Environmental pollution

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Environmental pollution

  • 1. By: Fabiola Quintanilla

2. WHAT DO YOU THINK???? 3. WaterPOLLUTIONThermalAirLightLandNoiseVisual 4. VOCABULARIO/VOCABULARY AGUA AGUASSERVIDAS APAGAR AUTOMVIL BARRER BASURA BASURERO BOCINA BOLSA BOTAR BOTELLA CLIDO CALIENTE CERRAR CERRO CONTENEDOR ENSUCIAR/CONTAMINAR ESCOBA ESCRIBIR ESCUCHAR ESCUELA FBRICA FRO FUERTE GENTE GRITAR HELADO/CONGELADO HUMO/FUMAR IGLESIA LAVARROPA LIMPIAR LUZ MEDIOAMBIENTE MERCADO MSICA PAPEL PARED PINTAR PLSTICO PLAZA QUEBRADA QUEMAR RAYAR RECOGER RUIDO SALVAR/AHORRAR SUELO TOCAR(BOCINA) USARCONTAMINACIN 5. GRAMMAR REVIEW 6. GRAMMAR REVIEW 7. THEN Then, they threw garbageinto the stream.NOW Now, they throw garbageinto the garbage can. 8. THEN Then, she didnt turn offthe tap.NOW Now, she turns off the tap. 9. THEN Then, it was cold.NOW Now, it is freezing. 10. THEN Then, he didnt save water.NOW Now, he saves water. 11. THEN Then, it was warm.NOW Now, it is really hot. 12. THEN Then, students scratchedthe desks.NOW Now, students dontscratch the desks. 13. GRAMMAR REVIEWIMPERATIVESAffirmativeTurn off the lightNegativeDont honk 14. TASKS FOR YOU!!!!!! Prepare a PRESENTATION about the things you usedto do contrasting the things you do NOWfor savingour planet. (individual task) Prepare a REPORT (video) about the environmentalpollution in Yacuiba. (work in group) Make SIGNS (in Spanish, English and Guarani) withadvice or prohibitions about the kinds of pollutionweve already studied. (whole class)GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!