Inglês Instrumental Para a Informatica

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Inglês Instrumental Para a Informatica

Transcript of Inglês Instrumental Para a Informatica

Ingls Instrumental para alun@s da Informtica

Gisele Luz Cardoso

Gaspar - 2011


A disciplina Ingls Instrumental tambm conhecida como Aprendizagem de Ingls ou Lngua Inglesa (LI) para Fins Especficos. Em ingls ela conhecida como: English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Alguns dos objetivos desta disciplina so aprender a abordar adequadamente textos especficos; interpretar textos corretamente e aumentar o vocabulrio na LI. No entanto, no se deve confundir o ensino de Ingls Instrumental com o ensino de leitura somente (CELANI, 2008), apesar de, no Brasil, a leitura de textos acadmicos em LI representar a maior necessidade dos estudantes (CRUZ, 2001, apud ALMEIDA, 2004) de nvel tcnico ou universitrio.Celani (2008, p. 418) enfatiza que a disciplina Ingls Instrumental deve envolver uma ou mais das seguintes caractersticas:(1)considerar os motivos dos estudantes para aprender o ingls e suas necessidades; (2)construir capacidades e habilidades para propsitos definidos; (3)usar o conhecimento anterior, ou o que os estudantes trazem com eles para a situao do aprendizado, ou seja, o que os aprendizes tem, fazem e podem fazer no processo do aprendizado; (4)dar permisso para a voz dos estudantes; tornar o uso da lngua significativo; capacitar os alunos a ver razes para aprender e (5)ajudar os alunos a desenvolver estratgias individuais de aprendizado; alterar hbitos de estudo no-saudveis; quebrar a velha tradio de memorizao e repetio do conhecimento transmitido pelo professor (minha traduo). Aprender Ingls Instrumental, portanto, quer dizer aprender para um propsito e aprender dentro de uma abordagem que faa com que as razes para se aprender sejam no s claras como tambm significativas para os aprendizes e seus professores de ingls (CELANI, 2008). .A disciplina Ingls Instrumental deve ser ditada pelo contexto social. Contedos, ensino, materiais e metodologias de ensino so determinados pelos interesses, pelo contexto social e pela bagagem cultural dos estudantes. A lngua no o objeto de aprendizado, mas o resultado, o produto da interao mtua entre o aprendiz e o mundo l fora, que, no caso do ingls um grande mundo cheio de desafios exigncias e limitaes (CELANI, 2008).

A DISCIPLINA INGLS INSTRUMENTAL PARA ALUNOS DA INFORMTICAO conhecimento do Ingls para alunos da rea da Informtica deve ser suficiente para que tenham acesso fcil e rpido aos materiais escritos em Ingls na rea. Alm disso, a LI a lngua oficial da Internet e muito vocabulrio da informtica em LI e no traduzido para o portugus.Deste modo, esta apostila tem como objetivo oferecer aos alunos ferramentas bsicas para entendimento de textos tcnicos escritos em ingls na rea de Informtica. Ela apresenta os assuntos de maneira a facilitar a aprendizagem do aluno. O seu contedo totalmente voltado para a rea de Informtica, com diversos tipos de textos, oferecendo ao estudante o vocabulrio tcnico bsico para o exerccio da profisso. Os exerccios desta apostila tambm auxiliam no enriquecimento e fixao do vocabulrio. Pelo fato de o Ingls estar to presente nos computadores, na internet, nos manuais e outros documentos, ele deve ser ensinado nos cursos da rea da Informtica. No entanto, com o passar do tempo as coisas mudam, novos termos e novos produtos so criados. E na rea da Informtica isto ocorre muito frequentemente. Portanto, o profissional desta rea deve estar sempre procurando se atualizar e ficar por dentro das mudanas.




Resolva as questes abaixo e, ao final, some seus pontos. O valor de cada item est em parnteses.


Glossary:inside: dentroto care: importar-seto avoid: evitardeals: negcioseven though: ainda que, mesmo queto understand: entenderenough:suficientebut (1):menos, excetobut (2):masoften:frequentementehub: centroto manage:gerenciarto store:armazenarto boost: aumentar Most people don't know exactly what goes oninsideof their computers, and most of those people don't care. But understanding the basics behind computer parts is an important part of being an educated consumer. Knowing more about computer parts can help people diagnose problems with their computer and avoidbad dealsat computer stores. Even thoughthey may seem complicated, it's still important to understandthe basic functions of computer parts.The most visible parts of the system may be easy to understand.The monitor and speakers are obvious enough, and the mouse and keyboard are familiar to all butthe newest of users. Butthe things insidethe computer itself, often called the "tower,"are more of a mystery. The motherboard is the hubwhere all information is managed from various other computer parts. The central processing unit (CPU), is housed on the motherboard and managesall the exchange of information between parts. The hard drive is where all the information on the computer is stored. This is where all the pictures, music, movies and documents are kept when you aren't viewing them. The memory is different from the hard drive because it is not permanent. The memory is simply a place for the computer to storeinformation temporarily while it performs certain functions. Other computer parts include CD and DVD drives which can read information off CDs and DVDs. Video and sound cards boost the video and audio quality of the things that the computer displays. (Retirado de, em 28/05/2011).

Leia o texto 1 e responda:

A) Quantas partes externas do computador o texto 1 cita? Quais so elas? Escreva-as abaixo em ingls e em portugus: (0,8 point)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

B) Quantas partes internas do computador o texto 1 cita? Quais so elas? Escreva-as abaixo em ingls e em portugus: (1,6 point) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Traduza para o portugus as palavras que esto sublinhadas nas frases abaixo retiradas do texto 1: (1,0 point) ..................

a) Most people don't know exactly what goes on inside of their computers, and most of those people don't care. ______________________________b) But understanding the basics behind computer parts is an important part of being an educated consumer. ______________________________Knowing more about computer parts can help people diagnose problems with their computer and avoid bad deals at computer stores. ______________________________

d) Even though they may seem complicated, it's still important to understand the basic functions of computer parts. ______________________________e) The most visible parts of the system may be easy to understand. ______________________________f) The motherboard is the hub where all information is managed from various other computer parts. ______________________________ g) This is where all the pictures, music, movies and documents are kept when you aren't viewing them. ______________________________h) The memory is different from the hard drive because it is not permanent. ______________________________i) The memory is simply a place for the computer to store information temporarily while it performs certain functions. ______________________________Texto 2: INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O)

Glossary:means: meio, recursoto exchange: trocaroutside: externo, de foraworld: mundodevice: dispositivo, mecanismoto provide: fornecerInput/output (I/O) is the meansby which a computer exchangesinformation with the outsideworld.Devices that provideinput or output to the computer are called peripherals. On a typical personal computer, peripherals include input deviceslike the keyboard and mouse, and output devicessuch as the display and printer. Hard disk drives, floppy disk drives and optical disc drives serve as both input and output devices. (Extrado de, em 06/06/2011. Adaptado)

Leia o texto 2 e responda:

a) O que significa exatamente Input/output (I/O)? (0,5 point) .................._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) Como so chamados os dispositivos de entrada e sada de dados em ingls? (0,5 point) ..................______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________c) Quais so os exemplos de dispositivos de entrada e sada de dados citados neste texto? (0,6 point) ..................______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d) Quais dispositivos podem ser ao mesmo tempo de entrada e sada de dados citados neste texto? (0,3 point) ..................______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Glossary:storage: armazenamentotime:tempodata: dados, informaesusually: geralmenteseveral: vrioskinds:tiposeach: cadaknown: conhecidomain:principalrequired: exigidodevices: dispositivos, aparelhos Computer data storage,oftencalled storageor memory, refers to computer components and recording media that retain digital data used for computing for some interval of time.Computer datastorageprovides one of the core functions of the modern computer, that of information retention. It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers, and coupledwith a central processing unit (CPU), implements the basic computer model used sincethe 1940s. A computer system usuallycontains several kindsof storage,eachwith an individual purpose. Primarystorageisknownas the mainmemory of the computer. It is the only one directly accessible to the CPU. The CPU continuously readsinstructions stored there and executes them as required. Any data actively operated on is also storedthere in uniform manner. There are two types of primary storage devices: RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory). Secondarystorageis not directly accessible by the CPU. The computer usually uses its input/output channelsto access secondary storageand transfers the desireddata using intermediate area in primary storage.In modern computers, hard disk drives are usually used as secondary storage.Some other examples of secondary storage technologies are: CD and DVD drives, flash memory (e.g. USB flash drives), and floppy disks. (Extrado de, em 06/06/2011. Adaptado)

Leia o texto 3 e responda:

a) Qual o assunto do texto? (0,3 point) ..................________________________________________________________________________________b) A que se refere o termo data storage devices e qual a funo deles em um computador? (0,6 point) ..................


c) Quais so os dois tipos de dispositivos de armazenamento de dados de um computador e qual a diferena entre eles? (0,8 point) ..................______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________d) Escreva todos os sete exemplos de dispositivos de armazenamento de dados presentes no texto em ingls e em portugus: (1,4 point) ..................

Agora, leia os grupos nominais a seguir e traduza-os para o portugus: (1,0 point) ..................

Central Processing Unit_________________

Compact Disk_______________________

Electronic Mail_______________________

Hard Disk ___________________________

Laser Printer _________________________

Modern Computer ____________________

Operating System _________________

Personal Computer ________________

Web Page ____________________

Secondary Memory __________________

Observe as gravuras a seguir e escreva em ingls o nome de cada uma das 6 partes: (0,6 point) ........................

Total of points: ........................

(from 9 to 10 points) EXCELLENT

(from 8 to 8,9 points)VERY GOOD

(from 7 to 7,9 points)GOOD

(from 6 to 6,9 points) FAIR

(from 0 to 5,9 points) POOR


Antes de comearmos a falar sobre o vocabulrio bsico para a informtica, vamos ver de quais palavras em ingls voc se lembra que estejam ligadas ou relacionadas a computer. Para tanto, escreva em volta da palavra computer abaixo, as palavras que vierem a sua cabea:

e.g.: notebook

Em caso de dvidas com relao ao significado de alguns termos da rea de informtica, consulte: e voc ver explicao em portugus para termos em portugus e em ingls.J o dicionrio on line, traz explicaes em ingls para vrios termos, acrnimos e siglas. Por exemplo, voc sabe o que significa a sigla AGP? Confira em: E ATA? Veja clicando aqui: Por sua vez, a Wikipedia traz uma lista de abreviaes usadas na rea da informtica: ""mputing_and_IT_abbreviationsJ o dicionrio on line Michaelis, traz a traduo em portugus de vrios termos muito comuns na rea da informtica: Voc sabe o que significa em portugus a palavra socket? Confira em: ""&HYPERLINK ""palavra=socket.

Parts of the computer

Figura 1: Main parts of a computer.

Observe as figuras 01 e 02. Como voc traduziria para o portugus as partes de computadores nelas mostradas? Estas palavras em ingls so muito parecidas com o portugus ou no?

Figura 2: Parts of the computer and other equipments

Agora, encontre nas figuras o equivalente em Ingls para as seguintes palavras:


placa de vdeo






fones de ouvido

cmera digital

unidade de processamento de dados




Leia o texto COMPUTER PARTS e sublinhe as partes do computador que o texto menciona:


inside: dentroto care: importar-seto avoid: evitardeals: negcioseven though: ainda que, mesmo queto understand: entenderenough:suficientebut (1):menos, excetobut (2):masoften:frequentementehub: centroto manage:gerenciarto store:armazenarto boost: aumentarMost people don't know exactly what goes oninsideof their computers, and most of those people don't care. But understanding the basics behind computer parts is an important part of being an educated consumer. Knowing more about computer parts can help people diagnose problems with their computer and avoidbad dealsat computer stores. Even thoughthey may seem complicated, it's still important to understandthe basic functions of computer parts.The most visible parts of the system may be easy to understand.The monitor and speakers are obvious enough, and the mouse and keyboard are familiar to all butthe newest of users. Butthe things insidethe computer itself, often called the "tower,"are more of a mystery. The motherboard is the hubwhere all information is managed from various other computer parts. The central processing unit (CPU), is housed on the motherboard and managesall the exchange of information between parts. The hard drive is where all the information on the computer is stored. This is where all the pictures, music, movies and documents are kept when you aren't viewing them. The memory is different from the hard drive because it is not permanent. The memory is simply a place for the computer to storeinformation temporarily while it performs certain functions. Other computer parts include CD and DVD drives which can read information off CDs and DVDs. Video and sound cards boost the video and audio quality of the things that the computer displays. (Retirado de http://wwwHYPERLINK "", em 28/05/2011).

Quantas partes do computador o texto cita? Quais so elas?

Observe as palavras destacadas no texto e seus significados em portugus no glossrio ao lado. Fazendo isso, voc entender melhor o texto e saber o significado das palavras desconhecidas. Procure no dicionrio as outras palavras que so novas para voc.

Types of Computers

H vrios tipos de computadores: grandes e pequenos, mais modernos, mais antigos, mais rpidos, mais lentos, etc. Veja a seguir, alguns tipos de computadores e suas representaes grficas. Escreva o nome de cada computador ao lado das figuras:

Input, output & storage devices

Nos computadores h o que denominamos de dispositivos de entrada e sada de dados - input/output (I/O) devices e dispositivos de armazenamento de dados storage devices. De quais dispositivos voc consegue se lembrar? Escreva seus nomes em ingls na tabela a seguir:


e.g.: flash drive

Os dispositivos de entrada e sada de dados - input, output devices - so perifricos usados para a interao homem-computador. Os input devices so dispositivos de entrada de dados como o teclado - keyboard. Os output devices so dispositivos de sada de dados como a impressora - printer, por exemplo. Os dispositivos de armazenamento de dados storage devices - so divididos em duas categorias: os de memria primria e secundria. Como o prprio nome diz, so equipamentos usados para armazenamento de dados. Um exemplo o flash drive.Veja mais sobre input, output and storage devices em e em http://en.wikipediHYPERLINK ""

Acronyms & Abbreviations

Na rea da Informtica os acrnimos ou acronyms em ingls so muito comuns. Segundo o dicionrio Aulete, acrnimo a palavra formada pelas primeiras letras ou slabas de uma expresso como, por exemplo: e-mail (do ingl.: e lectronic mail: correio eletrnico), Petrobras (Petr leo Bras ileiro). Portanto, acrnimo uma abreviao que forma uma nova palavra. O site traz exemplos clssicos de acrnimos como: laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation ou Amplificao de Luz por Emisso Estimulada de Radiao).As siglas (abbreviations) tambm so muito usadas na rea da Informtica. O dicionrio Aulete nos traz a informao de que uma sigla o conjunto das letras iniciais de uma denominao composta de duas ou mais palavras, formando ou no uma palavra. So exemplos de siglas: MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna; FAB - Fora Area Brasileira); USB - Universal Serial Bus ou Barramento Universal Serial. Use as informaes dos links sugeridos anteriormente e descubra o significado dos seguintes acrnimos e siglas em ingls: ACRONYMSMEANING ACRONYMSMEANING















Para finalizar esta parte, v para a pgina:, e aprenda mais sobre vocabulrio bsico relacionado a computadores.Cognate words

Palavras cognatas (cognate words) so palavras de origem latina ou grega, semelhantes s do portugus tanto na grafia quanto no significado. So palavras que possuem a mesma origem ou raiz, tendo portanto, ortografias semelhantes. Por exemplo: garage (no ingls) e garagem (no portugus). So palavras que tm a mesma raiz e, portanto, ortografias semelhantes sendo que o significado permanece o mesmo nas duas lnguas. Veja os exemplos de palavras cognatas que seguem e traduza-as:
























False cognates

Com a evoluo de cada idioma, algumas palavras podem apresentar significados diferentes para cada pas. Essas palavras so denominadas falsos cognatos (false cognates) ou falsos amigos (false friends). So palavras normalmente derivadas do latim que aparecem em diferentes idiomas com ortografia semelhante e que tm, portanto, a mesma origem, mas que ao longo dos tempos acabaram adquirindo significados diferentes (extrado de, em 27/05/2011). Veja mais sobre false cognates em: os exemplos abaixo de falsos cognatos, consulte seu dicionrio ou v para e descubra o significado de cada um deles:













Nominal groups

Grupos Nominais (nominal groups) so expresses formadas por duas ou mais palavras (nomes - substantivos, adjetivos e advrbios) que possuem uma relao entre si. Uma das palavras a principal, geralmente um substantivo. As outras palavras, modificadoras, podem ser adjetivos, advrbios ou outros substantivos. A traduo para o portugus , geralmente, numa ordem diferente. Exemplos:

"Secondary Memory"- memria secundria

Secondary - adjetivo (adjective)Memory - substantivo (noun)"Data Processing Department"- departamento de processamento de dadosData - nounProcessing- adjectiveDepartment- noun

Veja outros exemplos e traduza-os:

Access Control

Artificial Intelligence

Backup System

Central Processing Unit

Central Processor

Compact Disk

Control Circuits

Electronic Mail

Hard Disk

Hyper Text

Laser Printer

Mathematic Logarithm

Magnetic Tape

Modern Computer

Operating System

Personal Computer

Portable Document Format

Web Page

Wide Area Network


Leia o texto que segue THE MOTHERBOARD, circule as palavras cognatas e escreva-as no quadro a seguir:


many:muitosto hold: manter, armazenarboard:placato provide:fornecersometimes: s vezesknown:conhecidaas:comoto shorten:ficar mais curto, encurtar In personal computers, a motherboard is the central printed circuit board (PCB) in manymodern computers and holdsmanyof the crucial components of the system, providingconnectors for other peripherals. The motherboard is sometimesalternatively known as the mainboard, system board, or, on Apple computers, the logic board. It is also sometimes casually shortenedto mobo. (Retirado de, em 28/05/2011).

Figura 3: A Motherboard

2. Aps ler o texto Motherboard, descubra outros nomes pelos quais a placa-me tambm conhecida:

3. Qual a abreviao de Motherboard de acordo com o texto?

4. Algumas palavras no texto foram destacadas e seus significados em portugus colocados ao lado o glossrio. Observe-as atentamente e procure entend-las atravs do estudo do contexto.

Agora leia o tutorial a seguir que explica como instalar uma placa-me. Leia os passos e procure entender os procedimentos. Antes, porm, passe as seguintes palavras, termos e grupos nominais para o portugus. Estes aparecem em negrito ao longo do texto:


metallic plate

the back end

several holes

to lay down

to match

to place

clock wise


index finger





How to Install a Motherboard

I) The motherboard is installed in the computer case. Open the case and locate the metallic plate where the motherboard is screwed to. Normally, this plate can be removed from the case by unscrewing it from the back end of the case and sliding it. Remove it from the case to install the motherboard on it. This plate has several holes, as you can see in Figure 4. The motherboard also has several holes.

Figura 4: The metallic plate.II) Lay down the motherboard on the metallic plate and check which holes from the metallic plate match the holes on the motherboard, as we show in Figure 5. As you can see by comparing Figures 4 and 5, the metallic plate has more holes than needed. On the holes on the metallic plate that matched a hole on the motherboard, install a nut screw. On the holes that don't match a hole on the motherboard, you will simply leave it away. Sometimes, you will find some holes on the motherboard that don't match any hole on the plate. That's normal too. In Figure 5, you can see a hole on the motherboard that doesn't match any hole on the plate. Figura 5: Matching the holes on the metallic plate with the holes on the motherboard.

III) Together with the case come a lot of small pieces. From these pieces you will need screws and screw nuts to install the motherboard. Take the screw nuts and install them on all the plate holes that matched a hole on the motherboard. They can be easily installed by turning them clock wise using your thumb and index finger.Figura 6: Screw nuts, screws and washers that come with the case

Lay down the motherboard on the metallic plate again, placing a screw on every motherboard hole that matches a nut that you've installed. You will find two kinds of holes: metalized and non-metalized. The metalized holes have a metallic contact around them. Pay attention in Figure 7 to see the difference between these two kinds of holes.

Figura 7: Metalized x non-metalized holes.

O tutorial acima est incompleto e foi retirado de htHYPERLINK ""tp://, em 28/05/2011. Visite este site para saber mais.

Aps ler o tutorial, responda:

Qual o primeiro passo para se instalar uma placa me?

Qual o segundo passo?

O que a parte III do texto explica?

d) A parte IV do texto explica a diferena entre dois tipos de furos. Quais so estes dois tipos? Qual a diferena entre eles? Explique.

Agora retire do texto oito palavras cognatas e traduza-as para o portugus:


Leia o texto a seguir QUICK TIPS ON WORKSTATION SETUP rapidamente e responda: Qual o assunto principal do texto? As palavras do glossrio podem te ajudar. Elas aparecem em negrito no texto.

Agora sublinhe no texto as palavras que se repetem, ou seja, que aparecem mais de uma vez. As palavras que so muito repetidas em um texto, so palavras-chave que, com certeza, so muito importantes no texto. Saber o significado delas , ento, de extrema importncia para voc entender um texto.

Depois de sublinh-las, escreva-as aqui:


placement: colocaobody:corpoworkstation:estao de trabalhoto keep:manterto assume:supor, presumireither...or:nem...nemproperly:adequadamente, direito

The relative position of the components in a workstationwith respect to the placementof your body can help create a workstationthat is ergonomically beneficial. Proper adjustment of the components of a workstationin relation to you will be easier if youkeepthe following order: chair, monitor, keyboard, mouse, document holder, and phone.We assumethat your computer system has separate monitor and keyboard, which allows flexibility of placement relative to you and to each other. If you have a laptop you will not be able to adjust eitherthe screen orthe keyboard properly. If you will be using a laptop for long periods of time, you might consider buying a separate keyboard or monitor. (Extrado de http://ergo.human.coHYPERLINK "", em 27/05/2011).

Figura 8: The ideal workstation design.

4. Agora escreva as palavras que esto no quadro, ao lado de seus significados em portugus a seguir:body easier following holder chair - each other time either.....ormight - to be able to - to have - to keep - to buy - to help to assume

ajudar: ______________


comprar: ______________

corpo: ______________

mais fcil: _____________

manter: ______________

nem......nem: ______________

poder: ______________

seguinte: ______________

ser capaz de: ______________

suporte: ______________

tempo: _____________

ter: ______________

um ao outro, mutuamente: _____________

supor, presumir: _______________

5. Leia o texto novamente, agora com mais ateno. Como voc traduziria o primeiro pargrafo?

6. O que o texto sugere caso voc utilize um computador porttil por muito tempo?

7. Agora retire do texto todas as palavras cognatas que esto nele.

8. Quantas palavras cognatas voc achou? Isto um nmero alto ou no?

9. Voc diria que o texto possui mais palavras cognatas do que no cognatas? O que isto significa?

UNIT 04: INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) & COMPUTER DATA STORAGE DEVICESNa unidade um desta apostila, voc j aprendeu um pouco sobre input, output, and computer data storage devices. Agora voc vai se aprofundar mais um pouco neste assunto, lendo os dois textos a seguir.

1. Leia o texto a seguir Input/output (I/O) rapidamente e descubra qual o assunto principal do texto:

2. Agora, leia mais uma vez, mas com mais ateno e responda:

O que significa exatamente Input/output (I/O)?

Como so chamados os dispositivos de entrada e sada de dados?

Quais so os exemplos de dispositivos de entrada e sada de dados citados neste texto?

Quais dispositivos podem ser ao mesmo tempo de entrada e sada de dados citados neste texto?

GlossaryInput/output (I/O)

means: meio, recursoto exchange: trocaroutside: externo, de foraworld: mundodevice: dispositivo, mecanismoto provide: fornecerInput/output (I/O) is the meansby which a computer exchangesinformation with the outsideworld.Devices that provideinput or output to the computer are called peripherals. On a typical personal computer, peripherals include input deviceslike the keyboard and mouse, and output devicessuch as the display and printer. Hard disk drives, floppy disk drives and optical disc drives serve as both input and output devices. (Extrado de, em 06/06/2011. Adaptado)

Figura 9: Examples of I/O devices

3. Observe a figura 09. Quais so os dispositivos de entrada e sada que ela apresenta?

Agora vamos para o segundo texto desta unidade: Computer data storage. Antes de comear a l-lo, procure descobrir o significado das seguintes palavras em portugus em: Estas palavras esto sublinhadas no texto.

oftento storeprovidecoreto couple/coupledsinceto readpurposechannelto desire/desiredotherGlossaryCOMPUTER DATA STORAGE

storage: armazenamentotime:tempodata: dados, informaesusually: geralmenteseveral: vrioskinds:tiposeach: cadaknown: conhecidomain:principalrequired: exigidodevices: dispositivos, aparelhos

Computer data storage,oftencalled storageor memory, refers to computer components and recording media that retain digital data used for computing for some interval of time.Computer datastorageprovides one of the core functions of the modern computer, that of information retention. It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers, and coupledwith a central processing unit (CPU), implements the basic computer model used sincethe 1940s.A computer system usuallycontains several kindsof storage,eachwith an individual purpose.Primarystorageisknownas the mainmemory of the computer. It is the only one directly accessible to the CPU. The CPU continuously readsinstructions stored there and executes them as required. Any data actively operated on is also storedthere in uniform manner. There are two types of primary storage devices: RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory).

Secondarystorageis not directly accessible by the CPU. The computer usually uses its input/output channelsto access secondary storageand transfers the desireddata using intermediate area in primary storage.In modern computers, hard disk drives are usually used as secondary storage.Some other examples of secondary storage technologies are: CD and DVD drives, flash memory (e.g. USB flash drives or keys), floppy disks, magnetic tape, paper tape, punched cards, standalone RAM disks, and Iomega Zip drives. In modern personal computers, most secondary storagemedia are also used for off-line storage. Optical discs and flash memory devicesare most popular. (Extrado de, em 06/06/2011. Adaptado)

Figura 10: Hard disk drives are common storage devices used with computers.Agora faa o que pedido:1. Traduza o primeiro pargrafo do texto.

2. Responda:Qual a funo dos data storage devices de um computador?

Quais so os dois tipos de dispositivos de armazenamento de dados de um computador e qual a diferena entre eles?

D exemplos de dispositivos de armazenamento de dados.


Figura 11: A man assembling a computer.

Leia o manual a seguir e descubra como montar um computador:

The Components

The first step to building a computer is acquiring the parts. A computer is made up of a case, which houses several internal components, and the external components, including peripherals.Here is what you need:Power Supply/PSU


Processor/Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Hard Drive/Hard Disk (HD)

Optical Drive Device

Video Card/Graphics Card/GPU

Figura 1 a video card

Figura 2 Video c

Figura 3

Figura 12: A Video card

On top of the internal components listed above, you will also need these external components:a keyboard

a mouse

a monitor


a printer

Installing the Motherboard

Check the backpanel template. It's the plate through which the connectors for the keyboard, mouse, etc show through. The motherboard comes with a replacement template. You may have to replace the one in the case.Lay the case on its side.Place the motherboard in the case. Make sure that all connectors on the backpanel are properly exposed through the backpanel template.Fasten with 6 screws.

Figura 13: A motherboard.Be sure that the cooling fan you choose is compatible with your motherboard.Install the CPU

The CPU interface is the plug that your processor goes into. For your processor to physically fit in the motherboard, the interface must be an exact match to your processor.

Figura 14: Examples of CPUs.

Installing the CPU:Open (lift) the CPU socket lever.Look carefully at the pin arrangement on the CPU and the CPU socket. It is constructed so that it only fits one way.Do not force the CPU. It's a zero-force insertion socket.Lower the CPU socket lever and press in and under to latch it.

Figura 15: Attaching the CPU.

Attach the heatsink and fan.Figura 16: Attaching the heatsink and fan.

A few hints:Make sure that you use a small, flat blade screwdriver that fits securely in the attachment bracket.

Figura 17: A flat blade screwdriver.

After you have attached both ends of the bracket, make sure that they are seated properly and hooked securely.

Make sure that the power connector from the fan is close enough to the CPU fan power connector on the motherboard.

Be sure to connect the heatsink power connector.

4. Attach the Power Supply and Other ConnectorsThe power supply has a single, large, rectangular connector. Insert this in the power connector on the motherboard. The other connectors from the case are tricky. Look at:The writing on the connectors at the end of the wires from the case.

The instructions that came with the case.

The diagram and chart in the manual for the motherboard.

Match the wires from the case to the connectors on the motherboard and connect.Other connectors:USB - In addition to the USB 2.0 ports provided on the backpanel, most motherboards will have connectors for additional ports, either on the front of the case or in a panel that fits where a PCI card might otherwise be connected.USB 2.0 ports are used for connecting various peripherals such as printers, external hard drives etc.USB connectors are also used for connecting iPods, MP3 players, and digital cameras.Given the growing popularity of USB devices, the more ports your motherboard supports, the better.Serial (COM) or parallel (printer) ports - Traditional 9-pin serial and parallel ports are much less used than they used to be. Many motherboards have dropped the parallel port altogether, while serial ports, which once numbered as many as four, are now usually solitary. The principal use for serial ports was once connection to either a mouse or an external modem, both of these devices now connect via USB.IEEE firewire - Firewire ports are principally used for connecting Digital Video (DV) cameras and external hard drives.Figura 18: A power supply.

Install the Random Access Memory (RAM)

The amount of RAM you use has become a simple choice. You just have to choose between installing one gig or two. One gig of RAM is plenty for most modern operating systems but all of them will run a little faster with two.Some specialized applications may profit from more than two gig of RAM. If you are planning on using such, make sure you check that both your operating system and your motherboard will accommodate the amount of RAM you have in mind.The actual type of RAM you will need depends on the motherboard and chipset you get. Some current motherboards use Double Data Rate (DDR) RAM but the industry is increasingly turning towards DDR2 RAM. Chipsets that use dual-channel memory require you to use two identical (in terms of size and speed) sticks of RAM.Figura 19: Memory.

Your RAM should usually operate at the same clock speed as the CPUs Front Side Bus (FSB). Your motherboard may not be able to run RAM slower than the FSB, and using RAM faster than the FSB will simply have it run at the same speed as your FSB. Buying low-latency RAM will help with overclocking your FSB, which can be of use to people who want to get more speed from their system.

Install the Hard Disk

Set the jumper on the drive (next to the connector) to select "Master".

7. Place the hard disk in the case and fasten with 4 screws.

Figura 20: A hard drive.Connect the hard disk to the motherboard to IDE slot 1. The motherboard comes with an IDE connector cable. The motherboard has two sockets (connectors) for IDE devices. They should be labeled "IDE1" and "IDE2". Connect one of the power supply cables to the hard drive.Install the CD-ROM Drive

Even if you dont plan on watching or copying DVDs on your computer, it is still worth purchasing a burner for their superior backup capabilities.Figura 21: A DVD burner.Installing CD-ROM Drive:Set the jumper on the CD-ROM drive. Here you have a choice. You can either:Attach the CD-ROM to IDE connector 1 and make the CD-ROM a slave. In this case, you will set the jumper on the CD-ROM to "Slave" and attach the CD-ROM drive to the same IDE cable as the hard drive. Or,

Attach the CD-ROM to IDE connector 2 and make the CD-ROM a master. In this case you will set the jumper on the CD-ROM to "Master" and attach the CD-ROM drive with a separate cable to IDE slot 2. In order to use this method, you will need a second IDE cable.

Connect one of the power supply cables to the CD-ROM drive.

Install Modem

A modem is needed in order to connect to a dial up internet connection. A modem can also be used for faxing. Modems can attach to the computer in different ways, and can have built-in processing or use the computers CPU for processing.Modems with built-in processing generally include all modems that connect via a standard serial port, as well as any modems that refer to themselves as Hardware Modems. Software Modems, or modems that rely on the CPU generally include both Internal and USB modems, or have packaging that mentions drivers or requiring a specific CPU to work.Modems that rely on the CPU are often designed specifically for the current version of Windows only, and will require drivers that are incompatible with future Windows versions, and may be difficult to upgrade. Software Modems are also very difficult to find drivers for non-Windows operating systems. The manufacturer is unlikely to support the hardware with new drivers after it is discontinued, forcing you to buy new hardware. Most such modems are internal or external USB, but this is not always the case.

Figura 22: Modem.

Modems can be attached via USB, a traditional serial port, or an internal card slot. Internal and USB modems are more easily autodetected by the operating system and less likely to have problems with setup. USB and serial port modems often require an extra power supply block. 9. Install Floppy DriveThough Floppy drives have been made largely obsolete in recent years by devices such as USB and CD writers, they are often installed anyway because they are sometimes required for BIOS updates and exchanging small files with older computers. Floppy drives block air movement with wide cables, and can make computers set to check the drive take longer to start.One option to overcome the cable problem and to make it easier to install is to buy an external USB floppy drive. These are potentially a little bit faster and can be plugged into a different system (such as a laptop without a floppy drive.) However, not all systems support booting from a USB floppy drive most notably older motherboards.


Anything outside the case that connects to your computer is considered a peripheral. The keyboard, mouse and monitor are pretty much the minimum you can go with and still be able to interact with your computer. Your choice in peripherals depends on personal preference and what you intend to do with your computer.

Mouse and keyboardFigura 23: An optical mouse.

There are, broadly, two types of mouse: optical and mechanical. Mechanical mice use a rubber coated ball bearing that contacts the mousepad or other surface and actually rolls around. Optical mice use a bright light and a sensor to track the movement of the mouse.Figura 24: Keyboard models.

Wireless keyboards and mice do not now display the sort of noticeable delay that they once did, and now also have considerably improved battery life.

Printer and scanner

For most purposes, a mid-range inkjet printer will work well for most people.You will want to compare the speed of various printers, which is usually listed in ppm (pages per minute). When choosing a printer, always check how much new cartridges cost.

Figura 25: Models of printers and scanners.

DisplayFigura 27: A Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) screen.Figura 26: A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen.

When choosing a display for your computer, you have two choices: a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) screen, or a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen. Both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages: CRTs have been preferred by gamers and graphic artists, for their generally superior response times and color gamut, but this is offset by the added size and weight that a large screen requires. CRTs are still somewhat cheaper in sizes of 17 inches or less but LCDs are generally less expensive than CRTs in sizes above 17 inches. In sizes above 21 inches LCDs are far cheaper, and much easier to find. High-end LCD models are generally preferred for tasks which need higher definition, such as movie editing, and are also popular amongst people with little-to-no desk space, as they do not need as much space as a similarly-sized CRT.


Computer speaker sets come in two general varieties: 2/2.1 sets and surround, theater, or gaming with four or more speakers, which tend to be somewhat more expensive. Low-end speakers can suffer from low bass response or inadequate amplification, both of which compromise sound quality. Powered speakers with separate sub-woofers can sound much better. (Extrado de, em 06/06/2011, adaptado)

Figura 28: Computer speakersA seguir, voc far um exerccio sobre o que voc acabou de ler. Voc pode responder as questes em seu caderno de ingls ou na prpria apostila.

1. O manual que voc acabou de ler, diz que, para voc montar um computador, voc precisa dos seguintes items principais:Power Supply


Processor ou Central Processing Unit

Random Access Memory

Hard Drive e Hard Disk

Optical Drive Device

Video Card

...e dos seguintes perifricos:a keyboard

a mouse

a monitor


a printer

Como voc traduziria estes itens em portugus?

Veja a parte 2 do texto. H algumas palavras destacadas em negrito. O que elas significam?

backpanel template:

replacement template:

to place:

to replace:

to lay the case on its side:

to fasten:

to be sure:

3. Na parte 3 do texto, novamente, h palavras destacadas. Mas so somente verbos. Ligue os verbos a seguir aos seus significados em portugus:


look . at

do not force


press .


make sure/be sure

abaixeabracertifique-se, tenha certezano forceolhe paraprenda, junta, ligue, fixepressione

Para instalar o power supply, a parte 4 do manual diz para voc fazer duas coisas principalmente:The power supply has a single, large, rectangular connector. Insert this in the power connector on the motherboard.

b) Match the wires from the case to the connectors on the motherboard and connect.

Explique em portugus o que significam estas duas instrues:

The power supply has a single, large, rectangular connector. Insert this in the power connector on the motherboard.

b) Match the wires from the case to the connectors on the motherboard and connect.

Qual o prximo item a ser instalado no computador?

Na parte 5 do texto, circule a expresso que quer dizer certifique-se.

O que explica a parte 6 do manual?

Veja os verbos em destaque na parte 6 do texto. Traduza-os. Em que tempo verbal eles esto?

O que explica a parte 7 do texto?

Leia a parte 8 do manual. Para que serve um modem?

Do que trata a parte 9 do texto?

Por que motivo Floppy drives ainda so instalados hoje em dia embora tenham sido substitudos por dispositivos mais modernos como Cds?

A ltima parte do manual fala sobre peripherals ou perifricos em portugus. Quais so os perifricos mais importantes ou essenciais?

Quais so outros perifricos que o usurio pode querer instalar em um computador?

Quais so os dois tipos de mouse que existem?

Qual o tipo de impressora que funciona para a maioria das pessoas, ou seja, o mais comum?

Quais so os dois tipos de monitores que existem?

Quais as vantagens e desvantagens de cada tipo de monitor?

Veja outro manual de instalao de computadores em:


Leia os trs textos a seguir e resolva as atividades solicitadas:

Leia o texto a seguir e descubra como surgiu a Internet:


Figura 29: How the Internet works.

The Internet is a global network of computers. Every computer that is connected to the Internet is considered a part of that network. This means even your home computer.At the top of the tree is the high-capacity backbones. All of these interconnect at 'Network Access Points' (NAPs) at important regions around the world. The entire Internet is based on agreements between these backbone providers who set in place all the fibre optics lines and other technical aspects of the Internet.The Internet has its origins in the creative work of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government. APRA heavily developed communication systems, and a computer communications network called ARPANet in 1969. The ARPANet connected up academic and government institutions. The network was mainly used for accessing files and to send email.Since 1983, the Internet has accommodated a lot of changes.The Internet continues to evolve, and is becoming available on a wider selection of technologies, such as mobile phones, pagers and possibly on televisions in the future.The actual term "Internet" was finally defined in 1995 by The Federal Networking Council. "Internet" refers to the global information system that: (1) is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons; (2)is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible protocols and (3) provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described herein.The Internet and the World Wide Web are closely related but are not the same.What's on the Internet besides the Web? E-mail, file transfer, instant messaging programs, online gaming, and so on.The most popular actions of the Internet are: to send e-mail, to view web sites, to download files such as mp3 and images, to chat with people live online, to post messages on newsgroups and forums, to play multiplayer games online, to watch movies and TV programs, to chat and view on webcams, and so on (Extrado de http://www.internet-guHYPERLINK "", em 20 de junho de 2011. Adaptado)Figura 30: How the Internet works.

Traduza o primeiro pargrafo do texto.

Circule no texto as palavras que so novas para voc. A seguir, descubra o significado delas em um dicionrio. Escreva abaixo as palavras em ingls e em portugus:

Agora leia a prximo texto The World Wide Web e sublinhe nele todas as palavras cognatas e aquelas que so repetidas.

The World Wide Web

The World Wide Web ("WWW" or simply the "Web") is a global information medium which users can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. The term is often mistakenly used as a synonym for the Internet itself, but the Web is a service that operates over the Internet, as e-mail does. The history of the Internet dates back significantly further than that of the World Wide Web.Nowadays, after lots of investments in new technology, the connectivity charges are lower than in the past, helping to make high-speed Internet connectivity more affordable.A handful of companies found success developing business models that helped make the World Wide Web a more compelling experience. These include airline booking sites, Google's search engine, etc.In this new era, social networking websites, such as MySpace and Facebook, which, though unpopular at first, very rapidly gained acceptance in becoming a major part of youth culture.

5. De acordo com o texto acima, o que significa o termo: The World Wide Web?

6. Traduza o ltimo pargrafo do texto.

7. Agora leia o texto The Web 2.0. Do que trata o texto? O que significa o termo Web 2.0?


Beginning in 2002, new ideas for sharing and exchanging content ad hoc, such as Weblogs, rapidly gained acceptance on the Web. This new model for information exchange was coined Web 2.0.The Web 2.0 boom saw many new service-oriented startups catering to a new, democratized Web.Predictably, as the World Wide Web (WWW) became easier to query, the Web 2.0 attained a higher degree of usability, gained a sense of organization and unsophistication which ushered in a rapid period of popularization.New sites such as Wikipedia proved revolutionary in executing the User Edited Content Concept.In 2005, three ex-PayPal employees formed a video viewing website called YouTube. Only a year later, YouTube was proven the most quickly popularized website in history, and even started a new concept of user-submitted content in major events.The popularity of YouTube and similar services, combined with the increasing availability and affordability of high-speed connections has made video content far more common on all kinds of websites.This combination of more user-created or edited content, and easy means of sharing content, has led to many sites with a typical "Web 2.0" feel. They have articles with embedded video, user-submitted comments below the article, etc.Continued extension of the WWW has focused on connecting devices to the Internet. As Internet connectivity becomes ubiquitous, manufacturers have started to leverage the expanded computing power of their devices to enhance their usability and capability. Through Internet connectivity, manufacturers are now able to interact with the devices they have sold and shipped to their customers, and customers are able to interact with the manufacturer (and other providers) to access new content.Lending credence to the idea of the ubiquity of the web, Web 2.0 has found a place in the global English lexicon. On June 10, 2009 the Global Language Monitor declared it to be the one-millionth English word. (Extrado de em 20 de junho de 2011. Adaptado)

8. O texto menciona dois sites que fazem parte deste novo modelo de Web que a Web 2.0. Que sites so estes?

9. O que explica o 8 pargrafo do texto?

10. A seguir, leia rapidamente o texto sobre Wikipedia e explique, primeiramente, o que exatamente a Wikipedia:


Wikipedia is a free, web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Its 18 million articles (over 3.6 million in English) have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world, and almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site.As of May 2011, there were editions of Wikipedia in 281 languages. Wikipedia was launched in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger and has become the largest and most popular general reference work on the Internet.The name Wikipedia was coined by Larry Sanger and is a portmanteau of wiki (a technology for creating collaborative websites, from the Hawaiian word wiki, meaning "quick") and encyclopedia. Wikipedia's departure from the expert-driven style of encyclopedia building and the large presence of unacademic content has been noted several times. Time magazine acknowledged the accelerating success of online collaboration and interaction by millions of users around the world and cited Wikipedia as one of several examples of Web 2.0 services, along with YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook. Some have noted the importance of Wikipedia not only as an encyclopedic reference but also as a frequently updated news resource because of how quickly articles about recent events appear.Although the policies of Wikipedia strongly espouse verifiability and a neutral point of view, critics of Wikipedia accuse it of systemic bias and inconsistencies and allege that it favors consensus over credentials in its editorial processes. Its reliability and accuracy are also targeted. Other criticisms center on its susceptibility to vandalism and the addition of spurious or unverified information; however, scholarly work suggests that vandalism is generally short-lived. (Extrado de . em 20 de junho de 2011. Adaptado)

11. Leia mais uma vez rapidamente e sublinhe no texto a parte que explica como o nome Wikipedia surgiu e quem cunhou este termo.

Quando a wikipedia foi lanada e por quem ela foi lanada?

Quais outros exemplos de servios da Web 2.0 que o texto menciona?


Nesta ltima unidade, voc vai fazer um pequeno teste para ver se voc se recorda do significado de algumas palavras importantes relacionadas rea da Informtica que voc aprendeu ao longo desta apostila.

Observe os verbos a seguir, e traduza-os: (20 x 0,1 = 2,0 points)

to screw: _______________

to insert: _______________

to attend: _______________

to press: _______________

to print: _______________

to process: _______________

to work: _______________

to install: _______________

to support : _______________

to push: ______________

to pull: _______________

to open : _______________

to close: _______________

to check: _______________

to remove: _______________

to match: _______________

to turn: _______________

to edit: _______________

to locate: _______________

to move: _______________

2. Agora, observe os substantivos a seguir, e traduza-os: (20 x 0,1 = 2,0 points)

1. data: _______________design: _______________

report: _______________

library: _______________

support: _______________

case: _______________

speaker: _______________

screen: _______________

printer: _______________

workstation: _______________

library: _______________

hard disk: _______________

body: _______________

plate: _______________

board: _______________

storage: _______________

key: _______________

motherboard: _______________

heatsink: _______________

fan: _______________

3. Leia as descries de diferentes partes do computador abaixo. Qual parte est sendo descrita em cada item? (10 x 0,2 = 2,0 points)

It is used to print copies. ___________________

It is where the user types.___________________

It is used to point things on the computer screen. ___________________

It is similar to a TV. On its front part there is a screen. ___________________

It is where all the information is processed.___________________

It is necessary to connect to Internet. ___________________

It is a device used to hear the computer sounds.___________________

A place in the computer where all information is kept.___________________

Where you read the information.___________________

You use it to connect the computer to the printer.___________________

4. Assinale somente os termos que se referem a "Input Devices": (20 x 0,1 = 2,0 points)( ) optical mouse

( ) trackball

( ) scanner

( ) flash drive

( ) monitor

( ) microphone

( ) magnetic tape

( ) light pen

( ) keyboard

( ) CD - ROM

( ) inkjet printer

( ) floppy disk


( ) barcode reader

( ) optical scanner

( ) laser jet printer

( ) digitizer pad

( ) hard disks

( ) fan

( ) speakers

Agora, assinale as frases que sejam verdadeiras e corrija as que esto erradas: (10 x 0,1 = 1,0 point)

( ) Keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers and printers are internal components of a computer.

( ) The motherboard is a very important part in the computer.

( ) The motherboard has several holes.

( ) The keyboard and the mouse are the most important peripherals.

( ) Printers are storage devices.

( ) If you want connection to the Internet, you need to install a CD-ROM drive.

( ) Floppy drives are not very common in modern computers.

( ) Anything outside the case that connects to your computer is considered a peripheral.

( ) There are, broadly, two types of mouse: optical and mechanical.

( ) There is just one type of computer display: the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).

Traduza as palavras que esto em negrito em cada frase a seguir:(10 x 0,1 = 1,0 point)

A computer is a programmable machine that stores and retrieves data.

When we talk about computers, we have to consider the hardware and the software.

The hardware consists of all the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system.

The software is the collection of data and programs needed to solve problems with a computer.

Most people don't know exactly what goes on inside of their computers.

The most visible parts of the system may be easy to understand.

The hard drive is where all the information on the computer is stored.

The memory is different from the hard drive because it is not permanent.

The memory is simply a place for the computer to store information temporarily while it performs certain functions.

Other computer parts include CD and DVD drives which can read information off CDs and DVDs.

Agora, para terminar, acompanhe a correo do teste acima com sua professora. Quantos pontos voc fez? Compare com seus colegas que esto perto de vocs. Os erros foram comuns? De quais palavras voc mais conseguiu se lembrar com facilidade? De quais palavras voc esqueceu o significado?Continue estudando e aplicando estratgias de aprendizagem de novos vocbulos em lngua inglesa. Use o dicionrio sempre que necessrio ou quando no conseguir identificar os significados das palavras pelo contexto.

Foi um prazer trabalhar com voc neste semestre. Espero que esta apostila sirva de consulta para voc em outros anos tambm!

Professora Gisele


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