Enjoy English Cls 5

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Enjoy English Cls 5

Transcript of Enjoy English Cls 5

Е. Г. В О Р О Н О В А

" О классы

К учебникуМ. 3. Биболетовой, Н. В. Добрыниной,

Щ Н. Н. Трубаневой "Enjoy English - 5-6"

J LiE. Г. Воронова

T E С T bl

дидактические материалы

С _ СJ U классыК учебникуМ. 3. Биболетовой, Н. В. Добрыниной,Н. Н. Трубаневой "Enjoy English - 5-6"




УДК 373.167.1:811.111*05/06 ББК 81.2Англ-922


Серийное оформление А. М. Драгового

Воронова, Е. Г.В75 Английский язык. 5—6 классы. Тесты. Дидактические материалы

к учебнику М. 3. Биболетовой, Н. В. Добрыниной, Н. Н. Трубаневой “Enjoy English” / Е. Г. Воронова. — М .: Айрис-пресс, 2013. — 192 с. — (Ступени).

ISBN 978-5-8112-4886-5

В данном сборнике представлен дидактический материал к учебно-методиче­скому комплекту «Английский с удовольствием» ("Enjoy English") для 5—6 классов общеобразовательных школ.

Его материалы охватывают все лексические и грамматические темы, изучаемые на данном этапе обучения, со строгим соблюдением последовательности ввода грамматических структур и лексических единиц. Дидактические материалы по­могут активизировать и разнообразить процесс обучения, учитывая особенности языковой подготовленности учащихся. В конце сборника приведены ключи, что может оказать неоценимую помощь тем, кто предпочтёт заниматься по данному пособию самостоятельно.

Пособие адресовано учителям, а также учащимся 5—6 классов школ, лицеев, гимназий.

ББК 81.2Англ-922 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 *05/06

ISBN 978-5-8112-4886-5© ООО «Издательство

«АЙРИС-пресс», 2012

Уважаемые учителя и родители!В данном сборнике представлен дидактический ма­

териал к учебно-методическому комплексу Enjoy English для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных школ (М. 3. Бибо- летова, Н. В. Добрынина, Н. Н. Трубанева).

Можно использовать материалы пособия на протяже­нии всего учебного года, так как они охватывают все лек­сические и грамматические темы, изучаемые на данном этапе. В нём строго соблюдена последовательность ввода грамматических структур и лексических единиц.

Дидактические материалы помогут активизировать и разнообразить процесс обучения, учитывая особенности конкретных учеников. Из предлагаемых заданий можно выбрать несколько для проверки определённых умений и навыков. Некоторые успешные ученики легко справля­ются со всеми заданиями в течение 20 минут.

Каждый раздел сборника (Test) соответствует двум разделам (Section) учебника. Завершая изучение опреде­лённой лексической и/или грамматической темы, можно воспользоваться данными дидактическими материалами и оценить знания учащихся в области чтения, письма, словообразования и грамматики. Наличие большого коли­чества упражнений (11-12 в каждом разделе) даёт боль­шую вариативность.

У учащихся не возникнет вопросов относительно фор­мы заданий, так как дидактические материалы основаны на привычных видах упражнений. Это заполнение про­пусков, подстановочные задания, выбор правильной грам­матической формы, восстановление правильного порядка


слов, классификация лексических единиц, тестовые за­дания. Присутствуют также более сложные упражнения: перевод с русского языка на английский, ответы на во­просы после текста, восстановление правильного порядка реплик в диалоге. В данном сборнике имеются задания, созданные в формате ГИА и ЕГЭ, на грамматические пре­образования и словообразование, написание письма лично­го характера и письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения. Тематически и лексически данные задания соответствуют уровню учащихся 5-6 классов. Несомненно, учащихся порадуют кроссворды и пазлы, цель которых — проверка усвоения лексических единиц и написания анг­лийских слов. Каждый второй раздел сборника содержит задание, контролирующее усвоение транскрипционных знаков.

Выполнение заданий оценивается по следующей схе­ме: если учащийся выполнил две трети работы (65 %), то она может быть оценена на «удовлетворительно». Оценка «хорошо» ставится в случае выполнения 80 %. Оценка «отлично» предполагает выполнение 95-100 % работы. Оценивая письмо и сочинение, педагог может воспользо­ваться критериями ГИА и ЕГЭ.

В конце сборника приведены ключи, что окажет нео­ценимую помощь тем, кто предпочтёт заниматься по дан­ному пособию самостоятельно. Учитель же может легко удалить ключи и использовать дидактические материалы для экспресс-контроля.

Тест 1Unit 1. Nice to see you again Section 1-2

QlJ Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.

1. ['ju:nifo:m] — ___________________

2. ['holidi] — _______________________

3. ['neit/э ] — _________________________

4. [mark] — _________________________

5. [breik] — ________________________

6. ['sAbdjikt] — _____________________

7. ['рэшш] — ______________________

8. ['blaekbo:d] — ____________________

( 2 ) Вставь пропущенные слова в рассказ Олега.

learn say nhomework dull

miss starts subjectsinteresting fifth

Hello! I’m Oleg. This year I am in the (1)form. I can’t (2) that I don’t like school. On


holidays I (3) ____________ my school friends and schoolparties. When the school year (4) ____________ , we usu­ally have some new (5) ____________ in our timetable.First, they are very (6) ____________ . We get sm arter and( 7 ) ____________ new things. There are two things I don’tlike — (8) ____________ and school uniform . They are(9) , I think.

3 ) Сопоставь предложения.

1. Who is from London?2. Do you like your Maths lessons?3. Let’s go to the park together!4. When does the school year s ta rt in Russia?5. Hello! My name is Ann.6. W hat do you do at history lessons?7. W hat are these?8. W hat is you favourite lesson?

A. I am sorry, I am busy today.B. We study the events of the past.C. I am.D. Nice to meet you. I am Nick.E. Not very much. I prefer Science.F. Our new blinds. Aren’t they nice?G. I think it is A rt. No, it is French.H. On the firs t of September.


( 4) Заполни пропуски глаголами speak, tell, say.

1. Don’t _____________ me about your new friend!

2. Who will ____________ us about summer holidays?

3. Sorry but I can’t ____________ French.

4. They didn’t ____________ that they were hungry.

5. How many languages do you ____________ ?

6. Can I ________________ to Mary, please?

7. My teachers ___________________that I am very smart.

8. I wouldn’t like to ______________ you anything.

( 5 ) Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

1. We discuss___________(differ) problems at our lessons.

2. They ___________ (usual) get a lot of homework onMonday.

3. Don’t be so ___________ (nerve)! The test is very easy.4. He is a very kind ___________ (teach).

5. Do you h a v e __________ (interest) book to read?

6. Do British ___________(study) wear uniforms?7. I think she is the m o s t__________ (beauty) girl in our



6 ) Ответь на вопросы.

г лYes, I am. / No, I ’m not.

Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.1 J

1. Did vou have French in vour timetable last vear?

2. Are vou in the seventh form this vear?

3. Do vou wear a uniform at school?

4. Can vou get onlv £ood marks at school?

5. Were vou nervous on vour firs t school dav?

6. Will you be happy to meet your school friends again?

7. Have vou ffot a computer in vour classroom?


(̂ 7J Переведи на английский язык.

1. Она встала очень рано вчера, (to get up very early)

2. Она встала очень рано вчера? (to get up very early)

3. Они подарили цветы нашей учительнице, (to give flowers to our teacher) ____________________________

4. Они подарили цветы нашей учительнице? (to give flowers to our teacher) ____________________________

5. Ты вчера получил плохую оценку, (to get a bad mark)

6. Ты вчера получил плохую оценку? (to get a bad mark)

7. Ты скучал по старым друзьям, (to miss old friends)

8. Ты скучал по старым друзьям? (to miss old friends)


8 ) Вставь пропущенные слова.f \

more difficult shorterbigger sm artermore beautiful longermore interesting easier


1. His bag i s ____________ (больше) than my bag.2. Our test i s ____________ (труднее) their test.3. My street i s __________________ (длиннее) your street.4. English grammar i s ____________ (легче) than Russian

grammar.5. History is _____________ (интереснее) Science, I think.6. She is ____________ (красивее) than me.7. I am ____________ (умнее) than you.8. W inter holidays are ____________ (короче) than sum­

mer holidays.

( ? ) Расположи части письма в правильном порядке.

A Dear Sasha,

В W rite back soon!

С Tom

D Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you!


E In your letter you ask me about my school life. Youknow, I have some new subjects this year — Russian, Science and Drama. I enjoy doing experiments at Sci­ence lessons. I find Russian grammar very difficult but the teacher is really nice and funny.

F London,Great Britain 13 October, 2012

G Lots of love,

H By the way, do you have any funny teachers? W hatabout new school subjects? Do you wear a uniform, I wonder?

Прочитай ещё раз письмо Тома и ответь на вопросы.

1. Does Sasha or Tom live in Great Britain? — ________

2. Was Tom happy to get a letter from Sasha? — _____

3. Does Tom like Science lessons? — __________________

4. Did Sasha ask Tom about his family? — ____________

5. Does Tom think tha t Russian is an easy language? —


6. Does Tom like his Russian teacher?

Напиши письмо Тому, ответь на три его вопроса и задай ещё два вопроса о его одноклассниках.


Dear Tom,Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you! In your letter you ask me about my school. You know,

By the way, how many classmates do you have?

W rite back soon! Yours,

Test 2Unit 1. Nice to see you again Section 3-5

Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1. ocean, picnic, sea, lake, river2. country, town, city, village, house3. lucky, nice, glad, tired, happy4. talk, tell, read, speak, say5. Science, Thursday, English, Maths, History6. exercise, lesson, homework, teacher, timetable7. silly, sunny, warm, cold, windy8. Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Science, Friday

Соедини стрелкой слова с противоположным значением.

enjoy openquestion -r givetake towncold hatego answercountry easydifficult comeclose hot


3 ) Составь словосочетания и запиши их.go for pictures take abroadmake moneygo bad marksmiss a walkspend clever questionsgive snowmenask friends

1. ходить гулять — _________2. фотографировать — ______3. лепить снеговиков — _____4. ездить за границу — _____5. скучать по друзьям — ___6. тратить деньги — ________7. ставить плохие оценки —8. задавать умные вопросы —

Разгадай кроссворд ‘School verbs’ .

По горизонтали2. Did you __4. We don’t _6. S h e ______8. ‘N ev er____10. Our lessons

____ this problem yesterday?_____ a uniform at school.es Latin and French.__ loudly in class!’ our teacher says._______ 45 minutes.


11. Why did y o u ____________ last Maths lesson?12. I a lw ays_____________ our school parties.

По вертикали1. Our teachers se ldom ____________ nicknames to us.3. I ____________ Maths and Science on Monday.5. I don’t like to ____________ silly poems at school.7. Can y o u ____________ this dull grammar rule to me?9. T h ey ____________ how to use computers every day.


2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9


11 Ш12


5) Пронумеруй фразы так, чтобы получился разго­вор Кейт и Мэри.

___ Well, don’t think about difficulties! Let’s think aboutpleasant things!

1 Hi, Kate! Nice to meet you.___ Oh, I think i t ’s because of my new Maths teacher.___ I hope she won’t give us much homework. She says we

must have a good rest after school.___ Nice to meet you, Mary. You look happy today. Any

good news?8 Oh, what about your birthday party tomorrow?

___ Have you got a new Maths teacher again? That’s great!___ Nice idea! I will tell my teacher about it but I am

afraid she won’t listen.

(б^) Выбери правильный предлог. Обведи его.

1. We have English in / on / at Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays.

2. She says that she takes care of / for / about her pet.3. How many subjects have you got in / on / from your

timetable?4. I like all new subjects in / at / out of school.5. Russian school year starts in / to / for September.6. In I On / A t the evening I sometimes watch TV or

read a book.7. I get up at I on I in 1 o’clock every morning.8. Will you invite me to / from / for your party?


® Задай вопросы к предложению.

Mathew missed 78 lessons last year.

1. Who ?

2. Did Mathew ?

3. Did Mathew or his sister ?

4. W hat lessons ?

5. How manv lessons ?

6. When ?

7. Whv ?

(5) Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни npo-пуски.

I (1) (spend) mv summer holidays in theAlps with mv cousins. The weather (2) ............. (be)different every day. When the days (3) ____________ (be)warm and sunny, we enjoyed (4 )____________ (walk) in thefields and among the hills. Sometimes it (5) __________(rain) and all the (6) ___________ (child) played the gui­ta r and sang (7) ____________ (beautiful) songs we knew.I ( 8 ) ____________ (not want) to come back home after myholidays.


9J Догадайся о значении новых слов, соединив их с переводом.


инспектировать, осматриватьtable маршировать

^ традицияtestmarch фигураgigantic таблицаfigure гигантскийinspect тестировать

(10) Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.

On Wednesday Miss Honey said to the class, ‘I have some im portant news for you, so listen carefully.’

Seventeen lovely faces looked up and listened.‘It is the Headteacher’s tradition. Every week she vis­

its a class and teaches the pupils. Only one lesson. I shall be here, of course, but I won’t say a word. Remember, she is very strict about everything. Make sure that your clothes, your faces and your hands are clean. Speak only when she asks you a question. Remember to stand up at once before you answer to it. Don’t ask her any questions and never answer back. Never try to be funny because she will get very angry.

‘I am sure that she will test you on the two-times ta ­ble. Please, when you get home, ask your father or mother to hear you on i t . ’

‘W hat else will she test us on?’ someone asked.


‘Spelling. Try to remember everything you learnt last week. And one more thing. A jug of water and a glass must always be on the table here when the Headteacher comes in. She never takes a lesson without i t . ’

Next morning the class was ready for the lesson. Miss Honey was standing at the back. Everyone waited. Suddenly in marched a gigantic figure of the Headteacher.

‘Good afternoon, children,’ she shouted.‘Good afternoon, Miss T runchbull,’ they answered

quietly.‘W hat a class of naughty children you are! You won’t

stay in my school for long, I am sure. You faces are too silly! I think your mother and father tell you that you are wonderful and clever. Well, I am here to tell you the op­posite. Stand up, everybody!’

They all got quickly to their feet.‘Now put your hands out in front of you. And when

I walk past, I want you to tu rn them over so I can see if they are clean on both sides.’

Miss Trunchbull began a slow march inspecting the hands. All went well until she came to Nigel Hicks.

1. There were more than 15 pupils in the class.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. A glass of water must be on every desk when the Headteacher comes in.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Miss Trunchbull was the Headteacher.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


4. Miss Trunchbull was a happy and funny person.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. Miss Trunchbull thought tha t the children were won­derful and clever.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. Nigel Hicks had dirty hands.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

(l?) Прочитай точку зрения Елены на предложенную тему. Заполни пропуски в её сочинении “Stu­dents should до to school six days a week. What do you think about it?”

What’s good?• have less lessons on weekdays• get free from school earlier• have less everyday homework• learn more and get sm arter more quickly

What’s not good?• have classes when parents enjoy weekend• go to school instead of going out with friends and

playing• have only one day off and have to do their home­

work on that day

Students should go to school six days a week.What do you think about it?

Some teachers think that we should go to school from Monday to Saturday but most students don’t like this idea.


As for me, I find going to so school six day a week dull, useless and tiring. F irst of all, ___________________



On the other hand, some people don’t agree with me. They believe tha t having lessons on Saturday have somegood points. To begin with, ____________________________



I am against going to school on Saturday because we should have a happy relaxing weekend every week as our parents have.

Test 3Unit 2. We are going to travel Section 1-2

(jP) Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.

1. [stei] — __________________________

2 . [,invi'teij(a)n] — __________________3. [WDtf] — __________________________

4. [,infa'meij(9)n] — _________________5. ['form] — ________________________

6. [\уеэ] — __________________________

7. ['saians] — __________________________

8. ['pa:ti] — _________________________

( 5 ) Найди, обведи и выпиши ещё 10 прилагатель­ных.

1. солнечный — sunny2. местный — local3. довольный — ____________________4. умный — ________________________5. тёплый —


6. смешной, забавный7. красивый —8. грустный —

9. общественный —

10. физический —

11. удивительный —

12. счастливый —

Adjective puzzle

В W и S Y

и 0 Н м В


и D Р R А

N Е В Т и

N R R С т


А и G Q F

G L А D и

Z Р 0 N К

и Н Т А S



Н I 0 S S

А С С 0 S

Р А А с и





3 ) Составь словосочетания и запиши их.

translate the questionsread textsdo by heartanswer at homespeak homeworklearn new wordsarrange a picnicstay English

1. переводить новые слова —

2. читать тексты — __________

3. делать домашнюю работу —

4. отвечать на вопросы — ___

5. говорить по-английски — _

6. учить наизусть — _________

7. петь песни — _____________

8. оставаться дома — ________

Соедини слово и его определение.

Drama a lesson to learn how to paintpictures

HistoryInformation Technology

a lesson to study theatre plays a lesson to study the events of

the past


Literature Physical Education Science

a lesson to study the works of great writers and poets

a lesson to do sums and solve problems

a lesson to learn how to swim and play sport games

a lesson to study the laws of nature

a lesson to learn how to use computers

5 ) Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

1.2 .




6 .


8 .

Can you read this (invite) letter again?

_ (response) for thisI wouldn’t like to be __________programme.

It was a ____________ (wonder) game, wasn’t it?

Put on this dress! It is s o ____________ (beauty).

She is going to speak about the social a n d ___________(education) programmes.W hat are t h e ____________ (accommodate) costs in thisseaside town?

Can you see that _____forest?

Where will this football will stay in a hotel.

(wood) house in the

____ (play) stay? He


6 ) Заверши разделительные вопросы.

1. They went abroad last year, _____________________ __?2. He can stay at home all weekend, __________________ ?3. You will arrive early, _____________________________ ?4. You teacher gives you much homework, _____________ ?5. You like to stay in the hotel, ______________________ ?6. My sisters are very sm art, _________________________?7. Mr Noodle has got a black horse, __________________ ?8. It is a wonderful day today, _______________________ ?

[7J Придумай и запиши разделительные вопросы.

1. ______________________________________ , didn’t you?2. ______________________________________ , are you?3. ______________________________________ , don’t you?4. ______________________________________ , did you?5. ______________________________________ , won’t you?6. ______________________________________ , can you?7. ______________________________________ , haven’t you?8. ______________________________________ , weren’t you?

(^ ) Напиши, что ты или твои друзья собираются (или не собираются) делать в следующих ситуациях.

1. My friends are on holidays. T hey____________ (travel)abroad.


I don’t have a toothache. I ____________ (not, see) thedentist.Tina’s hair is dirty. She ____________ (wash) it.I am very hungry now. I ____________ (have) a bigchicken for dinner.Nick is ill now. He ____________ (miss) lessons atschool.The accommodation costs are very high. I ___________(stay) with my friends.Mary and Bob are arranging a small party . They____________ (not, invite) many guests.My friends don’t like cold weather. T h ey ____________(not, visit) Arctic in winter.

Ответь на вопросы.

W hat are you going to do this evening?

When are you going to do homework?

Where are you going to travel this weekend?

Why are you going to spend your holiday in England?

W hat are you going to read in the evening?

6. When are you going to call you granny?

7. W hat are you going to have for dinner?

8. Where are you going to spend your summer holidays this year?

Dear Dasha,

Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear fromyou!

In your letter you asked me about my town. Well, I enjoy living in Brighton. There are a lot of parks and cafes here. You know, Brighton is a seaside town so many people come here for their holidays. When it is sunny and warm, they swim in the sea and lie in the sun. I love swim­ming and playing near the sea too.

By the way, do you like to spend you holidays at the seaside? Would you like to visit me in summer months? Any news about your best friend?

W rite back soon!Lots of love,Jane

Прочитай письмо и ответь на вопросы.

Brighton, Great Britain20/05/2011


1. Where is Jane from? —

2. Does she like living in town? —

3. Does she like to spend summer in Brighton? —

4. Why do many people visit Brighton in summer? —

5. Can you enjoy green trees and flowers in Brighton? —

6. Is it sometimes warm in Brighton? —

7. Can Jane swim? — ___________________8. Does Jane know any Dasha’s friends? —

Напиши Джейн ответ на её письмо, не забудь от­ветить на её вопросы. Задай Джейн три вопросао её школе.


____________ Jane,Thank you ___________________ . It was nice to hear

from you!


In your letter you asked me about my plans for sum­mer. You know, _______________________________________

As for my best friend Olga, she

By the way, do you like your new school?

W rite back soon! Lots of love,

Test 4Unit 2. We are going to travel Section 3-4

(T ) Разгадай кроссворд.

Weekend1 2


4 5 6







По горизонтали По вертикали1. день рождения 2. театр6. идея 3. кино8. ракетка 4. вечеринка9. теннис 5. рюкзак10. бег трусцой 7. сэндвич11. поход

[2J Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1. headteacher, pupil, educational, student, teacher2. be fond of, love, like, hate, enjoy3. present, invitation, school, party, guest,4. accommodation, educational, responsible, local, social5. uniform, desk, timetable, test, toothache6. cheek, eye, ear, nose, mouth, trip7. sister, partner, student, classmate, group8. pen, ask, do, get, sit

( з ) Соедини стрелкой слова с противоположным зна-чением.

соте dirtygo out \ dulllesson \ finishclean \ terriblebright \ breaksta rt \ happywonderful \ leavesad stay m


(V ) Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

arranged agreed talked proposed unusual responsible school

headteacher group programme

One day Elizabeth Henderson, the (1) of a Local Sate School in London, had an (2) idea to invite Russian students to visit her (3)She ( 4 ) ____________ that young people came for 20 daysin May. Elizabeth Henderson also proposed that the Russian(5) stayed with the families of children fromher school. Elizabeth (6) ____________ with the Russianheadteacher on the phone and they (7) ____________ thatthe English would be ( 8 ) ____________ for the educa­tional (9) ____________ . As for the social programme,th e R ussians decided to be responsible fo r it . They(10) ____________ the dates and time of all parties andpicnics.

(IT) Пронумеруй фразы так, чтобы получился разго­вор Кейт и Нэнси.

1 Hello, this is Nancy.Sorry I can’t. My friend Ann is arriving from Leeds at about 12 for the weekend.


I am fine, thank you. Well, a lot but I think it will be OK if we have a picnic in the park.

__ Great idea! We are having a wonderful day today.There is a nice park near my house. Let’s go there.

__ Can we invite her to join us? I’ll be responsible for thesandwichesbi and sweets.

Hi, Nancy. How are you? Any plans for the weekend?

Not a bad idea. W hat if we meet near your house at 12 o’clock?

8 Fantastic! I’ll take some drinks and rackets to play badminton.

® Задай вопросы к предложению.s ■

My sister is going to give me a dog as a present.\


1. My sister is going to give me a dog as a present,?

2. Is ?

3. Who ?

4. When ?

5. Whv ?

6. W hat d o g ________________________________________ ?


7 j Заполни пропуски предлогами, если это необхо­димо.

1. I met mv best friend after summer holidays.2. Who will be responsible the music?3. Why did you leave the party so earlv?4. I wouldn’t shake hands him.5. My uncle never takes his shoes at home.6. As soon as she enters my room, I feel happv.7. He can’t listen music when he cooks.8. Will you visit me mv birthdav?

® Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни про­пуски.

Long ago an Englishman went to China and brought hismother and his aunt some tea. When the old (1) _______(woman) saw it, they ( 2 ) ____________ (not, know) what todo. The sisters ( 3 ) ____________ (think) it was a vegetable.Mother told her friends about her (4) ____________ (son)present and invited them to the party.

There (5 )____________ (not, be) any cake on the table.The cooked tea (6) ____________ (leaf) were on the bigplate. The guests began (7) ____________ (eat) them withsalt. They thought there (8) _____________ (be) vegetableson the table. Nobody liked the new dish but they didn’t tell the sisters about it.


Переведи предложения на английский язык.

Тебе понравился фильм, не так ли? (to like the film)

Она хорошая учительница, не так ли? (to be a good teacher) ___________________________________________

Вы не умеете плавать, не так ли? (can swim)

Ты придёшь завтра, не так ли? (to come tomorrow)

Энн не говорит по-русски, не так ли? (to speak Rus­sian) _____________________________________________

Твой брат может организовать всё для вечеринки, не так ли? (to arrange everything for the party) _______

У тебя нет билета, не так ли? (to have a ticket)

Она не поблагодарила тебя, не так ли? (to thank you)

(10) Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.

The Day Out

On her Day Out Mary Poppins put on her white coat and took her umbrella with a parro t’s head for a handle (ручка). Mary Poppins liked to look her best.

That morning she went to meet her friend, Bert. He was very good at drawing pavement (тротуар) pictures.

It was a sunny day and there were some nice pictures on the pavement.

“Mary!” Bert cried. “It is your Day Out! I ’m sorry,I can’t take you to tea. Business is bad today.” There was little money in his cap.

Mary Poppins thought of the raspberry jam cakes. W hat a pity!

“That’s all right, Bert. I really don’t want any tea today.”

Bert understood everything. He took her hand: “Look, there is a new picture! Let’s go there, into the picture!”

And he got Mary out of the street, into the picture. There they were, inside it!

How quiet was there! W hat green grass under their feet! W hat new leaves near their hats, and little flowers near their shoes!

“Bert, you look fine!” said Mary because now he had a bright green-and-red coat, white trousers and a new yel­low hat.


Bert was looking at her with round eyes! She had a watery blue dress and a beautiful blue hat. She was wear­ing shoes with diamonds (бриллианты) like a princess.

Then they saw a little green table with raspberry jamcakes! Mary Poppins and Bert drank a lot of tea and fin­ished all the cakes. Then they saw a merry-go-round with wooden horses. The friends jumped on them and suddenly the horses left their places! W hat a surprise! Mary Poppins and Bert had a nice ride tha t day!

At 8 o’clock the W aiter said, “I ’m very sorry, but we close at seven. Can you see the Way Out?”

Then Mary and Bert went through the white door made of chalk lines and the lovely dress and the diamonds and the hat disappeared (исчезли). So did B ert’s bright clothes.

1. This is the story about the Day Out that Mary had one summer day.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. Bert had a lot of money and invited Mary to a cafe tohave tea with hundreds of raspberry jam cakes.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Mary Poppins and Bert looked different on their Day out.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. The wooden horses in the picture could run.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


( t l ) Прочитай мнения Игоря и Димы на предложен­ную тему. Выбери одну точку зрения и заполни пропуски в сочинении “Some people like to spend weekends at home, but others prefer going out. What do you think about it?”

Igor prefers home

What’s good in staying at home?• watch TV, play computer, read a book• have a quiet evening after busy school week• no rain, no wind, no cold• have a party with friends

What’s not good in going out at weekend?• the weather can spoil your weekend• have to spend money on travelling and visiting cin­

ema, theatre, cafe• can get ill while hiking or break your leg while do­

ing sports and have to miss school• don’t have time to do homework well

Dima likes going out

What’s good in going out at weekend?• enjoy nature — sunny day, new green leaves, birds’

singing• have a picnic with friends in the park, near the

river• go to the theatre or cinema to see a new play / film• meet new friends there


What’s not good in staying at home?• feel bored, no new friends and all the family at home• have to do homework and housework• no fresh air, no sports, no physical activity

Some people like to spend weekends at home, but others prefer going out. What do you think about it?

Most of us like to spend Saturday and Sunday in the country but some are stay-at-home people. Is it good to stay in or out when you have free time a t the end of the week?

As for me, I prefer _______________________________ .F irst of all, ___________________________________________



On the other hand, some people don’t agree with me.They believe that spending your weekend _______________have some good points. To begin with, they f in d ________


T h e n , so m e p e o p le th in k

Lastly, some of my friends

I strongly believe tha t you can relax only when___________ s o ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

is the best place for your weekend.

Test 5________________________Unit 3. Learning more about each other Section 1-2

0 Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.

1. ['b:ja] — ________________________2. [tjeinds] — _____________________3. [no:ti] — ______________________4. [ru:d] — _________________________5. [wo:m] — ______________________6. [n3:s] — ________________________7. ['кги:э1] — _______________________8. ['mjurzik] —

© Заполни пропуски словам и из рамочки.

r Лhow many times

this timemuch timeat the timewhat time

in timethe last time




2 .




6. 7.

Why didn’t you come invited?

you were


She never comes to school always late.

does your mother come home after

. She is



See you

I didn’t have

did you visit your granny last

I saw you, I couldn’t believe my

tomorrow.____ for talking.

3 ) Соотнеси слово и его перевод.





4J Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

1. I like h e r _____2. My granny is an

(friend) smile._____ (understand) and

loving person.3. My littler brothers are very active a n d ______________

(noise).4. Ted always had new ideas, he is very ______________

(create).5. How __________________ (luck) you are!6. It was a __________________ (please) evening — warm

and quiet.7. Sorry, I can’t stay quiet for long. They say I am the

m o s t______________________ (talk) of all.8. W hat a r e __________________ (tradition) hobbies in


Вставь пропущенные слова.

1. Tom __________________home when he was young.

(держали) different pets at

2. You (катался) a pony in the parkyesterday.

3. My children (наблюдали) lionsand tigers at the circus last Monday.

4. His brother _____pets 10 years ago.

(научился) to treat


5. I (была) a kind and loving mother.6. My grandfather

theatre last week.(отвел) me to the

7. Ihour ago.

(переоделся) for the party an

8. John (подумал) about going to thecinema with his brother.

(б ) Ответь на вопросы.

1. You can speak English, can’t you? — Yes, I can.

2. Your hobbies are cinema and music, aren’t they? —

3. You play the guitar, don’t you? — _________________

4. You have got a lot of fiends, haven’t you? — ______

5. You weren’t in Italy last year, were you? — ________

6. You won’t go to school on Monday, will you? — _____

7. You wouldn’t like to have homework for tomorrow,would you? — ____________________________________

8. You had a party yesterday, didn’t you? — _ _ _ _ _ _


7 ) Выбери нужное слово.

Was Were Did ч_________________________________________________ /

1. ___________ it a dangerous but im portant job?2. ___________ your father want to be a vet or a lawyer?3. ___________ Tim a rude or polite boy?4. ___________ you hungry in the morning?5. ___________ Ann produce new ideas yesterday?6. ___________ you arrange the tickets for the film?7. ___________ it impossible to come earlier?8. ___________ you sister draw these funny pictures?

8J Переведи на английский, используя слова в ра­мочке.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —

Information Technology a computer programmer

a farm er an animal

in the country to live

to spend to be going to to be afraid of

what why



Том собирается стать компьютерным программистом.

Он не собирается становиться фермером.

Почему Том собирается стать программистом? _____

Он любит информатику и проводит много времени за компьютером. _____________________________________

Почему Том собирается стать фермером?

Он боится животных и не хочет жить за городом.

Кем ты хочешь стать?

Я не знаю. Это трудный вопрос.

Соотнеси каждое высказывание и утверждение, данное в таблице. Одно утверждение лишнее.

— ----------------------— ■ \A. Her daughter is athletic and naughty.B. Her daughter is shy and curious.C. Her daughter is sociable and talkative.D. Her daughter is kind but unlucky.E. Her daughter was sociable but now she is shy.

v_________________________________________________ ✓

1. My little daughter Amy is five years old now and she is a real beauty. One bad thing — she is never quiet. She makes new friends everywhere — in the park, in the shop, on the plane, in the taxi, at my work, in the hospital. She asks them a lot of questions about this and that. When we are at home, she asks questions to me. I love her and it is nice to read her books and teach her but I really want her to stop for a while. I want peace in my home.

2. Can you believe that my daughter learnt to read when she was only four? Now Tina loves books and she spends a lot of time sitting on the floor and reading about animals, princesses, dragons, countries and continents. I am sure you will be surprised when she tells you about the Milky Way and Astrology! “Books are my friends and I don’t want to have anyone to play with,” she says and stays at home. How can I make her go out and play with other children?

3. She can climb trees like a little funny monkey. One day I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my six-year-old daughter on the top of the bus stop! Once Mary jumped out of the window — it was the second floor! At school her favourite subject is P. E. and she is in a school football team. Her sport teacher loves her — but others don’t. They say Mary is too talkative in class and never does her class- work. Sometimes she asks silly questions and runs between desks and draws pictures on the desks.

4. Maggie is 5 years old and she is very intelligent. At a very early age she learned ABC’s, numbers and all the colours and loved to play with my friends. When she was


two, she drew pictures and gave them to her little friends. When she was three, we went to live in India. There every­thing changed. Now she has very different people around her and they speak in a different way. Some of them are rude and impolite to their children. My daughter stays away from them and has no friends here. Now I am the only person she talks to.

Прочитай отрывок из письма Бена, твоего другаиз Англии.

...We came to Manchester only a week ago so I changed my school. It is not easy to have new classmates and teach­ers, you see. Now I don’t have friends because I am too shy. Do you have new friends this year? W hat are they like? Do you spend you free time together and what do you do?..

Напиши ему письмо, не забудь ответить на его вопросы. Используй слова, данные в рамочке.


In your letter you ask me about 16 October, 2112

Lots of love,Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter Well,

You know,W rite back soon!

Moscow, Russia



It was nice to hear from you!

( l l ) Придумай ещё три вопроса Бену о его новой школе и одноклассниках.

1. Do you like your teachers?2. W hat new subjects do you have in your timetable?





Test 6Unit 3. Learning more about each other Section 3-4

Соедини стрелкой слова, близкие по значению.

Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1. farm er, answer, manager, lawyer, driver2. cruel, angry, kind, rude, stupid3. clever, independent, curious, polite, naughty4. karate, cooking, dancing, singing, reading5. funny, pleasant, nice, interesting, dull6. garden, poem, story, book, fairy tale7. violin, guitar, piano, computer, saxophone8. sick, hospital, doctor, librarian, nurse

-P-? n i n i l student




3J Разгадай кроссворд.

Un-? Im-? In-?



По горизонтали По вертикали1. развязывать (шнурки) 1. необычный2. расстёгивать молнию 2. нездоровый5. невозможный 3. неприятный8. несчастный 4. неопрятный9. враждебный 5. позорный10. невезучий 6. независимый

7. невежливый


[4J Переведи на русский язык.

1. W hat is he like? ____________

2. W hat does he like?

3. W hat do you mean?

4. W hat are you looking at?

5. Hope to hear from you soon.

6. Why are you leaving?

7. Would you mind changing places?

8. Let’s go there for a change.

( 5 j Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни про­пуски.

Anna and Tom ( 1 ) ____________ (be) doctors and theyalways try to have a quiet weekend at home. Tom usually(2) (spend) his time in front of the TV andsometimes falls asleep there. Anna (3) ____________ (not


like) to watch TV; she prefers shopping with her two (4)____________ (child).

Yesterday Tom ( 5 ) ____________ (buy) a very interest­ing computer game. ‘Let’s (6) ____________ (play) it! It is(7) ____________ (interesting) game in the world!’ he saidto his wife Anna. ‘No, I (8) ____________ (not do) that.I have some plans for this weekend. Would you like (9)____________ (know)?’ ‘Not now, can’t you see tha t I ambusy now. I (10) _____________ (play).’

(б ) Выбери нужное слово и заполни пропуски.

1. I always ____________ to my friends on the phone inthe evening.a) say b) talk c) speak

2. Ben ____________ his classmates when he is on holi­days.a) smiles b) misses c) changes

3. When do you usually g o ____________ friends?a) out b) out with c) with

4. ____________ you arrange the tickets to the cinematwo days ago?a) Do b) Will c) Did

5. His s i s te r____________ detective stories yesterday.a) didn’t read b) doesn’t read c) won’t read


6. Did they a) speak

_____ English last year?b) spoke c) speaks

7. My s is te r ____________ shopping tomorrow.a) doesn’t b) won’t go c) didn’t go

8. W h e n ____________ to the theatre?a) did they go b) they went c) they go

( 7 ) Составь вопросы из данных слов.

E x a m p l e : what, you, are, doing, now? — W hat are you doing now?

1. her little sister, does, go to the swimming pool? ____

2. Ann, a t you, isn’t, laughing, n o w ._________________

3. he, not, does, uniform, at school, wear. ____________

4. my mother, why, changing, is, her clothes, now? ___

5. what kind of books, to read, you, like, do? _________

6. looking at, you, are, what? ________________________

7. not, I, now, am, sleeping. _________________________


Соотнеси вопросы и ответы.

1. Where are you going?2. Is your sister playing with your friend?3. W hat is your father doing?4. W hat are your friends doing?5. Are you singing an English song?6. Is Tom sleeping?7. A re your friends playing football?

A. I’m going to the Zoo.B. No, they are not. They are only learning to do it.C. No, she is not. They are not friends.D. No, he is thinking with closed eyes.E. He is playing a new computer game!F. No, I am not. It is French.G. They are skipping.

Переведи на английский язык.

Куда ты идёшь? __________________________________Куда ты ходишь каждое утро? ____________________

Почему ты делаешь уроки сейчас?

Ты делаешь уроки каждый день?

Ты ешь рыбу? (вообще)

6. Ты ешь рыбу сейчас?7. Ты спишь? (сейчас) _8. Ты спишь днём? ___

(10) Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.

Long time ago all the birds could talk like people. Most of all the birds, people liked the talkative parrot, be­cause this honest bird always told the tru th .

He lived with a dishonest cruel man. One night the man killed his friend’s cow. When the friend came to look for it in the morning, he asked the dishonest cruel man, “Did you kill my cow yesterday?”

“No, I didn’t , ” said the man.“Is that the tru th? Let’s ask the parrot, because he

always tells the tru th .”“Yes, he did. This dishonest cruel man killed the cow,”

answered the parrot.W hen n igh t came, the man had an idea. He put

a great cup on the parro t’s head. Then he poured a lot of water on the cup.

In the morning his friend and some other people came to his house again.

“I know tha t this dishonest cruel man killed my cow. The parrot says that he did.”

“You are wrong! That parrot tells lies. He will not tell the tru th even about what happened last night. Ask him if there was the moon in the sky yesterday.”


“No,” said the parrot. “There was no moon, it was raining all n ight.”

“It is impossible! This bird tells lies! W hat shall we do?” the people said. “Fly away! You can’t live with us!”

So the parro t flew away unhappily into the forest where he met a mocking-bird (пересмешник) and told him his story.

“Why did you not repeat words as I do?” asked the mocking-bird. “Men always think their words are clever.”

“But the man told lies and he was not intelligent,” said the parrot.

“That is nothing,” answered the mocking-bird. “Say what they say, and they will think you are a wonderful and polite b ird .”

“Yes, I see,” said the parrot, “from now on, I will only repeat their words.”

1. The parrot lived with the farmer.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. It was raining all night.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Long time ago birds could speak to each other.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. The mocking-bird always told the tru th .1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

@ Напиши вступления на предложенные темы со­чинений. Помни, что во вступлении необходимо перефразировать тему — сформулировать дан­


ную проблему другими словами, используя си­нонимы. Слова и выражения, данные в рамочке, могут оказаться полезными. Напиши не более 40 слов!

E x a m p l e : Some people invite a lot of guests to their birthday parties but others th ink th a t it isa waste of time. W hat do you think aboutit? — Every day people have birthday parties a t home, in the cafe, in the park. They say it is the happiest time of the year but some people believe th a t you shouldn’t celebrate your birthday and spend time on it.

Most of us spend a lot of time on different hobbies butsome people believe th a t their work or studies are moreim portant than any hobby. W hat do you think about it?

------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• children and their parents, grown-ups and young people

• to have some good / bad points (иметь преиму­щества / недостатки), to think, to find, to be­lieve, to prefer, to say, to be sure

• to enjoy swimming, diving, riding a bike, going to the cinema

• to work hard, to make money, to study well,to have progress in studies, to spend hours onbooks, to think about their career



Some people plan their weekends very carefully but others prefer on-spot decisions. What do you think about it?


• children and their parents, grown-ups and young people

• to have some good / bad points (иметь преиму­щества / недостатки), to think, to find, to be­lieve, to prefer, to say, to be sure

• to arrange a date and time, to invite friends, to get everything ready, to organize well

• to act quickly, to change their plans quickly, to have a lot of ideas



Some students are sure th a t learning English in Great Britain is the most effective way to do it but others say th a t it is better to study English in your home country. W hat do you think about it?

----------------------- .

• children and the ir parents, teachers and s tu ­dents, teenagers, schoolboys and schoolgirls

• to have some good / bad points (иметь преиму­щества / недостатки), to think, to find, to be­lieve, to prefer, to say, to be sure

• to travel, to go abroad, to study at English school, to take English courses in Great Britain, not to speak Russian at the lessons, to speak English from morning till night, to make good progress in English, to have fun at classes

• to explain grammar better in Russian, to feel more comfortable living in your home town, to prepare homework better



Some people say th a t changing school is good for students bu t others th ink th a t students should spend their school years in one school. W hat do you th ink about it?

— ------- — _ _ _ _ _ .

• children and the ir parents, teachers and s tu ­dents, teenagers, schoolboys and schoolgirls

• to have some good / bad points (иметь преиму­щества / недостатки), to think, to find, to be­lieve, to prefer, to say, to be sure

• to meet new friends and teachers, to be useful, to listen to different explanations and find d if­ferent ways of learning, to make better progress

• to spend your school years in one schoolv__________________________________________________________J

Test 7Unit 4. Learning more about London Section 1-2

Ql )̂ Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.

1. [sik] — __________________________2. [mju:'zi:am] — ____________________3. [kri'eitiv] — _____________________4. ['tu(9)rist] — _______________________5. [gi'ta:] — _________________________6. [skwea] — _______________________7. ['steidiam] — ____________________8- Lfai] — __________________________

Соедини стрелкой выражения, близкие по значе­нию.

Hope to hear from you soon You see,Yours, young peopleYou know, W rite back soonthink . todayclassmates Lots of love,parents prefernowadays believeenjoy grown-ups


® Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

1. W hat are your ____________ (character)? — I thinkI am intelligent and responsible.

2. Will you to come to me at 7 tonight? — Yes, ______________ (certain).

3. I can’t say my father is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (athlete) person.He prefers watching TV.

4. New Year i s ____________ (national) holiday — peoplecelebrate it in most countries.

5. Who is the m o s t____________ (fame) teacher in yourschool?

6. I have come im p o rtan t_________________(inform) foryou.

7. We are going to discuss _________________ (differ)problems.

8. I would like to see this ____________ (sport) event atthe stadium, not on TV.

( 7 ) Переведи предложения на русский язык, исполь­зуя смысловую догадку. Предыдущее упражне­ние в этом поможет!

1. Who was the main character of the film we saw yes­terday? ___________________________________________


I don’t have any certain plans for tomorrow.

He is the best athlete in our small town.

Christmas and Easter are national holidays in Russia.

She got fame as a cinema actress.

Can you inform us about the date of our future meet­ing? ______________________________________________

Tastes differ. _______________________You collect coloured pencils, don’t you?

Сопоставь вопросы с ответами.

1. Would you like to visit Moscow?2. How much is the ticket?3. Can I help you?4. W hat places would you like to see in Moscow?

A. I’d like to buy two tickets, please.B. Sure. I am going to do it as soon as possible.C. Let me see. Well, I really don’t know.D. It is twelve pounds.

b)1. Do you speak Russian?2. Can I have some coffee, please?3. W hat is he like?4. W hat does he like?

A. Yes, I do. A little.B. He is rude and cruel.C. He enjoys riding a bike and learning Russian.D. Yes, dear. Here it is.

Заполни пропуски, используя глагол в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. My fa th e r____________ fish soup. He doesn’t want tolook at it! (to hate)

2. W here____________ y o u _____________ now? (to go) —To school.

3. The weather _____________ here in winter. It is warmand sunny in every season. ( not, to change)

4. T h ey ____________ abroad every summer, (to go)5. My s is te r_____________ a terrible voice, (to have)6. I am going to meet my friends today. I _____________

to stay at home, (not, to want)7. ____________ y o u _____________ my new schoolbag? —

It is fantastic! (to like)8. Sorry, he can’t come to the phone. He ____________

a bath, (to have)


7 ) Выбери нужное слово или выражение.

I am not hungry now. I __________ any cake.a) not wantb) am not wantingc) do not want__________ that lovely house near the big green tree?We live in it!a) You seeb) Are you seeingc) Can you see

3. Tim __________ a good time at his friend’s party now.a) hasb) is havingc) have

4. W hat __________ ? — He is a lawyer.a) is he doingb) does he doc) did he do

5. Why are y o u __________ ? — Sorry, i t ’s late.a) liveb) leavec) leaving

6. Look! I __________ new shoes. My shoes are too old.a) needb) am havingc) have


2 .


7. __________ play computer games.a) Don’tb) Doesc) Does not

8. My g ra n d fa th e r__________ a fantastic car!a) have gotb) has gotc) doesn’t got

9. Tomorrow __________ will be cold and frosty.a) itb) theyc) we

10. W e __________ travel to India as soon as possible.a) likeb) are goingc) would like to

(? ) Переведи на английский язык.

1. Послушай! Мой брат играет на гитаре, (to play theg u ita r )____________________________________________

2. Мой брат играет на гитаре каждый вечер, (to playthe g u ita r )________________________________________

3. Что ты хочешь, Мэри? (to want)


4. Сейчас поздно. Что ты здесь делаешь, Мэри? (to do)

5. Вы любите плавать? (to like swimming)

6. Вам нравится плавать в такой холодной воде? (to like swimming in such cold water) _________________

7. Здесь очень темно. Ты видишь меня? (to see)

8. Почему ты смотришь на меня? (to look)

Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски правильными

It was a nice spring day. The sun was high in the sky. The sky was blue. In the centre of London a policeman saw a man with a big lion. They were walking down the street.

‘Hey, you!’ cried the policeman. ‘W hat are you doing here with this lion? You can’t walk around London with a lion. It is not a pet! Take it to the Zoo!’

‘OK, officer. Now I want to show Baby the town, thenI will take him to the Zoo.’

He opened the door of his car and the lion jumped in. The car went away.




The next day the policeman saw the man and the lion again.

‘Hey, you!’ he said. ‘Come over here! And bring tha t lion with you!’

The man took the lion to the police officer.‘W hat is the problem?’‘Problem? I told you yesterday to take the lion to

the Zoo!’‘Oh, I did, officer. I took Baby to the Zoo. He liked

it very much. But today I am taking him to the Green P ark .’

1. It was a n ic e _______a) winter dayb) spring eveningc) dayd) summer night

2. The policeman saw the man and the lion in t h e ______a) parkb) streetc) Zood) Car

3. Baby was a _______a) babyb) lionc) police officerd) man


4. The man had a as a pet.a) babyb) big catc) policemand) wild animal

5. The lion v is ite d _______a) the Zoob) the swimming poolc) the parkd) Africa

6. The policeman was ______ when he saw the man andthe lion again.a) happyb) tiredc) angryd) hungry

Прочитай отрывок из письма твоего друга Джекаиз Англии.

...As you know, I am a Londoner. I love living in the big city. There are a lot of interesting places to visit. Peo­ple are very friendly and sociable here. Do you enjoy living in your town? W hat are people like in the place where you live? Would you like to come to London next winter?..

Напиши ему письмо, не забудь ответить на его вопросы. Используй слова, данные в рамочке. Не забудь подписать письмо своим именем!


r Л

Moscow, RussiaIn your letter you ask me about

11 March, 2112Yours,

Dear Jack,Thank you for your letter

Well,You know,

W rite back soon!V J

__________________________. It was nice to hear fromyou again!


(ТТ) Прочитай ответы Джека на твои вопросы о Лон­доне и напиши сами вопросы.

E x a m p l e : What is the capital of the UK like? — It isan interesting city with a very long history.

1 . ________________________________________________? —Oh, it is not like Paris at all!

2 . _________________________________________________________________? —Yes, sure. Some people say tha t parks are the most beautiful places in London.

3. ? —No, not now. I have a nice school and a lot of friends here. And my parents have good jobs in London.

Test 8Unit 4. Learning more about London Section 3-5

Соедини стрелкой слова, близкие по значению.

sociable well-knownsay --------- -► tellfamous pleasantloving strongathletic talkativetypical traditionalsick caringnice ill

(j2 j Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1. capital, city, town, museum, village2. building, cinema, theatre, gallery, palace3. London, Paris, Russia, Madrid, Oslo4. wall, roof, door, window, house5. unpleasant, in te lligen t, independent, inform al, un ­

happy6. square, street, bridge, farm, palace7. famous, unpleasant, interesting, favourite, lovely8. strange, legend, warm, hospitable, political


® Разгадай кроссворд.


8 9



По горизонтали1. we go there when we are ill and need to see a doctor4. the most im portant city in every country7. we go there to enjoy green trees and fresh air in the

city8. a building where we live


10. a tall building where we can climb and see well every­thing around

11. it helps us to cross the river

По вертикали2. we go there to buy something3. a building where kings and queens live4. we go there to watch films5. teachers work there and students get sm arter6. we go there to enjoy different collections of any kind9. some of us go there to play sports but some only

watch sporting events.

( 4^ Вставь пропущенные слова в рассказ Сьюзано Лондоне.r N

Londoner need historyHyde Park Big Ben fantastic

popular visit streets museumsV J

I am а (1) ____________ and I know the city well.I have my favourite places in this (2) ____________ city.

W hen I was very young, my G randfather visited our home and took me out with him. We walked throughthe quiet, peaceful London ( 3 ) ____________ together.I can still remember the sun shining through the trees in( 4 ) _______ , or the sounds of (5) _________________ nearthe Thames.


You (6) ____________ a lot of time to learn London.My favourite ( 7 ) ______________ in London — the Victo­ria and A lbert, N atural H istory and the Science Muse­ums — they are (8) ____________ and very in terestingbut you can’t ( 9 ) ____________ them in one day. My firstchoice is the Victoria and Albert Museum because I love (10) ___________ ...

Составь словосочетания и запиши их.

w ritten studentwriting palaceburning storyburnt leavesfalling soldierfallen admiraldying stardead house

1. написанный рассказ —2. пишущий студент — _3. горящий дом — ______4. сгоревший дворец — _5. падающая звезда — __6. опавшие листья — ___7. умирающий солдат —8. умерший генерал — _


б) Выбери нужное слово или выражение.

1. __________ weighs 13,720 kilograms and you can hearits deep tone every hour in London.a) W estminster Abbeyb) The Houses of Parliamentc) Big Bend) The Tower

2. The Queen of Britain lives in __________ .a) Buckingham Palaceb) the Towerc) Trafalgar Squared) W estminster Abbey

3. Sue is a loving daughter and she ta k e s __________ hersick father.a) place c) care ofb) off d) part in

4. she didn’t like him but in the end Annbecame his wife.a) Once c) F irstb) At firs t d) Firstly

5. I am going to s ta rt jogging ________a) a week ago c) as soon as possibleb) yesterday d) every day

She loves cats but now s h e __________ a funny puppy.a) has c) haveb) is having d) will have


7. When _you leave home for school?a) do c) areb) did d) shall

8. Excuse me, I am lo o k in g __________ Tower Bridge.Can you tell me where it is, please?a) out of c) afterb) at d) for

9. I would like to v is i t__________British Museum today.a) the c) ab) an d) —

10. Have __________ nice day!a) the c) anb) a d) —

[ 7 j Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни про­пуски.

Trafalgar Square

W hat is ( 1 ) ____________ (famous) square in London?Trafalgar Square is a memorial to the Battle of Trafalgarwhere Admiral Nelson (2) ____________ (win) over Napo­leon in 1805. The Nelson statue (3) ____________ (stand)up high on top of a 50m column in the middle of thesquare. It (4) ____________ (not be) easy to take a pictureof the whole column. Before the square was built there(5) ____________ (be) a hotel here ( 6 ) ____________ (call)the Golden Cross Hotel.


Trafalgar Square was the (7 )____________ (one) site inLondon which was illuminated with electric lights in 1848.Many (8) ____________ (person) came to Trafalgar Square( 9 ) ____________ (look) at the lamps ( 1 0 ) ______________(shine) in the dark.

({Г) Переведи на русский язык.

1. You’d better ask a policeman. ______________________

2. W hat are you looking f o r ? _________________________

3. You are welcom e._________________________________

4. W hat is tha t over th e re ? __________

5. Take it o f f . ___________________

6. Let me see. ___________________

7. Don’t miss your chance!______

8. W hat is the Bloody Tower like?

9. Do you get on well with them?

10. Let’s go there for a change. ___


Распредели неправильные глаголы в три колонки в зависимости от способа образования глаголь­ных форм:

eat, cost, keep, cut, sleep, fight, let, teach, think, write, ride, meet, put, take, bring, read.

bet — bet — bet

feed — fed — fed

give — gave — given

buy — bought — bought

(10) Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.

My favourite places in LondonWell, I think tha t my favourite place in London is

Buckingham Palace. It is a beautiful building, isn’t it? Every day you can see a lot of people near it. They come there at about 10 o’clock and wait for the ‘Changing of the Guard’ ceremony which takes place in the forecourt. Tour­ists from all over the world can enjoy the ceremony daily from April to August. They can see a colourful parade of British soldiers and listen to music playing around.


Also, I love London parks and some people say that they are the most exciting places to visit in British capi­tal. Can you see tha t lake over there, opposite the pal­ace? It really looks pleasant in the middle of the day. It is St. Jam es’s Park. When I saw it for the firs t time, I was really surprised to find such a big lake right in the middle of the city. It is a popular place to have a walk, to feed the ducks and to watch the pelicans. W hat is more, you can have a picnic right here, on the green grass. Of course, there are some certain rules for picnickers. There are no boats to rent in St. James’s Park and you can’t have a swim here but I am sure you will love it.

Now I know that there are some more lakes in Central London. There are two lakes in the northern part in Re­gent’s Park and one in the western part in Hyde Park — it is the Serpentine Lake. It has such a name because the form of the lake looks like a snake. You can rent a boat, lie in the sun and have a nice lunch on its banks. There is one in the Buckingham Palace Garden which is actually not open to the public.

1. The Changing of the Guard takes place in front ofBuckingham Palace at 11 o’clock.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. You can’t sit on the grass in the park near Bucking­ham Palace.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. There are five lakes in Central London.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


4. You can’t have a walk in the Buckingham Palace Gar­den.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

( l l ) Напиши сочинение на предложенную тему, ис­пользуя план, опорные слова и выражения.

Some people enjoy living in big cities but others prefer small towns and villages. W hat do you think about it?

1) Вступление.Перефразируй тему сочинения своими словами, ис­

пользуя синонимы.

People — citizens, villagers, grown-ups and young people, parents and their children, families...To enjoy — to like, to love, to prefer, to be fond of, to feel comfortableTo live — to spend their life, to study and work To live in big cities — to live in a flat, to live in a block of flatsTo live in the countryside — to live in a cottage, to live in a small village, to live among the fields and hills


2) Основная часть.В первом абзаце вырази свою точку зрения, подтвер­

див её несколькими аргументами.Во втором абзаце вырази противоположную точку

зрения и скажи, почему ты с ней не согласен.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In my opinion, as for me, — по моему мнению To think — to find, to believe, to be sure, to sup­poseTo s ta rt with, ... W hat is more, ... Finally, ... — Для начала, ... А также ..., И наконец ...• to have a lot of good points (иметь много пре­

имуществ)• to have the opposite opinion (иметь противопо­

ложное мнение)• city: many schools, colleges, universities — good

education; many offices, banks, hospitals, com­panies — well-paid job, shopping and sport cen­tres, restaurants, museums, galleries, cinemas, theatres — free time but noisy, overcrowded, transport problems and dirty air, a lot of crime (преступность)

• countryside: quiet place, not so many cars, cleanair — not so many problems with health but fewplaces for study and work, few places of interest,cinemas, theatres, cafes v_________________________________________________ у


3) Заключение.Кратко вырази ещё раз свою точку зрения на пред­

ложенную тему. Напомни о важности данной проблемы и, если возможно, укажи способы её решения.

То sum up, I would like to say tha t....To find the right balance between living in the city and in the country — to have a flat in the city and a country house for weekends and holidays.To make city life cleaner and more quiet, to have more parks and less cars and factories.To make country more comfortable for living — to build more sportcentres and cinemas, hospitals and schools.



Test 9Unit 5. Faces of London Section 1-2

(T ) Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.

1. [w3:0] — ___2. ['paelis] — __3. [Чаиэ] — __4. ['kasrikta] —5. ['taiad] — __6. ['juarap] — _7. ['э:0э] — __8. [art] — ____

© Найди, обведи и выпиши ещё 12 слов на тему “City”.

1. square 8.2. museum 9.3. theatre 10.4. ________________ 11.5. ________________ 12.6. ________________ 13.7. ________________ 14.



J E s Q U A R E S R

H С H 0 u S E Q T E



P I M 0 R I T H E A

A T и Z I N 0 E T U

L A s 0 D E W A В R

A L E 0 G M E T u A

С S U H E A R R s N

E M M 0 N U M E N T

Q3̂ ) Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

E very day h undr e ds of ( 1 ) ____________ (E ng­land) schoolchildren come to the (2) ____________ (na­tu re) H istory Museum in London. The museum is ina (3 )____________ (beauty) old building and has interactive( 4 ) ____________ (exhibit). Every (5) _____________ (visit)can see ‘live’ dinosaurs and other ancient animals. Teachers


and their (6) ____________ (study) learn about animal andplant life on our planet. They can learn about talented(7) ____________ (science) and their discoveries in a (8)____________ (friend) and quiet atmosphere.

(? ) Заполни пропуски артиклями the / a / ал, если это необходимо.

1. I didn’t in v ite _________ Blacks to my birthday party!2. Would you l ik e _________apple?3. _______ Russian Federation is the biggest country in

the world.4. W hat is ________ best pupil in your class?5. Nobody lives i n _________Red Square.6. _______Atlantic Ocean is between America and Europe.7. I have g o t _________pony and six dogs.8. She wrote _________ many detective stories.

( 5 ) Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол to be в пра­вильном времени.

1. She ________ n e v e r________ to Buckingham Palace.2. ________ you in London last year?3. My uncle ________ in the capital of Russian now.4. W h e re ________ y o u _________ today?5. I think s h e ________ a famous singer in five years.


6. S h e ________ very hungry when I met her.7. I ________ at home now.8. London parks _________ full of flowers and trees in

every season.

(? ) Переведи предложения на русский язык.

1. Go along tha t street! ______________________________2. Ju s t take it off! ___________________________________3. Who are you looking a t ? __4. I can’t get on well with him.

5. You are welcome!6. Don’t take part in it!

7. Great!8. See you soon.

(V ) Выбери пропущенный предлог и заполни про­пуск.

Nfor with to at in by from of

v J

1. She is p ro u d ________ her son Andrew. He is a worldtennis champion.


2. Can I speak ________ John, please?3. I never talk loudly _ _ _ _ _ _ the lesson.4. Russian is rich _________ minerals.5. W hat is London famous _________ ?6. Sorry, the poem is too long. I can’t learn it ________

heart.7. He translated this book ________ English into Russian.8. In summer I s ta y e d ________ my grandparents in the


( ¥ ) Переведи на английский язык.

1. Ты когда-нибудь был в Кремле? ___________________

2. Я не хочу идти туда ещё р а з .____________________

3. Я думаю, что не стоит покупать эту книгу. Онаскучная. __________________________________________

4. Ты бы хотел сходить завтра в музей?

5. Они устали от работы .______ ___________ __6. Давай сходим в этот парк. Его стоит увидеть.

7. Сейчас поздно. Почему ты делаешь уроки?


8. Как мне добраться до Большого театра?

Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.

Fire at the GlobeA t the age of forty-seven William Shakespeare got

tired of poetry and decided to say goodbye to the theatre. Times changed, and people wanted different plays. There were lots of new, younger writers, who knew how to please the theatregoers. There were two theatres in London at that time — the Globe and the Blackfriars. Plays in the Globe were in the open air and always had to be in daylight, but the Blackfriars was a building. They could put on plays in the evenings and in any weather. It also made more money, because every person had a seat and paid some money for it. In the Globe they paid much less to stand.

In 1612, William’s brother Gilbert died in London and just a year later his brother Richard died in Stratford. Wil­liam was the oldest brother, and he was the only one still alive. So William returned back to his home town.

When he was back a t S tratford , he wrote another play, of course. That was Henry VIII and he wrote it be­cause the King’s daughter, Princess Elizabeth, was getting married. The London theatre had to have a new play for a special day like that. In London the actors and William Shakespeare did the rehearsals at the Globe, and the actors


put on the new play for the first time on the 29th of June, 1613.

It happened soon after the play began. Richard Bur­bage, an actor, was on stage and he suddenly looked up and stopped in the middle of a word.

‘Fire!’ he shouted. ‘The theatre’s on fire!’Wooden buildings burn fast and he cried, ‘Everybody

out! Quickly!’The crowd of theatregoers began to hurry to the doors.

They could all see the smoke now, and William cried, ‘The playbooks! We must get the playbooks out!’

Everybody got out and no one was hurt. One man’s coat caught fire and his friend put the fire out with a bot­tle of beer.

But the Globe burnt right down to the ground in an hour.

1. In the Globe the tickets were more expensive than in the Blackfriars.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. William was born in Stratford.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. The Globe burnt right down to the ground in the sum­mer of 1613.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. W illiam’s coat caught fire and his friend put the fire out with a bottle of beer.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


10) Сопоставь выражения, близкие по значению.

- 1. W rite back soon!2. Yours,3. Thanks for your letter.4. You know,5. It was worth visiting6. I was tired of it.7. It was quite expensive8. Let’s go there together!

A. It was so good to hear from you.B. I loved it very much.C. Love,D. I paid much money for it.E. Would to like to visit it again?F. Hope to hear from you soon.G. It was so boring.H. You see,

( l l j Прочитай отрывок из письма твоего друга Тома из Англии.

...You know, last weekend our class visited Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum. It was my firs t visit there andI loved its large collections of famous figures. They are so true to life! W hat places of interest did you visit in London last summer? W hat did you like best? Did you take any pictures? ...


Напиши ему письмо, не забудь ответить на его вопросы. Используй слова, данные в рамочке. Не забудь подписать письмо своим именем!r

Moscow, RussiaIn your letter you ask me about

11 March, 2112Yours,

Dear Tom,Thank you for your letter

Well,You know,

W rite back soon!V J

It was nice to hear from you again!

Test 10Unit 5. Faces of London Section 3-4

Соедини стрелкой слова с противоположным зна-чением.

local dirtyarrive ----- —► leavego internationalsociable dieclean comerude cruelkind politebe born shy

{2J Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1. ice-cream, lollipop, sandwich, meat, cafe2. a rtist, scientist, light, interpreter, lawyer3. the West, the North, the Thames, the East, the South4. the Moon, the Alps, the Sun, the Earth, the Mars5. lunch, hotel, museum, restaurant, gallery6. the Baltic Sea, the Neva, the Atlantic Ocean, the Ama­

zon, the Caucasus7. loving, intelligent, polite, friendly, ugly8. day, sight, century, year, week


( з ) Разгадай кроссворд.

Faces of London








15 16

По горизонтали3. Madame Tussaud’s is the fam o u s____________museum.6. __________ is the capital of Great Britain.7. Agatha Christie is famous for h e r ___________ stories.8. MOMI is the Museum of the M oving__________ .11. The Houses o f _________ stand near the river Thames.13. A __________ is a place where people watch films.


14. We go to t h e __________ to watch sporting events.15. St. Jam es’s Park is beautiful with its lake and the

view of Buckingham __________ .16. You can visit Speaker’s Corner i n ____________ Park.

По вертикали1. The statue of Peter Pan is in K ensington__________ .2. A _is a sweet on the stick.4. M ark Twain could te ll ___________ and everybody

laughed at them.5. You can visit L ondon__________ in Regent’s Park.8. Robinson Crusoe lived on a desert __________ .9. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took

place in W estm in ste r__________ .10. Daniel Defoe was a famous E n g lish __________ .12. You can visit an open-air__________ in Regent’s Park

and enjoy Shakespeare’s plays there.13. The famous __________ Big Ben is a symbol of Lon­


( 4^ Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

1. My uncle Tom took part in the world tennis ( 1 ) _________________ (champion) last year.

2. W hat is her (2) ____________ (occupy)? — She isa musician.


3. The Bolshoy Theatre is rich in (3) singers and dancers.


4. I think she has no (4) (imagine).5. Would you like to be a (5) (science)?6. London is one of the most (6)

cities in the world.(wonder)

7. My brother was born at the (7) of the 21st century.


8. London is a city of shopping and (entertain).


( еГ) Пронумеруй фразы так, чтобы получился разго­вор.

___ — Yes, please. They are lovely and the tea is delicious.

___ — Will you come to me on Sunday? We can havea picnic in my garden.

1 — Would you like a glass of orange juice?

___ — Oh, here you are. Take some chocolate cakes withyour tea.

___ — Thank you. I really enjoyed them.

___ — Would you like some more?

___ — No, thanks. Can I have a cup of hot tea? I am verycold.

8 — Thanks and see you on Sunday!


(6J Задай вопросы к предложению.

Mary Smith published her first novel in 2005. 1. W h o _______________________________________

?•2. Did Marv Smith

?3. Did

or 2007?4. W hat novel


5. Marv Smith published her first novel in 2005,?

6. When ?7. Whv ?

7 ) Заполни пропуски предлогами.f 4

on of for at as in toV J

1. Could you tell me how to get ________ BuckinghamPalace?

2. Would you like to s ta y ________ this wonderful hotel?3. London is famous ________ its monuments and muse­

ums.4. Are you p ro u d ________ your progress in English?


5. Russia is rich __________ minerals.6. _________ for me, I really enjoy it.7. I was b o r n ________ Monday.8. I m e t________ my sister near the park.

8 ) Выбери нужное слово или выражение.

2 .


6 .


a) Dob) AreW e ___________a) didn’t visitedb) are visiting The monumentsa) wasb) haveMy friends ___a) gob) goes

you need my help?c) Isd) Have

___the capital of France last summer.c) didn’t visitd) don’t visit

___ erected in 1854.c) ared) were

out every weekend.c) are goingd) have been

his breakfast.c) haved) are having


He is very busy now. Hea) is havingb) hasYou are very different ____ ______a) off c) thanb) in d) fromWhen I am sick, my mother takesa) part c) offb) care of d) place



8. The Queen lives Buckingham Palace.a) in theb) at a

c) atd) in

9. My mother is lawyer.a) ab) -

c) and) the

10. Has he ever been the Kremlin?a) inb) at

c) tod) -

9 ) Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни имипропуски.

Famous discoveryOne A u g u st day Lady Blem ley (1) ____________

(have) a party and invited Mr Appin. He was famous for his great discovery — a method of teaching animals to speak. He took (2) ____________ (successful) pupil — To­bermory, the cat. Mr Appin told the guests that Tober­mory (3) ____________ (can) speak English! ‘Will you havesome milk, Tobermory?’ asked one of the (4) ____________(lady). ‘Yes, please,’ (5) ____________ (be) the answer andthe guests got silent. ‘English was difficult to learn, wasn’tit? ’ asked the lady but Tobermory (6) ____________ (no,answer). Such boring questions didn’t interest him. ‘W hat(7) ____________ (you, think) of human intelligence?’ wasthe (8) ____________ (three) question. ‘Of whose in telli­gence?’ asked Tobermory coldly. ‘Oh, well, mine, for ex-


a m p le ,’ s a id M r A p p in . ‘I t is n o t a n e a s y q u e s t io n , y o u

Прочитай текст и выбери правильный вариантдля завершения предложений.

Talented Shop AssistantOne day, in 1925, A rth u r Ferguson saw a young

American in Trafalgar square in the centre of London. The young man was near Nelson’s column. He was looking at the monument to the greatest British admiral.

Suddenly a brilliant idea came to A rthu r’s mind. He came up to the young man and said: “Hello, I am the keeper of this monument. You know, in a month there will be no monument here. Our country has a lot of problems and the King has a plan to sell (продать) the column, the statue, the lions and the fountains to get money. And you know, all for six thousand dollars. But the King says that only a very im portant person will get i t .”

The young American wanted to be famous in his small American town. Suddenly he had an idea to get the column, the statue, the lions and the fountains. “I ’ll put them near my house, in the middle of my home town in America! Can you help me? I ’d like to buy them now!”

“First, I must phone my boss,” said A rthur. He went to the phone and was back in a few minutes. “You are lucky. Britain can get your money right now. Can you write

know. You (9) (be) a famous scientist but youbought Lady Blemley’s old car. It (10) well only if you push i t , ’ said the cat.



down the name and the address of the company? It will help you to transport Nelson’s column to America.”

The American gave Ferguson the money and went to the hotel. He was very happy. In the evening he called the company but they were surprised. They knew nothing about it! So the American called the police. The policemen were not surprised but the American got very angry. He learned about a man who had paid ten thousand for Big Ben.

1. A rthur Ferguson met a young American __________ .a) in Americab) and Nelson in Trafalgar Squarec) near Trafalgar Squared) near Nelson’s column

2. __________ wanted to sell Nelson’s column.a) Nobodyb) The Kingc) Fergusond) The American

3. __________ wanted to buy Nelson’s column.a) Fergusonb) Nelsonc) The Kingd) The American

4. Ferguson wanted to __________ .a) help the Americanb) get moneyc) help the Kingd) transport Nelson’s column to America


5. The American gave F erguson__________ .a) his address in Americab) moneyc) the police telephone numberd) his telephone number

6. The Amrican got very __________ at the end of thestory.a) happyb) surprisedc) angryd) talkaive

Прочитай информацию об английских школьни­ках и догадайся, кем они хотят стать. Название одной профессии лишнее!c

scientist w riter interpreter painter businessman



1. Mary likes writing stories about animals. She startedwriting when she was about five years old. Her first story was about a red rat, Reddy. The story was so realistic tha t her mother loved rats and bought Mary a nice ra t as a pet. Last week the g irl’s firs t book about her pet was published and Mary was very happy! She wants to be a famous ____________ .

2. Tim was the son of a very rich businessman. At the age of eleven he exhibited his firs t picture. It was


a portrait of his father. All his fa ther’s friends en­joyed the picture but asked the boy to stop painting. They said, ‘Painters are not often rich and not many painters are famous. It is better to be businessman, isn’t it? ’ But the boy didn’t like that. He loved water­colours and drawing people. He wanted to be a famous

3. Ann is fond of travelling and painting. There aremany pictures of butterflies on the walls of her bed­room. W hat is more, she has got a big collection of insects. She collects them in the parks and in the forests. She thinks they are wonderful. Ann wants to study butterflies and carry out experiments. She wants to be a fam o u s____________ .

4. Matthew is an English schoolboy. He is very respon­sible and always does his homework. A t school he studies different subjects — Maths, English, Geogra­phy, Science, A rt. His favourite subject is Russian. He learns Russian poems, sings Russian songs, reads Russian books. W hat is more, he writes easy stories in Russian. He wants to be a famous ____________ .

Test 11____________Unit 6. Animals in our life Section 1-2

QlJ Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.

1. [sait] — _____________________2. [kaind] — __________________3. [fi:d] — ____________________4. [w3:ld] — __________________5. [fait] — ____________________6. ['roial] — ____________________7. [keicfc] — ___________________8. [seiv] — ____________________

Найди, обведи и выпиши ещё 10 слов на тему “Animals”.

1. elephant2. giraffe3. dolphin

8 .9.10. 11. 12 . 13.

4.5.6. 7.


В Т м Е X J Н L F Q

Е R 0 L N Н 0 G В т



S N Е Н н S Е А G N

N 0 Y А А т Р F L S


К н Q Т К R В Е J С

В I т


3 ) Составь словосочетания и запиши их.

join w ith sharkssave wolvesfig h t th e Society

w atch cages

feed a national park

rep a ir anim als

create eagles

s tre tch the wings


1. вступить в общество — ________2. спасать животных — _______3. сражаться с акулами — _ _ _ _ _ _4. наблюдать за орлами — _____5. кормить волков — _______________6. чинить клетки — _______________7. создавать национальный парк —

8. расправлять крылья —

Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими

2. Our visit to the Zoo gave us great (enjoy)


1. Our visit to the Zoo was very . (enjoy)

3. W hat is the between a zoo and a wildanimals’ park? (differ)

4. You can see m an y ___ animals in the for­est. (differ)

5. Zoos help save6. It is a v e ry

__ animals, (danger)animal. Don’t come up to

it! (danger)7. I want to be a famous8. I like to carry out

__. (science)experiments, (sci­



( 5) Заполни пропуски предлогами, если это необхо­димо.

1. Will you take p a r t ________ the concert?2. Are you fo n d ________ swimming?3. This film is w o r th ________ seeing.4. Can you p la y _________the violin?5. Let’s invite O lg a________ my party!6. Will you jo in _________us to the cafe?7. The society fights _________cruelty to animals.8. Can I take this kitten home ________ me?

(? ) Переведи предложения на русский язык.

1. Hurry up! ___________________________________ _____2. W hat’s the news? _________________________________3. Nice to meet you! _________________________________4. W hat’s wrong? ___________________________________5. Keep off the grass.6. I t ’s worth doing. _7. W atch out! ______8. May I go out?

®7 ) Заполни пропуски, используя глагол в Present Simple или Past Simple.

1. The little boy ____________ every time when he seesa penguin, (to cry)


2. _________you o f te n ___________ art galleries? (to visit)3. _________ they __________ new animals last month?

(to buy)4. Where __________ he __________ every summer? (to

travel)5. We _____________ our pet rabbit in the cage, (not, to

keep)6. My father ____________ baby animals in the Zoo last

Monday, (to watch)7. He _____________ the Zoological Society of London

a year ago. (not, to join)8. T hey____________ animals three times a day. (to feed)

Выбери нужное слово или выражение.

1. Who will be responsible _________ the flowers?a) for c) —b) in d) from

2. Londoners are proud o f _________parks, aren’t they?a) its c) ab) their d) they

3. All animals want to l iv e ____________ the wild.a) on c) insideb) in d) —

4. Would you like to watch _________ the animals a t theZoo today?a) for c) —b) on d) at


Please,a) yourb) you

can take part in the game. Join us!c) itd) our

I a m ________ best student in my class.a) an c) —b) the d) a

Would you lik e ________ cup of coffee? — Yes, thanks.a) an c) —b) the d) a

I ’ll do m y ________ to become a famous writer.a) good c) betterb) best d) bad

Переведи на английский язык.

Боюсь, ты не прав. __________________Извини, но я не собираюсь делать это.

Мы никогда не были в Лондоне. _____

Мне это очень нравится. _____________

Извините, не могли бы вы мне помочь?

Вы хотите выпить чашечку чая?

7. С п а с и б о , м н е д е й с т в и т е л ь н о п о н р а в и л а с ь в е ч е р и н к а .

8. Алло! Я могу поговорить с Мэри?

(10) Прочитай текст и выбери правильный вариант для завершения предложений.Many years ago the kangaroo looked different. He had

four short legs. He was grey and very proud of himself. One day he came to the Big God Nqong.“Make me different from all other animals; make me

popular and run a fte r,” Kangaroo said.Nqong called Dingo — always hungry, dusty in the

sunshine, “Dingo! Can you see that gentleman? He wants to be popular and run after. Dingo, make him so!”

Hungry Dingo jumped up on his feet and ran afterKangaroo. The proud Kangaroo jumped on his four little legs and ran off like a rabbit. He ran through the hills and the mountains, through the fields and through the forests. He ran and ran till his front legs got very tired. He had to! (Ему пришлось!) Hungry Dingo ran after Kangaroo. He had to!

And finally they came to the River. There wasn’t any bridge, and there wasn’t any boat, and Kangaroo didn’t know how to cross it. So he stood up on his hind legs and jumped. He jumped like a Kangaroo. He had to!

F irst he made a small jump; then he made a biggerjump; then he made his biggest jump. ‘W hat can I see? My legs are growing stronger. My legs are growing longer,’ he thought.


Hungry Dingo ran after him. He was very much su r­prised, ‘How could Kangaroo make such a big jump?”

Now Kangaroo jumped better than a hare, he jumped like a new rubber ball! He jumped on his hind legs; he stuck out his tail for a balance behind him. He had to!

Then they came back to Nqong and stopped.Down sat Dingo. He was hungry, dusty in the sun­

shine and tired out.Down sat Kangaroo and stuck out his tail like a stool

behind him, hungry and tired out.Nqong said to him, “Why don’t thank Dingo for all he

has done for you?”“He made me leave my home, he didn’t let me have

my meals; he has changed my legs so I’ll never get back,” Kangaroo said.

“Didn’t you ask me to make you different from all other animals? Did you want to be run after?”

“Y es,” said K angaroo. “I th o u g h t you would do M agic...”

“W hat? You are not happy, aren’t you?” said Nqong. “Say tha t again and I’ll call Dingo and he will run after you again.”

“No,” said Kangaroo. “Legs are legs, and you needn’t change them so often...”

1. A long time ago the kangaroo .a) looked like the dingob) couldn’t run because his leg were too shortc) looked like a rabbitd) didn’t like rabbits


2. Kangaroo asked Nqong t o _____a) tu rn him into another animalb) change his namec) give him stronger legsd) make him popular

3. Dingo ran after Kangaroo because_____a) Nqong told him to do thatb) he wanted to make Kangaroo popularc) tha t was Nqong’s magicd) they had a race

4. Kangaroo’s legs grew stronger and longer becausea) he did a lot of running and jumpingb) Nqong did Magicc) his tail changedd) ate some magic grass

5. At the end of the tale K angaroo_____a) wanted to get his short legs backb) was very tired and hungryc) thanked Dingo a lotd) changed his colour

Прочитай отрывок из письма твоей подруги Мэрииз Англии.

...Well, all my friends have got a pet — a cat, a dog or a hamster. As for me, I want to have a snake but my mother is against it. She says snakes are not nice animals. What is the best pet for a little flat? What pet do you have? What do your parents think about having a snake as a pet?..


Напиши ей письмо, не забудь ответить на её вопросы. Используй слова, данные в рамочке. Не забудь указать свой адрес в правом верхнем углу, дату написания письма, подписать письмо своим именем!

It was nice to hear from you again! In your letter you ask me about

Yours,Dear Mary,

Thank you for your letter Well,

You know,W rite back soon!

Test 12Unit 6. Animals in our life Section 3-5

Соедини стрелкой слова, близкие по значению.

main very oldfamous eityancient dominanttown cleversight unusualsm art outstandingstrange deliciouslovely place of interest

(? ) Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1. animal, bird, fish, insect, reptile2. shark, rhino, fish, dolphin, whale3. horse, camel, caw, pig, eagle4. penguin, goose, hen, duck, turkey5. giraffe, rhino, elephant, lion, kangaroo6. responsible, domestic, wild, endangered, nice7. hamster, guinea-pig, rabbit, cat, polar bear8. society, cage, class, group, family


( 3J Разгадай кроссворд.



По горизонтали По вертикали1. змея 3. утка2. домашний 6. корова3. дельфин 8. орёл4. верблюд 10. пингвин5. тигр 11. кролик7. крыло 15. зебра9. ёжик 16. крокодил12. птица 17. волк13. черепаха 19. зоопарк14. медведь 21. слон18. лиса 22. обезьяна20. кит

®4 ) Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

1.2 .

Не is а

4.5.6 .7.8 .

scientist, (fame)We have done a lot for ______danger)I didn’t like the film. I wasn’t (interest)

animals, (en-

in it.

(regular)She feeds her p e t ___________He made a lot of im p o rtan t______________ . (discover)Is it a n ______________ newspaper? (interest)My father is a v e ry _________Charles has just finished his late)

person, (industry) _________. (trans-


(? ) Переведи предложения, используя таблицу.

to the Zoo. а cake.about America, this book, the ice-cream, away, her pupils, sweets.

1. Эти животные никогда не ели конфет. ___________

They beenWe visitedMy friends madeTheir Granny Our teacher




Her parents readThe dog runThese animals bought

2. Наша учительница уже приходила в гости к своим ученикам. ________________________________________

3. Они только что прочитали эту книгу.

4. Её родители никогда не путешествовали по Америке.

5. Собака уже убежала.

6. Их бабушка только что испекла торт.

7. Мы только что побывали в зоопарке.


8 . М ои д р у з ь я у ж е к у п и л и м о р о ж е н о е .

( 6J Измени предложения, используя данный образец.

E x a m p l e : Read the book! — I have already read the book!

1. Take your puppy for a walk! — ____________________

2. Finish your experiment! — _________________________

3. Help your sister with her homework! — ___________

4. W rite a letter to Tom! — __________________________

5. Clean the parro t’s cage! — _________________________

6. Join the Zoological Society! — _____________________

7. Feed your pet! — __________________________________

8. Buy a good watchdog! — _______ _________


7J Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. youfunny! (to see)

my new hamster? It is very

2. Last year I garden, (to catch)

a beautiful butterfly in mv

3. The cheetah animal, (to become)

already an endangered

4. My cousin ago. (to become)

a famous scientist many years

5. you cold juice yesterday? (to drink)6. I never

visit)this wild animals’ park! (to

7. they last Christmas? (to meet)8. She iust

feed)her baby brother, (to

© Выбери нужное слово или выражение.

1. My hamster in the cage.a) don’t live b) lives c) not lives

2. W h a t_________ now?a) are you doingb) do you doc) you doing

3. My father hasn’t repaired my parrot’s ca g e____a) yet b) just c) yesterday


4. The students just arranged the meeting.a) didn’t b) hasn’t c) have

5. When you join the Society?a) are b) have c) did

6. She visits the Zoo with her brother.a) recently b) yesterday c) usually

7. Mary this exercise. Give her another one.a) did b) does c) has done

8. My grandfather a collection of dangerous insects!a) have got b) has got c) doesn’t got

9. Tomorrow we work all around the Zoo.a) will work b) have worked c) work

10. We travel to India as soon as possible.a) like b) are going c) would like to

[9J Измени слова, данные в скобках, если это не­обходимо, и заполни пропуски.

The Red Cow (1) ____________ (have) a happylife in the field. But one night she began to dance and( 2 ) ____________ (not, can) stop dancing. The Red Cowdanced all day long. When the (3 )____________ (two) nightcame, she was very tired and very worried.

“I must (4 )____________ (see) the King,” she said andwent to the King.


“W hat (5) cause I (6) ___

___ (you, want)? Be quick, be-(be) a very busy King! And stop

dancing,” the King said in an angry voice.“That’s the problem! It is the ( 7 )____

day of dancing.”“It is very strange. The cow (8) ____


(catch)a fallen star on her horn! Now, pull the star off.”

nothing about cows with stars on their horns. Except the story of the Cow Who Jumped Over the Moon.

Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложениясоответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.

How the Whale Got His Throat

Once upon a time there was a Whale. He lived in the sea and he was always hungry. He ate a lot of fish with his big mouth. Then, one day there was only one fish in all the sea! It was a small Clever Fish. The Whale couldn’t see him because he swam behind the W hale’s right ear.

One morning the Whale stood up on his tail and said, “I’m hungry.” And the small Clever Fish said in a small clever voice, “Oh, Whale, would you like to have Man for breakfast?”

“W hat is it like?” asked the Whale.“Nice,” said the Clever Fish, “but noisy.”

But the star (9) King took the (10)

(not, come) off. The (big) book but it said


“I would like to have Man for breakfast!” said the Whale.

“Swim to the middle of the sea and there you will find a Sailor. He is sitting on a ra ft (плот). He has a knife and blue trousers and suspenders (подтяжки). But I must tell you that he is very clever.”

So the Whale swam and swam and swam. And on a raft, in the middle of the sea the Whale found a Sailor.

Then the Whale opened his mouth and he ate the Sailor, and the raft, and his blue trousers, and the suspend­ers and the knife. The Whale was so happy to have a nice breakfast!

But when the Sailor got inside the Whale, he became very noisy — he walked and he talked, and he ran and he sang, and he jumped and he bumped. So the Whale got very unhappy.

So he said to the Clever Fish, “This man is very noisy. W hat can I do?”

“Tell him to come out,” said the Clever Fish.So the Whale said to the Sailor, “Come out!”“No, no!” said the Sailor. “Take me to England first,

and I ’ll think about i t .” And he began to dance again.So the Whale swam and swam and swam; and at last

he saw England. He came up to the shore, opened his mouth and the Sailor walked out of it.

But... Can you remember th a t the Sailor was very clever? On his way back to England he took his knife and cut the ra ft and made the grating (решётка) with the help of his suspenders. So when the Whale opened his mouth,


the Sailor put that grating into the Whale’s throat (горло), and there it stuck!

When the Sailor walked out of the Whale mouth, he went home to his Mother.

Today whales have only very, very small fish for breakfast and never eat men or boys or little girls.

1. The Whale ate all the fish in the sea.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. The Clever Fish swam behind the Whale’s ear, because the Whale didn’t want to see him.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. The Whale found a Sailor in the middle of the Black Sea.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. The Sailor had blue trousers on and blue suspenders.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. The Whale ate the ra ft and the Sailor.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. The Sailor became very noisy inside the Whale.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. The Sailor danced and sang English songs inside the Whale.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8. The Sailor got home inside the Whale.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


Vy Напиши сочинение на предложенную тему, ис­пользуя план, опорные слова и выражения.

Some people enjoy visiting the Zoo but others say that animals should have a better place to live. W hat do you think about it?

1) Вступление.Перефразируй тему сочинения своими словами, ис­

пользуя синонимы.

People — citizens, grown-ups and young people, parents and their children, families...To enjoy — to like, to love, to prefer, to be fond of, to get pleasureTo visit the Zoo — to come, to spend their free time / their weekends, to watch animals To have a better place to live — to live in wild ani­mal parks, to live in the wild, to live free

2) Основная часть.В первом абзаце вырази свою точку зрения, подтвер­

див её несколькими аргументами.


Во втором абзаце вырази противоположную точку зрения и скажи, почему ты с ней не согласен.

In my opinion, as for me, — по моему мнениюTo think — to find, to believe, to be sure, to sup­poseTo sta rt with, ... W hat is more, ... Finally, ... —Для начала, ... А также ..., И наконец ...• to have a lot of good points (иметь много пре­

имуществ)• to have the opposite opinion (иметь противопо­

ложное мнение)• Zoo: to watch animals from all over the world,

to study the ir ways of life, to get closer to animals, to save endangered animals, to watch animal shows, not natural to live in the cage, stressful life, to become aggressive

• in wild animal parks: to study the effects that human activities have on the natural world, to have more space for living, to meet each other, to feel more comfortable, to live free


3) Заключение.Кратко вырази ещё раз свою точку зрения на пред­

ложенную тему. Напомни о важности данной проблемы и, если возможно, укажи способы её решения.

То sum up, I would like to say tha t...To create wild animal parks, to live free, to feel comfortable, to study and help endangered animals

Test 13Unit 7. Living together Section 1 -2

(? ) Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.

1. [w3:ld] — _________________________2. [a:nt] — _________________________3. ['dsaisnt] — ________________________4. [waif] — __________________________5. ['лпк(э)1] — ______________________6. [waild] — __________________________7. [dpin] — _________________________8. ['pe(a)rant] — ____________________

( 2) Найди и обведи ещё 11 глаголов.

1. накрывать на стол — set the table2. организовать пикник — arrange the picnic3. стелить постель — _____________the bed4. подметать пол — ____________ the floor5. выгуливать собаку — ____________ the dog6. выносить мусор — _____________ out rubbish7. поливать цветы — ____________ the plants8. мыть посуду — ____________ up


ходить за покупками10. присматривать за братом —

brother11. разговаривать с бабушкой —

mother12. пригласить друзей — ______

shoppingafter the

to grand-

friendsthe table

I H M в u H T A G

N H L w A S H S 0

V p 0 A С L E A R

I T 0 T H I 0 S S

T A К E A M С 0 s



W U s S W E E P К

3 ) Вставь пропущенные слова в рассказ Нэнсио своих родственниках.

Shopping Max fantastic policewoman short learned telephon cries

famous hospital clothes


M y s i s t e r A le x is g o in g to b eco m e a (1 )

and she wants to be ( 2 ) ____________ . I don’t think i t ’sa good idea! She is so (3) ____________ and thin! Her fa­vourite holiday is Christmas. She loves (4 )____________ forChristmas presents.

I’ve got a baby brother Max. He has just (6 )_____________________ to walk, but still he is so funny! I teach himto talk and he is fast learner, indeed! He knows what the(7 )____________ is for. But some days he (8 )_____________non-stop!

My aunt Bess has got a lovely voice. It sounds ( 9 )___Besides, she works as a nurse in the

(1 0 )_________________ . She always wears blue (11)____________ and looks beautiful in them!

©4 J Заполни пропуски словами took или got и пере­веди предложения на русский язык.

1. She __________ ready for the picnic yesterday. _____

2. I __________ off my coat when it got warm.

3. When my uncle was little, he __________ along withall his school teachers.

She __________ care of her sick aunt.


5. I __________ up at six yesterday morning.

6. Theyto their new

rid of their old car when they moved home.

7. You presents for Christmas, didn’t you?

8. We a letter from him last Monday.

9. My sister part in the concert a week ago.

10. The birthday party place in the park.

5^ Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

1. The teacher asked us to write a (com-pose) at home.

2. If members of your family always help each other, youhave got a (friend) family.

3. I feed my dog (proper) and he is veryactive and happy.

4. If you pay a lot of money to buy a ticket, this ticketis very (expense).

5. How (wonder)! We are going to the cir-cus tomorrow!


6. My mother has just w ritten the _____________ (invite)letters.

7. Are th e y ____________ (response) people?8. Did you take part in the _____________ (demonstrate)


(б ) Ответь на вопросы.

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Yes, I will. / No, I won’t

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

1. Did you see a white tiger in the Zoo last year?

2. Are you a responsible person? _3. Do you study English at school?

4. Can you play any musical instrum ents?

5. Were you happy to see your friends on the 1st of Sep­tember? ___________________________________________

6. Will you be hungry when you came from school tomor­row? __________________________________


7. Have you seen any endangered animals in the Zoo?

Раскрой скобки, употребив глаголы в Past Simpleили Present Perfect.

1. That’s bad! I can’t see my bag. I think I ____________it yesterday, (to lose)

2. That’s bad! I can’t see my bag. I think I ____________it. (to lose)

3. It is very cold and I ____________ the window, (toclose)

4. Yesterday it was very cold and my father _________the window, (to close)

5. Look! I ____________ my room today! (to clean)6. ____________ y o u _____________ your room yesterday?

(to clean)7. When I was little, I ____________ my puppy to school.

(to bring)8. Why ____________ you ____________ your puppy to

school? Take him back home!

Заполни пропуски правильными словами.

1. She hasn’t w ritten hei ready / yet).

2. They h a v e ___________the questions correctly.

She hasn’t w ritten her homework (al-

(today / already) answered all


3. My father went to America three years ____________(recently / ago).

4. Have y o u _________________ (ever / yet) seen a whale?5. We went to bed at 12 o’clock____________ (just / last

night).6. She is a little girl. She has ____________ (ever / nev­

er) driven a car.7. Have they finished their reading the t e x t____________

(yesterday / yet)?8. I have ____________ (always / just) found the lost


(? ) Заполни пропуски словами, данными в скобках.

1. You _____________ (следует) visit your granny moreoften.

2. W e ____________ (должны) save endangered animals.

3. Y o u _____________(не следует) work till late at night.

4. We _____________ (следует) help our younger sistersand brothers with their homework.

5. S h e ___________ (нельзя) do that! It is very dangerous!6. T hey_____________ (должны) help their grandfather in

the garden.

7. Y o u _____________ (не следует) tell her my secret.

8. Y o u _____________(нельзя) go out because you are ill.


(10) Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.


The B ritish like to have th e ir trad itional food — sandwiches, porridge, fish and chips, tea with milk. But nowadays more and more British children prefer eating fast food — hamburgers, hot dogs and popcorn.

The history of popcorn started many years ago. The American Indians popped corn a long time ago. They knew tha t there were three kinds of corn — sweet corn for eat­ing, corn for animals and corn for popping.

When the firs t people from Europe came to live in America, the American Indians taught them how to grow potato, pumpkin, how to hunt wild turkeys. The Europeans thanked the Indians and invited then to the party — the f irs t Thanksgiving dinner. The Indians came; they also brought some food with them. One Indian brought popcorn!

Since that time Americans have loved popcorn. First they popped corn at home but in 1945 there was a new ma­chine that changed the history of popcorn. This eclectic ma­chine popped corn outside the home. Soon cinemas started to sell popcorn to make more money and popcorn became more popular. Today people eat popcorn in the cinema not only in America but in Britain and Russia too.

Many people like to put salt and butter on their pop­corn, but some eat it without salt or butter. Either way — most children love traditional Indian food!


You can’t use every corn for popping. The corn must have 14% of water in it to pop. If there is less water, it won’t pop! It won’t make that ‘pop’ noise tha t has given the food its name!

1. Some British like to have hamburgers, hot dogs and popcorn.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. Popcorn came from America.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Native Americans knew how to grow corn and to hunt.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. Popcorn became popular in the middle of 20th century.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. Today some people have electric machines to make pop­corn at home.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. Some people eat popcorn with salty butter.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. If you want to make popcorn, you should put the cornin water.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8. We don’t know why people call this fast food ‘pop­corn’ .1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


(11) Прочитай отрывок из письма твоей подруги Сони из Англии.

...My best friend Tanya had a birthday party last Sun­day. We went on a picnic to the park. There were a lot of our school friends there. It was great! And when is your birthday? How do you usually celebrate it? W hat present would you like to get for your next birthday?..

Напиши Соне письмо, не забудь ответить на её вопросы. Используй слова, данные в рамочке. Не забудь указать свой адрес в правом верхнем углу, дату написания письма, подписать письмо своим именем!

It was nice to hear from you again! In your letter you ask me about

Yours,Dear Sonia,

Thank you for your letter Well,

You know,W rite back soon!


Test 14Unit 7. Living together Section 3-5

1 ) Соедини стрелкой слова с противоположным значением.

typical . alwaysnaughty / specialstrange .' crylaugh / futurepast / obedientend / fu turenever / malefemale unusual

(2J Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1. poet, niece, nephew, grandpa, sister2. big, little, great, giant, large3. nephew, sister, mother, aunt, niece4. uncle, husband, wife, king, actor5. close, caring, hospitable, traditional, right6. rubbish, plate, spoon, knife, fork7. Monday, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s

Day8. sausage, butter, juice, cheese, pudding


® Разгадай кроссворд.

Family1 2



5 6


8 9

10 11

12 13


По горизонтали По3. бабушка 1.5. муж 2.8. сын 4.11. племянник 6.12. мама 7.14. дедушка 9.

10. 13.

вертикалиродителидвоюродный брат или сестратётябратплемянницадядясестражена


4 ) Пронумеруй фразы так, чтобы получился разго­вор Тони и Нелли.

__Of course, I do. Can you come to see me some day? I’llshow you my neighborhood. I hope you will like it. It is a nice residential area without any noise!

1 Hi, Tony! Nice to meet you.__Oh, we have just moved in a new house! I really love


__You see, it is very nice and quiet place but it is out­side Moscow. In fact, we live in the country now.

__ Nice to meet you, Nelly. You look happy today. Anygood news?

8 Oh, thanks a lot. I would like to live in a place like that! Can we meet on Sunday?

__ That’s great! W hat part of Moscow do you live in?__ How lucky you are! You have a nice garden, a lot of

flowers, some pets, fresh air. You have a nice fireplace in the living room, don’t you?

( ? ) Заполни пропуски словами home или house.

1. John has a ____________ in Florida.2. W hat is y o u r____________ town? — It is Moscow.3. I want to go ____________ .4. Here we are at ___________ at last.


5. M y ________________ is in Pushkin Street.6. When Mary leaves London for holiday, she misses

____________ very much.7. Is y o u r____________ new our old?8. Do you live in a ____________ or a flat?

6 ) Измени слова, данные в скобках, если это не­обходимо, и заполни пропуски.

Mary is a doctor and she (1) ____________ (work)in a hospital. She lives in a flat on the (2) ____________(three) floor. At the moment she (3) ____________ (deco­rate) it for Christmas party tonight. She thinks that allher family (4) ____________ (come). She wants to see her(5) ____________ (old) sister Ann very much. Now Annhas got two (6) ____________ (child) and Mary hasn’t seen(7 )____________ (they) yet. Mary (8 )______________ (alreadybuy) lots of food. Last year, forty people (9) ____________(came) to her party and they all had a great time. Let’shope that party will be a big success as it (1 0 )____________(be) last year.

Задай вопросы к выделенным словам.

Susan lives w ith her family in a detached house. Every day Susan gets early because she helps her mother about the house. It is seven o’clock and she is making tea


for breakfast. She has already made coffee for her father because he likes it very much. Yesterday she went to town to bust some tea and coffee. Today she is going to town again because tomorrow it will be her birthday. She has al­ready invited twenty guests and she hopes that all of them will come.

1. Where does ______________________________________ ?2. Why d o es________________________________________ ?


Выбери нужное слово или выражение.

1. I don’t like him and I can’t get him.


a) along b) up

nice of you!b) W hat

c) off

2 .a) It

3. My birthday is a) on

4. Could I have _ a) no b) any

b) at__ the 2nd of June,

c) in

coffee, please?c) some

c) How


5. He always washes ____________ after dinner.a) — b) up c) from

6. A sandwich is made ____________ bread, bu tter andham.a) of b) out of c) from

7. ____________ the chopped eggs into a bowl.a) Not put b) Puts c) Don’t put

8. We live f a r ____________ the centre of Moscow.a) away b) from c) in

9. W hat would you like to h a v e ____________ breakfast?a) for b) on c) at

10. The doctor says that y o u ____________ take this medi­cine three times a day.a) must b) can c) should

(? ) Переведи на английский язык.

1. Тебе не следует делать э т о ._______________________

2. Извини, но я не голоден. Я только что позавтракал.

3. Какая умная девочка! _4. Мне это очень нравится.

5. Я никогда не была в Лондоне.


6. Она моя старшая сестра.

7. Давай немножко отдохнём.

8. Ты можешь убрать со стола?

(10) Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.

The Round Table

One day King A rthur, the legendary English king, asked Merlin, the magician, to make a strong castle (замок) on the top of the hill. Merlin made magic and in a week the king, his helpers and servants came to live in Camelot castle.

It was a real wonder. The castle was big and white with wonderful towers. Inside there was the Great Hall, the Dining Hall, the kitchen and the rooms of all A rthur’s knights (рыцари).

Then came time when King A rthur decided to marry Lady Guinevere.

‘This is the best news I have heard!’ her father was King Leodegrance said. ‘I will send him a present — the great Round Table. A rthur’s father gave it to me many years ago. One hundred knights can sit around it. I hope A rthur will like i t . ’


So that was how Lady Guinevere, the Round Table and one hundred knights came to Camelot castle.

Soon the wedding day came and King A rthur and Lady Guinevere became a husband and a wife. All the people of the kingdom were invited to the wedding party.

A fter the wedding service, the knights took their places at the Round Table. When A rthur and Guinevere came into the hall, Merlin asked the knights to stand and bow to their King and Queen. As the knights did so, gold letters appeared on each chair. Each chair had the name of the knight who sat on it.

‘Let me tell you the wonders of the Round Table,’ said Merlin. ‘At this table all men are equal (равны) — no one sits at the head. When a knight is killed in the battle, a new knight will take his place. His name will also be w ritten on the chair. The names of all knights who sit at King A rthur’s table will live on forever.’

1. King A rthur lived on the top of the hill.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. We don’t know the colour of the castle where King A rthur lived.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. King A rthu r’s father made the Round Table and pre­sented it to his son.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. King A rthur had 100 knights.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


5. We know how many knights could sit at the Round Table.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. When the knights bowed to the King and the Queen, one hundred gold letters appeared on each chair.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. At the Round Table no knight sat at the head.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8. All King A rthur’s knights lived forever.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

@ Напиши сочинение на предложенную тему, ис­пользуя план, опорные слова и выражения.

Some people enjoy living in a flat but others say that a detached house is the best place to live. W hat do you think about it?

1) Вступление.Перефразируй тему сочинения своими словами, ис­

пользуя синонимы.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

People — citizens, villagers, grown-ups and young people, parents and their children, families...To enjoy — to like, to love, to prefer, to be fond of, to get pleasureA flat — a block of flats, a city, a town A detached house — country house, cottage, in the country



2) Основная часть.В первом абзаце вырази свою точку зрения, подтвер­

див её несколькими аргументами.Во втором абзаце вырази противоположную точку

зрения и скажи, почему ты с ней не согласен.-- -------- - N

In my opinion, as for me, — по моему мнениюTo think — to find, to believe, to be sure, to sup­poseTo sta rt with, ... W hat is more, ... Finally, ... —Для начала, ... А также ..., И наконец ...• to have a lot of good points (иметь много пре­

имуществ)• to have the opposite opinion (иметь противопо­

ложное мнение)• flat: to live in a comfortable flat — water, gas,

electricity, to live near you school, your friends live next door, easy way to museums, theatres, cinemas, shopping centres, many shops and su­permarkets next to the place where you live

• detached house: quiet place, not so many cars, clean air, fireplace in the living room, to enjoy nature, friendly people around you, to have party in your garden, to have more pets



3) Заключение.Кратко вырази ещё раз свою точку зрения на пред­

ложенную тему. Напомни о важности данной проблемы и, если возможно, укажи способы её решения.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^

То sum up, I would like to say that ...To live in flat, to spend weekends in the country house, a place where I can relax and rest, a pleas­ant place to be

ч_________________________________________________ /


Test 15Unit 8. We have a lot in common Section 1-4

Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.

1 . ['лгфп] —2. [рпЪ :] — .3. ['nevju:] —4. ['Ьэ:щ)] —5. ['biskit] —6. ['leizi] — _7. ['Giata] — .8. [ri'laeks] —

Соедини стрелкой слова, близкие по значению.





bigexcellent give up relaxbe fond of


3 ) Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

1 . collecting stamps, playing computer games, travelling, doing homework

2. football, basketball, rugby, ice-hockey, volleyball3. dislike, love, like, enjoy, be fond of4. soap opera, film, story, comedy, cartoon5. Thanksgiving Day, May Day, Victory Day, Easter,

Christmas6. napkin, fork, spoon, meat, plate7. canary, rabbit, boy, puppy, kitten8. cake, sweet, jam, lollipop, cheese

( 4 ) Разгадай кроссворд.По горизонтали

3. W hat is y o u r________ ? — It is horseracing!4. A n ________ is a person who has w ritten the book.6. A ________is a building where you can find some in­

teresting books and borrow them.10. A ________ is a large thin book with news stories, a r­

ticles and photos.12. When people want to travel fast they usually take a

13. Now there is a n e w ________ in our town and we cango to see a ballet there.

14. My grandmother is fond of w atch ing________ operas.По вертикали

1. A ________ is a very funny film or a play.


2. W hat TV ________ do you watch regularly?5. You go to the ________ to see a new film.7. A ________ is a big boat for carrying people or other

things across the sea.8. Let’s go to the park and have a _________ . The weather

is fine!9. The news is a popular TV _________ that tells us the

latest information.11. I love cinema and I want to be a n ________ !

We have a lot in common


2 3





1 1

8 9

10 11





5j Измени слова, данные в скобках, и заполни ими пропуски.

1 . Christmas is my favourite ebration)

. (cel-

2. He enjoyed arranging his stamp (collect)

3. It depends on my taste, (person)4. Lots of don’t like English sand­

wiches. (foreign)5. The Browns are a very


6. Next week I will be very busy Christmas presents, (shop)


7. My father became a famous he was 25. (science)


8. Charles has ju s t fin ished his (translate)

(? ) Измени слова, данные в скобках, если это не­обходимо, и заполни пропуски.

— Hi, Tom! W hat (1) ____________ (you, do) here?— Ju st looking for a present.— (2) ____________ _ (Sam, invite) you to his birthday

party?— Yes, he (3) ____________ (call) me yesterday. Are

you coming too?


— Yes, I am. Practically everyone from our class isgoing to (4) ____________ (be) there.

— Wow! How is he planning to have such a biga party? I think it will be the ( 5 ) ____________ (big) partyI (6) ____________ (ever, see)! Does (7) ____________ (he)family live in a big house?

— I don’t think so but it is (8) ____________ (small)than mine.

( 7) Заполни пропуски артиклями, если это необхо­димо.

1 . Т would like to learn how to play piano.2. Emma won funny prize in the show.3. Africa is bigger than Europe.4. Do vou want to listen to radio?5. I am happiest boy in the world.6. This is sweet.7. I have already visited British Museum.8. Open door, please!9. It is mv second visit to USA.10. W hat surprise!

( ^ ) Переведи на русский язык.

1. Don’t hurt yourself! ________


2. W hat a pity! _____________________3. Be polite! ________________________4. Do you mind if I open the window?

5. Would you like a cup of tea? — Yes, please.

6. I have always dreamed of having a book like this!

7. It is very kind of you.

8. It is delicious. May I have another one?

Заверши разделительный вопрос.

1. They are staying at your house now, ______________ ?2. Your mother can’t speak English, _________________ ?3. Sarah has ju st w ritten a story for little children,

?4. You laughed at me yesterday, _____________________ ?5. They don’t buy Christmas present for their parents,


6. She isn’t sleeping now, ___________________________ ?7. Mary goes to school, _____________________________ ?8. You can drive a car, ______________________________?


(10) Прочитай текст и определи, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, какие не со­ответствуют и о чём в тексте не сказано.

HalloweenOn the 31st of October English people celebrate Hal­

loween. The history of that celebration began a long time ago. Every year on the firs t of November people celebrated the beginning of winter. They called this cold and dark season ‘the season of death’. They believed tha t on the 31st of October ghosts of dead people came back, at mid­night witches rode the air, skeletons rattles their bones and ghosts walked the Earth.

‘We will dress like witches and ghosts. We will be very noisy. So the ghosts will be afraid of u s ,’ people thought. They also made big fires to keep the ghosts away.

Then Christianity (христианство) came to England and made the 1st of November the holiday of all saints. But people went on celebrating Halloween the evening before. When English people came to live in America, they went on celebrating Halloween there. Later, people didn’t believe in ghosts but they kept the day of Halloween for fun.

Today Halloween is a funny holiday for children! They wear masks and special costumes. They want to look like skeletons and ghosts. They go from house to house and say, ‘Trick or treat!’ People give them candies, cookies, or fru it. When people give nothing, the children sometimes play tricks on them.


Halloween has some symbols. For example, Jack-o’- lantern. People put it on the window to keep ghosts away. You can make it — cut the pumpkin throw away the inside part and cut a face in it. Then, put a candle inside and Jack-o’-lantern is ready! A witch is a symbol of Halloween too. That night they are the most powerful, they fly over the sky on their broomsticks. They can work magic — turn people into animals. Some witches are young but most of them are old and ugly. They get together and have a party on Halloween.

1. The history of celebration began two thousand years ago.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. English people celebrated Halloween before Christianity came.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. People didn’t celebrate Halloween in America.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. Halloween is a funny holiday for ghosts and witches.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. People give children chocolate on Halloween.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. People put a witch on the window to keep ghosts away.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


7. Jack-o’-lantern and a witch are Halloween symbols.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8. All witches are old and ugly.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

@ Прочитай отрывок из письма твоей подруги Эммы из Англии.

...Our French teacher told us about French holidays. They are very different from English celebrations. W hat are the most popular holidays in Russia? Could you tell me how people celebrate them? W hat is your favourite holiday?..

Напиши Эмме письмо, не забудь ответить на её вопросы. Используй слова, данные в рамочке. Не забудь указать свой адрес в правом верхнем углу, дату написания письма, подписать письмо своим именем!

It was nice to hear from you again! In your letter you ask me about

Yours,Dear Emma,

Thank you for your letter Well,

You know,W rite back soon!



Тест 1Unit 1

1 1. uniform 2. holiday 3. nature 4. mark 5. break 6. subject 7. poem 8. blackboard

2 1. fifth 2. say 3. miss 4. starts 5. subjects 6. interest­ing 7. learn 8. homework 9. dull

3 1. Who is from London? — I am. 2. Do you like yourMaths lessons? — Not very much. I prefer Science.3. Let’s go to the park together! — I am sorry, I am busy today. 4. When does the school year start in Rus­sia? — On the firs t of September. 5. Hello! My name is Ann. — Nice to meet you. I am Nick. 6. W hat do you do at history lessons? — We study the events of the past. 7. W hat are these? — Our new blinds. Aren’t they nice? 8. W hat is you favourite lesson? — I think it is A rt. No, it is French.

4 1. tell 2. tell 3. speak 4. say 5. speak 6. speak 7. say8. tell

5 1. different 2. usually 3. nervous 4. teacher 5. interest­ing 6. students 7. beautiful

6 1. Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 2. Yes, I am. / No, I ’mnot. 3. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 4. Yes, I can. / No,


I can’t. 5. Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. 6. Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. 7. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

7 1. She got up very early yesterday. 2. Did she get up very early yesterday? 3. They gave flowers to our teacher. 4. Did they give flowers to our teacher?5. You got a bad mark yesterday. 6. Did you get a bad mark yesterday? 7. You missed old friends. 8. Did you miss old friends?

8 1. bigger 2. more difficult 3. longer 4. easier 5. more interesting 6. more beautiful 7. sm arter 8. shorter

9 1. F 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. H 6. В 7. G 8. С

10 1. Tom does. 2. Yes, he was. 3. Yes, he does. 4. No, he didn’t. 5. No, he doesn’t. 6. Yes, he does.

Test 2Unit 1

1 1. picnic 2. house 3. tired 4. read 5. Thursday6. teacher 7. silly 8. Science

2 1. enjoy — hate 2. question — answer 3. take — give4. cold — hot 5. go — come 6. country — town 7. dif­ficult — easy 8. close — open

3 1. go for a walk 2. take pictures 3. make snowmen4. go abroad 5. miss friends 6. spend money 7. give bad marks 8. ask clever questions


По горизонтали По вертикали2. discuss 1 . give4. wear 3. study6. teach 5. recite8. talk 7. explain10. last 9. learn1 1 . miss12. enjoy

5 7 Well, don’t think about difficulties! Let’s thinkabout pleasant things!

1 Hi, Kate! Nice to meet you.3 Oh, I think i t ’s because of my new Maths teacher.5 I hope she won’t give us much homework. She

says we must have a good rest after school.2 Nice to meet you, Mary. You look happy today.

Any good news?8 Oh, what about your birthday party tomorrow?4 Have you got a new Maths teacher again? That’s

great!6 Nice idea! I will tell my teacher about it but I am

afraid she won’t listen.

6 1. on 2. of 3. in 4. at 5. in 6. in 7. at 8. to

7 1. Who missed 78 lessons last year? 2. Did Mathew miss 78 lessons last year? 3. Did Mathew or his sister miss 78 lessons last year? 4. W hat lessons did Mathew miss last year? 5. How many lessons did Mathew miss last year? 6. When did Mathew miss 78 lessons? 7. Why did Mathew miss 78 lessons?


8 1. spent 2. was 3. were 4. walking 5. rained 6. chil­dren 7. the most beautiful 8. didn’t want

9 1. tradition — традиция 2. table — таблица 3. test —тестировать 4. m arch — марш ировать 5. g igan­tic — гигантский 6. figure — фигура 7. inspect — инспектировать, осматривать

10 1. 1) 2. 2) 3. 1) 4. 2) 5. 2) 6. 3)

Test 3Unit 2

1. stay 2. responsible 3. watch 4. information 5. for­eign 6. wear 7. science 8. party

В w U ¥и 0 H MT N H A

и D P RN E В XN R R сYV ^ F M DA U G Q(gV L A D)(w a r m )

















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1. sunny 2. local 3. glad 4. sm art 5. warm 6. funny7. beautiful 8. sad 9. social 10. physical 11. wonderful12. happy

3 1. translate new words 2. read texts 3. do homework4. answer the questions 5. speak English 6. learn by heart 7. arrange a picnic 8. stay at home

4 1. Drama — a lesson to study theatre plays 2. Maths —a lesson to do sums and solve problems 3. A rt — a les­son to learn how to paint pictures 4. History — a lesson to study the events of the past 5. Information Technol­ogy — a lesson to learn how to use computers 6. Lit­erature — a lesson to study the works of great writers and poets 7. Physical Education — a lesson to learn how to swim and play sport games 8. Science — a lesson to study the laws of nature

5 1. invitation 2. responsible 3. wonderful 4. beautiful5. educational 6. accommodation 7. wooden 8. player

6 1. didn’t they 2. can’t he 3. won’t you 4. doesn’t she5. don’t you 6. aren’t they 7. hasn’t he 8. isn’t it

7 Примерные ответы: 1. You helped him, didn’t you?2. You are responsible for it, are you? 3. You a r­range school parties, don’t you? 4. You didn’t miss school, did you? 5. You will visit your granny, won’t you? 6. You can’t drive a car, can you? 7. You have got a new computer, haven’t you? 8. You were in the mountains last year, weren’t you?


8 1. are going to travel 2. am not going to see 3. is go­ing to wash 4. am going to have 5. s going to miss 6. am going to stay 7. are not going to invite 8. are not going to visit

9 Примерные ответы: 1. I am going to watch TV this evening. 2. I am going to do my homework at 8 o’clock.3. I am not going to travel this weekend. I am going to stay at home. 4. I am going to study English there.5. I am going to read a detective story in the evening.6. I am going to call my granny tomorrow. 7. I am go­ing to have soup and fish for dinner. 8. I am going to spend my summer holidays in the country.

10 1. She is from Brighton, Great Britain. 2. Yes, shedoes. 3. Yes, she does. 4. They visit Brighton to swim in the sea and lie in the sun. 5. Yes, we can. 6. Yes,it is. 7. Yes, she can. 8. Yes, she does.

Test 4Unit 2

По горизонтали По вертикали1 . birthday 2. theatre6. idea 3. cinema8. racket 4. party9. tennis 5. rucksack10. jogging 7. sandwich1 1 . hike


2 1. educational 2. hate 3. school 4. accommodation5. toothache 6. trip 7. group 8. pen

1. come — leave 2. go out — stay in 3. lesson — break 4. clean — dirty 5. bright — dull 6. s ta rt — finish 7. wonderful — terrible 8. sad — happy

1. headteacher 2. unusual 3. school 4. proposed5. group 6. talked 7. agreed 8. responsible 9. pro­gramme 10. arranged

1 Hello, this is Nancy.6 Sorry I can’t. My friend Ann is arriving from

Leeds at about 12 for the weekend.3 I am fine, thank you. Well, a lot but I think it

will be OK if we have a picnic in the park.4 Great idea! We are having a wonderful day to ­

day. There is a nice park near my house. Let’s gothere.

7 Can we invite her to join us? I ’ll be responsiblefor the sandwiches and sweets.

2 Hi, Nancy. How are you? Any plans for the week­end?

5 Not a bad idea. W hat if we meet near your house at 12 o’clock?

8 Fantastic! I’ll take some drinks and rackets to playbadminton.

1. My sister is going to give me a dog as a present, isn’t she? 2. Is my sister is going to give me a dog as a present? 3. Who is going to give me a dog as a pres­


ent? 4. When is my sister going to give me a dog as a present? 5. Why is my sister going to give me a dog as a present? 6. W hat dog is my sister going to give me as a present?

7 1. — 2. for 3. — 4. with 5. off 6. — 7. to 8. on

8 1. women 2. didn’t know 3. thought 4. son’s 5. wasn’t6. leaves 7. to eat 8. were

9 1. You liked the film, didn’t you? 2. She is a good teacher, isn’t she? 3. You can’t swim, can you? 4. You will come tomorrow, won’t you? 5. Ann doesn’t speak Russian, does she? 6. Your brother can arrange ev­erything for the party, can’t he? 7. You haven’t got a ticket, have you? 8. She didn’t thank you, did she?

10 1. 3) 2. 2) 3. 1) 4. 1)

Test 5Unit 3

1 1. lawyer 2. change 3. naughty 4. rude 5. warm6. nurse 7. cruel 8. music

2 1. at the time 2. W hat time 3. in time 4. How many times 5. The last time 6. this time 7. much time

3 1. unfriendly — враждебный 2. unlucky — невезучий3. unbelievable — невероятный 4. non-athletic — не­спортивный 5. non-stop — безостановочный 6. non-ef­


fective — неэффективный 7. impossible — невозможный8. impolite — невежливый 9. impractical — непрак­тичный 10. infamous — позорный 11 . independent — независимый 12. informal — неформальный

4 1. friendly 2. understand ing 3. noisy 4. creative5. lucky 6. pleasant 7. talkative 8. traditional

5 1. kept 2. rode 3. watched 4. learnt 5. was 6. took7. changed 8. thought

7 1. Was 2. Did 3. Was 4. Were 5. Did 6. Did 7. Was8. Did

8 1. Tom is going to be a computer programmer. 2. He is not going to be a farmer. 3. Why is Tom going to be a computer programmer? 4. He loves Information Tech­nology and spends a lot of time at computer. 5. Why is Tom not going to be a vet? 6. He is afraid of animals and doesn’t want to live in the country. 7. W hat are you going to be? 8. I don’t know. It is a difficult question.

9 1. С 2. В 3. A 4. E

Test 6Unit 3

1 1. finish — end 2. dull — boring 3. study — learn4. impolite — rude 5. classmate — student 6. smart —intelligent 7. friendly — loving 8. funny — interesting


2 1. answer 2. kind 3. naughty 4. karate 5. dull 6. gar­den 7. computer 8. librarian

По горизонтали По вертикали1. undo 1. unusual2. unzip 2. unwell5. impossible 3. unpleasant8. unhappy 4. untidy9. unfriendly 5. infamous10. unlucky 6. independent

7. impolite

4 1. Что он за человек? 2. Что он любит? 3. Что тыимеешь в виду? 4. На что ты смотришь? 5. Надеюсь получить от тебя весточку. 6. Почему ты уезжаешь?7. Ты не против поменяться местами? 8. Давай пой­дём туда для разнообразия.

5 1. are 2. spends 3. doesn’t like 4. children 5. bought6. play 7. the most interesting 8. won’t do 9. to know10. am playing

6 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. с 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. a

7 1. Does her little sister go to the swimming pool?2. Ann isn’t laughing at you now. 3. He does not wear uniform at school. 4. Why is my mother changing her clothes now? 5. What kind of books do you like to read?6. W hat are you looking at? 7. I am not sleeping now.

8 1. A 2. С 3. E 4. G 5. F 6. D 7. В


9 1. Where are you going? 2. Where do you go every morning? 3. Why are you doing homework now? 4. Do you do homework every day? 5. Do you eat fish?6. Are you eating fish now? 7. Are you sleeping? 8. Do you sleep in the afternoon?

10 1 .3 2. 2 3. 1 4. 2

Test 7Unit 4

1 1. sick 2. museum 3. creative 4. tou rist 5. gu itar6. square 7. stadium 8. shy

2 1. Hope to hear from you soon — W rite back soon2. Yours, — Lots of love, 3. You know, — You see,4. th ink — believe 5. classmates — young people6. parents — grown-ups 7. nowadays — today 8. en­joy — prefer

3 1. characteristics 2. certainly 3. athletic 4. in terna­tional 5. famous 6. information 7. different 8. sporting

4 1. Кто был главным героем в фильме, который мысмотрели вчера? 2. У меня нет определённых планов на завтра. 3. Он — лучший атлет / спортсмен в нашем маленьком городе. 4. Рождество и Пасха — националь­ные праздники в России. 5. Она приобрела славу как киноактриса. 6. Ты можешь сообщить нам дату нашей


следующей встречи? 7. О вкусах не спорят. 8. Ты кол­лекционируешь цветные карандаши, не так ли?

5 а) 1. Would you like to visit Moscow? — Sure. I am going to do it as soon as possible. 2. How much is the ticket? — It is twelve pounds. 3. Can I help you? — I ’d like to buy two tickets to London, please. 4. W hat places would you like to see in Moscow? — Let me see. Well, I really don’t know.

b) 1. Do you speak Russian? — Yes, I do. A little.2. Can I have some coffee, please? — Yes, dear. Hereit is. 3. W hat is he like? — He is rude and cruel.4. W hat does he like? — He enjoys riding a bike and learning Russian.

6 1. hates 2. are you going 3. doesn’t change 4. go5. has 6. don’t want 7. Do... like 8. is having

7 1. с 2. с 3. b 4. b 5. с 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. с

8 1. Listen! My brother is playing the guitar. 2. Mybrother plays the guitar every evening. 3. W hat do you want, Mary? 4. It is late now. W hat are you doing here, Mary? 5. Do you like swimming? 6. Do you like swimming in such cold water? 7. It is very dark here. Can you see me? 8. Why are you looking at me?

9 1. с 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. a 6. с

11 Примерные ответы: 1. Is London different from thecapital of France? Is London like Paris? Does London dif-


fer from Paris? 2. Are there some nice parks in London? Do you like London parks? London parks are beautiful, aren’t they? 3. Would you like to leave London for an­other town? Do you want to move to another city?

Test 8Unit 4

1. sociable — talkative 2. say — tell 3. famous — well- known 4. loving — caring 5. athletic — strong 6. typi­cal — traditional 7. sick — ill 8. nice — pleasant

1. museum 2. building 3. Russia 4. house 5. intelligent6. farm 7. unpleasant 8. legend

3 По горизонталиI . hospital4. capital7. park8. house 10. towerI I . bridge

По вертикали2. shop3. palace4. cinema5. school6. museum 9. stadium

1. Londoner 2. fantastic 3. streets 4. Hyde Park 5. Big Ben 6. need 7. museums 8. popular 9. visit 10. history

1. w ritten story 2. writing student 3. burning house4. burnt palace 5. falling star 6. fallen leaves 7. dying soldier 8. dead admiral

6 1. с 2. a 3. с 4. b 5. с 6. a 7. a 8. d 9. a 10. b


Test 9Unit 5

1 1. w orth 2. palace 3. tower 4. character 5. tired6. Europe 7. author 8. a rt

1. square 2. museum 3. thea tre 4. bus 5. capital 6. bridge 7. cinema 8. monument 9. restaurant 10. gal­lery 11. tower 12. house 13. palace 14. street 15. zoo

3 1. English 2. Natural 3. beautiful 4. exhibitions 5. vis­itor 6. students 7. scientists 8. friendly

4 1. the 2. an 3. The 4. the 5. — 6. The 7. a 8. —

5 1. has ... been 2. Were 3. is 4. have ... been 5. will be6. was 7. am 8. are


Test 9Unit 5

1 1. w orth 2. palace 3. tower 4. character 5. tired6. Europe 7. author 8. a rt

1. square 2. museum 3. thea tre 4. bus 5. capital6. bridge 7. cinema 8. monument 9. restaurant 10. gal­lery 11. tower 12. house 13. palace 14. street 15. zoo

3 1. English 2. Natural 3. beautiful 4. exhibitions 5. vis­itor 6. students 7. scientists 8. friendly

4 1. the 2. an 3. The 4. the 5. — 6. The 7. a 8. —

5 1. has ... been 2. Were 3. is 4. have ... been 5. will be6. was 7. am 8. are


6 1. Идите дальше по этой улице! 2. Сними это! 3. На кого ты смотришь? 4. Я не могу с ним поладить.5. Добро пожаловать! Пожалуйста! 6. Не принимай в этом участия! 7. Отлично! 8. Скоро увидимся!

7 1. of 2. to 3. at 4. in 5. for 6 . by 7. from8. with

8 1. Have you ever been to the Kremlin? 2. I don’t wantto go there again. 3. I think it is not worth buyingthis book. It is boring. 4. Would you like to visit this museum tomorrow? 5. They are tired of work. 6. Let’s go to the park. It is worth seeing. 7. It is late. Why are you doing your homework? 8. How can I get to the Bolshoy Theatre?

9 1. 2) 2. 1) 3. 1) 4. 3)

10 1. W rite back soon! — Hope to hear from you soon.2. Yours, — Love, 3. Thanks for your letter. — Itwas so good to hear from you. 4. You know, — You see, 5. It was worth visiting — I loved it very much.6. I was tired of it. — It was so boring. 7. It was quite expensive — I paid much money for it. 8. Let’s go there together! — Would to like to visit it again?

Test 10Unit 5

1 1. local — international 2. arrive — leave 3. go —come 4. sociable — shy 5. clean — dirty 6. rude — polite 7. kind — cruel 8. be born — die


2 1. cafe 2. light 3. the Thames 4. the Alps 5. lunch6. the Caucasus 7. ugly 8. sight

3 По горизонтали По вертикали3. waxworks 1 . Gardens6. London 2. lollipop7. detective 4. jokes8. image 5. Zoo11 . parliament 8. island13. cinema 9. Abbey14. stadium 10. writer15. palace 12. theatre16. Hyde 13. clock

4 1. championship 2. occupation 3. famous 4. im agina­tion 5. scientist 6. wonderful 7. beginning 8. en ter­tainm ent

5 6 Yes, please. They are lovely and the tea is deli­cious.

7 Will you come to me on Sunday? We can have a picnic in my garden.

1 Would you like a glass of orange juice?3 Oh, here you are. Take some chocolate cakes with

your tea.

4 Thank you. I really enjoyed them.5 Would you like some more?


2 No, thanks. Can I have a cup of hot tea? I am very cold.

8 Thanks and see you on Sunday!

6 1. Who published her first novel in 2005? 2. Did Mary Smith publish her first novel in 2005? 3. Did Mary Smith publish her first novel in 2005 or 2007? 4. What novel did Mary Smith publish in 2005? 5. Mary Smith published her first novel in 2005, didn’t she? 6. When did Mary Smith publish her first novel? 7. Why did Mary Smith publish her first novel in 2005?

7 1. to 2. at 3. for 4. of 5. in 6. As 7. on 8. —

8 1. Do 2. didn’t visit 3. were 4. go 5. is having 6. from7. care of 8. in 9. a 10. to

9 1. had 2. the most successful 3. could 4. ladies 5. was6. didn’t answer 7. do you think 8. third 9. are 10. goes

10 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. с

11 1. w riter 2. painter 3. scientist 4. interpreter

Test 11Unit 6

1 1. sight 2. kind 3. feed 4. world 5. fight 6. royal7. cage 8. save


1. elephant 2. g iraffe 3. dolphin 4. eagle 5. bear6. horse 7. rabbit 8. snake 9. insect 10. rhino 11. ham­ster 12. monkey 13. shark

3 1. join the Society 2. save animals 3. fight with sharks4. watch eagles 5. feed wolves 6. repair cages 7. createa national park 8. stretch the wings

4 1. enjoyable 2. enjoyment 3. difference 4. different5. endangered 6. dangerous 7. scientist 8. scientific

5 1. in 2. of 3. — 4. — 5. to 6. — 7. against 8. with


6 1. Скорее! Поспешим! 2. Какие новости? 3. Радс Вами познакомиться. 4. В чём дело? Что не так?5. По траве не ходить. 6. Это стоит сделать. 7. Осто­рожно! Берегись! 8. Можно выйти?

7 1. cries 2. Do, visit 3. Did, buy 4. does, travel 5. don’tkeep 6. watched 7. didn’t join 8. feed

8 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. с 5. b 6. b 7. d 7. b

9 1. I am afraid , you are w rong/you are not righ t.2. Sorry, but I am not going to do it. 3. We have never been to London. 4. I like it very much. 5. Ex­cuse me, could you help me, please? 6. Would you like a cup of tea? 7. Thank you. I really enjoyed the party.8. Hello! Can I speak to Mary, please?

10 1. с 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. b

Test 12Unit 6

1 1. main — dominant 2. famous — outstanding 3. an­cient — very old 4. town — city 5. sight — place of interest 6. sm art — clever 7. strange — unusual8. lovely — delicious

2 1. animal 2. rhino 3. eagle 4. penguin 5. kangaroo6. responsible 7. polar bear 8. cage


По горизонтали По вертикали1 . snake 3. duck2. domestic 6. cow3. dolphin 8. eagle4. camel 10. penguin5. tiger 1 1 . rabbit7. wing 15. zebra9. hedgehog 16. crocodile12. bird 17. wolf13. tortoise 19. zoo14. bear 21. elephant18. fox 22. monkey20. whale

4 1. famous 2. endangered 3. interested 4. regularly5. discoveries 6. interesting 7. industrious 8. translation

5 1. These animals have never eaten sweets. 2. Our teacher has already visited her pupils. 3. They have just read this book. 4. Her parents have never trav ­elled about America. 5. The dog has already run away.6. Their granny has just made a cake. 7. We have just been to the Zoo. 8. My friends have already bought the ice-cream.

6 1. I have already taken my puppy for a walk! 2. I have already finished my experiment! 3. I have already helped my sister with her homework! 4. I have already w ritten a letter to Tom! 5. I have already cleaned the parro t’s cage! 6. I have already joined the Zoological


Society! 7. I have already fed my pet! 8. I have already bought a good watchdog!

7 1. Have... seen 2. caught 3. has... become 4. became5. Did... drink 6. have... visited 7. Did... meet 8. has...fed

8 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. с 5. с 6. с 7. с 8. b 9. а10. b

9 1. had 2. couldn’t 3. second 4. see 5. do you want 6. am7. seventh 8. has caught 9. didn’t come 10. biggest

10 1. 2) 2. 2) 3. 3) 4. 3) 5. 1) 6. 1) 7. 3) 8. 1)

Test 13Unit 7

1 1. world 2. aunt 3. giant 4. wife 5. uncle 6. wild7. join 8. parent


1. set 2. arrange 3. make 4. sweep 5. walk 6. take7. water 8. wash 9. go 10. look 11. talk 12. invite13. clear

3 1. policewoman 2. famous 3. short 4. shopping 5. Max6. learned 7. telephone 8. cries 9. fantastic 10. hospital1 1 . clothes

4 1. got — Она подготовилась к пикнику вчера.2. took — Я снял пальто, когда потеплело. 3. got — Когда мой дядя был маленький, он ладил со всеми школьными учителями. 4. took — Она ухаживала за своей больной тётей. 5. got — Вчера я встал в шесть утра. 6. got — Они избавились от своей старой маши­ны, когда переехали на новую квартиру. 7. got — Ты получил подарки на Рождество, не так ли? 8. got — Мы получили от него письмо в прошлый понедельник.9. took — Моя сестра приняла участие в концерте не­делю назад. 10. took — День рождения праздновали в парке.

5 1. composition 2. friendly 3. properly 4. expensive5. wonderful 6. invitation 7. responsible 8. demonstra­tion

6 1. Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 2. Yes, I am. / No, I ’mnot. 3. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 4. Yes, I can. / No,I can’t. 5. Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t 6. Yes, I will. / No, I won’t 7. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.


7 1. lost 2. have lost 3. have closed 4. closed 5. have cleaned 6. Did... clean 7. brought 8. have... brought

8 1. yet 2. already 3. ago 4. ever 5. last night 6. never7. yet 8. just

9 1. should 2. must 3. shouldn’t 4. should 5. m ustn’t6. must 7. shouldn’t 8. m ustn’t

10 1. 1) 2. 2) 3. 1) 4. 1) 5. 3) 6. 3) 7. 2) 8. 2)

Test 14Unit 7

1 1. typical — special 2. naughty — obedient 3. strange — unusual 4. laugh — cry 5. past — future 6. end — be­ginning 7. never — always 8. female — male

2 1. poet 2. little 3. nephew 4. wife 5. right 6. rubbish7. Monday 8. juice

3 По горизонтали По вертикали3. grandmother 1 . parents5. husband 2. cousin8. son 4. aunt1 1 . nephew 6. brother12. mother 7. niece14. grandfather 9. uncle

10. sister13. wife


7 Of course, I do. Can you come to see me some day? I’ll show you my neighborhood. I hope you will like it. It is a nice residential area without any noise!

1 Hi, Tony! Nice to meet you.3 Oh, we have just moved in a new house! I really

love it!5 You see, it is very nice and quiet place but it is

outside Moscow. In fact, we live in the country now.

2 Nice to meet you, Nelly. You look happy today. Any good news?

8 Oh, thanks a lot. I would like to live in a place like that! Can we meet on Sunday?

4 That’s great! W hat part of Moscow do you live in?6 How lucky you are! You have a nice garden, a lot

of flowers, some pets, fresh air. You have a nice fireplace in the living room, don’t you?

5 1. house 2. home 3. home 4. home 5. house 6. home7. house 8. house

6 1. works 2. th ird 3. is decorating 4. will come 5. el­der 6. children 7. them 8. has already bought 9. came10. was

7 1. Where does Susan live? 2. Why does Susan get up very early? 3. W hat is Susan making for breakfast?


4. Who has already made coffee for her fa ther?5. Who likes coffee very much? 6. Where did Susan go to buy some coffee? 7. When is she going to town again? 8. How many guests has she invited yet?

8 1. a 2. с 3. a 4. с 5. b 6. a 7. с 8. b 9. a10. a

9 1. You shouldn’t do it. 2. Sorry, I am not hungry. I have ju s t had breakfast. 3. W hat a clever girl!4. I like it very much. 5. I have never been to London.6. She is my elder sister. 7. Let’s have a short rest.8. Can you clear the table, please?

10 1. 1) 2. 2) 3. 2) 4. 1) 5. 1) 6. 3) 7. 1) 8. 3)

Test 15Unit 8

1 1. onion 2. prefer 3. nephew 4. boring 5. biscuit5. lazy 6. theatre 7. relax

2 1. rest — relax 2. strange — unusual 3. popular — fa­mous 4. large — big 5. enjoy — be fond of 6. fantas­tic — excellent 7. dull — boring 8. stop — give up

3 1. doing homework 2. ice-hockey 3. dislike 4. story5. Thanksgiving Day 6. meat 7. boy 8. cheese


4 По горизонтали По вертикали1 . comedy2. programme

3. hobby4. author 6. library 10. magazine12. plane13. theatre14. soap

8. picnic9. news

5. cinema 7. ship

1 1 . actress

5 1. celebration 2. collection 3. personal 4. foreigners5. caring 6. shopping 7. scientist 8. translation

6 1. are you doing 2. Has Sam invited 3. called 4. be5. biggest 6. have ever seen 7. his 8. smaller

7 1. the 2. a 3. — 4. the 5. the 6. a 7. the 8. the 9. the10. a

8 1. He ушибись! 2. Как жаль! 3. Будь вежлив! 4. Тыне против, если я открою окно? 5. Ты хочешьчая? — Да, спасибо. 6. Я всегда мечтал о такой кни­ге. 7. Это очень мило с твоей стороны. 8. Это очень вкусно. Можно мне ещё один?

9 1. aren’t they 2. can she 3. hasn’t she 4. didn’t you5. do they 6. is she 7. doesn’t she 8. can’t you

10 1. 3) 2. 1) 3. 2) 4. 2) 5. 3) 6. 2) 7. 1) 8. 2)

ContentsУважаемые учителя и родители!........................................... 3

Тест 1 (Unit 1. Nice to see you again. Section 1 -2 )........ 5

Test 2 (Unit 1. Nice to see you again. Section 3 -5 ) .......13

Test 3 (Unit 2. We are going to travel. Section 1 -2)...22

Test 4 (Unit 2. We are going to travel. Section 3 -4 )...31

Test 5 (Unit 3. Learning more about each other.Section 1 -2 ) ....................................................................42

Test 6 (Unit 3. Learning more about each other.Section 3 - 4 ) ....................................................................52

Test 7 (Unit 4. Learning more about London.Section 1 -2 ) ....................................................................64

Test 8 (Unit 4. Learning more about London.Section 3 - 5 ) ....................................................................75

Test 9 (Unit 5. Faces of London. Section 1 - 2 ) .................88

Test 10 (Unit 5. Faces of London. Section 3 - 4 ) ...............97

Test 11 (Unit 6. Animals in our life. Section 1 -2 ).... 108

Test 12 (Unit 6. Animals in our life. Section 3-5) ....118

Test 13 (Unit 7. Living together. Section 1 -2 )........ 131

Test 14 (Unit 7. Living together. Section 3 -5 )........ 142

Test 15 (Unit 8. We have a lot in common.Section 1 - 4 ) .............................................................153


Keys ............................................................................................. 163Тест 1 .....................................................................................163Test 2 .....................................................................................164Test 3 .....................................................................................166Test 4 .....................................................................................168Test 5 .....................................................................................170Test 6 .....................................................................................171Test 7 .....................................................................................173Test 8 .....................................................................................175Test 9 .....................................................................................177Test 10................................................................................... 178Test 11................................................................................... 180Test 12................................................................................... 182Test 13................................................................................... 184Test 14................................................................................... 186Test 15................................................................................... 188

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Учебное издание

Воронова Елена Геннадьевна

АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. 5 -6 КЛАССЫ Тесты. Дидактические материалы к учебнику

М. 3. Биболетовой, Н. В. Добрыниной, Н. Н. Трубаневой “Enjoy English”

Ведущий редактор В. А. Львов Редактор М. А. Павлова

Художественный редактор А. М. Драговой Иллюстрации А. С. Иванов

Оформление обложки М. А. Кузнецов Технический редактор В. А. Артемов

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• Детальная проверка каждой темы курса

• Большой выбор стандартных и нестандартных заданийпо грамматике, лексике, чтению

• Возможность самопроверки по ключам