Expl NetFund Ch 01 Intro - 56 Slides

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CCNA1-1 Chapter 1

Welcome to Cisco 1

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CCNA1-2 Chapter 1

Course Objectives

• To obtain the CCNA certification after course completion.• To work as a team to discover and learn Cisco networking

• To find and obtain course resource information

• To treat this course link a professional business meeting.

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CCNA1-3 Chapter 1

CCNA Certification

ICND1 (640-822)

ICND2 (640-816)

= US$250

= US$125= US$125

Expectation:At the end of Cisco 1&2 you will write ICND1At the end of Cisco 3&4 you will write ICND2

This will give you your CCNA at the end of this course

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CCNA1-4 Chapter 1

Qualification for Cisco Industry Certification Exam

Discount Vouchers 

• Q. What are discount vouchers?

• A. Discount vouchers allow qualified Networking Academy students to take the following Cisco certificationexams at a reduced cost:

• ICND1 (640-822)

• ICND2 (640-816)

• Cisco CCNA® Composite (640-802) 

• Q. How many discount vouchers are Networking Academy students eligible for?

• A. Upon successful completion of the required coursework, each qualifying Networking Academy student

will be eligible for one discount voucher for each of the following exams: ICND1 (640-822), ICND2 (640-816), and CCNA Composite (640-802).

• Q. How do students qualify for a discount voucher?

• A. For CCNA vouchers, students must complete all four courses of CCNA Exploration and receive a scoreof 75 percent or higher on their first attempt of the final exam for the final CCNA Exploration course;Accessing the WAN.

• Q. How much is a voucher discount worth?

• A. Cisco Networking Academy vouchers provide discounts of 50 percent off the regular retail price ofcertification exams. The balance is paid by the student before taking the exam.

• Q. How can students request a discount voucher?

• A. When students pass the first attempt of a qualifying final exam with a score of 75 percent or higher, thatinformation will automatically be entered into Academy Connection and a link to the voucher request formwill appear on their Academy Connection Student Home page. After requesting a voucher through thislink, students will receive confirmation and the voucher number will appear in their student profile, alongwith an expiration date.

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CCNA1-5 Chapter 1

Certification Exam – Student Feedback

Mike I wanted to let you know, I passed the CCNA 640-802 test today, with a 934/1000 (it would have been higher, but see the

commentary below)

Lessons Learned

• You can NEVER go back, if you skip a question, it's wrong.

• Passing Grade is 825/1000

• Simulations are worth around 50 points ( I know this because I skipped it, and realized too late, DOH!)

• Read a question fully, if it says select 3, and you choose 2, it will not warn you on some questions.

• Know your routing, and routing behaviour, there will be some tricky ones on the test for sure

• Things that will be on the Exam. STP, Access-Lists, and EIGRP

• Know your command-line

• Tab does not finish commands on the test, ? still works

• You must have the know how to use command line to get the answers you need ie, show vtp status to get the ip of the vtpserver, and use show cdp neighbor detail to get its name

• Do your packet tracer labs, or don't bother with the exam, there are many of "How do we solve this questions"

Mike I just thought you should know I found the test easy, but it was the hard work on my end, and your mentoring that lead tothe easy test.

One suggestion ok, maybe two, make sure you go over STP and drive home the Root Bridge Election portion more,

Access-lists we need more time to work on those, they are linked to so many things.

Overall, I feel the Cisco coarse was the highlight of the ITP program for me personally because of my IT background, especiallythe WAN section, that shined a light into dark area's of my experience.

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CCNA1-6 Chapter 1

Class Ground Rules

• Each class is considered a business meeting that starts at 8:30amsharp• If you can’t be in class please let instructor know asap • No emailing, IM’ing, or gaming during lectures please • No leaving class until your work is complete or the Instructor ends

the day.• Lab completion must be demonstrated to Instructor• Dress code is business casual (accept jean Fridays)

• Men’s business casual • Women’s business casual 

• Food & drinks allowed if cleaned up immediately• Workstations have clean desk policy at end of day• Try to use Millennium Days to write Certifications• This course will focus on researching information more than


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Test/Exam Rules

• No talking• No texting

• No Instant Messaging

• No emailing

• Only Cisco exam Window allowed open on your PC• Only Instructor provided hard copy reference materials are


• 1 two minute bathroom break is allowed

• Cheating 1st offense gets you a “0” on the test/exam 

• Cheating 2nd offense gets you a “0” on the course 

• Cheating 3rd offense hets you removed from the College

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Gradebook Weightings

A pass is 70%.You must pass the exam (70%) to pass the course module.

Each module is a prerequisite to the next module.You must prove to Instructor/TA a lab in complete to get credit.

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Best Practices

• Complete all work during class time• Work in small teams to complete labs & assessments

• Don’t cheat yourself by copying assessment/exam answers 

• For best understanding read the Cisco Academy chapter

• Try to relate networking to a post office. They are similar.

• Use FireFox, as IE has some problems with Cisco website

• This course will focus on researching information more thanmemorizing

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Typical Student Challenges

• If Internet Explorer doesn’t work try FireFox • Subnetting (see reference sheet)

• Acronyms – knowing them & what they mean (seehttp://acronymsonline.com/Default.asp)

• Command Line Interface (CLI Command Reference.pdf) • Wrong cabling (straight thru vs cross-over)

• Workload

• Time Management

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Available Resources

• Cisco Academy Online (demo)• CCNA Study Guide (textbook)

• Google

• YouTube

• Specific Websites

• Reference Handouts

• Presentation Material

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A Typical Day

• Typical Cisco Day• 8:30 – 9:00 – Round Table Discussion

• 9:00 – 10:30 –Chapter Lecture

• 10:30 – 10:45 - Break

• 10:45 – Noon - Continue lecture and/or start Labs

• Noon – 1:00 - Lunch

• 1:00 – 3:00 – Labs (Packet Tracer & Hands On)

• 3:00 – 4:30 - Chapter reading

• Homework – Chapter Assessment/Test

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Module  Chapter #  Chapter Name  Labs Assessmen

t #  Readings 

Cisco 1 

Day 1 1&2 Intro & Comm

PT 1.7.1 & PT 2.7.1HO Lab 2.2.5 & HO 2.6.1

2 Chapter 1 & 2

Day 2 3&4 Appl & Trans Layer PT 3.5.1 & PT 4.6.1 3 & 4 Chapter 3 & 4

Day 3 5&6.1 Net Layer & IPv4.1

PT 5.6.1 & PT 6.8.1

HO 6.7.3 (Paper Labs) & Subnet Assignments 1 & 25 Chapter 5 & 6.1

Day 4 6.2&6.3&7 IPv4 & Data LayerHO 6.7.4 & HO 6.7.5

6 & 7 Chapter 6.2 & 7

Day 5 7&8 Data Layer & Phys Layer

PT 7.6.1 & PT 8.5.1HO 7.5.2

8 Chapter 7 & 8

Day 6<<< Lab Catch Up/Contingency Day >>>

Day 7 10 Plan

PT 10.7.1

HO 10.3.2 & HO 10.6.1 10 Chapter 10

Day 8 11 Configuring

PT 11.6.1HO 11.5.1 & HO 11.5.4 & HO 11.5.6

11 Chapter 11

Day 9 9.1&9.2 Ethernet

PT 9.9.1 & HO 9.8.1 & HO 9.8.2HO 9.9.3

9 Chapter 9

Day 10 ExamPractice Exam (2 Hours) & Final Exam (2 Hours)

Exam None

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Chapter 1

Living in a

Network-Centric World

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CCNA1-15 Chapter 1


• Chapter Video • The Network Evolution

• Communications – Quality

• Network As A Platform

• Converged Networks

• The Architecture of the Internet

• Trends in Networking

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CCNA1-16 Chapter 1

Global Access

• The globalization of the Internet has progressed faster than

anyone could have imagined.

• The manner in which social, commercial, political andpersonal interactions occur is rapidly changing to keep upwith the evolution of this global network.

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CCNA1-17 Chapter 1

Networks – Behind the Scenes

• Networks are more than just connecting cables.

• They are a complex and sophisticated combination ofprotocols, softwareand hardware.

• Security and Privacy

• 24 x 7 availability

• Quality of Service

• Video on Demand

• Voice over IP (VoIP)• Redundancy and backup

• Mission critical applications and user expectations

• Wireless

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CCNA1-18 Chapter 1

Networks – The Early Days

• Early communication relied on face-to-face conversations.

• The telephone was used for voice and the post officedelivered most of the written communications.

• Video communication was one-way using the television.

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CCNA1-19 Chapter 1

Networks – The Early Days

• Early networks were limited to character based information.• Communications between computers was not easy and

required a host (no pun intended) of resources to accomplishthe simplest data transfer.

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CCNA1-20 Chapter 1

Networks – Today

• Today’s networks carry multiple types of information through

many types of devices - SIMULTANEOUSLY .

• Voice, Video, Audio, Text, graphics

Silver and DiamondCell Phone $1.3Million

Wind Energy Cell Phone Charger

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CCNA1-21 Chapter 1

Networks – Today – A Global Community

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CCNA1-22 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Live

The Internet has quickly become an integral part of our dailyroutines.

• Data networks that were once only used to transportbusiness information are now used to improve our quality oflife no matter where we live.

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CCNA1-23 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Live

In the course of the day,Internet resources canhelp you.

• IM - Instant Messaging:

• Internet Relay Chat (IRC)• Blogs (Weblogs):

• Personal opinions on any conceivable subject.

• Podcasting:

Sharing recordings with a wide audience (Apple iPods)• Wikis:

• A collaboration tool. Gives people the opportunity to worktogether on shared documents.

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CCNA1-24 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Learn


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CCNA1-25 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Learn

Online discussions and access to resources.

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CCNA1-26 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Learn

• Tools - Packet Tracer (Video)

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CCNA1-27 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Work

• Business networks evolved to enable the transmission ofmany different types of information services, including e-mail,video, messaging, and telephony.

• Different companies use different types of networks.

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CCNA1-28 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Work

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CCNA1-29 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Play

• The entertainment and travel industries have made use of theInternet to provide online gaming, music and moviedownloads, online travel bookings, hotel and car reservationsand much, much more.

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CCNA1-30 Chapter 1

Networks Supporting The Way We Play

• Some of the most innovative developments in networktechnology have come from the increasing demand forentertainment.

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CCNA1-31 Chapter 1

Communications – What is it?

• Communications can take many forms and occurs in manydifferent environments.

• We establish rules, or protocols, for communicating with eachother:

• Identify the sender and receiver.• Agree on the method.

• Common language.

• Speed and delivery of the message.

• Confirmation that the message was received.

• Communications between individuals is successful if themeaning of the received message is the same as themeaning of the message that was sent.

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CCNA1-32 Chapter 1

Communications - Quality

For data networks, we use the same basic criteria to judgesuccessful communication.

• However, there are external factors that can affect themessage.

• The quality of the pathway between the sender and therecipient.

• The number of times the message has to change form orbe redirected or re-addressed.

• The number of other messages being transmitted

simultaneously on the communication network.• The amount of time allotted for successful


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CCNA1-33 Chapter 1

Communications - Quality

There are also internal factors that can affect successfulcommunication.

Message Size



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CCNA1-34 Chapter 1

Communications - Quality

•It is also more difficult to deliver a large, bulky packagesuccessfully and without damage than it is to deliver severalsmaller packages.

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CCNA1-35 Chapter 1

Network As A Platform

All networks have 4 basic elements in common:

Rules (protocols) to govern the handling of the message. 

Messages that travel from one device to another. 

Medium that is used to interconnect devices and cantransport the messages from one device to another. 

Devices on the network that exchange messages.

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CCNA1-36 Chapter 1

Network As A Platform

Rules on a network seem almost endless – but they’re not. 

• Other Application Protocols:


• Some Other Protocols:

• TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Ethernet, Routing Protocols

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CCNA1-37 Chapter 1

Network As A Platform

Messages take many forms.

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CCNA1-38 Chapter 1

Network As A Platform

Media on a network can be varied.

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CCNA1-39 Chapter 1

Network As A Platform

Devices on a network – Common Symbols

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CCNA1-40 Chapter 1

Putting It all Together

1. Converted to Binary.

2. NIC generates signals.

3. Passed among LAN devices.

4. Exit the local area (router).

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CCNA1-41 Chapter 1

Putting It all Together

The many interconnecteddevices worldwide are often

represented by a cloud.

5. Bits are transmitted todevices that interconnectthe networks.

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CCNA1-42 Chapter 1

Putting It all Together

6. Passed among localdevices at the destination.

7. The destination device convertsthe bits into human readable form.

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CCNA1-43 Chapter 1

Putting It all Together

1 2 3 4


6 7

At each of these steps, there areprotocols that define the rules for

device communication.

P i I All T h

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CCNA1-44 Chapter 1

Putting It All Together

Of course, it always helps to know what you’re doing. 

C d N k

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CCNA1-45 Chapter 1

Converged Networks

Traditional telephone, radio, television, and computer datanetworks each have their own individual versions of the fourbasic network elements.

C d N k

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CCNA1-46 Chapter 1

Converged Networks

Technology advances are enabling us to consolidate thesedisparate networks onto one platform.

• A platform defined as a converged network.

C d N t k

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CCNA1-47 Chapter 1

Converged Networks

Th A hit t f th I t t

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CCNA1-48 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

The term Network Architecture defines… • Technologies that support the infrastructure

• Programmed services and protocols that move themessages across that infrastructure.

• There are 4 basic characteristics for networks in general tomeet user expectations:

• Fault tolerance

• Scalability

• Quality of Service (QoS)• Security

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CCNA1-49 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Fault Tolerance

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CCNA1-50 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Fault Tolerance:• The Internet, in its early inception, was the result of

research funded by the United States Department ofDefense (DoD).

• Fault tolerance was the focus of the initial internetworkdesign.

• Early network researchers looked at the existingcommunication networks, which were primarily for thetransmission of voice traffic, to determine what could bedone to improve the fault tolerance level.

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CCNA1-51 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Circuit Switched –

Connection-Oriented Networks

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CCNA1-52 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Packet Switched – Connectionless Networks

The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-53 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Circuit Switched(Typical phone switch)

Packet Switched(Typical computer switch)

Connection-oriented Connectionless

Dedicated Circuit Shared Circuit

Guaranteed level of service

(Bandwidth, QoS)Messages divided into packets

Inefficient use of Medium Efficient use of Medium

Single path, no redundancyFault Tolerant, multiple possiblepaths

The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-54 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet


The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-55 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

A good example of scalability is the Tier architecture of theInternet.Tier 2: Pay Tier 1 providers for

connectivity and provideregional service.

Tier 1: ISPs provide nationaland international connections.(Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, NTT,

cable systems, etc.)



Tier 3: Provide service to endusers and are usually connected

through Tier 2 providers.

The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-56 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Additional providers can be added relatively easily with nodisruption of current services. THAT is scalability! 



The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-57 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Quality of Service (QoS)

The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-58 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Quality of Service (QoS)

The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-59 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet

Quality of Service (QoS)

The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-60 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet


The Architecture of the Internet

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CCNA1-61 Chapter 1

The Architecture of the Internet


Ensure Confidentiality:Strong authentication and

appropriate encryption

Communication Integrity:Digital Signatures, Hashing

Algorithms, Checksum

Ensuring Availability:Combating virus attacks,

Firewalls, RedundantArchitecture

Trends in Networking

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CCNA1-62 Chapter 1

Trends in Networking

• Increasing number of mobile users

• Proliferation of network capable devices

• Expanding range of services


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CCNA1-63 Chapter 1


Information Technology and networking careers are growing and evolvingas fast as the underlying technologies and services.

As networks increase in sophistication, the demand for people withnetworking skills will continue to grow.

Top 10 certifications business desire 

“IT” is not the Network – it IS the users

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CCNA1-64 Chapter 1

IT is not the Network – it IS the users.

The IT (Information Technology)department is not the network.

• The network is the users and their:

• Needs• Expectations

• Requirements

• Uses

If IT doesn’t find a way, the

users will! 

A Shift in Attitude

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CCNA1-65 Chapter 1

A Shift in Attitude

The following Old school IT thinkingdoesn’t work any more. 

• We don’t support PCs or Apples. 

• We can’t allow that application 

on our network.• We can’t give them access 

on our network.

• We have too much to do already.

• We don’t support that. • You don’t know about networks, so we can’t do that. 

• That would breach our security

Technical and Soft Skills

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CCNA1-66 Chapter 1

Technical and Soft Skills

Networking professionalsneed more knowledge andskills today than ever before.

• Tomorrow’s IT professionalswill need even more skills.

• Just as important, andsometimes even moreimportant, are the soft skills:

• Attitude

• Enthusiasm

• Communications skills

• Professionalism and Ethics


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CCNA1-67 Chapter 1


The Network Evolution• Communications – Quality

• Network As A Platform

• Converged Networks

• The Architecture of the Internet• Trends in Networking

Next Steps

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Next Steps… 

Packet Tracer Video• Demo Lab 2.7.1 from Cisco Academy

• Chapter 2 Lecture