Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Nature...

Post on 05-May-2018

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Transcript of Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Nature...

Paris Peacock occurs in open woodland,

and often flies across the sky. Its wings are

black, covered with numerous metallic green

scales. The hindwings are marked with two

charming metallic blue patches.




Did you know? Lantana is a favourite nectar

source plant for most butterflies. It flowers all

year round. There are Lantana planted in the

Hong Kong Disneyland, which always attract

Paris Peacock.

鳳蝶科 Papilionidae







樂園內有巴黎翠鳳蝶喜愛的馬纓丹There is Lantana planted in Hong Kong Disneyland – a nectar source plant that Paris Peacock likes.

展翅 Wingspan: 85-105mm


Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Nature Trail

36 37


The 600-meter Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Nature Trail starts at the eastern side of the hotel lobby entrance, follows the footpath in the hotel garden, and ends by the maze. The hotel is quiet and beautiful, and many butterflies are attracted by the wide variety of plants. The trail introduces 15 trees and 8 butterflies species; completing it may take you around 1.5 hours.

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泳池Swimming pool


香港迪士尼樂園酒店入口Entrance of the

Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel

香港迪士尼樂園酒店Hong Kong

Disneyland Hotel

1 銀海棗 SilverDatePalm

2 盾柱木 YellowPoinciana

3 鈕灰蝶 CommonHedgeBlue

4 華盛頓葵 PetticoatPalm

5 白蘭 WhiteJadeOrchidTree

6 木蘭青鳳蝶 CommonJay

7 假檳榔 AlexandraPalm

8 豬腸豆 Golden-shower

9 遷粉蝶 LemonEmigrant

10玉帶鳳蝶 CommonMormon

11 香欖 Spanish-Cherry

12 白帶螯蛺蝶 TawnyRajah

13 高山榕 MountainFig

14 銳棱玉蕊 StreamBarringtonia

15 銀風鈴木 CaribbeanTrumpetTree

16 幻紫斑蝶 CommonIndianCrow

17 仙枝花 Cordia

18 異葉南洋杉 NorfolkIslandPine

19 波蜆蝶 Punchinello

20風暴葵 HurricanePalm

21 黃金葡萄樹 Colville’sGloryTree

22旅人蕉 Traveller’sPalm

23寬邊黃粉蝶 CommonGrassYellow


香港迪士尼樂園酒店自然徑Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Nature Trail

40 41

Silver Date Palm is native to India and

Myanmar. Its canopy clusters at the top of

the trunk. Its pinnate compound leaves—

each with leaflets grow spirally on the leaf

axis — are greyish green. The long brown

flowers grow in clusters around the bases

of the leaf stalks. Its fruits are oval and

turn orange-yellow when mature.

Yellow Poinciana is native to Southeast Asia and northern Australia. Its bark is greyish brown, and the young branches are covered by short rusty hairs. It has pinnate compound leaves and small long elliptical leaflets. The golden yellow flowers are wheel-shaped. The fruits are short purple brown pods, flattened and sharp at both ends; there are wings on the two sides of fruits.

蘇木科 Caesalpiniaceae

盾柱木         Yellow Poinciana(Peltophorum pterocarpum)



Did you know? As the fruits of Yellow Poinciana have two wings, hence its Chinese common name. Yellow dye can be extracted from the bark.

棕櫚科 Arecaceae






Did you know? On falling, the leaf of Silver

Date Palm leaves behind a large fragment

of the triangular leaf stalk base. The

seeds of other plants may germinate in

these broken bases, which contain fibrous

tissues. Many insects are also attracted to

settle in them.

42 43

The undersides of the wings are white,

speckled with black. The basal area of

the hindwings is marked with three larger

black spots. The uppersides of the wings

are metallic blue in males and dull grey in



Did you know? Common Hedge Blue caterpillars love eating the leaves of Yellow Poinciana (p.43), which can be found along the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Nature Trail. This butterfly often flies around this plant, searching for good leaves on which to lay its eggs.

Petticoat Palm is native to northwest

Mexico. Its canopy is clustered at the top

of the trunk. The leaves are round, split by

palmate cracks to form strips, between

which some fibrous threads hang down.

The leaf stalks have some short spines;

the dried leaves remain on the tree trunk.

Small flowers cluster into drooping strings.

The fruits are elliptical and turn black when


棕櫚科 Arecaceae4


Did you know? The leaves of Petticoat Palm have many fibres, which is a good raw material for making baskets.

灰蝶科 Lycaenidae



Common Hedge Blue

caterpillars likes to eat leaves

of Yellow Poinciana

展翅 Wingspan: 30mm

44 45

White Jade Orchid Tree originates from

Indonesia. It has a conical canopy and a

smooth trunk, though young branches

are partly covered with hair. The large,

long-elliptical, alternate leaves have waxy

surfaces. The flowers are wheel-shaped, with

slender white petals and a strong fragrance.

The fruits are oval follicles that turn greenish

brown when mature — but are rarely seen in

Hong Kong.

導賞資料:葉片是青鳳蝶(103頁)及木蘭青鳳蝶 (47頁) 幼蟲的食料。它的花可提煉香精。

Did you know? Its leaves are food for caterpillars of Common Bluebottle (p.103) and Common Jay (p.47). Essential oil can be extracted from its flowers.

Common Jay often flies fast. It likes

puddling, so you may find one near the

pool. Its wings are black with scattered

pale blue marks on both the forewings and

hindwings. The scatted marks in the central

area look like an inverted “7”.

鳳蝶科 Papilionidae6





Did you know? Its caterpillars feed on the

leaves of White Jade Orchid Tree. Adults often

appear near this tree, seeking suitable leaves

for laying their eggs. If you stay quietly near

the White Jade Orchid Trees on the Hong Kong

Disneyland Hotel Nature Trail, you stand a

good chance of observing this species.

木蘭科 Magnoliaceae5

展翅 Wingspan: 70-80mm

46 47

Alexandra Palm is native to eastern Australia. Its canopy is clustered at the top of the trunk, and its trunk is nodose. It has pinnate compound leaves and long slender leaflets. The flowers are clustered into drooping strings. The fruits are ball-shaped and turn red when mature.

Golden-shower originates from southern

Asia. The bark is dark brown with shallow

cracks. It has pinnate compound leaves

with long ovate leaflets. The wheel-shaped,

drooping flowers are golden yellow, so it is

called “Golden-shower”. Its fruits are long

cylindrical pods, which turn dark brown

when mature.

蘇木科 Caesalpiniaceae



Did you know? Golden-shower’s fruits are long and cylindrical, like drooping sausages, hence its Chinese name. Golden-shower has golden yellow flowers; when crossed with pink flowered Pink Shower, a hybrid Rainbow Shower Tree (p.71) can be produced.

棕櫚科 Arecaceae7



Did you know? Alexandra Palm

looks similar to Betel Nut Palm

(Areca catechu), but the fruits of

the latter are edible while those of

Alexandra Palm are not. Hence, its

Chinese name.

48 49

導賞資料:遷粉蝶的幼蟲愛吃決明屬植物的葉片,故常見遷粉蝶圍在該類植物旁。 香港迪士尼樂園酒店自然徑長有數株決明屬植物—豬腸豆 (49頁),最適合觀賞遷粉蝶。

Did you know? Lemon Emigrant caterpillars feed on leaves of the Genus Cassia, so adult Lemon Emigrant always flies between these plants. There are several Golden-showers (p.49) on the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Nature Trail, which is the best place for observing Lemon Emigrant.

Common Mormon is a common local

Papilionid. It is a fast flyer and often

found near flowers. Its wings are mainly

black. The hindwings have a distinct

white band and long wing tail.

鳳蝶科 Papilionidae10粉蝶科 Pieridae9


Form polytes of Common Mormon (top)展翅 Wingspan: 80-90mm

展翅 Wingspan: 60mm

導賞資料:玉帶鳳蝶的雌蝶偶有白斑型—即後翅的白條紋變成白色斑塊,外表與玉斑鳳蝶 (72頁 ) 相似。

Did you know? Females of Common Mormon have another form – Form polytes, in which the white band on the hindwings becomes a patch, making it appears similar to Red Helen (p.72).

The wings of Lemon Emigrant are yellowish

white, speckling with a few brown dots.

There are different forms of this species:

Form pomona, Form crocale and Form

catilla. Form catilla, which is rarer than the

other two, has a large brown patch on the

hindwings. Although the species is a fast

flyer and seldom stops, it is not difficult to

find due to its striking colour.

50 51

Spanish-Cherry originates from southern

Asia. Its bark is greyish brown with shallow

cracks. Its leaves are elliptical to long

elliptical, alternate and have waxy surfaces.

The fragrant white flowers are wheel-shaped,

and grow at the leaf axils. Its fruits are oval

and orange-red when mature.


Did you know? The fruits of Spanish-Cherry are edible, and the flowers can be used to make perfume. Spanish-Cherry is a natural treasure as in India, its leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and bark are all traditional herbs that can cure toothache and strengthen teeth.

Patterns on the uppersides and undersides

of the wings differ. The underside is brown.

Several irregular black lines run through the

hindwings and forewings. When the wings

are spread open, a white patch can be seen

on the middle section of the forewings.

The apexes are black while other parts are

reddish brown.

蛺蝶科 Nymphalidae



Did you know? The species is a fast flyer that feeds on tree sap. It is easier to find one if you pay attention to tree trunks. However, as its folded wings appear brown, you must be patient when searching for this butterfly.

山欖科 Sapotaceae


展翅 Wingspan: 65-80mm

52 53

Mountain Fig originates from southwestern

China to Southeast Asia. Its bark is dark

brown with many aerial roots. It has ovate,

alternate leaves that have waxy surfaces and

obvious veins. The syconia are ball-shaped

and turn orange when mature.




Did you know? Most fig trees grow in

tropical forests at low altitudes, but

Mountain Fig is adapted to elevations

up to around 2000 meters, hence its


Stream Barringtonia is native to Southeast

Asia, Australia and coastal areas of Pacific

Islands. Its bark is brown and has shallow

cracks. It has obovate leaves, growing

in clusters at the ends of branches and

with purple red leaf stalks. The flowers

are powder-puff like with many bright

red stamens. The fruits are long elliptical

drupes, which have four spines on the


玉蕊科 Lecythidaceae



Did you know? Stream Barringtonia grows near estuaries; Australian aborigines have traditionally extracted poisonous ingredients from the tree to poison fish.

桑科 Moraceae13

54 55

Caribbean Trumpet Tree is native to Tropical

South America. Its bark is greyish white

with shallow cracks. The palmate compound

leaves have narrow elliptical leaflets with

long stalks. Its flowers are funnel-shaped and

golden yellow. The fruits are long cylindrical

capsules, and turn brown when mature.

The wings of Common Indian Crow are blackish brown and shine purplish blue under sunlight. When the wings are folded, central areas of the hindwings and forewings are spackled with white dots.

斑蝶科 Danaidae16


Did you know? All Danaidae, including Common Indian Crow, carries poison. They are not afraid of predators and appear to relish flying slowly.

紫葳科 Bignoniaceae



Common Indian Crow likes to glide

around open areas

展翅 Wingspan: 85mm


Did you know? The flowers of Caribbean Trumpet Tree resemble small trumpets, and there are silver scales on the undersides of the leaves, hence its Chinese name .

56 57

Cordia is also called Captain Tree, and

originates from Central America. Its bark

is reddish brown with white lenticels. The

large ovate leaves are alternate and have

conspicuous veins. The orange red flowers

are funnel-shaped, and clustered like balls

at the ends of branches. Its fruits are oval

drupes, which turn white when mature.




Did you know? The fruits of Cordia are

sweet and edible. Since the colours

of both fruits and flowers are eye-

catching, Cordia has high ornamental


Norfolk Island Pine is native to Norfolk

Island of Australia. Its bark is greyish brown

and can be easily peeled off. Conical leaves

grow in spirals around the small branches.

Male “flowers” are cylindrical; female

“flowers” are oval. The ball-shaped cones

turn brown when mature.

南洋杉科 Araucariaceae18


Did you know? Since Norfolk Island Pine is a gymnosperm, there is no pulp cover on its seeds, and its flowers are inconspicuous. However, because of its beautiful shape, it is commonly planted in parks.

紫草科 Boraginaceae


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The wings of Punchinello are reddish brown

with white spots and wavy margins. It is a

swift flyer, but only makes short flights.


Did you know? Riodinidae love staying in shaded areas amongst grass. You may observe them by paying attention to the shaded areas along the Nature Trail. Other than occasionally sunbathing, they often stop with their wings half open, just like a shell. Hence the Chinese family name.

Hurricane Palm originates from Central

America. Its leaves grow near the top

of the trunk, and the dark brown trunk

has irregular leaf scars. It has pinnate

compound leaves with linear leaflets. The

flowers are clustered as strings. The oval

fruits turn purplish black when mature.

棕櫚科 Arecaceae20 蜆蝶科 Riodinidae



Did you know? Hurricane Palm can withstand hurricanes. For example it is the only tree species that remained standing in a park in Florida, after a hurricane struck the USA in 1992.


Punchinello likes to take rest in shaded


展翅 Wingspan:


60 61

Colville’s Glory Tree is native to Madagascar. Its bark is brown and smooth. It has pinnate compound leaves with small long elliptical leaflets. Its flowers are orange red and clustered in strings. The fruits are brown flattened pods.

Traveller’s Palm originates from

Madagascar. Its branches grow mainly at

the top of the trunk. The long-elliptical

leaves have smooth surfaces and long

stalks, and grow in clumps. The leaves grow

in rows, arrayed sideward, at the tops of

the stems; from a distance they resemble

large fans. The fleshy flower spikes grow

upwards from the leaf stalk in bunches. The

sepals are strong and brown. The capsules

resemble bananas but have tough skins.

旅人蕉科 Strelitziaceae

22 蘇木科 Caesalpiniaceae



Did you know? The leaf sheath can store large amounts of water, which can quench the thirst of travellers. Hence the name Traveller’s Palm.


Did you know? The flower buds of Colville’s Glory Tree are elliptical and droop at the ends of branches, resembling golden yellow grapes, hence its Chinese name.

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Park Promenade nature trailThe wings of Common Grass Yellow are

yellow. The forewings usually has black

margins. When the wings are folded, you

can see the undersides are spackled with

brown dots. The margins of the hindwings

are not perfectly curved. It is a slow flyer

and seldom stops to rest.


Common Grass Yellow

(Eurema hecabe)

粉蝶科 Pieridae








Did you know? Common Grass Yellow can be seen all year round. It has high rate of reproduction and is often seen in urban parks.

展翅 Wingspan: 45-50mm


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