Koen Denolf - Why the travel industry needs content marketing - Travel 360 congress

Post on 08-May-2015

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Big sites as booking.com are taking over the travel industry, the traditional travel industry is suffering, with content marketing they can regain their terrain.

Transcript of Koen Denolf - Why the travel industry needs content marketing - Travel 360 congress

Waarom de reissector nood heeft aan content marketing


Create creative content people want to see and share

We zijn goed bezig, of niet?

zo was het vroeger...

Want er is een en ander veranderd

Spreken we die mensen nog aan met onze klassieke aanpak?

zo is het nu...

schema Lucius

Do not despair

78% are still willing to go to a travel agent

But the search starts online

We need to attract and host them with content marketing

schema Lucius

© Redrocketmedia

who still believes these people?

content marketing is less disruptive

instead of to them

it is about talking with people

it is about telling what people are really interested in

In fact, some brands were pioneers in content marketing

We have all browsed through these

Is what we tell relevant enough?

Whatpeoplewant to



should tell


want totell


What can we tell?

Create your own story

not like this...

Make sure it is real, authentic

Claim an emotional domain or niche

a common enemy

or a common cause

Exclusive / curated (make it your own)

How can we tell it?


...and paid...

...gets you earned media

invest in a relationship, every day

content marketing = philosophy

Kleindokkaai 17, 9000 Gent . 09 266 14 18 . willem@het-salon.be

