FR. M · Faustina Kowalska. As her confessor and...

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Transcript of FR. M · Faustina Kowalska. As her confessor and...


SATURDAY, JUNE 1 5:30 PM † Stephen J. Zagleski

rq. sister Donna


9:30 AM † Kazimierz, Bronisława &Tadeusz Sztyler

rq. Krzciuk Family

11:00 AM Zdrowie i Boże błogosławieństwo dla

Alicji Jaroń z okazji urodzin


7:30 AM For Parishioners


7:00 PM Personal Intention


7:30 AM Personal Intention


7:30 AM Personal Intention


7:00 PM O wypełnienie woli Bożej dla

Małgorzaty i Emila w dniu urodzin


7:30 AM Personal Intention

5:30 PM † Stella & Peter Nowosielecki

rq. Deborah & Wallace Nowosielecki


9:30 AM † Teresa Miras

rq. Katarzyna Wozniel

11:00 AM † Stanislaw Rydzewski

Sanctuary Lamp Candles

This week sanctuary lamps

have been offered in memory of:

Deceased Parishioners

Deceased Priests

Ewa Nowak

Dymitryszyn Family


Wieczyste Lampki

Wieczyste lampki w tym tygodniu

zostały ofiarowane za spokój dusz:

Zmarłych Parafian

Zmarłych księży

Ewa Nowak

Rodzina Dymitryszyn


All of our deceased parishioners and friends. We also ask

your prayers of comfort for our sick and confined

parishioners and friends:

Jean & Frank Bernardo, Philip Burghardt, Rose Pira, Ed

Koennemenn, Jane & Bill Zehnder, Dorothy Walker, Patrick

Patskin, Darlene & Jack Wilman, Elizabeth Malangone,

†Teresa Miras, Eieen & Michael Murphy, Benjamin Narciso,

Niku Rudgarnia, Kelly Smyth, Marie Demarest, Jacek

Strządała, Regina Pfaff, Kazimierz Brodka,Ethelda Burton,

Kathy Sarao, Gina, Michael, Renee Foca, Franciszek

Szczecha, †Donna DiCarlo, Damian Marek, Anna

Mattessich, Fr. Pawel,Georgette Pianteri, Mark Metzler,

Arlene Nowakowski, Barbara Revis,Jessica Santos, Ashley &

Barbara, †Bernie Zoch, †Stella Lubie, Ruth Metzler, †Helen

Sanchez, Cheryll Azar, Carol Cleary, †Zofia Sajewicz, †Ewa

Nowak, Hascup Family, Stella Kozireski, Fr.Andrzej

Gorczyca, Jerry Cleary, Alice Azar, Bruce Demarest , Scott

De Elia ,†Józef Patlewicz, †Karolina Stachniuk,

Radoslav Stanko, Richard Cerbo,†Loretta Conway,

Jan Okunowicz, Jim Duffy, Rose Wilson

If you wish to include someone in this list, please call the

rectory office at (201) 440-3224.


May 26/ Maj 26, 2019

First collection: $ 793.00

Second collection: $ 603.00

Our second collection this week is for:

Air Conditioning

Our second collection next week is for:

Father’s Day

Druga kolekta w tym tygodniu przeznaczona na:

Klimatyzacja Kościoła

Druga kolekta w przyszłym tygodniu jest na:

Dzień Ojca




Sat. Jun 1 5:30 PM Suzanne Fiorillo

Sun. Jun 2-9:30 AM Suzanne Fiorillo

Sun. Jun 2:00 AM

Barbara & Andrzej Andrzejczak

Sat. Jun. 8-5:30 PM

Kathleen Meehan

Sun. Jun.09–9:30 AM

Suzanne Fiorillo

Sun. Jun 9-11:00 AM

Natalia Juszczak & Tomasz Wojtak

Father Michał Sopoćko was born on November 1st,1888 in

Juszewszczyzna (known also as Nowosady) in Oszmiana

district. After graduating municipal school in Oszmiana, he

joined the Theological Seminary in Vilnius in 1910 and

received the sacrament of his Holy Orders in 1914. His first

parish was Taboryszki, where he performed his pastoral duties

in the years 1914-1918. In 1918 he went to Warsaw to study

moral theology at the Department of Theology of the Warsaw

University. In 1923 he received his master’s degree and in 1926

his doctoral degree in theology.

In the years 1922-1924 he also studied at the Higher

Pedagogical Institute while performing the duties of

military chaplain. In 1924 Fr Sopoćko was

appointed Head of the Military Chaplaincy for the

Vilnius Region and returned to his own diocese

where he remained until 1929. In 1927 he was also

appointed spiritual father and confessor of the

seminary In Vilnus and in 1928 he became the

Head of the Department of Pastoral Theology at the

Batory University. In 1932 he withdrew from his

spiritual activities to devote himself to scientific

work. He received his post-doctoral degree in 1934

at the Pastoral Theology Department of the Warsaw

University. He received a positive opinion for the

title of professor , however he did not get the

nomination due to financial difficulties existing at the

Theological Faculty of the Batory University. He carried on

educational and scientific work up to the closure of the

University and Seminary during World War II. His scientific

achievements from this period revealed in numerous

publications on pastoral theology, homiletics, catechetics and

pedagogy. He also wrote numerous studies on popular religious

and social issues.

During the German occupation, he managed to avoid arrest and

for two and a half years was hid in the vicinity of Vilnius. In

1944 - activity was resumpt of the Seminary in Vilnius, he

taught there until it was closed in 1945 by the Soviet authorities



Acts 7:55-60/Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20/Jn 17:20-26 (61) Pss III

3 Mon

Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 (297)

4 Tue

Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a (298)

5 Wed

Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 (299)

6 Thu

Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 (300)

7 Fri

Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 (301)

8 Sat

Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 (302)

9 SUN PENTECOST SUNDAY Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-

5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 (62)

Day: Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17/Jn 20:19

-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 (63) Pss Prop

and he was relegated to Bialystok. In the meantime he was

performing pastoral ministry at the church of St. John,

catechized, secretly organized catechetical courses. Threatened

with arrest for this activity, he left in 1947 Bialystok. Here he

gave lectures at the Seminary in his specialties: pedagogy,

catechetics, homiletics, pastoral theology, ascetic theology, he

also taught Latin and Russian. An important part of his post-war

activities within the Anti-Alcohol Social Committee was his

educational programmes promoting sobriety in a society. In the

years 1951-1958 he organized a series of monthly and annual

catechetical courses for nuns and lay people. In the 50s and 60s

also organized public lectures on religion at the parish church in

Bialystok. In 1962, he retired, but devoted himself

to pastoral work at the chapel of the Missionary

Sisters of St. Family in Poleska Street, which he had

expanded in 1957. He also made efforts to build a

church in Wiejska Street in Bialystok. Almost to the

end of his days he participated actively in the life of

the diocese, worked scientifically and published his

work. He died in the house of the Missionary Sisters

in Poleska Street on February 15, 1975.

Father Michał Sopocko devoted his all life to God

and the Church. He was a man of extraordinary zeal

for the glory of God which expressed in his

numerous activities, rooted in a deep spiritual life. The diversity

of his work was astonishing. He was a spiritual leader of a

parish, a catechist, an organizer of education, a teacher, a

lecturer at the University and Seminary, spiritual father,

confessor of seminarians, priests and nuns, army chaplain, anti-

alcohol activist, a builder of churches. However, in his life full

of various activities, dominant and most beautiful path was the

service to the idea of Divine Mercy., He is undoubtedly entitled

to the honorable title of Apostle of Divine Mercy, beside St.

Faustina Kowalska. As her confessor and spiritual director

during the Vilnius period, inspired by her revelations, he

devoted himself completely to spreading the truth and Divine

Mercy cult. He published a number of works on Divine Mercy,

sought to establish the feast, helped to paint the first picture of

the Most Merciful Savior Jesus and co-founded the religious

congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus. Recognizing his

extremely zealous service to God and the Church in the

priesthood and the sanctity of his life, in 1987 Fr. Sopoćko’s

beatification process was initiated on the diocesan level, which

lasted until 1993. In 2002, the documentation of the process,

along with an extensive biography of Fr. Sopoćko, compiled in

the „Positio”, was forwarded to the Congregation for the

Causes of Saints in Rome. In 2004 the commission of

theologians appointed by the Congregation positively assessed

the Positio and then commission of cardinals affirmed the

judgment of the theologians. Following this work of the

Congregation on 20th December, 2004 in Vatican in the

presence of the Holy Father the decree on the heroic virtues of

the Servant of God was officially announced. In December 2007

at the Vatican a miracle was approved through the intercession

of the Servant of God. The solemn beatification of Fr. Michał

Sopocko took place on 28th September 2008 at the Shrine of

Divine Mercy, where the mortal remains of the Blessed rest in



News & Announcements

Informacje i Ogłoszenia

1. Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich na Nabożeństwo

Pierwszych Sobót miesiąca, od 1 czerwca 2019

o godz.7:30 am.

Maryja ukazując się Łucji w 1925r. powiedziała :

Córko moja, spójrz, Serce Moje otoczone cierniami,

którymi niewdzięczni ludzie przez bluźnierstwa i

lekceważenie stale Je ranią. Przynajmniej ty staraj się mnie

pocieszyć i przekaż wszystkim, że obiecuję przyjść na

pomoc w godzinę śmierci z wszystkimi łaskami

potrzebnymi do zbawienia tym, którzy przez 5 kolejnych

miesięcy w pierwsze soboty:

* odprawią spowiedź

* przyjmą Komunię św.

* odmówią różaniec

* przez 15 minut towarzyszyć Mi będą, rozmyślając o

jednej z tajemnic różańca w intencji zadośćuczynienia

2. W piątek, 7 czerwca przypada pierwszy piątek miesiąca.

Msze św. będą odprawiane o 7:30 am po angielsku i o 7:00

pm po polsku. Nasz kościół będzie otwarty cały dzień. Dla

zainteresowanych wpisaniem się na listę adoracji

przygotowana jest specjalna kartka na tyłach kościoła.

3. 2019 Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal.

Do tej pory na akcje odpowiedziało 41 rodzin - Bóg

zapłać. Do dzisiaj zobowiązanie wynosi 3015 $ .

Zwracamy się z prośba o liczniejsze włączenie się do akcji.

4. Składamy serdeczne gratulacje dla dwunastu uczniów

ósmej klasy, którzy dnia 28 maja przyjęli Sakrament


Życzymy Wam bogactwa Darów Ducha Świętego oraz

wielu łask Bożych.

1. We invite everyone to the First Saturday’s of the month,

from June 1, 2019 at 7:30 am.

Our Lady said to Lucia, “I shall come to ask that on the

First Saturday of every month, Communion of reparation

be made in atonement for the sins of the world.”

Our Lady then spoke: “See, my daughter, my Heart

encircled by thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it

at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude.

Do you, at least, strive to console me. Tell them that I

promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces

necessary for salvation all those who, in order to make

reparation to me, on the First Saturday of five

consecutive months, go to confession, receive Holy

Communion, say five decades of the Rosary, and keep

me company for a quarter of an hour, meditating on the

fifteen mysteries of the Rosary.”

2. On Friday, June 7 we are celebrating the first Friday of

the month. Masses will be held at 7:30 am in English, at

7:00 pm in Polish. Our church will be open all day. For

those interested in joining the adoration there is a list at

the back of the church to sign up.

3. 2019 Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal.

So far, 41 families have responded to the appeal. Thank

you. As of today, the commitment is $3015.

We would like to ask our parishioners to consider

helping us.

4. We are proud to congratulate our 2019 Confirmation

class! Their hard work and prayer has made a profound

impact on our parish community.We look forward to

seeing God’s hand in their lives as they continue to grow

in faith in Jesus Christ.

Holy Mass Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:

7:30 AM ( English)

Tuesday, Novena to St. Joseph:

7:00 PM (Polish)

Friday, Divine Mercy Novena:

7:00 PM ( Polish)

First Friday:

7:30 AM (English) & 7:00 PM (Polish)


7:30 AM (English) & 5:30 PM Vigil Mass (English)


9:30 AM (English) & 11:00 AM (Polish)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Tuesdays from 6:00 PM


Before and after Holy Mass

Sacrament of Baptism:

Sunday after Holy Mass at 11:00 AM.

Arrange at parish office.


Please contact the Rectory Office 6 months in advance.

Rectory Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

If you or someone in your family is unable to come to

church and would like to receive the sacraments of

Penance, Eucharist, and/or Anointing of the Sick,

please call Fr. Wlodzimierz Las at (201) 440-3224.


Fr. Włodzimierz Łaś, SDS

Weekend Assitant

Very Rev. Canon Stanley Wałęga

Parish Secretary

Mrs. Grażyna Druciak


Mr. Wallace P. Nowosielecki

Mrs. Elżbieta Kusek

Pastoral Council Chairman

Dr. Bogdan Lekan, M.D.

Music Director

Ms. Paulina Raczkowski

Parish Finance Council

Mrs.Marzanna Kopacz

CCD Director

Mrs. Marzanna Kopacz

460 Hudson Street, Hackensack NJ 07601 Rectory office: (201) 440-3224, Fax.: (201) 641-8685,


■ June 2nd 2019 ■ Seventh Sunday of Easter


Established 1909

Righteous Father, the world also does not

know you, but I know you.

Jn 17:20-26

Ojcze sprawiedliwy! Świat Ciebie nie

poznał, lecz Ja Ciebie poznałem.