ePosavje.com - Skupaj Naprej, Glasilo

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nardil še en plac za koncerte. in blo je odlično!

6. Mladi iz fotografije in mladi nasploh?Kot sm že prej omenu, so mladi iz fotke glavni razlog da se je kj dogajalo. Najprejkot bend, kateremu so drugi mladi omogočli met koncert v tistem malemprostoru. To je to, sodelovanje. Več bi moglo bit tega. Če bendu omogočaš met

koncert v tvojem okolju, potem obstaja tudi večja verjetnost, da se mladi iztvojega okolja zanimajo za nardit bend in posledično met koncerte v njihovemokolju. no upam da to ni blo zdj preveč filozofsko povedano. če mladim ponudišrazlične zadeve, mislim da obstaja manjša možnost da postanejo okupirani zdrogami, ampak dobijo voljo za delat stvari sami. Začet bende, začet samiorganizirat koncerte, to pa prinese nova poznanstva in tko...

7. Po tvojem mnenju – kaj naj bi bil prevladujoč interes med mladim i?Zelo zelo težko vprašanje. Na prvem mestu se mi zdi da je glavna stvar medmladimi da se zabavajo. Pa da se dogajajo stvari. Od koncertov do dj večerov.

8. Je pri nas dovolj možnosti, da bi mladi lahko razvijali svoje ideje in jihnenazadnje tudi uresničili?Mislim da ja, ampak najprej jim more nekdo pokazat in ponudit stvari. Potem semulčkom porodijo lastne ideje in iščejo sami možnosti za naprej jih uresničevat...Vsi smo šli čez to fazo, vsaj tisti ki smo še vedno kulko tulko v sceni :)

9. Aktivna participacija mlad ih – utvara ali realnost?Realnost do določene meje. Mladi se bojo vedno aktivno udejstvoval prirazno raznih zadevah. od športa do gledališča. Ampak ne vsi in vse.

10. Kaj napoveduješ, da se bo dogajalo »s sceno« čez naslednjih10 let?Težko to napovedat. Mislim da bo še vedno folk ki se bo najdu v

alternativnih žanrih, v undergroundu. Mislim da imajo Brežice doberpotencial kar se tiče metala in punka, sam izkoristit je treba ta potencial!Glede na to da poznam dosti mladih ki so prpravleni neki počet, mislim dane bo scena kr tko zamrla. razen če bojo mladi vedno bolj in bolj pasivni inče bojo preveč visel na facebookih pred tv-jem. Vsem priporočam ugasntTV pa uklopit svoje možgane. It ven, iskat nove možnosti, spoznavat novejudi, se družit, delat neki. Tud sprehod na Šentvid je lahko čist super

dogodek. Vse je odvisno od tebe samega!

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8/9/2019 ePosavje.com - Skupaj Naprej, Glasilo

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1. You are not brežičan (native in Brežice), what tha hell are you doinghere?I'm here for an european project and my goal is to know more about Slovenia and

to meet people because i'm curious to live in a new environment.2. If you compare your own town w ith Brežice. Whats the situationconcerning youth?I think it's a really different situation. Here there's more interest in youth bynstitution: in my town, that is 70000 people, there are no public spaces foryouth, except a festival for 2 month per year. But it's also true that here, usually,people respect public spaces more than in Italy so probably it's easier to organizesomething for youth.

3. Do you like any special Slovene band?I like Slovenian's 80's punk and new wave: Tožibabe, Pankrti and Borghesia aregreat bands. Since I've been here I've discovered Istok Mlakar and I like hisattitude to play folk music.

4. You are here in Brežice since October. Have you got any idea w hat isgoing on w ith music scene here?I'm surprise by the vitality of Brežice's scene: there is a lot of players and a lot of people curious to try to play. My first impression, at the begin, was that herethere was just a metal scene because I saw a lot of young people dressed inthat style. Now I'm discovering thatthere's more variety and people usuallyare open mind about music: they like totalk about it, to show me their favouritemusic and their projects. About liveconcerts my favourite band of the area,for the moment, is 3 Tone Tomas fromSevnica: they are really a great post-hardcore band! I 've listened somebands of the '90's as Depresija andSenzacija Fantomskih Udov.I hope to discover new bands soon!

5. Did you have an opurtuni ty to meet any local band?I've met some guys that presented me their project: one (I think he's called Jagi

I n t e r v j u : Ma t t e o

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or something similar...) has an interesting solo electronic project, another,Andrej,is playing on a work-in-progress project of black metal and I remember aguy that played in a glam band called Broken Arrow.I hope to play soon some jam session: if you are interested just tell me!

6. You played some good old comunists song on a square in Brežice.

What was the feeling? Do you remember reaction of the people?Yes, I remember it. Fortunatly there was not a bad reaction: none have beatedme ... I'm a little scared to play politician songs because people could interpretatet as an offence, but power of communist songs are to be quite populareverywhere (in a different way and through different reasons by american andenglish pop music) so it's funny to sing them together. That's all.

7. What would happen if you would do the same in Sicily?It depends by the square where you play: if you are near a squat probably youhave no problem, if you sing them near a meeting of Berlusconi's party probablysomeone beats you... Everyway, I suggest you to play these songs in the eveningand to be with a lot of friends... But there is not many differences between Sicilyand the other parts of Italy by this point of view!

8. Tell us about current politi cal situation in I taly. Can you compare itw ith Slovenian?I listened yesterday that a slovenian Minister were arrested for corruption: I felt athome. The most importante difference is that here the Minister resigned

mmediately, in Italy probably he started to scream that it was a conspiracyorganized by communist judges and after he changed the laws to be innocent:different cultures.

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9. And Slovene people in general? Is there a big cultural di fferencebetween Slovenia and Italy?It's not so easy to answer this question because everything is really different but Istill don't know what is caused by culture and tradition and what by the fact thatI'm used to live in bigger cities and here, for my standard, it's a small town.In general, I think that in Slovenia there are less pressure by moral and religious

values and it seems that if people are used to respect values it's because theybelieve in. As stranger, I think people are more polite than in Italy and they carethat you feel comfortable here but they are shy and usually they need more timeto talk you about themselves. In Italy people are usually more open to talk abouttheir life, their experiences and their beliefs to unknown people. But the thingthat have struck me most is the different interpretation of acts between Brežiceand Italy. I'm amazed and atracted how people could be happy or hurt forsomething that, for my culture, is "not so important" and it's amazing because Ican try to understand another way of life and another way to give a sense to theacts, but sometimes it scares me because I'm not still able to control it so my fears to hurt people without understand it.

10. Are you a member of mafia? :)I've tried to be a member but I was not so able to handle guns: I'll retry when Iwill come back in Italy.Never say never!

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