
Post on 09-Dec-2015

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نسخہ شدہ گارنٹی کیلئے تکلیف کی گردہ

! گردہ جوکہ ہے رہا دے کر بنا اللہ سبیل فی کو لوگوں سے سال ٓااٹھ کہ جو تھا دیا کو مجھ نسخہ یہ نے ٓاادمی ایک علیکم السلام صاحب حکیم محترم ‘ پتھری ہے جاتی نکل کر بن ریت بھی پتھری اور ہے ہوجاتی رفع بھی تکلیف کی گردہ سے استعمال کے نسخہ ہے۔اس شدہ گارنٹی کیلئے تکلیف کی

: مرغ دانہ سنگ ھوالشافی ہو۔ بھی جیسی ‘ 25چاہے نمک خوردنی بھر 50گرام کیپسول کے سائز بڑے فل اور لیں رکھ کر پیس کو اشیاء دونوں گرام۔با کے مکئی کو شام ایک اور دوپہر ایک صبح، کیپسول ایک : لیں۔ طریقہ کا بنانے پانی کا بالوں کے مکئی ہے۔ کھانا سے پانی کے مکئی 10ل عدد

) ٓاادھا ) بھرلیں۔ میں بوتل کر چھان کو پانی اس تو جائے رہ کلو ایک پانی جب ابالیں کر ڈال میں پانی کلو دو کو ان اور لیں بال کے بھٹے چھلی کی ‘ ‘ اسی ‘ ہیں۔ کھانے تین صرف بھی کیپسول ہے کرنا ختم میں دن تین اور ہے پینا شام دوپہر صبح میں دن تین پانی یہ ۔ لینا کیپسول ایک اور پانی کپ

ہے۔ کرنا استعمال تک ہفتہ ہے۔چار کرنی استعمال پانی بوتل ایک اور کیپسول تین پھر بعد کے ہفتہ ایک پینی 12طرح کی پانی بوتل چار اور کیپسولنسخہ یہ تو ہو نہ موسم کا مکئی اگر کرنا۔ نہیں استعمال نمک میں اس ہے دینا اکیلا مرغ دانہ سنگ صرف کو اس تو ہو مریض کا بلڈپریشر ہائی اگر ہے۔میں چائے اور کریں استعمال حصہ تیسرا کا اس ہیں کرتے استعمال ٓااپ چینی جتنی یعنی ہے ڈالنی کم چینی میں چائے کریں۔ استعمال ساتھ کے چائے

: کرنا استعمال کیپسول اور پانی جب یعنی دن تین کے دوائی گی۔پرہیز جائے نکل کر بن ریت پتھری اللہ انشاء کریں۔ استعمال کر ڈال بھی نمک سا ہلکاہیں کرسکتے استعمال چیز ہر دن بقیہ ہے۔ کرنا کم استعمال کا چینی ہے

can you ever study Viruses professionaly without Rahu? no, you can't. Rahu will always be involved with the 5th, 9th houses, lords from ascendant, moon or karamasha lagna. Every single time that's the case in careers.

can you choose different career with same placement? yes, Let's say Rahu is in Aquarius and in the satabhisha nakshatra, here Rahu can become a doctor, engineer, head of a non-profit organization, spiritual healer, microbiologist and Astronomer. Each pada of the nakshatra will provide a clue to where Rahu really wants to direct its energy. The free will of a person will also be involved in making the decision. This is where astrology may not have control. It's 25% free will, 25% planets, 25% karma and 25% intuition.

Chaning your luck by Incorproating yourself:

legal disclaimer

"Kapiel Raaj is not an attorney or CPA, you must take advise of a professional in regards to forming your corporation or LLC, this article is simply a personal opinion of the author based on his personal experience. Please watch the video as suggested in the article before reading about the subject. "

After watching my video on "How to change your luck in astrology", you must have several questions about when to form a corporation, what does it really change and how can someone apply the same methods if they are not in a business but in a job. I am assuming you have watched this video on my youtube channel or this page. The first thing you need to know is the birth of your corporation doesn't start from the time county or city registers it, that's just the formality of a nurse filling out the birth certificate at the hospital the next day for your baby. The birth of your corporation starts from the moment you "sign" the final dotted line at the bottom. That's is the time when "You" created your entity. But one must understand, this remedy of forming a separate entity does not solve your personal or health problems, those will always exist. This remedy is strictly for your professional life. Your new corporation will have its own cycle, it will have its own mahadasha, chara dasha, sadisati, arishta yoga etc.., so no corporation is perfect. Just

like humans, a corporation goes through its ups and downs like Apple, Microsoft, Oracle etc..., they all have seen their highs, lows and highs again.

When is the best time to do it? there are several ways. One, you have to first know what exactly is your business about? if you are in the business of oil and petroleum then forming a corporation with Saturn in 8th house exalted or in the sign of Scorpio with Mars forming a Raj yoga with Saturn would be one way. If a struggling actor wants to do the same then they should have prominent connection between planets of 1st, 3rd and 5th house including Rahu in 3rd, 7th or 10th house. But you want to form a corporation with moon in such a placement that your Raj Yoga mahadasha starts first along with other good dashas. If you are an actor with Venus forming a dhan and Raj Yoga in the LLC or Corp chart then make sure Moon is in the first pada of a nakshatra ruled by Venus, like Brahani, Purva Phalguni or Purva Ashada. It's not a good idea to start a corporation with moon in Pada 4 because you will be at the end of that mahadasha. If you want that success in gas station business mahadasha of Saturn in good position would be a great start, in such case you want Moon to be in pada 1 of Saturn nakshatra like Uttara Bhadrapada or Pushya. The other way would be to just form the corporation in a good time period overall so no matter what you do it will be good for your new baby. Most of the time an indvidual can have any name ofr their new entiity, but having it under your name would be a good idea as it's your mirror image being created in the maya ruled by Rahu.

This is a task for an expert to analyze what is good and what is not good for a person. I have my rules and limitation and as my good friend Kavendra said: An astrologer should have his or her limits on how much they can interfere with a person's destiny; I try my best to stay out of it. This is why I stick to career consultation by telling you your passion and not directing your life, in marriage I only do your timing and not matching you with your partner and telling you both that this is not a good match. I will not effect anyone's destiny in a dramatic way as normal astrological counselors do; only a few should have such a task to decide for another person.

To see if business or a job suits you, in such case I can help by seeing what your planetary frequency is saying, what your free will is doing and if the glue of Mahadasha is there to bring all these three things together. If you are in a job then how can you change that? this is something you will have to talk to an attorney first and then your employer, as in if employer makes you a independent contractor and gives you the check under your newly formed business rather than just under your name that would be come under the umbrella of this article, but in such case you may not get all the health and other benefits as a regular W2 employee, this is why you must get a consultation from accountant, attorney and your employer. This remedy may not be good for most people.

To get a career consultation from me please click here and chose option 9.

In a Prashna Lagna if Person is asking about -1) Property - and if Mars has any sambandh (Relation) with the 4th house, then one will get it.2) Vehicle - If Venus has any sambandh with the 4th House, then one would get it.3) Marriage - Venus having sambandh with 7th or 7th Lord, then one would get married.4) Going Abroad - Rahu having any sambandh with the 12th House, then would go abroad.5) Imprisonment - Rahu having any sambandh with the 12th, then one would be imprisoned.6) Longevity - Saturn if in 8th or aspecting 8th, then longevity is there.7) Grah Dosh - If Rahu in 4th or with 4th Lord, then Dosh in the place where one is living. Rahu and Moon in 4th too. 8) Pitru Dosh - Venus with Rahu in the 2nd house or 2nd Lord with Rahu would confirm such Dosha.9) Stri Dosha - Venus and Rahu in 4th, means the ladies would always be unhappy or be vulnerable from evil influences, pret peeda, Jadu tona, Ucchatan.(N.B. There are many other ways that the above Prashnas can be answered, but note that in above Article I have taken only the Karak for the Prashna and given the formula)

The actual way to see any Yoga :-

1) Reshma Sinha was a sweet girl 30 years ago who was told in her teenage days by an Astrologer

that she has the Panchmahapurush Yoga in her Kundli, known as Malavya Yoga formed due to her

Venus being in Taurus in Kendra in the 1st House, and that she would have all comforts and luxuries

in her Life including Bungalows with few acre lawns, many Luxury Cars, and all luxurious

paraphernalia. But she never got to sit in a Car of her own, always travelled in auto rickshaws or

buses and did cooking, cleaning, sweeping in her Home after marriage and has not even seen

comforts in her Life forget Luxury. Today she is age 55 but looks like an ravaged Old haggard

woman 10 years older to her actual age.

2) Shyam Dhukkad when he was age 18, one Astrologer told his father that Your Son has the Gaja

kesari Yoga forming iin his Chart and that your son would always be happy, a great Business man,

and never have any wants unfulfilled in his life , but today at Age 65 Shyam scoffs at Astrologers and

their predictions because he has always remained an ordinary clerk in his Life with also 10 years of

doing Outdoor Sales work, and has never seen success but has spent whole his Life taking Loans

and repayment of same.

Considering the above Scenario which is a Reality, should we consider our Old Texts, Rishi Munis

and their Dictums as wrong and Defunct ?

Answer - No. Not at all. The Ancient Rishi Munis can NEVER be Wrong. Its we Astrologers who

have always been incomplete in our assessment due to lack of proper specific knowledge and the

application of the Dictums and lack of proper study.

Then why did the above Yogas do not work ?

Answer - They do, if we perhaps learn Astrology from those who are genuine and know what they

are into, and also teach what they know. In the First example above, Venus has moved from the 1st

House, to the 12th house in the Bhava Chalit Chart, hence instead of Giving something to the native,

it has always taken, and hence could not give results of the Malavya Yoga.

In the second example, the Moon which was in the 7th House opposite Jupiter, has moved to the 8th

house in the Bhava Chalit Chart, while Jupiter remains in the 1st House in the Natal Chart, hence No

Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Conclusions : ALWAYS Check whether the Yoga repeats in the Bhava Chalit Chart, otherwise do

not jump with Joy , and neither give false promises of Joy to the person whose chart you are

studying and predicting.

Saturn / Moon conjunction and aspect in a natal chart is one of the most complex issues in a chart . If other malefics also join then it is like gearing up to face enough of karmic lessons ( Saturn is main planet of karma ) . Usually at young age such persons suffer inferiority complex , have some miseries , difficulties , confusing situations , nothing confirmed status , fear of future , weak constitution due to impact of above factors . These lessons do not end but only change to higher forms . Naturally learning comes in various forms . The mind seeks answers as why ? What ? When ? Etc . The mind is under constant renovation , highly emotional and so many lessons as knowledge entering the mind and filling up . Such persons go through lot of depressions , learn spiritual lessons , travel a lot , have cold and airy troubles in body . Saturn never harms but being an amsha of Lord Shiva becomes a best teacher , even if poison tries to act , it can be overpowered and this is what Saturn may want to make us learn in the lengthy process . Secret here is moon is wavery and gets easily impacted by Saturn and we have to empower moon as a strong agent who can handle every other planet who influence just like Saturn holding much of the space of the brain . Once it is achieved , the mind becomes invincible just like lord Shiva . Happy reading . ( Please do not post queries below this post , this is for reading purpose only . Those who want queries answered can post in a new post with full details , Thanks for support ) .

1) Suppose a Close relative of yours give Birth to a son today in Bombay at 10.00am (Today 11th November ), but the child is weak and kept in an incubator, and since the childs father knows you are into astrology, he consults you about his welfare.What will you do ? Apart from looking at balarishta Yogas in his chart, you will also see what Dasha he is running, which includes, Mahadasha, and the current Antardasha . The Boy is running Mahadasha of Rahu, and the antardasha is of Venus. The antardasha would tell you exactly as to the child is under sway of which planet and what would be his fate . Right ?2) When I was born I had Moon at 8 degrees Moola, and I was born in the Ketu Mahadasha and the Jupiter antardasha. If my Grandfather had to ask some astrologer at time of my Birth about my health at that moment, that Astrologer too would have looked at which antardasha I was running at that point of time.This antardasha Planet in both Cases, is the SubLord of the Moon if you check the equations of Moon in the Jagannath Hora you will find as under -Moon = Rahu-Venus (Here Rahu is the Nakshatra Lord of the Moon, and Venus is the SubLord)In My Case the equations was as under -Moon = Ketu-Jupiter.So in KP (Krishnamurthy Padhaty) the Sublord is nothing but the antardasha of the planet, hence it is being given much importance in KP.

2) KETU is a spiritualist very similar to guru . He just wants us to check what we are lacking and fill it up in our lives , knowledge etc . He is like a stopper who blocks your activities , brings distance in relationships . All just to make us understand the difference of having and not having . Like for almost all people a Mother takes care of our duties , needs etc . If she is not

around for a week , few people almost get mad or miss her badly . Same way staying away from home , wife , kids etc . Probably sometimes he prepares us for such separative conditions which we need to pass through later in life , make us more mature and self reliant . I love ketu as a spiritual leader , he makes us struggle to gain in spirituality . He delays learning but gives some solid lessons . He gives intutional powers under planets like moon and mercury especially . He is closely related to lord Ganesh . The one and only lord of intelligence , remover of obstacles and giver of wealth of all kinds . The Spiritual World is not complete without JUPITER , KETU and even SATURN . Each represent Dharma , moksha and Karma . Jupiter comes to exaltation around june end 2014, ketu comes to meena rasi and later saturn to vrischik in few months time ahead . The future shows moksha gyan on high rise , birth of spiritual souls on this earth by the order of god , moksha to existing souls who have lead a spiritual life and done their duties here by serving humanity via knowledge and charity , reach heaven . Though such persons are not made easily , they have gone through lot of suffering , detachments from materialistic lives , relationships , struggled to gain and spread right knowledge . They are born to serve to their best of knowledge , lead many lives on path of moksha . carry the spiritual fire ahead . They are sent as guiding lights by god . They seek pleasure on divine activities . These times fake gurus will face defame , litigations and break in their activities , even genuine gurus can face lot of trouble of health like respiratory , rheumatic etc . All a game and part of moksha we never understand . This is a glance of future which may be a point of validity . I have tried to interpret and provide as a general info to all . Watch out in coming months , some kids may be born with chanting mantras.SATURN / KETU are very important planets in predictive astrology angle . Saturn is every ready , active and nothing can skip his eyes even for the most minutest second . Ketu keeps notes of activity of any jeev(life) on this planet . Saturn is a judge of all activities , based on each karma we humans take leverage and reach high positions , gain knowledge and tend to change our nature as age progress . We change from good to bad or vice-versa and we judge ourselves right always . Biggest fact is that we tend to forget . Ketu never forgets to note . If we have taken others things or cheated others , ketu can take ours too , like loss of property , money etc could be anything . Ketu takes and obstructs / blocks . Tit for tat . Here Saturn never leaves a stone unturned , he brings back our each wrong action in front of our daily life as what we did , if good then good happens , if we hurt others , cheated others , jealousy , harmed others , same repeats here . If both sat/ketu become active , then god help those souls . Depression , misery become active under negative conditions . Will continue the planets song ...... jai ganeshaya namah .( Aligned 3 of my posts for reading )

3) Whenever you find any connection (Conjunction) of the 4th lord with Rahu or Ketu please understand that there is some issue in Your Domestic affairs, as this combination is known as Gruha-Dosha. Alternatively you would find the same results if you have Rahu placed in the 4th House of Your Chart.Rahu and Moon together in the 4th House also augurs bad omens in Your family.Rahu + Venus in the 4th house means that the Ladies of your House would be suffering from all sorts of afflictions, premature widowhood, or some other kinds of suffering.The 2nd Lord with Rahu or Rahu placed in 2nd House with Venus would also give same effects as the 2nd House deals with family.These are such Doshas which are carried on from some Past Life and would normally be

found in Chart of other family members too.Whenever you notice such conditions in Your chart try to corroborate with actual reality in Your family, and if it matches then take help of some Professional Astrologer to reduce the affliction as its Not easy to get rid of the results of such Doshas completely.

4) A Formula to check whether a Female can give Birth to children :-From her Horoscope, Note down the Longitudes of Jupiter, Moon, and Mars. Add them. If the Result shows an EVEN Sign and Even Navamsha, she can Produce a Child.If the Result is mixed , for instance Even Sign, or odd Navamsha, or Vice versa, then the Child would come after much difficulty.For a Man you must add up Longitudes of Sun, Venus, and Jupiter. If Results show an odd Sign and Odd Navamsha then he has the capability to produce a Child. If Mixed results then Lafda.

5) The Ascendant is the 1st house or Your Head-Face. Draw one line from the ascendant to the 3rd and another line from the Ascendant to the 11th. It represents Your 2 Arms. These 2 Houses are the houses of Your Brothers, one younger, and the other elder. Mangal the Planet of Courage is the Karak of Brothers, and what do these two Arms-Brothers represent - Your "Baahubal" ? Hence the 3rd house-Younger brother is Your strength House, or House of Courage.Nothing in Astrology is without Logic. Its all Well connected, Though we may not be having keys for all the Locks is a different matter.

6) Simple astrology but interesting -Planets in the 11th - The Sun in the 11th would give you friends from those holding High Positions in Society including Bigwigs. The Moon and Venus would give you a lot of female friends. Mercury would give you friends from the Intelligent Class and literary types. Saturn here would give you Old, Mature, Aged and people who are serious in temperaments. Mars here would give you those who are from Administrative class, Sports men or one with Ambitions.Jupiter in 11th could give You Wealthy friends. And Rahu and Ketu means "Gadbad' type of people 

7( Followers of traditional Vedic astrology completely exclude the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and only use the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu. On the other hand, Neo-Vedic or contemporary Vedic astrologers like myself use the outer planets in their sidereal positions )not western tropical zodiac positions(, but we do not assign rulership, dignity and debility to them. I usually only pay attention to them when they make close natal or transiting contacts to the traditional grahas as well as to the four angular )kendra( house cusps. These four cusps provide the underpinning of a chart and reveal the greatest power available. They are the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house cusps of the chalit bhava chart. As power points, they should be inserted into the main whole sign "rashi" chart and then these points are evaluated for close aspects from natal and transiting planets. These points are:

8( 1. Ascendant/janma lagna/1st house cusp9( 2. Descendant/asta lagna/7th house cusp10( 3. MC-midheaven/madhya lagna/10th house cusp 11( 4. IC-imum coeli/patala lagna/4th house cusp12(

13( I also use the outer planets in element analysis, assigning each outer planet one point in its respective element. One of my Jyotish mentors says the outer planets are akin to the "Upa-Graha" or nonluminous planets. As they are not visible to the naked eye, some astrologers believe that they operate more internally or just collectively. I track them all the time in natal and mundane forecasting and have seen much evidence pointing to their powerful influence both personally and collectively. In other words, I observe that they have internal as well as external effects and certainly not just transpersonal effects. I myself personally experienced a great family tragedy when transiting Pluto formed a T-square with transiting Mars conjunct the natal MC opposite Uranus conjunct the natal IC.

14(15( So what's the deal with the outer planets and Vedic astrology? Well, there is evidence in

India’s tradition of Nadi astrology that the ancient Vedic astrologers knew of the outer planets. One such source of proof is in an ancient cadjan-leaf Nadi of Sage Kapilar, which mentions the mound of Neptune )called Varuna( in a native’s palm. The same Nadi predicted grand and glorious prosperity and success to the same native, whose horoscope was otherwise poor, due to Neptune's being well placed in exaltation. This edition curiously gave only a horoscope showing the seven planets plus Rahu and Ketu, but also mentioned that Uranus marred a certain yoga and that Neptune's )Varuna's( aspect was far more auspicious than even Jupiter's.

The late-great Vedic astrologer Narendra Desai spoke of another Nadi called the Vasishta Nadi, which he said that he actually examined in the Madras Museum. Desai said the sage stated very clearly in this Nadi that the outer planets, which are invisible to the naked eye, would be discovered and that their astrological use would be understood in the Kali Yuga. Interestingly, Desai always considered Uranus to be the main karaka )significator( of astrology and astrologers.

According to P.S. Sastri in his Textbook on Scientific Astrology, there is mention of the outer planets in the Mahabharata, though there is some debate over the identification of Varuna with the planet Neptune. It should not surprise us that the ancient Vedic astrologers knew of the outer planets; the Bhagavata Purana, also known as Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, or simply Bhāgavatam, written about c.3100 BCE., describes our galaxy as resembling the form of a s'is'umâra or dolphin. Of course these ancient seers would have known of the outer planets if they knew the shape of our galaxy! Why the ancient seers of Vedic astrology did not use the outer planets is a mystery that might be better understood in light of certain suppositions held within contemporary Western astrology, which is that the outer planets have been “discovered” at times in history when their particular significations became more relevant to the cultural needs of the time. For instance, Neptune's discovery in1846 correlates with developments of that era in Neptunian fields such as chemistry, pharmaceuticals, spiritualism and mysticism.

16(17( Neera a beautiful, cheerful, loving girl is the only daughter of our neighbor. They married

her to rich, successful business tycoon Rohit. Rohit and Neera were living happily in combined family.

18( They were blessed with a lovely daughter Neha and their life become more cheerful. But life never remains same all the time. Something like this happened with Neera too.

19( A call came on Neera’s mobile and informed her that her husband Rohit met with an accident. She ran to hospital but no medicine could save Rohit’s life and he was declared dead. This news shattered Neera and she was disturbed physically, emotionally and mentally. She was taking breathe but there was no sign of life in her life. She was living only for her daughter.

20( Neera’s in laws who were taking care of her as their own daughter, took decision to re marry her.They re-married her to Anuj whose wife passed way while giving birth to his son. Anuj was emotionally attached to his son and this is why he listened to all rights and wrongs of his son.

21( Anuj’s son could not accept Neera as his mother and Neha as his sister. Every day he started complaining about Neera and Neha to Anuj. In the love and affection of son, Anuj decided to give divorce to Neera. Now Neera and Neha are at Rohit’s parents home and she is helping in looking after business.

22( While checking at Neera’s horoscope, I saw in her birth chart, spouse house and its lord is afflicted by negative planets and also getting aspect by planet which indicates double marriage. Jupiter a natural significator of husband in girl’s chart is in negative yoga. Moon a natural benefic planet has also become malefic in her horoscope.

23( The good thing in her birth chart is Ascendant sign lord Venus is well placed so in difficult situations also she is getting help from family. Career )Karma( house lord Saturn is in aspect of Venus which is benefic. Taking interest in business is favorable decision because of this benefic yoga.

24) Remember well on the Logic why the 2nd House denotes your Bank Balance and Cash balance.I am represented by the first House and the 4th house is My residence House or Home.Similarly the Financial gains denoted from the 11th and these too need a place to stay , so count the 4th from the 11th and we have the 2nd House .Got it ? So simple Logic but effective and convincing.

25) Will My desire (whatever it may be) be fulfilled ?1) If the Ascendant lord and the 11th lord are both Retrograde- Then NO.2) If the Ascendant Lord and 11th lord are Not retro and connecting - Yes.3) If the Ascendant Lord is Direct, but 11th lord Retro - No(In case of KP if the 11th CSL (Cuspal SubLord ) is retro or placed in Nakshatra of a retro , then - NO.)