Holidays for christians

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Holidays for christians

Holidays and holy days

The need of rest and serentity is something our very nature asks of us. In the first lines of Genesis it says, “When the seventh day came, God had finished all his work, and rested from all He had done (Gen 2,2).

Even Jesus invited his disciples “to a quite place to rest a little, because so many people were coming and going, that they didn’t even have time to eat”. (Mc 6,31)

“Mountains especially

help to elevate your spirit to the

Heights, to the zenith

of our humanity

which unfortunately

tends to decline

during daily life”.

Benedict XVI

In the Judeo-Christian

tradition, rest has a place of

honour; the weekly rest

on Sunday, extended to the weekend and

the annual rest of vacations are

certain achievements in our society.

Unfortunately both sundays and holidays have been reduced. More people have to work on sundays

to provide public services, hospitals, hotels, museums, amusement centers

etc. Card. Sistach

There are two ways to spend your vacations: Many prefer the hedonistic culture of doing

nothing, el “dolce fa niente”, that is leave aside your head,

your heart, your consciencie, to live adventurously whatever

caprice or fashion.

Benedict XVI proposes a different way - “by putting the gospel in your suitcase” which means taking control of our vacations, by discovering the values these days offer us.

When we take a pause in our lives it may be a good time to take up a book and read a bit..

We all need some space for recollection, meditation and quiet.Thanks be to God we are like that.

This need proves we are not only made for work, but also for thinking, reflecting or simple for turning our mind and heart to a story, in which we can lose ourselves so as to come back enriched.

Why not discover

the books of the Bible.

This is a collection of

books, a small

“library” written over a

thousand years.

Some of these short books are

quite unknown to

most people,

including Christians.

Even shorter is the book of Ruth, a foreigner who gets to know God and experiendes His providence. These short books can be read in an hour.


Some are brief, like the Book of Tobith, a

story which really appreciates the

family and matrimony,

or the book of

Esther, in which this

Jewish queen,

saves her people from

extermination by

her faith and


1º GET SOME REST: Vacations is a

time for revcovering

physical, psychological

and spiritual energies



2º REFLECTION: Make some time to think about yourself.

Don’t be afraid to find yourself and overcome the superficiality

of everyday life. Don’t forget the Gospels will help your

3º PEACE AND HAPPINESS: Entertainment and trips distract our attention from the daily problems , but

true happiness stems from putting our “interior castle” in order.

4º THE FAMILIY: When both dad and mum work away form the home, the children don’t often see their parents.

Holidays is a time for renewing family ties, for communicating with each other and helping those in need.


You need time to build

friendships.Holidays are a

time for getting closer ,

recouperating acquaintances, healing past


Why not visit a sick person

and lend them some of your

time and interest.

6º REDISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF FAITH: You can explore our historical, artistic, cultural and religious patrimony which are expressions of the

lifestyle of our ancestors.

7º SILENCE: Here we hear the voice that tells us how to realise ourselves . Whoever appreciates silence becomes a

master in listening and communicating.

8º PRAYER: a rare gem among so many chores. It’s time for talking to the Lord and receiving from Him the force and incentive for our daily journey..

9º CREATION: We have more time to contemplate and appreciate the beauty of mother anture where

we perceive the print of our Creator

10º Solidarity

Never forget the poor when on


Remember not to squander, but to


Take care of the elderly and make

them company supporting social

and pastoral activities.

Contact with other peoples leads us to discover their “secret”,

to accept their good points and so contribute to a better knowledge of each and everyone.

It is a long process, which forms societies and cultures, making everyone into a reflection of the multiple gifts of God to men. JP II

Reach out and make links with people, with family and neighbours, with the

community, Put your heart and feeling into it and also

your respect.

In our historical patrimony

we can explore,

literature, poetry, painting

and sculpture ,

a cathedral, a church, a temple, a palace. libraries

and museums


So also discover the cuisine typical of new regions.

Our humanism is so rich

and diverse. Open the

door to the

cultural, historic, natural,

aesthetic, human and

spiritual treasures of each people

Tourism is an asset in as far as it helps relativise the systems called “rich”,

and opens horizons to other ways to become rich.

Nature, because of its original richness, as we perceive it in the cosmic cycles, is a receptive mother, which we embrace with

our eyes, when we see Mt Everest or Kilimanjaro.

It can be seen in the blue of the ocean

We feel in the deep gray

of the Black Forest

We admire when flying over a cotton field in a clear blue sky

Christian tourism refers to the industry of christian journeys,

and lodging. It includes pilgrimages and missionery journeys.

This indrustry also includes religious voyages on liners, entertainment, scholarships, vacations,

cruzades, meetings, retreats, visits to monasteries, campings, and visiting Christian sites.

JP II writes - Our cultural patrimony refers to the history of each people which has been embodied in the civilizations; the bell

towers, minarettes, frescos, and pyramids, in the bridges and space satellites. It’s an unlimited richness

which pertains to all of us, the common patrimony of humanity, which not only gives credit to human work but also

reminds us all or our links with the past generations, that moulded history. Tourisim reveals a univerrsal wealth which

does not reject man, but rather conserves his prints, his memories.

This patrimony sustains a splendid stainglass of ourselves, each and every one, as individuals and as members of a community, with our differences and

similarities at the same time, in our own context and dignity, a weltlh which is immortal, for Jesus has said -

“whoever believes in me, even though he die, shall live.” (Jn 11,25)

No one is just a copy. We are all unique pieces and not the made by cloning.

We are the expression of “Another” who is “Life”. The “Word of God” came as a witness to give testimony to the light, so

all might believe in him.(Jn 1,7). We can find the print of Mystery and each one is

characfterised by the “Absolute”, a seal that indicates that God has made us in his image and

likeness. (cfr. Jn 1,27). 

Tourism is often an opportunity to sell “exotic” goods. There are sophisticated centers for vacations, characterised by

superficial exotiscim for the curious who are looking for new sensations. Unfortunately this

unbridled desire leads to humiliating aberrations like the exploitation of women and children in unscrupulous sexual commerce , which is an intolerable scandal. All should be

done so that tourism does not become ever a modern form of explotation,

but rather an opportunity for useful exchange of experiences and fruitful dialogue between different civilizations. 2001 JPII

Some prefer the serenity of the countryside

or mountains or of some quiet passtime

Summing up

Others prefer to burn energy in some more active sport, and get into shape

When the summer’s hot, many seek water which offers many

sports and activities

Yet others prefer motorized sports.

Game parks are

always a big


And in the cooler evening, open air theatre

and concerts

There is a great

variety of activities, all with the same




Rest, disconnect, change the scene, relax, get away from the routine,

enjoy youself and share with your family and friends. Get away from it all, but ,

get away WITH GOD.