Hci [1]introduction

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Hci [1]introduction

Human – Computer InteractionHurriyatul Fitriyah [hfitriyah@ub.ac.id]

Computer System

Information Technology & Computer Science Program

1. Pengantar Kuliah HCI


1. Mahasiswa dapat memahami peran, teori dan kerangka kerja Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer.

2. Mahasiswa mengetahui bagaimana cara mengumpulkan dan memperhatikan kebutuhan pengguna dan menganalisis apa yang terlibat dalam proses desain interaksi.

3. Mahasiswa dapat memahami perbedaan desain antarmuka yang baik dan yang buruk berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip desain ditinjau dari segi kegunaan dan pengalaman pengguna.

4. Mahasiswa dapat menerapkan berbagai teknik desain interaksi.

5. Mahasiswa dapat menganalisis dan mengkritik untuk mengevaluasi kegunaan dan efektivitas berbagai interface, sistem, dan device interaksi.

Kuliah HCI


Pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap topik bahasan yang ditunjukkan melalui proses dan hasil pengerjaan tugas berbasis proyek

Pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang ditunjukkan dari hasil kerja mandiri

Pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap topik bahasan yang ditunjukkan dari skor perolehannya dalam ujian baik kuis, ujian tengah semester atau ujian akhis semester

Evaluasi Penilaian


Keaktifan: 15%

Tugas/ Quiz: 20%

UTS: 30%

UAS/ Proyek Akhir: 35%enilaianP


Informasi tugas, pengumpulan tugas dan perubahan jadwal kuliah disampaikan kepada ketua kelas

Jika dosen terlambat 30 menit, maka mahasiswa diperkenankan meninggalkan kelas

Mahasiswa yang terlambat ≤30 menit diperkenankan mengikuti kelas (tidak perlu ijin, langsung masuk dan duduk tenang)

Ponsel dalam kondisi silent mode



1. Pengantar Kuliah (Introduction)

2. Manusia (The Human)

3. Komputer (The Computer)

4. Interaksi (The Interaction)

5. Paradigma-paradigma Interaksi (Interaction Paradigms)

6. Design Interaksi (Interaction Design)

7. IMK dalam Proses Perangkat Lunak (HCI in Software Processing)

8. Task Analysis and User Support

9. Implementasi Support & Evaluation Technique

Kuliah HCI

pust ka

1. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay. Gregory D. Abowd, Russel Beale, “Human-Computer Interaction”, Pearson Prentice Hall, Essex: 2004

2. Donald A. Norman, “The Design of Everyday Things”, Basic Books, US: 2002


2. Introduction to HCI

What is

Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with thedesign, evaluation and implementation of interactivecomputing systems for human use and with the study of majorphenomena surrounding them

ACM SIGCHI curricula for human computer interactionHCI ?


From government, military, scientist, company, to a local seller and even our grand mother use a computer (or what people used to name it a machine) as their live-support

Computer not just desktop, it can be in the form of a spacecraft cockpit, control system in factory, to an embedded system planted in your grand mother washing machine

Human (user) is not necessarily a single person, it can be a group of distributed users, or sequence of users in production line

The computer is ordered by user to excecute a task


Why Botherthe

As a computer system (hardware or software) designer, you need to sell your product, right? You sell it to people -the user

Users choose to buy/use a user-friendly computer system design,not just usable

User-friendly criteria:1. Suitable for completing the instructed task

2. Easy-to-use and remember, moreover, adaptable to user’s knowledge and experience

3. Show understandable visual feedback upon control functioning

4. Come natural to human understanding

5. Conform the ergonomics principle

6. Present enjoyable experience

• Bad design cost lives, money & time


Design –Test -Analyze

User ResearchInvolve users to get their insight

d.tools: Enabling rapid prototyping for physical interaction design




Must Mind

1. psychology and cognitive science: to give her knowledge of the user’s perceptual, cognitive and problem-solving skills

2. Ergonomics: for the user’s physical capabilities

3. Sociology: to help her understand the wider context of the interaction

4. Computer science and engineering: to be able to build the necessary technology (artificial intelligence,

5. Business: to be able to market it

6. Graphic design: to produce an effective interface presentation

7. Technical writing: to produce the manuals

8. And the list goes on

multi-disciplinary subjects

Computer System

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