Filipinos 'hungry for God's Word' as they rebuild after Typhoon Haiyan

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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When Typhoon Haiyan (or Yolanda, as it was known locally) swept through the Philippines last November, it took people's lives, homes and livelihoods and left fear and despair in its wake. Filipinos are a deeply spiritual people, with around 93% of the population Christian. Many lost their Bibles in the storm. In partnership with churches and other organisations,the Philippine Bible Society has been working tirelessly to replace lost Bibles and bring essential aid. Four months after the typhoon, it has been hearing that Filipinos are more open than ever before to God's Word.

Transcript of Filipinos 'hungry for God's Word' as they rebuild after Typhoon Haiyan

Filipinos  ‘hungry  for  God’s  Word’  as  they  rebuild  a8er  Typhoon  Haiyan  

People  are  so  hungry  for  God’s  Word.  They’re  trying  to  restart  their  lives  but  don’t  know  how  to.  Now  is  to  give  

them  the  Good  News  of  Jesus  Christ.

Pastor  Ric  barely  survived  Typhoon  Haiyan.  Like  ever  other  member  of  his  congregaGon,  his  house  was  totally  destroyed.  The  church  was  badly  

damaged  and  all  its  Bibles  were  swept  away.  The  Philippine  Bible  Society  gave  him  replacement  pew  Bibles,  and  some  

copies  for  outreach,  too.

 -­‐  Pastor  Ric  Cortez,  Tacloban

Since  Typhoon  Haiyan,  the  Philippine  Bible  Society  has  provided  more  than  307,000  Scriptures,  many  delivered  with  relief  packages.  In  March,  it  distributed  more  than  10,000  Bibles  to  churches  and  other  partners  in  Tacloban  and  Leyte,    

and  thousands  more  will  be  distributed  in  May.  

Church  planter  Marvin  Cortez  had  just  started  a  Bible  study  group  in  Apitong  village,  near  Tacloban,  when  Typhoon  Haiyan  struck.  All  the  group  members  

survived  but  lost  their  Bibles.  In  December,  the  Bible  Society  replaced  their  Bibles.  Today,  that  Bible  study  group  has  grown  into  a  church...

In  March,  the  Bible  Society  visited  the  makeshi8  new  church,  providing  Bibles  for  the  growing  congregaGon  and  Scriptures  and  snacks  for  the  

200  neighbourhood  children.

Their  parents  were  given  copies  of  the  ‘Hope’  booklet,  which  contains  excerpts  of  Scripture  to  

help  people  through  hard  Gmes.    

This  mother  and  her  children  were  happy  as  they  went  homewith  their  new  Scriptures.

This  ‘Hope’  booklet  is  an  excellent  starGng  point  for  sharing  the  Gospel  

with  those  who  have  lived  through  the  storm.  People  are  so  open  now  to  

hearing  God’s  Word.

Maria  and  her  friend  escaped  drowning  when  a  window  broke  under  the  pressure  of  rushing  water,  releasing  two  life  jackets  

that  they  were  able  to  grab.

 -­‐  Maria  Lagman,  Tacloban

In  Leyte,  many  of  the  Scripture  materials  that  are  used  for  Catechism  classes  were  completely  destroyed.  The  Bible  Society  distributed  thousands  of  children’s  Scriptures  

to  replace  those  lost  in  the  storm.

5,000  Bibles  were  also  distributed  to  families  in  Leyte,  many  of  whom  are  sGll  living  in  temporary  shelters.  In  addiGon,  1,000  Bibles  for  ‘Overseas  Filipino  Workers’  were  

given  out  to  those  with  family  members  working  abroad.

The  Bible  has  really  given  me  great  strength  during  this  hard  Gme.  God’s  promises  kept  me  going  through  the  fear,  and  they  also  sustain  me  now,  as  

we  start  over.

 -­‐  Francis,  16

I  will  say  to  the  Lord,  “My  refuge  and  my  fortress,  my  God,  in  

whom  I  trust.”Psalm  91:  2

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