Gratitude 06 财会 严佳莉,华亭,平佳明. Question 1.Whom do you want to express gratitude...

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Transcript of Gratitude 06 财会 严佳莉,华亭,平佳明. Question 1.Whom do you want to express gratitude...

Gratitude06 财会 严佳莉,华亭,平佳明

Question• 1.Whom do you

want to express gratitude most?

• 2. Which way will you use to show gratitude for them?

• Have you ever heard a story called ‘The gift of the Magi’?

• It is about a couple who want to give a gift to each other on Christmas day. Lack of money, the husband sold his watch to buy a barrette( 发夹 ) for the wife, the wife sold her beautiful hair to buy a watch chain for her husband.

• Although these two gifts are useless after they sold their precious things, this story shows us an important thing: “no matter how poor they are , they live a happy life because of their gratitude to each other.”

• Nowadays, with the development of modern technology, our lives are becoming more and more comfortable, but we seem to express little gratitude to the person who have helped us. Why? If you think that others helped you was a matter of fact , I should tell you: “It is absolutely wrong!”

• Everyone needs to be encouraged in their work. The milkman, the postman, the conductor and so on. Even if the person you have helped didn’t thank you ,you should also help others, because there is an old saying: “Do not give up good things though they may be minor matters.”( 勿以善小而不为 )

• In the United States, there is a holiday called “Thanksgiving Day”.

• On this day, people from different backgrounds or with different beliefs give thanks to God for the grace they have been granted during the past year and pray for benediction( 赐福 ) in the following years. I think this day could become a way of life, because it tells people the significance of gratitude.

In our daily lives, we have much gratitude to show to many people, including our dear parents, our respectable teachers, our close friends, even

strangers who had helped us before and so on .

• Thanks for supporting us when we are lack of confidence; Thanks for directing us when we did something wrong; Thanks for changing our state of mind when we felt unhappy. All of these people taught us a lot of things, such as generosity, cooperation, love for all  and so on. From then on, we felt our lives got changed, as if sunshine appears in the darkness eventually. That’s why we want to express our gratitude to them!

2008, May 12, more than 40,000 people have been killed in the earthquake in Wenchuan area of Sichuan, we deeply condolences to the victims of our compatriots.

Countless people witnessed this big disaster. Nationwide grief!

Grateful to the People's Liberation Army soldiers

They use their hands to clean up ruins , with a stretcher on the shoulders jacking wounded people, with legs stepping over a rugged danger of the road.

Grateful for the great medical workers !

They rescued the wounded with studious day and night.

“Dear Baby, if you are still alive, you must remember that I love you…..”

Grateful for the great mothers and teachers built a safe heaven for children.

Grateful for the countless selfless sacrifice volunteers.

When the people in the disaster area suffered physical and psychological damage ,they are participating in the rescue work, provide psychological counseling .

The people from all walks of life who contribute to the disaster in the whole world.The love of so many people becomes the loving warm river.

In a short period of a few days we have heard numerous touching stories, and seen the numerous touching moment. At 15:28 on May 19 the entire Chinese people are mourning for our compatriots who got killed in the earthquake . Siren Bell moved heaven and earth. Shocked the world.

So many people have passed awaythese days.So many people are so grieved and tearful.

Let us pray for the living people and mourn for the deceased.Cherish people surrounding you and cherish our life.

• Have gratitude in mind, each road is paradise. ( 常怀感激心 处处天堂路 )

11 月的第四个星期四

• A:the fourth Thursday of November .

We thank the mother that gives our life and are grateful for life brought to us moving.

let us have a Thanksgiving's heart.

We should start with small matters close to ourselves, love others and love life, cherish every minute of life.

Live more valuably to realize our life goals