Gli Open Data nell'archeologia italiana. I risultati del sondaggio MAPPA - Archaeological Open Data...

Post on 15-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Gli Open Data nell'archeologia italiana. I risultati del sondaggio MAPPA - Archaeological Open Data...

Gli Open Data nell’archeologia italiana. I risultati del sondaggio MAPPA MAPPAproject – Francesca Anichini

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The survey was promoted through the Internet and social media and for Italian community exclusively.

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Gli Open Data nell’archeologia italiana. I risultati del sondaggio MAPPA 3/14

650 Validated answers

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61 Questions / 7 Sections

1. General data

2. PC use

3. Knowledge/use open source software

4. Open Data and archaeology

5. Publication of archaeological Open


6. Use of archaeological Open Data


Results published in .csv file

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….. and now some graphics

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The Camp Ground Excavations 6/14

WORK Archaeologist 55% Student 16% Researcher 4% Museum director 3% Teacher 3% Architect 2% Other…1% each

30% Permanent employment 23% Self-employed 16% Temporary worker 15% Unemployed

21% Permanent employment 29% Self-employed 17% Temporary worker 19% Unemployed

Archaeologist 55%

Category Sample

Work at MiBAC 6,83%

University professor 2,53%

Indipendent worker 41,01%

Other (?) 49,63%

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Good 54% (Excellent 15%)

10% 18-25 (age) 63% 26-40 16% 41-50 10% 51-65 1% >65

Use PC

Internet use

4% <5 (hours for week)

12% 5-10

21% 11-20

37% 21-40 25% >40



Use open source software 66%

Makers of open data 62%


Open data’s characteristics

21% accessible 18% shared 12% open source 8% transparent 8% reproducible 5% raw 5% generative 5% without a license 4% unprotected 3% prompt 1% complete 1% machine readable

Gli Open Data nell’archeologia italiana. I risultati del sondaggio MAPPA

Do you know ‘’Mr. Open Data’’? 47% yes

53% ?


Are Open Data the future of the archaeological research? 33% I’m mostly agree

29% I’m really agree 28% I’m totally agree 5% not much 1% none

Gli Open Data nell’archeologia italiana. I risultati del sondaggio MAPPA

90% The creation of a archaeological open data archive is considered useful for all archaeological components:

Reserchers 83% Indipendent workers 78% Heritage conservation 74%

The archaeological open data archive is considered to be less useful as:

A management tool for MiBAC 64%

A stimulus to improve the quality of data produced 61%


Despite full adherence to open data philosophy, there is still not a habit to use them.

Gli Open Data nell’archeologia italiana. I risultati del sondaggio MAPPA

Did you use archaeological Open Data for your work?

32% YES 63% NO

Do you know archaeological Open Data?

32% YES 63% NO

In whitch way?

27% to compare materials

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of the sample believe that’s not sufficient to have only a minimal set of data (location, chronology, type of archaeological findings) or only scientific publications without raw data (including photographic documentation)


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agree to recognize the intellectual property to those who generated the data agree to equate the publication of data with scientific publication agree to recognize a right of first refusal to the author for full publication

For 3 years 28%

For 5 years 26%




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With which license publish open data?

no answer

CC BY NC SA (Creative Commons

Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike)


(Creative Commons Attribution)




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agree to create an Open Data archaeological archive

For 39% there’re risks

39% Heritage conservation

39% Iniquity between collegues

20 % Unreliability of the data



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