Grand Drolma Yuldo & 21 Zambhala Puja 度母除障 2112 May 2016 Thursday 7 -9pm Tara Empowerment...

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Transcript of Grand Drolma Yuldo & 21 Zambhala Puja 度母除障 2112 May 2016 Thursday 7 -9pm Tara Empowerment...

12 May 2016 Thursday

7 - 9pm Tara Empowerment 度母灌顶

13 May 2016 Friday

9.30 am - 12pm Grand Drolma Yuldo Puja 21度母除障法会

2 - 5pm Puja continues and Mahakala Puja 除障法会继续与大黑天护法会

7 - 9pm Puja continues 除障法会继续

14 May 2016 Saturday 9.30am - 12pm Puja continues 除障法会继续

2 - 5pm Conclusion of the Drolma Yuldo puja, Tsok Offering, and Mahakala Puja 除障法会圆满,荟供与大黑天护法会

7 - 9pm Red Chenrezig Jang Chog 红观音超度法会

15 May 2016 Sunday 9.30am - 12pm 21 Zambhala Puja and Green Zambhala Empowerment 21财神法会与绿财神灌顶

12 - 1pm Offering of Body, Speech & Mind 供养身,口,意于最尊贵的贝热钦则仁波切

** Please observe vegetarian throughout the puja period. 法会期间请如素。 *** Participants can attach to the paper effigy some hair, nails or cloth as representations of themselves.


by H.E. Beru Khyentse Rinpoche 由最尊贵的贝热钦则仁波切主法

21 Tara are female manifestations of the ultimate wisdom of Avalokiteshvara who protects the welfare of all beings. This very special Vajrayana ceremony helps participants rapidly rid themselves of all harmful elements that are influencing their life, health and activities through prayers and burning of paper effigies which symbolises the removal of harmful obstables and bad luck, eventu-ally bringing wisdom, longevity and fulfillment of all wishes.





Organised by:

Khyenkong Tharjay Buddhist Charitable Society 26A Lorong 23 Geylang Singapore 388364

Tel: 67473982

For enquiries, call 91917174 (Lynn), 90024979 (Chwee Ling) or 67473982 (Lama Dawa).

Khyenkong Tharjay Buddhist Organisation

Venue Sponsor: Ngee Ann Auditorium Teochew Building 97 Tank Road, Singapore 238066

Buses: 64,123,139,143

MRT: Dhoby Ghaut

Zambhala is the embodiment of all Buddhas and Bodhisatt-va wealth essensce. He offers material, spiritual wealth and encourages generosity. Participating in the 21 Zambhala puja will help to remove the obstacles of poverty and hardships, thereby increasing merits and wisdom which could be trans-formed into opportunities to practice Dharma.





Grand Drolma Yuldo & 21 Zambhala Puja

21度母除障 与 21财神大法会