Generatie Z in Onderwijs & Photovoice als onderzoekstool

Post on 17-May-2015

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Impact van Gen Z op onderwijs, toekomstige student en Photovoice als nieuwe onderzoekstool. Fbtr studiedag 2014

Transcript of Generatie Z in Onderwijs & Photovoice als onderzoekstool

Gen Y en Z in het Zoek- en Boekgedrag in de Reisbranche

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Gen Z & Onderwijs

Kenmerken Gen. Z

Niet “off” maar “on the record”

Gen. Z in het Onderwijs

Gen. Z in het Onderwijs

Bron: NIOT Onderzoeksrapport – Samen leren, Onderwijs volgens Generatie Z

Shift Happens “Verandering van Communicatie”

“Alles-vriend” is “niemands-vriend” Authentiek gedrag – Likeability Factor

Gen. Y & Z in het Ondwerwijs

Gen. Y & Z in het Ondwerwijs

“Verbinden, delen en dienstbaar zijn. Dat is de nieuwe werkelijkheid.”

Wat verwacht Gen. Z en wat betekent dit nu voor ons?

• Meer doen, meer onderwijs “wat je leert in de praktijk brengen!” • Digitaal onderwijs “niet als oplossing maar als tool” • ‘Doordat onderwijs praktischer en toepasbaarder moet’

wordt ‘n hoge verwachting gesteld aan ontwerp (vorm) van school.

Wat verwacht Gen. Z en wat betekent dit nu voor ons?

• Veel ICT-gebruik en mediawijsheid in het onderwijs. Hoe kun je digitale middelen inzetten om zelfstandiger, sneller, leuker en beter te leren en hoe filter je informatie? • Dat docenten zich heel goed kunnen verplaatsen in hen; “zie ons

als individu en niet als een hele klas met een hoofddoel.” Sterker dan voorheen geldt: Zonder verbinding, geen relatie! • Dat school een ‘ontmoetingsplek’ is met hoge fun- en


Gen. Z voor het onderwijs: Niet ‘off’ maar ‘on the record’ Shift Happens – andere communicatie Likeability Factor – ga de verbinding

met hen aan en ‘betrek ze’. Vertoon authentiek gedrag! “Alles-vriend” is een “niemands-vriend”

Bronnen voor Gen. Z & Onderwijs:

• N: Depdata/ AT/ FBTR/ Bipdoc/ FBTR Studiedag 2014


a qualitative research technique

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014

Photovoice is a process in which people – usually those with limited power due to poverty, language barriers, race, class, ethnicity, gender, culture, or other circumstances – use video and/or photo images capture aspects of their environment and experiences and share them with others. The pictures can then be used, usually with captions composed by the photographers, to bring the realities of the photographers’ lives home to the public and policy makers and to spur change. (

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014

Caroline Wang & Mary Ann Burris

Photovoice: Concept, Methodology, and Use for Participatory Needs Assessment Health Education & Behavior ,1997 (24) p. 369 - 387

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014

Why using photovoice?? • It shows a viewpoint of ordinary people, instead of those who are in

control “ what researchers think is important may neglect what the community thinks is important”

• Visual image is a extremely powerful means, i.e. communication form • It makes the ‘silence voices’ speak in society • Photovoice facilitate sampling/data gathering in different social and

behavioral settings and contexts • It can sustain community participation , for example through a feeling

of ownership • It offers reaffirmation an/or redefinition of goals during the process • It brings in the ideas of other community members • It provides tangible ‘ souvenirs’ that helps to sustain networks and

relationships • It also can uncover the community assets, not only its needs • Photovoice as a research tool can stimulate social action

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014

Limitations of using photovoice • Its ‘politics’ ; ‘who is documenting community is acting politics’ . The danger

of showing that which suits the best interests of themselves, their familiy, village etc.

• Personal judgment may intervene; decisions on who, what, what not, what is selected and what not, who records what photographs etc. (but this is the case in all methodologies)

• It suggests to address inequalities; however, it can also perpetuate the inequalities!!

• Methodological ideals do not always coincide with reality; audiotaping of narratives about their photographs always take place in its social , cultural and political context (Yunnan Study by Wang and Burris)

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014


Some general guidelines can help make these projects a success. • Photovoice should be a participatory, collaborative process

from the beginning.

• Participants and staff need training.

• Participants need support.

• The project should result in some action.

Source; Implementing Photovoice in Your Community

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014


Some general guidelines can help make these projects a success. • Photovoice should be a participatory, collaborative process

from the beginning.

• Participants and staff need training.

• Participants need support.

• The project should result in some action.

Source; Implementing Photovoice in Your Community

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014


Putting together a photovoice project

• Recruit participants, at least one mentor / facilitator, and


• Plan the project with the community or group you are working with

• Train participants, staff and/or volunteers

• Get out and take pictures

Source; Implementing Photovoice in Your Community

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014


Putting together a photovoice project

• Discuss /Reflect / Choose

• Exhibit

• Take Action

• Follow Up

• Evaluate

Source; Implementing Photovoice in Your Community

Photovoice Workshop

FBTR Study Day 2014

Group Assignment ± 30 minutes: • Make each 1 photographs with your digital camera/smart phone in and/or around the

NHTV H-building location that expresses your associations/interpretations with todays theme on “Toekomst visie op het onderwijs”

• Upload/ e-mail the photographs to your NHTV-account and print them out (black and white)

• Describe/explain in your group for your photograph your motivation and interpretation. Reflect on the chosen topic(s)! Select one photo for the plenary presentation

± 30 min.: plenary session / exhibition • Exhibit your printed photographs in the classroom • Prepare a ‘pitch’ presentation (max. 2 minutes) on your photograph(s).

Bedankt voor de aandacht!