Iamcr2015 domenget-latzko-toth

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Transcript of Iamcr2015 domenget-latzko-toth

Pour une approche temporaliste des usages et des dispositifs de communication numériques

For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses

Jean-Claude DomengetELLIADD – Université de Franche-Comté

Guillaume Latzko-TothLabCMO – Université Laval

IAMCR 2015 / UQAM / 14-07-2015


Conceptualizing the unstable – Limits of existing theoretical frameworks

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

Two paradigms in the field of French social studies of ICT uses (sociology of uses; Jauréguiberry et Proulx, 2011; Proulx, 2015) :

1) Unit of analysis = social uses as stable pattern of practices; focus on continuity, reproduction, filiation of uses

missing some aspects of digital ICT uses (changes, instabiliy, fragility)

2) Unit of analysis = activity within which ICT uses take place; 5 levels of analysis including everyday life and the long term

time as a contextual element in the analysis (to situate uses at a specific scale of time or within a historical sequence)

A concept of uses as stable construct becomes inadequate when devices themselves are – and stay – unstable!


Instability of digital devices, fragility of their uses

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

Software-based media...

•Keep their plasticity (flexibility) long after they start to be used

•Are subject to constant mutations (permanently beta, Neff & Stark, 2003)

•Are unstable and incomplete by design (Garud et al, 2008; Latzko-Toth, 2011; Maxigas, 2014) : their plasticity is instrumentalized by designers to enroll users in the design process


Instability of digital devices, fragility of their uses

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

Digital practices...

•Are unstable as they are constantly adjusting to evolving devices

•Uses are fragile (Domenget, 2013) : subject to changes in attitudes towards and representation of the device; fluctuations in the degree of engagement; moments of disengagements, and so on

•Show various states from non-uses or "limited uses" – Kellner et al., 2010) to routinized (social) uses = 2 ideal-types at both ends of a continuum


Broadening the conceptual framework to include temporal dimensions

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

• Poorness of existing terminology to refer to time in ICT uses

• No unified theory in sociology of time, but a rich vocabulary has been crafted in this scholarship, allowing for a rich and fine-grained analysis of social temporalities in relation to digital practices


Broadening the conceptual framework to include temporal dimensions

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

Lallement's (2008) grammar of time based on Grossin (1996) articulates 4 time structures/formations :

- temporal frames: imposed "architectures" of time specific to a domain of activity (closed and rigid)

- temporal milieus: temporal assemblages that structure activities on an open, free, and flexible basis

- temporal cultures: shared representations and "ways of doing" associated with a group/society/period/generation

- personal temporal equations: combining a personal temporal horizon (individual perspective on the articulation of present, past and future), time management practices, and other elements

useful for analyzing temporal heterogeneities and related conflicts in ICT uses


Broadening the conceptual framework to include temporal dimensions

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

A typology of temporal dimensions (Dubar et Rolle, 2008):

- Moments of time: present, past, future

- Time scales: short, medium, long term

- Domains of time structuration: work, leisure, family, intimacy

- Modes of temporal expression: ways of expressing temporalities in discourse (e.g. temporal narratives regarding the self)

Useful for describing the temporal texture and "depth" of ICT uses


Methodological principles

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

• Approach devices and practices in a diachronic, historicized way; by following the device's co-construction process, design changes and the formation of uses are captured jointly

• Within a definite time period, think digital devices as synchronicly embedded in a boundless web of digital artifacts

• A sensitivity to instability and fragility as expressed in the discourses involved in sociotechnical controversies


Inquiry methods

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

• Long term observation/immersion (several years) develop a reflexive practice and a diachronic view of the device

• Qualitative interviews personal temporal equations in their diachronic and synchronic aspects

• Trace analysis (archives of posts, tweets, etc. ; Facebook activity logs...)

• Hybrid methods (e.g. trace interviews and co-analysis with users)


Illustrations: temporalizing Twitter uses

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

• Twitter lists: how listing morphed from a social curation practice to a metrics of authority

• Twitter bots and the automation of relation establishment


Conclusions – Revisiting user agency through the lens of temporality

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

• Unfolding the "hidden dimension" of time in studies of digital communication devices

• New possible axes of analysis Historicity of ICT uses (e.g.: how users periodicize their own


Time practices in relation to ICT uses (how digital practices shape collective and individual temporalities)



Conclusions – Revisiting user agency through the lens of temporality

Domenget & Latzko-Toth – For a temporalist approach of digital communication devices and their uses – IAMCR 2015

•Time and technology as a nexus of political struggle (cf. Grossin's temporal ecologies):

ICTs may be used to empower users in relation to time by helping them articulate temporal milieus allowing them to deal with temporal heterogeneity and other challenges in a culture of emergency (Auber, 2003) and social acceleration (Rosa, 2012);

but they can also harden the constraints of temporal frames and configure users' temporal experiences in a forced fashion


Merci ! Thank you !

Jean-Claude DOMENGET – ELLIADD – Université de Franche-Comté


Guillaume LATZKO-TOTH – LabCMO – Université Laval
