lectia 1.docx

Post on 10-Jul-2016

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Transcript of lectia 1.docx


Hello! / Hallo! / Hi!


Good morning!

Buna dimineata!

Good afternoon!

Buna ziua!

Good evening!

How do you do?

Ce mai faceti?

I’m very glad to see you.

Ma bucur foarte mult sa va vad.

How are you?

Ce mai faceti?

Very well, thank you.

Foarte bine , multumesc!

Hello. How are you?

Helo ! Ce mai faci/ce mai faceti?

Very well, thank you!

Foarte bine, multumesc!

And you?

Si tu?

I can’t complain.

Nu ma pot plange.

Salutul Exemple:

Hi, Eva.

Hei, Eva.

Hello, Dan. How are things going ?

Helo, Dan. Cum merg lucrurile?

Fine, thanks. And you ?

Bine, multumesc. Si tu?



La revedere

Goodbye ! Bye/ Bye – Bye!

La revedere! Pa / Pa - Pa

Good night!

Buna seara!

I’m sorry, but I have to go now.

Imi pare rau, dar trebuie sa plec.

Hope to see you soon!

Sper sa va revad curand!

La revedere

See you tomorow!

Pe maine!

Hope to/ See you soon!

Sper sa te revad curand!/ pe curand.

All the best!

Toate cele bune!

When can we meet again?

Cand ne putem vedea din nou?

La revedere

I’ll ring you tomorrow!

Te sun maine!

Give my regards to…..!

Salutul din partea mea lui…!

It was lovely.

A fost minunat.

Thanks for coming.

Multumesc pentru ca a-ti venit.

La revedere

Do you really have to go?

Trebuie cu adevarat sa plecati?

We really have to go!

Trebuie sa plecam!

Safe journey home!

Un drum bun catre acasa!

I enjoyed it very much.

Mi-a facut mare placere.


My name is…

Ma numesc…

This is my husband / wife.

Acesta este sotul / sotia mea.

May I introduce you to….

Imi da-ti voie s ava prezint pe…

Nice to meet you!

Imi face placer sa te cunosc!

Facem cunostinta cu …

What’s your name ?

Cum te numesti?

Where are you from?

De unde sunteti?

What do you do ( for a living)?

Ce munciti dumneavoastra?

Ce faceti dumneavoastra ca sa puteti trai?


Te rog

Please / Yes, please !

Te rog / Da, te rog

Could you please…?

Ai putea te rog…?

Do you think I could?

Crezi ca as putea?

Would it be possible to…?

Ar fi posibil sa…?




Thank you for all your help.

Multumesc pentru ajutorul tau.

Not at all.

Pentru putin!

It was my pleasure.

A fost placerea mea.




Happy birthday!

La multi ani!

Happy/ Merry Christmas!

Craciun Fericit!

A happy new year!

La multi ani de anul nou!


I wish you…

Iti doresc un/ o…

( I’ll keep my ) fingers crossed !

Iti tin pumnii!/ Am sa-ti tin pumnii!

Good luck in your exam.

Succes la examen!




I’m must sorry.

Imi pare asa rau.

I must apologize.

Trebuie sa ma scuz.

No need to apologize.

Nu-I nevoie sa va scuzati/Nu-I nevoie de scuze.


I’m terribly sorry about it.

Imi pare grozav de rau pentru…

That’s all right.

Nu face nimic.

Never mind.

Nu-I nimic.


What a pity!

Ce pacat!

I regret to inform you that…

Imi pare rau sa va informez ca….

I’m sorry to hear that.

Imi pare rau sa aud aceasta.

I regret it very much.

Imi pare rau./ Imi pare foarte rau.


I know that for certain.

O stiu cu siguranta.

I assure you that it isn’t true.

Te asigur ca nu e adevarat.

I’m sure that you’re mistaken.

Sunt sigura ca te inseli.

De accord

I agree with you.

Sunt de accord cu tine.

I agree whith you on most points.

Sunt de accord cu tine in majoritatea punctelor.

That’s a good suggestion.

Aceasta este o propunere buna.


I don’t agree with you.

Nu sunt de accord cu tine.

That’s absolutely impossible.

Aceasta e absolut imposibil.

I’m sorry, but the answer is no.

Imi pare rau, dar raspunsul este nu.


I’m sorry, but you’re wrong.

Imi pare rau, dar nu ai dreptate.

Im afraid I don’t agree whith you.

Imi pare rau, dar nu sunt de aceeasi parere cu tine.


Complimente – Compliments

This is absolutely delicious.

Este absolut delicious.

Well done!

Bine facut.

I love the way you…

Imi place felul in care.

Confirmare – Confirmation

I need your confirmation, please.

Am nevoie de confirmarea ta, te rog.

I’m confident you will agree with me.

Am incredere ca vei fii de aceeasi parere cu mine.

Importanta – Importance

This is very important.

Aceasta e foarte important.

The situation is very important.

Situatia este foarte importanta.

It means a lot to me.

Aceasta inseamna foarte mult pentru mine.

Siguranta – Conviction

I’m quite certain.

Sunt foarte sigur.

I’m positive that….

Sunt pozitiv ca…

I’m absolutely sure that…

Sunt absolut sigur ca…

Nesiguranta – Uncertainty

Can you belive it?

Poti sa crezi aceasta.

Are you sure?

Esti sigur.

I know it’s sure.

Stiu cu siguranta.

I think so.

Cred ca da.

Nesiguranta – Uncertainty

I don’t know for certain.

Nu stiu cu siguranta.

I’m not absolutely sure.

Nu sunt absolut sigur.

I doubt it.

Ma indoiesc de aceasta.

I’ve got some reservations.

Am cateva retineri.

A place – Likes

Do you like it?

Iti place.

What do you think of..?

Ce parere ai despre?

How do you find…?

Cum gasesti…?

A place – Likes

I like it very much.

Imi place foarte mult.

I think it’s wonderful.

Cred ca este minunat.

This is gorgeous.

Aceasta este grozav.

She is lovely.

Ea este minunata.

A place – Likes

She / He is a nice person.

Ea este o persoana placuta./ El este un om placut.

It’s very nice.

Este foarte frumos.

I get on very well with him / her.

Ma inteleg foarte bine cu el/ Ma inteleg foarte bine cu el.

A nu place – Dislikes

It’s not my taste.

Nu este pe gustul meu.

I don’t like her / him at all.

Nu imi place de ea deloc./ Nu imi place de le deloc.

I can’t stand her / him.

Nu pot sa o suport./ Nu pot sa il suport.

A nu place – Dislikes

We don’t have much in common.

Nu avem prea multe in comun.

It’s very difficult to get to know him/her.

Este foarte dificil sa il cunosti foarte bine. Este foarte dificil sa o cunosti foarte bine.


Bucurie – Joy

I’m so happy for you.

Ma bucur mult pentru tine.

That’s great news!

Ce vesti minunate!

I’m very happy about it.

Ma bucur foarte mult pentru aceasta.

Bucurie – Joy

I’m so glad that….

Ma bucur atat de mult ca….

I’m so glad every thing went well.

Ma bucur ca totul a mers bine.

Tristete – Sorrow

I’m very sad about it.

Sunt foarte trist pentru aceasta.

I’m terribly sorry about it.

Imi pare foarte rau pentru aceasta.

It’s a great pity.

Ce pacat mare.

Multumire – Satisfaction

I’m very happy with it.

Sunt foarte multumita cu aceasta.

Things are very well.

Sunt foarte fericita cu aceasta.

I’m fine.

Sunt bine.

Multumire – Satisfaction

I can’t complain.

Nu pot sa ma plang

I’m very pleased.

Sunt foarte multumita.

Life is treating me well.\

Viata ma trateaza foarte bine.

Nemultumire – Dissatisfaction

Things are going badly.

Lucrurile merg mai rau.

I’m very frustrated.

Sunt foarte frustrate.

I’m not fine at all.

Nu imi e bine deloc.

Dorinte – Wishes

I’d like to…

As dori sa

I’d love to…

Mi-ar place sa..

I’d rather…..If you don’t mind

As prefer sa…daca nu te superi

Dorinte- Wishes

Would you like to…..

Ti-ar place sa…

I wish I were you.

Mi-ar place sa fiu tu./ Mi-ar place sa fiu in locul tau.

If only I had…..

Daca numai as avea/ Daca as avea numai..

Indiferenta – Indifference

I don’t care.

Nu imi pasa.

I’m not interested in it.

Nu ma intereseaza aceasta.

That’s not important for me.

Aceasta nu este important pentru mine.

It doesn’t bother me at all.

Nu ma deranjeaza deloc.

There’s no need to worry.

Nu este nevoie sa va faceti griji.


Dezamagire – Disappointment

I’m very disappointed.

Sunt foarte dezamagita.

He / she disappointed me.

El m-a dezamagit./ Ea m-a dezamagit.

Don’t be disappointed.

NU fii dezamagit!

Speranta – Hope

I hope that….

Sper ca…

I’m hopping for the best.

Sper tot ce-I mai bun.

I’m still hopeful.

Eu inca m-ai sper.

Speranta – Hope

I hope to hear from you soon.

Sper sa am curand vesti de la tine.

I hope to see you soon.

Sper sa te revad curand.

I hope everything’s all right.

Sper ca totul este in ordine.

Ingrijorare – Concern

I’m worried to death.

Sunt speriata de moarte./ Sunt ingrijorata de moarte.

There is still a ray of hope.

Inca este o raza de speranta.

I’ve given up hope.

Am renuntat sa mai sper.

Ingrijorare – Concern

Don’t worry!

Nu-ti face griji!

You worry too much.

Iti faci prea multe griji.

I’m worried about you.

Imi fac griji pentru tine.

Ingrijorarea – Concern

I’m very anxious.

Sunt foarte nelinistit.

This really worries me.

Imi fac cu adevarat griji.

I hope nothing has gone wrong.

Sper ca nu s-a intamplat ceva.

Propunere – Suggestion

That’s a good idea.

Aceasta e o idee buna.

What would you recommend?

Ce mi-ai recomanda.?

I recommend…..

Eu recomand…

Propunere – Suggestion

What dpo you suggest?

Ce propui?

That’s a good suggestion

Aceasta e o idee buna?

Don’t you have any better suggestion?

Nu ai o idee mai buna?

Propunere – Sugsestion

Take my advice.

Urmeaza sfatul meu.

My proposal is quite simple.

Propunerea mea este destul de simpla.

Propunere – Suggestion

What would you do in my position?

Ce ai face tu in pozitia mea./ Ce ai face tu in locul meu.

Thank you for your advice.

Multumesc pentru sfat./ pentru sfatul tau.

Vremea – The Weather

It’s a hot summer.

Este o vara fierbinte.

It’s a dry / wet autumn.

Este o toamna ploioasa./Este o toamna secetoasa.

It’s a severe / mild winter.

Este o iarna grea./ este o iarna usoara.

It’s an early spring.

Este o primavara timpurie.

Vremea – The Weather

It’s a lovely morning / day

Este o dimineata minunata./ Este o zi minunata.

The ( weather ) forecast.

It’s 25 degrees ( centigrade ).

Vremea – The Weather

It’s sunny

Este soare

It’s windy

Bate vantul.

It’s foggy.

Este ceata./ Este cetos.

It’s cloudy.

Este inorat

Vremea – The Weather

It’s cold / warm.

Este frig./ Este cald

It’s hot.

Este fierbinte

It’s snowing.


It’s raining.



Situatia familiar

-about the family-

I’m single.

Eu Sunt singura.

I’m married.

Eu sunt casatorit.

Have you got any children?

Aveti copii?

We haven’t got any children.

Nu avem copii.

We’ve got two daughters/ girls.

Avem doua fiice./doua fete.

I’ve got one son / daughter.

Avem un fiu/ o fiica.

I’ve got twins.

Eua am gemeni

I’ve got two grandchildren.

Eu am doi nepoti.

How old are they?

Ce varsta au ei?

The elder one is…..

Cel mai in varsta are?

The younger one is…

Cel mai tanar are...

Our children are of age.

Copii nostrii sunt majori.

Our children are under age.

Copii nostril sunt minori.

My children are all married.

Copii nostril sunt toti casatoriti.

My children have all left home.

Copii mei au plecat toti de acasa.

My son/ daughter lives abroad.

Fiul meu locuieste in strainatate./ Fiica mea locuiteste in strainatate.

What do they do?

Cu ce se ocupa?

My son is at the primary school.

Fiul meu este la scoala primara.

My son’s doing an apprenticeship.

Fiul meu face o scoala de meserie.

My children both work.

Copii mei lucreaza amandoi.

We’ve adopted a little boy / girl.

Am adoptat un baietel mic/ o fetita mica.

Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Ai frati sau surori?

I’m an only child.

Sunt singur la parinti.

I’ve got two sisters and one brother.

Am doua surori si un singur frate.

My father is a windower.

Tatal meu este vaduv.

My mother is a window.

Mama mea este vaduva.

What do your parents do?

Cu ce se ocupa parintii tai?

A comunica – Communication

Do you speak English?

Vorbesti Engleza?

Do you understand me?

Ma intelegi?

Not at all / a little/ quite well

Deloc /putin/ destul de bine

What does that mean?

Ce inseamna aceasta?

Sorry? / Pardon ?

Scuza-ma / Pardon

Could you say that again please?

Ai putea sa repeti aceasta, te rog?

Could you speak a little slowlier , please?

Ai putea sa vorbesti un pic mai incet, mai rar, te rog?

Could you translate that for me, please?

Ai putea sa traduci aceasta pentru mine, te rog?


A incepe un dialogul

Starting a Conversation



Do you remember me?

Iti aduci aminte de mine?

Yes, I do.

Da imi aduc.

No. I’m afraid not.\

Nu imi pare rau, nu.

Excuse me. Don’t I know you from somewhere?

Scuza-ma , nu te cunosc de undeva?

How are you finding things here?

Cum ti se par lucrurile aici?

I’m enjoying my visit here very much.

Ma bucur foarte mult de vizita mea aici.

I still feel a little homesick.

Inca mai am un pic de dor de casa.

I’d like a have a word with you!

As vrea sa am o vorba cu tine!

I’d like to ask you something.

As vrea sa te intreb ceva.

I’ve got something important to discuss with you.

Am ceva important de vorbit cu tine.

Hobiuri – Hobbies

Have got a hobby?

Ai un hoby?

What hobbies have you got?

Ce hoby ai tu?

I love reading in my spare time.

Imi place sa citesc in timpul meu liber.

Rezervarea de bilete – Booking Tickets

Are there still tickets avaible?

Inca mai sunt bilete libere?

Can I reserve them, please?

Pot sa le rezerv, va rog?

In what name.

Pec e nume?

Filme – Films

Let’s go to the cinema in this evening.

Hai sa mergem la cinematograf , diseara.

What’s on at the moment ?

Ce se joaca in acest moment.

We should ring and reserve tickets.

Ar trebui sa sunam si sa rezervam bilete.

I’ve seen that film before.

Eu am mai vazut filmul acesta.

I’d love to see that film.

Mi-ar place grozav sa vad acest film.

Did you enjoy the film ?

Ti-a placut filmul?

I didn’t enjoy it at all!

Nu mi-a placut deloc!

Teatrul – The teatre

How did you enjoy the performance?

Cum ti-a placut spectacolul?

The set was wonderful and I was very impressed by the acting!

Scena a fost minunata si am fost foarte impresionata de jocul actorilor.

Televizorul – Television

Do you enjoy watching television?

Iti place sa te uiti la televizor?

Do you watch a lot of television?

Te uiti mult la televizor?

Not much. Althought it’s good for catching up on the news.

Nu mult, cu toate ca e bun sa prinzi stirile.

There’s a great film on Tv tonight.

Este un film bun diseara.

Could you turn the tv on/ off, please?

Poti sa dai drumul la televizor, te rog. / Poti sa stingi televizorul, te rog.

Could you please turn the tv up/ down?

Poti sa dai televizorul mai tare, te rog./ Poti sa dai televizorul mai incet, te rog.


Muzica – Musica

Do you play an instrument?

Canti la un instrument?

Yes,…..but not very well.

Da….la, dar nu foarte bine.

No, I used to play,.. but I gave it up because I never had time to practice.

Nu, am cantat la… dar am renuntat pentru ca nu aveam timp sa exersez.

Sport – sport

Are you interested in sport?

Te intereseaza sportul?

Yes I’m interested in most kinds of sports.

Da, ma intereseaza aproape toate felurile de sport.

What kind of sports do you do?

Ce fel de sport practice tu?

When does the match start?

Cand incepe meciul?

It’s a home game.

Este un joc acasa.

It’s an away match.

Este un meci in deplasare.

The score is…to…

Scorul este… la…

He/ She played very well today.

El / Ea a jucat foarte bine astazi.

Literatura – literature

What do you enjoy reading?

Ce iti place sa citesti?

During the week, I enjoy reading the dailies.

In timpul saptamanii , imi place sa citesc ziarele.

At the weekend I love reading a good novel.

In weekend imi place sa citesc un roman bun.

Who’s your favourite author?

Care este autorul tau preferat?

That’s very difficult to say.

Aceasta este foarte dificil de spus.

This book is very well written.

Aceasta carte este scrisa foarte bine.

I can’t put this book down.

Nu pot sa las aceasta carte jos din mana.

I want to become a member of the library.

Doresc sa devin membru la aceasta biblioteca.

How much does it cost to subscribe to this magazine for a year.

Cat costa sa abonez acest ziar pentru un an.

Computere – computers

He spends all his free time looking at the computer screen.

El isi petrege tot timpul liber uitandu-se ;la ecranul computerului.

Computer tehnology is growing so quickly.

Tehnologia computerelor creste foarte rapid.

Intreband directia – Asking the way

How do I get to…?

Cum ajung la..?

Is this the road to….?

Este acesta drumul spre..?

Where is / are…. ?

Unde este//?

I’ve lost my way…

Mi-am pierdut drumul…

It’s in this direction?

Este in aceasta directie?

It’s around the corner.

Este dupa colt.

How far it is to…?

Cat de departe este?

Could you show it to me on the map?

Poti sa imi arati aceasta pe harta?

It’s next to…?

Este langa…?

It’s near…

Este in apropierea..?

It’s opposite…

Este opus de.

It’s here…

Este aici.

Cat este ceasul – The time

What’s the time?

Cat este ceasul?

It’s ten clock.

Este ora 10.

It’a about ten.

Este aproape 10

It’s exactly ten.

Este exact ora 10.

It’s a quarter past teen.

Este 10 si un sfert.

It’s a half past ten.

Este 10 si jumatate.

It’s a quarter to eleven.

Este 11 fara un sfert.

It’s a ten to eleven.

Zece minute pana la 11.

It’s a five past eleven.

Este 10 si 5 min/


La telefon – On the telephone

What’s your number?

Care este numarul tau de telefon.

I’ll call/ring you back.

Te sun eu pe tine/ te sun inapoi.

May I use your telephone, please?

Pot sa folosesc telefonul tau te rog.

Could I speak to….. please?

Pot sa vorbesc cu.., va rog?

I would like to speak to…..please.

As dori sa vorbesc cu,,.. Va rog

The line is engaged/ busy.

Linia este ocupata.

The line is out of order.

Linia este deranjata.

It’s a bad line.

Este o linie rea.

There’s not reply.

Nu raspunde nimeni.

I’ll try again later.

Am sa incerc mai tarziu.

You’ve got the wrong number.

Ai un numar gresit.

My direct number is..

Numarul meu direct este,,,

Invitatie, aranjamente – Making arrangements

Would you like to have a drink to me?

Vrei sa bei ceva cu mine?

Yes, that would be lovely.

Aceasta ar fii minunat.

I’d love to invite you round for a meal.

Mi-ar place grozav sa te invit la masa.

We’d love to come.

As veni cu mare placere.

Have you got anything planned at the weekend?

Ai ceva planificat pentru weekwnd?

Could I invite you for a cop of coffe?

As putea sa te invit la o cafea?

When could we meet?

Cand am putea sa ne intalnim?

When do you suggest?

Cand propui tu?

I’ll leave it up to you.

Te las pe tine sa hotaresti.

Perhaps some other time.

Poate alta data.

I’ll pick you up at 12 o’clock at your place.

Vin sa te i-au la ora 12 de la tine acasa.

You’ll bring…Along, won’t you?

Il aduci cu tine, nu-I asa?

We’d love to come.

Mi-ar place grozav sa venim.

It’s very nice of you, but I have very little time at the moment./.

Invitatie de afaceri – Bussines Appointment

I’d like to make an appointment with….

Would that suit you?

Ten a’clock would be better.

I think we shoud meet over lunch to discuss the matter further.

Please tell….I’ll call by at ten a’clock.

Situatie de afaceri – Business Situations

It’s time to start our meeting.

Our main objective is to….

I would like to talk about….

Does that seem acceptable to you?

Could I just ask a few questions?

How important is… to you?

I’m afraid that isn’t acceptable.

May a suggest a compromise?

Broadly speaking, yes.

There are some questions which remain to be clarified.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Munca – Work

What do you do?

Do you work?

Where do you work?

What company do you work for?

I work freelance.

I’m an engineer.

I’m a techer.

I work in an office.

I work whith my hands.

I’m responsible for….

I have to work shifts.

I’m retiring next year.

I’m looking for a new job.

What was your day at work like?

It was fine.

I had problems whith my boss.

I had problems whith my colleagues.

The computer broke down.

I’d been fired.

I’d been promoted.

I’d been given a pay rise.

Oficialitati – Authorities

Could you spell your surname, please?

What’s your marital status, please?

I’m married/single/divorced/widow/widower.

Do you have any children?

What’s your citizenship?

I have dual citizenship.

Please fill in this form.

La politie – At the police


Where’s the nearest police station, please?

I would like to report a loss.

I would like to report a theft.

When did this happen?

We’ll contact you as soon as we hear anything.


Educatia- Education

My son goes to primary school.

We’re sending our daughter to boarding school.

Lessons begin at…

Break-time is at…

School finishes at….

What class are you in?

What’s your favorite subject?

We’re doing an exam on..

Examene- Exam

Which university have you applied to?

I want to study….

He wants to become a doctor/lawyer/scientist.

La doctor – At the doctor’s

Could I see the doctor, please?

I am ill/sick.

I feel sick.

I have a severe pain here.

I have a ( high ) temperature.

I have no appetite.

I have diarrhea.

I’m constipated.

I’m pregnant.

Breathe in deeply.

Does the hurt?

You’ll have to stay in bed.

What insurance do you hold?

I’ll make you out a prescription.

La dentist – At the dentist’s

I’ve got toothache.

I have broken a tooth. This is only a temporary filing.

I’ll put the real filling in next week.

You must take better care of your teeth.

Can you recomand a good dentist?

I’m very happy whith my dentist.

La cafea – In a coffe

Do you have a table for two?

Would you like to order?

Can I pay, please?

Keep the change.

Could you bring me the menu ,please?

Would you like a cop of coffe ar a pot?

It’s self – service here.

You can choose your own food.

You have to pay at the cash desk.

La restaurant – At restaurant

I’d like to book a table please.

I’ve booked a table in the name of….escu.

Here’s the menu..

I would recommend…

Are you a ready to order?

We haven’t decided yet.

What would you like to start With?

And as a main course?

What would you like to drink?

Could you bring us a bottle of…?

Could we have the bill, please?

Could we pay, please?

Did you enjoy your meal?

Please Keep the change.

Allow me to pay.

Thanks very much for inviting me.

Invitatie la masa acasa – Eating at home

Can I set the table?

Dinner is ready!

It looks/smells/delicious.