Hướng Dẫn Cài Đặt

Post on 05-Oct-2015

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Hướng Dẫn Cài Đặt

Transcript of Hướng Dẫn Cài Đặt

HLVSolution07/11/2012Hng dn ci t Eclip SDK cho OpenERPBc chun b: Download file ci t Download Python from http://www.python.org. Download Eclip http://www.vogella.com/articles/Eclipse/article.htmlBc ci t1. Ci Python 2.7.3.msi2. Ci jxpiinstall.exe (Mi trng Java)3. Gii nn folder eclipse 4.2.1.rar, Chy file eclipse.exe4. Ci t Eclip Open in the menu Window -> Preference and select Pydev-> Interpreter Python

Press new and maintain the path to "python.exe" in your installation directory.

The result should look like the following.

5. Python program in Eclipse Select File -> New -> Project. Select Pydev -> Pydev Project.

Create a new project with the name "de.vogella.python.first". Select Python version 2.6 and your interpreter.

Press finish.

6. Gii nn Source OpenERP 6.1 copy vo C:\ni ci workshapce ca Eclip\src7. Chut phi openerp-server Run As Run Configuration (x)=Arguments Copy on config.txt vo Arguments--db_host=localhost --db_port=5432 --db_user=openpg --db_password=openpgpwd --addons-path="D:\Code\OpenERP61\src\openerp-6.1\openerp\addons",D:/Code/OpenERP61/HLVProfile,D:\Code\OpenERP61\addons-bar,D:\Code\OpenERP61\addons-erci

8. Chut phi openerp-server Run As Python Run(*) Hin ra thng bo li Thiu th vin , Copy t folder Package vo folder C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages

9. Vo Window -> Preference and select Pydev-> Interpreter Python. Xa config Python Interpreters ban u , Auto Config li

10. Tt cc service OpenERP 6.1 hin ti. Sau chut phi openerp-server Run As Python Run. Cui cng m trang web a ch localhost:8069 Finished!