Fang ·...

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Transcript of Fang ·...

Fang Hong 方 红

Dermatology Department, The 1st Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University

• 皮肤科的常见病、多发病,全世界至少10%~20%的人群受感染。

• 由病原真菌引起的人类皮肤(表皮、真皮和皮下组织)、黏膜及其皮肤附属器的一大类真菌感染性疾病。

真 菌




真菌的基本形态结构:菌丝 hypha 孢子 spore

双相真菌(Dimorphic Fungi)


皮肤癣菌 非皮肤癣菌霉菌








• The incidences of dermatophytosis vary greatly, at least 10%~20% of the world’s population may be infected with these organisms.

• Approximately 25 species of dermatophytes infect human.

皮肤癣菌病 Dermatophytosis

• 由浅部真菌(皮肤癣菌及马拉色菌)引起,浅部真菌喜温暖潮湿,25~28℃最适生长,只侵犯表皮角质层、毛发、甲板,常见有头癣、手足癣、甲癣、体癣、股癣、花斑糠疹(花斑癣) 。



按其大分生孢子形态特征分• 毛癣菌属(Trichophyton)• 小孢子菌属(Microsporium)• 表皮癣菌属 (Epidermophyton)


• Anthropophilic(亲人性): from human to human

• Zoophilic(亲动物性): from animal to human

• Geophilic(亲土性 ): from the soil


• 主要依靠临床表现和真菌学检查,以直接镜检及培养有决定价值。

• T h e d i a g n o s i s o f suspected tinea infection is made by microscopic d i r e c t e x a m i n a t i o n and/or culture of fungi.

Direct examination of fungi• Removed skin, hair or

nails from the infected area and place the sample on a microscope slide to which 1-2 drops of 10% or 2 0 % o f p o t a s s i u m h y d ro x i d e ( K O H ) a re added. Place a cover-slide on the preparation and heated slightly. Examine under the microscope.


真菌培养• 可鉴定菌种,也可弥补单纯镜检假阴性的不足。常用培养基为沙氏培养基,常用培养温度27℃。

• A culture using Sabouraud’s agar (沙氏培养基) supplemented with antibiotics may be useful to identify the fungus responsible for the infection.






头 癣 Tinea capitis(Scalp ringworm)

• 定义(Definition): 累及头皮和头发毛囊的皮肤癣菌病(毛癣菌属,小孢子菌属感染)多见于儿童,传染性较大。

• Ringworm of the scalp is an infectious disease occurring chiefly in school children and less commonly in infants and adults.


• 主要通过理发工具,帽子,梳子,枕巾等间接接触或直接接触患者或患病的猫、狗等家畜而感染。

病 因

• 黄癣:许兰氏黄癣菌

• 白癣:①狗小孢子菌 ②石膏样小孢子菌 ③铁锈色小孢子菌

• 黑点癣:①紫色毛癣菌 ②断发毛癣菌

Clinical Manifestation黄癣(Tinea favus) ⑴ 黄癣痂(Scutulae):初起为毛囊口周围炎症 → 发根丘疹、小脓疱 → 干涸为硫磺色蝶状小痂,中心毛发贯穿(陈旧呈灰黄、灰白色,酒精擦之 → 呈现黄色)黏着较牢,不易揭去 → 除之基底潮红,湿润,浅溃疡 → 愈后萎缩性瘢痕(atrophy scarring),永久性脱发(permanent baldness)。

⑵ 病发:易松脱,参差不齐,头皮发际边缘不累及,有狭窄的正常带,鼠尿味或谷物发霉臭味。

黄 癣Tinea favus

• 黄癣菌侵及光滑皮肤 → 黄癣痂,群集丘疹、水疱、鳞屑性红斑。

• 黄癣菌侵及甲:甲板增厚,变黄,失去光泽(甲癣)。


白癣Tinea alba⑴ 鳞屑斑: 初为头皮毛囊性红色小丘疹 → 扩大为斑片,上覆灰白色糠状鳞屑,边缘有丘疹、丘疱疹,境界清。先有母斑,后有子斑。

⑵ 病发:近头皮处毛干上有灰白色套状鳞屑(菌鞘),头发失去光泽、干燥,出头皮3~8mm折断(高位断发)。

⑶ 愈后不留瘢痕,至青春期可自愈。因为青春期皮脂腺功能活跃,皮脂较多,含有不饱和脂肪酸可抑制真菌。


黑点癣Tinea black-dot

呈多个散在点状鳞屑斑,无菌鞘,病发出头皮即折断(低位断发),呈黑点状,经过慢性,可持续到成年,若不及时治疗,毛囊破坏 → 瘢痕性脱发。




• 典型的临床表现• 真菌学检查 直接镜检:取病发或鳞屑 黄癣―发内菌丝(可见气泡) 白癣―发外孢子 黑点癣―发内孢子 真菌培养-鉴别菌种


• 经含氧化镍玻璃过滤所得的320~400nm长波紫外线照射皮疹。

• Wood’s Light: Ultraviolet of 365nm wavelength is obtain by passing the beam through a Wood’s filter composed of nickel oxide-containing glass.

黄癣-暗绿色荧光 白癣-亮绿色荧光 黑点癣-无荧光


黄癣 白癣 黑点癣基本损害 丘疹脓疱 灰白色鳞屑斑 灰白色鳞屑斑

典型损害 黄癣痂 母子斑 黑点状

病 发 枯黄无光泽 高位断发距头皮 出头皮即折断 参差不齐 3-8mm,有菌鞘 低位断发

好发人群 儿童,成人 儿童 儿童,成人

病 程 慢性,萎缩性 青春期自愈 慢性,少数有 瘢痕性脱发 不留疤痕 瘢痕和脱发


黄癣 白癣 黑点癣

直接镜检 发内菌丝 孢 发外孢子 发内孢子 子可见气泡 培 养 许兰氏黄癣菌 犬小孢子菌 紫色毛癣菌 石膏小孢子菌 断发毛癣菌 铁锈色小孢子菌 须癣毛癣菌

伍 德 灯 暗绿色荧光 亮绿色荧光 无荧光


外用治疗• 洗发 用硫磺皂或酮康唑洗液洗头, qd;• 剪发 尽可能将病发剪去,每周1次 --- 解决头发真菌;• 搽药5~10%硫磺软膏Ung Sulfur、 10%水杨酸软膏Acid Salicylic Ung 、2%达克宁软膏;

• 煮沸消毒 。


• 脓癣治疗同上 ,但不宜切开引流,外用药要温和杀菌。

• 小片病灶 可拔除病发,范围扩大至病损外围1-2mm,正常头发,每周1次,连续3次,其余治疗同上。

Systemic treatment1、灰黄霉素 griseofulvin: 15~20mg/kg/d×15~

20d 。因为毛发每日生长0.3-0.4mm,解决毛囊内真菌。成人0.6-1.0,分二次服,宜脂肪饮食;

2、伊曲康唑itraconazole:成人0.2 qd×6w 儿童5mg/kg/d×6w, 宜脂肪饮食;3、特比萘芬terbinafine: <20Kg,62.5 mg/d,

20~40Kg,125mg/d, >40kg ,250mg/d×6w。

Prophylaxis1. 控制传染源:积极治疗头癣患者,隔离。2. 切断传播途径:理发工具、旅馆、枕巾。 3. 保护易感者:无特殊预防措施。

Tinea corporis includes all superficial dermatophyte infections of the skin other than those involving the scalp ,hair, palms, soles and nail plate. Tinea cruris is a subacute or chronic dermatophytosis of the groin, pubic regions, and thighs, is a special type of tinea corporis.

体癣和股癣 Tinea corporis Tinea cruris

Tinea corporis 除头皮、毛发、手掌足底以外光滑皮肤表皮的皮肤癣菌感染。

Tinea cruris专指发生于腹股沟、会阴、肛周和臀部的皮肤癣菌感染。

体癣和股癣 Tinea corporis Tinea cruris


• 致病菌 主要是红色毛癣菌(T. rubrum)、须癣毛癣菌T. mentagrophytes 、疣状毛癣菌T . verrucosum及犬小孢子菌M. canis等。

• 传染方式 直接、间接接触或自身感染或动物→人(犬小孢子菌,须癣毛癣菌引起)。

• 易感因素 抵抗力,免疫力低下,长期服皮质激素,广谱抗生素易感,糖尿病可为诱因。

Clinical Manifestation• Skin lesion are small to large, scaling,

sharply marginated plaques with or without pustules or vesicles, usually at margins. Peripheral enlargement and central clearing produces annular conf igurat ion wi th concentric rings or arcuate lesions; fusion of some lesion can produce gyrate patterns.


• 好发生于面、颈、腰腹、臀及四肢。• 皮疹初为红色丘疹、丘疱疹,逐渐扩大为鳞屑性红斑片,周围水疱、丘疹呈环状排列,等距离向外扩大,圆形多环形,中心自愈,鳞屑内缘游离,外缘附着,自觉瘙痒。

• 夏季加重或发作,冬季减轻或消退。• 股癣症状同体癣,局限于股上内侧、臀沟处,一侧或双侧,鳞屑性红斑下侧边界清楚、炎症明显。因搔抓可致浸润增厚,苔藓样变 。


• The diagnosis must be made depending on he clinical features combined with the demonstraion of fungus in skin scrapings.

1. 典型皮损,季节性;2. 查菌• 直接镜检:活跃皮损边缘鳞屑 → 10%KOH → 菌丝。• 培养:鉴定菌种。

Differential diagnosis

• 慢性湿疹• 慢性单纯性苔藓• 玫瑰糠疹

Topical antifungal agents• Clotrimazole 克霉唑霜3%• Econazole 益康唑霜1%• Ketoconazole 酮康唑霜2%• Miconazole 咪康唑霜2%,• Ciclopirox cream 环吡酮霜1%• Terbinafine cream 特比萘芬霜1%, • Bifonazole cream 1% 联苯苄唑霜1%, ext, bid, 2-4W . 传统制剂:苯甲酸搽剂、雷锁辛搽剂,10%冰醋酸溶液

Oral antifungal agents

• Itraconazole(伊曲康唑)0.2qd×1w or 0.1qd×2w ;

• terbinafine(特比萘芬)0.25/d×1w。• 适用于长期服用大量皮质激素及免疫抑制剂,有免疫缺陷等引起广泛性真菌感染的患者。

手足癣Tinea Manus et Pedis

Tinea pedis is a dermatophytic infection of the feet, characterized by erythema, scaling, maceration, and/or bulla formation.

Tinea manus is a chronic dermatophytosis of the hand.

手足癣Tinea Manus et Pedis

• 手癣是指皮肤癣菌侵犯指间、手掌、掌侧平滑皮肤引起的真菌感染。



• Tinea Manus et Pedis are usually caused by T. rubrum (红色毛癣菌) . Other possible causative organisms include T. mentagrophytes(须癣毛癣菌)、石膏小孢子菌and E. floccosum(絮状表皮癣菌)

Clinical Manifestation

• Patients with tinea pedis and manus have 3 possible clinical presentations.

• 浸渍糜烂型 interdigital macerated type• 水疱鳞屑型 vesicle type• 角化过度型 hyperkeratosis type

Interdigital macerated type • The interdigital presentation is the most

characteristic type of tinea pedis, with erythema, maceration, fissuring, and scaling, most often between the fourth and fifth toes, and often is accompanied by pruritus.

• The dorsal surface of the foot is usually clear, but some extension onto the plantar surface of the foot may occur.

浸渍糜烂型(interdigital macerated type)

• 最常见见,表现为指趾间尤其是第3、4、5趾间发白、发皱,表皮剥脱,底部潮红糜烂,痒较明显,可继发细菌感染,出现丹毒、淋巴管炎、蜂窝织炎。

interdigital macerated type

Inflammatory/vesicular type

• Painful, pruritic vesicles or bullae, most often on the instep or anterior plantar surface, characterize the inflammatory /vesicular type.The lesions can contain either clear or purulent fluid; after they rupture, scaling with erythema persists. Cellulitis, lymphangitis, and adenopathy can complicate this type of tinea pedis.

水疱鳞屑型(vesicle type)

• 指趾侧面延及手掌足底,深在性水疱粟米大,干涸、脱屑,淡红色斑疹斑片,周边多环形,境界清,瘙痒明显。

Chronic hyperkeratotic type• The hyperkeratotic type of tinea pedis is

characterized by chronic plantar erythema with slight scaling to diffuse hyperkeratosis that can be asymptomatic or pruritic. Both feet are usually affected.Typically, the dorsal surface of the foot is clear, but, in severe cases, the condition may extend onto the sides of the foot.

角化过度型(hyperkeratosis type)

• 掌跖及侧缘干燥,角质增厚,境界清或不清,表面粗糙脱屑,易皱裂疼痛。


• The diagnosis must be made depending on he clinical features combined with the demonstraion of fungus in skin scrapings

• 典型症状

• 真菌检查 涂片:菌丝


Differential diagnosisDyshidrosis汗疱疹



Psoriasis pustulosa

Treatment• Tinea pedis can be treated with topical or oral

antifungals or a combination of both. • Topical agents are used for 2-6 weeks.A patient

with chronic hyperkeratotic tinea pedis should be instructed to apply medication to the bottoms and sides of his or her feet. For interdigital tinea pedis, even though symptoms may not be present, a patient should apply the topical agent not only to the interdigital areas but also to the soles because of the likelihood of plantar-surface infection.

Treatment• hyperkeratotic-type tinea pedis is often recalcitrant to

topical antifungals alone due to the thickness of the scale on the plantar surface. The concomitant use of topical urea or other keratolyt ics with topical antifungals should improve the response to topical agents. Whitfield solution, containing benzoic and salicylic acids, can be beneficial.

• H o w e v e r , p a t i e n t s w i t h e x t e n s i v e c h r o n i c hyperkeratotic tinea pedis or inflammatory/vesicular tinea pedis usually require oral therapy, as do patients with onychomycosis, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, or immunocompromising conditions.

Topical Treatment• Topical imidazoles -- Effective in all forms of tinea pedis

but are excellent treatments for interdigital tinea pedis because they are effective against dermatophytes

• Econazole 1% cream • Clotrimazole 1% cream• Ketoconazole 1% cream • Miconazole2% cream Cream and lotion: Cover affected areas bid for 2-6 wk.

Powder: Spray or sprinkle liberally over affected area bid for 2-4 wk.•

治 疗

• 根据皮损类型选择不同治疗。• 浸渍糜烂型:先湿敷 0.1%雷佛奴尔或3%硼酸或1:8000PP溶液局部湿敷,渗出减少后再用足粉,如2%达克宁散剂。皮损干燥后,改抗真菌霜剂,如2%咪康唑乳膏(达克宁)、1%联苯苄唑乳膏(美克)、1%特比萘芬霜剂(丁克、兰美抒)等。

治 疗

• 水疱鳞屑型:


治 疗

• 角化过度型:

油膏类药物 如:复方苯甲酸软膏,5%或10%水杨酸软膏,角化明显处封包,也可用霜剂。无皲裂,可选用复方雷琐辛搽剂、复方苯甲酸搽剂、

• 外用药需坚持1-2月。


• 如外用药效果欠佳,可口服抗真菌药物

1、 伊曲康唑 0.4/d×1周,0.2/d×2周; 2、特比奈芬 250mg/d×2周~4周; 3、氟康唑 150mg/1次/每周×3次 。


• Describe the definition of the superficial mycoses.

• Describe the clinical type of of tinea capitis and main manifestation respectively.

• Describe the diagnosis and the differential diagnosis of tinea pedis.

• Learn how to do fungus examine, if you have tinea cruris , to identify the hyphae.