Good Friday Sermon

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Good Friday Sermon. By Fr. Bishoy Ray. The Mighty God (1) + We see God now in the most horrible kind of pain. + We see Him in the peak of weakness. + We see Him insulted, despised and rejected “His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being” (Isaiah 52:14) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Good Friday Sermon

Good Friday Sermon

By Fr. Bishoy Ray

القوي (1) اللهأبش��ع+ ف��ى اآل��ن الل��ه نرى

. اآلالم أنواع. الضعف + شدة فى نراه

و + محتق��������ر و مهان نراهمخذول.

"+ مفس���دا كذا منظره كان ( ". أ�ش الرجل م�ن : 52أكث�ر

14)جمال +" ال و ل���ه ص���ورة المنظ����ر ال و إلي����ه فننظ����رمخذول. و محتق����ر فنشتهيهو أوجاع رج����ل الناس م����ن

“. حزن مختبر(3: 53أش )

The Mighty God (1)

+ We see God now in the most horrible kind of pain.

+ We see Him in the peak of weakness.

+ We see Him insulted, despised and rejected “His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being” (Isaiah 52:14)

+“He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” (Isaiah 53:2-3)

القوي ( 2) الله

اليمي��ن+ الل��ص رآ��ه الذى فم��امت�ى رب ي�ا اذكرن�ى يص�رخ حت�ى

ملكوتك؟ فى جئتقائ�د+ طاعن�ه جع�ل الذى م�ا و

به؟ يؤمن لونجينوس المائةيوس����ف+ جع����ل الذى م����ا و

و كثيرة أمواال يدف����ع الرام����ىرب جس�د يقتن�ى لك�ى جدا يجته�دالجدي�د ق�بره ف�ى يأخذه و المج�د

لنفسه؟ اشتراه قد كان الذىادركوا+ هؤالء ك��ل أ��ن الس��ر

ضعفه فى حتى بوضوح الله قوةم��ن " ي��ا اليوم ل��ه نردد نح��ن وأعظ�م ه�و م�ا بالضع�ف اظهرت�

". القوة منقوة+ ف��ى نتأم��ل اليوم دعون��ا

. المصلوب الله

The Mighty God (2)

+ So what did the thief on the right see for him to yell “Remember me O Lord when You come into Your Kingdom.”?

+ What made the centurion Longinus his piercer believe in Him?

+ What made Joseph of Arimathea give up abundant money and effort to acquire the body of the Lord of glory and taking Him to the new tomb which he had bought for himself?

+ The secret is that all of those acknowledged plainly the power of God, despite His seeming weakness.

+ And today we call onto Him repeatedly, “who by weakness showed forth what is greater than power.”

+ Let us meditate today on the power of the crucified God.

للموت 1 ) قبوله في قويا كان . علي�ه + يهج�م ل�م الموت نح�و تقدم�ه ف�ي قويا المس�يح كانس�يقبضون أنه�م يعل�م كان إنم�ا عنوة، ويأخذوه خفي�ة، الناس

. فيه. عليه يقضون الذي الموعد يعرف وكان عليه

يكون+ يومي�ن بع�د أن�ه تعلمون لتالميذه قبله�ا قال لذل�ك و ( " مت. ليصلب يسلم اإلنسان وابن (. 2: 26الفصح

له�م+ قائلي�ن جثس�يماني بس�تان ف�ي النائمي�ن تالميذه أيق�ظ " .. اقترب" ق�د يس�لمني الذي هوذا اقتربت ق�د الس�اعة هوذا

(.46، 45: 26مت)

. أج�ل+ م�ن عنا ذات�ه يس�لم أ�ن يري�د كان ألن�ه كل�ه ذل�ك فع�ل . .." : يأخذه��ا أح��د لي��س أيضا آلخذه��ا نفس��ي أضع قال ذل��ك . ول�ي أضعه�ا، أ�ن س�لطان ل�ي ذاتي م�ن أن�ا أضعه�ا ب�ل من�ي،

( " يو أيضا آخذها أن (.18، 17: 10سلطان

1) He was Powerful in accepting Death

+ The Lord Christ was powerful in approaching death. People did not attack Him secretly or take Him by force. He knew that He would be arrested and knew the time, as He told the disciples, "You know that after two days is the Passover, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified " (Matt. 26:2).

+ He went to wake up His disciples who were asleep at Gethsemane, Saying, "Are you still sleeping and resting? Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going. See, My betrayer is at hand " (Matt. 26:45-46).

+ He wanted to give Himself up for our sake..., so He said, "I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again ... " (John 10:17-18).

عليه 2 ) القبض أثناء قويا كان

. وقال +" عليه يأت�ي م�ا بك�ل عال�م وه�و يس�وع خرج . : . فأجبه�م الناص�ري يس�وع أجابوه تطلبون م�ن له�م . إل�ي رجعوا ه�و، أن�ا أن�ي قال فلم�ا هو أن�ا أن�ي قائال

( " يو األرض علي وسقطوا (.6، 5: 18الوراء

عدم + وم�ن قوت�ه وم�ن هيبت�ه م�ن األرض عل�ي وقعوا . أقوي العزالء قوت�ه كان�ت يواجهوه أ�ن اس�تطاعتهم

. المسلح هجومه من

2) He was Powerful While being Arrested

+ "Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, "Whom are you seeking? They answered Him, "Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus said to them, "I am He." And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them. Now when He said to them, "I am He," they drew back and fell to the ground." (John. 18:4-6).

+ The Lord's enemies fell, to the ground and could not face His unarmed power which was more effective than their armed attack.

( ف''''ي 3 قويا كاننفسيته

من���ه + خائفي���ن كانوا الكهن���ة رؤس���اء . محاكمت����ه أثناء وارتبكوا ليال فحاكموهلك��ي" علي��ه زور شهاد�ة يطلبون وكانواشهود جاء أن�ه وم�ع يجدوا، فل�م يقتلوه،

مت�����ي " يجدوا ل�����م " 60، 59: 26زور . رئي�س فقام وص�مته هدوئ�ه م�ن وتعجبواماذا " بشيء؟ تجي�ب أم�ا له وقال الكهن�ةفكان يس�وع وأم�ا علي�ك هذان ب�ه يشه�د

متي" ) (.63، 62: 26ساكتا

أ�و االتهام، يثيره الذي النوع م�ن يك�ن ل�م .. أقوى ص��مته كان الزور شهادات تثيره . تل����ك بتفاه����ة فشعروا الكالم م����ن . تهم�����ة ع�����ن وبحثوا الزور االتهاماته�و. ه�ل يخ�برهم أ�ن واس�تحلفوه أخرى . أ��ن يس��تطيع وكان الله اب��ن المس��يح . قوة بك�ل ولكن�ه ويربكهم أيضا يص�مت " وأيضا وأضاف طلبه���م إل���ي أجابه���ماب���ن تبص���رون اآل���ن م���ن لك���م أقول وآتيا القوة يمي��ن ع��ن جالس��ا اإلنس��ان

." السماء سحاب علي

3) He was Strong Psychologically+ The Chief priests were afraid of the Lord, so they held His trial at night. They were confused and ... "false testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, but found none. Even though many false witnesses came forward, they found none” (Matt. 26:59-60). They were amazed to see Him calm and silent, "So the high priest stood up and said to Him, 'And the high priest arose and said to Him, "Do You answer nothing? What is it these men testify against You? But Jesus kept silent (Matt. 26:62-63)

Accusations did not upset the Lord Christ, neither did false witnesses. His silence was more powerful than words, it made them feel that their accusations and false witnesses were trifles. They searched for another charge and implored Him to admit that He was Christ the Son of God. "I charge You on oath by the living God that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God. “ He could have kept silent but He answered powerfully, "It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the Right Hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of heaven". (Matt. 62:63-64)

وموته 4 ) صلبه أثناء قويا ( 1 )كان

" . الهيك�ل + حجاب وإذا الشم�س أظلم�ت الص�ليب عل�ي وه�وتزلزل�ت، واألرض أس�فل، إل�ي فوق م�ن أثني�ن إل�ي انش�ق ق�دأجس�اد م�ن كثيري�ن وقام تفتح�ت والقبور تشقق�ت، والص�خور

( " مت�ي الراقدي�ن الزلزل�ة(. 52، 15: 27القديس�ين لهذه وكانفخافوا " للص�ليب الحارس�ين وجنوده المائ�ة قائ�د عل�ي تأثيره�ا

مت�ي " الل�ه اب�ن ه�و هذا كان حقا وقالوا وص�ار". 54: 27جدااس��م عل���ي واس��تشهد عظيما، قديس��ا هذا المائ��ة قائ���دالكنيس��ة ل��ه وتعب��د لونجينوس، القدي��س ويدع��ي المس��يح،

. السنكسار في السنة في يومينف�ي + " أبتاه ي�ا وقال عظي�م بص�وت نادي موت�ه عن�د ان�ه ذل�ك

( " ل�و روح�ي اس�تودع يوحن�ا(. 46: 23يدي�ك القدي�س وق�ف وق�دظهرت الت�ي موت�ه وق�ت المس�يح قوة ف�ي متأمال الف�م ذه�بي ..) ل�ه ) يكون أ�ن اس�تطاع كي�ف عظي�م بص�وت نادي عبارة ف�يم�ن حال�ة ف�ي كان وق�د الموت، وق�ت العظي�م الص�وت هذا

! عنها؟ يعبر أن يمكن ال الجسدي اإلعياء

4) He was Powerful During His Crucifixion and Death (1)

When the Lord was on the Cross, the sun was darkened and... "the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised" (Matt. 27:51-52). When the Centurion and his men, who were guarding the cross observed the earthquake they were dreadfully frightened and said, "Truly this was the Son of God!" (Matt. 27:54) The Centurion became a great saint and was martyred for the name of Christ. His name is Saint Longinus and is commemorated by the church twice a year in the Sinexarium.

+ When His hour came... “ Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, "Father, 'into Your hands I commit My spirit.“ (Luke. 23:46)

St. John Chrysostom chose the phrase "with a

loud voice" and contemplated on the power of the Lord during His death. How did the Lord have such a "loud voice" while dying and after He had reached a state of extreme physical weakness?

( ص''لبه 4 أثناء قويا كان( 2) وموته

بس�تان + ف�ي عنيفا جهادا جاهدا لق�دعرق���ه " ص���ار حت����ى جثس���مانى ( " ل�و األرض عل�ي نازل�ة دم كقطرات

وس�ار( 45: 22 علي�ه قب�ض ذل�ك وبع�دإ��ذ قدمي��ه عل��ي طويل��ة مس��افات

مرة 5حوك��م بيالط��س أمام مراتأخري.

المري�ر األل�م اإلنهاك هذا إل�ي يضافجل�د عندم�ا كابده بك�ل 39الذي جلدة

كانوا أناس م����ن وك����م وحشي����ة،يص�لون أ�و الجل�د مجرد م�ن يموتون . من�ه س�فك كذل�ك الموت قرب إل�ي . آالم��ا وكاب��د الشوك إكلي��ل م��ن دم

. اللطم كثرة من أخريبحمل���ه أخري آالم���ا تحم���ل ث���مغاي��ة إل��ي وص��ل حت��ى للص��ليب،شدة م�ن الص�ليب تح�ت فوق�ع اإلعياءيمس��كوا. أ��ن إل��ي دع��ا مم��ا التعبالص�ليب ليحم�ل القيراون�ى س�معان

خلفه" (. 26: 23يو)

4) He was Powerful During His Crucifixion and Death (2)

+ He struggled at Gethsemane... " Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. " (Luke. 22:45). He was then arrested and had to walk on foot for long

distances, as He was sent for trial five times before Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate, Herod then Pilate for a second time.

Added to this was the exhaustion and the unbearable pain He had when He was flogged 39 times in the most savage way, while many died or were about to die just by flogging! The crown of thorns caused Him to lose blood, besides being struck several times.

Then He had to carry the Cross till He collapsed. " Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus.” (Luke. 23:26).

( ص''لبه 4 أثناء قويا كان (3)وموته

أخري + آالم��ا تحم��ل هذا ك��ل بع��دوآالم الص��ليب عل��ي س��مر عندم��ا .. قوت��ه ك��ل وزال��ت تطاق ال الص��لبدماء، م��ن من��ه نزف مم��ا الجس��ديةوانطب��ق بعظم��ه، جلده لص��ق حت��ى " عظام�ي " ك�ل أحص�وا القول علي�ه

) 17: 22مز) ل�م الموت، لحظ�ة إل�ي وص�ل لم�ا وحت��ى وال بع��د، قوة أدن��ي في��ه تك��ن ! أذن فكي��ف الهم��س عل��ي مقدرةجواره إل�ي نق�ف أنن�ا عظي�م؟ بص�وت

منذهلين.لحظ�ة ه�ي المس�يح لحظات أقوي إ�ناس�تلم. الس�اعة تل�ك ف�ي ألن�ه موتهكله��ا، البشري��ة عل��ي ومل��ك ملك��ههذا رئي���س م���ن المل���ك واس���تعادالرب. " المزمور يقول ولذل�ك العالم

( " م��ز خشب��ة عل��ي الرب( 95مل��كالقوة لب���س الجالل، ولب���س مل���ك

( " مز بها (.92وتمنطق

4) He was Powerful During His Crucifixion and Death (3)

+ He endured still more pain when He was nailed to the Cross till His physical power drained and His skin stuck to His bones, which conformed with the saying, "I can count all My bones.“ (Ps. 22:17).

When Jesus reached the moment of death, there was no power left in Him even to whisper. How then did He cry with a loud voice?! We stand by His side amazed at this holy moment.

The Lord's most powerful moment was that of His death. At that hour He reigned over humanity and restored His Kingdom from the ruler of this world. "The Lord reigns; He has robed Himself with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength; thus He girded Himself" (Ps.93). He reigned on the cross.

موته 5 ) بعد قويا كان

ه�و + الروح، أس�لم عندم�ا الرب عمل�ه شي�ء أول . بع�د ث�م س�نة أل�ف وقيده الشيطان عل�ي قب�ض أن�ه

اف " الجحي�م إل�ي نزل الراقدين" 9: 4ذل�ك وبش�ر ،به�م ودخ�ل جميعا، هؤالء واقتاد الرجاء عل�ي هناك . الرب موت بع�د الفردوس� إل�ي اليمي�ن الل�ص م�ع مغلقا ظ�ل الذي الفردوس باب يفت�ح آ�ن اس�تطاع

. وحواء آدم سقطة منذ السنين آالف منق�بره عل�ي وختموا الق�بر، ف�ي ميتا ظنوه الذي هذاويدخ�ل الفردوس باب يفت�ح أ�ن اس�تطاع باألختام،ف��ي إياه��م قائدا رجاء عل��ي الراقدي��ن ك��ل في��ه

. نصرته موكب

5) He was Powerful After His Death

+ The first thing the Lord did when He yielded up His Spirit was laying hold of the devil and binding him for a thousand years. The Lord also... "descended into the lower parts of the earth. “ (Eph. 4:9) He announced the good news to the dead and led them, with the robber who was on His right, to Paradise. It was the Lord's death that opened the gate of Paradise after being locked for thousands of years, since Adam and Eve's fall.

The One they thought dead in the sealed tomb was able to open the gate to Paradise and lead all who died on hope in His procession of victory.

غفران'ه 6 ) ف'ي قويا ( 1 )كانوه��و + " " قاله��ا له��م أغف��ر أبتاه ي��ا … ف�ى حق�ا كان الجس�مانى األل�م منته�ىيطل�ب الذي�ن هؤالء م�ن المقاس�اة عم�قكانت !.. ، لهم محبت�ه ولكن الغفران لهمال الت�ى عداوته�م ، ل�ه عداوته�م م�ن أكث�ر

… بشاعتها عمق من ، توصفالغفران له��م يطل��ب ل��م ذل��ك وم��ععذرا ! له�م التم�س أيض�ا وانم�ا ، فق�طدم�ه " مخبول�ة جرأ�ة ف�ى ص�احوا والذي�ن

( " مت��ى أوالدن��ا وعل��ى ،( 15:27علين��االمجروح المص����لوب اس����تطاع هؤالء " . ألنه�م فقال عذرا له�م يوج�د أ�ن منه�مأعج���ب " … م���ا يفعلون ماذا يدرون العليه�م " يص�ب ل�م إن�ه محبت�ه ف�ى الرب . ب�ل منهم النقم�ة يطل�ب ول�م ، اللعناتموقف��ا منه��م ويأخ��ذ يص��مت ل��م أيض��ام��ن… ايجابي��ا حب��ه كان وانم��ا س��لبياوقدم ، المغفرة له��م فطل��ب ، ناحيته��ماآل��ب أمام عنه��م مدافع��ا ، عذرا عنه��ممجرد هى خطيئتهم أن معلنا ، السماوى

… جهل خطية

6) He was Powerful in His forgiveness (1) + "Father, forgive them..”,(Luke 23:34) words He pronounced while undergoing the utmost physical pain... Truly, He was at the peak of torment and affliction at the hands of those for whom He was asking forgiveness! But His love for them was greater than their hostility towards Him; their hostility that was indescribably atrocious and wicked... In spite of all that, He did not only pray that they might be forgiven but He gave them an excuse! those who cried out loudly: "His blood be on us and on our children " (Matt. 27: 25). The One who was scourged and crucified by them was the one to excuse them. He said: "For they do not know what they do“. How wonderful is the Lord in His exhaustive love. He did not hasten to condemn them; He did not seek revenge, or even take to resignation and negatives. His love for them was positive; He sought forgiveness for them. He exonerated them; He defended their cause in the presence of the heavenly Father, declaring that their sin was only one of ignorance...

غفرانه 6 ) في قويا ( 2)كان

م�ن + مجموع�ة ه�ى فعلته�م ان نقول البش�ر نح�ن انن�اووقيع�ة … ودس وكراهي�ة حس�د انه�ا البشع�ة الخطاي�اجمي�ل ونكران اندفاع وخطاي�ا ، الدينيي�ن الرؤس�اء م�نواس��تهزاء قس��وة وخطاي��ا ، الج�اح��د الشع��ب م��نالكهن��ة، وخدام الجن��د م��ن واهان��ة واعتداء وشتائ��م . ك�ل وفوق بيالطس� م�ن مباالة وال وظل�م جب�ن وخطاي�اكذب وخطاي�ا ، تعذي�ب وخطي�ة ، قت�ل خطي�ة ه�ى ذل�ك

… المحاكمة فى وتلفيقانه�ا س�وى يذك�ر فل�م الطي�ب الحنون المص�لوب أم�اأعج�ب !. م�ا يفعلون ماذا يدرون ال ألنه�م ، جه�ل خطي�ة . هذه أعماق ان المص�لوب المحبوب أيه�ا قلب�ك طيب�ة

… إدركنا فوق هى الطيبة

6) He was Powerful in His forgiveness (2)

+ But as human beings, we consider them perpetrators of a chain of atrocious criminal acts. Among the ranks of the religious authorities or priesthood, there was covetousness, jealousy, enmity, slander and double-crossing. On the part of the ungrateful public, there were accounts of reckless wrongful rejection. As for the military and the priests‘ servants, they committed atrocities, calamities, cursing and assaults. Pontius Pilate showed cowardice, injustice and indifference. Above all, it was a crime of homicide, torture and fabricating false evidence. But the condemned in His loving kindness did only consider it an offence committed in ignorance, "For they do not know what they do.. "! How wonderful is the loving-kindness of the crucified Lord .. The immenseness of His kindness is hard to grasp...

غفران'ه 6 ) ف'ي قويا ( 3 )كانغفران���ه + ف���ى المس���يح الس���يد انلتنفي��ذ عملي��ا مثاال قدم ق��د ، لص��البيةاحبوا. " قب���ل م���ن قال لق���د وص���اياه … ، مبغضيك��م آل��ي أحس��نوا ، اعداءك��موه�ا ". اليك�م يس�يئون الذي�ن ألج�ل وص�لواب�ه اوص�ى ان س�بق م�ا بنفس�ه ينف�ذ ذا ه�ووص����ايا. يعط����ى ال الرب ان الناس���� . نف�ذ لق�د ، بنفس�ه ينفذه�ا وال ، لآلخري�نونفذه�ا " " ، األعداء محب�ة الوص�ية هذهعجيب�ة … مثالي�ة وف�ى عم�ق ف�ى ، عملي�اوللمس�يئين ومضطهدي�ه لص�البيه فغف�ر

اليه…ي�ا " اآلي�ه هذه م�ن موقفن�ا ه�و م�ا ونح�ن،عندم��ا " … ياليت��ك ؟ له��م اغف��ر أبتاهالجمع���ة يوم ف���ى العبارة هذه تس���مع ، وق�ت آ�ي ف تتذكره�ا وعندم�ا ، الك�بيرة " ، رب ي��ا ايض��ا وأن��ا ص��دق ف��ى تقولأبغضون��ى : الذي��ن ك��ل مثل��ك س��أفعلأتعبون����ى الذي����ن ك����ل ، وأغضبون����ىضايقون��ى الذي��ن ك��ل ، واضطهدون��ىيدرون ال ألنه�م له�م اغف�ر ، آل�ي وأس�اءواتشترك " … أخ�ى ي�ا وهكذا يفعلون ماذا

… حبه وفى عمله فى المسيح مع

6) He was Powerful in His forgiveness (3) + The Lord Christ in His forgiveness for His persecutors has put into practice, beyond doubt, one of His teachings. He has said before: " Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, " In this case He was performing exactly that what He had previously commanded humanity to do. The Lord did not give to others Commandments that He did not observe. He put into practiceHis teaching: "Love your enemies' ;(Matt 5:44); and He accomplished that with such a wonderful idealism and faithfulness. He forgave His persecutors and offenders... As for us, how do we think of this verse:"Father, forgive them "? If you recall these words on the Good Friday or at any time and say: "I will also do as you did my Lord for all those who harassed and hated me, whopersecuted and mistreated me. I ask You to forgive them for they do not know what they do". In this way, you partake with Christ His work of benevolence and love.

( غفران''ه 6 ف''ي قويا كان(4)

ق�د + المس�يح كان ان أن�ت تس�تفيد ماذا . ماذا تغف��ر؟ ل��م وان��ت ألعدائ��ه غف��رأعداء�ه اح�ب ق�د المس�يح كان ان تس�تفيدوال ، أعدائ����ك تح����ب ال أن����ت بينم����افأن�ت! … اذن تس�تفيد؟ ماذا تس�امحهم؟ول�م ، عمل�ه ف�ى المس�يح م�ع تشترك ل�م

… صفاته فى تسلك ، لن�ا غف�ر ق�د المس�يح ان اذن أعل�مونتمت��ع ، لغيرن��ا ايض��ا نح��ن نغف��ر لك��ى . والت�ى ، الين�ا تأت�ى الت�ى المغفرة ببرك�ة

… منا تصدر ، إلين��ا الناس اس��اءات تتذك��ر كلم��اأعماقن�ا " أعماق م�ن أيض�ا نح�ن فلنق�ليفعلون ماذا يدرون ال النه�م ، له�م اغف�ريختل��ف". ، هذا نقول عندم��ا أنن��ا غي��ر

المسيح السيد موقف عن موقفنا

انطبق���ت الذي���ن هؤالء م���ن واح���د " " ، يفعلون ماذا يدرون ال عبارة عليه�ملونجينوس األنب��ا العظي��م القدي��س ه��و

… بالحربة المسيح طعن الذي الجندى

6) He was Powerful in His forgiveness (4)

+ What good is it for you if Christ has forgiven His enemies while you still hate your own or do not pardon them? Whatbenefit do you gain? In other words, you take no part with Christ in His benevolence; you do not partake in His work andyou do not follow His path... Know then that Christ forgave us, so that we may forgive others, and enjoy the bliss of forgiveness.. as it is rendered unto us, and rendered by us. Whenever, we remember the offences of others, we should also say truly and faithfully: "Forgive them, for they do not know what they do ". However, when we say so, we are actually in a different position than that of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of those to whom this verse did apply, "For they do not know what they do” was St. Longinus, the soldier who pierced Christ with a spear...

غفرانه 6 ) في قويا ( 5 )كان

ماذا + " يدرون ال عبارة علي��ه تنطب��ق اخ��ر قدي��س هناكوف�ي", المس�يحيين محارب�ة ف�ي ضاري�ا وحش�ا كان يفعلون

وقتلهم تعذيبهمس�فك الذي أنص�نا وال�ي اريانوس القدي�س ه�و الرج�ل هذا , ف��ي قتله��م ب��ل المس��حيين م��ن اآلآل��ف عشرات دماءيدري, ... ال هكذا وظ��ل يفع�ل ماذا يدري ال وه�و وحشي��ة , , اس�مه عل�ى واس�تشهد ب�ه فآم�ن الي�ه المس�يح جذب�ه حت�ىاإلم�براطور ي�د عل�ى برمهات شه�ر م�ن الثام�ن اليوم ف�يواص��بحت الس��نكسار ف��ي اس��مه وكت��ب ديوقلديانوس

العظماء القديسين باقي مثل بعيده تحتفل الكنيسةيدرون ال الذي�ن م�ن واحدا ايض�ا كان الطرس�وسي شاول

يفعلون ... ماذا … وحدها العبارة هذه أجل من بالمسيحية أمنوا كثيرون

لهم … اغفر أبتاه يا

6) He was Powerful in His forgiveness (5)

+ The verse: "For they do not know what they do' ; also applies to another Saint. He was a wild beast who fought the Christians fiercely, tormented and killed them... This man was St. Arianus the magistrate of the city of Ansena (Now called El Sheik Ubada, in the Province of Mallawi, Menia, Egypt). He put to death many thousands of Christians, with the utmost atrocity and ferocity. Knowing not what he was doing, he continued in his persecutions until he believed in Christ and died a martyr on the 8th of the Coptic month Baramhat at the hands of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. His name was recorded in the Church's Chronicle (Sanexsarium), and the Church came to commemorate him as one of its great saintly fathers ... Saul of Tarsus was, also, one of those, “Who knew not what they do"... Many were those who had been converted to Christianity only because of this verse:

"Father, forgive them …

محبته 7 ) في قويا كان : �ن” أ ه�ذه من �م �عظ أ ة ب م�ح� �ح�د أل �يس� . “يبذلل ائه �حب أ فد�ى �ه �ات ي ح� �ح�د أ

)13:15يوحنا( �ى” ح�ت الع�ال�م�� الله� �ح�ب� أ �ذ�ا هك ه� �ن م�ن� بذل'أل كل� �هلك�� ي � ال �ي� لك الو�حيد�، �ه� ابن

.“ ) يوحنا ة �دي �ب األ �اة ي الح� �ه ل �كون ت �ل ب به، )16 :3يؤمن

البذل = … بحجم تقاس المحبة بذل المحبة

عبد + ملخس ألذن شفاؤه وهو عليه القبض وقت المسيح محبة قوة عن . عل�ي القب��ض وق�ت تحم��س الرس��ول بطرس أ��ن ذل�ك و الكهنة رئي��سي�و ) اليمن�ي أذن�ه فقط�ع الكهن�ة رئي�س عب�د وضرب س�يفه واس�تل المس�يح،

18 :10 . أ�ن(. بطرس أم�ر لذل�ك طريقته العن�ف يك�ن فل�م الودي�ع ربن�ا أم�ا . . عنه أحد يدافع أو نفسه عن يدافع أن ورفض غمده في سيفه يضع

.. اآل�ن. " أس�تطيع ال أن�ي أتظ�ن مكانه إل�ي س�يفك رد موبخا لبطرس وقال "! المالئك�ة؟ م�ن جيشا عش�ر أثن�ي م�ن أكث�ر ل�ي فيقدم أ�بي إل�ي أطل�ب أ�ن

. 53: 26مت�ي) بشجاع�ة(. ألن�ه يفعل أ�ن رف�ض ولكن�ه يس�تطيع، كان نع�م .. الكتاب فيقول أذنه، قطعت الذي العبد عن أما نحن ليخلصنا الموت إلي

( " ل�و " وأبرأه�ا أذن�ه لم�س علي�ه للقب�ض أتوا الذي القوي هذا ،" 51: 22أ�ن. األوقات أحرج في حتى أعدائه، مع الرحمة صانعا

7) He was Powerful in His Love“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 15:13)

Love = sacrifice … Love is measured by the amount of giving

+ The power of the Lord Christ’s Love when arrested was the healing the ear of the Chief priest's slave. "Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear." (John. 18:10). But our meek Lord who does not agree to violence, turned to Peter and asked him to sheathe his sword. He refused to defend Himself or let others defend Him. He rebuked Peter saying, "Put your sword in its place, Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?"(Matt.26:53). The Lord refused to do anything to save Himself, but faced death in courage for our salvation. As for the slave's ear, it was healed by the powerful Lord who was to be arrested, "And He touched his ear and healed him.“ (Luke. 22:51). The Lord showed mercy to His enemies even at the most critical times.

( 8 جديدا مفهوما الرب أعطان'''االقوة لمعنى

الت�ي + غي�ر بطريق�ة القوة يفه�م العال�م أ��نالقوة يري العال��م المس��يح الس��يد لن��ا قدمه��االذي. اإلنس�����ان قوة العن�����ف، قوة الخارجةم��ن نفس��ه يحم��ي وأ��ن يضرب، أ��ن يس�تطيعيخض�ع أ�ن يستطيع الذي اإلنس�ان قوة الضرب،

. له غيرهالت��ي للقوة مثال فأعطان��ا الرب، الس��يد أم��اأ��ن وتس��تطيع تبذل، أ��ن وتس��تطيع تح��ب، . ذاتها حس�اب عل�ي ول�و تعط�ي وأ�ن تحتم�ل،فيه�ا نفك�ر إنم�ا القوة، ف�ي نفك�ر عندم�ا ونح�نالمس�توى عل�ي ولي�س الروح�ي المس�توي عل�يالمس��يح عل��ي ننظ��ر النظرة وبهذه الجس��دي . يظ�ن المس�كين المادي العال�م أ�ن آالمه ف�يولط��م ضرب عندم��ا ضعيفا كان المس��يح أ��ن . وحقا الص��ليب عل��ي وعلقوه ب��ه واس��تهزأواالمس��يح أ��ن ل��و ذل��ك، يقال أ��ن يمك��ن كانولكن��ه عج��ز ع��ن اإلهانات تل��ك ك��ل احتم��لضاربي��ه م��ن أقوي كان ذل��ك م��ن بالعك��س . ف�ي المس�يح نمج�د نح�ن لذل�ك وص�لبيه ومهيني�هه��و يحتم��ل الذي أ��ن شاعري��ن االحتمال، هذاعلين��ا. " فيج��ب الرس��ول يقول وهكذا األقوىوال الضعفاء ضعفات نح�تم�ل أ�ن األقوياء نح�ن

( " رو أنفس���نا أشخاص(. 1: 15نرض���ي هناك . يح�تملوا أن يستطيعون ال ضعفاء

بس����رعة فينهارون تهزه����م، كلم����ه أق����للإلهان��ة رده��م أ��و انتقامه��م، وف��ي وينتقمون،عل��ي قدرته��م وعدم بضعفه��م نشع��ر بمثله��ا،

االحتمال.الناس كراهي��ة عل��ى محبت��ه انتص��رت لق��دقداسة ( الشيطان كبرياء على تواضعه وانتصر

( الثالث شنودة الباباس��يده م��ن انطونيوس األنب��ا تعل��م ولذل��ك

الشياطين . أمام االتضاع

8) The Lord's New Concept of Power+ The world's concept of Power differs from that introduced by the Lord Jesus Christ. To the World, it means violence and the ability to strike, to defend oneself and to subject others. The Lord set an example of the Power which loves and sacrifices, endures and gives without limits. When we think of Power, we have to look at it from the spiritual side, not the physical. That is how we should look at the Lord Christ in His sufferings. The materialistic world, poor indeed, thinks that the Lord Christ was weak when they struck Him on the face, mocked Him and crucified Him. That would have been true if the Lord Christ had those insults due to His inability, but in fact, He was far more powerful than all those who struck,

mocked and crucified Him. We glorify the Lord's endurance, which convinces us that. Power is in endurance, as the apostle says, "We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves" (Rom. 15:1).

Some people are too weak to endure; even the least insult provokes them and makes them lose control and turn to revenge. It shows their weakness and lack of power of endurance.

Thine is the Power, the Glory, the Blessing and

theHonor, forever Amen

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