Καπνιστικές συνήθειες και χρήση...

Post on 21-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Καπνιστικές συνήθειες και χρήση...


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<+ "!0=2#*'/9 "#( #$42#;* ,/ !)0!1/9 ,(µ"/0+>#0:9 )!'!*=5.,49 !5)#-5 !"- >#+'4':9, ,;µ>.*! µ/ '4* :)-6/,4 '#( NIAAA (2013), /1*!+ 4 µ4 '&04,4 /*-9 ,'!6/0#; "0#20=µµ!'#9, 4 $+!6/,+µ-'4'! )!+ 4 "0#764,4 !5)##-5#;%.* "0#8-*'.* ,/ µ:04 -"#( ?#(* )!+ $0!,'40+#"#+-#;*'!+ #+ >#+'4':9, # µ/+.µ:*#9 :5/2%#9 2+! '4* )!'!*=-5.,4 !5)#-5 !"- !*451)#(9 & /*451)#(9 "#( "540#;* '# 45+)+!)- -0+# )!'!*=5.,49 !5)#-5, )!679 )!+ 4 :55/+34 "!0#(,1!9 2#*:.* & =55.* /*451).* .9 /5/2)'+)-9 µ4-%!*+,µ-9. <+ "/0+,,-'/0#+ >#+'4':9 /+,:0%#*'!+ ,'4* '0+'#-@=6µ+! /)"!1$/(,4 :%#*'!9 )="#+! "0-'("! )!'!*=5.,49 !5)#-5 '-,# !"- '#(9 2#*/19 )!+ '# #+)#2/*/+!)- "/0+@=5-5#* -,# )!+ !"- ,(*#µ451)#(9. <+ "07'#+ $;# µ&*/9 '49 >#+'4'+)&9 ?.&9 6/.0#;*'!+ .9 #+ "+# )01,+µ#+ 2+! '4* (+#6:'4,4 /"+)1*$(*.* "0!)'+)7* )!'!*=5.,49 !5)#-5 (ABCCC 2013). D(2)/)0+µ:*!, ,'+9 EFC, !55= )!+ ,/ =55! )0='4 -"#( #+ >#+'4':9 $+!µ:*#(* ,/ /,'1/9 /*'-9 '#( "!-*/"+,'4µ+!)#; %70#(, 4 )!'!*=5.,4 !5)#-5 !221?/+ (34-5-'/0! /"1"/$! !"- -'+ ,/ )0='4 -"#( $+!µ:*#(* /)'-9 "!*/"+,'4µ+#;"#549, ,/ +$+.'+)= /*#+)+!?-µ/*! $+!µ/01-,µ!'!. <+ >#+'4':9 $/ "#( $+!µ:*#(* µ/ '#(9 2#*/19 '#(9, ,4µ/+7*#(* '! %!µ45-'/0! "#,#,'= )!'!*=5.,49 !5)#-5 (Lorant et al 2013).

G*!9 !)-µ4 "!0=2#*'!9 µ/ +$+!1'/0! +,%(0& /"1$0!,4 ,'#* '0-"# )!'!*=5.,49 !5)#-5 !"- '#(9 >#+'4':9, /1*!+ 4 )#+*.*+)& ,(*!*!,'0#>& µ/ ,(*#µ451)#(9, "#( :%#(* !*!"';H/+ &$4 /"+)1*$(*! µ#'1@! )!'!*=5.,49 !5)#-5 (ABCCC 2013). I55#+ "!0=2#*'/9 "#( /"40/=?#(* '4 %0&-,4 '#( !5)#-5 !"- '#(9 >#+'4':9, /1*!+ '! "0#@5&µ!'! µ/ ,(*#µ451)#(9 ,/ "0#,."+)- /"1"/$#, -".9 # /)>#@+,µ-9 (bulling), 4 :55/+34 !('#"/"#164,49, '! "0#@5&µ!'! )#+-*.*+)#"#14,49, 4 )!'!*=5.,4 !5)#-5 ,'4* "07+µ4 />4-@+)& 45+)1! )!+ 4 )!'!*=5.,4 !5)#-5 !"- 2#*/19 & ='#µ! '#( ,(22/*+)#; "/0+@=55#*'#9 (Cleveland et al 2012).

!"#$% &%' ()*'#'&"+ ,-"'%+ -'% #) %*&))*&%' #) &%(.'+!% +#) /)'#0#'&) (*01,+!)F!0-5# "#( # /"+"#5!,µ-9 '-,# 2+! '# )="*+,µ!, -,# )!+ 2+! '4* )!'!*=5.,4 !5)#-5 ,'4* J55=$! /)'+µ='!+ (34-5-9 ,'# >#+'4'+)- "546(,µ-, , $/* :%/+ )!'!20!>/1 )!µ1! ,(*'#*+,µ:*4 "0#,"=6/+! "0#,:22+,49 )!+ /"15(,49 '#( "0#@5&µ!'#9 ,/ ,%:,4 µ/ =55/9 %70/9 (F!*',1$49 )!+ ,(* 2012). E />!0µ#2& "0#20!µµ='.* !2.2&9 )!+ "0#-!2.2&9 (2/1!9 ,'# "5!1,+# '#( "!*/"+,'4µ1#( µ"#0/1 *! !*!'0:3/+ '4* (+#6:'4,4 '.* ,(µ"/0+>#07* !('7* ,'4* /*&5+)4 ?.&. E !"#'/5/,µ!'+)-'4'= '#(9 .,'-,#, /H!0'=-'!+ !"- '4 ,(µµ/'#%& '49 "#5+'/1!9 )!+ '4 $0!,'40+#"#14,4 '.* +6(*-*'.* ,'4* )!'/;6(*,4 '49 "0-54349, !55= )!+

'#( /5:2%#( !)0!1.* ,(µ"/0+>#07* )!'!*=5.,49 !5-)#-5, )!679 )!+ '4* "!21.,4 %70.* /5/;6/0.* !"- '# )="*+,µ!. I55.,'/, -".9 !"#$/+)*;/'!+ )!+ !"- '+9 "0#-,"=6/+/9 ,/ "!*/"+,'&µ+! )(01.9 '.* EFC, $/* µ"#0/1 *! ("=0H/+ )!*:*! 6/'+)- !"#':5/,µ! ,/ !('-* '#* '#µ:!, "!0= µ-*# !* 21*/+ ,(*'#*+,µ:*4 "0#,"=6/+! ,/ !'#µ+)-, )#+*.*+)- /"1"/$# )!+ /"1"/$# ,'4* >#+'4'+)& )#+*-'4'! (ABCCC 2007, ABCCC 2013).

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D%/'+)= µ/ '! µ:'0! )!+ '+9 "#5+'+):9 2+! '4* !*'+µ/'7-"+,4 '#( )!"*1,µ!'#9, 4 $4µ+#(021! *#µ#6/'+)7* 0(6µ1-,/.* 2+! '4* />!0µ#2& )!+ $+!'&04,4 )5/+,'7* $4µ-,+.* %70.*, ,'#(9 #"#1#(9 6! !"!2#0/;/'!+ '# )="*+,µ!, 6/-.0/1'!+ .9 '# );0+# µ:'0# !*'+µ/'7"+,49 '#(9 "0#@5&µ!-'#9 '49 !(H4µ:*49 )!'!*=5.,49 )!"*#; )!+ '49 :)6/,49 ,/ "!64'+)- )="*+,µ! ,'#(9 >#+'4':9 (Callinan et al 2010, WHO 2011). F#55= "!*/"+,'&µ+! '.* EFC, !55= )!+ '49 J(07"49, :%#(* 6/,"1,/+ '4* !"!2-0/(,4 '#( )!"*1,µ!-'#9 ,/ -5#(9 '#(9 )5/+,'#;9 %70#(9 )!+ ,/ )="#+! :%/+ "0#%.0&,/+ 4 !"!2-0/(,4 )!+ ,'#(9 /H.'/0+)#;9 %7-0#(9 (Haghdoost et al 2013, CDC 2014). J*'#;'#+9, ("=0%/+ 4 :*$/+H4 -'+ µ/ '4* !"!2-0/(,4 '#( )!"*1,µ!'#9 ,'#(9 >#+'4':9 "0#)!5/1'!+ '# !*'16/'# !"#':5/,µ! !"- '! /"+-6(µ4'= %!µ45= "#,#,'= )!+ !;H4,4 '49 "!0!@!'+)-'4'!9 (Martinelli et al 1999). D(µ"540.µ!'+)- µ:'0# ,'4* )!-'/;6(*,4 !('& /1*!+ )!+ 4 µ/1.,4 '49 $+!6/,+µ-'4'!9 '.* "0#8-*'.* )!"*#; ,'#(9 %70#(9 '.* "!*/"+,'4µ1.* )!-679 )!+ )#*'= ,/ !('= (CDC 2014).

K/2!5;'/04 !"#'/5/,µ!'+)-'4'! :%#(* )!'!20=3/+ #+ "#5+'+):9 2+! '4 µ/1.,4 '#( )!"*1,µ!'#9, #+ #"#1/9 "/0+-5!µ@=*#(* -%+ µ-*# !(,'40& '&04,4 '49 "!0!"=*. *#-µ#6/,1!9 !55= )!+ "0#20=µµ!'! !2.2&9 )!+ "0#!2.2&9 (2/1!9 µ/ ,(µµ/'#%& '.* >#+'4'7*, !>#; :%/+ "0#4246/1 µ/5:'4 '.* )!"*+,'+)7* '#(9 ,(µ"/0+>#07* )!+ !*'+5&-3/.* (WHO 2011). D/ µ/5:'4 µ/ $/12µ! "/01"#( 13.000 "0#"'(%+!)#;9 >#+'4':9 "!*/"+,'4µ1.* '49 "#5+'/1!9 '#( L:H!9, >=*4)/ -'+ 4 />!0µ#2& )!'=5545.* "0#20!µµ='.*


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=-)2 %&4$ "$-!1+'2() >0%("!-$4 "$4 ) +,(#4() !4&4"62 76082 "$#2%(µ$-.*, ) &)µ4.'09%$ 4(-;-.#.' 94$ +,µ$-$ (7!-4"3 µ! -. "3#24(µ$, "$+6* "$4 ) µ!%8() -)* &43+!()* -82 #0.<;2-82 "$#2.1 (! 760.'* ".2-3 (! #$2!#4(-:µ4$ (Harvard-School of Public Health 2015). ?4 #$0$#328 #$-0!µ>3(!4* #0.@#.+,-.'2 -)2 "$-$90$/: (monitoring) -.' /$42.µ,2.' µ! -$ "$-355)5$ !09$5!%$ $2%72!'()*.

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=-)2 E553&$ -$ µ,-0$ $#$9;0!'()* -.' "$#2%(µ$-.* #$0;5. #.' ,7!4 2.µ.+!-)+!% (7!-4"; #5$%(4. #.553"4*, !2 -.1-.4* &!2 ,7!4 !/$0µ.(-!% (-$ #!04((;-!0$ µ,0). G$ "104$ 2.µ.+!-4"3 µ,-0$ #.' ,7.'2 5)/+!% (-) 760$ µ$* !%2$4 $#.-,5!(µ$ !2$0µ;24()* -)* !55)24":* 2.µ.+!(%$* #0.* -4* !'08#$<",* .&)9%!* 1989/622, 2001/37, 2003/33. =1µ/82$ µ! $'-3 '#307!4 #5:0)* $#$9;0!'() -.' "$-#2%(µ$-.* (-$ µ,($ µ$H4":* µ!-$/.03*, (-$ +,$-0$ "$4 -.'* "42)µ$-.903/.'*, (-4* '#)0!(%!* '9!%$*, (-$ (7.5!%$ #08-.>3+µ4$* "$4 &!'-!0.>3+µ4$* !"#$%&!'()*. J!04": $#$9;0!'() (! !(-4$-;04$, µ#$0 "$4 "$/!-,04!*, (! &)-µ;(4$ "-%04$ "$4 (! !(8-!04".1* 760.'* !09$(%$*, !26 &!2 '#307!4 !#.#-!%$ (-)2 !/$0µ.9: -82 $#$9.0!1(!82. A &4$/:µ4() !#%()* (-$ µ,($ µ$H4":* !2)µ,08()* 94$ -$ #0.<;2-$ "$#2.1 !%2$4 #5:0)*, !26 (! 760.'* ;#8* .4 "42)µ$-.903/.4 ) $#$9;0!'() !%2$4 µ!04":. K!2 '#307!4 ;µ8* "$2,2$* #!04.04(µ;* (! ;-4 $/.03 (-)2 '#$%+04$ &4-$/:µ4() µ,(8 #42$"%&82, (! ()µ!%$ #65)()* ;#8* (-$ #!0%#-!0$ "$4 (! !/)µ!0%&!* "$4 (! #!04.&4"3. =-$ -04-.->3+µ4$ 4&01µ$-$ -)* 760$* '#307!4 µ!04": $#$9;0!'() -.' "$#2%(µ$-.*, &!&.µ,2.' -.' ;-4 &!2 !#4-0,#!-$4 -. "3#24(µ$ (-.'* 760.'* -82 4&0'µ3-82, $2 "$4 $'-; &!2 -)0!%-$4 #5:08* (C03(42) L%>5.* 2007).

A #5)0./;0)() -.' #5)+'(µ.1 (-)2 E553&$ "$4 )

!/$0µ.9: #0.90$µµ3-82 $989:* '9!%$* !/$0µ;H!-$4 $#.(#$(µ$-4"3 "$4 &!2 '#307!4 .09$28µ,2) &0$(-)-04;-)-$ µ! µ$H4",* "$µ#324!* !2)µ,08()* (Kyrlesi et al 2007).

A #$9";(µ4$ !#4(-)µ.24": ".42;-)-$, -$ -!5!'-$%$ 70;24$, !#4"!2-062!-$4 (-)2 #0.(#3+!4$ $2-4µ!-6#4()* -.' #0.>5:µ$-.* -)* >$043* !#!4(.&4$":* "$-$2358()* $5"..5.1782 #.-62 (binge drinking) $#; /.4-)-,* "$4 -82 !#4&03(!82 #.' ,7!4 (-)2 '9!%$ -;(. -82 %&482, ;(. "$4 -82 $-;µ82 -.' #!04>355.2-;* -.'*. ?4 #.54-4",* '9!%$* 94$ -)2 $2-4µ!-6#4() -82 ('µ#!04/.062 $'-62 +$ #0,-#!4 2$ #!045$µ>32.'2 µ,-0$ #0;5)M)* "$4 #$0,µ>$()*, "$+6* "$4 +!0$#!'-4",* (-0$-)94",* #.' +$ (-.7!1.'2 (! 3-.µ$, $553 "$4 (-. (12.5. -.' /.4-)-4".1 #5)+'(µ.1 (Scott-Sheldon et al 2012).

=-4* ACD, -. NIAAA µ! $2$".%28(: -.' -. 2002, !#4-"!2-06+)"! (-)2 $23&!4B) $'-.1 -.' #0.>5:µ$-.* µ! -)2 #$0.'(%$() -82 #$0$9;2-82 "42&12.' "$4 -)2 -!"µ)04-8µ,2) #$03+!() (-0$-)94"62 #$0,µ>$()*. J! >3() -. "!%µ!2. $'-; $2$#-17+)"$2 ('9"!"04µ,2!* (-0$-)94",* .4 .#.%!* $2$#-1((.2-$4 (! 3 !#%#!&$ #.' $/.0.12 (NIAAA 2002) (-4* (-0$-)94",* #.' (-.7!1.'2 (! $-.µ4"; !#%#!&., (-. !#%#!&. -82 /.4-)-62 "$4 (! !"!%2!* #.' (-.7!1.'2 (-)2 ".42;-)-$ #.' #!04>355!4 -. #$2!#4(-:µ4. (!"#$%$& 2). ? ('2&'$(µ;* "$4 ;74 ) $#.(#$(µ$-4": !/$0µ.9: -82 (-0$-)94"62 $'-62, +!80!%-$4 "0%(4µ) 94$ -)2 $#.-!5!-(µ$-4";-)-3 -.'* (NIAAA 2007). ?4 #$0!µ>3(!4* +$ #0,#!4 2$ (-.7!1.'2 (-.2 "$-355)5. #5)+'(µ;. N4$ #$03&!49µ$, (! /.4-)-4".1* #5)+'(µ.1* 'M)5.1 "42&12.' "0%2!-$4 $#$0$%-)-) ) !/$0µ.9: #!04((.-,082 $-.µ4"62 (-0$-)-94"62 (! (7,() µ! #5)+'(µ.1* 7$µ)5;-!0.' "42&12.', ;#.' .4 !/$0µ.9,* !'0!%$* #5)0./;0)()* µ,(8 !4&4"62 &4$&4"-'$"62 4(-;-.#82 /$%2!-$4 2$ ,7.'2 µ!9$51-!0) $#.-!5!(µ$-4";-)-$ (Carey et al 2012, Lane et al 2012).

?4 -.µ!%* (-.'* .#.%.'* !(-43H!4 . C?O, #!04,7.'2 #.54-4",* '9!%$* #.' "$51#-.'2 ;5. -. /3(µ$ -82 #4+$-262 #$0$9;2-82 "$-370)()* -.' $5".;5 "$4 !#!2&1.'2 (-.2 ,5!97. -)* "$-$2358(:* -.' (-)2 ".42;-)-$ µ! -)2 "42)-.#.%)() &.µ62 '9!%$*, &.µ62 ".42824":* #0;2.4$*, /.0,82 !"#$%&!'()* "$4 -)2 !/$0µ.9: ('2-.24(µ,282 #0.90$µµ3-82 $553H.2-$* -)2 $-.µ4": $553 "$4 -) ('5-5.94": ('µ#!04/.03 (WHO 2010, Scott-Sheldon 2012). P&4$%-!0) ()µ$(%$ &%2!-$4 (-)2 .5."5)08µ,2) $2-4µ!-6-#4() #!04(-$-4"62 "$-$70)(-4":* 70:()* "$4 !µ/324()* !B30-)()* $#; -. $5".;5, (-4* #.54-4",* 94$ -) µ!%8() .&:9)()* (! "$-3(-$() µ,+)*, (-) &4$+!(4µ;-)-$ -.' $5-".;5, (-.2 ,5!97. #0.6+)()* "$4 #65)()* $5"..5.1782 #.-62 "$+6* "$4 (-) +,(#4() 2.µ.+!(%$* 94$ -.2 ,5!97. -.' µ) $&!4.&.-)µ,2.' $5".;5. G. $5".;5 $'-; $/.03 (! .42.#2!'µ$-6&) #0.<;2-$ #.' #$0:7+)($2 (! .4".9!2!4-$"3 3-'#$ $#.(-$"-:04$, #$032.µ$ : 5$+0$%$, "$+6* "$4 (! '#."$-3(-$-$ -.' $5".;5 #.' &!2 #0..0%H.2-$4 94$ "$-


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C4" !(# )"-"6+%+<,('( 6"4 3)4!8-('( !&# )"-3µ9$-'3&# ")* !(# 6-"!468 54+@6('(, ," )-1)34 #" 365@5+#!"4 !"6!461B 36,1'34B µ3 '!"!4'!46$ '!+423@" :4" !(# 6"!"#$%&-'( !+7 "%6+*%, !( ,#(!*!(!" 6"4 ,#('4µ*!(!" )+7 3)4=1-34 ( 6"!"2-('!468 6"!"#$%&'8 !+7, "%%$ 6"4 !(# "D4+%*:('( !&# 5+µ># 6"4 )-+:-"µµ$!&# )+7 12+7# "#")!72,3@ '!+# !+µ1" !(B 3#(µ1-&'(B !+7 6+4#+< 6"4 '!(# )-*%(E( !&# 6-+7'µ$!&# "%6++%4'µ+< 6"4 !&# 3)4)!>'3># !+7 (!"#$-%$& 3).

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F J%%$5", '<µ=&#" µ3 '!+423@" !+7 /.0, 54",1!34 ")* !+ 2006 :-")!8 )+%4!468 "#!4µ3!>)4'(B :4" !( µ3@&'( !(B 6"!$2-('(B !+7 "%6+*%, ( +)+@" 3="-µ*A3!"4 µ3-46>B (WHO 2014). K3!468 6-@#3!"4 ( '7µµ3!+28 !(B 3)4'!(µ+-#468B 6+4#*!(!"B '3 µ3%1!3B )+7 543D$:+#!"4 '!+# :3#46* )%(,7'µ* !(B J%%$5+B, "%%$ 6"4 '3 34546+<B )%(,7'µ+<B *)&B '!+7B #1+7B (J/LM0 2012). N3 "7!* !+# !-*)+ )"-"-6+%+7,3@!"4 ( 3D1%4D( !+7 ="4#+µ1#+7. ;!(# J%%$5" &'!*-'+, 53# 7)$-234 #+µ+,3!46*B )-+'54+-4'µ*B !(B 1##+4"B


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Anastasia Nanou1, Maria Saridi2, Kyriakos Souliotis3

1. RN, MSc, Thriassio Hospital, Athens, Greece2. PhD, Scientific Fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Peloponnese, Korinthos, Greece3. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Peloponnese, Korinthos, Greece

ABSTRACTAlcohol consumption and smoking among adolescents worldwide is increasing without any apparent differences between developed and developing countries. Increased rates of smoking and alcohol abuse have been documented among university students worldwide. In Greece, smoking habits and alcohol consumption among university students have only been a part of wider epidemiological surveys regarding general health issues. The prevalence of smoking and alcohol consumption among university students in Greece is presumably high, but so far there haven’t been any targeted efforts to focus on and deal with this issue, as it happens in other countries. Some basic factors that contribute to higher tobacco and alcohol consumption are that those products are readily available, alcoholic beverages are promoted and distributed without any formal restrictions , and smoking ban laws are for the most part neglected. The international scientific community has recently focused on the issue of tobacco and alcohol abuse among young university students and the impact on their health and the health of their social circle. Health policies addressing this issue should include prevention and intervention measures and also treatment strategies aiming both individually and at the entire university student population. The aim of this review is to inform the scientific community about the prevalence of smoking and alcohol use in university students, about factors determining this behavior and measures and policies that apply to control this phenomenon.

KEYWORDS: Alcohol, health policy, smoking, university students

Smoking Habits and Alcohol Use. Epidemiological data and countermeasures

Corresponding Author: Maria SaridiE-mail: sarmar32@windowslive.com!elephone Number: +306974439637

Submission Date: 02 Oct 2015Publication Date: 01 Dec 2015
