Ian Malone - Portfolio 2016

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Ian Malone - Portfolio 2016


Education SkillsB.A (Honours) Visual Communications

Limerick School of Art and Design, 2013





After Effects



I spent two years after graduation working at Firecrest Clinical,

a CRO in Limerick, as a member of their internal design team.

One of my biggest contriubtions in my time there was the

completion of a full suite of illustrations for a new web-based

product roll-out. It called for a simple style, using a limited

colour palette, so that new illustrations could be created to fit

tight deadlines. This suite is still being used and expanded upon

in Firecrest, using a style guide that I wrote.

Other projects during my time here included icon design, basic

UX layouts and extensive amounts of animation using Flash,

as one of two/three designers on a team also comprising of

pharmacologists and medical subject-matter-experts. In this

role I learned a lot about working on a team and meeting tight



For my final year project, which was displayed at the graduate

show in the Limerick School of Art and Design 2013, I chose the

game of chess as the subject matter for my project.

The project consisted of an eighteen page foldout book containing

information about the game and articles about times when chess

has collided with popular culture. The articles/information pages

were separated by illustrations of each of the six types of chess

pieces. In doing this booklet, I combined fairly minimal line based

illustrations, accompanied by the bodies of text that made up the


I also completed a series of four posters with illustrations of four

great chess masters from the past and the present, to accompany

the book. These were created in the same illustration style as in the


This project was a lot of fun as I had total creative freedom, in both

choice of subject matter and design, because of this I feel like this

project represents me most accurately as a designer.

Graduate Project

Logo design and internal images for a nightclub in the heart of

Limerick City. Including various advertising media, signage and

various decals for the interior of the venue.

The owner of the club wanted a vibrant, energetic solution for the

branding, so I ran with the orchard motif; trees, leaves, wood, etc.

For the logo, I paired a modern, display sans-serif with a loose,

wavy underline, and added a leaf flourish, which was also used as

a monogram to represent the club.

This is a personal favourite project of mine, as what designer

doesn’t love having his work being displayed ot a popular

city-centre night club.

The Orchard

This client came to me prior to starting a concert promotion

company, based in Galway city, but that put on shows all over

Ireland. They were focused on alternative music (Heavy metal,

instrumental, post-rock, math-rock) and wanted an identity that

reflected this.

As well as branding Feast, I also designed a number of posters

for concerts/tours they have organised. The challenge for each

poster was to retain the style of Feast’s branding, while also

fitting in with the groups playing and their style of music.

This was a project I thoroughly enjoyed completing, as it

incorporated areas of design I particularly enjoy working in,

and I got to design for alternative music culture, which I am

passionate about.


This client, Paddy Frawley’s bar, a popular Limerick city pub,

came to me looking for an A6 cocktail menu. This was an

important project for them, as cocktails are a big part of the

pubs identity, and they are known in the city for the quality of

said cocktails.

Shown here are the menu that was chosen by the client (on the

left) and an unused second draft that I put together.

They wanted something that would fit in with the existing

branding and interior of the bar, but also asked me for

something that had a hint of an ‘Art-Deco’ style.

The biggest challenge for this piece was fitting all of the

information for each cocktail into each A6 sized page. I

achieved this by using Bodoni at 10pt, which even at such

a small size, is still easily readable, and fit in nicely with the

overall style of the menu.

Cocktail Menu

The brief for this project was to take four statistics pertaining to the

2012 Olympic in London and illustrate them in an infographic style,

to be put in a magazine alongside an article about the games.

For the infographics I opted for a clean-cut approach, with flat

colours to allow the information the be easily understandable for

the reader.

Olympics Infographics

I also enjoy to shoot pictures whenever I can, and am familiar with

most contemporary SLR cameras. Here is a small selection of my

personal favourites.


A selection of some logos I created for various small

businesses and ventures around Ireland.

Logo Design


(085) - 1078271

Behance Portfolio

This has just been a small selection of my work. If you would like to view some more of my work please visit my:

Personal Website