Explore Dynamics CRM 2014 - Microsoft en CRM Partners

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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Microsoft en CRM Partners presenteerden tijdens Explore Dynamics CRM de nieuwste mogelijkheden van Dynamics Marketing.

Transcript of Explore Dynamics CRM 2014 - Microsoft en CRM Partners

Het tijdperk van de klant 2.0 en de

invloed op marketing

Wendy Bakker, Microsoft

Erms Suripatty, CRM Partners

Yes! We finally found our dream house! Now

looking for our dream mortgage… any


Yes! We finally found our dream house! Now

looking for our dream mortgage… any


Hi Mary, how could FinanceBank help you

with your mortgage? Read more about our

customer experiences ow.ly/ugEmk

Hi Mary, how could FinanceBank help you

with your mortgage? Read more about our

customer experiences ow.ly/ugEmk

FinanceBank lead scoring model (1)

John Adams


FinanceBank lead scoring model (1)

Campaign (Interaction) Is In Set Explore Dynamics CRM 2015 10

Email Message Is In Set VIP email message 100 For Each Click

Campaign (Interaction) Is In Set New subscription, new account, online banking 50

Website Is In Set Product Landing Page 250

Mary Jane Smith

John Adams

Mary Jane Smith

+331 538234

Mary Jane Smith


John Adams

Needs to respond on Tweet about XYZ BankOpportunity: Created by John Adams for Account Mary Jane SmithOn Need to respond on Tweet about XYZ Bank ‘s wallToday 8:30 AM

Mary Jane SmithAccount: Created by John Adams On Mary Jane Smith‘s wallToday 7:52 AM

Contact information requiredInformation on FinanceBank via Landing PageCase: Created by John Adams for Account Mary Jane SmithOn Information on FinanceBank via Landing Page ‘s wallToday 9:02 AMOriginating Lead

Programma #ExploreDynCRM

16.00 Keynote Microsoft Dynamics CRM makes Business


Hayley Bass (Microsoft) en

Francois Rüf (Microsoft)


17.00 Borrel Bovenfoyer