Getty Images / iStock / fotoVoyager Adventure...Rick Riordan, from The Lightning Thief “All we...

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Engelsk terminprøve – forberedelse


Tekstsamlingen består av seks tekster i ulike sjangre. På prøvedagen vil du få oppgaver knyttet til hele tekstsamlingen.

Forberedelsestiden skal du bruke til å jobbe med tekstsamlingen. Du kan både lese, bearbeide og sortere ukjent stoff. Du kan ta notater som er knyttet til temaet. Du kan samarbeide med andre elever, snakke med læreren og bruke lærebøker og andre kilder. Under forberedelsen er alle hjelpemidler tillatt, inkludert bruk av internett. På prøven kan du ikke bruke internett og andre verktøy som tillater kommunikasjon, eller oversettelsesprogrammer. Alle kilder du benytter deg av på prøven, direkte eller indirekte, skal oppgis slik at det går an å finne fram til kilden. Dersom du har med deg utskrifter og sitater fra nettsider, må du oppgi adresse og nedlastingsdato.

På prøvedagen skal du svare på tre oppgaver, to som krever kortere svar (Task 1 og Task 2) og en langsvaroppgave (Task 3 A, B, C eller D). Du skal svare på engelsk.


Tekstsamlinga er sett saman av seks tekstar i ulike sjangrar. På prøvedagen vil du få oppgåver knytt til heile tekstsamlinga.

Førebuingstida skal du bruke til å jobbe med tekstsamlinga. Du kan både lese, studere og sortere ukjent stoff. Du kan ta notat som er knytte til temaet. Du kan samarbeide med andre elevar, snakke med læraren og bruke lærebøker og andre kjelder. Under førebuinga er alle hjelpemiddel tillatne, inkludert bruk av internett. På prøven kan du ikkje bruke internett og andre verktøy som tillèt kommunikasjon, eller omsetjingsprogram. Alle kjelder du brukar på prøven, direkte eller indirekte, skal oppgjevast slik at det går an å finne fram til kjelda. Dersom du har med deg utskrifter og sitat frå nettsider, skal adresse og dato for nedlasting oppgjevast.

På prøvedagen skal du svare på tre oppgåver, to som krev kortare svar (Task 1 og Task 2) og ei langsvaroppgåve (Task 3 A, B, C eller D). Du skal svare på engelsk.

The midnight gang 16

Amazing adventurers 14

Poems 12

Teenage bucket list 9

My African adventure 6

Quotes 4



Perspectives on adventureAdventure – how do you picture it? Is it exploring unknown countries, climbing huge mountains, or trying new or unusual foods? Perhaps you aren’t even sure what an adventure might look like for you. Well, hold on to your hats, because sometimes the best way to build an adventurous spirit is to read about the experiences of others. So, get out there and collect stories like these to wake up that spirit, to make you curious, to inspire an adventure of your own.

hold on to your hats hold dere fast / hald dykk fast (uttrykk)

an adventurous spirit eventyrlyst




NTBscanpix / Mary Evans Picture


Your local library is filled with books where imagination, magic and adventure await you. Here are some quotes from famous books for children and teenagers. Perhaps you will be inspired to pick up one or two of these books to read?


imagination fantasi

adventure eventyr

to await å vente på

it does not do det er ikke bra nok / det er ikkje bra nok

to dwell on å dvele ved

by halves halvveis / halvvegs

outrageous overdrevet, vanvittig / overdrive, vanvittig

go the whole hog gjøre noe helt og fullt / gjere noko heilt og fullt

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

J. K. Rowling, from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

“There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven’t even started wondering about yet.”

Roald Dahl, from James and the Giant Peach

“You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where to go.”

Dr. Seuss, from Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

“Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog.”

Roald Dahl, from Matilda

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glory ære

to repeat å gjenta

it’s no use det er ingen vits i

above all framfor alt

unlikely usannsynlig / usannsynleg


“Where’s the glory in repeating what others have done?”

Rick Riordan, from The Lightning Thief

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

JRR Tolkien, from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”

Lewis Carroll, from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

Roald Dahl, from The Minpins





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Getty Images / iStock / Irosebrugh

My African adventureBy Soccer 1379, Paeonian Spring, VA

Experiencing countries and cultures far away from our everyday lives is an adventure many of us dream of. Let’s start with a travel article written by a teenager from Virginia, USA, who got the chance to visit Tanzania. This is the kind of experience that stays with you forever …

During my 7th grade Spring Break, my family and I took a trip to Tanzania. It was an adventure by itself just getting there! We had to take fifteen different planes to get there and back (and from place to place in between). It was the first time I had been in such a small airplane; one of the fifteen planes only sat six passengers and the pilot. The ride was bumpier than the commercial airplanes, but the view was spectacular.

When we arrived, the time zone change was difficult to handle, but after a few nights I got used to the change. We stayed in a safari resort in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. The guide said we were over 150 miles away from civilization. The scenery was unlike anything I had ever seen before. There were all sorts of noises, but they weren’t ones I was used to hearing; the noises came from animals (and insects!), not from cars or television or people. So far, I loved the trip.

to experience å oppleve

spectacular spektakulært, fantastisk

the middle of nowhere langt fra folk / langt frå folk

scenery landskap



Our assigned guide was Mishi. She could spot a needle in a haystack. On our first safari, we saw a herd of giraffes and two rhinoceroses. Mishi told us that the concession that she worked for captured two black rhinos because they were in danger of going extinct due to poachers. She said that the poachers wanted them for their horns and would kill the poor rhinos to get their horns. The story behind the horns is that a Singapore government official had cancer and the dust of the black rhino horn supposedly cured him. Ever since, black rhinos have been on the endangered species list. It made me really upset to hear that story, and it apparently made a lot of others sad too, which is why the good people from Mishi’s concession (well, really the concession at which Mishi worked) captured the two rhinos. They are not in a zoo but in guarded pen that is about 100 acres, sitting in the Serengeti. This protects the rhinos from poachers.

When we got back to the resort, there were a bunch of men standing in line with big guns strapped to their backs. I said hello but they just stood there and smiled at me. Later, Mishi told us that those men were caught poaching and were given a choice: go to jail, or work at the resort against poaching and protect the people and animals there. I thought that was a very good idea and felt better that people were there working against the poachers.


After we had dinner one night, the people who worked there set up a campfire, and everyone sat around it. The sky was so clear that we could even see the planet Venus. Mishi told me that because there were not a lot of lights or pollution in Tanzania, the skies were very clear, especially at night. One of the other ladies who worked at the resort came over and sat next to my mom and me and pulled out a small bottle. She told us that it contained Henna, which is a flower native to Africa. Henna is crushed up to create dyes. She then offered to paint our nails with it. Henna does not come out of nails. It has to grow out, but it strengthens them and is a pretty orange color. My mom and I said yes eagerly.

a herd en flokk / ein flokk

a rhinoceros (rhino) et neshorn / eit nashorn

a concession her: en organisasjon / her: ein organisasjon

to capture å fange

to go extinct å bli utryddet / å bli utrydda

a poacher en krypskytter / ein krypskyttar

supposedly visstnok

to cure å kurere, helbrede / å kurere, lækje

endangered species utrydningstruede dyrearter / utryddingstruga dyreartar

upset opprørt, lei seg

apparently åpenbart / openbert

pollution forurensning / forureining

a dye et fargestoff / eit fargestoff

eagerly ivrig

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After many days of fun and great adventure, my trip to Tanzania was soon over. I learned a lot from that trip and am looking forward to going back some day. I said goodbye to Mishi, and my family headed on its way (with me included). When I got back home I was sad, but I have many great memories from Tanzania to hold on to.

© Teen Ink, Magazine, website and books



to look forward to å glede seg til, se fram til / å glede seg til, sjå fram til

to hold on to å holde fast ved, huske på / å halde fast ved, hugse på





Getty Images / iStock / gawrav

Teenage bucket listBy Hannah Orenstein

Without travelling anywhere or spending any money, how can you add adventure to your everyday life as a teenager? Well, it shouldn’t be too hard to get adventurous: try out some of our handy tips. We dare you!


Try a food you can’t pronounce. You never know – it might end up being your new favorite!

Record a cover of your favorite song and post it on YouTube It might lead to fame and fortune (à la Justin Bieber), or it could lead to a silly afternoon in front of your computer and a couple comments on YouTube. The only way to find out is to try it yourself and see!

Go skinny dippingGo skinny dipping on a warm summer night with your friends. Just remember – leave your phones at home. This is one album you don’t want on Facebook.

Participate in a flash mobTotally crazy? Sure. But should you do it? Of course!

to pronounce å uttale

fame and fortune berømmelse og rikdom / ry og rikdom

skinny dipping nakenbading

to participate å delta

a flash moben gruppe mennesker som samles plutselig, for å f.eks. danse midt på gata, og så forsvinner igjen / ei gruppe menneske som samlar seg plutseleg, for å f.eks. danse midt på gata, og så forsvinn igjen

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Fall in love – and get your heart brokenGoing through a major breakup or getting your heart broken is always a painful experience, but it makes you realize that you’ll come out the other side okay – and maybe even better than before.

Sleep under the stars for one nightNothing is more beautiful than a night under the stars. Head into the woods for a weekend of camping and savor the sights!


Have a meaningful conversation with a strangerYou never know what you might have in common with the woman sitting next to you on the bus, the guy waiting in line behind you at the grocery store, or the couple sitting on a bench near you at the park.


Learn to play a song on an instrumentAlways wanted to learn to play “Blackbird” on the guitar or “The Scientist” on your brother’s keyboard? Make it happen. With a few weeks of lessons, a teach-yourself manual or even just YouTube tutorials, you can experience a different side of one of your favorite songs.

Get a job. Any jobEven if you can’t stand your summer job at the mall, the experience of having responsibility to an employer and making your own money is an essential part of the passage to adulthood. For better or for worse, your first job is something you’ll never forget – so don’t wait until you’re out of college to get one!


Learn to have a basic conversation in a foreign language. Ever wanted to don a beret and have a conversation en français, like a real Parisian? Make it happen! Get an audio guide or Rosetta Stone and learn to have a basic conversation in the language you’ve been dying to learn, whether it’s Swedish or Swahili. You never know when you might use it!

to realize å innse / å innsjå

savor å nyte

to have in common å ha felles

a line en kø / ein kø

a tutorial et kurs, en innføring / eit kurs, ei innføring

a responsibility et ansvar / eit ansvar

essential viktig

a passage en overgang / ein overgang

to don a beret å ta på seg en alpelue / å ta på seg ei alpehue

Rosetta Stone språkkurs

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a downpour et høljeregn / eit høljeregn

impromptu spontan, uplanlagt / spontan, uplanlagd

to crave å ha veldig lyst på


Dance in the rainThere’s something about the act of dancing freely – and being caught in a major downpour – that makes you feel alive like almost nothing else does. So instead of running for cover the next time it starts coming down, start your own impromptu dance party and feel the rush!


Learn to cook your favorite mealBefore long, you’ll be living away from home and craving your favorite home-cooked meal. Spend some quality time with Mom or Dad in the kitchen – they’ll be happy to teach you to cook for yourself!

© The Huffington Post, Huff Post Teen. Republished by permission.





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Across time and place, humans have always been hungry for adventures. These two poems were written by two adventurers and dreamers. Adelaide Crapsey wrote her poetry at the beginning of the 1900s in the USA, and John Keats wrote his a hundred years earlier in England. Both of them write about being free and ready to go on exciting adventures.

Adventureby Adelaide Crapsey

Sun and wind and beat of sea, Great lands stretching endlessly… Where be bonds to bind the free? All the world was made for me!


beat of sea bølgene fra havet / bølgjene frå havet

where be bonds to bindthe free?

hvor er tauene som kan binde den som er fri? / kvar er taua som kan binde den som er fri?



A Song About Myselfby John Keats

I. There was a naughty boy,A naughty boy was he,He would not stop at home,He could not quiet be – He tookIn his knapsackA bookFull of vowelsAnd a shirtWith some towels,A slight capFor night cap,And a hair brush,Comb ditto,New stockingsFor old onesWould split O!This knapsackTight at’s backHe rivetted closeAnd follow’d his noseTo the north, To the north, To the north, And follow’d his nose To the north.



naughty rampete

a knapsack en ryggsekk (gammeldags) / ein ryggsekk (gammaldags)

a comb en kam / ein kam

ditto det samme / det same

to split revne, bli ødelagt / rivne, bli øydelagd

to rivet close å holde hardt fast på / å halde hardt fast på



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Getty Images / Ralf Dujmovits / National Geographic

Amazing adventurersby Robin Newton

From climbing Everest to skiing to the South Pole, read about some amazing adventurers!

Do you ever dream about climbing Mount Everest or visiting Antarctica? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, thousands of people try to climb the world’s highest mountains or walk across continents. Let’s take a look at some of the 21st century’s greatest adventurers.

Amazon adventurerEd Stafford from the UK is the first person to walk along the Amazon River from the mountains of Peru to the mouth of the river in Brazil. His amazing journey took two years and four months. There are many dangerous animals in the rainforest, like snakes and crocodiles, but Ed was lucky; he was only bitten by ants and mosquitoes. On his trip, Ed had to find fruit and nuts or catch fish each morning. Sometimes food was hard to find and Ed was often tired and hungry.

Technology was very important for Ed. He used a radio to ask the people of the rainforest for food and help. Many people came to meet

the mouth of the river elvemunningen / elvemunninga

a mosquito en mygg / ein mygg



him and guide him through the rainforest. While he walked, Ed wrote a blog to tell the world about climate change and destruction of the rainforest.

A mountain climberDid you know that more than 4,000 people have climbed Everest? Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner from Austria is one of them. She is one of the world’s greatest climbers and has climbed all the world’s mountains over 8,000 metres. It’s very difficult to climb in cold weather and storms, but Gerlinde loves it. She started climbing as a teenager in the mountains near her home. When she left school she became a nurse but always went climbing in her free time. Now she spends her time climbing and helping a charity for poor children in Nepal.

More than one adventureSome adventurers are always looking for a new challenge. Meagan McGrath from Canada has climbed mountains, ridden a bike across Canada and run races in the desert. But her most incredible journey was a skiing trip to the South Pole. As she skied, Meagan pulled a sledge with a tent and all her food. She skied through terrible storms and freezing temperatures for forty days till she arrived at the South Pole.

Erik Weihenmayer from the United States has climbed mountains and ridden a bike through deserts. Amazingly, Erik is blind and he wants other blind people to have active lives too. He has taken groups of young blind people climbing in Nepal.

Where next?[… ]If you dream of being an adventurer, there will always be continents to walk across and mountains to climb!


to guide å vise vei / å vise veg

destruction ødeleggelse / øydelegging

a charity en hjelpeorganisasjon / ein hjelpeorganisasjon

a challenge en utfordring / ei utfordring

a desert en ørken / ein ørken

incredible utrolig / utruleg

a sledge en slede / ein slede

© British Council, LearnEnglish TeensThis text has been used with the permission of the British Council. The author is Robin Newton and the text is taken from the British Council website for teenage learners, LearnEnglish Teens:



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Getty Images / iStock / efenzi

The midnight gangby David Walliams

the children’s ward barneavdelingen / barneavdelinga

injured skadet / skada

a matron en avdelingssykepleier / ein avdelingssjukepleiar

to jump out of your skin å skvette

One day in school, twelve-year-old Tom is hit on the head by a cricket ball and is sent to the hospital. In the children’s ward, he meets four other children who are also sick or injured. On his first night, three of the other kids sneak out of the ward while the strict matron is asleep. They don’t invite Tom or the last girl, Sally, along. Even so, Tom decides to follow them to see what they are up to.

As his fingers touched the heavy swing doors at the entrance to the ward, he was seconds from freedom. Just then a voice made Tom jump out of his skin.

“So, new boy, where are you going?”The boy turned round. It was Sally. “Nowhere,” he lied. “You can’t be going nowhere; you must be going somewhere.”“Please just go back to sleep,” pleaded Tom. “You will wake up




“Oh no, they do this every night. That nasty woman won’t wake up for hours.”

“I really think you should get some rest.”“Boring!”“It’s not boring,” replied Tom. “Now come on, go back to sleep.”“No.”“What do you mean ‘no’?”“I mean ‘no’. Come on, Tom, take me with you,” said Sally. “No.”“What do you mean ‘no’?”“I mean ‘no’”. “Why?” protested the girl.

The reason Tom didn’t think Sally should come was that she looked weak. He was worried that she would slow him down. But he didn’t want to say that. That would hurt her feelings. So he said something else instead.

“Look, Sally, I am just going to catch up with the others and tell them they need to come straight back to bed.”

“Liar.”“No I’m not!” he said with a little too much gusto, which made him

seem like he was lying. “You are lying. Liar, liar, pants on fire!”Tom shook his head a little too vigorously. “I know you must think I’m not going to keep up with you or

something,” said Sally. “No!”“Yes. Come on! Admit it! I’m not stupid!”

No, thought Tom, this girl is smart. Super smart. There weren’t any girls in Tom’s boarding school so he had hardly met any. Tom hadn’t thought that girls could be smart. The boy immediately had a feeling that this girl could beat him at everything. Tom didn’t like that feeling.

nasty ekkel

weak svak

worried bekymret / uroa

gusto entusiasme

vigorously kraftig

to keep up with å holde følge med / å halde følgje med

a boarding school en kostskole, internatskole / ein kostskule, internatskule

immediately øyeblikkelig / med ein gong

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“No, it’s not that, honest,” lied the boy. Then as he stood there looking at her his curiosity got the better of him. “Sally, can I ask you something?”

“You can ask.”“Why have you got no hair?”“I decided to shave it all off so I could look exactly like a boiled egg,”

replied Sally, as quick as a flash. Tom chuckled. Whatever the girl might have lost, it wasn’t her sense

of humour. “Is it because of your illness?”“Yes and no”. “I don’t understand.” “It’s actually the treatment that did this.”“The treatment?!” Tom couldn’t believe it. If the treatment did this,

then what did the illness do? “But you are going to get better, though?”The girl shrugged. “I don’t know.” Then she quickly changed the

subject. “Do you think you will ever recover from a cricket ball hitting you on the head?”

Tom chuckled. “I hope not. If I do, then I have to go back to school.” “I wish I could go back to school.”“What?” The boy had never heard another child say such a thing. “I have been in this place for months now. I miss my school. Even

the horrible teachers.”

Even though Tom had just met Sally, it was as if he was talking to an old friend. Then the boy realised he had to leave right now if he was to have a chance of catching up with the others. “I have to go.”

“And you definitely aren’t going to take me?”Tom looked at Sally. She looked too unwell to get out of bed, let

alone go on some crazy adventure. Tom felt guilty to be leaving her behind, but he felt he had no choice.

“Maybe next time,” lied the boy. Sally smiled. “Look, Tom, I understand. The others never invited me.

You go. But I want you to promise me something.” “What?” he asked. “I want you to tell me all about the night’s adventure when you get


to get the better of å ta overhånd / å ta overhand

to chuckle å småle, å le inni seg

a treatment en behandling / ei behandling

to recover å bli bra igjen

to feel guilty å føle dårlig samvittighet / å føle dårleg samvit

to promise å love


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to spill her: å strømme / her: å strøyme

a corridor en gang, korridor / ein gang, korridor

to swallow å svelge, å sluke opp / å svelgje, å sluke opp


“I will,” he said. “Promise?”“Promise.” Tom looked Sally right in the eyes as he said it. He really

didn’t want to let his new friend down.

Then the boy pushed open the heavy swing doors. Light spilled in from the corridor. Just before he disappeared out of sight Sally said, “I hope it’s an awfully big adventure.”

He smiled at the girl before he pushed the doors open and was swallowed up by the light.

Excerpt from The Midnight Gang by David Walliams© HarperCollins Children’s books