Khairul Azri

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Transcript of Khairul Azri

  • 7/30/2019 Khairul Azri


    Nowadays, we can see that people live in harmony and peaceful environment without any

    problems, making them feel less stressful. It is perspective which we assume towards people

    surrounding us but in reality, it contradicts. The nature of the job, family matter, financial problems

    and religious belief make some people tend to do improper and unconscious action such as

    attempting suicide. In Malaysia, the suicide rate is on the rise as reported by Sipalan(2012) from

    June to August 2012. The most interesting part is Chinese community is on the top followed by theIndians while Malays is the lowest suicidal rate as the report shows. When we compared between

    Malaysia and Singapore, the suicidal rate are similar among the three races. Chinese still on the top

    followed by Indians and Malays. According to Alphonsus(2012), there are three common form of

    suicide adopted among the three races in Malaysia such as jumping off high buildings, hanging and

    also poisoning. Among these three, the Chinese was favoured to at tempt suicide by jumping off

    high building while the Indians and Malays are either attempt to suicide by poisoning or hanging. On

    the other hand, it is interesting to note that, male are more common in attempt actual suicide rather

    than female (Grivion&Apter, 2012). This is because it is not male social culture to tell others about

    their problems and male are generally have big responsibility to survive in their life, to serve and

    protect of their love ones (Alphonsus,2012). Next, in the sociology, there are 3 major sociological

    perspectives can be implemented to study the causes and effect of the suicide attempt in ourcountry which are structural-functional approach, social-conflict approach and symbolic-interaction

    approach. These three perspectives are designed to answer the question or explain a particular

    phenomenon to view our social world.

    Firstly, the structural-functional approach means a framework for building theory that sees

    society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability

    (Macionis,2007). From here, this perspective emphasizes on how the society is structured in order

    to maintain the stability and also the societys effect on the individual. Related to this approach,

    Chinese is on top of the suicide rate in Malaysia. This is due to the achievement-oriented upbringing

    and the importance placed on family interests that make them feel pressure at the first. Besides,

    social institutions such as family play a big role in raising their children such as giving the education

    as the way to transmit skills, knowledge and culture to its youth. For example, Chineses family

    especially the father and the mother tend to push their children to get the higher marks for their

    examination. They put high hope to their children as they have given their children education by

    sending them to the better school, tuitions and extra classes in order to make their children get the

    results with flying colours. From this situation, the children will feel the pressure as the father and

    the mother put high hope on them to get the best results. Hence, when the target is to get best

    result is not achieved, these Chinese youth faced anxiety, depression and even to attempt suicide as

    they felt massive pressure and stress (Alphonsus,2012).We can conclude that, in term of the

    structural-functional approach, this action is called social dysfunctional as it makes an individual to

    commit suicide because of the family institution do not play the best role for their children.

    According to Macionis(2007), social dysfunctional is any social pattern that may disrupt the

    operation of society. On the other hand, it is functional if they contribute to social stability. In the

    early study by Emile Durkheims suicide, he studied about the individual characteristics and the

    society. He made the conclusion that suicide may cause by the weak social connection is called

    egoistic suicide. While suicide result from the lack of regulation in a capitalist society is called anomic


    Secondly, social-conflict approach means a framework for building theory that sees society

    as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change (Macionis , 2007). This approach more

    emphasizes on inequality and changes rather than focus on solidarity and stability stated in

    structural-functional approach. In the study of Karl Marx, he stated about the dominance and the

    coercion like the rich and the poor, people of colour and men relation to women (Macionis, 2007).

    Gender-conflict approach is one of the important types of conflict perspectives where it focused oninequality and conflict between men and women. For example, as we all know men places higher in

  • 7/30/2019 Khairul Azri


    position of power than the women nowadays. We can see that study from Kok&Goh(2011) based on

    Durkheims suicide theory, men are more susceptible in relationship status and hence influence

    them to greater risk of attempting suicide than women. While when compared to conflict approach,

    men are generally known to have a big responsibility towards his life and family that would burden

    him compared to women. In addition, when they having problems, men usually do not share the

    problems with the others even their family and friends (Alphonsus, 2012). Thus, we can concludethat men are prone to commit suicide than women as women do not have power to lead the family

    or either in the workplace. This type of conflict approach is closely the same with the feminism, the

    advocacy of social equality for women and men (Macionis, 2007). Besides the gender-conflict

    approach, the race-conflict approach also necessary in order to make a clear view about cause and

    effect among the races in the country. The race-conflict approach closely related to inequality and

    conflict in different races and the ethnics. For instance, Singapore Chinese measured that

    materialistic wealth is necessary in their life (Chia&Thoi, 1972). Singapore is the country with high

    cost living and causes them to work harder in order to get money. Apparently, they become higher

    suicidal rate than Malays and Indians due to pressure in working and also some other major factors

    such as psychiatric illness, physical illness, disturbed social and personal relationship and economical

    stress due to high cost living. When compared to suicide in Malays, Malays is low in number atSingapore compared to Indians and Chinese. The main causes of suicide were mental illness,

    physical illness and love problems (Chia&Thoi, 1972). Cultural belief and values influenced these two

    ethnic groups as Malays valued all the harmony in intimate inter-personal relationship and

    influenced by the Islamic values while the Chinese they more prone to have stress and pressure to

    gain more wealth. In Malaysia, the conflict arise in suicide rate are almost the same as the Singapore

    as Malays still in the lower suicide rate compare to Chinese and Indians.

    Lastly, the third perspective is the symbolic-interaction approach which reflects the micro-

    level orientation, a close-up focus on social interaction in specific situations (Macionis, 2007). Its

    mean a framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions

    of individual (Macionis, 2007). While structural-functional approach and social-conflict approach

    shared the macro-level orientation, which mean both focus broad on social structures that shape the

    society as a whole. Symbolic-interaction approach emphasizes that human behaviour influenced by

    the meaning, language and thought as stated by Nelson (1998). The meaning is the main central in

    human behaviour in the symbolic- interaction approach in which meaning defined as human act

    toward people and things based upon the meaning that they have given to those people or things

    (Nelson, 1998). In addition, second principle is language. For example, it talks about meaning

    through symbol. Lastly, the third is the thought. It means modifies each individuals interpretation

    (Nelson, 1998). From these three principles, we can implement in ones behaviour as a major factor

    contributing to suicide rate in Malaysia. For example, when someone has been bullied or insulted,

    they preferred to commit suicide due to inappropriate language used, and also inequality in the

    treatment given towards them. One of the cases happen in our country is Ivan Wong who loves to

    play badminton with his friends has been bullied by his seniors at the school. He could not endure

    the unremitting joke just because they said that he is no good at badminton. Because of that

    condition, he experienced physical and psychological bullying that made him decides to stop what

    he enjoys to do (Eek, 2009). Although, he did not think to attempt suicide, we can see that because

    of the harmful words or actions may lead him to commit suicide. He may often experience feeling of

    great distress, fear and self-doubt that could be taken as a whole drop in self-esteem (Eek, 2009).

    As we all know, suicide is prohibited in Islam as it contradict with the teaching. Here come

    the important of religions in order to reduce the suicide rate in the country. The obvious reason that

    can be seen; the Islamic countries tend to have lowest suicide rate in the world (Brown, 2001). In

    Malaysia, it is interesting to note that, mostly Malays are Muslims and more knowledgeable in

    religions compared to other races. There are lots of talks or lectures about Islam on the television,radio or even in the mass media to spread the teachings in order to remember one another to

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    achieve the goal in their life. However, from the figures showed in the three-year period, Malays is

    also not an exception because there is still some attempt to suicide. As mentioned in surah An-Nisa

    verse 29, And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you. Moreover, in Surah Al-

    Baqarah verses 195 states that And do not throw yourselves in destruction. Both verses indicate

    that life is a bounty given by Allah and we as a Muslim should use what have been given properly to

    us by not doing any destruction on ourselves like suicide as the solution of the problems. Everyonehas their faith towards Allah and this kind of faith is varies among the people. That is difficult to

    determine the impact and influence of Islamic faith on suicidality (Cosar et al. 2007; Khan and Reza

    2000). From here we can see that religion institution play an important role in order to make the

    society stable. Islam emphasizes suicide is strictly forbidden that can cause the individual to be cast

    into hell. In the surah an-Nisa verse 29 and 30 has mentioned this clearly O you who believe! Eat

    not up your property-among yourselves in vanities: but let there be amongst you traffic and trade by

    mutual good-will: nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah has been to you Most Merciful! If

    any do that in rancour and injustice-soon shall We cast them into the fire: and easily it is for Allah.

    When we relate it to structural-functional approach where the function of the religion is closely

    related, Durkheim emphasizes that they are 3 major function of religion that give to function of the

    society. There are social cohesion, social control and providing meaning and purpose (Macionis,2007). However, this approach downplays religions dysfunctional because the facts held beliefs can

    generate social conflict. Next, the social-conflict approach by Karl Marx states about religion serves

    ruling elites by legitimizing the status quo and diverting peoples attention from social inequalities

    (Macionis, 2007). While in the symbolic-interaction approach, clearly view about well constructed

    society. For example, one of the reasons people commit suicide is from the marital conflict. If both

    see the marriage as a merely contract, they are free to go wherever they want to and thus with the

    strong religious belief the number of divorce rate can b reduced (Macionis, 2007). Hence, the suicide

    among the divorce people can be reduced. This is how the religion such as Islam is well constructed

    in teaching it to its believers. Thus, Malays especially should use the bounty given by Allah that are

    Iman, Islam , Ihsan and Taqwa properly in order to save them from casting into hell.

    Next, the percentage of Muslim society in Malaysia is much higher than other religion as a

    result the Malays are the majority of the Islam. There are some factors that contribute them to do

    suicide although Islam argues that it is prohibited as it is contradicts the principles and practices of

    Islam. The family institution plays a big role in this problem as they are the closest with their children

    at home. In terms of sociology perspectives, the structural-functional approach, family is the first

    and most important setting for child rearing (Macionis, 2007). Religious education about Islam must

    be implemented in the family. The reason that suicide is happening till now is due to lack of Islamic

    teaching by the parents. We can see that parents nowadays are too busy with their work thus

    ignoring their part in giving advices to their children especially the teenagers. In the social conflict

    and feminist analysis states that family as central to our way of life (Macionis, 2007) means its role

    in stratification where how the family maintain social inequality. That is why parents involvement is

    important to direct the interaction with the child, availability to the child and responsibility for the

    care of the child to avoid them to suicide (Flouri&Buchanan, 2002). At the end, due to prohibition of

    the religion, Malaysian families were reluctant to report suicide incident (Tam&Lee, 2011).Thus,

    from here; family involvement for support would recover the compliance (Tam&Lee, 2011). The

    symbolic-interaction approach view can be implemented such as with the family, social emotional

    bond can be built through activities done together with relationship mother and father to the

    children (Macionis, 2007). According to Tam and Lee (2011), a healthy relationship with the parents

    is the best way when compared to the other prevention methods like education, social workers,

    religion and psychologist.

    Due to social changes nowadays, Muslim is not an exception to follow the post

    modernisation. As mentioned by Dallmayr (1993), modernisation may change in the socioculturalbelief. From here we can see that the characteristics of post modernisation such as no truth, no

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    reality, based on imagination and speculation, meaningless and valueless, multiplicities that include

    multicultural dimensions, equal representation and total doubt may influence the Muslim society to

    follow such characteristics. Here come the problem arise to social behaviour to the Muslim today

    such as suicide. As an IIUM Muslim student and the Muslim staff, all of us have responsibility to

    prevent such social behaviour like attempting suicide among the Muslims. It is our duty for us to

    remind each other about the true path of Islam. From surah al-Asr verse 3 mentioned about thisExcept such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of

    Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. Besides, as mentioned in surah al-Fatihah verse 5, You do

    we worship, and Your aid we seek. The purpose of life is to worship Him alone not others. Remind

    with the other Muslim to worship Him alone and thus social problem such as suicide will not arise.

    We as Muslim should have a strong faith in Him in order to make Islam as the way of life. Not only

    that, the concept of brotherhood among the Muslim may control this type of social problems such as

    giving dakwah to one another without any intention to be hatred or insulated. Correct our intention

    to make them close to Allah. In the surah Al-Zukhruf verse 68 states that Friends on that Day will be

    foes, one another except the Righteous. From here, for such behaviour, Muslim society will not

    point each other when the problems arise among them but as a whole society discuss how to solve

    the problem in the peaceful way. Next, to prevent such social problems, IIUM Muslim students andMuslim staff should know it is a sin when let other Muslims life to commit suicide whether it

    happens consciously or unconsciously. They must know that life given by Allah is the most precious

    gift from Him to His believers. Thus, it is forbidden to attempt suicide in Islam as mentioned in the

    surah Al-Baqarah verse 173, He has forbidden you only the carrion (flesh of dead animals), and

    blood, and flesh of swine, and that which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allah (or has

    been slaughtered for idols, on which Allahs Name has not been mentioned whilst slaughtering). But

    if one is forced by necessity without wilful disobedience or transgressing due limits, then there is no

    sin on him. Truly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful . As a Muslim, do not hesitate to share

    problems with another. Other than factors contributed to suicide mentioned above, feeling

    hopelessness, personal history of depression and aggressive behaviour, use of alcohol and drugs and

    socioeconomic status influenced someone to have intention to commit suicide. From these factors,by giving some wise motivation can be made them pleased to think deeply before do the wrong

    actions. Attract them to be close to Allah and hence it would make them realise that Allah is always

    with them in whatever condition they may have as mentioned in surah Al-Baqarah verse 286 On no

    soul does Allah place a burden greater that it can bear.

    In conclusion, we can conclude that social illness like suicide that happen in our country

    today should be prevented. The economy and work, politics and government, health and medicine

    and education also play the important role in reducing the number of suicide in Malaysia, not only

    the religion and also families institutions. The three perspectives mentioned clearly the cause and

    effect how they work together in order to study and explain the phenomenon happen in the whole

    society. The structural-functional approach stated about the functions of the society to make it

    stable and social equilibrium. The social-conflicts approach emphasizes about the inequality and

    lastly symbolic-interaction approach more concern about ones behaviours and how it works to the

    society. There are lots of causes that influence the individual to suicide such as problems in marital

    status, mental illness, schizophrenia and also cultural influences. It is the duty for us to take the

    prevention steps from this problem to invade widely into serious problem. The environments such

    as the society have to be more concern about each other not only to stare at the problem without

    any action. In the individual perspectives, one should think deeply about their family and friends

    when deciding to attempt the suicide as the solution. Turn to Allah and seek His forgiveness.