Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared

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Transcript of Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared

A&A 504, 875–882 (2009)DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200912267c© ESO 2009



Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulatingdust infrared spectra

H. Mutschke1, M. Min2, and A. Tamanai1

1 Astrophysikalisches Institut und Universitäts-Sternwarte (AIU), Schillergäßchen 2-3, 07745 Jena, Germanye-mail:

2 Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Received 3 April 2009 / Accepted 16 June 2009


Context. Analysis of thermal dust emission spectra for dust mineralogy and physical grain properties depends on comparison spectra,which are either laboratory-measured infrared extinction spectra or calculated extinction cross sections based on certain grain models.Often, the agreement between these two kinds of spectra, if available, is not yet satisfactory because of the strong influence of thegrain morphology on the spectra.Aims. We investigate the ability of the statistical light-scattering model with a distribution of form factors (DFF) to reproducemeasured infrared dust extinction spectra for particles that are small compared to the wavelength, i.e. in the size range of 1 μm andsmaller.Methods. We take advantage of new experimental spectra measured for free particles dispersed in air with accompanying informationon the grain morphology. For the calculations, we used DFFs that were derived for aggregates of spherical grains, as well as forcompact grain shapes corresponding to Gaussian random spheres. In addition we used a fitting algorithm to obtain the best-fit DFFsfor the various laboratory samples. In this way we can independently derive information on the shape of the grains from their infraredspectra.Results. With the DFF model, we achieve an adequate fit of the experimental IR spectra. The differences in the IR band profilesbetween the spectra of particulates with different grain shapes are simply reflected by different DFFs. Irregular particle shapes requirea DFF similar to that of a Gaussian Random Sphere with σ = 0.3, whereas roundish grain shapes are best fitted with that of a fractalaggregate of Df = 2.4–1.8. The fitted DFFs generally reproduce the measured spectral shapes quite well. For anisotropic materials,different DFFs are needed for the different crystallographic axes. The implications of this finding are discussed.Conclusions. The use of this model could be a step forward toward more realistic comparison data in infrared spectral analysis ofthermal dust emission spectra, provided that these spectra are dominated by emission from submicron grains.

Key words. infrared: general – methods: data analysis – methods: laboratory – circumstellar matter– planetary systems: protoplanetary disks

1. Introduction

The analysis of mid-infrared dust emission spectra from stellaroutflows, circumstellar disks, and other objects provides infor-mation about the dust mineralogy, grain sizes, and temperatures,hence, about physical and chemical conditions in the respectiveenvironments. The information about the dust grain properties isbased on the lattice vibrational bands of the dust particles thatmainly occur in the 10–50 μm wavelength range and that dom-inate the thermal emission of warm dust. Detailed analyses of,e.g., Spitzer IRS, and ground-based mid-infrared spectra includ-ing interferometric data (VLTI/MIDI) have been published in thelast years for dust emission from accretion disks (e.g. van Boekelet al. 2004), debris disks (e.g. Lisse et al. 2007), and comets (e.g.Lisse et al. 2006).

The analyses are often performed by applying χ2 fits of a lin-ear combination of either calculated or measured spectra of dustgrains to the observed spectra. Both approaches have recentlybeen improved by developing (1) new theoretical models (Minet al. 2005, 2006) for calculating dust spectra and (2) a new ex-perimental method for measuring spectra of particles dispersedin air (Tamanai et al. 2006a,b), which avoids the influence of anembedding material on experimental infrared extinction spectra.

These spectroscopic measurements of dust particles inaerosol also allow the investigation of the actual morphology ofthe aerosol particles by filtering and subsequent scanning elec-tron microscope (SEM) imaging. Thus, the influence of morpho-logical particle characteristics on the dust spectra can be studiedin detail. Tamanai et al. (2006b) and Tamanai et al. (2009b) havereported a strong dependence of the measured profiles of the in-frared bands on grain shape and agglomeration. Although theinfluence of the grain morphology on dust vibrational bands hasbeen known for many years (Bohren & Huffman 1983), theseeffects have not been systematically studied in experiments be-fore.

Furthermore, Tamanai et al. (2006b) demonstrated that theband profiles predicted by the currently used models often dif-fer considerably from the experimentally measured ones. Thereason is that most of these models such as Mie theory, CDE(Bohren & Huffman 1983), and DHS (Min et al. 2005) are notflexible enough to take morphological effects sufficiently intoaccount. Since this is important for interpretating astronomicalspectra, we aim at (a) a clarification of typical properties of mea-sured infrared band profiles depending primarily on the grainshape, and (b) the investigation of the ability of an alternativetheoretical model to take the shape effects into account.

Article published by EDP Sciences

876 H. Mutschke et al.: Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared spectra

For this purpose, we compare a selection of aerosol-measured spectra of oxides and silicates for two different classesof grain morphologies with calculated spectra using the theo-retical approach of a form factor distribution (Min et al. 2006).Both the experiments used here and the theory are restricted toparticles small compared to the wavelength. For infrared wave-lengths, this means a restriction to particles in the size range ofapproximately 1 μm and smaller. Consequently, the applicabil-ity of our results will be limited to interpreting emission (or ab-sorption) spectra from cosmic environments where such grainsare present. If larger grains provide a strong contribution to theemission cross section, the spectrum will be influenced by grainsize effects that cannot be treated by the present approach. Thisis especially the case when growth or radiation effects have re-moved submicron grains, such as in evolved protoplanetary disksand debris disks around luminous stars.

The theoretical model and the particulate materials are intro-duced in the next two sections, before we compare the experi-mental and the simulated spectra in Sect. 4. Section 5 summa-rizes the results.

2. DFF model for spectra simulation

The distribution of form factors model (DFF model, Min et al.2006) is a statistical approach valid for ensembles of particlesthat are small compared to the wavelength (Rayleigh limit). Itdescribes the averaged extinction (absorption, emission) crosssection 〈Cext〉 per unit volume of such a particulate by the in-tegral over a continuous distribution of dipole polarizabilitiesdepending on the dielectric function of the particulate materialrelative to its environment ε = εp/εe and a depolarization fac-tor or form factor L, which is defined in the range 0 ≤ L ≤ 1(Eq. (1)). P(L) is the distribution of form factors over this range,which contains the information on the geometrical properties ofthe particles.



∫ 1


P(L)1/(ε − 1) + L

dL (1)

Min et al. (2006) have demonstrated that a distribution P(L)(hereafter called the DFF) can be calculated for each particleshape, which gives a correct representation of the extinctioncross section of that particle, provided that a spatial discretiza-tion with sufficient accuracy is possible. For a distribution ofshapes, the individual DFFs have to be averaged.

Another nice property of the DFF approach, which allowsvery intuitive understanding of the simulated spectra, is that ma-jor contributions to the integral occur when

ε ∼ 1 − 1/L (2)

(so-called surface modes, see Bohren & Huffman 1983). This isindeed the case in strong lattice vibration bands, where the realpart of ε takes a range of negative values (depending on wave-length), while the imaginary part is comparably small. Thus, re-lation (2) links the DFF directly to the extinction at correspond-ing spectral positions; e.g., for spherical grains (P(L) = δ(L =1/3)), the extinction cross section spectrum will show a singleresonance at the wavelength where ε = −2. Assuming a simpleLorentzian behavior of the dielectric function, the DFF at lowL values is related to the strength of absorption at wavelengthslongward of the sphere resonance (Re(ε) < −2), whereas theDFF at larger L is related to absorption at shorter wavelengths(lower negative Re(ε) values). We illustrate this in Fig. 2, and

for a more precise treatment in the complex ε plane see Minet al. (2006).

The often used continuous distribution of ellipsoids model(CDE, Bohren & Huffman 1983) can be considered a specialcase of the DFF model with P(L) = 2(1 − L). Min et al. (2006)have calculated DFFs resulting from certain particle shapes forthe cases of (a) aggregates of spherical grains with different frac-tal dimensions Df and of (b) particles in the form of Gaussianrandom spheres (GRS, Muinonen et al. 1996) with different stan-dard deviations σ of the surface modulation. We may note herethat GRS grain shapes are used in scattering models for largegrains as well (e.g. Volten et al. 2001). However, this is an en-tirely different (ray optics) approach, where the size distributionis also reflected by the (often extreme) GRS shape. In contrast, inour small-particle-limit approach the GRS model describes onlythe grain shape.

The DFFs and illustrations of the particle morphologies areshown in Fig. 1. In both cases, the DFFs broaden strongly withvariation of the respective parameter, i.e. when going from com-pact to fluffy (low-dimension) aggregates and from sphere-liketo extremely structured GRS.

However, the details are different in the two series. While the“main peak” of the DFF shifts to higher L with decreasing Df inthe case of the spherical grain aggregates, the opposite is the casefor the GRS with increasing σ. For the extreme cases, namelythe aggregate with Df = 1.2 and the GRS with σ = 0.7, thesemain peaks are located at L = 0.6 and L = 0.05, respectively.Consequently, we can expect the two types of DFFs to produceband profiles peaking on opposite sides of the sphere resonanceposition (Re(ε) ∼ −2). Figure 2 demonstrates this for less ex-treme geometries, i.e. an aggregate with Df = 2.4 and a GRSwith σ = 0.3. The short-wavelength peak of the aggregate parti-cle spectrum (Re(ε) ∼ −1.5) corresponds to L ∼ 0.4, whereasthe peak of the GRS spectrum (Re(ε) ∼ −6) corresponds toL ∼ 0.15. According to the DFF, it was expected to occur atL ∼ 0.1. The difference probably stems from the influence ofIm(ε), which increases towards longer wavelengths.

For the aggregates of spherical grains, there is actually an-other peak in the DFF, which becomes stronger and stronger withlowering Df , namely at L = 0. This component of the DFF pro-duces a long-wavelength shoulder in the band profile in additionto the short-wavelength peak (see Fig. 2). The L = 0 compo-nent indicates two- or one-dimensional elongated, i.e. plate- orneedle-like, structures. Agglomerates of spheres with point-likecontacts are in principle not expected to produce such a compo-nent. Its presence is a consequence of the limited resolution ofthe discretization, which does not allow between point-like con-tacts and extended contact areas characteristic of e.g. coalescedparticle aggregates to be distinguished (cf. Andersen et al. 2006).This is a direct effect of the method used to compute the DFFs(based on the discrete dipole approximation). However, coales-cence of particles is often observed in real particulates, and itspresence in the model distributions is not at all a shortcoming fortheir application, as we show.

In this paper, we make use of these DFFs by comparingsimulated infrared extinction spectra for such synthetic parti-cle shapes with the measured spectra of real particulates withknown (different) shapes. We consider particulates composed ofspinel, corundum, and forsterite (see next section), for which thewavelength-dependent optical constants εp(λ) are known fromthe literature. We use data by Fabian et al. (2001a) for syntheticstoichiometric spinel, Querry et al. (1985) for corundum, andSogawa et al. (2006) for forsterite. For the last two, the crosssections obtained for the individual crystal axes are averaged.

H. Mutschke et al.: Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared spectra 877

Df=2.8 Df=2.4 Df=1.8 Df=1.2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1L













σ=0.1 σ=0.3 σ=0.5 σ=0.7

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1L










Fig. 1. Synthetic particle shapes and DFFs used in the modeling for aggregates of spherical grains with different fractal dimensions Df (left) andGaussian Random Spheres with different standard deviations σ (right).

22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25Wavelength (μm)









σ (a


, Re(


L>1/3 L<1/3


Fig. 2. Extinction spectra of fractal aggregates with Df = 2.4 (solidblack line) and Gaussian random spheres with σ = 0.3 (dashed line)calculated for a Lorentzian oscillator type dielectric function. Re(ε) isalso shown (gray line). The vertical lines indicate the wavelength rangewhere Re(ε) = 1 − 1/L can be fulfilled and the position of the sphereresonance (Re(ε) = −2).

For the environment, the dielectric constant εe is unity in thesimulation of aerosol spectra, 2.31 in cases when the particlesare embedded into KBr matrices, and 3.03 for the case of em-bedding into a CsI matrix.

3. Experimental spectra

The experimental setup for the measurement of infrared extinc-tion spectra of dust particles dispersed in air (aerosol measure-ments) was described by Tamanai et al. (2006a,b, 2009a,b). For

comparison with the simulations based on the DFF model, wehave selected two samples of each of the three minerals spinel(MgAl2O4), corundum (Al2O3), and forsterite (Mg2SiO4), fromthese papers. The sample properties are listed in Table 1.

The two samples of each material have significantly dif-ferent grain shapes. In general, one of the particulates can becharacterized by a roundish shape or at least by having roundedges, which is often the case for particles that have been con-densed from the gas or liquid phase in a relatively fast process,whereas the other particulate is characterized by an irregulargrain shape with sharp edges, which is typical of particulatesproduced by crushing larger pieces of material, but may also re-sult from slow crystal growth. The spectra of the two classes ofparticulates differ significantly, as discussed by Tamanai et al.(2006b, 2009b). Correspondence with astronomically observedinfrared dust emission bands has been found to be better in somecases for the roundish shapes, especially for the oxides in AGBstar outflows (Tamanai et al. 2009b; see also Posch et al. 1999;and Fabian et al. 2001a), but in other cases better for the irreg-ular shapes, especially for forsterite (Tamanai et al. 2006b; seealso Molster et al. 2002; Fabian et al. 2001b). Particle shapes andspectra are shown in Fig. 3.

4. Results

4.1. Simulated spectra vs. measured aerosol spectra

Figure 4 shows the comparison of the simulated spectra forspinel, corundum, and forsterite particles with the measuredspectra. The left column compares the spectra calculated for theaggregates of spheres to the measured spectra of the roundishparticulates. The simulated band profiles consist in most casesof peaks at short wavelengths and shoulders at longer wave-lengths (compare Fig. 2). The latter strengthen with loweringfractal dimension of the aggregate, as do the L ∼ 0 componentsin the DFFs. The “primary” peak at shorter wavelengths, which

878 H. Mutschke et al.: Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared spectra

Table 1. Properties of the samples.

Material Chemical formula Product info Processing Grain size Grain shape ReferenceSpinel MgAl2O4 Aldrich <0.1 μm round T09b, CSp2

Alfa Aesar Sedimentation < 1 μm irregular T09b, CSP1Corundum Al2O3 Alfa Aesar <0.3 μm ellipsoidal T09b, CAC1

GC Jena Sedimentation <2 μm irregular T09b, CAC2Forsterite Mg2SiO4 Marusu <0.3 μm ellipsoidal T06b, CF2

Alfa Aesar Sedimentation <1 μm irregular T06b, CF1

Fig. 3. Aerosol infrared extinction spectra and SEM micrographs of the spinel (left), corundum (middle), and forsterite (right column) particulates.The solid lines are the spectra of the particulates with roundish shapes, which are shown in the images in the second row. The dashed linescorrespond to the spectra of the sharp-edged grains (images in bottom row). The dark round filter holes in the image background are about 0.5 μmin diameter except for the image of the roundish spinel sample (upper left micrograph), where they are 0.1 μm in diameter. The numbers indicateSEM magnification.

weakens only between Df = 2.8 and 2.4, remains present whileshifting to shorter wavelengths. This often leads to a “rectangu-lar” band profile for low fractal dimensions, such as at Df ≤ 1.8,which actually reproduces the measured spectrum of the corun-dum sample well. The comparison with the other simulated spec-tra demonstrates clearly that in the case of these particles astrong long-wavelength band component is definitely required tofit the measured profiles at about 17 μm and 22.5 μm. The find-ing that a fractal dimension of Df = 1.8 provides the best matchcorresponds nicely to the observed agglomeration state of thecorundum powder, which is mainly chain-like (see Fig. 3). Forthe other samples of roundish grain shapes, the long-wavelengthcomponent is weaker but also present. For both the spinel andthe forsterite samples, the Df = 2.4 spectrum fits quite well tothe peaks in the measured spectra.

In the case of spinel, the region in between the two bands andlongward of 20 μm shows an enhanced extinction that is not re-produced by any of the calculations. We interpret this feature asbeing caused by extinction from clumps of particles. Apparently,due to the small size of the individual grains, the clumps ap-pear compact enough to act partially similar to large grains.According to Mie calculations, grains of about 5 μm size alreadyprovide sufficient extinction (absorption and scattering) at thesewavelengths.

Moreover, we note that a few bands, such as the forsterite10 μm and 27.5 μm and the corundum 20 μm bands, are notsatisfactorily reproduced by the same models as the majority ofthe bands. This is discussed in Sect. 4.2.

The right column compares the spectra of the irregular par-ticulates with the simulations for the GRS of different surface

H. Mutschke et al.: Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared spectra 879

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Wavelength (μm)










Aggr_2.8Aggr_2.4Aggr_1.8Spinel round

10 20 30Wavelength (μm)










Aggr_2.4Aggr_1.8Aggr_1.2Corund. ellips.

9 10 11 12 13Wavelength (μm)










Aggr_2.8Aggr_2.4Aggr_1.8Forst. ellips.

15 20 25 30 35Wavelength (μm)








Aggr_2.8Aggr_2.4Aggr_1.8Forst. ellips.

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Wavelength (μm)










GRS_0.1GRS_0.3GRS_0.5Spinel irreg.

10 20 30Wavelength (μm)










GRS_0.1GRS_0.3GRS_0.5Corund. irreg.

9 10 11 12 13Wavelength (μm)










GRS_0.1GRS_0.3GRS_0.5Forst. irreg.

15 20 25 30 35Wavelength (μm)








GRS_0.1GRS_0.3GRS_0.5Forst. irreg.

Fig. 4. Comparison of measured (solid lines) and simulated extinction spectra for the roundish (left column) and irregular (right) particle shapes.DFF models used in the simulations are given in the legends. The forsterite spectra have been divided into two wavelength ranges.

880 H. Mutschke et al.: Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared spectra

10Wavelength (μm)










two DFFsone DFFGRS_0.3Forst. irreg.


Fig. 5. Comparison of fits to the measured spectrum (gray line) of irreg-ular forsterite particles using a single DFF for the contributions of allcrystal axes (dashed line) and allowing two DFFs, i.e. a separate DFFfor the contribution of the vibrational modes along the crystallographicx-axis (solid line). The DFFs obtained by the two-DFF fitting are plot-ted in Fig. 6. For comparison, the simulation using the GRS model withσ = 0.3 is also shown (dotted line).

modulation. As expected, the band profiles in these simulatedspectra are dominated by peaks that shift continuously to largerwavelengths with an increasing standard deviation parameter.A shoulder remains at the short-wavelength edge of the pro-files. The comparison with the measured spectra reveals excel-lent agreement for the σ = 0.3 simulation in the cases of spineland corundum (again apart from the λ = 20 μm band). For theforsterite, σ = 0.3 is still the best-fitting calculated spectrum,even if it seems that a little lower σ may have given a bettermatch. This is especially true for the 10 μm band, which we dis-cuss separately in Sect. 4.2.

4.2. Fitting of DFFs and the problem of anisotropy

An alternative way to compare theory and measurement is to fitDFFs to the measured spectra, hoping for a better reproductionof the measurements and aiming at the comparison of the ob-tained DFFs. We have developed an automatic fitting procedurethat is able to handle anisotropic materials, i.e. contributions ofup to three dielectric functions (in the case of forsterite, two forcorundum) and even with the option of using different DFFs foreach of these. In Sect. 4.3, we show the result of this fitting forthe irregular spinel. The fitting worked without problems for thisisotropic material.

In the previous section, we noted that a few bands in thespectra of the anisotropic materials show poor reproductionby the models, such as the 10 μm band of forsterite and the20 μm band of corundum. For reproducing them, a DFF peakingstrongly between L = 0.2 and 0.25 (close to that of GRS 0.1)would work best, but it would not reproduce the other bands.These bands belong to vibrational modes along certain crys-tal axes, so introducing different DFFs for different crystal axescould solve these problems.

In general, deviations in the DFFs along different crystal axesare not an unlikely option, because the grains could be primarilyelongated along certain crystal axes. Such grain shapes can beproduced both by growth and shattering processes. Allowing for

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1L









Fit forst. irreg., y,z-axesFit forst. irreg., x-axisFit spinel irreg.GRS_0.3 (corund. y,z)

Fig. 6. Comparison of the fitted DFFs for irregular forsterite particlesand irregular spinel particles (dashed line) with the GRS model withσ = 0.3 (dash-dotted), which provides an excellent fit for the spectrumof the irregular corundum particles.

different DFFs for the different crystal axes lead to a satisfactoryreproduction of the problematic bands both for forsterite and forcorundum. Figure 5 shows as an example the fits for the irregu-larly shaped forsterite with (a) only one DFF for all axes and (b)a separate DFF for the contributions of the vibrations along thecrystallographic x-axis. The better match in the 10 μm band isclearly visible.

However, the DFFs for the different axes needed to be verydifferent. The DFF required by the problematic bands were al-ways similar, with a narrow peak in the L = 0.2–0.3 range. Thischanged only slightly for roundish grains, even if the main DFFpeaked then on much higher L values. In Fig. 6, the two fittedDFFs are shown for the irregular forsterite particles (see Fig. 5),where the difference is still quite moderate. The GRS model withσ = 0.3, however, represents the case well for the y and z-axisDFF for the irregular corundum particles. Here, the differencefrom the x-axis DFF is very strong. Especially for the roundishgrains, such extreme differences between the crystal axes andthe nondependence on the grain-shape seemed unlikely. In somebands, we noted that the poor fit introduced by the additionalDFF had to be compensated for by the other components.

This pointed to a different reason for the mismatch in somebands, which turned out to be an incorrectness in the model,namely in the treatment of the anisotropy of the materials. Thesimple averaging of the absorption cross sections calculated forthe crystallographic axes is correct for spheres that are smallcompared to the wavelengths and for ellipsoids, if the ellipsoidprincipal axes are associated with the crystal axes. When assum-ing complicated shapes, such as the GRS or aggregates, however,it is clear that this condition is not maintained. Here, the influ-ence of the polarization along one axis on the excitation alongother axes has to be considered.

This can be demonstrated by means of the discrete dipoleapproximation (DDA) model. The DDA allows one to take thefull tensor nature of the refractive index into account. We willdemonstrate the effects of this in a separate paper (Min et al., inprep).

H. Mutschke et al.: Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared spectra 881

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Wavelength (μm)













Fig. 7. Comparison of measured (solid lines) and simulated extinctionspectra for roundish spinel particles embedded in different media. TheDFF models used are the aggregates of spherical grains with Df = 2.8(dotted lines) and Df = 2.4 (dashed lines).

4.3. Reproduction of KBr and CsI spectra

An interesting question is whether the DFF models can predictthe influence of embedding media on the spectra of particulates.Tamanai et al. (2006b, 2009b) demonstrated the strong influenceof potassium bromide and cesium iodide matrices used in theconventional pellet technique onto IR band profiles of embeddedparticulates. Within the DFF model, the embedding medium istaken into account simply via the relative dielectric constant ε =εp/εe.

Figures 7 and 8 show simulated spectra for spinel using iden-tical DFFs and different dielectric constants of the embeddingmedium (εe = 1 for aerosol, 2.31 for KBr, and 3.03 for CsI)compared to corresponding measured spectra. For the irregularlyshaped particles (Fig. 7), the DFF for GRS with σ = 0.3 and afitted DFF were used. The comparison shows that the former,which reproduces the aerosol measurements satisfactorily, givesa still quite imprecise representation of the measured spectra forembedded particles. However, this does not mean that the modelfails to treat the influence of the embedding, because some ad-justment of the DFF (see Fig. 6) leads to a nearly perfect fit ofall the spectra measured in different matrices.

Unfortunately, this is not the case for the roundish parti-cles (Fig. 7, see especially the 18 μm band). Here, the embed-ded particles are best matched by a DFF strongly dominated bythe spherical character of the single grains or characterized byvery compact aggregation, whereas for the aerosol spectra wehad to use a DFF calculated for a lower fractal dimension ofthe aggregates. If this indeed reflects different morphologies ofthe spinel particles in aerosol and in embedded states, it couldpossibly indicate a compaction of the aggregates by the pelletpressing, or, since we have already noted that these spectra arealso influenced by size effects, an aggregate size reduction bythe thorough mixing with the matrix powder. The size of the ag-gregates of course could always be influenced by the preparationtechnique. Unfortunately, an inspection of the morphology of theembedded aggregates is not possible and a treatment of size ef-fects is beyond the capabilities of this theory. For the other sam-ples, which have larger grains and therefore show less clumping,we have not observed similar effects.

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Wavelength (μm)













Fig. 8. Same as Fig. 7 for irregular spinel particles. The DFF modelsused here are the Gaussian random spheres with σ = 0.3 (dashed lines)and a fitted DFF (see Fig. 6).

5. Conclusions

By comparison with experimental spectra, we have demon-strated the usefulness of the DFF approach for simulating theinfrared extinction spectra of submicron-sized particulates com-posed of oxide and silicate minerals. Predefined DFFs with cer-tain characteristics can be used to achieve a satisfactory predic-tion for the shape dependence of the measured infrared bandprofiles. Good agreement between experimental and calculatedband profiles was achieved by using

1. DFFs calculated for Gaussian random spheres with a surfacemodulation of σ ∼ 0.3 in the case of particulates with irreg-ular grain shapes. The main characteristics of these DFFs isa strong and relatively sharp peak at L ∼ 0.1.

2. DFFs calculated for aggregates of spheres with a fractal di-mension Df = 2.4 or Df = 1.8 in the case of particulates withroundish grain shapes. These DFFs peak at L = 0.33−0.45and also have a component at very low L values, which isrequired to fit the experimental band profiles and seems tobe correlated with the agglomeration state in the particulate.

Our results suggest that DFF models, such as the ones for GRSwith σ ∼ 0.3 and fractal aggregates with Df = 2.4 or Df = 1.8,would reflect morphological properties of real particles signifi-cantly better than CDE or DHS models, so would be useful inthe simulation of cosmic-dust spectra. This could lead to betterpredictions of infrared band profiles or at least to a valid estimateof possible band variations. A necessary condition is that grainsizes that are small compared to the wavelength can be assumedto dominate the spectrum.

We recognized that the averaging of spectra obtained by theDFF model for the individual crystallographic orientations of ananisotropic material is incorrect and leads in some cases to sig-nificantly wrong band profiles. This is a problem of all com-parable theories and can only be overcome by exact simulations,such as a full DDA treatment, which however lacks the statisticalapproach and is difficult to implement in comprehensive astro-nomical spectroscopic simulations. Therefore, currently a saferway may be to rely on aerosol-measured spectra.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft under grant Mu 1164/6-1. Special thanks go to W. Teuschel

882 H. Mutschke et al.: Laboratory-based grain-shape models for simulating dust infrared spectra

and G. Born for their help with the experiments. We are grateful toProf. C. Koike for providing the Marusu forsterite sample. Furthermore, wethank the Elektronenmikroskopisches Zentrum of the medical faculty of theFriedrich Schiller University Jena for help with the SEM imaging. H.M. ac-knowledges support by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) inBern, Switzerland (“Exozodiacal Dust Disks and Darwin” working group,”


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