Joomla Epic Pro

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Transcript of Joomla Epic Pro

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This documentation included in the JSN Epic PRO Pack is release under Commercial Proprietary license and not intended f

public distribution. Copyright © 2006 - 2008


Official JSN Epic PRO v2.0

Configuration Manual

version for Joomla! 1.5.x

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Official JSN Epic PRO v2.0 Configuration Manual © (version for Joomla! 1.5.x) 


Table of Contents

Official JSN Epic PRO v2.0 Configuration Manual  .........................................................................................

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................2

Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................................3

Template configuration .....................................................................................................................................................4

Template parameters ......................................................................................................................................................................

Color Variations ................................................................................................................................................................................

Font Styles ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


Logo ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

Module Styles .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Menu Styles ........................................................................................................................................................................................

Typography ........................................................................................................................................................................................

Extended Styles .................................................................................................................................................................................

Other Features ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Unlimited Domain License ..............................................................................................................................................53

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Thank you for purchasing JSN Epic PRO. We really appreciate your 

choice and truly wish our product will bring more value to your website

and business.

If you just grab this template we’d recommend you to read documentJSN Epic PRO Quick Start Guide first. By reading it you will

understand how to get the template look like the demo website as well

as the main concept of how to work with the template.

 After that you can read this Configuration Manual to learn about all

features of the template and how to apply them to your real website.

This document assumes that you already have installed Joomla! CMS

and JSN Epic PRO template.

Let’s roll!

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Template configuration

Template parameters

JSN Epic provides 21 template parameters for superior convenient template management. Before learning about each

template feature in details, let’s first understand how to setup template parameters. You need to make following steps:

1) Go to template manager by menu Extensions -> Template Manager. 

2) Click on template name JSN_Epic_PRO.

3) Here in the Template Edit page you will see the list of template parameters in section Parameters. Now you need t

setup appropriate value for parameters you want.

4) Click button Save to save all changes you made.

Now, let’s take a quick overview of all template parameters available in JSN Epic PRO.

Template Color

This parameter allows you to select template color variation to suite your company brand color. JSN Epic PRO provides 6major color variations for your taste. Each color variation covers not only the main background, but also color of drop-dow

menu, links, table’s header and some other graphic elements.

For more information please read section Colors Variation of this document.

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Template Font Style

This parameter allows you to select template font style to match your website type. JSN Epic PRO provides 3 font styles fo

major website types. Each font style is actually a combination of 2 font types: one for content text, another for heading text

and main navigation text.

For more information please read section Font Styles of this document.

Logo Path, Logo Width, Logo Height

These 3 parameters allow you to setup your own logo image to replace the default JSN Epic logo.

For more information please read section Logo of this document.

Logo Link

This parameter allows you to setup the URL where the logo image should link to. In modern web design, there is a very

common technique to make logo linkable to the website homepage. JSN Epic not only supports this technique, but it also

allows you to setup your custom link if you want. You can leave this parameter empty if you do NOT want your logo to beclickable at all.

For more information please read section Logo of this document.

Logo Slogan

This parameter allows you to setup slogan text to be attached to the logo image ALT text for SEO purpose. This slogan text

going to be one of the most top text of your page, so you can setup some keyword-rich string here for better SEO.

For more information please read section Logo of this document.

Template Width

This parameter allows you to setup overall template width. Here you can specify value in pixels and your template will have

that fixed width. Or you can specify value in percentage and your template will have fluid width at specified percentage of 

browser window’s width.

For more information please read section Layout of this document.

Left Column Width

This parameter allows you to setup left column width. You can specify value in percentage within range (18% - 33%) and on

whole number is allowed, for example 25% - correct, 25.5% - incorrect

For more information please read section Layout of this document.

Right Column Width

This parameter allows you to setup right column width. You can specify value in percentage within range (18% - 33%) and

only whole number is allowed, for example 25% - correct, 25.5% - incorrect

For more information please read section Layout of this document.

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Menu Icons

This parameter allows you to setup series of icons to be used in Icon Menu, one of the hottest features in JSN Epic. By

combination XHTML, CSS and PHP Icon Menu allows you to assign up to 20 predefined icons to menu items and arrange

them in horizontal line. This is perfect for top position in any kind of websites.

For more information please read section Icon Menu of this document.

Show Pathway

This parameter allows you to specify whether to show pathway or not. Sometimes user want to completely remove the

pathway to have cleaner content body part.

Enable Font Size Selector

This parameter allows you to specify whether to enable font size selector or not. By allowing your visitors to select font size

you can greatly enhance overall website accessibility and usability.

Enable Auto Icon links

This parameter allows you to specify whether to enable auto link or not. JSN Epic is able to detect links to various popular fi

extensions and assign icons accordingly. This feature utilizes modern CSS2 specification and allows you to have links with

meaningful icons assigned without any modification in XHTML code. Currently JSN Epic supports 34 file types and it is truly

amazing. Moreover, it can detect protocol type to assign icons to links to instant messengers, email, etc.

For more information please read section Typography of this document.

Enable PNG Fix for IE6

This parameter allows you to specify whether to enable PNG fix for IE6 or not. As we all know IE6 is not able to display PNG32 files with transparent background. JSN Epic has built-in script to fix this bug of IE6 and it works great in most cases.

However, sometimes there might be conflicts with gallery components and this feature should be turned off.

Enable Community Builder Style

This parameter allows you to specify whether to enable extended style for Community Builder or not. Extended style for 

Community Builder includes adapted drop–down menu style, tabs color, additional module styles and some other minor 

visual enhancement.

For more information please read section Extended Styles of this document.

Enable DocMan Style

This parameter allows you to specify whether to enable extended style for DocMan or not. Extended style for DocMan

includes adapted table header color, tabs color, fixed alignment issues, additional module styles and some other minor visua


For more information please read section Extended Styles of this document.

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Enable Virtue Mart Style

This parameter allows you to specify whether to enable extended style for Virtue Mart or not. Extended style for Virtue Mart

includes adapted Add to Cart button, additional module styles, fixed alignment issues, redesigned checkout-steps icons an

some other minor visual enhancement.

For more information please read section Extended Styles of this document.

Enable JEvents Style

This parameter allows you to specify whether to enable extended style for JEvents or not. Extended style for JEvents

includes redesigned calendar navigation icons and calendar table, adapted table header color, additional module styles, fixe

alignment issues and some other minor visual enhancement.

For more information please read section Extended Styles of this document.

Enable RSGallery 2 Style

This parameter allows you to specify whether to enable extended style for RSGallery 2 or not. Extended style for RSGalleryincludes redesigned navigation icons, fixed alignment issues, additional module styles and some other minor visual


For more information please read section Extended Styles of this document.

Error Reporting

This parameter allows you to specify PHP error reporting level. When you install some new extension, it’s maybe useful to

turn maximum error reporting to see if the extension works well and does not generate any error.

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Color Variations

JSN Epic PRO provides 6 major color variations for your taste. Each color variation covers not only the main background,

but also color of drop-down menu, links, table’s header and some others.

Info: Color variation is configured by template parameter Template Color. All available colors are described bellow.




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Font Styles

JSN Epic PRO provides 3 font styles for major website types. Each font style is actually a combination of 2 font types: one

for content text, another for heading text and main navigation text.

Info: Font style is configured by template parameter Template Font. All available font styles are described bellow.

Business / Corporation Website font style (default)

This is the combination of Verdana (for heading text) and Arial (for content text). The alternative fonts for Mac OS users are

Geneva and Helvetica respectively.

This compact neat font style is excellent choice for business oriented websites as well as corporate websites. The

combination of Verdana and Arial font type looks very natural and common for most of users since they are most popular fo

types used on the Internet.

Personal / Blog Website font style

This is the combination of Georgia (for heading text) and Trebuchet MS (for content text). The alternative fonts for Mac OSusers are serif and Helvetica respectively.

This font style is little bigger then normal which make it perfect choice for small websites like personal or blog websites. The

combination of Georgia and Trebuchet MS makes content very easy to read and the looks impressive.

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Online News / Magazines font style

This is the combination of Palatino Linotype (for heading text) and Times New Roman (for content text). The alternative

fonts for Mac OS users are Palatino and Times respectively.

This font style utilizes another very popular font called Times New Roman. This font is widely used in printing industry and in

some of extremely popular online news website like The New York Times. If you want to run online news / magazine

website, it’s worth to try this font combination.

Attention: If you are using Font Resizer in JSN Epic PRO, please make sure to push Font Size Reset button each tim

you change the font style.

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Module positions

JSN Epic PRO provides 18 module positions allowing you to have multiple layout configuration. All module positions are

collapsible which means if you don’t publish any modules in some position it will not take any blank spaces leaving those forneighbor modules.

Info: To show a module in some position you just need to setup module’s Position parameter to appropriate value as

described bellow.

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Layout width

JSN Epic PRO allows you to change width size for overall layout, left column and right column. You just need to configure

appropriate template parameters to get desired result.

Info: Width parameters are configured by template parameters: Template Width, Left Width and Right Width as describe


Overall layout width

You need to configure template parameter Template Wid

setup overall layout width. It can be specified in pixels (for

fixed width) or percentage (for fluid width). 


• 960px

• 88%

Left column width

You need to configure template parameter Left Width to

setup left column width. It can be specified only in

percentage within range (18% - 33%). Moreover, only

whole number is allowed, for example 25% is correct,25.5% is incorrect.


• 24%

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Right column width

You need to configure template parameter Right Width to

setup left column width. It can be specified only in

percentage within range (18% - 33%). Moreover, only

whole number is allowed, for example 25% is correct,

25.5% is incorrect.


• 24%

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The logo JSN Epic is default sample logo and you are free to replace with your own. The logo image file is called logo.png

and located in folder  joomla_root_folder/templates/jsn_epic_pro/images/. There are 3 stages involved in changing the

default logo to your own:

Stage 1: Prepare your own logo image file

First, you need to prepare your own logo image file in some graphic editor like Adobe Photoshop or Fireworks. We

recommend you to save your logo in format PNG-8, but you can use any other as well. Also you need remember logo’s widt

and height dimension to set them up in template parameters later. The included JSN Epic logo source file logo.psd can be

the perfect starting point.

Stage 2: Upload logo image file to your server

Once your logo file is ready, it’s time to upload it to your server. You can upload it to any folder under your Joomla! root fold

by using standard Joomla! Media Manager or by FTP client.

Stage 3: Setup template parameter to use new logo

If you created your logo image with the same name and dimension as the default logo file, then you just need to upload it to

template’s images folder overwriting the original file and you are done. Otherwise you need to setup following template


•  Logo Path – path to your logo image file starting from your Joomla! root folder. For example if you named your logo

image file as mylogo.png and placed it in folder  /images/stories, then the logo path should be


•  Logo Width – the width of your logo image file;

•  Logo Height - the height of your logo image file;

•  Logo Link – URL where logo image should link to (! without preceding slash !). If you don’t want your logo to be

linkable just leave this box empty.

•  Logo Slogan - Slogan text to be attached to the logo image ALT text for SEO purpose.

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Module Styles

JSN Epic PRO provides 4 box designs for module background styling and 22 icon designs for module title styling. All

module title styles can be used in combination with module background styles and this gives you 88 module style


Info: Module styles are configured by module’s parameter Module Class Suffix. All available values are described bellow

and need to be applied without double quotes.

Attention: Box designs for module background styling are applicable only for modules in side columns (position left and


Box designs

Box designs to be applied to modules published on side columns.

“-box box-blue” “-box box-green”

“-box box-yellow” “-box box-grey”

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Icon designs

Icon designs to be applied to module’s title.

“-plain icon-arrow”

“-plain icon-dots”

“-plain icon-article”

“-plain icon-calendar ”

“-plain icon-cart”

“-plain icon-comment”

“-plain icon-display”

“-plain icon-download”

“-plain icon-folder ”

“-plain icon-help”

“-plain icon-home”

“-plain icon-image”

“-plain icon-info”

“-plain icon-mail”

“-plain icon-online”

“-plain icon-rss”

“-plain icon-search”

“-plain icon-selection”

“-plain icon-settings”

“-plain icon-star ”

“-plain icon-statistics”

“-plain icon-user ”

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Combination usage

 All icon designs can be used in combination with plain module design like bellow examples:

“-plain icon-star ” “-plain icon-statistics”

 Also icon styles can be used in combination with box module styles like shown bellow:

“-box box-green icon-user ” “-box box-yellow icon-article”

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Menu Styles

JSN Epic PRO provides 4 menu styles to display your website navigation on virtually any position. In Joomla! 1.5.x JSN Ep

utilizes Joomla! built-in menu module to show menus, so you don’t need to install any external menu modules.

Icon menu

The top menu you see on JSN Epic PRO demo website is a very innovative Icon menu system called Icon Menu. By

combination XHTML, CSS and PHP Icon Menu allows you to assign up to 20 predefined icons to menu items and arrange

them in horizontal line. This is perfect for top position in any kind of websites.

Please make following steps to setup icon menu:

1. In module manager click on the menu module you want to use as top menu module. By default, Joomla! 1.5 comes

with various menu modules and there is Top Menu module among them. That might be the perfect choice. 

2. In module’s configuration page setup following parameters:

• Title: Top Menu (or any other you like) 

Show title: No 

• Enabled: Yes 

• Position: top 

• Menu Assignment: All 

• Menu Name: topmenu (you might want to use another menu source here)

• Menu Style: List 

• Start Level: 0 

• End Level: 1 

• Always show sub-menu Items: No 

• Menu Tag ID: empty or any other you like

• Menu Class Suffix: -icon 

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Now you need to pick what icons to show in the menu. As stated before there are 20 predefined icons for you to choose. Yo

need to setup template parameter Menu Icons by specifying icons’ name separated with a comma. In our example template

parameter Menu Icons should be “home,cart,download”. 

Bellow is table of all available icons and their name.


“calendar ”





“folder ”











“star ”


“user ”

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Suckerfish menu

The main drop-down menu is adaptation of popular Suckerfish menu to Joomla! CMS. By just combination XHTML, CSS an

little JavaScript (only for IE) it allows you to have clean accessible XHTML code structure and simple yet effective drop-dow

menu effect.

Please make following steps to setup Suckerfish menu:

1. In module manager click on the menu module you want to use as main menu module. By default, Joomla! 1.5 come

with various menu modules and there is Main Menu module among them. That might be the perfect choice.

2. In module’s configuration page setup following parameters:

• Title: Main Menu (or any other you like) 

• Show title: No 

• Enabled: Yes 

• Position: toolbar  

• Menu Assignment: All 

• Menu Name: mainmenu (you might want to use another menu source here) 

• Menu Style: List 

• Start Level: 0 

• End Level: 0 

• Always show sub-menu Items: Yes 

• Menu Tag ID: empty (or any other you like) 

• Menu Class Suffix: -suckerfish 

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BulletTree menu

The side menu you see on left column is vertical tree-like menu presentation called BulletTree. By default all submenu item

are collapsed until you select the parent menu item. Submenu items of each level have their own bullets to make it easier to


Please make following steps to setup BulletTree menu:

1. In module manager click on the menu module you want to use as main menu module. By default, Joomla! 1.5 come

with various menu modules and there is Left Menu module among them. That might be the perfect choice.

2. In module’s configuration page setup following parameters:

• Title: Side Menu (or any other you like) 

• Show title: Yes 

• Enabled: Yes 

• Position: left 

• Menu Assignment: All (or at least Home ) 

• Menu Name: mainmenu (you might want to use another menu source here) 

• Menu Style: List 

• Start Level: 0 

• End Level: 0 

• Always show sub-menu Items: No 

• Menu Tag ID: empty (or any other you like) 

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• Menu Class Suffix: -bullettree 

• Module Class Suffix: -box box-grey 

On the demo website side menu is shown in Grey Box module styles, but you can use any other module styles.

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DivBar menu

The DivBar menu in the bottom position is simple yet nice menu bar with items separated by slightly visible dashes. Default

Joomla! method generates additional HTML tags to show dashes which is not very clean. DivBar menu in JSN Epic

generates pure HTML list for menu structure and uses CSS to show dashes.

Please make following steps to setup DivBar menu:

1. In module manager click on the menu module you want to use as top menu module. By default, Joomla! 1.5 comes

with various menu modules and there is Footer Menu module among them. That might be the perfect choice.

2. In module’s configuration page setup following parameters:

• Title: Footer Menu (or any other you like) 

• Show title: No 

• Enabled: Yes 

• Position: bottom 

• Menu Assignment: All 

Menu Name: mainmenu (you might want to use another menu source here) 

• Menu Style: List 

• Start Level: 0 

• End Level: 1 

• Always show sub-menu Items: No 

• Menu Tag ID: empty (or any other you like) 

• Menu Class Suffix: -divbar  

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JSN Epic was created with extreme focus on typography and we believe it contains the most comprehensive content

presentation capability. Headings, text, links, tables, images, everything was designed with high level of refinement. Let’s

take a look.


 As we all know, headings are “title” of undergoing text blocks, so it must have distinguish look. JSN Epic provides styling fo

5 main headings. To apply them you just need to wrap your heading text in regular heading tags like <h1>…</h1>,

<h2>…</h2>, <h3>…</h3>, etc.

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Content arranged in 4 columns


<div class=”grid4”>

<div class=”grid-col”> Content in the first column </div>

<div class=”grid-col”> Content in the second column </div>

<div class=”grid-col”> Content in the third column </div>

<div class=”grid-col grid-lastcol”>Content in the fourth (last) column</div>


Content arranged in 5 columns


<div class=”grid5”>

<div class=”grid-col”> Content in the first column </div>

<div class=”grid-col”> Content in the second column </div>

<div class=”grid-col”> Content in the third column </div>

<div class=”grid-col”> Content in the fourth column </div>

<div class=”grid-col grid-lastcol”>Content in the fifth (last) column</div>


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Text styles

JSN Epic provides 10 text styles for making your content easier to scan and read. Bellow are screenshots of text styles and

usage examples.

Preformatted text

You can use this style to present text with preserved spaces like text block of CSS code or other programming language.


<pre> Your preformatted text </pre>  

Quote text

You can us this style to quote somebody’s speech, idea or a fragment from some book, articles, etc.


<blockquote> Your quote text </blockquote>  

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Drop cap symbol

You can use this special drop cap symbol style for magazine / newspaper text paragraph.


<p class=”dropcap”> Your magazine text paragraph. </p> 

Highlighted text

You can use this style to highlight important words and / or keyword expression in search result page.


<span class=”highlight”> Text to be highlighted. </span> 

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Alert text

You can use this style for alert or warning text paragraph requiring user’s attention.


< p class="alert"> Your alert text that requires user’s attentions. </p> .

You can use tag <p> like in example or tag <div> as well.

Info text

You can use this style for regular information text paragraph that does not require much user’s attentions.


< p class="info"> Your information text. </p> .

You can use tag <p> like in example or tag <div> as well.

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Download text

You can use this style for information text paragraph related to download process.


< p class="download"> Your download text. </p> .

You can use tag <p> like in example or tag <div> as well.

Tip text

You can use this style for useful information like tips, hint or help text.


< p class="tip"> Your tip, hint or help text. </p> .

You can use tag <p> like in example or tag <div> as well.

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Comment text

You can use this style for comment text paragraph.


< p class="comment"> Your comment text. </p> .

You can use tag <p> like in example or tag <div> as well.

Attachment text

You can use this style for comment text paragraph.


< p class="attachment"> Your attachment text. </p> .

You can use tag <p> like in example or tag <div> as well.

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Link styles

JSN Epic is able to detect links to various popular file extensions and assign icons accordingly. This feature utilizes modern

CSS2 specification and allows you to have links with meaningful icons assigned without any modification in XHTML code.

Currently JSN Epic supports 34 file types and it is truly amazing. Moreover, it can detect protocol type to assign icons to lin

to instant messengers, email, etc.

 Auto icon assignment (in all modern browsers except IE6)

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Attention: As stated before for most browsers icons will automatically assigned thanks to modern CSS2 specification.

Unfortunately IE6 does not support this specification and you have manually set appropriate class as described bellow.

Manual icon assignment (only in IE6)

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Table styles

Tabular data is very common type of information to be presented on the web. By default tables look ugly and not much

readable. With JSN Epic you have 3 table styles to present virtually any kind of tabular data you have.

Plain Rows table style


<table class="plainrows"><thead>...</thead><tbody>...</tbody><tfoot>...</tfoot></table>

Color Stripes table style


<table class="colorstripes"><thead>...</thead><tbody>...</tbody><tfoot>...</tfoot></table> 

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Grey Stripes table style


<table class="greystripes"><thead>...</thead><tbody>...</tbody><tfoot>...</tfoot></table>

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List styles

Lists are crucial element in every content, not only online websites, but offline publications as well. List really helps readers

distinguish and remember important things by just a glance. JSN Epic offers 5 standard and 6 advanced list styles for 

virtually all kind of information you might want to outline.

Unordered list



 <li> Item 1 </li>  

 <li> Item N </li> 


Ordered list



 <li> Item 1 </li>  

 <li> Item N </li> 



Red arrow


<ul class="arrowlist-red">


Blue arrow


<ul class="arrowlist-blue">


Green arrow


<ul class="arrowlist-green">



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Article icon list

This style is perfect to present a list of articles on your site.


<ul class="iconlist-article">…</ul>

Folder icon list

This style is perfect to present a list of resources on your sit


 <ul class="iconlist-folder">…</ul>


Image icon list

This style is perfect to present a list of photos on your site.


<ul class="iconlist-image">…</ul>

Online icon list

This style is perfect to present a list of online resources you

want to point out.


 <ul class="iconlist-online">…</ul>


Star icon list

This style is perfect to present a list of hot stuffs on your site.


<ul class="iconlist-star">…</ul>

User icon list

This style is perfect to present a list of users of community o

your site.


 <ul class="iconlist-user">…</ul>

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Extended Styles

One of hottest features in JSN Epic PRO is extended styles adapted for 5 most popular Joomla! extension: Community

Builder , DocMan, Virtue Mart, JEvents and RSGallery2.

Technically extended styles are overrides of default extension’s style. Some of these extensions has their own template

system and you are free to use them. In that case, you need to turn off extended style by tweaking template parameter and

use the native extension’s template you want.

Community Builder

Extended style for Community Builder includes adapted drop–down menu style, tabs color, additional module styles and

some other minor visual enhancement.

Info: To apply extended style for Community Builder you need to set template parameter Enable Community Builder Style

to Yes.

 Adapted drop-menu style and tabs color on CB Profile page

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 Additional module styles for most frequently used Community Builder modules

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Extended style for DocMan includes adapted table header color, tabs color, fixed alignment issues, additional module styles

and some other minor visual enhancement.

Info: To apply extended style for DocMan you need to set template parameters Enable DocMan Style to Yes.

 Adapted table header color on Categories page

 Adapted table header color and text alignment fixed on Documents page

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 Adapted table header color on Document Details page

 Additional module styles for most frequently used DocMan modules

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Virtue Mart

Extended style for Virtue Mart includes adapted Add to Cart button, additional module styles, fixed alignment issues,

redesigned checkout-steps icons and some other minor visual enhancement.

Info: To apply extended style for Virtue Mart you need to make following steps:

1. Set template parameters Enable VirtueMart Style to yes 

2. Go to folder  joomla_root_folder/templates/jsn_epic_pro/ext/vm/ and copy all graphic files to folder 

 joomla_root_folder/ components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/ps_image/ 

3. From Joomla! administrator select menu item Components -> Virtue Mart and then from Virtue Mart menu bar 

select menu item Admin -> Configuration 

4. On Virtue Mart configuration page select tab Site, then tab Layout and select the Add to cart button that match the

current color variation

5. Click Save and check the Virtue Mart page to see new Add to Cart button

 Adapted Add to Cart button on Product Browse page

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Fixed alignment issues on Product Details page

Totally redesigned checkout-steps icons on Checkout page

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 Additional module styles for core Virtue Mart module

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Extended style for JEvents includes redesigned calendar navigation icons and calendar table, adapted table header color,

additional module styles, fixed alignment issues and some other minor visual enhancement.

Info: To apply extended style for JEvents you need to set template parameters Enable JEvents Style to Yes.

Totally redesigned calendar navigation icons

 Adapted calendar table header color 

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 Adapted table header color on Event List page

 Additional module styles for most frequently used JEvents module

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RSGallery 2

Extended style for RSGallery 2 includes redesigned navigation icons, fixed alignment issues, additional module styles and

some other minor visual enhancement.

Info: To apply extended style for RSGallery 2 you need to set template parameters Enable RSGallery 2 Style to Yes.

Redesigned navigation icons

Fixed alignment issues

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 Additional module styles for most frequently used RSGallery 2 module

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Other Features

Font size changer

Font size changer is brand-new feature introduced in JSN Epic PRO v2.0. By default it’s turned ON so you don’t have to

make any additional actions. If you want to disable font size changer please set template parameter Enable Font Resizer to


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Stage 3: Setup parameters for JSN ImageShow module

Now when you have your images prepared and uploaded to some folder on your server, it’s time to setup JSN ImageShow

module. Please make following steps:

1. Go to module manager by menu Extensions -> Module Manager. 

2. Click on JSN ImageShow item in the list and setup parameters as following:

• Show title: No 

• Position: header  

• Enabled: Yes 

• Image Folder: images/stories/myphotos (this is example folder discussed in previous stage)

• Width: 100% 

• Height: 250 

• Menu Assignment: All (or at least Home)

 Above parameters are quite enough for JSN ImageShow to start showing images, but you are free to tweak a lot of other 

parameters to get desired view and effects.

Attention: All stock photos used on JSN Epic demo website are only for demo purposes and NOT included in the template


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in price. The upgrade process is very simple.


2. Recent Order Activity locate the order of the product you want to upgrade and click button View &

oceed to checkout normally.

5. Please repeat from step 2 for all products you want to upgrade.

Unlimited Domain License

We provide incredible opportunity for developers to deploy our products for 

their clients by paying only one-time affordable price. With Unlimited Domain

License you may use the product on as many websites (domains) as you


If you already bought Single Domain License and now want to upgrade it to

Unlimited Domain License. No problem, you can make an upgrade right no

by paying only the difference

se make following steps:

1. Login to your Customer Area on our website

Here in table


3. Next, click on red link Buy new addons, support and upgrade packages 

4. Next, you can now add the Upgrade package to your cart and pr