I CIH ITH Le 3 · 2017-06-26 · ke9e, yayg1, do~ek vb.), giyim ku~amla ilgili (elbise, ciibbe,...

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Transcript of I CIH ITH Le 3 · 2017-06-26 · ke9e, yayg1, do~ek vb.), giyim ku~amla ilgili (elbise, ciibbe,...


Intangible Cultural Heritage Institute Association I Ankara sokumenstitusu@gmail .com

Number: 62 Recru CLT I CIH ITH

Subject: Dede Korkut Tradition Le 3 1 MARS ~~:7

N' .. ... ..... . 21.{4? .. 3 ...... ... .. .. .




Our Institute, founded in 2012 for the purpose of improving and enriching non­governmental activities and supporting individuals and organizations in the field of cultural heritage, contributes to process of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in both national and international platforms as a non-governmental organization. In this context, it has been carried out projects with the cooperation of academic organizations, universities, non-governmental organizations, associations, foundations and institutes focusing on culture such as Turkish National Commission for UNESCO and Turkish Folk Sciences Research and Application Centers. In addition to these, in our museum there are performances of meddah (public storytellers), masalc1 (taletellers) and minstrel's activities for the transmission ofDede Korkut stories to next generations. Moreover, at the expert level it is actively supported policies about safeguarding the cultural heritage and works and projects enabling effective participation of civil society in its process of implementation.

Dede Korkut narratives, basic creations of cultural history and existing in different geographies, prove the universal value of the element. The inscription of the element on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity will contribute to increasing the visibility of intangible cultural heritage and awareness of the Representative List by wide masses . As a non-governmental organization, with intangible cultural heritage museums founded, being active in the fields of research, training and application and having academic accumulation in this field, we state that we heartily support inscribing Dede Korkut Tradition on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


Secretary General of the Association

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evrim Ol9er Oziinel


So,mut Olmayan K(Jilurel Miras Enstiti.isi.i Dernagi r Ankara so~mmonstHusu gmall.com -·


Sayt: 62 13.03.2017 Le 3 1 MARS 2017

Konu: Dede Korkut Gelenegi No ........... 01.6.\3. ............. .


Ki.ilttirel miras alanmda sivil toplum faaliyetlerinin etkinle~tirilmesi ve geli~tirilmesini

saglamak ve bu konuda 9ah~malar yapan ki~i ve kurulu~lara destek vermek amactyla 20 12' de kurulan

Enstittirntiz, bir sivil toplum kurulu~u olarak somut olmayan ktilttirel mirasm korunmas1 stire9lerine

ulusal ve uluslararas1 platformlarda katkt saglamaktadtr. Bu 9er9evede, UNESCO Ttirkiye Milli

Komisyonu, i.iniversiteler, sivil toplum kurulu~lan ve Ttirk Halk Bilimi Ara~t1rma ve Uygulama

Merkezleri gibi akademik ve ktilttirti odak noktas1 h§.line getirmi~ kurulu~, demek, vaktf ve

enstittilerle i~birligi i9inde projeler ytiri.itmektedir. Bunlann yan1 sua, mi.izemizde meddah, masalc1

ve a~aklarm dilinden Dede Korkut hikayelerinin gelecek ku~aklara aktarllmasma yonelik etkinliklere

de yer verilmektedir. Aynca, ktilttirel mirasm korunmas1 politikalarma ve politikalann uygulanmas1

si.ire9lerine sivil toplumun etkin katthmmt saglayan 9al1~malara uzman di.izeyinde aktif ~ekilde destek


Ki.ilttir tarihinin temel yaratlmlarmdan olan Dede Korkut anlatilarmm fark11 cografyalarda

varhk gostermesi unsurun evrensel ol9i.ide degerini de kanttlamaktadtr. Unsurun, insanhgm Somut

Olmayan Ki.ilttirel Mirasmm Temsili Listesi'ne kaydettirilmesi, Ttirkiye'de somut olmayan ktilttirel

mirasm gortirli.irli.igi.ini.in artmasma ve Temsili Liste'nin geni~ kitlelerce tanmmasma katktda

bulunacakttr. Kurdugu somut olmayan ki.ilttirel miras mi.izeleriyle ara~tlrma, egitim ve uygulama

alanlannda varhk gosteren ve aynca bu alanda akademik birikime sahip olan bir sivil toplum kurulu~u

olarak Dede Korkut Gelenegi'nin insanltgm Somut Olmayan Ktilttirel Miras1 Temsili Listesi'ne

kaydettirilmesini gontilden destekledigimizi belirtiriz.

Do9. Dr. Evrim Ol9er Ozi.inel



Subject: Consent Declaration

Number: 2017/012


The values arise from the stories ofDede Korkut, giving importance to unity of family, love, honesty, respect, aesthetics, courage, being honorable, solidarity, patriotism, generosity, compassion as we encounter, in addition to these universal values, in the stories social and religious values and oral expressions of Malatya Province (Tales, legends, stories and dirges) are still kept alive in cultural memory of life. In those stories, many tangible cultural products were presented related with house, architecture and spaces (tent, marquee, oven, room etc.), utilities of daily life (kopuz- musical instrument, carpet, felt, mattress etc.) and clothing (dress, robe, waistband, shalwar, broadcloth etc.). Except for language these findings are seen in oral tradition and lifestyle of Malatya with all the values of aesthetics.

In this framework, related with the works of intangible cultural heritage by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism General Directorate of Research and Training, we support and accept inscribing "Dede Korkut Cultural Heritage" in Malatya on UNESCO Representative List ofthe Intangible Cultural Heritage ofHurnanity.

Submitted for appropriate action.




Chairman of the Board of Directors


KONU: RTZA BEY ANI Sayt2017/012


Dede Korkut Hikayeleri ile ortaya pkan degerler; aile birligine onem verme, sevgi, di.iliistli.ik, sayg1, estetik, cesaret, onurlu olma, dayant~ma, vatanseverlik, comertlik, merhamet olarak kar~1m1za 91kan evrensel nitelikli bu degerlerin yam stra Dede Korkut Hikayelerinde toplumsal ve dini degerler Malatya sozlii gelenek tiri.inleri (Masallar, Efsaneler, hikayeler, agttlar) ve ktilti.irel hayatta fazlastyla yer almaktadu. Dede Korkut Hikayelerinde ev, mimari ve mekanlarla (9ad1r, otag1, ocak, oda vb.), gi.inliik hayatta kullantlan e~yalarla (kopuz, hah, ke9e, yayg1, do~ek vb.), giyim ku~amla ilgili (elbise, ciibbe, ku~ak, ~alvar, 9uha vb.) maddi kiiltiir iiriini.i ortaya konulmu~tur. Bu bulgular dil kullaniml d1~mda, estetik deger altmda ele alman tiim degerlerle Malatya sozlii gelenekleri ile ya~ay1~larmda goriilmektedir.

Bu 9er9evede T.C. Kiiltiir ve Turizm Bakanhg1 Ara~tuma ve Egitim Gene! Miidiirliigiiniin Somut Olmayan Kiiltiirel Miras yah~malariyla ilgili olarak "Malatya'da Dede Korkut Kiilti.ir Miras1"nm UNESCO 1nsanhgm Somut Olmayan Kiiltiirel Mirasmm Temsili Listesi'ne yazdmlmasm1 destekliyor ve onayhyoruz.

Geregini arz ederim.


urulu Ba~kan1

To the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

(Letter of Consent)

Subject: Inscription ofDede Korkut to the List ofintangible Cultural Heritage 13.03.2017

I'm a folk bard born in 1964 Kars City Kagtzman District. My bard nickname is Sadtk Miskini and my real name is Sait Ktiyiik. I acknowledge Dede Korkut as the sage of bards and my moral master. Hereby I support/consent the inscription ofDede Korkut to the Representative list.

Address: Sahindere Mah. Narinkale Cad. ismail Bey sok. No: 59 Kagtzman/Kars

Tel: 0535 601 02 19

Sad1k Miskini


l''\ESCO S<n H 'T OL.L\ Y r\ :\ 1-.. l'' I.TfiHEL :\ti RASIN KORU:\\1ASI I I f" K C ;\ tFTLE l< A RAS! 1~0'\1 iTE~i :'\ E

l H 1/.A n E Y I\ ;\ l)

Konu: Kiiltiirel \lints listl·sint· Dtd<· J... ,) r!dil 'un ·\lmmas1 IJ. 03. 2017

Ben Tiirkiye'nin Kars iii Kag1zman il-;esi 196-l dogumlu bir halk ozamy1m. Ontnhk mahlasun Sad1k :\1iskini olup as1l adun Sait Kii,·iik'tiir.

O zanlann Piri H ma JH'Yi u~taut ol.tral. k 1hul t.'t tigim Drdc Korlwt kaydm1 ona~· h~ orum I destekliyorum I nza go'>f<'ri.' orum.

.\dn·., ; ~:thindcrc :\lah. :\arinkak Cui. ismail Bey Sk. \o : 59 Kag1zm a n I Kars

Tl'l: 0535 bO I 02 19

(\ a.tL SA~::~1iSKiNi