kelompok 10.ppt

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of kelompok 10.ppt

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    Non Defning

    Relative ClausesMuhammad Ridwan

    Rizal Fathoni

    Moh Riqi Al Author

    Eko Jatmiko

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    Defnition o Non DefningRelative Clause

    • Nondefning relative !lauses "also

    !alled non-identifying relative clauses ornon-restrictive relative clauses# giveadditional inormation on something$%ut do not defne it&

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    'ooking at 'anguage

    • (n nondefning relative !lauses we )ut a

    !omma %eore and ater the main !lause&• *se the relative )ronouns who$ which$

    whose$ where and when in nondefningrelative !lauses&

    •+he relative )ronoun !annot %e omitted&

    E,am)le - Mark Smith, who lives next doorto us, plays in a band.

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    *.(N/ 012(C20 +3REFER +3 AN3+2ER


    • +he relative )ronoun which at the %eginning o a nondefning relative !lause !an reer to all the inormation

    !ontained in the )revious )art o the senten!e$ ratherthan to 5ust one word&


    • Chris did reall8 well in his e,ams$ which is quite asurprise&

    • M8 riends were all hiding in m8 a)artment$ whichisn't what I'd expected&

    • .he9s stud8ing to %e!ome a do!tor$ which is dificult&

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    D(FFERENCE. 1(+2DEF(N(N/ RE'A+(:E

    C'A*.E.• (n defning relative !lauses$ the )ronouns who, whom$ and which are oten re)la!ed

    %8 that in s)oken English& (n nondefning relative !lauses$ 8ou !annot re)la!e other)ronouns with that& ;ou also !annot leave out the relative )ronoun in nondefning relative!lauses$ in the wa8 8ou sometimes !an in defning relative !lauses& +he )ronoun isrequired$ even when it is the o%5e!t o the ver% in the relative !lause& Finall8$ nondefning

    relative !lauses are alwa8s se)arated rom the rest o the senten!e %8 !ommas$ unlikedefning relative !lauses$ whi!h have no )un!tuation&


    • 2e gave me the letter$ which was in a blue envelope. "nondefning !lause- +here wasonl8 one letter$ it ha))ened to %e %lue& ;ou must use which#

    • 2e gave me the letter which/that was in a blue envelope. "defning !lause- +here wereseveral letters o di

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    +he !om)ares %etween two

    kinds o relative !lauses -

    Dening relative clauses Nondening clauses

    Indenti!y something or


    /ive e,tra inormation

    Do not have commas  Are se)arated rom h5e main

    !lause %8 !ommas

    "an use that instead o! who

    or which

    Do not use that

    "an sometimes leave out the

    relative pronoun

    2ave to have the relative


  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    2ow the meaning o asenten!e !hanges a!!ording

    to the t8)e o relative!lause =

    • Nondefning - +he man$ who was

    wearing a lime green hat$ seemed alittle strange "there is onl8 one man#

    • Defning - +he man who was wearing alime green hat$ seemed a little strange

    " there is more than one man$ and i wantto talk a%out the one in the lime greenhat#

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    3ther 7oint

    • 1hi!h !an reer to a whole !lause oten

    with %e ad5e!tive - >1e s)ent a week high u) in the

    mountain$ whi!h was wonderul?

    • Nondefning relative !lauses !ome in

    the middle or at the end o a senten!e>+he )oli!eman s)oke to the girl$ who didnot a))ear to listen?

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    Fun!tion#unction $elative pronoun %xample

    &ubect who$ whi!h Fahmi$ who was one

    o the smarteststudent in our

    s!hool$ !ame rom


    (bect whom$ whi!h$ who .he invited Randi$whom he had met in

     Ja)an$ to her

    %irthda8 )art8

    )ossessive whose +he !ar$ whose

    owner is going on

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    E,am)les o NonDefningClause at :arious Relative


    • 1ho

    &ubect "o ver% >is?# - +he woman$ who is ver8%eautiul$ is m8 tea!her&

    &ubect "o ver% >!omes?# - +he manager$ whoalwa8s !omes on time$ has worked or almost@ 8ears&

    (bect "o ver% >admire?# - Mr& A%raham$ who (admire so mu!h$ was m8 headmaster& B(normalwritten English$ s)oken ormal- whom

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    E,am)les o NonDefningClause at :arious Relative


    •  *hom

      (bect "o ver% >admire?# - Mr& A%raham$ whom ( admire so mu!h$ wasm8 headmaster&

    •  *hose

    )ossessive + +he mansion$ whose owneris going on holida8$ has %urned down&

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    Related %8 :er%

    • 'inking :er%

     A linking ver% !onne!ts the su%5e!t with aword that gives inormation a%out thesu%5e!t$ su!h as a !ondition or relationshi)&+he8 do not show an8 a!tion %ut the8 linkthe su%5e!t with the rest o the senten!e&

    For e,am)le$ in the senten!e >+he8 a)ro%lem?$ the word >are? is the linking ver%that !onne!ts >the8? and )ro%lem? to showthe relationshi) %etween the two words&

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    Related %8 :er%Is ,as Do &mell

     -m 2ave Does Come

     -re 2ad Did .ta8

     *as/*ere e een +urn

    Example: The manager, who always comes on time, has worked foralmost 10 years

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    Related %8 :er%

    • 2el)ing :er%

    2el) out the main ver% in a senten!e2el)ing ver%s hel) e,)lain the sometimes

    !om)li!ated nuan!es o meaning& Fore,am)le$ the8 !an show e,)e!tation$)ro%a%ilit8$ o%ligation$ )otential$ and


    E,am)les- The car, which can reach speedsof over !!km"ph, costs over #$!!,!!!.

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    Related %8 Adver%

    • 7utri Nur Fadhilah$ who ( admire so

    mu!h$ has ingnored sim)l8&• 2e literall8 wre!ked his mothers !ar

    • +he8re going to %e late$ sure

  • 8/18/2019 kelompok 10.ppt


    Reu%en .ingh$ who is worth a%out G @H milion$ hands the )honeto his a!!ountant& IMost news)a)er sa8s the a!!ountant$ Istate thatReu%en is worth @ milion& 1e are a %it !onservative and sa8 @Hmilion& (t is still rather a lot&&& es)e!iall8 or a @K8earold$ he adds%eore )assing the )hone %a!k to the teenage %usinessman$ who!oughs quietl8&

    .ingh is the owner o the Miss Attitude Retail /rou)$ whi!hsu))lies ashion 5eweller8 and a!essoris& 2e is also a student$ atMan!hester Metro)litan *niversit8$ stud8ing or a degree in

    fnan!ial servi!e& 'ast 8ear$ when he was still onl8 worth ten milion$he was running his own %usiness while stud8ing or e,ams at1illiam 2ulme /rammar .!hool in Man!hester&

    2e o)ened the frst Miss Attitude sho) in Man!hester less thatna 8ear ago now he has @H sho)s with another @L )lanned or ne,t

     8ear& 2e )oints out that he is the onl8 teenager who has set u) a!om)an8 or his own age grou)&