Kim Au Le - Portfolio

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Kim Au Le - Portfolio

sourced. The interior spaces low freely from one to other.

wall is kept uninished, contrasting with the modern looking

In-loor radiant heating

The in-loor radiant heating is used to keep the space

lushing toilet or irrigating the park.

The subtle low from the exterior to the interior allows for a

To relect the eclectic feel, the space is strategically

Baroque inluence in the vibrant modern punk, encourage

My individual participation included inishing the loor plan drawing, picking interior inishes and

Throughout this home every inch is carefully designed, with a family ofice tucked into one nook and the combination of bigger ofice and guest room in the secondary bedroom. Abundant storage takes advantage of high ceilings. Custom maple plywood cabinets ills the kitchen, which is deined not only by its horizontal lines and

Studio ofice

ofice nook

the inal design guaranteed the dream became reality.


Like a stream loating down the mountain to ind its own path, living with nature is inding your own way. This is the way of the it will simply goes around without a pause, it will ind it own way.

The simplicity of the loor plan indicate a clear and simple mind,






visitors the opportunity to escape modern troubles and ind