· Web view(guide, persuade)...

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Transcript of · Web view(guide, persuade)...

Essential Vocabulary

雅思写作基础动词:基础动词 动词延伸 写作中的动词短语 备注

act Perform,



This can’t be considered humane action and should be prevented. (名词使用)Recently, a hostile debate acts on~~ when ~~ suggest (that) ~~. (LEVEL 7+)~~ exerts its effect by acting directly on ~~. (LEVEL 7+)The~~ performed (operate, accomplish, present) well during~~.(同义词使用)

agree Concur,


People still agree /disagree about whether the effect of~~has been good or bad. (LEVEL 5+)To what extent, do you agree or disagree? (LEVEL question)I agree with the idea that~~ can be necessary for ~~. (LEVEL 6)


affect Influence,


impact upon

~~has negatively affected~~. (LEVEL 5+)Even much worse scenario is that the troubles caused by ~~ affect~~directly. (LEVEL 7+)The following are just two of the main difficulties involved with~~. (LEVEL 6)Falling export rates have impacted (influence) on the country’s economy quite considerably. (同义词使用)We become the best of friends and he influenced (manipulate) me deeply. (同义词使用)

allow Allocate,


Moderation is the key here to keep the balance and allow us to live in harmony. (LEVEL 7+)The children are not allowed (permit) to watch violent TV programs. (同义词使用)

answer Respond,


This is not an easy essay to be answered. (LEVEL 7+)

arrive Disembark,


Questions related with~~ has arrived in the 21st century. (LEVEL 6)

argue Quarrel,


I would argue that (I intend to argue that~~)~~ has generally been a very positive /negative development.Many people would argue that ~~ weakens a society by making people feel…(LEVEL 5+)I would argue that children are mainly employed for jobs


Essential Vocabulary

that require manual work and are low paid. (LEVEL 7+)The children are always arguing (dispute, claim). The company claims (assert, allege) that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. (同义词使用)The American couple complained (grumble) bout the high cost of visiting Europe. (同义词使用)

ask Inquire,


People always ask for ~~. (LEVEL 5+)Though many questions in field of~~ are being asked recently, ~~

attack Assault,


be ~~is now much more widely available that it was~~It is vitally important that~~It is an irrefutable fact that~~leads to~~Surprisingly, the most serious consequences of~~are often~~Chief among the causes of this problem is~~Another contributing factor is the passive and solitary~~ of~~There is a widely held perception in many parts of the world today that~~From my perspective, one of the most significant obstacles to learn~~is lack of~~

become Befall, suit It has become fashionable in the world today to blame smoking. (LEVEL)You finally become a son every mother dreams of, a girl. (口语)I first became (suit, get) interested in slam while I was doing y nursing training. (同义词使用)

begin Start,


embark on,

Has it begun? It’s already finished. (广告词)

break Destroy, ruin



Many people break laws for fun. (LEVEL 5)~~ that the action was damaging (hurt harm) the economy. The disappearance or introduction of~~disrupts~~(LEVEL 7)The accident seemed to have totally destroyed (wreck, ruin) his confidence. (同义词使用)My wife, was ruining (devastate) her health through worry. (同义词使用)


Essential Vocabulary

believe Consider,


One thing which I believe to be absolutely important is the fact that~~(LEVEL 6)There is a lie inside believe. (金玉良言)Some people believe that this kind of food has positive role to play in the world. (LEVEL 5+)I believe (trust, suppose) these problems will probably continue for some time. (LEVEL 5+)I personally believe that newcomers should indeed try to adapt. (LEVEL 5+)Despite the arguments of some people that~~it is my personal belief that~~ (LEVEL 7)I trust (bank on) him to make the right decision. (同义词使用)

bring Convey,


TV brings a lot new information to us. (LEVEL 5)~~ can certainly bring people together…(LEVEL 5+)~~has brought significant changes to~~This influx of mainly~~ has brought with its problems such as ~~

bother Nuisance,


build Construct,



Their purpose is to build (erect, establish) a fair society and a strong economy. (同义词使用)

buy Purchase,


call Identify,

describe, label,

cancel Withdraw,


cause Be responsible

for, result in,

lead to, give

rise to

~~has caused dramatic changes to~~in recent years.This increasing number of ~~ has caused problems such as ~~Heavy traffic is causing (generate, result in) long delays on the freeway. (同义词使用)Teachers were not fully prepared for the major changes in


Essential Vocabulary

the exam system, and chaos resulted (derive). (同义词使用)

change Alter, modify,


adjust, alter

~~has dramatically changed~~in recent times.They want to divert (redirect, distract) the attention of the people from the real issues. (同义词使用)He changed (convert, transform) from voting against to abstaining. (同义词使用)Positive: He decorated (embellish, ornament, beautify) his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures.Negative: The Relations between the two countries have deteriorated (aggravate, erode) in recent week.

close Shut, seal,


come Arrive, return,


Such imbalances frequently return to haunt us in unexpected ways. (LEVEL 7)Great power comes with great responsibility. (蜘蛛侠)

compare Contrast,



不要和我比懒,我懒得和你比Don’t compare with me on who is lazier. I am too lazy to compare with you.(Funny quote)The flowers there do not compare (weigh, contrast) with those at home. The market situation is difficult to evaluate (assess, appraise).Positive: The play was praised (compliment) by the critics when it was first shown on Broadway. (同义词使用)Negative: His comments may have prejudiced (bias, distort) the voters against her. (同义词使用)

concern Fear, distress,


To whom it may concern. (信件开始)

conclude Terminate,


To conclude, … (LEVEL)The police have deduced (infer, conclude) that he must have left his apartment yesterday evening. (同义词使用)

continue Persist,



I will continue my argument by looking at another perspective. (LEVEL 6)

control Manage, Out of control…(标语)


Essential Vocabulary

organize, We hope that they are going to administer (manage, conduct) justice impartially. (同义词使用)You are going to have to learn to control (command) your temper. (同义词使用)Inflation needs to be curbed. (restrain) (同义词使用)

correct I must correct (rectify, punish) him on a minor point. (同义词使用)

copy Replicate,



dance boogie

deal Resolve,



It’s very difficult thing to deal with him. He is such a nerd. Police are still no nearer to solving (resolve) the crime. (同义词使用)Although they are by no means insurmountable, it is highly unlikely that they will be resolved in the foreseeable future. (同义词使用) (LEVEL 7+)

decide Choose,


validate, judge

Rather than judging these differences to be weaknesses, I believe~~John decided to lose weight, because someone said “you block my cell phone signal” on the bus yesterday.He did well in his chosen (select, prefer) profession. (同义词使用)She decided (determine, adjudge) to do a secretarial course. (同义词使用) He prefers (choose, desire) watching rugby to playing it. (同义词使用)

depend Rely, base, He based (found construct) his conclusion on the evidence given by the captured prisoners. (同义词使用)The cooking time needs depend (rely, trust) on the size of the potato. (同义词使用)

design Propose,



discuss Explore, I will now discuss two of the main problems caused by~~(LEVEL 7)

divide Separate, 7

Essential Vocabulary


die Pass away,

pass on

develop Grow, enlarge China is developing in with a shocking speed. (LEVEL 6)Developed countries had conference with developing countries last year. (LEVEL 6)

drink Swallow,


eat Munch,

consume, chew

educate Instruct, tutor The purpose of a university is to educate, not entertain.(LEVEL 5)

expect Anticipate,


explain Elucidate,

clarify, reason,

No argument can justify (defend) a war. (同义词使用) (LEVEL 6)

face Confront, Many parents are facing problems related to their children. (LEVEL 5+)We are faced (meet, experience, deal with) with a serious problem. (同义词使用)

fall Decline,



feel Experience,



I feel that~~has been a very positive trend.(LEVEL 7)You can’t see my tears because I am living in water. I can feel your tears because you are in my heart. I feel we must regulate international tourism more carefully. (LEVEL 5+)I feel that tobacco should indeed be made illegal. (LEVEL 5+)Hence, I feel that~~would be entirely justified. (LEVEL 7)The only thing he seems to care (mind concerned) about is money. (同义词使用)


Essential Vocabulary

British business is now experiencing (undergo, endure) a severe recession. (同义词使用)

fear Horror, dread,

fight Struggle,


finish Cease,



find Discover,


All true wisdom is found on T-shirts.(金玉良言)She completed (finish, finalize) her degree in two years. (同义词使用)Many people here cannot find (discover) work. (同义词使用)

fit Settle, fill The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt (adjust, modify) to the change. (同义词使用) (LEVEL 7)

fly Accent, take

off, depart,

I personally believe that newcomers should indeed try to adapt the flying ability. (LEVEL 5+)

focus Opsinize,



Our government is focus on the development of suburbs. (LEVEL 5+)The research effort has focused (concentrate) on tracing the effects of growing levels of five compounds. (同义词使用)

follow Chase,


They are following me. They think I am crazy. (Ice Age 3)Don’t blame a dog following you, if you look like a stuffed bun.(Funny quote)We have decided to implement (execute) the committee’s suggestions in full. (同义词使用)One way not to lose is to obey (comply) your enemy. (同义词使用)Kristin pursued (woo, seek) her acting career with great determination. (同义词使用)

force Strengthen,


When things aren’t going well, he encourages (inspire) me, telling me not to give up. (同义词使用)I can’t force (compel, oblige) you in this. You must decide.


Essential Vocabulary

encourage, (同义词使用)

forget Not recall,


give Provide, offer,


Further, the uncontrolled growth of~~also gives rise to social problems such as~~(LEVEL 7)I believe that each of us can contribute (donate, provide) to the future of the world. (同义词使用)The number of companies offering (provide, afford) them work increased. (同义词使用)

grow Nurture,



A guy skipped too much class, once he was finally here, professor said, “you have grown into a big person since I last saw you.(Funny quote)The economy continues to grow (enlarge, improve). (同义词使用)

gather Collect,


get Receive,




The medical treatment smokers need when they get sick is often very expensive. (LEVEL 5+)Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?I got your back.(口语)There are many who will work hard to achieve (accomplish, attain) these goals. (同义词使用)

go A donkey walks into bar, and bar tender says: hey, why the long face? (Funny quote)

graduate Regulate,


Johnny graduated 5 years ago, and he has no job since then.

happen Ensue, occur,

take place,

The happening of the earth quake was due to the seismic activity in the Long river.

hide Conceal,


Scientists are hiding the evidence these days for the national security.

happen What would happen if people refused to drive on the same side of the road? (LEVEL 5+)The birds also attack crops when the opportunity arises


Essential Vocabulary

(occur). (同义词使用)hold Grasp, seize, I hold the opposite argument on whether women should

join the Facilitate, aid, Can anybody help the chicken? (surf up)

He has helped (aid, succor) to raise a lot of money. (同义词使用)

hear Pay attention


include Embrace,


Smoking brings much long term disease including tuberculosis. (LEVEL 6)

improve Progress,



Most people would agree that~~has improved~~It is an indisputable fact that~~has revolutionized~~Our living standard has improved for the last 2 decades. They will be keen to enhance (improve, reinforce, strengthen) their reputation abroad. (同义词使用)

increase Raise, amplify,


Travel enlarges (expand, extend, magnify) the minds. (同义词使用)The availability of~~has increased dramatically~~(LEVEL 7)

interest Curious,


introduce Commence,



The internet has introduced a better way of knowledge gaining.(LEVEL 5)

know Recognize,



We have been living above an entire world, and we didn’t even know it. (Ice Age 3)

keep Remain,

maintain, hold,

The social rules of a country are the glue that keeps it together. (LEVEL 5+)It’s not the prescription that keeps me going, it’s been always you.(金玉良言)There remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of~~has been positive or negative.(LEVEL 6)


Essential Vocabulary

Britain wants to maintain (preserve, keep) its position as a world power. (同义词使用)

lack Inadequate,


Lack of education is the major problem we see in rural areas. (LEVEL 6)

laugh Giggle, He who laughs last thinks slowest! (Funny quote)

lead Escort, guide,


China is going to lead out the economic crisis in Asia. (LEVEL 6)He warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers could lead to job cuts. (guide, persuade) (同义词使用)

leave Depart,


The black car drove away from them and disappeared (vanish, evaporate). (同义词使用)I think this question will be more important in the future because~~ is disappearing.(LEVEL 7)




Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage. David began to dislike (hate, abhor, loathe) all his television heroes who smoked. (反义词使用)

listen Pay attention,


live Exist, alive,


She has lived (exist dwell) here for 10 years. (同义词使用)

look Seem,

lose Defeated,

misplace, drop

当我们失去的时候,才知道自己曾经拥有。(金玉良言)When we lose it, we realize once we had it. No one like to be on the losing (mislay, misplace) side. (同义词使用)

make Compose,




The Internet has actually made the world a much better place. (LEVEL 5+)This increasing number of ~~ has created problems like~~ (LEVEL 6)It took a mere five minutes for the world champion to dispose (arrange, array) his opponent. (同义词使用)He invented (create, makeup) the first electric clock. (同义词使用)

mean Represent,


The drastic change in our living standard means the progression of human civilization. (LEVEL 6)Women were well represented (symbolize) at the


Essential Vocabulary



conference. (同义词使用)

measure Compute,


The length can be measured through many ways. (LEVEL 6)

meet Congregate,



It’s great than meets the eyes. (Transformer)

move Progress,

motive, shift,


Gulls generally moves (migrate) to a warmer location during winter. (同义词使用)Now that medical technology has advanced (progress, come forward, hasten) to its present state, more people are aware of how long one can be kept alive. (同义词使用)

need Require,



Parents need to find out teenagers’ basic problems to reduce the crime rate. (LEVEL 6)You are required (demand, necessitate) by law to stop your car after an accident. (同义词使用)

order Organize,


sort, arrange,

Out of order. (厕所标语)In the end, we all decided to organize (arrange, classify) a concert for Easter. (同义词使用)

open Unlock,


own Possess, hold,

pay Give, confer,


play Have fun,


I can’t play the 3rd whirl on the bicycle. (Funny quote)Some people believe that~~has a positive role to play in the world because of~~(LEVEL 7)

prevent Stop, avert, The pilots had to take an emergency action to avoid (evade,


Essential Vocabulary

avoid, escape, shun a disaster. (同义词使用)I would certainly oppose (resist, refute) changing the system. (同义词使用)

predict Expect,



I foresaw the beginning but I didn’t predict the ending right. (金玉良言)

produce Fabricate,




The minister’s speech produced (generate) an angry response from the opposition. (同义词使用)

proof Confirm,



It is a proven fact that smoking causes serious illnesses. (LEVEL 5+)

protect Defend, guard, The atmosphere protects us from the ultraviolet.

pick You picked the wrong planet. (transformer2)I picked up a brick, “is this yours?” (Making conversation with girls)

pull Draw, drag What are you trying to pull? (口语)

put Dispose,

situate, place,

read Comprehend,


Reading gives knowledge, listening gives you rumors. (金玉良言)

reduce Decrease,


remember Recall,


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. (金玉良言)

respect Admire, Respecting your enemies is to respect yourself. (金玉良言)14

Essential Vocabulary

esteem, I want him to respect (admire, esteem) me as a career woman. (同义词使用)

repair Refurbish,


There is no way we can repair (restore) our nature unless~~ (LEVEL 6)

rise Ascent,


I rise you fall. (Transformer2)

raise Cultivating (foster, raise) a positive mental attitude towards youself can reap tremendous benefits. (同义词使用)

run Jog, escape, Run for your life. (口语)

satisfy Convince,

assure, gratify,

The new law of medical care is not going to satisfy the needs of citizens. The pace of change has not been quick enough to satisfy (gratify, persuade) everyone. (同义词使用)

save Keep, protect,




The question whether or not we should try to save endangered species is definitely a controversial one. (LEVEL 5+)We must conserve (protect, preserve) our woodlands for future generation. (同义词使用)I think these traditional customs should be preserved (maintain), conserve). (同义词使用)

say Pronounce,




I once again reaffirm my position that ~~has a positive /negative impact on~~(LEVEL 6)I restate my opinion that~~(LEVEL 6)

see Observe,


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with heart. (金玉良言)

set Locate,



All the buildings are set, so we can start our project.

seem Appear,

impress, look

The development of science and technology seems to be a helper of the restoration of our cultures. (LEVEL 5+)


Essential Vocabulary


sell Trade,


share Split, divide,



Two of the primary drawbacks associated with this trend are as follows.

show Demonstrate,


A woman appeared (come into view, emerge, occur) at the far and end of the street. (同义词使用)The staff will helpfully attend (appear, be present) to your needs. (同义词使用)Discuss pollution with your child, emphasizing (accentuate) how nice a clean street, lawn, or park looks.This indicates (express) whether remedies are suitable for children. (同义词使用)These figures show (display, demonstrate, present) an increase of over one million in unemployment. (同义词使用)

sit Seated, settle, Sit down, and make yourself comfortable. (口语)

smile Beam, smirk, Though she was raised in a poor family, she keeps smiling towards her life.

smoke Burn, Smoking is a personal choice and that introducing laws to prevent people from smoking would repressive. (LEVEL 6+)

stop Discontinue,


Ban, terminate,

Our defense system stops enemies and protects us. Smoking is banned (forbid, prohibit) in public areas. (同义词使用)

spread Widen, stretch H1N1 spreads world widely in a month.

speak Verbalize, say,


It’s the wind. It’s speaking to us. What did it say? I don’t know. I don’t speak wind. (Ice Age3)

spend Give, waste,


We can’t just spend all of money on this. The more time~~spends on how to~~, the more~~(LEVEL 7)


Essential Vocabulary

study Learn, revise, You're never too old to study something stupid.读 10年语文,不如聊半年QQ.Half a year of chatting in QQ is better that studying 10 years of Chinese.

stay Settle, allocate,


Government is trying to make crimes stay away from us. (LEVEL 5)

stand 世上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。The farther distance in the world is not death and alive, but I am standing in front of you, and you don’t know I love you.

stop The owner stops his dog from licking my face. Storms at sea impeded (hinder, hamper, obstruct, inhibit) our progress.He can’t stop (adhere, cling) thinking about it.

suggest Imply, advise,


I suggest (recommend, advice) we wait a while before we make any firm decisions.

support Evident, hold,


Many scientists are using evidence to support this idea. My family has always supported (hold up) me in whatever I have wanted to do.

take Capture,

obtain, get,


talk Speak, gossip Nowadays, many new types of dictionary can talk to us and give us information.

teach Educate, tutor, The last lesson teacher gave us has really taught us.

tell Inform, notify, The assassination was reported (broadcast, cover) all of the newspapers.

think Consider,



I don’t think he is going to survive in the earth quake.The government is being asked to consider (cogitate, judge) a plan to fix the date of the Easter break. The government is being widely criticized (blame, condemn) in the press for failing to limit air pollution. Her parents always regarded (consider, look at) her as the cleverest of their children.


Essential Vocabulary

test Examine,


Animal test is not a good idea, because they get nervous and give all the wrong data.

trade Deal I trade my life for your pain. (Gundam OO)

transfer Transmit,


My company transferred me to a bigger location. (LEVEL G)

travel Trip, voyage,

journey, tour,

I think student should go to travel or job before going high. (LEVEL 5+)

treat Delight, care


If your enemy is way too strong, treat them like your friend then. (G. Williams) The doctor is able to treat him well.Finance minister meet this week to discuss how to cure (heal) inflation.

try Undertake,


Immigrants to a country must try to adjust to local rules. (LEVEL 5+)

turn Spin, rotate, I turn to think she is on my side.

understand Appreciate,



We have to understand the basic reasons for youth crimes.The land was appropriately (purloin) planned by the rulers. They never learned skills to engage (participate, employ) the attention of the others.

upset Disturb,


She upsets me with her bad talking.

use Utilize, apply, Dolphins use sound wave as a way of communication. (National Geographic)As a country, we consume (deplete, exhaust, waste) a lot more than we produce.He had simply used (utilize, apply, operate, employ) a little imagination.

view Observe,


We plan to visit over a second using personal computer and Internet.

visit Voyage, travel, It is necessary to visit the great wall if you are in China. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (LEVEL


Essential Vocabulary

question)win Counter-terrorists win. (反恐精英)

want Desire, fancy,


What do you want for me?A man who wants to do a job normally performed by women. (LEVEL 5+)If governments want to be consistent in the way they handle the problems. (LEVEL 5+)None of editors wants that bad future.(LEVEL 7+)

wait 守株待兔Wait for the bunny under a tree.

watch Watch out! Bammm…Because each kind of readers and watchers has its own features.

work Vocation,


I work as a hooker in Xiba road.The point is children should be able to apply knowledge taught to them in a real life working environment. (LEVEL 7+)Conservation programs can’t function (act, work) without local support.


Essential Vocabulary

雅思写作必备名词* 9~7类名词必须熟练掌握IELTS写作名词

词汇 翻译 级别

Ability 能力 9Actions 动作 9Activity 活动 9

Age 年龄 9Animal 动物 9

Behavior 行为 9Benefit 收益 9

Building 建筑 9cause 原因,问题 9

Character 人物,特点 9choice 选择 9College 大学,学院 9

Communication 交流 9Concept 概念 9Decline 下降 9Design 设计 9

Development 发展 9Diet 饮食 9

Difficulty 难度 9Disease 病 9Disorder 混乱 9

Earth 地球 9Education 教育 9

Effect 影响 9Exam 考试 9

Exercise 练习 9Experience 经验 9Fast food 快餐 9

Friendship 友情 9Function 功能 9

Gas 气体 9Generation 代 9

Grade 级别 9Growth 生长 9Harm 伤害 9Health 健康 9Height 高度 9

High School 中学 9Homework 作业 9Imagination 想象 9

Issue 问题,话题 9Job 工作 9

Junior high 初中 9Knowledge 知识 9Language 语言 9Meeting 会议 9Memory 记忆 9

Mind 思想 9Money 钱 9Nature 自然 9

Network 网络 9Newspaper 报纸 9

Ocean 海洋 9Office 办公室 9

Opinion 观点 9Parent 父母 9Period 时间 9Play 话剧 9

Pollution 污染 9Population 人口 9

Product 产品 9Profession 事业,职业 9


Essential Vocabulary

Program 项目 9Project 工作,项目 9

Question 问题 9Rate 级别 9

reason 理由 9Relation 关系 9

Relationship 关系(人) 9Results 结果 9Shares 分享 9Society 社会 9Space 空间 9

Structure 结构 9Style 方式 9Taste 味道 9

Technology 科技 9Teenager 年轻人 9

The Internet 英特网 9The news 新闻 9

Topic 题目 9Transport 运输 9

Travel 旅行 9University 大学 9

Village 乡村 9Vocabulary 词汇 9

Weight 重量 9Works 工作 9Writer 作者 9Access 接受,获得 8

Accommodation 公寓 8Actor 男演员 8

Actress 女演员 8Agriculture 农业 8

Anxiety 紧张 8Appetite 胃口 8

Aspect 方面,观点 8Assignment 作业,任务 8Atmosphere 氛围 8

Attitude 态度 8Author 作者 8Balance 平衡 8Career 职业 8

Challenge 挑战 8Company 公司 8

Competition 竞争 8Concept 概念 8

Connection 链接 8Consequence 结果 8Construction 建筑 8

Consumer 消耗者 8Creation 创造 8

Creativity 创造力 8Crime 罪名 8

Culture 文化 8Customer 消费者 8

Cycle 循环 8Data 数据 8

Depression 消极 8Diversity 多样 8

Engineering 工程 8Exposure 暴露 8

Factor 因素 8Fat 脂肪 8

Field 地域,领域 8Funding 资金 8Gesture 动作 8

Globalization 全球化 8Goal 目标 8

Graduation 毕业典礼 821

Essential Vocabulary

Gravity 引力 8Heart attack 心脏病 8

Hobby 爱好 8Housing 房子 8

Human Nature 人类天性 8Identity 身份 8Image 形象 8

Imagination 想象 8Increase 提高 8Industry 工业 8Influence 影响 8Interview 面试 8Journey 旅行 8

Junk food 垃圾食品 8Kindergarten 幼儿园 8

Library 图书馆 8Limits 妨碍 8

Linguistics 语言 8Management 管理 8

Market 市场 8Maturity 成熟 8

Modernization 现在化 8Opportunity 8

Peers 同龄人 8Percentage 百分比 8

Performance 表现 8Period 时期 8

Personality 个性,性格 8PhD 哲学博士 8

Poverty 贫穷 8Pressure 压力 8

Primary School 小学 8Process 过程 8

Pronunciation 发音 8

Relative 亲戚 8Research 研究 8Resources 资源 8Response 回答,回应 8

Risk 风险 8Salary 工资 8Sense 感觉 8Source 资源 8Stage 舞台,阶段 8step 段,步 8

Storage 储存 8Stress 压力 8

Surface 表面 8Theory 原理 8Therapy 治疗 8Thesis 论文 8

Tourism 旅游业 8Tourist 旅行者 8Trade 交易 8Traffic 交通 8

Travelling 旅行 8Treatment 治疗 8

Tutor 导师 8Universe 宇宙 8Variety 多样化 8Vision 视野 8

Wireless connection 无线网络 8

Linguist 语言学家 7Accuracy 准确度 7

Advertisement 广告 7Advertising 广告业 7Atmosphere 氛围 7

Attitude 态度 7


Essential Vocabulary

Attraction 吸引 7Authority 权利 7Balcony 阳台 7Brand 牌子 7

Campaign 战斗 7Candidate 候选人 7

Ceiling 天花板 7Colleague 同时 7

Community 社区 7Compartment 组成 7Conception 概念 7Concrete 水泥 7

Countryside 乡村 7Crime rate 犯罪率 7Criminal 罪犯 7Decade 十年 7

Destination 命运 7Device 设备,装置 7

Diagnosis 诊断 7Dietician 饮食学家 7

Disappointment 失望 7Disaster 灾难 7Diversity 多样性 7

Ecological balance 生态平衡 7Ecology 生态 7

Ecosystem 生态系统 7Editor 编辑人 7

Elevator 电梯 7Emotion 情感 7

Employment 雇佣 7Evidence 证据 7Evolution 进化 7Exhaust 消耗殆尽 7

Exhibition 展览 7

Exploration 探索 7Explorer 探索人 7Expose 揭示,暴露 7

Expression 表达 7Extinction 灭绝 7Facilities 设施 7

Fame 名声 7Findings 发现 7

Fine 罚款 7Fluency 流利度 7Gesture 动作,手势 7Grant 资金 7

Habitat 生态地 7Identification 身份 7

Impact 影响 7Income 收入 7Industry 工业 7Infancy 幼年期 7Infant 幼儿 7

Infection 传染 7Ingredient 元素,香料 7Innovation 现代,提高 7

Insect 昆虫 7Instinct 本能,意识 7

Invention 发明 7Investigation 调查 7

Isolation 分离 7Keyboard 键盘 7Landmark 地标 7Landscape 风景 7

Language barrier 语言障碍 7Laptop 膝上电脑 7

Lecturer 讲师 7Lifestyle 生活方式 7


Essential Vocabulary

Marketing 市场 /学 7Mass media 大众传媒 7

Master 师傅 7Means of

communication 交通方式 7

Milestone 里程碑 7Monitor 检视器 7Moon 月亮 7

Multiculturalism 多文化 7Murder 杀手 7

Native speaker 说母语的人 7Nursery 护理 7Nutrition 营养 7

Occupation 职业 7Phase 部分,章节 7

Pioneer 先锋 7Planet 星球 7

Prediction 预计,猜测 7prevention 防止 7

Prison 监狱 7Privacy 隐私 7Property 属性 7Prospect 视角,观点 7

Protection 保护 7Publication 发表物 7

Qualification 资格证明 7Reminder 提示 7Resolution 清晰度 7Resource 能源,资源 7

Secondary School 中学 7Soil 土壤 7

Solution 解决方案 7Space station 空间站 7

Spacecraft 太空船 7

Staff 员工 7Statistic 统计 /学 7

Steel 钢 7Stroke 中风 7Target 目标 7Task 工作,部分 7

Tension 担心,紧张 7The latest 最近的 7Theatre 电影/影剧院 7Threat 威胁 7

Timeline 时间线 7Trend 倾向 7Trip 徒步旅行 7

Unemployment 解雇 /在野 7Urbanization 城市化 7

Violation 犯错,犯罪 7Waste 浪费 7

Allergy 6Appreciation 6

Bias 6Boss 6

Burglary 6Censorship 6

Clerk 6Compromise 6

Computerization 6Conflict 6

Controversy 6Cottage 6

Credibility 6Crop 6

Current affairs 6Curriculum 6

Demographics 624

Essential Vocabulary

Desire 6Dialect 6Drought 6

Eco-tourism 6Electricity 6Employee 6Employer 6Festival 6Flood 6Frame 6Gadget 6

Genetics 6Go ahead 6

Goods 6Horizon 6

Implication 6Inhabitant 6Inspiration 6Interaction 6

Judge 6Lawyer 6Leisure 6

Literature 6Monopoly 6

Mood 6Mother tongue 6

Motive 6Nutrient 6

Overpopulation 6Packaging 6

Prey 6Prisoner 6

Proportion 6Publicity 6

Publisher 6Punishment 6Reflection 6

Resemblance 6Retirement 6

Satellite 6Scholarship 6

Self expression 6Space shuttle 6

Species 6Supervisor 6

Telecommunications 6

Theme 6Ties 6

Tolerance 6Transition 6

Trend 6Vehicle 6Victim 6

Weightlessness 6Accessory 5Aesthetics 5Antibiotic 5

Assumption 5Astronaut 5

Ballet 5Bibliography 5

Blade 5Brick 5

Childhood 5Client 5

Climate 5Compress 5


Essential Vocabulary

Concert 5Conjecture 5

Convict 5Credibility 5

Crisis 5Density 5Disposal 5

Dissertation 5Emission 5

Era 5Fertilizer 5

Food chain 5Fulfillment 5

Galaxy 5Gallery 5

Hesitation 5Hydrogen 5

Icon 5Ideology 5

Imprisonment 5Inequality 5

Infrastructure 5Insight 5

Itinerary 5Joint venture 5

Keypad 5Kidnapping 5

Launch 5Learning Disorder 5

Luggage 5Muscle 5

Musician 5Obesity 5Obstacle 5

Offence 5Opera 5

Overtime 5Peak 5Petrol 5

Platform 5Portion 5Portrait 5Predator 5

Projection 5Prototype 5Relevance 5

Rocket 5Safeguard 5Sensitivity 5Shift work 5

Sign language 5Solar system 5

Staircase 5Strain 5

Superstition 5Syllabus 5

Temperament 5Toxic waste 5

Trend 5Turbine 5

Vegetation 5Venue 5

Workforce 5Workplace 5Abortion 4

Adulthood 4Antibody 4

Archaeologist 426

Essential Vocabulary

Archaeology 4Archive 4Artist 4

Audience 4Beverage 4

Biochemistry 4Biodiversity 4

Bond 4Briefing 4

Brotherhood 4Calcium 4Carbon 4

Climate change 4Compact 4

Configuration 4Crater 4

Daily Routine 4Debris 4

Deficiency 4Destiny 4

Detection 4Detention 4Deterrent 4

Dimension 4Domain 4Earning 4

Emissions 4Excavation 4Expiration 4

Faculty 4Fatherhood 4

Fauna 4Flora 4

Free press 4

Fuel 4Fumes 4

Greenhouse gases 4Hybrid 4

Hypothesis 4Inhabitant 4

Intent 4Intimacy 4

Job satisfaction 4Jury 4

Laborer 4Lift shaft 4

Manual work 4Materialism 4

Measurement 4Mechanism 4

Meteor 4Metropolitan 4

Migrant 4Millennia 4

Motherhood 4Orbit 4

Outer space 4Outlook 4Painting 4

Pedestrians 4Perk 4

Pesticide 4Plantation 4Pollutant 4

Popularity 4Priority 4

Probability 4Productivity 4


Essential Vocabulary

Prohibition 4Prosecutor 4Recording 4

Remote Control 4Residence 4

Scent 4Sculptor 4Serving 4Setback 4

Sexuality 4Silicon Chip 4

Simulator 4Skyscraper 4

Slum 4Smuggling 4

Social system 4Speculation 4

Stills 4Swearing 4takeover 4

Terrorism 4Terrorist 4

The accused 4The Middle Ages 4

Timber 4Upbringing 4Vandalism 4

Wages 4