Electron microscope photos (電子顯微照片)

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Transcript of Electron microscope photos (電子顯微照片)

Electron microscope photos 電子顯微照片 changcy0326

Floating Paperclip 漂浮回紋針

World of lights in the microcosmos 微觀世界書中 燈的世界


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Amazing Scanning Electron Microscope Photos... Awesome!驚異的仔細觀察電子顯微鏡照片 ... 真棒!All these pictures are from the book ' Microcosmos,' created by Brandon Brill from London .這些圖片出自「微觀世界」書中,由倫敦布蘭登‧布里爾 (Brandon Brill )拍攝。This book includes many scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of insects, human body parts and household items. These are the most amazing images of what is too small to see with the naked eye.這本書包含了許多電子顯微鏡( SEM )照片,有昆蟲,人體部位和家居用品。這些最驚異的圖像太小了,用肉眼是看不到的。

Electron Microscope Photos電子顯微照片

Split End of Human Hair人類分岔斷髮

An ant, Formica fusca, holding a microchip 一隻螞蟻夾著芯晶片

Surface of an Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory silicon microchip可以移除程式但只能讀取的儲存矽芯晶片

Balloon Popping水球戳破

Eyelash hairs growing from the surface of human skin人類皮膚表面生長的睫毛

Human Tongue With Taste Bud 人類舌頭味蕾

Bacteria on the surface of a human tongue 人類舌頭表面的細菌

Bacteria in Dental Plaque, Magnified 30,000 times ! 牙菌斑細菌,放大 30,000 倍!

Look at bone through an electron microscope 通過電子顯微鏡看到的骨頭

Fingertip blood 指尖之血

Coloured DNA Strandon the black background 黑色背景的彩色 DNA 鏈

Macrophage (yellow) chomping on e. coli (red) [3,000x magnification]巨噬細胞(黃色)與 E. 大腸桿菌(紅色) [3,000 倍的放大倍率 ]

A scanning electron microscope picture of a nerve ending. It has been broken open to reveal vesicles (orange and blue) containing chemicals used to pass messages in the nervous system.電子顯微鏡掃描的神經末梢圖像。它已被撬開,揭示囊泡(橙色和藍色)含有化學物質在神經系統用來傳遞訊息。

An image of a streptococcus bacteria 鏈球菌細菌

Nylon hooks and loops of Velcro 尼龍魔術貼的沾粘掛鉤

This image of a "flower bouquet" from a scanning electron microscope is actually a 3-D nanostructure.

電子顯微鏡掃描的“花束”實際上是一個 3-D納米結構。

Tire 車胎

Household dust--includes long hairs of cat fur, twisted synthetic and woollen fibres, serrated insect scales, a pollen grain, and plant and insect remains.家庭裡的灰塵,包括貓的毛皮,扭曲的羊毛合成纖維,蟲鱗片,花粉粒,植物和昆蟲遺跡。

Splash! 濺水

The weave of nylon stocking fibres 尼龍襪纖維

Blue Yellow Striped

Cheese 奶酪

Marbles 彈珠

The head of a mosquito 蚊子頭部

Head louse clinging to a human hair 人頭髮上的頭蝨

Eight eyes (two groups of four) on the head of a tarantula 狼蛛的八隻眼睛 ( 兩組)

Strawberry Image From a Scanning Electron Microscopy電子顯微鏡下的草莓圖像

Cut human hairs and shaving foam between two razor blades兩層刮鬍刀片中間的鬍鬚和刮鬍膏泡沫

Cigarette paper the tobacco is rolled in 香煙的捲菸紙表面

Corroded surface of a rusty nail 生鏽釘子的鏽蝕表面

Frost Web 霜網

Mushrooms spores 蘑菇孢子

Oil on canvas帆布油畫

Clutch of butterfly eggs on a raspberry plant 莓植物上的一窩蝴蝶卵

Sperm on the Surface of a Human Egg 人類卵細胞表面上的精子

Calcium phosphate crystal 磷酸鈣晶體

Typical titania 典型的二氧化鈦

Lights 燈光

http://www.slideshare.net/changcy0326 Music : Nightingale 夜鶯All data derived from www