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Transcript of KEMBARA SUJUD

Selected Issues on Bilateral Relationship between Malaysia-Indonesia and the Role of University Students inon Peacebuilding Approaches.


This paper aims to address the background relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia.

History of the bilateral relationship for both countries are not only affected them, but other

countries in the region. However, the discussion only focussesing on the bilateral relationship

between Malaysia and Indonesia whichith involved several issues that can be influenced it.

Furthermore, in order to strengthening the bilateral relationship, the role of student based

peacebuilding will be highlighted as an alternative track through some activities and

academic approach.

The relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia not only started since the establishment of

both countries, instead it happened before the arrival of colonizer. At that time, there was no

immigration procedure that even border bothers to check up for people who want to move

from one place to another place especially around the region of Nusantara.1 Basically, the

people travelingtravelling for the purpose of relatives’ relationship migrate and trades. But

the underlying factor that influences the movement was the sharing of similarity from the

various matters like the skin colour, culture as well as language. It was because they were

believed to be originated from the same root of race. So, the sense of belonging makes them

feel comfortable and easye to interact to each other in a daily life.

A Brief Background on Malaysia-Indonesia Relationship

1 Indonesia and Malaysia, which occupy the same archipelago and have overlapping history and language, have fiercely disputed the ownership of Nusantara (“Archipelago”) culture. See Christopher Kremerr, Malaysia and Nusantara Heritage in the Adik-Abang Relationship (Standford Journal of International Relations: Standford UP, 2011) 28-29.

UPNM, 06/10/14,
The Malaysia-Indonesia Bilateral Relationship and the role of University Students in Peacebuilding Approaches
UPNM, 06/10/14,
However, the discussion only focusses on the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia which involved several issues that can be influenced by it.ORHowever, the discussion only focusses on the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia which involved several issues that can influence it.

Long time ago, the concept of Nusantara had been used since the empire of Srivijaya and

Majapahit. The Sultanate of Malacca which emerged after both empires were assumed as the

continuity of the ideologyNusantara’s ideology of Nusantara to protect their people and also

to prosper the whole region. Nevertheless, the concept of Nusantara almost vanished during

the arrival and invationdes of imperialistthe imperialist party. The Western imperialists

consisting like Portuguese, Spain, and Netherland, Britain and even Japan from the East had

been colonized the whole region of Nusantara for economic and power reasons.

While they were conquered the whole region, those colonizers particularly Britain and

Netherland made a treaty in 1824 to divide the region and to avoid the conflict of interest

among them. Therefore, the Nusantara region had been split accorregarding to the power of

the colonizerscolonize parties. After the rise of nationalist movement in Indonesia, especially

in Pulau Jawa led by Soekarno in order to fight with Netherland, they were made a victory in

gaining the independence in 1945.2 Afterwards, it was followed by the independence of the

Malay Peninsula to be a Federation of Malay Land in 1957. Since the independence for both

countries had been achieved, they attempted to revive the concept of Nusantara for the sake

of their relationships. But, the challenge was there were not only Malaysia and Indonesia

who were gained independence. There were also several countries in the region that made

to becoame independence from colonizer like the Philippines, Singapore and others.

So, as sovereign and independentce countries in the region, other countries should be

involved for the sake of security and economic development. That was why in 1961, the

Association of Southeast Asia (ASA) had been launched in conjunction with the Bangkok

Treaty. The aim of ASA was tend to develop the country through socially and economically

2 Ricklefs, M.C., 1981. A History of modern Indonesia (Sejarah Indonesia moden), Cetakan semula Macmillan

Asia Tenggara, m.s. 198

UPNM, 06/15/14,
But, the challenge was that, they were not the only countries which gained independence at that time.

and to prevent the ideology of communism. The members of ASA were Malaysia and

Indonesia together with the Philippines. However, the ASA has failed due to dispute between

Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Both Indonesia and the Philippines did not were not

recognized the formation of Malaysia in 1963 because it was a new model of neocolonialism

in the region.3

Then, MAPHLINDOMAPHILINDO (abbreviation of the word Malaysia, Philippines and

Indonesia) is a cluster ofwith three countries involved andwere formed in 1963. The primary

goal of this alliance is to enhance the friendly relations and settle the disputes between

Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia. The MAPHLINDOMAPHILINDO asked the United

Nations to involve in this formation of Malaysia. Thus, the Cobbold Commission has been

created to address the support of Sabahan and Sarawakian people to join the formation of

Malaysia. As a result of the Cobbold Commission, the majority of the population and the

citizens of both states have agreed and supported the formation of Malaysia. Nevertheless,

Indonesia and the Philippines did not recognize the vote and view the results; the two

countries continued to critique and resist the formation of Malaysia Federation of the

sovereign. The continued strife caused judging not serve again.

The Philippines still put its claim on Sabah due to historical background that Sabah was

under the Sulu Sultanate for the first place. As a result, the government of the Philippines

broke the diplomatic relationship with Malaysia. But, for the worst thinge was when the

Indonesia launched a confrontation to Malaysia with the slogan ‘Ganyang Malaysia’.4 The

confrontation was an undeclared war with most of the action occurredring in the border area

between Indonesia and East Malaysia on the island of Borneo (known as Kalimantan in

Indonesia). The conflict was characterized asby restrained and isolated ground combat, set


4 Artikel Kompas bertajuk "Sukarno, Malaysia, dan PKI" tanggal Sabtu, 29 September 2007

UPNM, 06/15/14,
I don’t understand this phrase

within tactics of low-level brinkmanship. Combat was usually conducted by company or

platoon sized operations on either side of the border. The conflict is sometimes informally

referred to as the 'Platoon Commander's War', at least before the start of Operation Claret.

Indonesia's campaign of infiltrations into Borneo sought to exploit the ethnic and religious

diversity in Sabah and Sarawak compared to that of Malaya and Singapore, with the intent of

unraveling the proposed state of Malaysia.5 However, the wisdom of the leaders under the

leadership of Tunku Abdul Rahman has successfully rescued the country from the disaster of

war with the people cluster. Excellent outcome of negotiations between the Tun Abdul Razak

and Tan Sri Ghazalie Shafie, Tun Adam Malik, the Indonesian Foreign Minister and General

Ali Moertopo in Bangkok and Jakarta, Malaysia-Indonesia confrontation was over.6

According to the basic historyical above, the relationship between Malaysian and Indonesia

have a sort of up and down. It caused by several factors such as political ideology, impact of

colonialism as well as economic concern. However, both countries still strive to maintain the

good relationship for the sake of peace and stability. In addition, there are from the same

origin. In order to achieve the developings nation -statuse, Malaysia and Indonesia cannot

avoid several issues that created tension among their people. The disputes between Malaysia

and Indonesia will be addressed below with some related issues.

Overlapping Claims and the Border Dispute

The geographical factor always createsing conflict between Malaysia and Indonesia due to

the border sharing. The issues that arise in this matter ares like petroleum and gas exploration

or fishing activities f. For example, the Ambalat dispute. This issue was the continuity from


6 Konfrontasi Malaysia Indonesia. 2009. Penerbit UKM: Bangi. ISBN 978-967-942-453-7 (kulit lembut). 254 halaman. Nik Anuar Nik Mahmud.

the dispute between Malaysia and Indonesia on Sipadan-Ligitan authority. International

Court of Justice (ICJ) as arbitrator in this issue gaveiven the authority to Malaysia on

Sipadan-Ligitan due to several reasons like Malaysia has continued control and

administration since 1878. This is based on the control and regulation of the collection of

eggs turtles, the formation of ‘Bird Sanctuary’ and the construction of a lighthouse.7 So, when

Malaysia provides the exploration rights Shell at Ambalat area, Jakarta clearly states that

Ambalat belongs to them and immediate steps were taken by sending warships and aircraft to

the ground. However, both countries finally agreed to resolve this Ambalat dispute Ambalat

through diplomacy. Besides, there are some issues about Malaysian’s fisherman arrested by

Indonesian’s authorities for trespassing their national waters.8 This also often occurs due to

Indonesian’s fisherman because of the difficulty to define the boundaries of international


Illegal Immigrant and Workers in Malaysia

Since January 2014, the total of legal workers in Malaysia is around 2.3 million. ButHowever

, the population of illegal immigrants isare assumed to be much more based on Program

Penyelesaian Menyeluruh Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (Programme of 6P).10 The Indonesian

illegal immigrants are about 201,237.11 The arrival of illegal immigrants in Malaysia is

because of the demand from the local people. In addition, the locals do not want 3D jobs

(Dirty, Dangerous and Difficult). So, those immigrants are willing to do all these works. The

floods of illegal immigrants and foreign workers will create several problems like epidemic,






crime and social problems.12 The government also has to provide some cost to handle these

illegal immigrants for foods, detention centre and transportation to send them back. Malaysia

as a host country will blame their neighbor; especially Indonesia because of the majority of

the illegal immigrants is from there and their government is not good enough to control the

movement of their people. ThusSo, this issue can be one the bad factors for Malaysia-

Indonesia relationship.

One of this issues which is related with this matters is about the abuse of the Indonesian

workers in Malaysia. For example, the case of Nirmala Bonat and the problems of Indonesian

maids in Malaysia. Nirmala Bonat case is considered as a case of abuse and brutality of an

employer to its employees. Employer, Pack Hua was sentenced to prison for 18 years on

three charges under section 326 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by

weapons.13 On the other hand, there was a case about Hanni Seo, an Indonesian maid who

wasare sentenced because she pleaded guilty for to trying to kill his former employer, Phang

Kian Huang in Air Itam, Penang. However, the sentence is considered mild when the court

noted that Hanni Seo act as the face of various forms of stress and feel persecuted and

mistreated by her former boss. ShHe was not justonly constantly scolded and assaulted by her

former boss, but also not given thea salary for 20 months of work.14

Media and Entertainment

Media is thea most mainstream information distribution for people in the world. Nowadays,

the spreading of information is getting faster with the latesta new social media on the internet

based like facebookFacebook, Ttwitter and also online newspapers. Some says that the role




of media is to update the information on the current issue so the readers will not left behind

and it can increase the knowledge. But, others say that the media can be a trigger to increase

the tension between people with a sensational or provocativeon news in order to attract the

people. The role of media cannot be avoided from the influence of the relationship between

Malaysian and Indonesia because it can increase the sentiment between people of both

countries by several issues.

One of the provocative actions could be addressed inon 2005 when Malaysia and Indonesia

have a dispute about Ambalat petroleum exploration near to Sulawesi Island. The media

raised the issue to gain support from local people in Indonesia because they feltwere feel

afraid that Ambalat will be conquered by Malaysia according to previous history that

Sipadan-Ligitan had been given to Malaysia due to ICJ result. In order to respond to the

issue, some university’s students in Riau launched the slogan of ‘Ganyang Malaysia’. This

slogan had been launched by former President Soekarno during confrontation with Malaysia.

ButNonetheless, this time they rebranding the slogan and add ‘Selamatkan Siti Nurhaliza’, a

famous singer from Malaysia. That was meanThat means, eventhough they did not like the

action taken by Malaysian Government, they still respect some Malaysians who was attracted

them in entertainment field.15

InOn 2009, there were several issues that have been raised by Indonesian Media pertaining to

culture, song and celebrity matters. First, the issue of Malaysian National Anthem, Negaraku

was originally from the Trang Bulan Song, the famous folk song inon 1930s both in

Indonesia. But, in the end the media came out with a statement that the song was not belong

to them, instead the origin was from a France musician, Pierre-Jean de Branger.16 Second, the

Tarian Pendet was shown ed in the Discovery Channel from Singapore on television during

15 Popular Culture in Indonesia.


the Malaysia Tourism promotion.17 The Indonesians were satisfiedy because of the origin

of Tarian Pendet was from Bali. After the protest, the Discovery company express

theirexpressed their apologiesze due to the accidentally mistake.18 The most sensational issue

in this year was about the Manohara Odelia Pinot who got married with Tengku Temenggong

Kelantan, Tengku Mohamad Fakhry Sultan Ismail Petra . Manohara accused her husband and

his royal family for abusinge her during her life in Istana Kelantan. Manohara escaped to

Indonesia and make a press statement about her bad life in Malaysia. Tengku Fakhry made a

claim to the local court to force Manohara tofor return a million ofone million Ringgit

Malaysia during her life with her husband.19 This case was assumed as a high profile case

because it was involved those members from royal family in Malaysia and it could affect the

relationship for both countries. However, this issue could be resolved by third party

intervention from both families and hopefully it will not disturb the relationship between

Malaysia and Indonesia.20

In On 2012, the issue of culture roseise again with the focus of Tarian Tor-tor and Gordang

Sambilan from the Mandailings community. It became a hotly debated issue by the media in

Indonesia because of the former Minister of Information, Communications and Culture

Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said that it wasere also practisced by the Mandailings

community culture in Malaysia and recognized as one of the branches of the national heritage

of Malaysia.21 The controversy, which is warmed by the local media, resulting in a number of

17 Niken Prathivi and Irawaty Wardany (2009-09-03). "Protes atas kemunculan tari Pendet pada iklan pariwisata Malaysia terus menerus". Jakarta Post. Capaian 2009-09-03.

18 Tourism Ministry Malaysia Received Apologise Letter From Discovery TV Network". Bernama. 2009-08-28. Capaian 2009-09-03


20 30 april 2009


Indonesian society groups demonstrated in front of the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta, until a

group of 50 members of Pemuda Pancasila violence by tly throwing stones and damaging the

gate and part of Malaysia Hall building in Menteng, Jakarta. Nevertheless, The Deputy Prime

Minister of Malaysia had a visittingvisiting program to Indonesia which includes a meeting

with Vice President Boediono and the leaders of the three largest political parties in Jakarta.

The meeting gave the opportunity for both parties to discuss and find solutions to the issues

that often interfere with bilateral relations at the grassroots level.22

Those issues will rise again from time to time if there is are no alternative solutions in order

to maintain the good relationship between these neighbouring countries. As the a people of

from this country, we should not put the burden on the government to find a good solution to

strengthen the bilateral relationship. So, the role of student based peacebuilding can be

introduced as alternative suggestion to help the government to prevent the dispute between

both countries.


Those previous issues that have been discussed above show that they it can influence the

bilateral relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia. Besides, it will involve not only the

government but the people from both countries. The role of media also can be looked as a

catalyst to raise the tension among people. Those issues that can emerge the conflict should

be preventeding as it will creates more violence action for both countriesy. So, in order to

determine thewhat kind of the conflict that happened for both countries, the meaning of

conflict itself should be understoodtand first. What is conflict? How the conflict can affect

22 1.63100 2Julai 2012

the country and society? According to Miall, conflict ‘ a situation where the parties have

incompatible goals’. Mitchell also defines ‘...conflict is a situation in which two or more

human beings desire goals which they perceive as being obtainable by one or the other...’.

Kamarulzaman on the other hand describes the conflict a is a situation of two or more parties

have different views and positions involving issues of interests and perspectives that cause of

action whether in formal or otherwise.

Conflict can be understood as situations thatwho involve two or more parties to obtain the

limited resource at the same time.T his means Meaning that, in order to have some limited

things, the parties should be competing with each other’s. In the case of Malaysia and

Indonesia, there were several issues like Ambalat and those cultural performances that have

been referrlooked as a source of conflict for both countries. The conflict will affect the people

especially for their mind based on provocative report fromorm the media. From their mind, it

will create a negative perception to each other and in the end it will show the bad behaviour

in order to reflect it.

Peace and Peacebuilding

Therefore, it is important to avoid the conflict and maintain the peaceful relationship between

Malaysia and Indonesia. In order to achieve peace and prevent the conflict from happen,

peacebuilding will be one of the possibleility alternative approaches to deal with those is

kindkinds of those issues. According to Johan Galtung, a well-known scholar in peace study,

the definition of defines peace can beis divided into two parts, negative peace and positive

peace. Negative peace means the absence of war or violence conflict. But, the positive peace

is more important to achieve. Positive peace is about the situation in society that has

collaborative and supportive relationships. It also strengthens the social justice and the

creation of a culture of peace within and across societies.

Peacebuilding according to the former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1992),

is described as a major instrument for securing peace in post-war situations. In addition, it is

also known as a preventive action to conflict and it can be applied in all stages of conflict and

also in relatively peaceful societies. Peacebuilding covers all activities aimed at promoting

peace and overcoming violence in a society.23 The scholar like Luc Reychler defines

peacebuilding as all needed activities to create the continuous peace zone, imagining the

peace atmospehresatmospheres in the future, fulfilling the basic needs and inventing the

effective development.24 John Paul Lederach who is the international peacebuilding Professor

from Notre Dame University states that even though he suggests the multi-track approaches

to peacebuilding, a successful peacebuilding strategy must reach all components of society

and not just be focussed on high-level political actors.25 In addition, Kamarulzaman says that

peacebuidingpeacebuilding is a process to achieve the ultimate goals of peace by creating the

strategies and activities within the community26.

The Role of University Students as Peacebuilders

Peacebuilding is a process to prevent the conflict and maintain the peace as well. It involves

the strategies and activities to implement the process. Peacebuilding is not only the

responsibility le of the government of political leaders, but it involves the role of society

within the country. The approach of peacebuilding process will be discussed about the role of

23 Dekha Ibrahim Abdi Peace, Peacebuilding, Peacemaking The beauty of peace is in trying to find solutions together

24 Reychler L, From Conflict to Sustainable Peacebuilding: Concepts and Analytical Tools, in Peace-

Building: a Field Guide. (eds. Reychler, L. & Paffenholz. T), Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc.

Colorado, 2001. 12.

25 John Paul Lederach, Building Peace, (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, 1997).

26 Askandar K, Our Culture of Peace. REPUSM. Pulau Pinang, 2006. 29.

university students in Malaysia in order to maintain the peace and strengthen the bilateral

relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia.

As university students, the approach to peacebuiding is mostly in academic way but they

were did it with joy and happinessening. Some of them form a student club and others

collaborate with their lecturers and university department. The activities were done by them

like organizinged the seminar, dialogue, student mobility programme and collaborative

networking through new media (blogs, facebookFacebook and Ttwitter).

Those activities which organized by the university students can be stated as one of the

strategiesgy in peacebuilding to strengthen the relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia.

It was also appropriate to their skills, capability and knowledge. According to Che Mohd

Aziz, dialogue, seminar, conference and collaborative networking are someone of the

peacebuilding strategies to prevent the conflict. Furthermore, students can use the university

platform to conduct those activities because this institution doeis not have any interest and it

is free to perform the peacebuilding approaches.27

The Experienced from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang.

For the first time, students from Political Science Club, School of Social Sciences had been

organized the 1st International Conference on Globalisation, Governance and Sustainability

for Youth in ASEAN, from 19 - 22 March 2011 at the USM main campus.28 This was the first

time for undergraduate students in USM to be brave enough to take thea challenge in

conducting the international seminar aton Southeast Asia level. The main objective was to

discuss to the role of youths in ASEAN countries in facing current and future challenges.



More than 150 undergraduates from local and international universities participated in this

conference and the Indonesian undergraduates were the biggest foreign participants.29

The Programme Leader of the conference, Mohd Izudin said that the idea to organize this

conference is to prepare the students as future leaders of the country in addressing the

challenges of relationships between countries and strives to build the peace throughout the

region.30 According to Johannes Raindy, the international relations undergraduates from

Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta, the conference was a good platform to discuss about the

conflict between ASEAN countries especially between Malaysia and Indonesia.31

Besides, there were others iInternational cConference, academic seminar and round table

discussion organized by collaborative works between students of two universitiesy’s student

from Malaysia and Indonesia. For example, they involved as a presenters in student

discussion on “Women and Democracy in Indonesia and Malaysia” at Universitas

Paramadina, Jakarta Indonesia, May 2010, Students’ Seminar on “Perbandingan Sistem

Administrasi Negara”, at Fakultas Ilmu Politik Ilmu Sosial (FISIP), Universitas Negeri

Surabaya (UNESA), Surabaya, Indonesia, May 2010.

On the next year, the academic initiatives were still keep on moving with some conference

and discussion like in the International Conference on The Significant Role of Youth Within

Bilateral Relation Between Indonesia and Malaysia at Universitas Jember (UNEJ), Surabaya,

Indonesia on 11 until 12 May 2011, a Seminar on “Peranan Mahasiswa Dalam Meningkatkan

Hubungan Serantau Indonesia-Malaysia” at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Vateran”

Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 2011 and also Students’ Seminar between USM

29 Siswa USM anjur seminar globalisasi Berita Harian, 27 Januari 2011

30 Utusan Malaysia, 25 Mac 2011.

31 19 April 2011.

Political Science Students and UNUD International Relation Students. Universitas Udayana,

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia on May 2011.

On the other hand, there was a student’s club which related to these efforts. The Student’s

Peace Club, also known as Kelab Perdamaian, was organized in year of 2004. The club is

under the supervision of Research and Education for Peace Unit, School of Social Sciences

and the members are from various schools in USM. This club iswill guided by Professor

Kamarulzaman Askandar as an advisor with a skills and knowledge about peace and conflict

study.32 Recently, the club had been organized an academic field trip to Aceh, Indonesia. The

main objective was to understand the real scenario in Aceh through academic and NGOs lens.

The theme , Facing the New Aceh: Sustaining the Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding

in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam was attempt to keep the peace and develop the placeAceh. So,

the Kedamai’s club members clubs try to learn how the local people face the challenges to

resolve the conflict within their region and rebuilt it. At the same time they are would know

the role of Malaysia and academic bodiesy as well as the NGOs in order to contribute to the

peace in Aceh.

The club was received the cooperation from Universitas Teuku Umar in Meulaboh as a main

host and other local universitiesy in Aceh like Universitas Malikussaleh and Universitas

Syiah Kuala. The activities of this trip are like small academic conference between

universities, round table discussion and peace exhibition. In addition, they debatedwere

debate about the approach of conflict transformation and peacebuilding theory to adapt with

the current situation and also the role for both countries to maintain the relationship.



The bilateral relationship between Malaysia-Indonesia was up and down, depends on the

issue and situation. Both countries from the top leader strive to keep the diplomacy ties and

maintain the peace. However, there are some of university’s students in Malaysia, who

are particular with about the student club in USM attemptUSM’s attempt to support from

below in order to strengthen bilateral relationship through several academic

approaches like organizing the seminar, international conference, discussions and

exhibition. Those are part of peacebuilding process from alternative tracks done by students.

Furthermore, theyre are the future leaders and the next generation to continue the good

bilateral relationship from the previous leader.

UPNM, 06/13/14,
. However, there are some university students in Malaysia particularly the students in USM attempted to support from below the effort to strengthen bilateral relationship through several academic approaches like organizing seminar, international conference, discussion and exhibition. OR. However, there are some university students in Malaysia who are particular with the student club in USM’s attempt to support from below in order to strengthen bilateral relationship through several academic approaches like organizing seminar, international conference, discussions and exhibition.