Informe SRK Longacho 20041008

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Transcript of Informe SRK Longacho 20041008

Revisión de Diseño de Pilares

Mina Longacho Este


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Octubre, 2004

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Revisión de Diseño de Pilares

Mina Longacho Este

Haldeman Mining Company Alcántara 271, Piso 5

Las Condes – Santiago Chile

Número de Proyecto 01-2029-06-20 SRK Consultores

Matilde Salamanca 736 P 6º Providencia – Santiago

Chile Tel: +(56 2) 269 0353

Fax: +(56-2) 269 0322

Octubre, 2004

Recopilado por: Aprobado por:

Dermot Ross Brown Marcela Morales Ingeniero Geotécnico Principal Jefe de Proyecto

Autores: Dermot Ross Brown, Marcela Morales

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Tabla de Contenido

Tabla de Contenido ......................................................................................................................ii

1 Introducción ................................................................................................................. 1

2 Programa de Trabajo ................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Revisión de Labores en la Mina Longacho Este................................................................. 2 2.2 Revisión de Sondajes ......................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Informes Recientes ............................................................................................................. 2

3 Stope Support in Longacho Este................................................................................ 4 3.1 Features of the Ore Body.................................................................................................... 4 3.2 General Strategy ................................................................................................................. 4 3.3 Pillar Design ........................................................................................................................ 5

3.3.1 Rock Mass Strength ................................................................................................................5 3.3.2 Layout of Pillars, and expected behavior of the pillars............................................................6

3.4 Continuous Ribs and Fill ..................................................................................................... 8 3.5 Control of Water Within the Mine ........................................................................................ 9

4 Observations of Pillar Stability in Flanco Sur ......................................................... 10

5 Referencias................................................................................................................. 11

Tablas................................................................................................................................ iv


1 Paneles 1, 2 y 3. Ubicación de Sondajes Revisados 2 Sección Transversal Típica a través del Cuerpo Mineralizado y Planta, Mostrando Disposición de

Pilares Socavón Mina Longacho


A Registros de Ventanas de Mapeo – Mina Longacho Este B Cálculo de RMR – Indice Q en Ventanas de Mapeo – Mina Longacho Este C Cálculo de RMR, Sondajes Recientes Panel 1 - Mina Longacho Este

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1 Introducción Como parte del programa del proyecto 01-2029-06, se realizó una visita a la Mina Longacho Este entre los días 30 de septiembre y 01 de octubre de 2004, por personal de SRK Consultores (SRK), con el propósito de revisar la información reciente, y los desarrollos en la mina Longacho, para la revisión del diseño de pilares. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es actualizar y recopilar la información reciente, respecto a los materiales presentes en el proyecto Longacho Este e incorporarla al estudio realizado por SRK en el año 2002, y durante este año, para revisar el diseño de pilares de la mina subterránea. Lo anterior, tomando en cuenta la geometría del cuerpo mineralizado en el área sur de la mina, que es más angosta y de manteo más inclinado hacia el área de la falla Longacho, que la geometría interpretada por sondajes realizados desde superficie durante la etapa de exploración. Durante la etapa de planificación, varias opciones para métodos de explotación fueron consideradas por NCL Ingeniería y Construcción (NCL) y Haldeman Mining Company (HMC), y el método de Room Pillar (R&P) fue elegido para la parte tabular del cuerpo mineralizado. Donde el cuerpo es más grueso, se decidió que el método de explotación Post Pillar Cut and Fill (PPCF) usando la misma grilla para patrón de los pilares presentada en el estudio de SRK en 2002 que se presenta en la Referencia 2. Debido a las variaciones de la geometría del cuerpo mineralizado, en el área sur de la mina, HMC planteó en reuniones realizadas con profesionales de la mina, que este sistema de explotación no es óptimo para este sector. En las reuniones realizadas en la mina, se contó con la participación de los siguientes profesionales: HMC: Ricardo Arias Bernardo Galleguillos Fernando Dibona Juan Carlos Ramirez Juan Pablo Gonzáles Juan Marín SRK: Dermot Ross-Brown Marcela Morales Este informe resume las actividades realizadas durante la visita a la mina, así como la revisión del diseño de pilares, a partir de toda la información revisada durante el desarrollo del proyecto, y de la información proporcionada por HMC. Finalmente se entregan recomendaciones para la explotación del yacimiento.

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2 Programa de Trabajo

2.1 Revisión de Labores en la Mina Longacho Este El día jueves 30 de septiembre se realizó una visita a la mina Longacho Este. En el sector sur de la mina, específicamente en los Paneles 0, 1 y 3, se realizaron ventanas geotécnicas, para caracterizar el macizo rocoso en el área, y así poder comparar los resultados con los obtenidos del mapeo de sondajes. Se revisaron dos ventanas en el Panel 0, Pivote 0.1, una ventana en el Panel 1, Pivote 1.1, y dos ventanas en el área del Panel 3. En la Figura 1 se muestra la ubicación de las ventanas de mapeo. En el Anexo A se muestran las hojas de registro de datos en cada ventana revisada. Para la caracterización del macizo rocoso se utilizaron los sistemas de clasificación RMR de Beniawski (1989), y el Indice Q de Barton. En la Tabla 1 se muestra un resumen de los resultados obtenidos para el RMR y el índice Q calculado en cada ventana revisada en la mina. En el Anexo B (Tablas B1 y B2), se muestra el detalle de los cálculos realizados. Los resultados de RMR obtenidos en los Paneles 0, 1 y 3, para el Conglomerado Mineralizado (54, 58 y 61), son comparables con los resultados obtenidos en sondajes (Referencias 2 y 5). En el caso del Panel 3, en donde el conglomerado mineralizado presenta un valor de RMR igual a 10, es debido principalmente a la presencia de la falla Longacho, paralela a la labor (drift), lo que hace que la dirección de la estructura sea desfavorable para su estabilidad. Cabe destacar que los valores de RMR obtenidos de sondajes, no consideran el factor de la orientación de las estructuras.

2.2 Revisión de Sondajes Durante la visita se revisó el sondaje DDH 8425-5, realizado en el área del Panel 1, el que se encontraba intacto, es decir sin ser cortado para muestreo geoquímico. Adicionalmente se revisaron los datos de mapeo geotécnico de otros cinco sondajes realizados con posterioridad a la actividad de mapeo de sondajes realizada por SRK (Referencia 5), y que fueron proporcionados por HMC. Estos sondajes también se ubican en el Panel 1. La Tabla 2 presenta los sondajes revisados en esta visita. Para estos datos se calculó el RMR, para cada intervalo geotécnico, en el caso del sondaje DDH 8425-5, y para cada corrida de perforación en el caso de los otros sondajes. En la Tabla 3 se presenta un resumen con los promedios ponderados de RMR en cada sondaje, y en el Anexo C se muestran los cálculos realizados en cada sondaje. Los valores obtenidos están de acuerdo a los medidos en sondajes anteriormente, aunque en esta área se ve una mayor diferencia de calidad entre el conglomerado Sagasca (estéril) y el conglomerado mineralizado, mostrando que el conglomerado mineralizado presenta mejor calidad que el techo, especialmente cuando hay intercalaciones de ignimbrita y que el basamento ya sea compuesto por andesita o conglomerado basal. Para el conglomerado mineralizado se tienen valores de RMR, promedio ponderado de 58, mientras que para rocas del techo los valores de RMR varían entre 46, en ignimbrita, a 53 en Conglomerado no mineralizado. Para el basamento se tiene un RMR promedio ponderado de 42.

2.3 Informes Recientes Se revisó el informe “Caracterización y evaluación geotécnica e hidrogeológica del yacimiento Cuprífero Sagasca” del Sr. Marcelo Kong, realizado recientemente como memoria para Master. Como parte de este trabajo se realizaron ensayos de laboratorio para determinar los parámetros geotécnicos de los materiales presentes en la mina Longacho Este. En la Tabla 4 se presenta una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos a partir de este informe, con respecto a los resultados obtenidos en el año 2002 por SRK (Referencia 5).

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De este modo se puede observar que los valores obtenidos para el Modulo de Young (ε) son similares en ambos casos, para todas las litologías, observándose diferencia (valor mayor de SRK) en el valor de ε en Conglomerado basal. En el caso de la Resistencia a la Compresión Simple (UCS), los valores de SRK, se presentan ligeramente mayores, aún cuando son muy similares. Para Resistencia a la Tracción, los valores son muy similares entre los obtenidos por SRK y en el informe del Sr. Kong. Para los ensayos triaxiales, específicamente la obtención de parámetros c y φ, se tienen valores muy diferentes, siendo mucho menores los obtenidos recientemente. Es posible que esta gran diferencia de deba a que los resultados en ambos casos fueron analizados por programas distintos. En el caso de SRK, se utilizó el RocData, con el cual se obtuvieron los parámetros utilizando el criterio de Mohr Coulomb. En el caso del estudio reciente, se utilizó el programa RocLab, que utiliza el índice GSI en su algoritmo, para calcular los parámetros del macizo rocoso. Este programa tiende a bajar fuertemente los valores de c y φ, entregando valores que se consideran demasiado bajos.

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3 Stope Support in Longacho Este

3.1 Features of the Ore Body During the planning stage, several options for mining this ore body were considered by NCL and HMC, and the method of Room & Pillar (R&P) was chosen for the tabular part of the ore body. Where the ore body is thicker, it was decided that R&P mining would transition into Post Pillar Cut & Fill (PPCF) using the same grid pattern for the pillars (refer to Draft Feasibility Report, 2002). From the point of view of underground support, some key features of this ore body are: • It is a relatively small ore body, which cannot support the development needed for mass mining

methods. Currently the operation is planned at about 3000 t/d. • The ore body is roughly tabular and lies at a shallow angle, suitable for R&P mining. It is

typically 10 – 15 thick. After the first 5 m lift, R&P mining can be extended upwards in 5 m lifts, using fill to constrain the collapse of the pillars and to provide a working platform for taking the next lift. Where the ore thickness is more that 20 m, R&P mining can transition into PPCF mining as the pillars start to break up below the fill.

• As the Longacho Fault is approached to the west, the ore body starts to turn upwards and

becomes vertical in places against the fault. The footwall is particularly weak and will be difficult to support. Some of the best copper values, however, are found close to the fault.

• The ore body is about 200 m deeper than the Flanco Sur ore body. Although the rocks have a

similar strength to those in Flanco Sur, the overburden load they must carry is considerably increased.

• This ore body will be much more difficult to mine than the one at Flanco Sur. The planning and

mining skills of all personnel involved in mineral extraction will be tested in order to obtain an economic extraction ratio of around 60%. (An extraction ratio of 40% could be achieved more easily, but probably would be uneconomic.)

3.2 General Strategy A general strategy for ground control is outlined below: Mining method: From what is now known, Room & Pillar mining (with variations to accommodate changes in local geometry) still appears to offer the best option for mining this ore body. In the western area close to the fault, the geometry and the small volume of ore do not favor Cut & Fill mining without the use of cemented fill. (It is difficult and expensive to supply cemented fill on a small scale, and HMC is not contemplating the use of cemented fill at this time.) Likewise the small scale and the generally low dip of the Footwall does not favor sub-level stoping methods. [Note that this report is not specifically looking at alternative methods of mining this ore, although it is possible that HMC Mining Engineers could devise something different that would work. This report focuses on variations to the R&P mining selected at the Feasibility Study stage of the planning process. The review is based on a two-day visit to the mine, with a further two days spent reviewing the available documents and writing this section of the overall report.] Mining upwards: Because of the relatively high overburden load with respect to the strength of the surrounding rock, and the relatively weak hanging wall (HW) and footwall (FW), a good strategy is

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to mine the ore body from the bottom upwards i.e. up dip from the lower part of the ore body towards the top of the ore body. This means that the miners will encounter undisturbed roof conditions as mining progresses towards the Longacho Fault, where roof support will be a difficult. Also, good support of the HW and FW should help minimize dilution. Mining upwards (overhand mining) is particularly important when mining the steeply-dipping ore near the Fault. Ground support: The strategy for support is to use natural pillars of ore to transfer as much as possible of the overburden load through the stopes to the rock mass below the mine. These pillars are basically designed as rigid pillars; however, they will start to break up in a brittle manner and thereby provide some yield to the overall system of support. (Fully yielding pillars would need to be approximately 40 m wide; a design based on this, probably would reduce the Extraction Ratio to the point that the operation would become uneconomic.) The pillars are intended to provide a system of structural support to keep the HW and FW more or less in their original positions as mining progresses. This will tend to maintain good conditions at the face, and will help to protect the ramps and ore body development, which are mainly located in the HW above the workings. Systematic use of rock fill: The systematic placing of rock fill is an important part of ground control. In places it may be acceptable to leave up to 10 m of the stope height unfilled prior to abandonment, but the general rule should be a maximum of 5 m. Near the fault it may be necessary to fill all open voids as soon as possible after the ore is extracted. A program for placing this fill in a systematic way will need to be implemented. Retreat mining: A sequence of ‘retreat’ mining is needed to minimize the time the miners need to be in ‘open’ areas of the mining zone. Actively used access drifts and cross-cuts must be protected, by mining the area around them later. Avoid creating highly stressed zones of ore: Mining should sweep across the ore body with a regular front and take all the ore in a single pass. The sequence should avoid leaving ‘islands’ or ‘abutments’ (corners) of ore to be mined later. Such areas would become highly stressed, would require a lot more support, and could be the source of rock bursts with their inherent dangers. Optimizing the sequence of mining: The sequence of mining, which incorporates the concepts of retreat mining, mining upwards, and avoiding highly-stressed zones, will need to be optimized. If not already done, this sequence should be planned now for the entire ore body. Although it will be a challenge to the skills of the personnel in the Planning Department, it is achievable.

3.3 Pillar Design

3.3.1 Rock Mass Strength

The previous SRK report (Reference 2) discussed the design of pillars. A key element of this design is deciding on the appropriate value to be used for the Rock Mass Strength of the mineralized conglomerate in the pillars. There are several methods of estimating this value, such as:

1. The Hoek-Brown method using intact strength & GSI: this gives a maximum value of 800 t/m2.

Where the conglomerate is massive and without much jointing, SRK believes that the Hoek-Brown method severely underestimates the Rock Mass Strength.

2. The Li method incorporating critical strain: this is a relative new method (Villaescusa & Li

2004). The Rock Mass Strength of the conglomerate in the Kanowna Belle mine in Australia

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was judged to be 53% of the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) by Hoek-Brown, and 71% of UCS by Li. This conglomerate is much stronger than the Longacho Este conglomerates, but its behavior pattern may be similar in proportion to the strength (more investigation is required). This is one of the few examples we have found in the literature concerning the strength behavior of Conglomerates. Based on a similar ratio of Intact Strength to Rock Mass Strength, the indicated Rock Mass Strength of the mineralized conglomerate at Longacho Este is in the range of 1400 to 2000 t/m2.

3. Back-analysis of Flanco Sur: this gives a minimum strength of 1400 t/m2. The maximum

strength is unknown but is likely to be about 2000 t/m2.

The most weight should be given to the back-analysis of Flanco Sur, where the pillars were standing well for a year or two after excavation. Comparisons of the observed state of the pillars with those described by Pakalnis (2002, Fig 5b), indicates that these pillars have a minimum Factor of Safety (FS) of 1.2, although the Factor of Safety could be higher than this. From the analysis of the core and laboratory tests, it appears that the rock strengths in Longacho Este are generally similar to those found in Flanco Sur. Hence, if we apply the average height of overburden of 170 m in Flanco Sur and the typical layout of 9 m rooms and 12 x 12m pillars, we obtain an average stress on the pillars of 1145 t/m2. If we apply the minimum FS of 1.2, we obtain a minimum Rock Mass Strength of 1375 t/m2 for the mineralized conglomerate. If in practice, FS = 1.75 a Rock Mass Strength of 2000 t/m2 for the pillars in Flanco Sur is indicated. This range of 1400 to 2000 t/m2 would seem to bracket the Rock Mass Strength of the mineralized conglomerate. Since it is based on a field-scale test of the rocks encountered at Flanco Sur, it is more realistic than the estimates based on Rock Mass Classification Systems. To refine this number better, we need to back-analyze other case histories from the Sagasca Formation.

3.3.2 Layout of Pillars, and expected behavior of the pillars

The implications for the design of the pillars in the main part of the mine, is that the layout of 12 m square pillars with 7 m rooms, assuming a pillar strength of 2000t/m2 (i.e. towards the high end of the range), produces pillars with a low FS. In practice, the pillar strength could be less than 2000t/m2; on the other hand, this reduction in pillar strength will likely be offset by lower pillar stresses due to arching effects (enabling some of the stress to be transferred to the abutments). [A 3-D modeling study could give further insight into the behaviour of individual pillars and the overall behaviour of the mine.] Conversations with mine personnel, indicate that the 7 m spans we now have underground are satisfactory. This roof span can be supported with occasional split sets, except near the fault and where weak ground (e.g. ignimbrites) is encountered and additional support is needed. So, the room spans should stay at 7 m. Nevertheless, the present R&P design of 12 m pillars and 7 m rooms in the lower part of the deposit is an ‘aggressive’ design with an Extraction Ratio of about 60%. When starting in a new area, the re-distribution of stresses due to arching could give the miners a false sense of the problems they will likely face in the future. Consequently, this should be seen as an opportunity to refine work practices in order to be able to deal with the increased stress load that will be experienced as the area of the mine workings increases.

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Careful mining will be needed to achieve an extraction ratio of about 60% in a safe manner. This will require the following: • Careful drilling and blasting to minimize blast damage to the roof and pillars. • The placement of appropriate roof support in a timely manner. This support may need to

include pattern bolting and mesh on a routine basis. Sufficient supplies of roof bolts (split sets and fully-grouted bolts), mesh, straps, steel sets, etc, must be available on the mine. A list of materials, previously supplied by Mr. John Hughes, is included in Table 5.

• Timely placement of fill around the pillars in order to provide lateral constraint to the pillars,

in order to prevent or delay pillar failure. • Additional support to the pillars as needed: this might include rock bolts into the pillar at

mid-height, the use of mesh, and/or wrapping steel rope around the pillar to slow down pillars bulging (and subsequent failure).

• There is a time effect. Even if the pillars do fail, they may take some weeks or months to

fail, so the aim should be to mine an area and abandon it as soon as possible (i.e. cordon off the rooms and prevent ingress by miners and supervision). This is why mining ‘in retreat’ is important for this orebody.

• Excellent operational procedures, to ensure safe working conditions for all personnel.

As the fault is approached, the increased fracturing in the fault zone causes the Rock Mass Strength of the ore zone, roof and floor to decrease to one-half or less of the values away from the fault. Completely stable pillars probably cannot be designed that, also, will allow an economic extraction of about 60% for this part of the ore body. So HMC must depend on the following:

• Diligent attention to the factors listed previously. • Understanding how the rock mass behaves: A realization is needed that the rock mass will

probably fail and that there is a time effect to this rock failure; it will be necessary to understand and work with this phenomenon in order to extract the ore. This is a different situation from Flanco Sur (where the mining scheme produced stable pillars that could stand with minimal additional support for many years). We are more in the situation of the miners of coal, potash and trona, and others, who mine weak materials at depth and successfully extract the ore while the rock mass around them is deforming and failing. This requires excellent mining skills from all production personnel.

• Limitations of mining close to the fault: Despite the best efforts of mining personnel, it may

not be physically possible or economic to mine the ore close to the fault. A skin of ore may need to be left on the footwall; this might range in thickness from 1 to 5 m. The actual amount will need to be determined through trials in the stopes.

• Avoid puncturing through the fault: With respect to the above, drifting through the fault

should be avoided. It only produces weak zones that require expensive support, and there is the risk of encountering pockets of water that can further enter the workings. The geology of the last 5 to 10 m can be determined by drilling and coring as the cross-cut (or ‘pivot’) approaches the fault.

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3.4 Continuous Ribs and Fill As the ore body steepens up to 30 degrees or more and approaches the steeply-dipping fault, the mineable distance between the Hanging Wall and Footwall (as exposed in the roof) will decrease. Where it decreases to 15 m or less, some pillars on the regular grid pattern will almost span the entire width of the stope. Consequently, a modification to the layout of the pillars is suggested as the ore body begins to steepen up as the fault is approached. This we are calling Continuous Ribs and Fill; it is a variation of Cut and Fill with the addition of 12 m ribs which span the ore body. These ribs are intended to transmit most of the overburden load to the rock mass below the workings, while the fill is designed to provide lateral support to the relatively slender pillars, and to the FW and HW. Hence when the width of mineable ore decreases to 15 or less, mine planners could make a transition from the R&P design to Continuous Ribs and Fill. This would be done by extending every third pillar right across the ore body so that it becomes a rib. Since the rib has only two exposed faces (as compared to a pillar with four faces) it can transmit a larger average load, and is more efficient than a pillar in this respect. Also, as the ore body steepens up, the arching effect, whereby load is transmitted to the west abutment, becomes more pronounced. We should be able to take advantage of these two effects (reduced overburden stress due to arching, and increased load-carrying capability of the ribs) to increase the extraction ratio, and hence, increase the ‘efficiency’ of mining. The geometry shown in Figure 2 shows every third pillar extended as a rib pillar, with the other two pillars removed. This produces an open area 45 m long along the strike and an extraction ratio (as seen on the plan) of almost 80%. The area of exposed roof will be considerable, so that the width of the stope (in the direction of the dip of the ore body) must be kept short, since most of the overburden load will be transmitted across this short span. The success of Continuous Ribs and Fill in this situation, will depend on most of the good planning and mining practices mentioned before, as well as:

• Keep the span across the stope small: Apply the method only for reasonable spans (widths)

across the ore body. What is reasonable? This will need to be determined in the stopes themselves; the range is expected to be between 7 and 15 m (i.e. 7 m is the most pessimistic number and 15 m the most optimistic number).

• If the method does not work well by making every third pillar a rib, the fallback position

would be to make every second pillar a rib pillar. It would provide better support, but would not be as efficient in terms of overall extraction of ore.

• If the method of Continuous Ribs and Fill cannot be made to work, the fallback position is to

use PPCF as originally proposed in the Feasibility Study. • Place systematic roof support on a routine basis. This will require split sets and/ or fully-

grouted rock bolts on a regular pattern (all at least 3 m long), angled where necessary to intersect the faults at an angle between 45 and 90 degrees. Also, mesh and/or straps probably will be needed.

• Place fill in the stope. The worse the conditions, the more necessary it will be to place fill as

soon as possible after ore extraction. The objective should be to keep the current working areas safe by minimizing the volume of the open areas, and using the fill to constrain any rock movements or collapses.

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• Structural framework of support: The purpose of the rib pillars is to provide a structural framework within the stoping area. Each rib will extend upwards and sideways as mining proceeds towards the top of the ore body. Good surveying is needed to ensure that each pillar remains straight and vertical as it is extended, otherwise it will buckle and not be effective in taking the overburden load away from the roof and working faces. The purpose of the fill is to enclose and constrain the rib, so that it can take the maximum load.

• Independent working areas: The temptation to punch through the rib to obtain access to

another stoping area must be avoided, since this will destroy the structural integrity of the rib. Each stope should be an independent working area serviced with its own cross-cut (‘pivot’); the scheme shown in Fig 2 has a stope length of 45 m with cross-cuts every 57 m. Thus, if ground-support problems develop in one stope, they should have little or no effect on mining in the adjacent stopes.

3.5 Control of Water Within the Mine Although the water flowing into the mine from the Ignimbrite zones largely has been controlled by shotcrete, a considerable amount of water is accumulating in the bottom of the mine, especially in Section 3. Water on the ramp is causing deterioration of the haulage surface. Water is nearly always a nuisance in mines – it can be a danger to personnel and its control adds to the cost of mining. In mines where the water can dissolve or weaken the rock mass, such as in potash and salt, it can be a disaster leading to loss of the mine. The Sagasca Conglomerate becomes weaker in the presence of water. A piece of core placed in a container of water completely disintegrates within 90 minutes. The danger is verified by the results of the Slake Durability tests. Hence, great care is needed in handling water in the Longacho Este mine. Currently water is accumulating in the lower part of the mine, and is 35 cm deep in places. When the water collects in single tunnels, the penetration rate of the moisture into the surrounding rock mass is relatively low and the damage maybe minimal. If water is allowed to surround the pillars, however, it will seep in through all four faces and within a month or so probably will penetrate to the center of the pillar, weakening it considerably. The process will be accelerated as the pillar starts to take load and stress fractures open up allowing more rapid penetration of the water. This will soften the lower part of the pillar and the softer material will start to squeeze out, thereby reducing the pillar’s load carrying capability. This will probably manifest itself in more rapid break-up of the pillar and more problems in roof control. Field tests should be undertaken to investigate the nature of this phenomenon. SRK strongly recommends better ways of controlling water within the mine. A pumping system, which might utilize one or more of the ventilation shafts for access to the surface, needs to be installed. It is almost certain that the cost of gathering and pumping the water will be much less than the cost of transporting it out by tanker and the additional cost of dealing with the adverse effects of this water on mine operations. In the worst scenario, the accumulation of water could lead to the eventual loss of the mine.

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4 Observations of Pillar Stability in Flanco Sur A visit was made to Flanco Sur, where there has been some recent extraction from the roof and floor to provide feed for the process plant. The following comments are provided:

• In some areas the pillars in Flanco Sur are standing reasonably well. • In areas where the pillars are standing well, it should be possible to take an extra cut in the floor

or the roof, especially if fill can be placed to help constrain the surrounding pillars as well as to provide a working platform for mining operations.

• In other areas, the pillars are failing or have failed completely. In these areas, great care is

needed before extra cuts are taken. If not already implemented, procedures should be developed to ensure safe roof conditions (inspection, barring down, addition of roof bolts and/or mesh) and providing additional support to existing pillars (use of fill, pillar reinforcement) before taking further cuts into the roof or floor.

• In general, the broken rock around failing pillars should be left in place, since this is providing

some lateral constraint to the pillar and delaying further failure. If fill is to be placed next to a pillar, some of the loose ore could be removed if it is immediately replaced with fill.

• Catastrophic failure of the pillars is unlikely; they are more likely to fail over the course of days

rather than minutes. • The biggest safety hazard in Flanco Sur is the occasional fall of rock from the roof, which could

hurt or kill someone underneath at the time. Hence the need for procedures to ensure safe roof conditions in working areas (inspection, barring down, addition of roof bolts and/or mesh), and controls (cordoning off unsafe areas, restricting access, and ensuring only experienced miners work in these areas and that they are protected by canopies where possible).

SRK Consultores Revisión de Diseño de Pilares, Mina Longacho Este - DRAFT Página 11

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5 Referencias 1 SRK Consultores, septiembre 2002. “Caracterización Geotécnica del Macizo Rocoso,

Proyecto Longacho Este”. Estudio realizado para HMC. 2 SRK Consultores, septiembre 2002. “Diseño de Pilares para Longacho Este, Proyecto

Longacho Este”. Estudio realizado para HMC. 3 SRK Consultores, agosto 2002. “Groundwater Considerations for Longacho Este Project”.

Estudio realizado para HMC. 4 SRK Consultores, agosto 2004. “Mapeo Geotécnico de Sondajes Recientes, Mina Longacho

Este”. Estudio realizado para HMC. 5 Kong C., Marcelo, agosto 2004. “Caracterización y Evaluación Geotécnica e Hidrogeológica

del Yacimiento Cuprífero de Sagasca”. Trabajo realizado para tesis de master, presentado en la Universidad Centre de Geologie de Ingenieur, Francia.

6 Pakalnis, R., 2002. Empirical design methods – UBC geomechanics an update. Proceedings

of, NARMS-TAC 2002, Univ of Toronto, pp 203-210. 7 Hoek, E., Carranza-Torres, C., & Corkum, B. 2002. Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion – 2002

Edition. Presented at NARMS-TAC 2002, Univ of Toronto. 8 Villaescusa, J., & Li, J. 2004. A review of empirical methods used to estimate rock mass

compressive strength and deformability in the mining industry. Proc of MassMin 2004, Santiago, Chile, pp 59-67.

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Registro de Distribución

No. De Informe R-01-2029-06-20 -Draft

No. de Copia DIGITAL

Nombre/Cargo Empresa Copia(s) Fecha Autorizado por

Ricardo Arias Haldeman Mining Co DIGITAL 08/10/04 M Morales Archivo SRK DIGITAL 08/10/04 M Morales

Firma de Aprobación: A Palma

Este informe está protegido por derecho de autor por parte de SRK Consultores. Prohibida su reproducción o transmisión en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio a cualquier persona sin previa autorización escrita de SRK Consultores.

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Minera HMCLongacho Este

SRK Consultores

Panel 0, P0.1 L1 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado 54 1.650Panel 0, P0.1 L2 Basamento (Andesita) 49 0.825Panel 1, P1.1 L3 Conglomerado Sagasca (No Mineralizado) 58 2.500

Panel 3 L4 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado 61 0.393Panel 3 L5 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado 10 0.373

Tabla 1Longacho Este

Resumen de Valores RMR (Bieniawski, 1989) - Indice Q

Ubicación Ventana Nº Tipo de Roca RMR Q

tablas_informe 08/10/2004

Minera HMCLongacho Este

SRK Consultores

Este Norte8300-4A 467083.8 7768159.1 1560.7 238 -19 141.308400-2 467084.0 7768160.4 1558.9 277 -60 107.708400-3 467083.0 7768160.4 1559.6 272 -14.4 167.708425-3 467083.2 7768160.2 1558.0 280 -5 112.058425-4 467084.0 7768159.3 1558.8 280 -30 124.508425-5 467082.6 7768160.4 1559.8 280 -10 218.30

Longacho EsteTabla 2

Sondajes con Mapeo Geotécnico Revisados

Sondaje Collar (m.s.n.m)

Longitud (m)

Ubicación Dip (º)Az (º)

tablas_informe 08/10/2004

Minera HMCLongacho Este

SRK Consultores

RMR Mts RMR x Mts RMR Mts RMR x Mts RMR Mts RMR x Mts RMR Mts RMR x Mts8300-4A 45 25 1130 56 33 1852 60 39 2328 43 16 6758400-2 50 12 606 52 39 2010 55 33 1809 51 6 3038400-3 47 17 817 56 64 3557 60 48 2865 46 3 1388425-3 53 33 1765 48 95 4578 0 08425-4 58 15 867 58 89 5183 0 08425-5 36 49 1748 49 24 1200 53 14 729 37 18 656Suma 152 6933 344 18380 134 7732 43 1772

RMR promedio total ponderado

46 53 58 42

Tabla 3

SondajesBasamento (Piso)

Mineralizado Roca estérilRoca estérilIgnimb. (Techo)

Promedio Ponderado de RMR por Tipo Litológico en SondajesLongacho Este

Roca estérilConglomerado Sagasca

tablas_informe 08/10/2004

Minera HMCLongacho Este

SRK Consultores

Conglomerado Intermedio ------ 8.10294 ------ 22.36 ------ 1.25 ------ 0.783 (5) ------ 38.04 (5)Ignimbrita ------ 9.57215 ------ 24.3 ------ 1.17 ------ 0.503 (4) ------ 31.20 (4)Conglomerado Mineralizado 11.00 (4) 10.2317 32.00 (4) 26.24 2.41 (3) 2.38 7.97 (8) 0.560 (29) 32.93 (8) 27.90 (29)Conglomerado Estéril 7.03 (4) 9.10759 19.43 (4) 17.47 1.39 (4) 1.8 7.97 (8) 0.474 (26) 32.93 (8) 25.69 (26)Andesita Basal 33.10 (1) 36.4579 85.40 (1) 70.1 ------ 3.62 17.93 (3) 0.683 (7) 44.87 (3) 30.53 (7)Conglomerado Basal 54.20 (1) 32.2312 94.60 (1) 54.44 6.5 (2) 6.32 17.93 (3) 0.737 (6) 44.87 (3) 32.85 (6)

Longacho EsteComparación de Parámetros SRK - Informe M Kong


Parámetros GeomecánicosTracción φ (º)c (Mpa)

Tabla 4

Unidades GeomecánicasSRK MK

UCS (Mpa)Modulo de Young (Gpa)SRK MK SRK MK

tablas_informe 08/10/2004

Minera HMCLongacho Este

SRK Consultores

Material de SoporteSplit sets, 3m de longitud 300 unidad

Pernos de roca sólidos, 2m de longitud 100

Pernos de roca sólidos, 3m de longitud 200

Pernos de roca sólidos, 4m de longitud 100

Malla flexible y liviana 500 m2

Malla rígida tipo ACMA 300 m2

Materiales de shotcrete

En sacos, sino en forma de:


Agregados finos

Agregados gruesos



Secciones de acero en “H”, de 200 mm 300 m

Postes de soporte para los arcos 60 unidad

Madera cortada para el revestimiento de los arcos

Madera sin cortar para el retrollenado 20 tons

Cantidad Mínima

200 tons

Tabla 5Longacho Este

Lista de Materiales para Fortificación

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SRK Consultores Revisión de Diseño de Pilares, Mina Longacho Este - DRAFT

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Anexo A Registros de Ventanas de Mapeo – Mina Longacho Este

Client : HMC Outcrop No. : L1 Site Location : Panel 1, al final del drift

Project : Longacho Este Easting Geologist/ Engineer : DRB - MM

Project No. : 01-2029-06 Northing Date : 30/09/04 Face Orientation: 010

1 Rock type 2 Weathering 7 Relative Jointing UW Orientations

% Volume of weak rock IRS% Volume of strong rock 100 IRS 504 Groundwater Conditions

5 Blasting EffectsDaño moderado (se ven medias cañas)



(mm) Length (m) Ends Length (m) Ends1 Estratificación 49 116 0.30 1 RP 2 Crisoc 1 < 0.5

9 RQD Equivalent = 112 % Jc = 1.0

(RQD = 115-3,3 *Jc; where Jc = Total Number of Joint/set/meter)

10.1 Q = (RQD/Jn)*(Jr/Ja)*(Jw/SRF) Set Set Set SetNº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir



10.3 MRMR = RMR * Adjustment

Rev. 0/ 15-Nov-00

AlterationSpacingAverage OrientationInfill Wall


Dip Direction

Orientations Orientations

Average (m)

Nº/ meter Micro Macro Strike

10 Classification 11 Annotations

Set No.






Local split sets (de 3 m longitud). Espaciamiento mayor a 5 m. Paredes muy sucias, se estima que la estratificación es muy continua aunque es difícil verla.

Field Log for Rock Face Mapping

3 Intact Material Strength (IRS)

8 Rock Mass Discontinuities

CONGLOMERADO MINERALIZADO. Conglomerado fino, con crisocola en la matriz. No se observan planos de diaclasas, solo estratificación 49/116.

Manchas de agua en el techo, especialmente donde se han colocado pernos. Gotea en algunos puntos (0.01 l/m)

A 1

Client : HMC Outcrop No. : L2 Site Location : Panel 1

Project : Longacho Este Easting Geologist/ Engineer : DRB - MM

Project No. : 01-2029-06 Northing Date : 30/09/04 Face Orientation:

1 Rock type 2 Weathering 7 Relative Jointing Uw Orientations

% Volume of weak rock IRS% Volume of strong rock IRS 90-1004 Groundwater Conditions

5 Blasting EffectsPocas "medias cañas", pero poco daño (moderado)



(mm) Length (m) Ends Length (m) Ends1 Diaclasa 35 338 0.06 2.00 0.33 3 RP 2 Pat 1 0 >2 1 >2 12 Diaclasa 65 44 0.05 2.00 0.20 5 RU 2 Pat 1 1 >2.5 1 >1 13 Diaclasa 56 116 0.08 1.00 0.25 4 RU 3 Pat 1 1 >1.5 1 >1.5 1

9 RQD Equivalent = 75 % Jc = 12.0

(RQD = 115-3,3 *Jc; where Jc = Total Number of Joint/set/meter)

10.1 Q = (RQD/Jn)*(Jr/Ja)*(Jw/SRF) Set Set Set SetNº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir1 25 328 2 74 36

41 332 70 3410.2 RMR = IRS+RQD+SPACING+COND or 68 28

35 33810.2a RMR = IRS+FF+COND 65 44

56 11610.3 MRMR = RMR * Adjustment

Rev. 0/ 15-Nov-00

AlterationSpacingAverage OrientationInfill Wall


Dip Direction

Orientations Orientations

Average (m)

Nº/ meter Micro Macro Strike

10 Classification 11 Annotations

Set No.






Soporte 2 pernos split sets en intersección.

Field Log for Rock Face Mapping

3 Intact Material Strength (IRS)

8 Rock Mass Discontinuities

Contacto Conglomerado Mineralizado con basamento Andesita. Se observa fracturamiento en basamento, y en parte del conglomerado (zona de mezcla) que se presenta muy fino y compacto. Hacia el final del drift se observa falla, varios planos con arcillas, con 1 metro de espesor, color rojizo. Muy peligroso medir en este sector, por lo que se mide a la distancia 85/288.

No drips but damp spots. Tunnel acts as sump (70 m long by 0.35 m deep)

A 2

Client : HMC Outcrop No. : L3 Site Location : Pivote 1.1 (before water sump

Project : Longacho Este Easting Geologist/ Engineer : DRB - MM

Project No. : 01-2029-06 Northing Date : 30/09/04 Face Orientation: 180

1 Rock type 2 Weathering 7 Relative Jointing UW Orientations

% Volume of weak rock IRS% Volume of strong rock 100 IRS 304 Groundwater Conditions

5 Blasting Effects



(mm) Length (m) Ends Length (m) Ends1 estratificación 25 58 0.33 1 RP 2 Ar (Contact) 1 <1 > 6 0 >8 0

9 RQD Equivalent = 112 % Jc = 1.0

(RQD = 115-3,3 *Jc; where Jc = Total Number of Joint/set/meter)

10.1 Q = (RQD/Jn)*(Jr/Ja)*(Jw/SRF) Set Set Set SetNº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir1 25 59



10.3 MRMR = RMR * Adjustment

Rev. 0/ 15-Nov-00

AlterationSpacingAverage OrientationInfill Wall


Dip Direction

Orientations Orientations

Average (m)

Nº/ meter Micro Macro Strike

10 Classification 11 Annotations

Set No.






Soporte. Pernos split sets de 3 m, 2x2m, y 2" mesh. Shotcrete para sostener la ignimbrita. En el contacto, la pared presenta una alteración 1-3

Field Log for Rock Face Mapping

3 Intact Material Strength (IRS)

8 Rock Mass Discontinuities

Conglomerado Sagasca. Próximo al contacto con Ignimbrita. REVISAR CON DRB

Not drips but damp spots. Near "sump" (70 mensx 0.35m deep.

A 3

Client : HMC Outcrop No. L4 Site Location : Pivote 3.1, Panel 3. 10 m

Project : Longacho Este Easting Geologist/ Engineer : DRB - MM

Project No. : 01-2029-06 Northing Date : 30/09/04 Face Orientation: 180

1 Rock type 2 Weathering 7 Relative Jointing UW Orientations

% Volume of weak rock IRS% Volume of strong rock 100 IRS 40-504 Groundwater Conditions

5 Blasting EffectsMinimun damage



(mm) Length (m) Ends Length (m) Ends1 Falla 75 88 1.00 2 SLU 3 Ar, Ca, Cris 1-3 1 > 6 0 >6 02 Falla 59 50 Solo 1 plano muy cont. 1 SLU 2 Ar, red 1 1 >6 0 >6 03 Joint 84 2 Pocos muy cont. 1

9 RQD Equivalent = 102 % Jc = 4.0

(RQD = 115-3,3 *Jc; where Jc = Total Number of Joint/set/meter)

10.1 Q = (RQD/Jn)*(Jr/Ja)*(Jw/SRF) Set Set Set SetNº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir1 75 106



10.3 MRMR = RMR * Adjustment

Rev. 0/ 15-Nov-00

AlterationSpacingAverage OrientationInfill Wall


Dip Direction

Orientations Orientations

Average (m)

Nº/ meter Micro Macro Strike

10 Classification 11 Annotations

Set No.






No hay soporte. Algunas estructuras parelelas a la pared se ven en el techo.

Field Log for Rock Face Mapping

3 Intact Material Strength (IRS)

8 Rock Mass Discontinuities

Conglomerado Mineralizado. Falla 73/088, espesor 2mm, ca, clay. Estrías indican movimiento en el manteo.

Seco. Pocas manchas en el techo, no drifts

A 4

Client : HMC Outcrop No. : L5 Site Location : P3.1, drift paralelo a falla, aproximadamente 30m

Project : Longacho Este Easting Geologist/ Engineer : DRB - MM

Project No. : 01-2029-06 Northing Date : 30/09/04 Face Orientation: 232

1 Rock type 2 Weathering 7 Relative Jointing SW Orientations

% Volume of weak rock IRS% Volume of strong rock IRS 50-604 Groundwater Conditions

5 Blasting EffectsMucho daño, Se sienten sonidos, hay movimiento



(mm) Length (m) Ends Length (m) Ends1 Falla 79 98 0.17 6 SLU 1 Ar 3 4 >6 0 >7 02 Estratificación 35 583 Falla 70 110

9 RQD Equivalent = 95 % Jc = 6.0

(RQD = 115-3,3 *Jc; where Jc = Total Number of Joint/set/meter)

10.1 Q = (RQD/Jn)*(Jr/Ja)*(Jw/SRF) Set Set Set SetNº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir Nº Dip Dip Dir



10.3 MRMR = RMR * Adjustment

Rev. 0/ 15-Nov-00

AlterationSpacingAverage OrientationInfill Wall


Dip Direction

Orientations Orientations

Average (m)

Nº/ meter Micro Macro Strike

10 Classification 11 Annotations

Set No.






Soporte. Pernos split set de 3m longitud, sistematicos, 1.5 x 2m con malla. En parte principal túnel, Fallas 60/98, 70/110 y estratificación 35/058

Field Log for Rock Face Mapping

3 Intact Material Strength (IRS)

8 Rock Mass Discontinuities

Conglomerado mineralizado.


A 5

SRK Consultores Revisión de Diseño de Pilares, Mina Longacho Este - DRAFT

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Anexo B Cálculo de RMR - Indice Q en Ventanas de Mapeo - Mina Longacho Este


Estimate Rating % Rating Spacing (m) Rating Value (m) Rating Value (mm) Rating Value Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Class DescrPanel 0,

P0.1L1 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado MS 4 100 20 MS 10 20 1 0.3 4 RP 3 H<5mm 4 UW 6 15 Moist 10 FAV -5 54 III Fair

Panel 0, P0.1

L2 Basamento (Andesita) S 7 75 13 CS 8 2 4 1.0 4 RP 3 S<5mm 2 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV -5 49 III Fair

Panel 1, P1.1

L3 Conglomerado Sagasca (No Mineralizado)

MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.3 4 RP 3 S<5mm 2 UW 6 14 DRY 15 FAV -5 58 III Fair

Panel 3 L4 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado MS 4 100 20 WS 15 10 2 0.3 4 SLU 3 S<5mm 2 UW 6 17 Moist 10 FAV -5 61 II Good

Panel 3 L5 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado S 7 95 20 CS 8 10 2 0.3 4 SLU 3 S>5mm 0 UW 6 15 Moist 10 UNFAV -50 10 V Very Poor

Rock Strength Joint Spacing Joint Roughness Infill Weathering Groundwater Matrix Type SimbologíaEW Extremely Weak ECS Extremely Closely Spac <20mm RS Rough Stepped NONE/NO No Infill UW Unweathered Dry Dry F Fault G GypsumVW Very weak VCS Very Closely Spaced 20-60mm SS Smooth Stepped H<5mm Hard Infill <5mm thick SW Slightly Weathered Moist Moist/Damp SZ Shear zone Cl Clay AlunitaW Weak CS Closely Spaced 60-200mm SLS Slickensided Stepped H>5mm Hard Infill >5mm thick MW Moderately Weathered Mod Pres Moderate Pressure/W IF Intensive Fracturing Si Sílice OxidosMS Medium strong MS Medium Spaced 200-600mm RU Rough Undulating S<5mm Soft Infill <5mm thick HW Highly Weathered High Pres High Pressure/Flowin IM Intensive Mineralizat S Súlfuros CalcitaS Strong WS Widely Spaced 600mm-2m SMU Smooth Undulating S>5mm Soft Infill >5mm thick D Decomposed DM Deformable material Se Sericita CloritaVS Very strong VWS Very Widely Spaced >2m SLU Slickensided Undulating Alteración Py PiritaES Extremely strong NI Not Intact RP Rough Planar QAJ Alteración Cuarzo-Alunita-Jarosita Ja Jarosita

SMP Smooth Planar QAP Alteración Cuarzo-Alunita-PiritaSLP Slickensided Planar

RMR 89Rough. Infill Weath.

Condition of JointsRock StrengthApert.

Groundwater Orientation

Tabla B1Longacho Este

Cálculo de RMR (Bieniawski, 1989), en Paneles 0, 1 y 3

LithologyPoint Nº


CommentsJoint SpacingRQD

B 1

Panel 0, P0.1 L1 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado 100 3 1.5 4 0.66 5 33.333 0.375 0.132 1.650Panel 0, P0.1 L2 Basamento (Andesita) 75 9 1.5 2 0.66 5 8.333 0.750 0.132 0.825Panel 1, P1.1 L3 Conglomerado Sagasca (No

Mineralizado)100 3 1.5 4 1.00 5 33.333 0.375 0.200 2.500

Panel 3 L4 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado 100 9 1.5 4 0.66 7 11.111 0.375 0.094 0.393

Panel 3 L5 Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizado 95 9 1.5 4 0.66 7 10.556 0.375 0.094 0.373


Tabla B2Longacho Este


Cálculo de Indice Q de Barton

Ubicación Ventana Nº Tipo de Roca

B 2

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Anexo C Cálculo de RMR, Sondajes Recientes Panel 1 - Mina Longacho Este

Matilde Salamanca 736, Piso 6, Providencia, Santiago, ChileClient: HMC


RMR and GSI Calculation Sheet Borehole No: DDH 8300-4A

Rock Strength RQD Joint Spacing Persist. Apert. Rough. Infill Weath. Total Groundwater Orientation RMR 89 GSI

From To Lithology Estimate Rating % Rating Spacing (m) Rating Value (m) Rating Value (mm) Rating Value Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Class Descr0.00 1.50 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 83 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 19 Moist 10 FAV 60.00 III Fair 601.50 3.00 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 19 Moist 10 FAV 63.00 II Good 633.00 4.50 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 19 Moist 10 FAV 63.00 II Good 634.50 6.15 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 83 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 596.15 7.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 94 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 RP 3 S<5mm 2 UW 6 14 Moist 10 FAV 58.00 III Fair 587.70 9.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 RP 3 S>5mm 0 UW 6 12 Moist 10 FAV 56.00 III Fair 569.30 10.90 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 92 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 6210.90 12.40 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 6212.40 14.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 72 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 55.00 III Fair 5514.60 17.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 57 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 53.00 III Fair 5317.60 20.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 68 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 53.00 III Fair 5320.60 23.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 53 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 53.00 III Fair 5323.60 26.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 57 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 53.00 III Fair 5326.60 28.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 48 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 48.00 III Fair 4828.30 31.40 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita VW 1 38 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 45.00 III Fair 4531.40 34.30 Ignimbrita VW 1 0 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 40.00 IV Poor 4034.30 36.40 Ignimbrita VW 1 0 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 38.00 IV Poor 3836.40 39.40 Ignimbrita VW 1 0 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 40.00 IV Poor 4039.40 42.20 Ignimbrita W 2 36 8 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 46.00 III Fair 4642.20 44.60 Ignimbrita MS 4 73 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 55.00 III Fair 5544.60 47.60 Ignimbrita VW 1 0 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 42.00 III Fair 4247.60 50.60 Ignimbrita VW 1 0 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 40.00 IV Poor 4050.60 53.60 ignimbrita/Conglomerado Sagasca VW 1 89 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 56.00 III Fair 5653.60 56.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 6256.60 57.25 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 77 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 5957.25 59.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 86 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 5959.60 62.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 76 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 5962.60 65.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 6265.60 68.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SLU 3 S<5mm 2 UW 6 17 Moist 10 FAV 61.00 II Good 6168.60 71.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 94 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 67.00 II Good 6771.60 74.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 89 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 5974.60 77.60 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 75 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 57.00 III Fair 5777.60 80.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 69 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 53.00 III Fair 5380.60 82.60 Conglomerado Sagasca/Falla MS 4 19 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 41.00 III Fair 4182.60 85.60 Conglomerado Sagasca/Falla VW 1 10 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 38.00 IV Poor 3885.60 86.60 Conglomerado Sagasca/Falla W 2 0 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 FAV 39.00 IV Poor 3986.60 89.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 76 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 5989.60 92.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 50 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 50.00 III Fair 5092.60 95.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 89 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 5995.60 98.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 94 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 6298.60 101.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 62101.60 104.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 90 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 59104.60 107.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 90 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 59107.60 110.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 80 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 59110.60 113.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 62113.60 116.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 62116.60 119.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 62119.60 122.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 92 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 62.00 II Good 62122.60 125.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 84 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 59.00 III Fair 59125.60 128.60Conglomerado Sagasca/ Cong Bas W 2 68 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 53.00 III Fair 53128.60 131.60 Conglomerado Basal/Andesita Basa W 2 12 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 43.00 III Fair 43131.60 134.60 Andesita Basal W 2 10 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 41.00 III Fair 41134.60 137.60 Andesita Basal VW 1 23 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 40.00 IV Poor 40137.60 139.95 Andesita Basal VW 1 10 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 40.00 IV Poor 40139.95 141.30 Andesita Basal VW 1 0 3 VCS 5 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 FAV 37.00 IV Poor 37


Condition of Joints

C 1

Matilde Salamanca 736, Piso 6, Providencia, Santiago, ChileClient: HMC


RMR and GSI Calculation Shee Borehole No: DDH 8400-2

Rock Strength RQD Joint Spacing Persist. Apert. Rough. Infil Weath. Total Groundwater Orientation RMR 89 GSI

From To Lithology Estimate Rating % Rating Spacing (m) Rating Value (m) Rating Value (mm) Rating Value Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Class Descr0.00 1.05 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 22 3 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 44.00 III Fair 441.05 2.65 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 81 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 582.65 4.05 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 61.00 II Good 614.05 5.65 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 605.65 7.05 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 49 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 48.00 III Fair 487.05 8.55 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 93 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 608.55 10.05 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6010.05 11.55 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6011.55 13.05 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 92 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6013.05 14.55 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6014.55 16.05 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 94 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6016.05 17.55 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 93 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6017.55 19.05 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 70 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5119.05 20.65 Ignimbrita W 2 39 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 46.00 III Fair 4620.65 22.05 Ignimbrita W 2 71 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5122.05 23.45 Ignimbrita W 2 54 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5123.45 25.05 Ignimbrita W 2 66 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5125.05 26.70 Ignimbrita W 2 52 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5126.70 29.70 Ignimbrita W 2 61 13 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 49.00 III Fair 4929.70 32.70 Ignimbrita/Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 73 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5132.70 35.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6035.70 38.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6038.70 41.70 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 63 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5141.70 44.70 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 85 17 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6044.70 47.70 Ignimbrita/Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 83 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 55.00 III Fair 5547.70 50.70 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 51 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5150.70 53.70 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 19 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 41.00 III Fair 4153.70 56.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 85 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5756.70 59.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 57 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 5359.70 62.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 33 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 48.00 III Fair 4862.70 65.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 28 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 48.00 III Fair 4865.70 68.70 Conglomerado Sagasca VW 1 0 3 VCS 5 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 35.00 IV Poor 3568.70 71.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 37 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 48.00 III Fair 4871.70 74.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 57 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 5374.70 77.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 88 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5777.70 80.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6080.70 83.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 91 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6083.70 86.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 88 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5786.70 89.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 90 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5789.70 92.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 79 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5792.70 95.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 55 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 5395.70 98.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 48 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 48.00 III Fair 4898.70 101.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 58 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 53

101.70 104.70 Conglomerado Sagasca/Andesita MS 4 40 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 48.00 III Fair 48104.70 107.70 Andesita MS 4 52 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 53


Condition of Joints

C 2

Matilde Salamanca 736, Piso 6, Providencia, Santiago, ChileClient: HMC


RMR and GSI Calculation Sheet Borehole No: DDH 8400-3

Rock Strength RQD Joint Spacing Persist. Apert. Rough. Infill Weath. Total Groundwater Orientation RMR 89 GSI

From To Lithology Estimate Rating % Rating Spacing (m) Rating Value (m) Rating Value (mm) Rating Value Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Class Descr0.00 1.10 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 34 8 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 49.00 III Fair 491.10 2.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 81 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 582.70 4.20 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 61.00 II Good 614.20 5.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 91 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 605.80 8.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 76 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 578.80 10.20 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60

10.20 11.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 92 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6011.70 14.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6014.70 17.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6017.70 20.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 94 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6520.70 23.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 88 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5723.70 26.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 93 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6026.70 29.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6029.70 32.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6032.70 35.70 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 58 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5135.70 36.20 Ignimbrita W 2 0 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 41.00 III Fair 4136.20 37.60 Ignimbrita W 2 0 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 41.00 III Fair 4137.60 38.40 Ignimbrita W 2 0 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 41.00 III Fair 4138.40 41.40 Ignimbrita W 2 8 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 41.00 III Fair 4141.40 44.00 Ignimbrita W 2 66 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 5344.00 47.00 Ignimbrita W 2 72 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 5347.00 50.00 Ignimbrita W 2 62 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 5350.00 53.10 Ignimbrita W 2 19 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 41.00 III Fair 4153.10 56.20 ignimbrita/Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 55 13 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 49.00 III Fair 4956.20 59.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 18 Moist 10 0 62.00 II Good 6259.30 62.40 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 94 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6062.40 65.40 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 80 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5765.40 68.50 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6068.50 71.60 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SLU 3 S>5mm 0 UW 6 15 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 5971.60 74.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6074.70 77.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6077.70 80.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6080.70 83.70 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 52 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5183.70 86.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6086.70 89.70 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 64 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5189.70 92.70 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 52 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5192.70 95.70 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 47 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 46.00 III Fair 4695.70 98.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6598.70 101.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60101.70 104.70 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 17 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 41.00 III Fair 41104.70 107.70 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 57 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 51107.70 110.70 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 50 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 46.00 III Fair 46110.70 113.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 65113.70 116.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60116.70 119.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60119.70 122.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 42 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 48.00 III Fair 48122.70 125.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 78 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 57125.70 128.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60128.70 131.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60131.70 134.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60134.70 137.70 Conglomerado Sagasca S 7 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 63.00 II Good 63137.70 140.70 Conglomerado Sagasca S 7 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 63.00 II Good 63140.70 143.70 Conglomerado Sagasca S 7 97 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 68.00 II Good 68143.70 146.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 88 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 57146.70 149.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60149.70 152.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60152.70 155.85 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 91 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60155.85 158.85 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 65158.85 161.85 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60161.85 162.35 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 20 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 39.00 IV Poor 39162.35 164.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 78 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 57164.70 167.70 Conglomerado Sagasca/Cong. Basal W 2 36 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 46.00 III Fair 46


Condition of Joints

C 3

Matilde Salamanca 736, Piso 6, Providencia, Santiago, ChileClient: HMC


RMR and GSI Calculation Sheet Borehole No: DDH 8425-3

Rock Strength RQD Joint Spacing Persist. Apert. Rough. Infill Weath. Total Groundwater Orientation RMR 89 GSI

From To Lithology Estimate Rating % Rating Spacing (m) Rating Value (m) Rating Value (mm) Rating Value Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Class Descr0.00 1.50 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 33 8 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 49.00 III Fair 491.50 3.00 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 61.00 II Good 613.00 3.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 51 13 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 54.00 III Fair 543.70 5.20 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 82 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 575.20 6.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 51 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 536.70 8.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 58 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 538.30 9.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 92 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 609.80 11.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 93 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 60

11.30 12.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6012.80 14.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 73 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 5314.30 15.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 93 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6015.80 16.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 84 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5716.30 18.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 55 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 53.00 III Fair 5318.80 20.40 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 96 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6020.40 21.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6021.80 23.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6023.30 24.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6024.80 26.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6026.30 27.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6027.80 29.35 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6029.35 30.70 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6030.70 33.35 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 13 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 43.00 III Fair 4333.35 34.95 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6034.95 37.95 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6537.95 40.85 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 96 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6540.85 43.85 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 24 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 43.00 III Fair 4343.85 47.00 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 94 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6547.00 50.10 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6050.10 53.20 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6053.20 56.30 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 95 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6556.30 59.40 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6059.40 60.90 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6060.90 61.90 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6061.90 65.00 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6565.00 68.00 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 93 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6068.00 71.00 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 88 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5771.00 74.00 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 96 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6074.00 77.00 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 97 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6577.00 79.90 Conglomerado Sagasca-Ignimbrita W 2 54 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5179.90 81.50 Ignimbrita W 2 8 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 39.00 IV Poor 3981.50 83.00 Ignimbrita W 2 0 3 CS 8 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 39.00 IV Poor 3983.00 86.00 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 73 13 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 5686.00 88.80 Ignimbrita W 2 54 13 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 5688.80 91.60 Ignimbrita MS 4 36 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 48.00 III Fair 4891.60 94.80 Ignimbrita MS 4 89 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5794.80 97.85 Ignimbrita MS 4 98 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 6597.85 100.85 Ignimbrita MS 4 97 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 65.00 II Good 65100.85 103.95 Ignimbrita MS 4 11 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 43.00 III Fair 43103.95 107.05 Ignimbrita MS 4 12 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 43.00 III Fair 43107.05 110.15 Ignimbrita/Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 11 3 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 43.00 III Fair 43110.15 112.05 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 86 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 57EOH

Condition of Joints

C 4

Matilde Salamanca 736, Piso 6, Providencia, Santiago, ChileClient: HMC


RMR and GSI Calculation Shee Borehole No: DDH 8425-4

Rock Strength RQD Joint Spacing Persist. Apert. Rough. Infil Weath. Total Groundwater Orientation RMR 89 GSI

From To Lithology Estimate Rating % Rating Spacing (m) Rating Value (m) Rating Value (mm) Rating Value Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Class Descr0.00 1.501.50 2.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 69 13 MS 10 10 2 - 0 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 12 Moist 10 0 49.00 III Fair 492.80 5.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 100 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 66.00 II Good 665.80 8.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 61.00 II Good 618.80 11.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 84 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 5811.80 14.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 91 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 RP 3 S>5mm 0 UW 6 13 Moist 10 0 62.00 II Good 6214.80 17.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 88 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 5817.80 20.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 96 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 61.00 II Good 6120.80 23.80 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 92 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 5923.80 26.80 Ignimbrita W 2 85 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 5626.80 29.80 Ignimbrita W 2 96 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 5829.80 32.80 Ignimbrita W 2 96 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 5832.80 35.80 Ignimbrita W 2 94 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 5835.80 38.80 Ignimbrita/Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 49 8 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 46.00 III Fair 4638.80 41.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 98 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6041.80 44.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 99 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 RP 3 S>5mm 0 UW 6 13 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5744.80 47.80 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 91 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 5947.80 50.80 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 87 17 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 57.00 III Fair 5750.80 53.80 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 5853.80 56.80 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 5956.80 59.85 Conglomerado Sagasca/Ignimbrita W 2 89 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 5659.85 62.80 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 71 13 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 52.00 III Fair 5262.80 65.80 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 92 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 5965.80 68.80 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 100 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 64.00 II Good 6468.80 71.85 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 90 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 5971.85 74.85 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 5874.85 77.80 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 86 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 5677.80 78.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 56 13 CS 8 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 50.00 III Fair 5078.50 79.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 56 13 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 51.00 III Fair 5179.50 82.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 95 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 64.00 II Good 6482.50 85.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 93 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SP 1 S>5mm 0 UW 6 13 Moist 10 0 60.00 III Fair 6085.50 88.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SP 1 S>5mm 0 UW 6 14 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 5688.50 91.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 94 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SP 1 S>5mm 0 UW 6 14 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 5691.50 94.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 96 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SP 1 S>5mm 0 UW 6 14 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 5694.50 97.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 87 17 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 61.00 II Good 6197.50 100.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 98 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 64.00 II Good 64

100.50 103.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 94 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 59103.50 106.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 97 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 59106.50 109.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 91 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 59.00 III Fair 59109.50 112.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 92 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 64.00 II Good 64112.50 115.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 86 17 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 56.00 III Fair 56115.50 118.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 93 20 WS 15 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 63.00 II Good 63118.50 121.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 95 20 MS 10 10 2 0.2 4 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 16 Moist 10 0 58.00 III Fair 58121.50 124.50 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 100 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 64.00 II Good 64124.50 127.50 Conglomerado Sagasca/Basam-And W 2 91 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 17 Moist 10 0 64.00 II Good 64EOH 0.1

Condition of Joints

C 5

Matilde Salamanca 736, Piso 5, Providencia, Santiago, ChileClient: HMC


RMR and GSI Calculation Sheet Borehole No: DDH 8425-5

Rock Strength RQD Joint Spacing Persist. Apert. Rough. Infill Weath. Total Groundwater Orientation

From To Lithology Estimate Rating % Rating Spacing (m) Rating Value (m) Rating Value (mm) Rating Value Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating Value Rating Value Rating Rating0.00 73.43 Conglomerado Sagasca MS 4 91 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 19 Moist 10 0 68.00

73.43 75.17 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 100 20 MS 10 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 19 Moist 10 0 61.0075.17 116.60 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 91 20 WS 15 10 2 0.1 5 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 19 Moist 10 0 66.00

116.60 120.10 Ignimbrita W 2 24 3 MS 10 10 2 2.0 1 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 15 Moist 10 0 40.00120.10 143.10 Ignimbrita VW 1 48 8 MS 10 10 2 3.0 1 RP 3 S<5mm 2 UW 6 11 Moist 10 0 40.00143.10 165.30 Ignimbrita VW 1 10 3 CS 8 10 2 2.0 1 RP 3 S>5mm 0 UW 6 9 Moist 10 0 31.00165.30 188.20 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 63 13 MS 10 10 2 2.0 1 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 15 Moist 10 0 50.00188.20 189.64 Conglomerado Sagasca W 2 2 3 CS 8 10 2 2.0 1 SMU 4 S<5mm 2 UW 6 15 Moist 10 0 38.00189.64 203.40Conglomerado Sagasca Mineralizad W 2 85 17 MS 10 10 2 2.5 1 SLU 3 S<5mm 2 UW 6 14 Moist 10 0 53.00203.40 215.30 onglomerado Basal (Falla Longach VW 1 6 3 MS 10 10 2 1.5 1 SMU 4 S>5mm 0 UW 6 13 Moist 10 0 37.00215.30 221.30 onglomerado Basal (Falla Longach VW 1 24 3 MS 10 10 2 2.0 1 SLU 3 S>5mm 0 UW 6 12 Moist 10 0 36.00

Condition of Joints

C 6