Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana

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Transcript of Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana


    DCSKXTHT-lnraSOinSEMSISIl^vo t 2 NO. 1

    Dear Fr iends in Chr i s t : . . , ^You may not read very much about Ghana this time, but you sure wil l

    n ex t t im e .At this moment'of writing, I am abmit. two-thi rds of the way throughpacking for shipping--clothingj books, filmstrips , records, tape recorder, Bibleteaching materials, and the portable amplifier. I t is an awful pile of stuffwhen each i tem must be l i s ted and valued separal^ely fo r insurance purposes. . Jfygoal is to complete the packing and inventory of the cartons by August 21st andsend them o ff to New York .where they wil l be crated and shipped.

    The Taylors and I rejoice that our re-entry v i sw werB granted apidly, so we wi l l f ly to London on September 1s t , Lord will ing, and on to Accrathe evening of the 7th, arriving at 5:00 A.M., September 8, 1972.As usual , the Lord has blessed me abundantly in many way% includingfinances. Churches and individuals have, given generously so tha t iny l iving l inkcontinued unabated through the year and I did not dec re as e iry regular share inthe support of Ghana Christian College. Money i s on hand for ny plane t icketand shipping expenses and one l as t b ig order of books for the College. Thankyou. Lord. Thank you, Christians.On or about September ly 1972, those who contribute to the Ghana work ;may notice a sl ight change in the receipt l e t t e r s f rom Mrs. Barkes. Sheand I wil l begin using/more cons is te n tl y t he name African.Mission EvangelismThis i s the incorporated, group name which gives us tax shel ter , group medicalinsurance opportunit ies> and general moral and prayer support . I t seems more

    use this ,narae on the bank a ccount and rece ip ts , hence the changie.Although.Hr.sBarkes can s t i l l bank checks made out to her, to me, or to EunsonGhana ly^ssion 5^d ,i t w il l be better i f you -^e the, new name Africa MissionEvangelism . If you have any questions about this term, sne or Xwill be. gladto answer them. ^Thinking you might l ike to f i l e th i s Newsletter for future reference,

    c ?

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana


    Just after Easter I began an extended speaking t r ip between Floridaand Pennsylvania. I 've told you before how delightful i t is to share visi ts withfriend s o r former students - the same blessing was r ich and abundant on t h i s t r i pAthens Christian-Church (a former Florida camper is minister) and a visi t with acousin there; East Poin t women's circle and a vis i t with long time friends;Tucker, da., with another former Florida preacher; Atlanta Christian College wherethere are many wonderful kids.Huntsville, Ala., for a well-planned I>lission Fair; Johnson BibleCollege where I met some new friends to add to preci ous o ld ones; a real lytremendous Mother-Daughter banquet a t ELizabethton; a few days with ny brothera t Emmaniiel to res t and heal a nasty cough. Spoke a t ngr old college church a tOak- Grove. ' Spoke in th re e c la ss es a t Milligan.No speaking, but a delightful chat In the second grade class a t;Grundy Mountain Mission School . Came away really impressed with the s taf f andmulti-pfaceteid ministry, given here; a rural church at Bumpass, but was i t packedoh a cold Wednesday nightI Visited relat ives near Hagei'stown and toured theChurch World Service Center of which my cousin i s director . Spcke a t re t i rementhome BoonsboroBloomsburg and home..o spoke a t th e Wilkes-Barre, Pa., church whichI was to see in a different and t ragic l i gh t ten Weieks l a t e r .spoke and shs ir edfaith-ahd'worship with old friends at Berwick and Ridgeway. A Women's RetreatiTi MarylflriH' T wnniftn hpnaiifift I3O slept OVer in faci l i t ies for 8O.Wonderful ins^Si^^^W| ^eather. =Fork Christian Church on Sunday. Babychurch at Reading'and special praise services in A116ntown who at long'last havea lovely above-ground buildinig. Whewl Bank to Orlando. Did the next six Weeks fly I We had'4'great-V. B;C'Sv and the mission s tor ies Were well-received, thanks to Rifes? f i lmst r ipI t wad time to-make-a las t vis i t to i l l^ the Tiissioii c i rc le s to speak a filial;time to the Church, and- say-the farewells:-for this leave-taking. '^^EUstis hiad aspecial day to say gdod-rbye to me and hello 'to Miriam Hay^h^s 'wfto arrived ; *home-on June 29th after ;her year of servide in Ghana. I ami so ' tHai^ful to '-h^r.for giving this yearvbf her-life' and strbngth ' to work in Ghana. ' VMir iam an d I and tw o o the r s drove t o Cinc inna t i fo r th e Conven t ibn USpace prevents a fu l l description, but i t Was a-:ine closi : to a furlough yearOne S urday joined a work crew that went to ilkes^arre to clean iihe mud,ruined furnishings and debri s out of the First Church of Christ, th^re. Imaginesi3C fe^t' of/^^tiiuddy wal^r yot^' sanctuaryV These 6ming Vall^ 'churches need

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana



    ff , November 1972Dear Friends in Chris t

    ;ijj r I'm back, I'm back, and delighted to be sol When the Taylors and I steppedoff the plane on the 7th of Septei5be5,^it was very humid, ^lit surprisingly cool,and remained so for nearly a-mgpth^f, Even yet I have not used the air conditioner,but I did wash the filter ,yesterday ju?t.,in case. The dusty red .road?, the wide .range of buildings and hpmes from t hovel? ,to. in^n^ip^ ^^d jbhe/supQrajiundance ofblack ,people crowding tl?^-markets and .;$tree^s..W e^e,^yeiypf^miiiar. On the f irs t mQrning we spept,,an:bpi;^ and a h^ the four newstudents, but spent much of the weekend just, visiting and renewing fellowship withthe. Rif^s an,d-getting-4>o-4^QW~Dayid--aBd Barbara Kalb,. our newest missionaries whowere living:in house. .A .few errands pn. iyionday after services at the icollege .Sunday evening precede?} the, real begl^nning of the college with registration onTuesday an^-.a full schedule pf classes }fednesday. Our first.phapel that Tuesdaynight was.^ar^ime ol^^ reaL joy. .Everyone, seer^f3,happy to be bacjc and i t was wonderful tQ,;Seef;the^t^ year .students, whom I hajd known before I. got .to lead, thesinging; -there , just nothing l ike .the powerand. joy of . these students' music.Ron preached and the joy of the Lord was in th4t place. We really got off to agood start;. . r . .. j . v . Each afternoon of that first weelJ;j I. spent .in^ijb^^ library with excellenthelp, cleaning, inyentp^ing, accessipnipg, and rearranging. It ppened forbusiness with a new- student librariani i|i^ .charge Friday evening. This will beone of my responsibi l i t ies th is term. , . ^% teaching is a fulfilling task; I know there will be days when I getweary and discouraged, but right now I am ji^t plain h^py to be back on the job,(Discpurageraent m^y pome this week with jtid-term .examsi ) ..Several, early chapel periods weyfjused to give testimonies from students .and faculty.: This is ^ways a. special, tie, when we rejoice with* the victoriesand weep with the setbacks., 6ne freshmanj in particui^ .was so elated over hisopportunity to be in the schpol and ,to be-learning so much, he just bubbled over

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana


    Seth: But I want t o go back and teach them.An i d e a l i s t i c young Christian, and there a re hea rta ches and frustrat ionahead for him; but Praise the Lord for his hopes and deep desires I wish you

    could have seen his face and heard the ring in his voiceTwo weeks ago I spent a Sunday afternoon in our former neighborhood ofKokomlemle looking up former members of the church there. Of those I found, afew are going elsewhere, a couple are going nowhere, and the children and youthare just adrif t . Most were Just too immature spiritually to hang in-t^li^re. WeAmericans admit that we made a serious mistake .in.i suggesting pastorwho just didn't have what it ,to6jc;^ior .^g^urban oedu He .suffered, the people-iiif^^r^B'^ I^f^eall^^'aori^'t knowwhat's to be done-Kent'^Hag 'said'lie would lik t d d t f i k n e man'who promised to come ^apd t^ .wit^,ui hsi{njrt iSo yet. If evenone family for the'^Lofd it: ^e^.r;Ln.'viLin*-Maybe we cari le'arn f r o m d c t l)etter in Abeka-'-'Sp far wehave only children a^nd young on Sundaythen the.students on campus jbitt^^s 'for .One of the stud*fhts h^isstalrted a club on Saturdays fpr^tte .childij^v-iiO .and up. Ii>- has really helpedthe. growth the Sunday .not-tejaiejhihg in th^' S^daiy schooryetbut T havfe-helped with the clul^'^ylJ^pisip-aadi^spGrts for^^ On '/dayiI played net ball with^ them--a/.rojf|^3t f?;ng);iy>^nversiQn=-6f^ biaskfe1iball--and. .wdn sdmesore imiscles iahd^ a bruised nose.,,:.)/;'';>i, j\: sr^ivr o:^ oO. IXiv: Last Sunday-i^v^ th^,Ef.iP. 3Efqpmed +eongr^ prie of.ou^. ,:studerits .has some re'^ppij^ib^ T.his idhurefe -is a Qlianai^h^^^ ;

    A ^ 4 is :4r.rlAr

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana


    DOriOThT Ui^SON Niii>/j5Lii,TTERVOL. 2 NO . 3De c e mb e r 1 972

    Dear F r i e n d s i n C h r i s t yThere has been a l o t of joking about VJomen s Lib among thefaculty of Ghana Christian Collegej sometimes i t s to my advantage,

    and sometimes not] As a l iber ated woman I ) I have been giveo-jriyf i r s t turn as chapeirspeakerAlready. This is a privilege I usually= =^|gf^=^i^o^^a y e a r V ^ T i ie p r e s e n t a t io n of the ProdigalSon came f i r s t followed by a lesson and application of greaterdepth than just -a children s Sunday School lesson. The preparationwas hard work, but I enjoyed i t . There were a few anxious moments when a t r o p i c a l downpour threatened to make i t impossible to hearybut that stopped in time. Our ladies trio sang for that service, too, and was well received. I t s been more than two years since x^e were a b l e t o s in g t og et he r.Two days l a t e r Christian Adjei and I went to Ada, a seashorevillage about 70.miles from Accra. The other men had gone on thetwo previous evenings in order to a s s i s t some students holdingspecial meetings to evangelize a nearby, largely pagan village.Txrelve people x-jere won to Christ in those meetings. On Sunday,/ the service was held in the usual shelter. Again I presented theflannelgraph sto ry , and the l o c a l student preacher preached thesermon application. This came a f t e r a l o t of singing, dancing,testimonies and prayers. The serv ice closed about 1:30 and about

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana


    and a baby we had l o t s o f help in changing the t i r e VJe got backj u s t in time f o r th e l a s t h a l f o f Sunday School and church.

    I was s t i l l tired the next day, but i t s worth i t to be giventhe opportunity to be involved in the villages. Our evening S. S.and the new re sponsi bi l i t y coming my way, make t h i s possible.Last year ther^ was one Ewe speaking student and this yearthere are two. Since Abeka, the college neighborhood, is largelyan Ewe community t h i s p r e s e n t s new o p p o r t u n i t i e s . Since I l a s twrote the students held a. three day, open air on-csmpus preaching campaign The^ seit. up^^ajplatform, lights Wplifiers benchesand chairs. shipment fTpm .i^erica arrivecJ oust in tlnfe' forthe new Bethany' broadcaster to be usedvjLi From 6 :30 tb 9:00. .eachnight^' nearly a ll the students gat^rM there ah^ held;-services ofsinging preaching and praying-.: :.At^.least three separate sermonswere preached--one. in Ga, one-in Twi-j and one-in Ewe . Some peoplecame and sa t down while others s to od a ro un d th e edge or even acrossth e road. Each ni ght .iytr. Taylor showed a^ f i l m s t r i p or tw o a t thec l o s e ..of th e s e r v i c e . An inescapable p art o f such a scene a re th edozenSr an d dozens o f c h i l d r e n who sometimes l i s t e n and sometimesc h a t t e r and p l a y . . :. : -On Wednesday, Nov. 15, five Ewe-speaking adults were baptizedinto Christ as a di re c t r e s u l t of those se rv ic e s. Praise the LordlThe two Ewe students a re being encouraged to begin a morning x jeservice in the school building on Sundays. -^ One o f o urfr es hm en was baptized in th e ocean a s h o r t whileago and today he i s bringing a brother to follow through in thesame obedience. Also a wqi^rj who l ives near, th^ school w i l l bebaptized; one of t he s tu de nts has been practicing personal evangelism

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    since i t would have been impossible to hear with the loudspeakers.The women are beginning to learn their Bible verses we have achart to show the progress made. Their lives are not easy, and Iam pleased with this sign of spiritual eagerness. This past x^eek,one woman had questions about modes of baptism and also the reasonsfor a person sinning after baptism.On my birthday, bur mixed quartet went to a harvest (money-raising worship service in Tema, the port city 20 miles from here.Another student accompanied us and we found the place about 10;00.The invitation had said -9:00, and they actually got started about11j30. There were ttree mother Ghana Christian College alumni thereincluding the bellow who preached. ^It was a typical service with much singing and a great ceremonyattending the bringing of all the envelopes from churches, guests,supporters , and members. Mrs.- Taylor and I were really annoyedwhen they tried to make us last minute supporters for those whohad not come. This involves an extta gift of a sizeable amount andwe resented the pressure to do so. - Another man declined for us.The quartet sang four songs at various times. The service closedat 3 p. m and we were given loaves of bread to take home. Hevrere so hungry was hard to wait I

    Bible Club is growing. Twoofficial soccer match againstthe Catholic Youth Organizaticfn. Ne had bought them numberedjerseys and a matching flag, so they were proud. Our team lost,2 1 but our boys played very well for their first game as ateam. Both sides had very noisy fans. We will use club time fora few weeks now to prepare a Christmas program.

  • 8/13/2019 Eunson Dorothy 1972 Ghana



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    U UJ pje Mo iijM ppo5aoedd i|]J69 u o p ueSdt ti| 9i|} uj po0 0} Aio|9

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