Fair Trade Workshop Bangladesh

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Transcript of Fair Trade Workshop Bangladesh

County Networks

Enabling dedicated FTO in Asia to deliver FT and to seek greater equity in international trade

March 3, 2016

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IntroductionsElise HawleyWFTO-Asia Sustainability Coordinator

IntroductionsIntroduce your neighbor!

Name: Organization: A few words about their organization:


TimeSession detailsSESSION 1Introductions9:30amIntroduction and welcome Introduction to the workshop, review expectationsQuestions, clarification & review of the agenda ECOTA Presentation! Fair Trade in Bangladesh The ten principles of Fair Trade their applicationExchange of experience in Bangladesh and the regionBenefits of Fair Trade12:00BreakSESSION 2The World Fair Trade Organization Guarantee SystemReview of the WFTO Guarantee System (GS)How to apply to WFTO the processMarket Trends and Opportunities for products in the international market and the role of sustainabilityCampaign and Advocacy planning and exchange including Fashion Revolution, World Fair Trade Day and Bangkok October 2016!1:45pmQuestions and Comments

A Glance to.. ECOTA National Fair Trade Network of Bangladesh

ECOTA, National Fair Trade Network of Bangladesh .. founded in 1990, active in promotion of the underserved producers market access and poverty alleviation in Bangladesh through Alternative Trading System.

. cont.

A coverage of 150,000 artisans (90% women) through 37 members.

OUR VISION.ECOTA Forum as a national co-ordinating body of producer organizations providing strong network support for fair trading opportunities and better livelihoods for the artisans by encouraging unity and solidarity of the crafts sector.

OUR MISSION.Strengthening ECOTA as a national networking body for fair trade groups to create sustainable livelihoods for producers in Bangladesh, based on the international fair trade market through supplying need-based services


We at the ECOTA believe that a Fair Trade system built on mutually beneficial relationships that value integrity, accountability, and transparency- will: Promote respect for the dignity of all human labour; Produce alternative economic models of equity and sustainability for a wide positive social change;

ECOTAs GUIDING VALUES cont. . . Provide an opportunity to live with the ones respective culture and Align environmental sustainability with Fair Trade Practices; Encourage collaboration and cooperation to advance these principles.

WE DO ECOTA is engaged in identifying advocacy issues for the ultimate benefit of artisans of Bangladesh through the business of its members considering the Fair trade policy. It provides market information with research, support product development and design inputs, business and export marketing counseling, skill enhancement training and technical inputs services to its members.


WORLD FAIR TRADE DAY 2016'Be an Agent for Change'14 May 2016

Proposed plan to Celebrate WFTDay 2016 Rally Human Chain Fair Trade FairInvolve School studentsPublished a special feature on Fair Trade on MediaDay long discussion and products display at Aarong, Aranya and Jatra which have outlet

Usha & Ask Handicrafts

20 members, 5 guaranteed17mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

28 Guaranteed

WFTOGlobal coordinationfrom the Netherlands WFTO-AsiaRegional supportfrom Thailand

FTOs75 countriesNational Fair Trade Networks

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Article 25 Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security.

The global FAIR TRADE definition

Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, small and marginalized producers and workers especially in the South.


FinancialSocialSustainable The product lifecycleCarbon useCradle to grave Reuse DisposalEnergy UseCSR Living Wage Local EmploymentFair TradeIntegration Enterprises A bottom line that covers costs including Fair Wages, and also allows for business expansion and investmentWhat is Sustainable Development?

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Sustainable Development Goals

"For the first time, the United Nations have agreed on a series of shared objectives that will apply to all... It makes us all responsible for the planet we inhabit and respectful of all its populations.an improvement compared to the old Millennium Development Goalssaid Sergi Corbaln, FTAO Executive Director.

"For the first time, the United Nations have agreed on a series of shared objectives that will apply to all, eliminating the old division between North and Southern countries. It makes us all responsible for the planet we inhabit and respectful of all its populations. That is, in itself, already an improvement compared to the old Millennium Development Goalssaid Sergi Corbaln, FTAO Executive Director.

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Fair Trade Organizations (backed by consumers) are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade by FINE 2001

Its a movement of consumers and producers who believe and trust that they can, through their production and consumption, improve some of the injustices of trade.25mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

What is a Fair Trade Organization? Income from trade Social objectives to work with the marginalized at the heart of the activitiescommitment to improve the social and economic conditions of marginalized producers and suppliers. Follow the ten principles of Fair TradeNot based around any one product or one product standard

Defining the MarginalizedFair Trade .. by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, small and marginalized producers and workers especially in the South.

Marginalization describes both a process and a condition that prevents individuals or groups from fully participating in social, economic and political life enjoyed by the wider society.27mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

Ten Principles of Fair TradeTen Principles of Fair Trade

Exchange of experience in Bangladesh and the region

30A CHARTER OF FAIR TRADE PRINCIPLESProposed draft of joint statement from May by the Boards of the International Fair Trade Association (IFAT) and Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO), inviting public debate on, and endorsement of, the common principles of fair trade.FLO: Oldest and most established label, represents over 80% of commercially available products (food products only).As it is product rather than organisation which is certified, have lost some credibility by allowing Nescafe and large plantations to access label.Strong ownership and representation of producers' organisations in decision making.

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Fair Trade Organizations are able to carry the WFTO Fair Trade Organizational label for recognition in the market place.

WFTO Membersare leading a global movement to change the world through trade. By adhering to a higher standard of accountability members are differentiating themselves from an ever more confused and cluttered marketplace. Our 350+ members, from 75 countries, are committed to improving the livelihoods and communities of the producers we trade with.

Differentiate from PretendersMembership of the WFTOidentifiesthe member organisation as a committed Fair Trade Organisation. Only organisations that are fully committed to Fair Trade are eligible for membership and this is an important point of differentiation. Many commercial businesses are involved in fair washing, usually with unsubstantiated claims, and it has become important for those involved in genuine Fair Trade to use the WFTOs 10 Principles of Fair Trade as the definition of what fair trade really means.

Provide ProofThecredibilityof membership of WFTO is based on the Guarantee System. A robust, credible and soon to be accredited system, involving self assessment, peer review and audit, the Guarantee System ensures a high standard for membership. Additionally, for those members who require it, the right to use the WFTO product label is available at no extra cost.

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WFTO members only Guarantees organisations rather than products but label goes on products.Handicraft sector, often smaller organisations with members from most disadvantaged groups.Small food producers not able to afford FLO label. System devised with the aim of keeping costs down.Oldest and most established labelRepresents over 80% of commercially available products (food products only).As it is product rather than organisation which is certified, have lost some credibility by allowing Nescafe and large plantations to access label.Strong ownership and representation of producers in decision making.

Fair TradeComparisonV.S.

A CHARTER OF FAIR TRADE PRINCIPLEShttp://www.fairtrade.net/fileadmin/user_upload/content/2009/about_us/documents/Fair_Trade_Charter.pdf

32A CHARTER OF FAIR TRADE PRINCIPLESProposed draft of joint statement from May by the Boards of the International Fair Trade Association (IFAT) and Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO), inviting public debate on, and endorsement of, the common principles of fair trade.FLO: Oldest and most established label, represents over 80% of commercially available products (food products only).As it is product rather than organisation which is certified, have lost some credibility by allowing Nescafe and large plantations to access label.Strong ownership and representation of producers' organisations in decision making.

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14 October 2015 The European Commission has published today the new EU Trade and Investment Strategy. The EU Trade Commissioner Malmstrm has unveiled a series of new initiatives to support uptake of Fair Trade.

Marginalised producers and workers must have seat at the table when governments negotiate trade deals, which can have positive but also negative consequences on their livelihoods.33mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

Benefits & Advantages of WFTO

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Market Access

5.9 Billion Euro global retail sales

65 Million Euro sales from WFTO - Asia

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People Tree, Thanapara Swallows and Zandra Rhodes collaboration published in The Guardian

Build MarketsWFTO has strong and growing relationships with many other international trade groups, including the solidarity economy movement, organic movement and especially with the Fair Trade Towns Movement, and the Fair Trade Advocacy Office. Through these relationships WFTO is able to promotemarket access and market developmentfor Fair Trade organisations. WFTO facilitates attendance at international trade fairs, and organises a biennial global Fair Trade Week including a marketplace for the selling and promotion of members products.

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Market Access

Ambiente, February 12-16 2106WFTO-Asia AGM with BIG fair, October 2016Delhi November 2017 with IFOAM

Differentiation in the market place

42 583467

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CSR reportingPotential Fair Trade / Actual Fair TradeFLOWFTOEquivalent

Shared Community

Together in isolation

NetworksProvide access to knowledge and resources that are not otherwise available to the organization (Powell & Brantely)

Partner with PeersThe Fair Trade world is rapidly changing and WFTO is committed to being a place oflearning and engagement. WFTO members, representing the full spectrum of the global Fair Trade supply chain, have in-depth knowledge, experience and skills of the business of Fair Trade. WFTO is one of a handful of global organisations that brings together all the practitioners in a supply chain. Various physical and virtual platforms are available for members to share and learn from each other. WFTO is the place where the philosophy and the underlying principles of Fair Trade are discussed, debated and determined.

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Seoul 2014

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Milan 2015

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Regional Conference 2016 Market focusPromoting Fair Trade Organizations by market segment online to global audience

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IFOAM conference Delhi 2017WFTO conference Delhi 2017

Fair Trade Towns

2015 International Fair Trade Towns Conference

November 20th 2015 Launch of Twin Fair Trade Towns Campaign Puducherry & AurovilleThe 10th Int.Fair Trade Townsconference will be held in Baskinta, Lebanon on 1 3 July 2016


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Access to information

Presented by: Christine GentDirector WFTO-Asia

United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentSeeks to maximize the trade, investment and development opportunities of developing countries while helping them face the challenges of globalization57mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

The VIP intends to build a pool of Fair Trade advocates through volunteerism.


Danielle DSilva with member Villageworks Cambodia

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FT and GS WorkshopsPhilippines28 - 31 JulyKorea6 AugustCambodia6, 7 AugustIndia10 - 15 AugustPakistan11-21 NovemberSri Lanka 22 December 3Vietnam 3 - 6 December Indonesia15 JanuaryIndia 22 JanuaryBangladesh1 MarchLaosApril

There has been visits to 17 countries including, 50 one to one member meetings, 18 talks and presentations and an overarching growth in membership of 10%. 23 workshops59mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

On average 1 post reaches +3,155 individualsSocial Media

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Potential for change

Philippines - PRESENT Bill Korea - Social Enterprise BillVietnam - Social Economy Bill

Media Coverage

Systematic approach for greater efficiency

Created by & for Members!By the Members!


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The Guarantee System (GS)Self Assessment as the basic monitoring obligation for trading organizations.

The GS guarantees the compliance of members with the WFTO Standard.

The GS label guarantees the organization, not the product.

The emphasis is on the Internal Monitoring System the FTOs use to monitor their supply chains.

The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) decided at its AGM in Mombasa in 2011 to develop a new Fair Trade system, which could be certified, to guarantee the Fair Trade credentials of membersGS is a membership and monitoring system that

The Standard comprises the ten WFTO Principles with defined compliance criteria to assess conformity with the Principles.

Talk about SAR3, 4.9What records do you keep to keep track of payments?Do you always pay on time?

How do you calculate a living wage?

Do you adjust wages for increase in costs of living?

How do you calculate product prices?

FOB: How do you calculate the selling price of your products? Give an averagebreakdown from raw materials through to F.O.B. (exporters) and from purchase to retail (importers) including all related costs: What is the difference between your purchase price and selling price for your main products:

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Application Process

Elise Hawley sustainability@wfto-asia.com www.wfto-asia.com

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WFTO Membership ProcessApplicant Information

Little Flower

Types of MembersFTO50% of turnover from SalesFTNFT network, membership org. sales 5,000,000750

Discussion: What do you forsee as the biggest barrier in the application process for you?

WFTO Membership Monitoring: Guarantee System

Pillars of the GSFair Trade Accountability Watch(FTAW)Internal Monitoring System

Continuous CycleEvery 2 yearsSubmit Profile & SAR2 months later Peer visit+2 YearsSubmit SAR & Profile2 months laterAuditRenewal

Internal Monitoring System

Fair Trade Accountability Watch(FTAW)

Every complaint received is sent automatically to the WFTO Guarantee System Manager who will, as standard procedure, forward the complaint to the organisation concerned, to allow a response to the allegation. The Guarantee System Manager may decide to not discuss the detail of the original complaint in critical cases which may jeopardise the complainant e.g. reporting workers safety or wellbeing. WFTO reserves the right not to pursue cases where it judges that the issues are not the concern of WFTO. 89mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

Submit SAR w/ Improvement Plan + Peers for VisitFeedback + SupportProvisionalApplicant

Your Verified + IMS Fair Trade SuppliersFT Suppliers


Non Fair Trade Suppliers

Assessment of compliance against standardSelf-rating: OK / Improve / Non CompliantEvidence to support what you claimPrinciple 10Environment



Self Assessment Report (SAR)

These compliance criteria must be met before approval as a new WFTO guaranteed member. Non compliance by existing members constitutes major non conformity and may lead to disapproval or suspension of the status of the organisation.

Mandatory it the minimum,

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Suppliers in your Internal Monitoring SystemYour Suppliers

Terminology: Supplier of PRODUCTS, not raw materials*

To improve performance against FT Standard over next 2 years

In their Self Assessment FTOs need to define areas where improvement is needed and agree an Improvement plan with WFTO for the next 2 years.

Youll have to report on how you have improved upon and how you have fulfilled these goals you set yourself.

Set a realistic Improvement plan for the next 2 years, tackling any serious non compliance. This plan will need to be agreed with WFTO.

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Member proposes peers to GlobalPeer visit scheduled: guidelines, SAR and confidentiality agreement WFTO Global selects auditor Member arranges and pays for audit

Peer VisitFTO proposes peerPeer can be a trading partner, WFTO member, from a Network, or local NGO, etc.

In order to carry out the objectives of the 'Mission Statement' Fair Trade Organisation needs a methodology; this is called the 'Internal Monitoring System'. This sets out the activities of the organisation, the documents that define them, and the frequency in which this happensHere is the introduction to the People Tree IMS.As you can see this defines all the steps and procedures they use to check their supply chain for fair trade. It tells us who is responsible for checking the IMS and who it applies to etc..

Ex questions to ask when monitoring: Unverified Suppliers, Primary Producers, suppliers for importing FTO, importers for exporting FTOs.Handbook: 1/Annex 11.1.2

The emphasis is on the internal monitoring systems that FTOs use to monitor their supply chains, which will give some guarantee that those products are Fair Trade.

If your suppliers are WFTO members or monitored under another equivalent Fair Trade system, you may accept the reports from that system, but where they are not verified you need to have an internal monitoring system to ensure that all suppliers conform with the core WFTO Principles (see Chapter 6.3).6 FTOs also need to ensure that their own trading practice is in accord with Fair Trade Principles by checking trading partners experience on the ground. Your Self Assessment needs to be based on your monitoring, and if during an audit it is found that your Self Assessment Report does not reflect the reality on the ground, you may be subject to sanctions.

Purchasing A marketing FTO is expected to buy the majority of its products from suppliers who comply with the core Fair Trade Principles (see Annex 1 below). These may be WFTO members, producers or suppliers of Fair Trade products guaranteed under an equivalent Fair Trade system (see WFTO System Recognition Policy) or unverified suppliers directly monitored by the FTO. Fair Trade Supply Chain Management A marketing FTO must have an internal management system in place to ensure that it is buying products from fair trade supply chains and that even unverified suppliers comply with the core Fair Trade Principles. A producer FTO working with producers or informal producer groups outside its own premises, must develop an adapted internal monitoring system to monitor the application of Fair Trade standards in its operation as required in all criteria referring to producers. Internal Monitoring reports In their Self Assessments FTOs need to fill in the Supplier Monitoring form (Annex 11.1.1 b Section 1) and have the records from their internal monitoring system available for peers and auditors to check. Annex 11.1.2 gives guidelines and sample questions which can be included in an FTOs internal monitoring systems where appropriate.

FTOs are expected to have systems in place to ensure that Fair Trade is being practiced on the ground by their suppliers. If your suppliers are WFTO members or monitored under another equivalent Fair Trade system, you may accept the reports from that system, but where they are not verified you need to have an internal monitoring system to ensure that all suppliers conform with the core WFTO Principles (see Chapter 6.3).6 FTOs also need to ensure that their own trading practice is in accord with Fair Trade Principles by checking trading partners experience on the ground.

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Lombok of Indonesia Peer Visit, October 2015

In order to carry out the objectives of the 'Mission Statement' Fair Trade Organisation needs a methodology; this is called the 'Internal Monitoring System'. This sets out the activities of the organisation, the documents that define them, and the frequency in which this happensHere is the introduction to the People Tree IMS.As you can see this defines all the steps and procedures they use to check their supply chain for fair trade. It tells us who is responsible for checking the IMS and who it applies to etc..

Ex questions to ask when monitoring: Unverified Suppliers, Primary Producers, suppliers for importing FTO, importers for exporting FTOs.Handbook: 1/Annex 11.1.2

The emphasis is on the internal monitoring systems that FTOs use to monitor their supply chains, which will give some guarantee that those products are Fair Trade.

If your suppliers are WFTO members or monitored under another equivalent Fair Trade system, you may accept the reports from that system, but where they are not verified you need to have an internal monitoring system to ensure that all suppliers conform with the core WFTO Principles (see Chapter 6.3).6 FTOs also need to ensure that their own trading practice is in accord with Fair Trade Principles by checking trading partners experience on the ground. Your Self Assessment needs to be based on your monitoring, and if during an audit it is found that your Self Assessment Report does not reflect the reality on the ground, you may be subject to sanctions.

Purchasing A marketing FTO is expected to buy the majority of its products from suppliers who comply with the core Fair Trade Principles (see Annex 1 below). These may be WFTO members, producers or suppliers of Fair Trade products guaranteed under an equivalent Fair Trade system (see WFTO System Recognition Policy) or unverified suppliers directly monitored by the FTO. Fair Trade Supply Chain Management A marketing FTO must have an internal management system in place to ensure that it is buying products from fair trade supply chains and that even unverified suppliers comply with the core Fair Trade Principles. A producer FTO working with producers or informal producer groups outside its own premises, must develop an adapted internal monitoring system to monitor the application of Fair Trade standards in its operation as required in all criteria referring to producers. Internal Monitoring reports In their Self Assessments FTOs need to fill in the Supplier Monitoring form (Annex 11.1.1 b Section 1) and have the records from their internal monitoring system available for peers and auditors to check. Annex 11.1.2 gives guidelines and sample questions which can be included in an FTOs internal monitoring systems where appropriate.

FTOs are expected to have systems in place to ensure that Fair Trade is being practiced on the ground by their suppliers. If your suppliers are WFTO members or monitored under another equivalent Fair Trade system, you may accept the reports from that system, but where they are not verified you need to have an internal monitoring system to ensure that all suppliers conform with the core WFTO Principles (see Chapter 6.3).6 FTOs also need to ensure that their own trading practice is in accord with Fair Trade Principles by checking trading partners experience on the ground.

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Monitoring AuditIndependent auditors approved by WFTO Global. They will check compliance against the requirements of the Standard through field visits and document review.

In order to carry out the objectives of the 'Mission Statement' Fair Trade Organisation needs a methodology; this is called the 'Internal Monitoring System'. This sets out the activities of the organisation, the documents that define them, and the frequency in which this happensHere is the introduction to the People Tree IMS.As you can see this defines all the steps and procedures they use to check their supply chain for fair trade. It tells us who is responsible for checking the IMS and who it applies to etc..

Ex questions to ask when monitoring: Unverified Suppliers, Primary Producers, suppliers for importing FTO, importers for exporting FTOs.Handbook: 1/Annex 11.1.2

The emphasis is on the internal monitoring systems that FTOs use to monitor their supply chains, which will give some guarantee that those products are Fair Trade.

If your suppliers are WFTO members or monitored under another equivalent Fair Trade system, you may accept the reports from that system, but where they are not verified you need to have an internal monitoring system to ensure that all suppliers conform with the core WFTO Principles (see Chapter 6.3).6 FTOs also need to ensure that their own trading practice is in accord with Fair Trade Principles by checking trading partners experience on the ground. Your Self Assessment needs to be based on your monitoring, and if during an audit it is found that your Self Assessment Report does not reflect the reality on the ground, you may be subject to sanctions.

Purchasing A marketing FTO is expected to buy the majority of its products from suppliers who comply with the core Fair Trade Principles (see Annex 1 below). These may be WFTO members, producers or suppliers of Fair Trade products guaranteed under an equivalent Fair Trade system (see WFTO System Recognition Policy) or unverified suppliers directly monitored by the FTO. Fair Trade Supply Chain Management A marketing FTO must have an internal management system in place to ensure that it is buying products from fair trade supply chains and that even unverified suppliers comply with the core Fair Trade Principles. A producer FTO working with producers or informal producer groups outside its own premises, must develop an adapted internal monitoring system to monitor the application of Fair Trade standards in its operation as required in all criteria referring to producers. Internal Monitoring reports In their Self Assessments FTOs need to fill in the Supplier Monitoring form (Annex 11.1.1 b Section 1) and have the records from their internal monitoring system available for peers and auditors to check. Annex 11.1.2 gives guidelines and sample questions which can be included in an FTOs internal monitoring systems where appropriate.

FTOs are expected to have systems in place to ensure that Fair Trade is being practiced on the ground by their suppliers. If your suppliers are WFTO members or monitored under another equivalent Fair Trade system, you may accept the reports from that system, but where they are not verified you need to have an internal monitoring system to ensure that all suppliers conform with the core WFTO Principles (see Chapter 6.3).6 FTOs also need to ensure that their own trading practice is in accord with Fair Trade Principles by checking trading partners experience on the ground.

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Application TimeAs fast as the applicantAverage: 3 months

Applicant AssessingRegional Membership CommitteeAbout 2 weeks, may send feedbackGlobal Office and Board1 Month

SAR SubmissionMust be within 12 monthsRegional feedbackSent to org. within 1 weekGlobal Processing1 Month

Peer Visit (First time optional)Completed within 12 months of SARMonitoring Audit If Peer visit first:12 Months after Peer Visit acceptedIf no peer visit:12 Months after SAR acceptedFastest: 10 Months Max (after application): 2 Years Length of Time

Annual FeeTurnover / incomeMembership feeRegional feeTotal annual paymentIn EurosFTO - Trading< 135,000 400100500135,000 - 400,000.003 x turnover175calculation based on turnover400,000 - 1 million.003 x turnover250calculation based on turnover> 1 million 3,000 + 350 for every extra million250* Max 2,600calculation based on turnoverFTSO< 135,000 400100500135,000 - 400,0001,2501751,335400,000 - 1 million1,2502501,5001 million 5 million2,0002502,250> 5 million3,0002503,250FTNFlat cost:400

Other Costs:Payment of Audit & Peer Visit (transportation, accommodation)Handling Fee 100-750 Euros

So Now You Are Guaranteed!

The WFTO Logo is the symbol that we use on marketing (but not with products)


The new WFTO Guaranteed Logo can be used both on product labels and product tags, so long as it meets the conditions and requirements stated by WFTO. To start using this label you need to be a full WFTO member who has had the first monitoring audit. Once this is complete you will need to sign the WFTO labeling contract with WFTO. After this you can then use the label on the Fair Trade products that were listed in the Profile and Supplier monitoring form (found in the SAR), which the auditor verified. To reiterate, only products that are verified can use the label, thus not necessarily every single item an organization makes. The product label can be used by full members on wholesale and retail packaging and for promotional purposes. Overall, using the product label on products is voluntary and may be used with other product quality labels. Direct buyers can also keep the product logo on the product so long as they have signed a labeling contract with WFTO. Example attached here is of the direct buyer who has signed a labeling contract. Please let me know if you have any questions about using the logo on other materials (letterhead, etc.) or on the design requirements of the logo (fonts, size, etc.). A full detailed explanation of the product label and usage can be found in Ch. 9 of the handbook which is located on the member log in page of WFTO.

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WFTO Product Label

The WFTO Label is for use on products

Label Example

6. Exclusive- its only available to WFTO members.1. Differentiate you from others who claim to be selling fairly or ethically. This difference is based on commitment and values that make it extremely difficult for others to compete against.

2. Reinforces the strategic relationship you have with the Fair Trade movement.

3. Supports a price premium.

4. Complements your brand strategy.

5. It will provide regulatory acceptance.

Guaranteed Member Traid Aid, why do we want the label?

The Fair Trade label has contributed significantly towards better positioning ourselves in the national, regional and global market as well as in the society. ACP of NepalThe WFTO label means a lot for us, it demonstrates that we are on the right track with the 10 Principles of Fair Trade. Fair Trade is good for everyone involved: the artisans, buyers and consumers. Fair Trade is the solution to todays unfair trading systems, at the moment it may be small but it is certainly big in impact! Mitra Bali of Indonesia

Rebranding the Product:First Buyer Labelling ContractConventional BuyersRegister in WFTOs Buyer DatabaseRespect at least a selection of 10 FT Principles2 Transparency & Accountability3 Fair Trading Practices4 Payment of a Fair Price6 Non Discrimination7 Safe Working Conditions10 EnvironmentAgree to WFTOs right to conduct independent auditListed in the FTAWPay License fee 1% per purchase order, min. 100Euro

We are working on charging this per year though, so the minimum would than change to 100 per year which could make it more interesting for smaller buyers. But this is not official yet.

The only organisation that counts is our member. The first buyer label will always show the name and country of origin of our member and the First Buyer Label may only appear on the rebranded packaging of the first buyer. The label can stay on if the final products with unchanged packaging if resold (we call these resellers). The First Buyer Label cannot stay on if the packaging is changed further along the chain. Also, the First Buyer Label only applies to finished products for now (not ingredients or raw materials). We are piloting a situation where fabrics are sold and the first buyer making that into products (with Selyn) but this is only a pilot at this stage and I cannot guarantee this will be allowed in future.

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Q & A

In their Self Assessment FTOs need to define areas where improvement is needed and agree an Improvement plan with WFTO for the next 2 years.

Youll have to report on how you have improved upon and how you have fulfilled these goals you set yourself.

Set a realistic Improvement plan for the next 2 years, tackling any serious non compliance. This plan will need to be agreed with WFTO.

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Campaign and Advocacy

Market Trends

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Can you list the worlds top 2 most polluting industries?

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second only to oil

When we think of pollution, we envision coal power plants, strip-mined mountaintops and raw sewage piped into our waterways. We dont often think of the shirts on our backs. But the overall impact the apparel industry has on our planet is quite grim.115mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

Fashion is a complicated business involving long and varied supply chains of production, raw material, textile manufacture, clothing construction, shipping, retail, use and ultimately disposal of the garment116mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

90% of garments are transported by container ship each year1 ship can produce as much cancer & asthma-causing pollutants as 50 million cars in just 1 year.

Asia is the major clothing exporter today, producing more than 32 percent of the worlds supply

But as production and labor costs rise in China, clothing companies are moving to countries where manufacturing is cheaper; places like Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan and the Philippines. These countries might not have the raw materials needed, so theyre often shipped there from countries like China, the U.S. and India. Once manufactured, the garments are put in shipping containers and sent by rail, container ships and eventually rail and trucks to the retailer.117mt hnh trnh ngn dm bt u vi mt bc duy nht

TRENDSPOTTING - "With the world on 1 page for the need for environment consciousness and ecofriendly way of living, the fashion and apparel industry is expected to witness sustainability as a major trend in 2016. With a global market size of $3 trillion

The Sustainable Design cycle.

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What do these two quintessential decade pieces have in common?

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2016 and 2017 Trends

1990s plus 1970s bohemian chicMultifunctional| Energetic | Contrasting

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2016 and 2017 TrendsAppreciation of World Cultures - Artisanal

Traditional | Specializing in unique technique | Handmade| Smaller-made | Articulate

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Products with an identity Products that show their origin Products with a story Hand-made products


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AlternativesVeganRecycled Organics

Fabrics playing a large role in this1990s coming back in, plus 70s bohemian and chicgrowing in deeper appreciative world cultures, artisan (bohemian)counter reaction to global styles which are blending because of global market accesstraditional techniquesMultifunctional active wear continues to growbeeswax water resistant sporty, outwear very popularPineapple fiber leaf otherwise left to rot (in Philippines, biggest industry) sustainable alt to leather and is vegan. Mushroom leather exotic leathers http://www.ananas-anam.com

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2016 17 icey pastels, stormy colors pinks, mineral, metals blacks, dark blue, hyper pigments. Rebellious use, bold colors, graphics energetic and contrasting

wool, silk blends knit options, recycled synthetics, organic textures, embossed, jakart, soft, plush fabrics, recycled fabrics are hugely growing. Light, translucent layeringLace and velvet are pretty popular

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+ Lace + Silk + Recycled + Synthetics + Soft + Plush + Translucent + Velvet

Fabrics playing a large role in this1990s coming back in, plus 70s bohemian and chicgrowing in deeper appreciative world cultures, artisan (bohemian)counter reaction to global styles which are blending because of global market accesstraditional techniqueswool, silk blends knit options, recycled synthetics, organic textures, embossed, jakart, soft, plush fabrics, recycled fabrics are hugely growing. Light, translucent layeringLace and velvet are pretty popularMultifunctional active wear continues to grow2016 17 icey pastels, stormy colors pinks, mineral, metals blacks, dark blue, hyper pigments. Rebellious use, bold colors, graphics energetic and contrastingbeeswax water resistant sporty, outwear very popularPineapple fiber leaf otherwise left to rot (in Philippines, biggest industry) sustainable alt to leather and is vegan. Mushroom leather exotic leathers http://www.ananas-anam.com

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Gold Tinted| Metals | Rustic| Silver | Minimalist |Dramatic | Cuffs | ArticulateCultural references: Fringes, tassels

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Sophisticated Recyling

Branding has become obligatory

It is an expression of confidence and commitment to your products and your business concept

It signals professionalism

Adds value to your product offer


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2016. 3. 5.131


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$350 billion e-commerce industry has doubled in the last five years.

E-commerce was responsible for much of the 35.4 million tons of containerboard produced in 2014 in the United States.

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UK online retail sales to reach 52.25bn in 2015

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Increase in direct importing retailers

Niche Market Lower Volumes Higher prices Shorter order frequency Long term relationships

Investigate opportunities of new online-economy (Fulfilment services, online payments etc.)

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Market slowly recovering

Importers scaling down order volumes Consumers more conscious about how they spendCampaigns to buy less, reusue, wear 30 times

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Campaign and Advocacy

Womens Day

Tuesday, March 8th

Fashion Revolution Day

May 14, 2016

Bangkok Conference October 19-23, 23-29 or 4-83 nights accommodation + Food + Workshops

Here to helpWorld Fair Trade Organization-Asia

Website: http://www.wfto-asia.com

Christine Gent director@wfto-asia.com

SAR, Profile and Application questions and supportElise Hawley sustainability@wfto-asia.com

Thank you