H681 與主同葬 BURIED WITH CHRIST (1/5)

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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H681 與主同葬 BURIED WITH CHRIST (1/5). 與主同葬,也一同復活, Buried with Christ, and raised with Him too; 還有甚麼留給我去作? What is then left for me to do ? 只要我不再奮鬥擊空, Simply to cease from struggling and strife; 只要我照新生而舉動。榮耀歸於神! Simply to walk in newness of life. Glory be to God. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of H681 與主同葬 BURIED WITH CHRIST (1/5)

Culver City Christian Assembly Culver City Christian Assembly 迦福市基督徒聚會迦福市基督徒聚會Hymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony PublicationHymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony Publication


與主同葬,也一同復活,Buried with Christ, and raised with Him too;

還有甚麼留給我去作?What is then left for me to do ?

只要我不再奮鬥擊空,Simply to cease from struggling and strife;

只要我照新生而舉動。榮耀歸於神!Simply to walk in newness of life. Glory be to God.

Culver City Christian Assembly Culver City Christian Assembly 迦福市基督徒聚會迦福市基督徒聚會Hymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony PublicationHymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony Publication

H681 ( 節 2/5, 頁 1/1)

一同復活與我的元首,Risen with Christ, my glorious Head,

我今在聖潔路上行走;Holiness now, the pathway I tread,

當我向前時,我就想到:Beautiful thought, while walking therein;

”死的人脫罪”是何其好!榮耀歸於神!He that is dead is freed from sin. Glory be to God.

Culver City Christian Assembly Culver City Christian Assembly 迦福市基督徒聚會迦福市基督徒聚會Hymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony PublicationHymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony Publication

H681 ( 節 3/5, 頁 1/1)

與主同活,祂永不再死,Living with Christ, who dieth no more,

與主同行,祂永不會遲;Following Christ, who goeth before,

我天天算自己已經死,I am from bondage utterly freed.

所以我就從捆綁得釋。榮耀歸於神!Reckoning self as dead indeed. Glory be to God.

Culver City Christian Assembly Culver City Christian Assembly 迦福市基督徒聚會迦福市基督徒聚會Hymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony PublicationHymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony Publication

H681 ( 節 4/5, 頁 1/1)

為主活著,我獻上肢體,Living for Christ, my members I yield,

永遠歸神,作祂的奴隸;Servants to God, for evermore sealed,

我今在恩下,不在法下,Not under law, I’m now under grace,

罪已失勢,主代興管轄。榮耀歸於神!Sin is dethroned, and Christ takes its place. Glory be to God.

Culver City Christian Assembly Culver City Christian Assembly 迦福市基督徒聚會迦福市基督徒聚會Hymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony PublicationHymnary  Hymnary   聖 徒 詩 歌 聖 徒 詩 歌 - Testimony Publication- Testimony Publication

H681 ( 節 5/5, 頁 1/1)

靠主長大,我今真慚愧Growing in Christ; no more shall be named

再題到我的已往寶貴;Things of which now I'm truly ashamed,

我願意結出成聖果子,Fruit unto holiness will I bear,

滿足神心意,遵行神旨。榮耀歸於神!Life evermore, the end I shall share, Glory be to God.