Explosive and Regular

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Comparing volcano eruptions to poop to better understand the concept

Transcript of Explosive and Regular




What do these words have in common?


They are descriptive words for…

poop & volcanoes

poop can be explosive and regular

…need I say more?

I don’t think so!


Volcanoes can be explosive and regular

…need I say more?

Don’t mind if I do

Volcanoes can be explosive…

What does that mean?


Volcanoes can be dangerously explosive

because of theblockage of rock

over the main vent (the throat of the volcano).


The blockage traps

the hot gases

and magma (melted rock under the ground)

in the chamber.



The trapped gases and magma build

but the blocked vent can’t

handle the it forever

too much, becomes

pressure when the

the trapped gases and magma

explode out of the vent

and showers

down on land


as tephra (ash, cinders, and flaming rocks).

Volcanoes are not always dangerous

Volcanoes can be regular

What does that mean?

???? ??? ??? ? ??

Volcanoes that tend to erupt regularly

are not as dangerous

because thevent is not blocked.

the lava (melted rock above the ground)

can flow freely whenever it pleases.

some gases can get trapped

little ofcausing bursts lava

that spews into the air.

So remember

if you ever think about moving

to Hawaii

or near Mt. Saint Helens

pick Hawaii because of her regular eruptions

the less unexpected explosions in your life the better