
Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Ghandi


Prepared by Mr.Ahmed Khafaga1-What was the job of Gandhi's father?-He was a chief officer in one of the states of India.2- To what extent was Gandhi's mother serious at her religion?-Gandhi's mother was serious at her religion to a great extent. She didn't begin a meal without saying the prayers. Also she had to wait until she could see the sun before eating. That made her children troubled and spent long hours looking up at the sky.3- Why couldn't Gandhi make friends at school?-He had to run home quickly to help his father. His only companions were books and lessons .He feared that other boys would make fun of him.

4-Why didn't Gandhi participate in the school activities? - He thought that practising these activities was a waste of time .he didn't enjoy being or mixing with other boys .

5- Why was Gandhi punished when he was at school? -He had to return to school at 4 o'clock for school games. He didn't have a watch and the cloudy weather deceived him ,so he arrived late and the games were over. The head of the school didn't believe him and Gandhi was punished. At this time Gandhi began to understand that a man of trust must be also a careful man. 6- How did Gandhi change his mind about sport ?He had read in books that walking was a valuable exercise. He enjoyed walking in the open air after reading that book

7- What made Gandhi try to improve his handwriting,? -When he was in South Africa/ he saw the excellent handwriting of lawyers and that of the young men of the country ,That made him ashamed of himself and he decided to improve his handwriting. It was too late for him to improve his handwriting. 8- What was the effect of Gandhi's early marriage on his study ? -He got married at the age of thirteen. That made him lose a year in the high school. Fortunately by hard work he was able to finish two classes in one year .

9-what were the mistakes that Gandhi made when he was young ? -A} Eating meat: Gandhi's friend convinced him to eat meat saying that people that eat meat were stronger than themB} Smoking: He smoked to imitate the grown -up people. { C} Stealing: He stole some money from the servants to buy cigarettes. Also when was 15 he stole a small piece of gold from his brother. 10-How did Gandhi confess his mistake of stealing his brother? -He wrote what he had done in a letter to his father. He asked his father to

punish him . The father read the letter and tears came out of his eyes . Gandhi's father forgave him . 11- Why did Gandhi go to England ? To study law to be a lawyer . 12- Why was Gandhi's life in England very difficult ? ? -In England he was met by a new life different from that of India . He had to eat meat and wear as foreigners. He couldn't eat meat so he was often hungry at the end of any meal. He had to spend much time to learn how to eat, wear and dance .as the English gentlemen . 13- What made Gandhi pleased in England ? -He found a dining place where no meat of any sort was served. He learnt from that there were many people in England who didn't eat meat for their health 14- How was Gandhi interested in religion when he was in England? -He read more in the holy book of his religion "Gita //. That book became his best friend. He also read about the other religions. Then from another book he learnt about the prophet Mohammed's bravery and greatness.15- What sad news did Gandhi receive when he returned from England ? -The news of his mother's death . 16-Why did Gandhi travel to South Africa ? -He was invited by a rich merchant who was trying to collect money from a member of his family17- What did the judge order Gandhi to do when he waS in the court in South Africa?

- He ordered Gandhi to take off his turban . Gandhi refused and his turban after that became famous all over South Africa

18-Who were Coolies ? Coolies were the Indians who went to South Africa to work. They were regarded as people of law rank. Gandhi was one of them and he was considered a coolie lawyer.19-How were Indians treated in South Africa? -Indians in South Africa were treated very badly. It was forbidden to anyone of them to set in the first class carriage in any train. Also the hotels in South Africa refused to let Indians stay in rooms or restaurants. 20- How was Gandhi met by the white people in India ? -The crowd gathered around him / threw him with stones and eggs . He was saved by a brave wife; of an English police officer who helped him to escape from the angry crowd by dressing himself as an Indian police officer . 21- How did Gandhi begin his work in South Africa ? -He gave up a position in which he was earning a lot of money in order to join poor people and work to improve their level. 22- To what extent was Ghandi's wife helpful ? -To, a great extent. She believed in him and gave him courage to go on 23- What was soul force ?

- It was a struggle against evil and force not by using hatred and force but by love and quietly refusing to obey unjust laws

24- What was the Ashram ?It was a religious group home .25- What did people have to promise to join the Ashram?People had to make certain promises for the following:a) not to fight or hate other people . b) always speak the truthc) not to eat any own anything was not necessary 26- What were the untouchables?. They were the lowest rank in Hindu religion. They were allowed to do the lowest kind of work. 27-What did Gandhi do for them? Gandhi made the other Indians move to the other part of the city Where the untouchables live. He also made them have more work and have a new place in the Indian life . 28- What was Gandhi's great aim in life ? To help his people as much as he could . To improve the conditions of poor and suffering people without using force . 29- Gandhi was against obeying the unjust laws . Explain According to the British law , no one was allowed to make salt from sea but it had to be bought through the government. Gandhi saw that it was unjust law and it shouldn't be obeyed . He led groups of-;people towards the sea to disobey the law .

There he made a handful of salt and declared that God made the sea not the government . and government could keep it from people . As aresurt he was put in the prison but not for a long time .

30::What was the effects of.what Gandhi did in India? -Gandhi followers grew in number and strength. All India read what he wrote. Important leaders of India and other parts came to talk with him about his plans and listen to his message of peace and love for the whole world 31-What made Gandhi troubled in spite of his success? - There were troubles between Moslems and Hindus, and India was divided between them. India was for Hindus and Pakistan was for Muslims. Gandhi hated that division among people of his country .32- What was the effect of quarrels that had arisen between the Muslims and Hindus? -Fighting broke out between the two groups. Men , women and children were killed . Hundred of people were without homes . There was very great suffering . 33- What made Hindus and Muslims stop fighting ? -Gandhi said that he wouldn't eat until the fighting stopped. Both of them respected him and stopped fighting.

34- How Gandhi's life was ended?-A young Hindu shot him thinking that he had done harm to the Hindus as he was friendly with the Muslims .

35-Why is Gandhi considered a great man? -Gandhi was a great man, he never lived for himself. He did his best to improve the conditions of people of his country."He tried to fight anything against his country by peace and love not by force or hatred. He was against any unjust law and could make a self government for his nation .He put an end to the division that was"between Muslims and Hindus. He was as the sun that lit everywhere for what he did for his nation. That's why he is considered a great man .


1-"The light has gone out our lives and everywhere is dark ."These words were said by Pandit Nehru, Ghandi's friend on the radio .He was telling the news of Gandhi's death . He talked about Ghandi as the sun that lit everywhere. When Gandhi died

it became dark everywhere.He was was very the nation lost its father who did much for it and its people .2-'We are weak people .The English are able to rule over us because theyeat meat. I myself am strong and fine runner. It is because I am a meat eater.You should eat meat too. Eat some and see what t strength it gives you."These words were said Gandhi's friend. He tried to convince him to eat meat. Gandhi ate meat and that was against his religion. This lasted for a year but Gandhi didn't become strong . Then, he stopped eating meat.

3-The father of the nation is no more The best prayers we can offer is to-Give ourselves to truth and carry on the noble work for which he lived on the noble work for which he lived and which which he died "Pandit Nehru said the radio telling the news of Gandhi's death. Hewas very sad as the nation lost its father who did much for it and its people.

4- "God has sent us help at the last moment/'-Gandhi said this to himself when a Muslim merchant sent him money to help him in Al ashram when rich people refused to give Gandhi money until he

dismissed the Untouchables .5-Even God, cannot grant it; we must work for it and win it ourselves."Gandhi said this to the crowd of people around him in their way to the sea.He wanted to encourage the Indians to ask for freedom and refuse to obey the unjust laws. Freedom can't be granted without any effort or hard work.6- " The light has gone out of our lives and everywhere it is dark. The father of the nation is no more. The best prayer we can offer is to give ourselves to truth and carry on the noble work for which he lived and for which he died ."

Pandit Nehru ,speaking over the radio that night which Gandhi killed .He was very sad as the nation lost its father who did much for it and its people .

Florence Nightingale

1-Why was Florence given that name ?She was named after a city in Italy where she was born .She didn't like to let anything prevent her from carrying out the work that she had been called for. 2- How did Florence work begin? w *Her life work began when she was invited to take charge of a nursing home for ladies .She did everything by herself. She examined medicines/ food, beds, clothes and coal. She took care of patients well and she was loved by all People3- Where did the Russian and British armies fight? They fought in Crimea on the Black Sea. 4-Why did do many thousand of British soldiers die?

There was no care presented for any wounded soldier. When thousands became sick with a disease which spread among them no one took care of them, so Thousand suffered and died

5-Why did Florence insist on going to Scutari hospital?She did that to prove to the whole world the value and the importance of nurses . The eyes of the nation were on this hospital, if nurses were able to take care of patients and wounded people / no one would scorn nurses. It was a golden chance to prove what she wanted to do.

6- The conditions in Scutari hospital were horrible .Explain. The hospital consisted of three parts, the first parf |was a

camp for soldiers. The second was a building for horses and the third one was use as a wine shop There was disorder everywhere . There was no responsible for the

building . The hospital was without supplies that hospital heeded .7-One of the most difficult hardships that met Florence and her group of nurses were doctors ? Explain . ^

Doctors weren't happy to see nurses at Scutari hospital. The doctors decided to give them no attentions .The nurses were given only small dirty rooms to sleep in . in these rooms There were nothing but rats ,insects ,few chairs and the body of a Russian officer . Nurses weren't given, any work_for _a_week in-order to hate the place and leave it.

8-Florence spent her money to improve the conditions of others . Discuss She had a large amount of money that she could use to improve the conditions of patients at Scutari hospital. The doors of_the_hospital were very dirty, she_bought 200 brushes_and floors were made clean She rented a washer woman to the soldiers!_clothes . She also bought everything that.the

hospital needed such as forks, spoons / knives / scissors / combs, tables,shirts , pots .9-The relation between Nightingale and her group of nurses wasn't happy. Explain Florence wanted to have order and obedience among her group of nurses because she wanted to prove To whole world the values of nurses . She had to be firm and strict dealing with nurses . Some nurses complained that and felt that she was too firm and difficult All that proved that Florence was a patient woman who could bear any difficulty to achieve her aims .

10-How did Florence deal with soldiers who came to the hospital as patients ?She dealt with them kindly . They admired and loved her . She gave them courage to let doctors examine them .She did much in order to improve their health andtheir behaviour.

11-Why did Florence visit Crimea ? What was the effect of that visit ?She wanted to visit the hospital. She_suffered from fever

.for two weeks she laid Between life and death.

12- Talk about the second part of Florence work. It was very hard because of her_enemies . When the people of England knew thebad conditions and disorder among soldiers, there was a storm of complaint .Some doctors and officers didn't like that and spoke against her and her work .

13-Florence looked after soldiers when they were ill and when they were well.

She tried to present for_them every means of entertainment and she could . She Had opened a reading room for them and encouraged them to read and write .

Soldiers liked what she did for them and worked by themselves and built a theatre . Also they could form teams for playing football and other sport games . By that

the picture of bad drunk soldiers was removed she could improve their health and behaviour .

14-Why did Florence want to destroy her fame ?* She didn't like to-let people look at her as just a famous

person . She thought that Working for common and poor_was _better than what was said about her as a famous person . She believed that_no one of simple people wouldn't respect her unless she became on their side as a friend not as a famous person.

15-What was Florence aim in life ?Improving the conditions of common soldiers in the army and making the whole

World appreciate nursing and nurses .

Comment :

1-"I can see no more reason for living on. I shall never do anything! and amworse than dust and nothing."' Florence wrote these words

at her diary when she was very sad because her parents refused to let her work as a nurse.

2"Women nurses are needed in the hospital in Scutari for I am sure thepoor wounded are now treated very roughly There is but one person inEngland I know of who would be able to choose nurses and go out to do thework that needs to be done ."

These words were written in a letter by Sidney Hecbert .He was a good friend of Florence and knew much about her work . He sent that letter to Florence inviting her to come to the hospital to improve the conditions of patients >

3-" We felt we are in heaven"

One of the new soldiers 'said these words to express the great efforts made by Florence and her party of nurses in scutari hospital. Florence andthe nurses prepared everything. The beds were ready . They got off their dirty coats and were given clean clothes. They were given warm welcome and warm food. This excellent treatment led such a solider to utter such words.

4- "Give them schools and interesting talks . Give them games andamusement and they will stop drinking. Give them suffering and they will bear ."Florence wrote these words in a letter to her sister talking about soldiers .She said they behaved badly as they were treated badly. If they were given good treat ment they would behave better.5-"My dearest kind Miss Nightingale, I sent you a few lines of love . thank you you are our sunshine .were you to give up, all would soon fade away.

These words were written in one of the letters that Florence received from one of her patients in the nursing home. Florence was working very hard. Shetook care of her patients and she was loved by everyone. She was caring for every thing including bed - making - examining medicines, getting coal for fire and supervising food. The poor sick ladies loved her so much and praisedher all the time.

Answer yo u rself

1-The relation between Miss Nightingale and her group of nurses wasn't all right .Show that .

2-The conditions in Scutari hospital were horrible. Explain.3-Mention the two events that made Florence believe that her life would be with hospitals.1-She was allowed to take care of her old grandmother and a sick woman (Servant)2-She also was allowed to nurse the poor people in her village .4-Talk about Florence's childhood.5-How were the hospital in the past?Hospitals were badly arranged full o smell and diseases and disorder ,they were very cold rooms ,heated by a single fireplace ,the hospitals were not ventilated.

6-What made Florence 's family refuse to let her be a nurse?Her parents couldn't believe such a richy brought up child would end to be a nurse . They refused to let her go for the training course. 7-Florence looked after soldiers when they were ill and when they were well.

Novel First Term 2013 /2014

Great Men And Women


-Florence Nightingale

Prepared By /Mr.Ahmed Khafaga Senior Teacher of English

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