Post on 07-Feb-2018

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    Prof. Dr. Ender SEMZ Medical Park Gebze Hastanesi

  • 49 yanda, erkek hasta Darda gezerken senkop ata, kafa

    travmas Gtrld hastanede EKG deiiklii ve

    TR: 0.14 >>> Q dalgasz MI tansyla sevk Acil servise getirildiinde genel durumu iyi,

    obez, kan basnc 16-10 cmHg, kalp-akcier muayenesi normal

    zgemiinde NIDDM, hipertansiyon Senkop ve kafa travmas nedeni ile acil

    serviste BBT ekimi

  • 18.02.2012

  • Koroner youn bakma yatrlan hastada ilk laboratuvar deerleri:

    Hg: 14.4gm, lkosit: 12.250, trombosit: 207000, Tr I: 0.19, CK-MB: 9.8, Kreatinin: 0.8 mg, ALT: 45, AST: 23

    Youn bakmda bulant-kusma, bilin kayb tekrar, ventrikler takikardi, kardiyovaskler arrest

    Baarl canlandrmay takiben acil koroner anjiyografi

  • 20.02.2012

  • ASA 300 mg, Fraxiparin 2x0.6cc, Metoprolol 50 mg, Amiodaron infzyonu, O2 tedavisi

    Hg: 13gm, lkosit: 9620, trombosit: 208000,

    Tr I: 0.32, CK-MB: 13, kreatinin: 1.1, ALT: 40, AST: 20, Na: 139, K: 4.5

    Epigastrik duyarllk nedeni ile genel cerrahi konsltasyonu >> akut gastrit

  • Bradikardi ve kusmann devam etmesi, tekrarlayan arrest nedeni ile >>> Nroloji konsltasyonu: Fizik muayene normal. Kafa travmas yks nedeniyle nroirrji blmnce de grlmesi.

    Acil serviste ekilen BBT >> Normal. ncelikli olarak vazo-vagal senkop dnld. Kardiyak

    neden yok ise, EEG de ekilmek zere Nroloji polikliniine kontrol

    Takipte genel durumu iyi, yaknmas yok. EKG Holteri ve gerekirse EF uygulanmak zere 4 gn

    sonra taburcu

  • Taburcu olduktan 6 gn sonra tekrarlayan senkop ataklar ile tekrar yatrld.

    Genel durumu iyi. Kan basnc normal, hafif takikardik ve takipneik. Kalp muayenesinde ek ses ya da frm yok.

    Hg: 12.4gm, lkosit: 6930, trombosit: 288000, kreatinin: 0.9, Na: 139, K: 4.3, arteriyel kanda pH: 7.496, pO2: 52 mmHg, pCo2: 25.2 mmHg, %sO2: 90.1 HCO3: 19.5mmol

  • 28.02.2012

  • 28.02.2012

  • 28.02.2012

  • Pulmoner emboli tans ile hastaya sistemik 100 mg tPA tedavisi uyguland (29.02.2012)

    Heparin 1000 /saat Bilateral alt ekstremite venz Doppler:

    Sol popliteal vende total tromboz ile uyumlu akm kayb, apta art ve kompresyona yantszlk

  • 01.03.2012

  • 02.03.2012

  • Ekosonic 106cm 40 cm endovascular device EKOS Corporation

  • Ekosonic 106cm 40 cm endovascular device EKOS Corporation

  • 05.03.2012

  • 07.03.2012 Aegisy vena cava filtresi Lifetech Scientific (Shenzhen) Co.

  • 21.03.2012

  • Pulmonary Embolism Annual incidence

    United States: >600,000; Europe >1,000,000

    Up to 200,000 deaths in the US annually More die of PE in the US than AIDS, motor vehicle accidents & breast

    cancer combined

    PE categories Massive (5% of PE patients): 58% 90-day mortality rate

    Patients present in hemodynamic collapse with cardiogenic shock; high early mortality rate due in part to right ventricular failure

    Sub-massive (40% of PE patients): 22% 90-day mortality rate Presenting with thrombosis usually in one or both of the left and right pulmonary arteries, hemodynamic compensation and maintenance of adequate systolic arterial blood pressure albeit with right heart strain consistent with imminent right heart failure

    Minor (55% of PE patients): 15% 90-day mortality rate Presenting with small clots in the distal pulmonary vessels, pleuritic chest pain, mild tachycardia and possibly hemoptysis Goldhaber SZ, Visani L, De Rosa M, et al. for ICOPER. Acute pulmonary embolism; clinical outcomes in the International Cooperative Pulmonary Embolism Registry. Lancet 1999;353:1386-1389

    High Risk

    Intermediate Risk

  • The Challenge why Thrombus Is So Difficult To Dissolve

    Plasminogen receptor sites are embedded into thrombus during formation

    Speed of lysis depends on ability of lytic to access plasminogen receptor sites**

    Tightly wound fibrin strands prevent lytic from penetrating the thrombus, limiting access to plasminogen receptor sites

    ** Francis, Charles W. et al. Ultrasound Accelerates Transport of Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator into Clots. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 21.3 (1995): 419-424.

  • Mechanism of Action

    Ultrasound energy causes fibrin strands to thin and loosen, exposing plasminogen receptor sites

    Thrombus permeability and thrombolytic penetration are dramatically increased

    Ultrasonic pressure waves force drug deep into the clot and keep it there

    Drug acts faster, clearing clot sooner with reduced bleeding complications, &

    Ultrasound accelerated thrombolysis





    (Science studied over 4 decades)

    No hemolysis No valve or wall damage Very low risk of embolization

  • Ultrasound mechanism of action

    Standard Infusion Catheter

    Spread of Stained t-PA

    Plasma Clot Plasma Clot

    Spread of Stained t-PA

    EkoSonic Endovascular Device

    Thrombus exposed to ultrasound absorbed 48% more t-PA in one hour, 84% more t-PA in two hours and 89% more t-PA in 4 hours than thrombus not exposed to ultrasound pressure.7

    7Francis, CW, et al. Ultrasound Accelerates Transport of Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator into Clots. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 21.3 (1995): 419-424.

  • Submassive Pulmonary Emboli, An Unrecognized And Often Fatal

    Condition: Incidence, Diagnosis And Treatment With Ultrasonic Thrombolysis

    38th Annual VEITHsymposium, New York, NY November 17, 2011

    Tod C. Engelhardt, MD

    Chair, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Division, East Jefferson General Hospital, Metairie, LA, USA

  • East Jefferson General Hospital New Orleans

    Presenter Disclosure Financial:

    T. Engelhardt is a consultant for EKOS Corporation

    Approved Uses: The device used in this presentation has received European approval (CE Mark) for

    the treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE) The device discussed in this presentation has been cleared by the US FDA for

    placement in the PA for use with solutions

    Unapproved/Unlabeled Uses: This presentation includes information on uses of drug and device that have not

    been approved or cleared by the US FDA for PE treatment

  • KOMPLKASYONLAR & LGN OLGULARSlayt Numaras 2Slayt Numaras 3Slayt Numaras 4Slayt Numaras 5Slayt Numaras 6Slayt Numaras 7Slayt Numaras 8Slayt Numaras 9Slayt Numaras 10Slayt Numaras 11Slayt Numaras 12Slayt Numaras 13Slayt Numaras 14Slayt Numaras 15Slayt Numaras 16Slayt Numaras 17Slayt Numaras 18Slayt Numaras 19Slayt Numaras 20Slayt Numaras 21Slayt Numaras 22Slayt Numaras 23Slayt Numaras 24Slayt Numaras 25Slayt Numaras 26Slayt Numaras 27Slayt Numaras 28Slayt Numaras 29Slayt Numaras 30Slayt Numaras 31Slayt Numaras 32Slayt Numaras 33Slayt Numaras 34Slayt Numaras 35Slayt Numaras 36Slayt Numaras 37Slayt Numaras 38Slayt Numaras 39Slayt Numaras 40Slayt Numaras 41Pulmonary EmbolismSlayt Numaras 43Slayt Numaras 44Slayt Numaras 45Slayt Numaras 46Slayt Numaras 47Slayt Numaras 48Slayt Numaras 49East Jefferson General HospitalNew OrleansSlayt Numaras 51Slayt Numaras 52Slayt Numaras 53