HCI II deo

Post on 23-Jan-2016

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Skripta, predmet hci

Transcript of HCI II deo

15. User centered design parafigma

-Korisnik treba da bude uvek 'prisutan'.

-sistem=programsko jezgro, a ono sto radi korisnik je stvar interfejsa

Hci ne moze bez prototipa, korisnik mora da vidi softver, 'oseti'.

korisnik+kontekst(situacija u kojoj ce se softver upotrebiti)

16.UIMS konceptualne arhitekture User interface management systems


Smalltalk, MVC

Microsoft ,MVP

Mvp omugucava brzu gui opslugu


sve apstrakcije okrenute slabijem znanju programiranja

-svaki korisnik postaje programer.-domenski orijentisano programiranje

17.Formiranje zahteva,tehnike za prikupljanje, interpretacija i analiza

18.spoznavanja zadatka i posla

ako nemamo vremena za objasnjenje-nacini najblizi korisniku :

1)scenario (zahteva najmanje ucesca korisnika)


3)use cases

dobro alociraju zadatke concur task tree,xuan,use case

Kognitivni- "ulaze u glavu korisniku"

opisujem zadatke koji mogu raditi skupa u formi drveta -od apstraktnog na dole analiza

karakteristike ctt-hijerarhijska struktura,graficka SINTAKSA,konkurentna notacija

-svaki zadatak do aktivnosti ima ikonicu koja automatski alocira ko radi taj zadatak

a>>b b, tek kad zavrsi A,III bilo koji ,bilo koji red,|kvadratic|-menjaju informaciju dok se

izvrsavaju konkurentno

Tasks at same level represent different options or different tasks at the same abstraction level

that have to be performed. Read levels as “In order to do T1, I need to do T2 and T3”, or “In order to do

T1, I need to do T2 or T3”

Specifies two tasks enabled, then once one has started the other one is no longer enabled.

Example: When accessing a web site it is possible either to browse it or to access some detailed


Tasks can be performed in any order, but when one starts then it has to finish before the other

one can start. Example: When people install new software they can start by either registering or

implementing the installation but if they start one task they have to finish it before moving to the other


18.Projektovanje i struje interakcije

19.Interakcioni stilovi

20.izbor elemenata interakcije

21.Dizajnerski prostori interakcije-gui

List of common generic widgets[edit]

See also: Graphical user interface elements

Selection and display of collections

Button – control which can be clicked upon to perform an action

Check box – control which can be clicked upon to select or deselect an option. Multiple check boxes in a

group may be selected

Radio button – control which can be clicked upon to select an option from a selection of options from

which only one can be selected at a time. Thus radio buttons always appear in pairs or larger groups

Split button – control combining a button (typically invoking some default action) and a drop-down list

with related, secondary actions

Slider – control with a handle that can be moved up and down (vertical slider) or right and left

(horizontal slider) to select a value (or a range if two handles are present)

List box

Spinner – value input control which has small up and down buttons to step through a range of values

Drop-down list

Menu – control with multiple actions which can be clicked upon to choose a selection to activate

Context menu – a type of menu whose contents depend on the context or state in effect when the

menu is invoked

Pie menu


Menu bar


Combo box (text box with attached menu or List box)


Tree view

Grid view





Text/value input

Text box (edit field)

Combo box (text box with attached menu)


Label – text used to describe another widget

Tooltip – informational window which appears when the mouse hovers over another control

Balloon help

Status bar

Progress bar




Collapsible panel

Accordion (GUI)

Modal window

Dialog box

Palette window, also known as "Utility window"

Inspector window


22.Dizajnerski prostori interakcije-WEB

23.Dizajnerski prostori interakcije-mobilni aparati