En attendant le Poisson de Babel

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of En attendant le Poisson de Babel

En attendant le Poisson de Babel

Stephanie Booth

Internet: contracte l'espace

librs des contraintes gographiques

plus de contact interculturel

obstacle initial modifi

espace langue

Let's assume intercultural exchanges are a good and necessary thing.(More tolerance, mutual understanding, openness...)

Frontires linguistiques

Sur internet, les frontires fortes sont linguistiques

Certaines personnes multilingues servent de pont

Comment nos outils peuvent-ils les aider cela?

mud photo and bridge photo

Erreurs fatales

Tout le monde parle anglais, maintenant!

pays = langue

Everybody speaks English, therefore localisation isn't that important.

of course you English-speakers are in contact with English-speaking foreigners!

varying degrees of speaking English -- having learnt it at school does not make it comfortable enough to discover a strange tool in it.

Remember multilingual countries (CH is not the only one around), immigrants, tourists... IP of connection is not sufficient information.

world map covered in US/EN flag? UK flag?

Abus gographique

IP => pays => langue, juste?

pays != languemauvaise rgionalisation

Suw's gripe about Paris

first thing to do is to get localisation right.

country = language breaks down for:

- multilingual countries- immigrants- tourists

Le pays est important, mais...

pour la langue: un lment parmi d'autres

pour les lois: trs important

impts & censure


livraison de produits


Coupable! - Amazon


- who is truly bilingual/multilingual?- who feels they act as a bridge between linguistic groups?- who blogs/publishes written material regularly in more than one language?- who reads regularly in more than one language?- who has some knowledge of more than one language (acquired through school, immersion...)

Perfectly multilingual and somewhat multilingual.

Coupable! - eBay


- who is truly bilingual/multilingual?- who feels they act as a bridge between linguistic groups?- who blogs/publishes written material regularly in more than one language?- who reads regularly in more than one language?- who has some knowledge of more than one language (acquired through school, immersion...)

Perfectly multilingual and somewhat multilingual.

Coupable! - PayPal


- who is truly bilingual/multilingual?- who feels they act as a bridge between linguistic groups?- who blogs/publishes written material regularly in more than one language?- who reads regularly in more than one language?- who has some knowledge of more than one language (acquired through school, immersion...)

Perfectly multilingual and somewhat multilingual.

Coupable! - Google

Google.ch => DEBlogger en France => FRSurvey:

- who is truly bilingual/multilingual?- who feels they act as a bridge between linguistic groups?- who blogs/publishes written material regularly in more than one language?- who reads regularly in more than one language?- who has some knowledge of more than one language (acquired through school, immersion...)

Perfectly multilingual and somewhat multilingual.

Conseils (L10N)

localiser/rgionaliser tt et ft

prvoir ds le dpart (pas aprs-coup)

langue !=pays

rgionalismes (fr-fr, fr-ch, fr-qc, fr-be...)

impliquer la communaut

linguiste dans l'quipe

dtection intelligente de la langue utilisateur

Dtection de la langue utilisateur

indique par:

profil (ct outil)

prfrences navigateur

langue navigateur/OS

localisation physique (go)

une langue? n langues?


degr de matrise?

Utilisation des prfrences navigateur

Oh oui, encore!

Quelles sont mes langues?

sais / sais pas
(trop binaire!)

Sais? Parle? Lis? Ecris? Lire un livre? Un article? Avoir une conversation? Ecrire une lettre? Ecrire un livre? Faire une prsentation?

Humains multilingues

Qui est multilingue?

plus de multilingues que de monolingues

Being human among humans means living in a state of ever incomplete multilingualism.

Mario Wandruszka

Etre Homme parmi les Hommes signifie vivre perptuellement dans un multilinguisme incomplet.

Mario Wandruszka

(ma traduction)


- who is truly bilingual/multilingual?- who feels they act as a bridge between linguistic groups?- who blogs/publishes written material regularly in more than one language?- who reads regularly in more than one language?- who has some knowledge of more than one language (acquired through school, immersion...)

Perfectly multilingual and somewhat multilingual.

Silos monolingues

internet n'est-il pas multilingue?

multiples espaces monolingues

mlange de langues

communaut multilingue

gens multilingues

notre place, alors?

A page is in one language (or worse, a website is in one language).Multilingual countries.

photo of silo

Outil de blog: WordPress

bien traduit

la langue est une proprit du blog

part du principe qu'on blogue dans une langue unique

pas de stratgies intgres pour mlanger les langues

=> 1 blog par langue

une solution: rsums dans l'autre langue

tout traduire: trop de travail

public mono&multi assez content

blogueur pont trs content

Outil de prsence: Twitter

pas traduit
=> problme d'adoption

communauts non-EN prsentes

filtrer par langue?

dtection de la langue?

Adoption issue could be way worse, because the Twitter interface is really light.

Here, localisation is less than an issue -- but code-switching is a big one, given the conversational nature of the messages people send to Twitter.

Some people resent getting messages in a language they don't understand. Some like it.

L10n insuffisante


traduction de l'interface dans une autre langue

monolingue dans diverses langues

Multilinguisation: (oui, c'est moche)

mlange de langues

gre le code-switching (alternance codique)

diffrentes combinaisons de langues

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

On le fait dj!

Mme si nos outils ne sont pas prvus pour

on est dj en train d'agir

notre multilinguisme en ligne

une page web != une langue une personne != une langue

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Traduction sur la mme page

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Une critique en deux langues

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.


Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Twitter encore

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Citations en langues trangres

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Bloguer bilingue

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

...Ou pire

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Rseau social multilingue

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.


Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Commenter un billet

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Commenter un billet

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Commenting on a Flickr Photo

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Lost in Translation

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

La fuite des multilingues

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Une communaut pour tous?

Localisation, monolingual in various languages, is best for monolingual people.

But most people are mutlilingual! We need to make spaces nice for them too.

Photo of blocs of colour, and another of all-mixed colours.

Le dfi multilingue

Crer un espace la fois:

adapt aux multilingues

adapt aux monolingues

Comment plaire tout le monde?

diffrentes combinaisons de langues

diffrentes comptences linguistiques

Aucune solution n'est parfaite pour tous.

Objectif multilingue

Problme stratgique

quelles langues?



Problme technique



traduction, dtection

Rappel. On est plutt multilingues.


comment va-t-on mlanger les diffrentes langues?

que traduit-on? paraphrase-t-on?

comment les gens dfinissent-ils leurs comptences linguistiques?

comment prcisent-ils ce qu'ils dsirent voir? langues inconnues ou non?

que montre-t-on aux gens?

processus de publication? de traduction?

gestion du contenu?

Rappel. On est plutt multilingues.


design: utilisation de l'espace, fonctionnalits, ergonomie, accessibilit!

encodage: base de donnes, serveur web, pages

HTML: lang, hreflang (cercle vicieux)

dtection automatique de la langue

traduction automatique

pour mmoire

La plupart des gens
ont plus d'une langue leur arc.

Take care !

Crdits photo (Flickr)


Antoon Kuper

Hobvias Sudoneighm

Grant MacDonald

Zoom Zoom


Claude Covo-Farchi

Stephanie Booth

Lausanne, Switzerland



Skype: steph-booth


ParisWeb, 16.11.2007Paris, FRCC by-nc-sa