Imperial Russian Research. Background 15 th Century Earliest indications of genealogy appear in...

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Transcript of Imperial Russian Research. Background 15 th Century Earliest indications of genealogy appear in...

Imperial Russian Research

Thomas K. Edlund


15th Century

Earliest indications of genealogy appear in nobility transactions

16th Century

Appearance of pedigrees and genealogical registers

1540s ─ appearance of the родословные книги

1555 ─ publication of the Государев Родословец (Tsar’s Directory)

17th Century

1682 ─ Палата родословных дел established to compile родословные книги for entire Russian nobility

1687 ─ Бархатная Книга (Velvet book) published

First scientific genealogy constructed in Russia

Background (cont.)

18th Century

1787 ─ Pedigree Book of Russian and Émigré Princes and Nobles

19th Century

1886-1887 ─ The Pedigree Collection of Noble Russian Family Names

1895 ─ formation of the Russian Genealogical Society

20th Century

1904 ─ Historical Pedigree Society established

1920 ─ establishment of the Russian Eugenics Society

Short List of Sources

Metrical registration (1722-19170

Revision lists (1719-1915)

Family lists (1860-1915)

National census (1897)

Revision Lists подушная подат (podushnaya podat)

generated lists known as ревизские сказки (revizskiye skazki)

1st revision: 1719-1721, corrected through 1727. Conducted by military

2nd revision: 1743-1747, with returns as late as 1757

3rd revision: 1761-1767, conducted by territorial governments and included females

4th revision: 1781-1782, conducted by казенная палата (kazennaya palata), and local land courts responsible for уездь (uyezd) administration

5th revision: 1794-1795, with some returns as late as 1808

6th revision: 1811, not completed due to war

7th revision: 1815-1817, undertaken to complete abortive 6th revision

8th revision: 1833-1835, for first time data were verified by comparison to метрические книги (metricheskiye knigi)

9th revision: 1850-1851

10th revision: 1857-1859, used to distribute land after emancipation. 10th revision listed a serf population of 11,244,913 males and a total population of 23,069,631. This figure represented about one third of the actual population count.

Revision Lists

Document Analysis: ревизские сказки

8th Revision, 25 April 1834

Perm province, Osinsk county, Verkhnaya Ershevka

Gender: Male (мужескій) Female (женскій)

Age at last revision

Date of revision

Age at current revision

Andrey Fedorov Korotnov (+) ─ ?

Ivan (+) ─ Katerina (54)

Dmitrey (27) ─ Avdot’ya (30) Aver’yan (25) ─ ? Avdot’ya (30)

Stepan (8)

Ivan (3)

Paraskhov’ya (1)

Sergin (+)

Nikolaĭ (5)

Andreĭ (2)

Metrical Registers

1722 ― Peter the Great order recording of births, marriage and deaths by the Orthodox Church

1737 ― Confession list format established

1806 ― Printed format adopted

1826 ― Roman Catholic Church required to keep metrical registration

1832 ― Lutheran Church required to keep metrical registration

1832-1835 ― Jewish ecclesiastical leader required to keep metrical registration

Document Analysis: Метрическии Книги

Копія съ метрическихъ книгъ Пинского Деканата приходскихъ костеловъ …

Часть 1ая Новорожденныхъ за 1859, 1860 і 1861 года

Archive Title Label


Пинского Костела отъ стра— 1 до 75

. . . .

. . . .

Давидгородецкого отъ 139 до 156

Roman Catholic Birth Records, Pinsk, Russia

Часть Первая о Новорожденныхъ - Part One concerning New Births


Копія съ метрической шнуровой книги Пинского Приходского Римско-Каθолического косела Минскои Губерніи въ Пинскомъ

уезде и деканатъ состоящаго за 1859 года

Column Headings

N = No.

-- Числа = Date

-- Рожденія = birth

-- Крещенія = christening

Name = Syl’vester-Julian Tyshkovskii


Когда? где? кто? и кем? Обноли водого: или совеъми

об рядами таинства окрещенъ?

1859го Года

Іенваря Месяца

Тысяча восемьсот пятьдесятъ девятой года, Іенваря третьяга дня въ Оховской филіяльной къ Пинской приходской Римско-Каθолической церкви, принадлжащей Ќаплице, окрещенъ младенецъ … Сыльвестеръ Юльянъ …

Какихъ родителей когда и где т. с. въ какомъ приходе

родился крещаемвій

Благородныхъ Ивана и Маріянны урожденной

Комаровой Тышковскихъ законныхъ супруговъ сынъ

родилися сего же года и мца 1ого числа въ сего Пинской


Кто были по имяни и прозваніи воспріемниками при Св.

крещеніи? и кто присудствоваль

воспріемниками были дворянъа Петпъ Еруцка съ

Евелиною Еруцкою

Summary Example

Тысяча восемьсот пятьдесять девятого года. Іенварь шестого дня въ Оховской филияльной къ Пинской приходской Р.К. церкви принадлежащей Каплицъе окрещенъ младенецъ по имяни Дорота преподоб. отц. орд. Св. францигика

агустиномъ Еогумемсъ совершеніемъ всехъ обрядовъ таинства


* ~

Summary Example

Дворянъ Ивана и Маріянны урожденной Матруковой Ленкевичевь законныхъ супруговъ дочь родившаяся сего же года и Мца 5 числа въ околице Подболотіи

сего Пинского прихода


* ~


Summary Example

Восприемниками были Варфоломой Леневичъ …

1897 Census

Family tax lists посемейные списки (posemeynyye spiski)

1st (and last) census перепись населения (perepis naseleniya)

Form А (A) peasant households residing on agricultural land

Form Б (B) for landed estates

Form В (V) for urban populations

воинская перечневая ведомость for the military population

общая перечневая ведомость for boarding students, clergy, wards of charitable organizations, etc.

Census Форма В (V), Analysis (cont.)

Total population present

Population living here permanently

Of those present, the number of persons not of the peasant estate

Number of the peasant population assigned here

The Census Return

The Census Return (cont.)

Surname, given name and patronymic or given names if there are several. Note those blind in both eyes, mute, deaf

and dumb, or insane

Volkov, Ivan Sidarov

The Census Return (cont.)

Head of Household



M - Male

Zh - Female

How is the enumerated related to the head of the household and the

head of his family

The Census Return (cont.)

How many years or months from birth






Zh. [married]

The Census Return (cont.)

Estate, position or occupation

State peasant

Born here, or is not here, where

Province, county, city

Viatka province,

No county

The Census Return (cont.)

Registered here, or is not here, where

(for those required to register

Here Here

Where does he usually live. Here,

an if not here, where

Province, county, city

The Census Return (cont.)



R.Russian Orthodox

Memos concerning absence and temporary reisdence

The Census Return (cont.)


Can he read?


Where is he studying, studied, or completed a

course of study

The Census Return (cont.)

Profession, craft, business, office or service

Chief profession, that

is the main source of income

Secondary business

Military statusLanded
