How to Put Your Success Puzzle Together

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Transcript of How to Put Your Success Puzzle Together

How To…

Put your success puzzle together

What works, and what doesn’t work, for the small business owner? 

10 years of working as a business coach, mentor and consultant to hundreds of fantastic business owners, has given me some great learning opportunities and insights into how to piece together this complex success puzzle….. and make it simple. Don’t thank me for this. Thanks my clients and colleagues who let me steal both knowingly and unknowingly, their great ideas and proven success strategies!

Put your success puzzle together and make 2017 your best year ever. 

Putting the Success Puzzle Together:

Cookbook Activities Goal

Unique Conversations 5

Appointments Set 2

Cha Ching 2

Referrals Asked 2

LinkedIn Connections 7

LinkedIn Asks 3

Speaking Opportunity Call 2

Client Touch 2

Thank You Given 2

Thank You Received 4

Calendar ObsessionWhat if…… my calendar was boss? I would:


• Be highly disciplined• Reach 100% on my

cookbook• Be time efficient• Book written by

November 2017• Make easy decisions• Work less

• Reduce stress• Get more appointments• On time for everything• Hit my revenue goals• Live my brand• Fearless• Savings built up

Calendar Obsession

•Time Blocking


Calendar Obsession

•Time Blocking• Prospecting


Calendar Obsession

•Time Blocking• Prospecting• Practice


Calendar Obsession

•Time Blocking• Prospecting• Practice• Linked In


Calendar Obsession

•Time Blocking• Prospecting• Practice• Linked In• 3 Daily Goals


Calendar Obsession

•Time Blocking• Prospecting Planning• Practice Preparation• Linked In Personal development• 3 Daily Goals

•Future Sales Calls



Cash Infatuation•Always get cash upfront

Cash Infatuation• Always get cash upfront

•Control your own cash flow, don’t allow prospects to control it


Technique Preoccupation•Flashcards


Technique Preoccupation• Flashcards

•Role Play partner


Technique Preoccupation• Flashcards• Role Play partner

•Technique Coach


Mindset Mania Journaling:• I only focus on positive thoughts and positive things come my way

• I execute flawlessly• I attract referrals without even asking• I am a gold Olympian• I do more and have more stamina than anyone else


Mindset Mania•Success Journal


Mindset Mania•Head Coach


Mindset Mania•Hypnotherapy


Mindset Mania No longer say:• Try• I am so stressed• I have so much to do• This traffic, job, prospecting, is killing me• I really need a day off• I am so tired• I don’t get enough sleep• I hate prospecting, cold calling, exercising, networking• It’s so hot, cold, wet, outside• I can’t wait for the weekend• Just trying to get through the week


Mindset ManiaReplaced with:• I will do it• I always get everything done that is important• This traffic is giving me time to reflect, listen to a cd, belt out my favorite song• I love going to work every day. I am the most fortunate person in the world• I love my office• I always get deep sleep that keeps me energized all day• I love the feeling I get after an intense workout• I love the satisfaction of finishing my prospecting• Every day is a good day• I laugh a lot and learn a lot every day


Putting the Puzzle Together

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•Need a sounding board for your ideas?•Need to know what to prioritise?•Want someone to challenge your assumptions?

BizSmart – Where Smart people go to surround themselves with other Smart people, to gain business success.