Lecture 7 Desktop Publishing IV – Spreadsheet Software Introduction to Information Technology With...

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Transcript of Lecture 7 Desktop Publishing IV – Spreadsheet Software Introduction to Information Technology With...

Lecture 7Desktop Publishing IV – Spreadsheet Software

Introduction to Information Technology

With thanks to Dr. A. Zhang, Dr. Haipeng Guo, and Dr. David Chen

Dr. Ken Tsang 曾镜涛Email: kentsang@uic.edu.hkhttp://www.uic.edu.hk/~kentsang/IT/IT3.htmRoom E408 R9


Outline What is Spreadsheet Software? OpenOffice Calc Basics Performing Calculations Creating Chart


Spreadsheet Software Another widely used application software

Allows users to organize data in rows and columns and perform calculations on the data

Rows and columns collectively are called worksheets Features from word processing

Spreadsheet organization Up to 255 worksheets 256 columns, and 65,536 rows Letters identify columns (A … IV) Numbers identify rows (1 …65536)


Spreadsheet Software Cells

A cell is the intersection of a column and a row 256 * 65,536 cells Identifies cells by the column and row, e.g. B6 Contains three types of data: labels, values, and


Calculations Value – a number used in a calculation Formula – performs calculation to generate values Function – predefined formula


Spreadsheet Software Recalculation

One of the powerful features Making manual changes can be time-consuming and

may result in new errors Making changes in an electronic worksheet is much

easier and faster, and more accurate Charting

Depicts data in graphical form Line chart, shows a trend during a period of time Column chart, displays bars of various lengths to

show the relationship of data Pie chart, shows the relationship of parts to a whole


OpenOffice Calc Tool to create professional spreadsheets

and chartshttp://www.openoffice.org/product/calc.html

Calc window Many elements - Title bar, Menu bar, Tool

bars, Formula bar, Worksheets, and Status bar

Similar to OpenOffice Writer



Calc Window Formula bar

Name box Function Wizard, Sum, Function Cell entries (data) View > Formula bar

Worksheets Workbook 3 worksheets by default Cell address: A1, B6, E10, ...


Status bar View > Status bar Statistics

Calc Window


Start a workbook Click New icon or choose File > New

Enter text Simply click a cell and type

Enter numbers As values – right-aligned As labels – left-aligned

Automatic increase Drag the black square in the bottom-right corner of

a cell

Working with Worksheets


Working with Worksheets Formatting numbers

Add commas to separate thousands

Specify number of decimal places

Place a dollar sign ($) in front of the number

Display as a percent Display as Date, time Several other options Format > Cells > Number


Working with Worksheets Selecting cells

F8 function key

click the up-left first, press F8, click the lower-right mouse to drag

Cells to select Mouse action

One cell click once in the cell

Entire row click the row label

Entire column click the column label

Entire worksheet click the whole sheet button

Cluster of cells drag mouse over the cells


Moving quickly between cells Name Box F5

Resizing rows and columns Dragging the side line Format > Row/Column > Height/Width

Adding and renaming worksheets Worksheet tabs Add – Insert > Worksheet Rename – right-click the tab and select Rename

Working with Worksheets


Performing Calculation A distinguishing feature

Otherwise it is not more than a large table Formula calculations

Must begin with equal sign “=” Performs calculations and displays the result Includes cell addresses Visible in the cell entries of the formula bar after

execution Point mode

Enter a formula without typing cell addresses By clicking cells or using arrow keys


Formula Calculation Example

Calculating the sub total for a number of textbooks.

The formula multiplies the quantity and price of each textbook and adds them together

Formula is shown in the formula bar after


Performing Calculation Cell addressing

Identified by the column and row, e.g. B6 Records cell addresses in formulas in three ways Relative referencing

Calling cells by just their column and row labels Cell addresses will be changed when copy them e.g. C1 "=(A1+B1)" C2 "=(A2+B2)"

Absolute referencing Accomplished by placing dollar signs "$" e.g. "=($A$1+$B$1)"

Mixed referencing Only the row or column is fixed. e.g. "=(A$1+$B2)"


Performing Calculation Reference operators refer to a cell or group

of cells • Range operator “:”

• TWO cell addresses separated by a colon • Refers to ALL the cells included in the reference

e.g. “A1:C3” includes A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, and C3.

• Union operator “,”• Two or more cells separated by a comma • Refers ONLY to the cells (rather a range) • e.g. “A7,B8,C9” includes only cells A7, B8, and C9


Performing Calculation Linking worksheets

Use the value from a cell in another worksheet

Format: "sheet_name!cell_address"

e.g.: "=A1+Sheet2.A2"


Performing Calculation – Functions

Functions Allow you to quickly perform calculations More efficient way than typing formula

formula: "=D1+D2+D3+D4+D5+D6+D7+D8+D9+D10" function: "=SUM(D1:D10)"

Format for using functions Use an equal sign to begin a formula Specify the function name Enclose arguments within parentheses Use a reference operator (a comma “,” or colon

“:”) to separate arguments


FunctionsFunction Example Description

SUM =SUM(A1:100) finds the sum of cells A1 through A100

AVERAGE =AVERAGE(B1:B10)finds the average of cells B1 through B10

COUNT =COUNT(B1:B10)finds the number of items from cells B1 to B10

MAX =MAX(C1:C100)returns the highest number from cells C1 through C100

MIN =MIN(D1:D100)returns the lowest number from cells D1 through D100

SQRT =SQRT(D10)finds the square root of the value in cell D10

TODAY =TODAY()returns the current date (leave the parentheses empty)


Performing Calculation –Functions

The Sum icon

Automatically adds a column of numbers Highlight all cells above current cell and add For empty column, Sum adds the row values

Recalculations Automatically recalculate when changing cell

entries Tools > Cell Content > Recalculate


Performing Calculation –Sort Sort on one column

Sort Ascending button

Sort Descending button Sort on multiple columns

Highlight all columns Data > Sort Select 1st column (key

word) in Sort By field Select 2nd and 3rd column

in Then By field. Choose Header row or No

header row box


Creating Charts Charting – Another important feature

Represent data in a visual format Often makes it easier to see the relationship Three popular types:

Line chart – shows a trend during a period of time Column chart – displays bars of various lengths Pie chart – shows the relationship of parts to a whole

Chart will automatically update if data changes Chart Wizard

Easy way to create charts Highlight all the cells and click Chart Wizard button


Chart Wizard Step 1: Chart Type

Choose the Chart type and the subtype if necessary from the first dialog box of Chart Wizard

Click Next after selection


Chart Wizard Step 2: Data Range

Select the data range (if different from the area highlighted) by clicking the icon on the right

You can choose to chart the data by columns or rows

You can also choose to make the first row or column to be the label or not

Press Next after you select


Chart Wizard Step 3: Data Series

Click the data series and modify the name and X or YValues in the data range

If you want to change select different range for name or categories, click the icon on the right to select

Press Next to move to the next step


Chart Wizard Step 4: Chart

Elements Enter the title and

subtitle of the chart, and that of the X and Y axes

Other options for the grid lines and legend

Press Finish after selection to create the chart

Editing Charts Editing a chart

Right click the chart, select Edit in the pop-down menu, then a different menu will be generated for chart editing

If you want to edit the format of the chart, you can select any relating selection – Format > Title, Axis, Grid, Legend, Chart wall, Chart area, Chart types, Data ranges, etc.


Select an object in the chart, you can edit its properties -- Format > Object Properties

Note that any part of a chart you want to format can be selected


Summary Spreadsheet software

Allows users to organize data in rows and columns and perform calculations on the data

OpenOffice Calc Windows Worksheets Performing calculations Creating charts