opportunities. During the school year, students made cards for hospitalized children in Haiti, conducted food and toy drives for local families, raised funds for typhoon survivors in French Polynesia, and volunteered at Misericordia. On Martin Luther King Day, January 19, 2015, 50 high school students spent the day in service to others – visiting veterans, spending time with developmentally disabled residents at Lambs Farm, and painting offices at Youth Conservation Corps in Waukegan.

Youth Conservation Corps in Waukegan.

Courage et commémoration Afin de marquer la Journée internationale de commémoration de l’Holocauste, les lycéens ont participé à la cérémonie du 27 janvier 2015, à l’occasion du 70e anniversaire de la libération des camps d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Deux survivantes de l’Holocauste, Nicole Terry et Judith Levy Straus, ont partagé leur témoignage avec émotion et ont répondu aux questions des élèves. Parmi les invités et intervenants de marque figuraient Vincent Floreani, Consul Général de France à Chicago, Maya Karmely, Consul des Affaires Publiques du Consulat Général d’Israël et Steven Dishler, du Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago. Courage and Remembrance To mark the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Lycée high school students took part in a memorial service on January 27, 2015, the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. Two Holocaust survivors, Nicole Terry and Judith Levy Straus, provided moving testimonies and took questions from students. Distinguished guests and speakers included Vincent Floreani, Consul General of France in Chicago; Maya Karmely, Consul of Public Affairs for the Consulate General of Israel; and Steven Dishler of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.

honoring anD serving oThers

La remarquable promotion de 2015 Les diplômés du Lycée s’apprêtent à aller étudier dans les meilleures écoles et universités des Etats-Unis et d’ailleurs, parmi lesquelles : l’Université de Chicago, Vassar, UCLA, McGill University, l’Université de Saint Andrews en Ecosse et l’Imperial College de Londres. Quatre de nos élèves ont été acceptés au sein du programme très compétitif de double diplôme proposé conjointement par Columbia University et Sciences Po Paris. Les 34 élèves de la promotion 2015 ont collectivement reçu 1.6 million usd en bourses du mérite, preuve de l’excellence de leurs résultats et de la renommée mondiale de notre établissement.

The Stand-Out Class of 2015 Lycée graduates will be attending top-notch schools across the U.S. and abroad, including the University of Chicago, Vassar, UCLA, McGill University, University of Saint Andrews in Scotland and the Imperial College in London. Four of our students were accepted into the highly competitive dual program offered jointly by Columbia University and Institut d’études politiques or Sciences Po in Paris. The 34-member Class of 2015 was awarded a collective $1.6 million in merit scholarships — a strong testament to the caliber of our students and the excellent reputation of a Lycée education.

Que de mentions pour nos lycéens ! Cent pour cent des élèves de la classe inaugurale de l’IB ont décroché leur diplôme haut la main et les résultats du Baccalauréat français furent eux aussi excellents ! Quatre-vingt pour cent des élèves de la filière française ont obtenu la mention très bien et 30 pour cent ont reçu les félicitations du jury. La moyenne de nos élèves est de 16/20, l’équivalent d’un score américain de 97-100 pour cent ! Félicitations à tous ces élèves pour leur succès bien mérité.

Honors Abound for Lycée Students One hundred percent of the Lycée’s inaugural IB class passed the International Baccalaureate test with flying colors – and results from the French Baccalaureate exam were equally thrilling! Eighty percent of French Bac students were awarded Honors and 30 percent received High Honors. The average score of our students was 16 out of 20, which translates to an American score of 97-100 percent! Congratulations to all of these hardworking students for their well-earned success.

sTanDing oUT in ToDay’sworlD

willis Tower… the view from

the Art and Music rooms on

the 3rd floor la willis Tower… LA VUE DE LA SALLE



The hancock building…the view from the Teachers’

Lounge on the 4th floor le hancock bUilDing …LA VUE DU BUREAU DES


new camPUs

FUn FacTs

bouncing around a good idea!When the Chicago Fire Department required a turnaround area for their

trucks, the Lycée turned it into an outdoor basketball court





construction?16 months

Design?2.5 years

consTrUcTion?16 MONTHS

Design?2.5 YEARS

300 tons of structural steel


blue and red characters represented on the storefront graphics have names. They are all French. A total

of 13 are located around the school. les Personnages bleUs eT roUges



85 tons of reinforcing

steel85 Tonnes DE BARRES


1,350 tons of dirt used for landscaped

areas and soccer field 1350 Tonnes



can we quote you? The first-floor graphics incorporate

quotes submitted by Lycée faculty and teachers




sUr le noUveaU camPUs

saviez- voUs qUe*The French international school in chicago

lycée français de chicago

lena Jean-Pierre



En y réfléchissant, dans une école, ce n’est ni un édifice, ni une campagne, ni un programme qui touchent une personne la veille de son départ, mais ce sont les mots des élèves. Arielle, Grace, Leo et Connor, merci pour vos gentils messages ! Et merci à chaque élève du Lycée qui a fait partie de ma vie ces huit dernières années. Vous m’avez tous inspiré pour donner le meilleur de moi-même. Vous m’avez donné la force d’affronter les situations difficiles. Vous m’avez aussi appris à célébrer les bonnes choses de la vie et à rêver en grand (notre nouveau campus).

Jamais je n’oublierai vos messages et tous ces souvenirs fantastiques. Je suis fier de vous tous. Alors que je me lance dans une nouvelle aventure, je penserai à vous qui débutez la vôtre. L’école est une étape riche et importante de votre vie, et je vous souhaite tout le meilleur dans votre parcours.

Upon reflection, in a school, it is not a building, a campaign or a program which touches one on the eve of his departure; it is words from students. Arielle, Grace, Leo and Connor, I thank you for your kind words and I thank all your classmates who have made these past eight years fun and memorable. And thank you to each and every Lycée student who has touched my life over the past eight years. You have all inspired me to do my best. You have given me strength to face challenging situations. You have taught me how to celebrate the good things in life and to dream big. (Our new campus!) I have your messages and so many wonderful memories to cherish. You all make me proud.

As I begin my new adventure, I will be thinking of you as you embark on yours. School is a wonderful journey and I wish you the very best along the way. Affectueusement/Fondly,Alain Weber Cher M. Weber,

Ce fut vraiment un grand plaisir d’être élève sous votre direction. Depuis votre arrivée, alors que j’étais seulement en sixième, j’ai vu le Lycée grandir, s’améliorer et se diversifier. Vos décisions, dont j’ai eu le plaisir de faire l’expérience, ont été fructueuses. Je me souviens particulièrement de la bourse « going the distance » et de votre soutien très apprécié des Flames. Merci d’avoir tant donné au Lycée et surtout merci d’avoir inspiré la génération future.

Sincèrement,Connor Olsen, Promotion de 2015 Dear Mr. Weber,

You have been an amazing President over the years and have displayed incredible integrity. I will never forget your warm “bonjours” at the beginning of each day and seeing you kindly greet children leaving their parents in the early morning. Without your dedication, the Lycée would not be what it is today or ready for the next big step, the new campus. Mr. Weber, you will be greatly missed and I wish you the best in retirement.

Best wishes, Grace Lyons, 8th Grade Cher M. Weber,

Je suis très triste de votre départ. Vous étiez le meilleur directeur ! Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde !

Arielle Pomerantz, CM1

Lieber Monsieur Weber,

Vielen Dank, daß Sie aus dem Lycée eine so tolle Schule gemacht haben. Ich bin mir sicher, daß jeder Schüler sehr stolz ist, ein Teil des LFC sein zu dürfen. Daran haben Sie einen großen Anteil.

Ich wünsche Ihnen für die Zukunft alles Gute und hoffe, daß Sie uns ab und zu in Ihrer und unserer einmaligen, neuen Schule besuchen kommen.

Leo Bopp, 10th Grade

a Farewell To alain

le conseild’administration2014-2015Nous sommes infiniment reconnaissants aux membres du Conseil d’administration pour leur contribution à la bonne gérance du Lycée, leur générosité et leurs conseils si essentiels à notre réussite. Nous sommes fiers de leur contribution à la bonne gestion, en particulier en cette période de croissance capitale pour notre établissement.

board of Trustees 2014–2015 We gratefully acknowledge the stewardship of our Trustees, whose generosity and guidance play a major role in the Lycée’s success. We are honored by their leadership particularly during this time of instrumental growth for our school.

Sharon Langshur, M.D., ChairAbundant Venture Partners Holding, LLC

Jon Shulkin, Vice-ChairValor Equity Partners_______________________________________

Fernando AssensArgo Inc.

Curt R. BaileyRelated Midwest

Kevin Baliozian SmithBucklin Corporation

Patrick BalsonLincoln Professional Group

Margot BogueCramer Krasselt

Tim CalkinsNorthwestern University

Bryna DahlinWinston & Strawn LLP

Sébastien De LongeauxChicago Public Schools

Zachary EganColumbia Wanger Asset Management

Bruce GelmanKirkland & Ellis LLP

Barbara HigginsAllstate Insurance Company

Neil E. JenkinsLawson Products, Inc.

Mark LaddLyteShot

Mathieu LignelLaughlin Constable

Douglas W. LyonsPearlmark Real Estate Partners

Marianne MarkowitzUS Small Business Administration

Diane Saltoun, SecretaryOffice of Attorney General, State of Illinois

Robert SevimSavills Studley, Inc.

Margaret Unetich

Etienne VeberField Trip Factory

Alain WeberLycée Français de Chicago administration2014-2015

Eric VeteauIncoming President

Alain WeberFormer President

Jean-Pierre PlaaPrimary School Director

Vincent AiméSecondary School Director________________________________________

Philippe AudassoDirector of Physical Ed.

Stacey BearAssistant to the Director of Admissions

Laura Burlot WendtAssistant to the Secondary School Director

Maria CarlosDirector of Finance

Anna Maria CarvalloDirector of Advancement

Sunique CharreStudent Billing & Collection Specialist

Catherine CorbettStudent Technology Specialist

Steve CorbettFacility Manager

Roxanne DeGraffDevelopment Manager

Christine EischenCollege and University Advisor

Stefano FischburgTechnical Support Specialist

Jacques FournierDirector of Extracurricular Programs

Tatiana GiordanoDigital Media Manager

Kristen HansonMarketing and Communications Manager

Cassandra HarrisRegistrar

Nancy KabengeleReceptionist

Chris LazzaraFacilities Manager

Corinne ManarancheSenior Accounts Payable and Procurement Specialist

Jim NewarkDean of the Middle School

Cecilia PorterAssistant to the Primary School Director

Lara RaynaudAssistant to the President

Rebekah RosenfeldHuman Resources Manager

Virginie Saint-OmerDean of the High School

Hans SchusterChief Financial Officer / Director of Operations

Romana TomlinsonEvents Coordinator

Ania TourlouseExtracurricular Programs Assistant

Sébastien TourlouseIB Coordinator

Stephanie van SiceDirector of Admissions

Courtney VillaDevelopment Associate

Rosa YanezSenior Accountant

Irina (Lobo) ZiemannDirector of Educational Technology and Information Systems

campagne pour le nouveau campus Un grand merci à notre formidable communauté de donateurs. La campagne pour notre nouveau campus, “Oui” are the dream builders, a permis de réunir plus de 9.1 millions usd en promesses de dons sur notre objectif de 10 millions usd. Il nous reste moins d’un million à réunir pour atteindre notre but. Vous avez fait de notre rêve une réalité. Votre contribution permet directement de soutenir notre rang d’école internationale française de premier plan dans le Midwest, dotée d’un campus moderne et dynamique qui permet d’accueillir durablement les acteurs du monde de demain et d’étendre le rayonnement de la culture française et l’offre éducative à Chicago. Chapeau bas à nos co-présidentes du comité, Siobhan Cafferty et Marie-Pierre Rondeau – et à l’ensemble du comité de la campagne annuelle !

capital campaign Thanks to our extraordinary community of donors, the “Oui” are the Dream Builders campaign for our new home has attracted $9.1 million in pledges toward our $10 million philanthropic goal, with just under $1 million left to go. You have helped us build our dream. Your contribution directly supports our sustainability as the Midwest’s premier French international school — a modern, vibrant and permanent home for our future leaders, expanding access to French culture and education in Chicago. Hats off to co-chairs Siobhan Cafferty and Marie-Pierre Rondeau– and the entire annual campaign committee!

$1,500,000David W. and Patricia J. Simpson

$500,000Natasha and Zach EganGreen Family Charitable Fund

Christiane and Mark J. LaddJohn McCartney

$250,000 - $499,999Lisa and Curt BaileyPamela and Marc GordonThe Griffin FamilyBarbara and William HigginsJoseph KronsnobleThe J. Jeffry and Elizabeth S. Louis Foundation

$100,000 to $249,999AnonymousMagda Jakubowska and Fernando AssensCarol Saltoun and Tim CalkinsBruce and Laura ComiskeyChristina and Tim ConlinMonique and Thomas DemeryWhitney and Aaron FersheeMichèle and Bruce GelmanSharon and Eric LangshurMissy LavenderJulianne and David MatthewsDenise and Keith OlsenHilary and David PisorKim ReddingAlissa and Jon ShulkinLori and Ted SouderMargaret and Michael Unetich

$75,000 to $99,999AnonymousVeronique and Marc BushalaSusan and Douglas Lyons

$50,000 to $74,999AnonymousKara Blain and Jeff BeatyVirginie Ott-Bono and Christopher

BonoThe da Ponte Cooper FamilyMarissa and Andrew IngleyHeidi Reynolds and Neil JenkinsElissa and Steven LafayetteMichael W. Louis Charitable TrustBridget and Burke MontgomeryKrista McLeod and Craig NobleJoanna and Robert SevimSharon and Mitchell Sheinkop

$25,000 to $49,999Julie and Daniel BaumeisterMelissa and Dwayne BowlesDiane Saltoun and Bruce BraunApril and Randy BridgemanNoelle C. BrockJennifer and David BrooksMelinda E. GrahamMatthew Hinerfeld and Nora

JaskowiakAngelina and Noland JoinerEileen and Andrew KirkwoodKhadija and xavier LaurensElizabeth McRee and Philippe

LunardelliKirk and Miles McKieJoanne McLean and Aviv NevoHeidi and Joseph NowalanySiobhan and Christopher RowneyPatricia Koneru Smith and Brett


Maria and Derek SteelbergNasutsa Mabwa and Sam Zabadne

$10,000 to $24,999Anonymous (4)Helen and Kim AndersonPatricia Rasmussen and Lawrence

AndersonJoanne Barry-Babule and Antoine

BabuleMary and Kevin BaliozianJane Kozuch and David BertenJoan E. BeverBritta and Sascha BoppBross Family FoundationIngrid Pavilanis and Timothy

BuckleyReshma Shah and Daniel CastilloNicola and Clive ChristisonChiara and Daniel ChungNathalie and Jean-Pierre ComteLaura and Ricardo CossaBryna and Jay DahlinRita Parhad and Steven DeAtleyAngela and John DeppeBridgitte Bundrage and Ole Henry

DørumLisa Bennett and Marty DurkinTammy and Curtis EvrardSuriya H. Grima and Nathan F. FahrerKaren and Michael FomookMargaret and Joseph FournessAmanda Love and Brian FullerDelphine and Tim GeannopulosAndrea Wagner and Nick GiagkouBetsy Nelson and Scott GilbertsonTatiana and Christophe GiordanoKelly and John GorhamIsabelle and Juan Luis GoujonJanine and Vincent GreffBeth and Mark HebbelnAxelle and Jan HorstmannSusan Solomon and Andrew IsgrigMichelle and Darrin JolasAnita and Kishan KhemaniJennifer and Jeffrey KilpatrickKristina Schneider and Karl KocherKathy KraasRebecca Deaton and Jadran LeeMaureen C. Lesak Flener and Karl F.

FlenerLaurence and Mathieu LignelHolly and Brian LignelliElizabeth MackieGregory MarkarianMarianne and Jeffrey Markowitz

Véronique ThouinRoberta and Michael McKeeverJulia Corcoran Melín and Hector

Melín-AldanaAnn and Steve MendelsohnPatsy Campbell and Peter MichalakCatherine Jasek and Michael MillionLubomira and George MinkovskyKate and Jim MooneyIsabelle and Jean-Louis MullerChristine and Jason OsbornDominique and Paul ParrisCaroline De Langhe and Bruce PerceJulia and Robert PrasseChristine Laurens and xavier

RennerElisabeth and Christophe RidetBeth H. Weiner and Edward M.

RoeserEmily Sherrer and Daniel RomanelliLeslie and Jon SchreiberLea and Glenn SevierDeepti Singh and Kal ShahAnna and Brad SharpKamilla and James SvajglAnn ThompsonRomana and Paul TomlinsonMarie and Steve ValenzuelaIngrid Deroubaix and Michael von

BodmanSandra and Brice YharrassarryDanielle and Martin Zimmerman

$5,000 to $9,999Vania and Didier AzizaJulie and Craig BargowskiMariacristina De Nardi and Marco

BassettoMeaghan and James BenjaminLynn and Bruno BoucherKimberly and Mark BovierNancy Joyce and Sean CallahanTina CaseyChristelle and Edgar ChedrawyFlorence and David CraftElizabeth and Sébastien De

LongeauxRobin Stahl and William GottisSteffanie Garrett and Jordan

GrossmanJoseph KaiserAlexandra LafaurieMyriam and Jean-Pierre Le

CannellierSophie and Fred LevingerFrédéric Mahieu

Margot Bogue and William McCreaLaurie McReeJennifer and Jason MinkinClare MuñanaLaurie and Olivier PasquierCyraina and Thierry RoullierChristy and Christopher SearsEllen and James SmythBrigitte Ozzello and Tom SternerLourdes and Alain WeberStephanie Pirishis and Jacobus J.

WijpkemaGina and Ray Yacoub

$2,500 to $4,999Elizabeth Marcus and Ira BelcoveMagdalena and Salvatore CilellaMarifred and Sal CilellaLizet and Dan De La CruzDina Delaurentis and Steve FelderConnie and Thomas HaynesHolly and Jason KleimanBrittany and Anthony MartenJessica and Jason MartinoKaren and Steve MulterNathalie and Jean-Pierre PlaaKaryn and David Taeyaerts

$1,000 to $2,499Nathalie and Claude AllainMelissa Reed and Jay AngeloLynn and Joshua BaruJanet and Richard BennettKatrina Leventhal and Valentin

BermanCheryl Sandner and Marshall BrownAnna Maria CarvalloAyse CelasunMirna and Enrique CifuentesMarta N. Bollman-Dujols and

Nicolas DujolsMaryanne and Jeffrey EllisHollister Ferrier and Dan HarperJennifer and Jacques FournierCaroline and John GallucciIlene Goldman and Philippe

GeyskensSandra and Mathieu HollAnalisa Lafontant and David KaganDeborah and Donald KaniaLouise and Hugo LangshurMarie-Héléne and Jean-Paul

LaurensSharon B. LearLisa and Alan MillerLeslie and Sreeram NairCynthia and Kyu OhAnn and Hyde PerceFlorence and Igor PlaynerNancy and Ben RoyerHans J. SchusterCéline and John SwicegoodAimee and Ken ThompsonSara and Elspeth TurnerMary Ann and James WalshNathalie Dunand-Zaloum and

Jonathan ZaloumIrina and Joseph Ziemann

$500 to $999AnonymousCathy-Anne and Vincent AiméAndrea M. Kessler and John E. Barry

Amanda and Maik BreckwoldtSamantha CaldwellGriselda Santacruz-Collet and

Pascal ColletSégolène and Hubert de MarollesRachel and Adam GarrettMarie Odile and Nicholas GarrowAnne and Olivier GompelTeri Boyd and Aleksandar HemonAndrea and William HowardCarmelle and Donald JoyceZoe Arvanitakis and Rajesh KumarFerdinanda Marcic and Kevin LoftusJennifer and John MastersonRonald McLeodYvonne Curran and Ken O’RiordanJulie and Grégoire PastourJocelyne and Graham PaulJanice and Thomas PavelCamille Litalien and Henrijs PreissCatherine Tadros and Stefan

QuennevilleAlana Fassiotto and David RoleckSusan Carlton and Don RowneyAndre SaltounMelissa and David Wittmeier

Up to $500Anonymous (2)Pascale and Henri AlcadeAntonio Amo QuintanillaNelida and Antoine AubeneauPhilippe AudassoMirielle BarkerStacey BearPatrice BedfordJoan and David BerksonMatthew BerksonAude BiardAlbane and Olivier BodartLaura and Martino BoffaLumi BoldoviciEleanor San and Anis BouargoubGregory Bourras-ChardineMarion BouscarleAnne BoussacEileen and Mark BoyleAjdina and Boris BrkovicDorothy and Mary BrownSanda Pfeifer and Ted BurgerLaura Burlot WendtMyung and Jason BussellAnne and Phelim CaffertyNency Antoine-Valer and Ugur

CamliCecile Carrié

Corinne and Scott Cathala-AndrewsCarole and Stéphane CesareoNatacha Baudin and Didier ChalardElizabeth Chalier VisuvalingamCarole and Ludovic ChantereaultSunique CharreKyriaki ChatzidimitriouChristelle Chauvet and Stephane

MartinCatherine and Pierre ChevreuilCatherine and Steve CorbettDelphine and Olivier CreneLukas DahlstromJacqueline DanionUrsula and Jean-Louis DavidLea DekkerHugues and Camille DelannoyKaren and Stephane DelvalOlivier DievalGina DongJuliette and Nicolas DuboisJolanta Nawrocka and Olivier

DumontFlorence and Pierre DuquesnoyChristine EischenMarie ErinkitolaSofia Gebreselassie and Erku HenocMarick Fargues and Sean

MastersonMarie-Laurence and Patrick FaureCharles FelderCecile and Nicholes FeteaStefano FischburgSandra and Michael FogartyMagali and Clement FrançoisJanet Yesk and Dennis FurnissVincent GacquerAdrienne and Robert GilbertKathryn GregorMarion Bousquet and Nicolas

GueninErin GutowskiSteven GuzikMurielle Achkar Hage and Ziad A.

HageFlorence and David HaleKristen HansonKate HawleyLydia and Richard HebrasLeah HenningsenMaeva HerlaudEstelle HérouEva HoecknerDiane and Valentin HoefnagelDelphine HomandFabrice HumannDenise and Hugues KabengeleTansu KaramanWilliam KennyRebecca KlepsChristine LavisChristopher LazzaraVirginie Sauner and Joseph LeblancCéline LefebvreDelphine and Nicolas LegrandAndrew LewisSherry LourieSarah MaciasMarilyn and Robert MainAllison ManleyAudrey MarconnotApril MarinoStephanie C. Marshall-Guzik

Sushma and Ravindra MarurJulie and Malcolm MatthewsRachel McClainLauren McDonnellCheryl and Michael McGarryCatherine and Daniel LynchAnne Woolard and Frank MerrittNadine MerwinAlexandra MignetKathy and Bill MillerHarriet MinkinIsabelle and Fabrice MoriauxFlorence and Frédéric Mouen

MakouaJohanna NaismithDuncan NobleSamantha Spencer and Jean-Manuel

NothiasAurélie and Kevin NouvelAngela and Derek O’ConnorIsabelle OlivierGwladys PaloPatricia PertusotKathy and Bryan PetersonLaura-Isis and Guilhem Piccoli-IbosPauline PilonCecilia PorterNathalie and Jeff RadoRobert RauchLara RaynaudKatherine and Beau RiverMarie-Pierre and Nicolas RondeauRebekah RosenfeldLionel RossotCliff and Béatrice RusnakShannon RyanVirginie and Jérôme Saint-OmerFrancine SaltounBarbara and Stephen SawyerAnne and Joseph SeigenthalerSahar Mawlawi and Ali ShaibaniHadley SmillieDieneba SomaVictoria SouderLanora and John SouleGraziela and Philippe SymoneauxAnia and Sébastien TourlouseStephanie van SiceTina VaniéDawn and Daniel VenitChristelle Vieillard and Paul RubrichCourtney VillaMr. Victor Wager and Ms. Linda

WagerRosa YanezWhite Dove Release, Ltd.

le fonds annuel La différence entre les frais de scolarité et le coût réel de l’éducation d’un enfant est d’environ 1 200 usd par an. Votre participation à la campagne annuelle nous permet de maintenir les frais de scolarité à un niveau raisonnable tout en maintenant la diversité sociale et culturelle de notre public.

annual Fund The difference between the cost to educate a child and the annual tuition is approximately $1,200 per year. Your contribution to the annual campaign allows us to keep tuition affordable, and helps us retain our diverse, international student body. Hats off to student body and excellent teachers.

$20,000Patricia J. Simpson

$10,000 to $19,999AnonymousMagda Jakubowska and Fernando

AssensLisa and Curt BaileyCatherine and Charles BrinkMonique and Thomas DemeryNatasha and Zach EganGreen Family Charitable FundBarbara and William HigginsHeidi Reynolds and Neil JenkinsChristiane and Mark J. LaddSharon and Eric LangshurThe J. Jeffry and Elizabeth S. Louis

FoundationSusan and Douglas LyonsKrista McLeod and Craig NobleDenise and Keith OlsenKim ReddingAlissa and Jon Shulkin

$5,000 to $9,999Joanne Barry-Babule and Antoine

BabuleJulie and Craig BargowskiKara Blain and Jeff BeatySuzette and Allan BulleyCarol Saltoun and Tim CalkinsWhitney and Aaron FersheeMelinda E. GrahamMatthew Hinerfeld and Nora

JaskowiakSophie and Fred LevingerMarianne and Jeffrey MarkowitzBrittany and Anthony MartenJohn McCartneyMargot Bogue and William McCreaRoberta and Michael McKeeverBridget and Burke MontgomeryChristine and Jason OsbornSchneider Electric/Square D

FoundationJoanna and Robert SevimAnna and Brad SharpLori and Ted SouderMaria and Derek SteelbergMargaret and Michael Unetich

$2,500 to $4,999Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono

Diane Saltoun and Bruce BraunApril and Randy BridgemanJennifer and David BrooksThe da Ponte Cooper FamilyBryna and Jay DahlinChristy and Christian DominLisa Bennett and Marty DurkinMaryanne and Jeffrey EllisKaren and Michael FomookAmanda Love and Brian FullerCaroline and John GallucciKelly and John GorhamElisabeth and Wahied HelmyDanielle and David HendersonHoellen Family FoundationAxelle and Jan HorstmannMarissa and Andrew IngleyAnita and Kishan KhemaniJennifer and Jeffrey KilpatrickEileen and Andrew KirkwoodDivya Patel and Stephen KriegelElissa and Steven LafayetteElizabeth McRee and Philippe

LunardelliVéronique ThouinCatherine Jasek and Michael MillionClare MuñanaJoanne McLean and Aviv NevoHilary and David PisorSiobhan and Christopher RowneyBrigitte Ozzello and Tom SternerLourdes and Alain Weber

$1,000 to $2,499Anonymous (6)Linda Radford and Abel AguilarAmeriprise FinancialSonal Patel and Rakesh AminPelin and Erik AndersenPatricia Rasmussen and Lawrence

AndersonMelissa Reed and Jay AngeloNenad AnticEmmanuelle Huard-Auray and

Benjamin AurayMary and Kevin BaliozianLynn and Joshua BaruMariacristina De Nardi and Marco

BassettoJulie and Daniel BaumeisterKristyn and Aaron BentonEmily and Benjamin BerkJane Kozuch and David BertenMilena Dobrina and Eric BlommeBéatrice Mazoyer and Christopher

BlumeBritta and Sascha BoppKimberly and Mark BovierMelissa and Dwayne BowlesNoelle C. BrockBross Family FoundationReshma Shah and Daniel CastilloSarah and Nisan ChavkinNicola and Clive ChristisonChiara and Daniel ChungMagdalena and Salvatore CilellaBruce and Laura ComiskeyNathalie and Jean-Pierre ComteBridget and Robert CooperLaura and Ricardo CossaRita Parhad and Steven DeAtleyCamille and Hugues DelannoyJames W. DeYoung Jr.

Bridgitte Bundrage and Ole Henry Dørum

Marta N. Bollman-Dujols and Nicolas Dujols

Suriya H. Grima and Nathan F. Fahrer

Dina Delaurentis and Steve FelderMargaret and Joseph FournessBetsy Nelson and Scott GilbertsonRobin Stahl and William GottisSteffanie Garrett and Jordan

GrossmanHollister Ferrier and Dan HarperConnie and Thomas HaynesBeth and Mark HebbelnSusan Solomon and Andrew IsgrigSteffany and Jean-Philippe JoassinAngelina and Noland JoinerDelphine De Lorenzo and Sebastien

JolletAnalisa Lafontant and David KaganKristina Schneider and Karl KocherMyriam and Jean-Pierre Le

CannellierRebecca Deaton and Jadran LeeMaureen C. Lesak Flener and Karl F.

FlenerHolly and Brian LignelliGregory MarkarianJessica and Jason MartinoJulianne and David MatthewsJulia Corcoran Melín and Hector

Melín-AldanaAnn and Steve MendelsohnJennifer and Jason MinkinKate and Jim MooneyFlorence and Frédéric Mouen

MakouaKatarzyna A. Niemiec and Charles

R. NeerYvonne Curran and Ken O’RiordanDominique and Paul ParrisCaroline De Langhe and Bruce PerceAdejumoke and Matthias PfauJulia and Robert PrasseCatherine Tadros and Stefan

QuennevilleEmily Sherrer and Daniel RomanelliAdriana C. Bermeo-Ovalle and

Stephan U. SchueleLena Petersen and John

SchumacherChristy and Christopher SearsDeepti Singh and Kal ShahPatricia Koneru Smith and Brett


Ann ThompsonDiana and George ToscasMarie and Steve ValenzuelaLisa and Etienne VeberStephanie Pirishis and Jacobus J.

WijpkemaNasutsa Mabwa and Sam ZabadneNathalie Dunand-Zaloum and

Jonathan Zaloum

$500 to $999Frederic DuvauchelleAnonymous (2)Catherine and Walid Abu-GhazalehCathy-Anne and Vincent AiméVania and Didier AzizaDalia and Anthony BartkusElizabeth Marcus and Ira BelcoveMatthew BerksonKatrina Leventhal and Valentin

BermanLaura and Martino BoffaAmanda and Maik BreckwoldtMyung and Jason BussellSamantha CaldwellNancy Joyce and Sean CallahanKara and Michael CardinaleCatherine and Stéphane CarillatAlicia Murasaki and Joe CarverMirna and Enrique CifuentesMarifred and Sal CilellaGriselda Santacruz-Collet and

Pascal ColletFlorence and David CraftElizabeth and Sébastien De

LongeauxAngela and John DeppeNatalie Kissinger and Ibrahima DiopM. C. FlaterJennifer and Jacques FournierMarie Odile and Nicholas GarrowAnne and Olivier GompelGraham HoldingsJanine and Vincent GreffLisa and Peter HarwoodTeri Boyd and Aleksandar HemonAmy and Jacob KahnHolly and Jason KleimanZoe Arvanitakis and Rajesh KumarLaurence and Mathieu LignelFerdinanda Marcic and Kevin LoftusMonika and Michael MachenJennifer and John MastersonMaura and Ahmar MatthewsCheryl and Michael McGarryPatsy Campbell and Peter MichalakLisa and Alan MillerJutta and Shawn MobleyVéronique and John-Paul MokskiKaren and Steve MulterCynthia and Kyu OhCynthia Vranas and Keith OlsenCeline and German PenaNathalie and Régis PinelChristine Laurens and xavier

RennerMarie-Pierre and Nicolas RondeauCyraina and Thierry RoullierMonica Holliday Sherman and Adam

ShermanIngrid Deroubaix and Michael von

BodmanMarilyn M. Hallock and John M.


Gina and Ray YacoubIrina and Joseph Ziemann

$250 to $499Anonymous (4)Kathryn Engel and Robert AurinMeaghan and James BenjaminLynn and Bruno BoucherBP Fabric of America FundAjdina and Boris BrkovicGelene and Rawlin BrownCheryl and Patrick ByronCarole and Stéphane CesareoChristelle and Edgar ChedrawyGordon ConnorDelphine and Olivier CreneBirgit and xavier DatinUrsula and Jean-Louis DavidLizet and Dan De La CruzSégolène and Hubert de MarollesRajini Janardhan and Frédéric

DepreuxSofia Gebreselassie and Erku HenocCecile and Nicholes FeteaAdrienne and Robert GilbertGabriella Galantis and Fabio

GottardelliGéraldine and Florent GrasSteven GuzikFlorence and David HaleScott HerkertMary D. HollandNancy Kalouch and Svein Holm

Darrin and Michelle JolasKeiko Nakajima and Yacouba KaneDeborah and Donald KaniaVirginie Sauner and Joseph LeblancLoyda and Florencio LlamasNathalie and David MarkovitsStephanie C. Marshall-GuzikRhonda Hoff and Mo MorsyLeslie and Sreeram NairAngela and Derek O’ConnorJanice and Thomas PavelNathalie and Jean-Pierre PlaaFlorence and Igor PlaynerJanene and Jim PowersAlana Fassiotto and David RoleckLea and Glenn SevierHiroko and Bruno StruloviciKaryn and David TaeyaertsRomana and Paul TomlinsonEvelyne and Michael van der PloegDawn and Daniel VenitCarina Sawaya and Harry Yessayan

Up to $250Anonymous (9)Pascale and Henri AlcadeNathalie and Claude AllainMaria A. Palacios and Sandy

AlmirallAntonio Amo QuintanillaBeatrice AntunezNelida and Antoine AubeneauPhilippe AudassoMelina and Sébastien AudinelleAdebayo BademosiAnnabelle and Jason BaldwinRime Diab and Samer Barakat-DiabMirielle BarkerAndrea M. Kessler and John E. BarryInas Sharqawi and Mazen BataStacey BearPatrice BedfordMarie and James BergJoan E. BeverAude BiardAlbane and Olivier BodartLumi BoldoviciEleanor San and Anis BouargoubGregory Bourras-ChardineMarion BouscarleAnne BoussacEileen and Mark BoyleDorothy BrownIngrid Pavilanis and Timothy

BuckleySanda Pfeifer and Ted BurgerLaura Burlot WendtChun Chun Ting and Antoine CadouxNency Antoine-Valer and Ugur

CamliCecile CarriéAnna Maria CarvalloTina CaseyCorinne and Scott Cathala-AndrewsNatacha Baudin and Didier ChalardElizabeth Chalier VisuvalingamCarole and Ludovic ChantereaultSunique CharreKyriaki Chatzidimitriou

Christelle Chauvet and Stephane Martin

Sarry and Jean-Baptiste ChavannesCatherine and Pierre ChevreuilRéka Cibron-Palmai and Olivier G.

CibronSarah Johnson and David ConroyFlorence CooperCatherine and Steve CorbettAgnes and Pierre CornillatAlain and Laure CourbebaisseAida Camara-Crowder and Benjamin

CrowderLukas DahlstromJacqueline DanionCorinne and Hervé De La FoataSéverine Cocaign and Thierry

DecorpsRoxanne R. DeGraffAmee and Eric DeisterLea DekkerKaren and Stephane DelvalOlivier DievalGina DongLinwood and Jack DonovanKhady and Aboubacar Doumbouya

Sophie and Andrew DrattJuliette and Nicolas DuboisJolanta Nawrocka and Olivier

DumontSonya and Cory DurstBarbara and Michael DuttgeCamilla and Kenneth EdwardsChristine EischenMarie ErinkitolaTammy and Curtis EvrardMarick Fargues and Sean

MastersonRehab Badreldin and Yasser FaridMarie-Laurence and Patrick FaureHelena M. Olea and Andreas E.

FeldmannSandrine and xavier FichotStefano FischburgSandra and Michael FogartyMagali and Clement FrançoisCarrie and Eliot Friesen-MeyersJanet Yesk and Dennis FurnissVincent GacquerGE United Way CampaignSusan and Vincent GeraghtyAndrea Wagner and Nick GiagkouTatiana and Christophe GiordanoKathryn GregorJacqueline M. Vidmar and Jean-

François F. GribinskiMarion Bousquet and Nicolas

GueninErin GutowskiMurielle Achkar Hage and Ziad A.

HageRobin and David HagenKristen HansonCamille and Martin HarrisonKate HawleyLydia and Richard HebrasLeah HenningsenMaeva HerlaudEstelle HérouBeth Raia and Patrick HickeyEva HoecknerSandra and Mathieu HollDelphine HomandDonna and Peter IvanovZainab and Amadu JallohThan-Dieu Phan-Jones and

Lawrence JonesDenise and Hugues KabengeleJoseph KaiserWilliam KennyGabriela Martin and Lech

KiedrowskiRebecca KlepsCyn KoukosStephen KroahAlexandra LafaurieChristine LavisChristopher LazzaraSharon B. LearDelphine and Nicolas LegrandBeth and David LeistensniderEmmanuel and Naja LérusAndrew LewisStacy and Marc LorinSarah MaciasElizabeth MackieFrédéric MahieuAllison ManleyAudrey Marconnot

April MarinoSushma and Ravindra MarurLauren McDonnellSherri Dumazer McGregoryCatherine and Daniel LynchNadine MerwinAlexandra MignetLubomira and George MinkovskyKristen and Zachary MissenKirsten Fenton and Nathan

MonteithSarah and Yann MoreauIsabelle and Fabrice MoriauxGabriela Almonte and Edgar

MosqueraAlda Mari and Pascal MoyalBetsy and Stefan MuhleJohanna NaismithLyudmila and Tchapo NapoéLynette and Todd NeumannJames NewarkKecha Nickson-KambeSamantha Spencer and Jean-Manuel

NothiasAurélie and Kevin NouvelHeidi and Joseph NowalanyIsabelle OlivierMarcelle Fullwood-Pakalnis and

Stardas PakalnisMichele and Gerald PalmerGwladys PaloLaurie and Olivier PasquierPatricia PertusotCassie PetersonKathy and Bryan PetersonPauline PilonOlga PomerantzCecilia PorterMarie-Jeanne PowellCamille Litalien and Henrijs PreissAnne and Bob PritchettNathalie and Jeff RadoRobert RauchLara RaynaudElisabeth and Christophe RidetAnnie and Ronel RobertBeth H. Weiner and Edward M.

RoeserValerie C. RonchinRebekah RosenfeldLionel RossotChristelle Vieillard and Paul RubrichCliff and Béatrice RusnakShannon RyanVirginie and Jérôme Saint-OmerHala El-Hmayssi and Haytham

SamadBarbara and Stephen SawyerLeslie and Jon SchreiberAnne and Joseph SeigenthalerSahar Mawlawi and Ali ShaibaniHadley SmillieMelanie Iglesias and Eduardo Smith

SingaresDieneba SomaMartine SongaSongaLanora and John SouleKamilla and James SvajglCéline and John SwicegoodGraziela and Philippe SymoneauxMaria Belen Peralta and Rodolfo

Tapia SasotTarget

Malgorzata and Michael ThelenAimee and Ken ThompsonAndrea Granias and Van TomarasAnia and Sébastien TourlouseMelek and Tolga TozumCerasella and Dragomir TsanovNathalie and Marc TurcanSara TurnerNicolas TurquetEmmanuele Van Houdenhoven-

CollardStephanie van SiceTina VaniéCourtney VillaSusan WagnerMargaret and Ashir WahabIngrid and Warren WatkinsMitch WeinerMelissa and David WittmeierPatricia and Anton xavierShahla Kerimova and Mehman

YolchievMinkyoo Shin and Misha Zupko

Matching GiftsAmerican International Group, Inc.Ameriprise FinancialArcelor MittalBank of AmericaBCD TravelBP Products North AmericaBrookfield Investment Management

Inc.Cardinal Health Foundation Inc.CME Group Community FoundationFifth Third BankFortune Brands Home & SecurityGE FoundationGraingerIngredionJones Lang LaSalleKemper CorporationKirkland & Ellis FoundationKraft Foods FoundationMagnetar Capital FoundationMcDonald’s CorporationMcGraw Hill FinancialMicrosoftMondelez InternationalRazorfish and affiliatesSC Johnson FundStarcom MediaVest GroupWm. Wrigley Jr. Company


Gifts In-Kind

Eileen and Mark BoyleIngrid Pavilanis and Timothy

BuckleyStefano FischburgRobin and David S. HagenBarbara and William HigginsMichelle and Darrin JolasNicole Quaisser and Stephan

OutrequinEthan Weber and Chanon DiCarlo

Grandparents and Friends

Anonymous (3)Nenad AnticDalia and Anthony BartkusMariacristina De Nardi and Marco

BassettoMilena Dobrina and Eric BlommeBP Fabric Of America FundNoelle C. BrockBross Family FoundationDorothy BrownMarifred and Sal CilellaM. C. FlaterGE United Way CampaignGreen Family Charitable FundHoellen Family FoundationMary D. HollandSharon B. LearLoyda and Florencio LlamasThe J. Jeffry and Elizabeth S. Louis

FoundationElizabeth MackieJohn McCartneyNadine MerwinClare MuñanaMarie-Jeanne PowellSchneider Electric/Square D

FoundationTargetLisa and Etienne Veber

la soirée Avec la Soirée 2015, La Magie de la Côte d’Azur, nous avons célébré le 20e anniversaire du Lycée à l’hôtel Four Seasons à Chicago. Le gala a accueilli plus de 500 invités, nous permettant de lever la somme record de 300 000 usd au bénéfice du Lycée, dont 125 000 usd pour nos nouvelles aires de jeu. Un grand merci à nos co-présidentes du comité, Joanna Sevim et Céline Swicegood, et à l’ensemble du comité de la Soirée.

The soiréeThe 2015 Soirée, La Magie de la Côte d’Azur, celebrated the Lycée’s 20th anniversary at the Four Seasons hotel in Chicago. It welcomed over 500 guests and raised a record $300,000 for the Lycée, including $125,000 for our new playgrounds. Special thanks to our co-chairs, Joanna Sevim and Céline Swicegood, and the entire Soirée committee.

$15,000Bridget and Burke Montgomery$10,000 to $14,999Annabelle and Jason Baldwin

Bel BrandsBulley & Andrews, LLCMarta N. Bollman-Dujols and

Nicolas DujolsNatasha and Zach EganGrosvenor Capital ManagementElissa and Steven LafayetteSharon and Eric LangshurJulianne and David MatthewsKrista McLeod and Craig NobleRelated Midwest

$5,000 to $9,999Helen and Kim AndersonLisa and Curt BaileyJennifer and David BrooksShilpa Cherukupally and Tobin

EfferenHeidi Reynolds and Neil JenkinsJoy JordanKhadija and xavier LaurensHolly and Brian LignelliSusan and Douglas LyonsMargot Bogue and William McCreaKristy Kitzmiller and Brandon MoranElisabeth and Christophe RidetSavills Studley, Inc.Joanna and Robert SevimAline Silberg-DelpierreWear Moi LLC

$2,500 to $4,999AnonymousSonal Patel and Rakesh AminPelin and Erik AndersenArgo, Inc.Julie and Craig BargowskiVirginie Ott-Bono and Christopher

BonoByrne, Byrne and CompanyCarol Saltoun and Tim CalkinsDLA Piper US LLPChristy and Christian DominSuriya H. Grima and Nathan F.

FahrerAmanda Love and Brian FullerBarbara and William HigginsChristiane and Mark J. LaddMissy LavenderBrittany and Anthony MartenMcGuire EngineersMetLifeChristine and Jason OsbornJanene and Jim PowersAlissa and Jon ShulkinLori and Ted SouderMargaret and Michael Unetich

$1,000 to $2,499AnonymousMelissa Reed and Jay AngeloVania and Didier AzizaJoanne Barry-Babule and Antoine

BabuleMary and Kevin BaliozianAndrea M. Kessler and John E. BarryJulie and Daniel BaumeisterElizabeth Marcus and Ira BelcoveJoan E. BeverBlackstone Restoration Group, IncBritta and Sascha BoppKimberly and Mark BovierCatherine and Charles Brink

Suzette and Allan BulleyAyse CelasunChicago Nannies Inc.Nicola and Clive ChristisonChiara and Daniel ChungMirna and Enrique CifuentesCity Kids DentalCarrie ClarkThe da Ponte Cooper FamilyAida Camara-Crowder and Benjamin

CrowderBryna and Jay DahlinElizabeth and Sébastien De

LongeauxRita Parhad and Steven DeAtley

Amee and Eric DeisterSophie and Andrew DrattArnie DrattMaryanne and Jeffrey EllisWhitney and Aaron FersheeKaren and Michael FomookMargaret and Joseph FournessVictoria FrankBetsy Nelson and Scott GilbertsonTatiana and Christophe GiordanoIsabelle and Juan Luis GoujonMarie-Pier and Antoine GuillaudBeth and Mark HebbelnSandra and Mathieu HollImperial Service Systems, Inc.Marissa and Andrew IngleyJennifer and Jeffrey KilpatrickEileen and Andrew KirkwoodKristina Schneider and Karl KocherSharon B. LearSophie and Fred LevingerLaurence and Mathieu LignelLincoln Dental CareStacy and Marc LorinElizabeth McRee and Philippe

LunardelliSushma and Ravindra MarurJennifer and John MastersonRoberta and Michael McKeeverCatherine Jasek and Michael MillionKristen and Zachary MissenSuzanne and James NeaylonNew Einsteins AcademyHeidi and Joseph NowalanyDenise and Keith OlsenLaurie and Olivier PasquierPlumwiseJulia and Robert PrasseReed Centracchio & AssociatesChristine Laurens and xavier Renner

Siobhan and Christopher RowneyServiceMaster - Restoration by

SimonsDeepti Singh and Kal ShahPatricia J. SimpsonPatricia Koneru Smith and Brett

SmithMaria and Derek SteelbergSTL Architects, ChicagoKamilla and James SvajglCéline and John SwicegoodSymmetry Physical TherapyAnn ThompsonRomana and Paul TomlinsonDiana and George ToscasUSI MidwestLisa and Etienne VeberLourdes and Alain WeberStephanie Pirishis and Jacobus J.

WijpkemaCharles WintersteenNathalie Dunand-Zaloum and

Jonathan Zaloum

$500 to $999Katherine and Robert AbbottPascale and Henri AlcadeMaureen Brady and Tony BaroneMeaghan and James BenjaminKristyn and Aaron BentonEmily and Benjamin BerkBonpoint USA Inc.April and Randy BridgemanIngrid Pavilanis and Timothy

BuckleySamantha CaldwellAlicia Murasaki and Joe CarverLaura and Bruce ComiskeyBridget and Robert CooperLaure and Alain CourbebaisseUrsula and Jean-Louis DavidAngela and John DeppeLisa Bennett and Marty DurkinTammy and Curtis EvrardDina Delaurentis and Steve FelderElena GalloMichele GraggGéraldine and Florent GrasDjamel HamadacheHollister Ferrier and Dan HarperConnie and Thomas HaynesMichelle and Darrin JolasAnita and Kishan KhemaniHolly and Jason KleimanMyriam and Jean-Pierre Le

CannellierAle LunaJulia Corcoran Melín and Hector

Melín-AldanaJutta and Shawn MobleyBetsy and Stefan MuhleIsabelle and Jean-Louis MullerJoanne McLean and Aviv NevoJulie and Grégoire PastourMichelle PeckoCaroline De Langhe and Bruce PerceMarie-Pierre and Nicolas RondeauAdriana C. Bermeo-Ovalle and

Stephan U. SchueleAnna and Brad SharpShelbi and Jonathan SheinkopLanora and John SouleMalgorzata and Michael Thelen

Andrea Wagner and Nick GiagkouGina and Ray YacoubDanielle Zimmerman

$250 to $500AnonymousCathy-Anne and Vincent AiméAdebayo BademosiLea and David BamlangoKara Blain and Jeff BeatyLumi BoldoviciJudy and John BrossVéronique and Marc BushalaRachel and Nick CabreraNancy Joyce and Sean CallahanCamille and Hugues DelannoyKaren and Stephane DelvalFlorence and Pierre DuquesnoyClaire Gourdain and Sean DwyerStefano FischburgSandra and Michael FogartyRobin Stahl and William GottisClaire A. GourdainRobin and David HagenLisa and Peter HarwoodElisabeth and Wahied HelmyNora Jaskowiak and Matthew

HinerfeldSusan Solomon and Andrew IsgrigCéline LefebvreAllison ManleyVéronique ThouinElizabeth McClearyAnn and Steve MendelsohnPatsy Campbell and Peter MichalakJanelle MoodyNicole MurphyBéatrice Neveu and Cliff RusnakAngela and Derek O’ConnorNathalie and Jean-Pierre PlaaNathalie Meyfren-Rado and Jeff

RadoRobert RauchLena Petersen and John

SchumacherEric M. SheinkopKelli and Jeff SheltonAndrea Granias and Van TomarasEmmanuele Van Houdenhoven-

CollardDawn and Daniel VenitNasutsa Mabwa and Sam ZabadneIrina and Joseph M. Ziemann

$100 to $249Anonymous (6)Catherine and Walid Abu-GhazalehMaria A. Palacios and Sandy

AlmirallAntonio Amo QuintanillaPatricia Rasmussen and Lawrence

AndersonNelida and Antoine AubeneauEmmanuelle Huard-Auray and

Benjamin AurayLynn and Joshua BaruAude BiardPhilippe BlanchardEleanor San and Anis BouargoubLynn and Bruno BoucherEileen and Mark BoyleAmanda and Maik BreckwoldtThomas BroganAnna Maria Carvallo

Tina CaseyNatacha Baudin and Didier ChalardDmitrievena and Didier CherubinMarisa Perry and Winston G. CollierNathalie and Jean-Pierre ComteAmy Johann CortisSégolène and Hubert de MarollesRebecca DeatonRoxanne R. DeGraffPamela Markfield and Mitch

DelaplaneMonique and Thomas DemeryIsabelle and Sébastien DevoivreNatalie Kissinger and Ibrahima DiopJanet and Valentine EckerMichael FallsCecile and Nicholas FeteaEstelle FisherMagali and Clement FrançoisRachel and Adam GarrettDelphine and Tim GeannopulosKelly and John GorhamCandice GrantTeri Boyd and Aleksandar HemonDelphine HomandLouis JavellAngelina and Noland JoinerAmy and Jacob Kahn

Cyn KoukosDivya Patel and Stephen KriegelHeather LauriaVirginie Sauner and Joseph LeblancRebecca Deaton and Jadran LeeAndrew LewisMonika and Michael MachenStephanie C. Marshall-GuzikSusan and Jorge MastellariCheryl and Michael McGarryJennifer and Jason MinkinLubomira and George MinkovskyJennifer and Adam MitchellMarianne and Tom MoberlySarah and Yann MoreauIsabelle and Fabrice MoriauxLucinda and Marc OberdorffNicole Quaisser and Stefan

OutrequinIdil OzerBrigitte Ozzello and Tom SternerDominque and Paul ParrisJanice and Thomas PavelCeline and German PenaPatricia PertusotHilary and David PisorCatherine Tadros and Stefan

QuennevilleGaelle RivolAlana Fassiotto and David RoleckValerie C. RonchinChristelle and Paul RubrichSahar Mawlawi and Ali ShaibaniMonica Holliday Sherman and Adam

ShermanDieneba SomaAimee and Ken ThompsonSara TurnerMarie and Steve ValenzuelaSusan WagnerMichelle Sakayan and Michael

WilkinsonMelissa and David WittmeierUp to $99AnonymousBeatriz AntunezPhilippe AudassoMelina and Sébastien AudinelleMirielle BarkerRachel Botoehlo BastosMelissa and Dwayne BowlesDiane Saltoun and Bruce BraunGelene and Rawlin BrownSanda Pfeifer and Ted BurgerMyung and Jason BussellCheryl and Patrick ByronChun Chun Ting and Antoine CadouxKara and Michael CardinaleCatherine and Pierre ChevreuilGriselda Santacruz-Collet and

Pascal ColletGordon ConnorLaura and Ricardo CossaElena and Ryan CowanClaire and Florian DecauxIngrid Deroubaix and Michael von

BodmanJuliette and Nicolas DuboisJolanta Nawrocka and Olivier

DumontBarbara and Michael DuttgeCamilla and Kenneth EdwardsJennifer and Jacques FournierKathleen McQueeny and Jack

FranaszekJane and Brandon M. FreudCaroline and John GallucciIlene Goldman and Philippe

GeyskensAdrienne and Robert GilbertNora and Bruce HandlerBeth Raia and Patrick HickeyRajini Janardhan and Frédéric

DepreuxSteffany and Jean-Philippe JoassinAubrey and John KohlerAlexandra LafaurieChristine LavisDelphine and Nicolas LegrandEmmanuel and Naja LérusFerdinanda Marcic and Kevin LoftusMarianne and Jeffrey MarkowitzChristelle Chauvet and Stéphane

MartinJulie and Malcolm MatthewsBeatrice C. Mazoyer amd

Christopher J. BlumeVéronique and John-Paul MokskiRhonda Hoff and Mo MorsyYvonne Curran and Ken O’RiordanJose L. Perez-Griffo

Cassie PetersonKate A. PetersonSusana Jimenez Martin and Pascal

F. ReinaKatherine and Beau RiverEmily Sherrer and Daniel RomanelliLeslie and Jon SchreiberAnne and Joseph SeigenthalerReshma Shah and Daniel CastilloMinkyoo Shin and Misha ZupkoGraziela and Philippe SymoneauxEvelyne and Michael van der PloegMadalina Vicol and Ciprian SavaClaes WarnanderMarion Castany Watine and Eric

WatineIngrid and Warren WatkinsJanet Yesk and Dennis FurnissCarina Sawaya and Harry YessayanJudith and David ZaslavskyAmy and Christopher Zurawic

Soirée Sponsorships

Le Platine (Platinum)Bel BrandsBulley & Andrews, LLCGrosvenor CapitalRelated Midwest

L’Or (Gold)Savills Studley, Inc.Telos Group LLCWear Moi

L’Argent (Silver)AnonymousArgo, Inc.Bryne, Bryne & CompanyDLA PiperMcGuire EngineersParce Rum

Le Bronze (Bronze)Blackstone Restoration GroupChicago NanniesCity Kids DentalEcole de MusiqueLincoln Dental CareMetLifeNew EinsteinsPlumwiseReed Centracchio & AssociatesServiceMaster - Restoration by

SimonsSTL Architects, ChicagoSymmetry Physical TherapyUSIWintersteen & Perez, LLC

Table HostsNoelle and Patrick BalsonBarbara and William HigginsChristiane and Mark LaddSharon and Eric LangshurKhadija and xavier LaurensHeidi Reynolds and Neil JenkinsThe da Ponte Cooper Family/Celine

and John Swicegood

Family SponsorsMary and Kevin BaliozianJulie and Daniel Baumeister

Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono

Carol Saltoun and Tim CalkinsMirna and Enrique CifuentesChristy and Christian DominNatasha and Zach EganMaryanne and Jeffrey EllisMarie-Pier and Antoine GuillaudImperial Service SystemsElissa and Steven LafayetteSusan and Douglas LyonsKristy Kitzmiller and Brandon

MoranJoanna and Robert SevimAlissa and Jon ShulkinPatricia J. SimpsonLori and Ted SouderMargaret and Michael Unetich

Teacher SponsorsHelen and Kim AndersonJulie and Craig BargowskiAndrea M. Kessler and John E. BarryKara Blain and Jeff BeatyEmily and Benjamin BerkJudy and John BrossChristy and Christian DominLisa Bennett and Marty DurkinNatasha and Zach EganDina Delaurentis and Steve FelderWhitney and Aaron FersheeMatthew Hinerfeld and Nora

JaskowiakSusan and Douglas LyonsJulia Corcoran Melín and Hector

Melín-AldanaCatherine Jasek and Michael MillionBridget and Burke MontgomeryJoanne McLean and Aviv NevoDenise and Keith OlsenChristine and Jason OsbornSiobhan and Christopher RowneyLena Petersen and John

SchumacherPatricia J. SimpsonMaria and Derek SteelbergMalgorzata and Michael ThelenAnn Thompson

Gifts In-Kind Angels and EnvyBel BrandsBloomingdalesChâteau D’EsclansCollege NanniesDanny ShapiroDJ CourbiFlorioleFortune Fish and GourmetFrommiHyattLa FournetteLisa Gottschalk PhotographyMusic DealersParce RumPeapodPiper-HeidsieckSusan Wheeler Fine JewelryUntitledWildflower Advertising

DonationsMirna and Enrique CifuentesRobin and David Hagen

Lisa and Peter HarwoodJulia Corcoran Melín and Hector

Melín-AldanaBridget and Burke Montgomery

marché Français Un grand merci à tous les membres de la communauté du Lycée pour leur soutien au 10e Marché français du Lycée au cours duquel étaient proposés à la vente de multiples œuvres d’art décoratives, objets français de qualité, bijoux et autres articles originaux. Le Marché a attiré plus de 2 000 visiteurs sur notre campus et a levé des fonds essentiels pour le fonctionnement de l’école. Nous remercions nos co-présidentes du comité, Jutta Mobley et Julie Bargowski et à l’ensemble du comité ! lycée French market Our special thanks to everyone in the Lycée community for supporting the 10th annual Lycée French Market, which featured decorative arts, fine French wares, jewelry and other one-of-a-kind items. The Market drew more than 2,000 visitors to our campus and raised vital funds for school programming. A salute to our co-chairs, Jutta Mobley and Julie Bargowski as well as the entire market committee!

DonationsAJA WoodworkingBalance Through MotionBeijo de ChocolatMilena Dobrina and Eric BlommeBR DesignsRandy & April BridgemanCarol Saltoun and Tim CalkinsChicago French MarketCircEsteemLaure and Alain CourbebaisseCold Stone CreameryJulie and Craig BargowskiCredite AgricoleCushman & WakefieldDeschutes BreweryMaryanne and Jeffrey EllisEnterprise CarShareEuropean & U.S. Car ServiceFigaroAmanda Love and Brian FullerGraciesGuapaHeritage LittlesJ Hilbourn

Heidi Reynolds and Neil JenkinsL’abeielle VintageLaura Tanner JewelryLe Parisien AptLee Allison CompanyStacy and Marc LorinL-U-I-S-A AccessoriesMetropolis CoffeePickles PlayroomSifu Design Studio and Fine YarnsLori and Ted SouderSu Su AccessoriesThe Winding RoadUrban PoochVia Capri, 34Yankee Peddler

In-kind DonationsAlliance Française ChicagoSusan ArjmandEmmanuelle and Benjamin AurayBeijo de ChocolatBel Brands USABistro ZincApril and Randy BridgemanSuzette and Allan BulleyLaure and Alain CourbebaisseCushman & WakefieldLisa Bennett and Marty DurkinFeld EntertainmentFifth Third BankFine Vines / The Bottle ShopFrench Chamber of CommerceBeth Raia and Patrick Hickey HandCut FoodsKensho Martial ArtsLa Boulangerie & Cook au VinDelphine and Nicolas LegrandLe Pain Quotidien Lill Street Art CentreLM Restaurant GroupStacy and Marc LorinNancy LufranoMeeting TomorrowMetropolis CoffeeJen and Jason MinkinIsabelle and John MullerPastoralPatisserie CoraliePeapodCéline Judet and German Pena PepsiCoRavenswood EventsRelatedRiver Valley Farmer’s TableSaveur CuisineService MasterSoiree CommitteeSpacca NapoliTerry’s ToffeeThe Blueprint Shoppe, Inc. (BPS)The Chopping BlockThe Chopping BlockThe French School of PastryThousand Waves Martial Arts &

Defense CenterRomana and Paul TomlinsonTroquet River NorthVanille PatisserieVolvicMelissa Wittmeier Whole FoodsWrite Now Handwriting ServicesNasutsa Mabwa and Sam Zabadne

golf outing 2015Kim AndersonSonya AndonovBen CrowderJay DahlinCory DurstNick EconomakosBrian FullerPatrick HickeyMike HicksAndrew IngleyAndrew KirkwoodTom KullVince LanceJean LeblancJoseph LeblancElliott MokskiJohn MokskiCraig NobleKeith OlsenArthur PerceBruce PerceBeth RaiaRobert RauchChris SearsJeff StahlPaul TomlinsonSam ZabadneIn-kind DonationRomana and Paul Tomlinson

general DonationsAnonymous (2)Gita Rao and Nishant BakayaBank of AmericaMolly BorenIngrid Pavilanis and Timothy BuckleyCatherine and Pierre ChevreuilMirna and Enrique CifuentesCitadel FoundationMichelle and Darrin JolasLR Development Co. LLCNicole Quaisser and Stefan Outrequin

special Thanks toFlorence CraftIngrid PavilanisAmanda LoveKaren FomookJordan GrossmanHilary PisorJohn McBroomJoanne Barry-BabuleEmily BerkIsabelle GoujonKhadija LaurensBeth LeistensniderIsabelle MullerBrigitte OzzelloStephanie Pirishis

campus photographySTL Architects


Net tuition and fees $13,673,467

Contributions $943,688

Total revenues $14,617,155


Teaching and administration $9,694,327

Student activities and services $2,239,421

Financial aid $990,074

Building and grounds $1,456,965

Total expenses $14,380,787

Excess of revenues over expenditures $236,368.00

Note: 2014-2015 data not audited


Finances oPeraTing resUlTs

De la maternelle à la terminale | Pre-K through grade 12 1929 West Wilson Ave • Chicago, IL 60640t 773.665.0066 • f 773.665.1725 • lyceechicago.org

Lycée Français de Chicago, Inc. considers individual merit, without regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, creed or national origin in admission, employment or access to programs.

Give online at www.lyceechicago.org/get-involved/donate

