Egyptair news 9 july 2016

Post on 05-Aug-2016

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Transcript of Egyptair news 9 july 2016

السبت2016يوليو 9


مصر للطران تم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ جمعا لمساندتها مسلم

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن حادثة الطابرة األخرة القادمة من بارس والتى

سقطت فى ماه البحر المتوسط لم تؤثر على الشركة الوطنة موضحا أن مصر للطران شركة عرقة ولها

تارخ وسنستطع التؽلب على الظروؾ الصعبة التى نمر بها خاصة إننا وجدنا دعم هابل من الشعب المصرى

بمختلؾ طوابفه من فنانن و فرق مصرة ومواطنن لعلمهم الكامل

وأضاؾ خالل حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي نشر بعد قلل أن الشركة تم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ

جمعا للمرور بتلك األزمة ولكن بالتأكد الظروؾ التى تمر بها البالد نظرا لضعؾ الساحة أثرت على حركة

الطران ونسب امتالء الطابرات

وأشار إلى أن المتعارؾ عله عالما وأن الحادث قد حدث فى شركات طران كبرى ونحن تصنفنا عالما

جد ونسب حدوث الحوادث ال تذكر


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا فى الفترة

المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها 30 ملون جنه

لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة

العالة ونظافة الوجبةوأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد فى المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخرة للمواطنن خاصة المخبوزات المتنوعة التى تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


تأخر طفؾ ف إقالع رحالتنا ألسباب خارجة عن إرادتنا ربس مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران الوم الجمعة إن هناك تأخرا طففا ف مواعد إقالع

بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من صانه وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا

إلقالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باإلضافة لكثافة التشؽل ف الفترة األخرة على رحالت العمرة

البوابةوأضاؾ مسلم ف حواره لـ نوز أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا تتمثل فى وصول طابرات

متأخرة بسبب الحالة المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكن هذه التأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست

متكررة الننا نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


طابرات جدده تنضم ألسطول 9 البوابة نوزربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران لـ

واألولى من طراز بونج ف دسمبر المقبلالطابرات ف عام واحد

حنان عز الدن

وكافترات للمواطنن تحمل شعار الشركة ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات 30مطبخ إلى بتكلفة -

والشعب المصرى دعمنا لتخطى الفترة العصبة نستطع التؽلب على ظروفنا الصعبة -

ملون 100وتطور هنجر للصانة بتكلفة مالن جنه 6أتوبسات جدده للركاب بــ 3 -

نتواصل مع أهال ضحاا الطابره المنكوبه الستفاء التعوضات المالة المستحقة -

أكد صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن الشركة تستعد خالل الشهور المقبلة الستقبال أول

طابرات جدده متطوره 9طابرات أسطول مصر للطران الجدد وتم استكمال باقى االسطول والذي سبلػ

وبتقنات حدثه ومطابقه لمواصفات السالمة الجوة وجاء األمر بالتعاقد مع أحد البنوك االسثمارة الدولة


وأضاؾ مسلم أن الطابره الجددة األولى من طراز البونج تتسلمها الشركة ف أول شهر دسمبر المقبل لتبدأ

التشؽل الفعلى وتنضم السطول الشركه وتتسلم الشركه باقى االسطول من طرازات البونج واالرباص على مدى

عن خطة القادم نظرا لضعؾ التشؽل ف فصل الشتاء 2017عام كامل لتصل آخر طابرة جدده ف صؾ

التقت البوابة نوز التطور وفكره اؼالق بعض الخطوط عدمه الجدوى االقتصاده وعالج العاملن بالشركة

ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران وكان معه هذا الحوار


فماذا عن كفة مواجهة تلك األزمة حادث الطابرة المنكوبة بالتأكد أثر على الشركة

مصر للطران شركة عرقة ولها تارخ وسنستطع التؽلب على الظروؾ الصعبة الت نمر بها خاصة إننا -

وجدنا دعما هابال من الشعب المصرى بمختلؾ طوابفه من فنانن وفرق مصرة ومواطنن لعلمهم الكامل أن

الشركة تتم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ جمعا للمرور بتلك األزمة ولكم بالتأكد الظروؾ الت تمر بها البالد

نظرا لضعؾ الساحة أثرت على حركة الطران ونسب امتالء الطابرات

أما عن حادثة الطابره فاألمر متعارؾ عله عالما وقد حدث ف شركات طران كبرى ونحن تصنفنا عالما

جد ونسب حدوث الحوادث الحمد هلل ال ذكر

وماذا عن أهال الضحاا وكفه التعامل معهم

نحن على تواصل مستمر مع أهال الضحاا قامت الشركة بالتنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع -

الحادث باستفاء كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وتلق أة استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم أه خدمات ألسر ضحاا الحادث وذلك من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى

وتعمل هذه الخدمة على مدى 28 ساعة للدخول اضؽط هنـــــا

تعددت األعطال وتأخر الطابرات ف الفترة األخرة فماذا عنها

هناك تاخر طفؾ ف مواعد إقالع بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من -

صانة وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا القالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باألضافه لكثافه التشؽل ف

الفتره األخرة على رحالت العمرة كما أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا وهى وصول الطابرة متأخرة بسبب

الحاله المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكنها تأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست متكررة ألننا

نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


ماذا عن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة الت تلقتها الشركة

نحن نعلم جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبه ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة ووضعها ف -

االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابره جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ ألن مهمتننا ه سالمة الراكب

وحرصنا الدابم أن صل بأمان لذلك نقوم بتلك اإلجراءات أما باقى اإلجراءات وتتمثل ف معرفة الجانى فبالفعل

ه مسبولة الجهات األمنة الت فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات والوصول لمصدر البالغ

هل هناك نة لؽلق خطوط تابعة لمصر للطران طالما إنها عدمة الجدوى

فكره ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا ولكن تم اتباع عده إجراءات للخط قبل اتخاذ قرارا بؽلقه ومن -

ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر

ا وهو مثل مرتبط بشبكه لؤثر فور ؼلقه على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه نهاب

عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة فلما االستمرار فه رؼم أنه ال خدم أي خطوط إستراتجة للدولة

متى تلجأ الشركه إللؽاء رحالت ومة

عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة مثل قرار لس بسهال على الشركه ولكن نتخذه ف عدم تحقق جدوى للرحله اقتصادا

بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم امتالء الطابره أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسه للدوله المراد الوصول الها وتم

على الفور توفر انتقاالت واقامه وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم إخطاره باألمر وتلك اإللؽاء ال حدث اال ف

اضق الحدود وكثرا من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة

لو تحدثنا عن خطة تطور الشركة ف الفترة القادمة فماذا عن الخدمات الجوة خاصة أنها من أهم الموارد


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى

ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر 30واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها

على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة العالة ونظافة الوجبة كما ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد ف المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخره للمواطنن خاصه المخبوزات المتنوعة الت تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


وماذا عن شركة الخدمات األرضه والت ما زالت تحتاج إلى الكثر من التطور

بالفعل شركة الخدمات األرضة نظرنا لها بعن االعتبار وستم تدعمها ف الفتره القادمة حث تعاقدنا على

مالن جنه لضمها لمعدات الشركة وذلك تسهال لعملة نقل الحقابب وتحملها 3كونتر بمزانه قدرها 400

من وإلى الطابرة توفرا للوقت وحتى نتؽلب على تأخر إقالع الطابرات بسبب استؽراق مدة أطول ف تفرػ

الكونر إلعاده استخدامه

مالن جنه لتنضم ألوبسات الشركة 6أتوبسات جددة للركاب بتكلفة قدرها 3كما أننا بالفعل تعاقدنا على

ماذا عن الصانة بشركه مصر للطران

ونو الجارى على أن تتم االبدء ف 30وستم االفتتاح الرسمى له 7000تم تطور المرحلة األولى من هنجر

ملون جنه للمرحلتن على أن تم تطور 100المرحلة الثانة لتم التسلم بعد ثمانى اشهر بتكلفه إجمالة

الهنجر لكون من أحدث الهناجر ف صانة الطابرات بالشرق األوسط

هناك بروتوكول جدد بن مصر للطران وشركة المتخصصة ف تصنع محركات الطابرات بشأن أن تقوم

الشركه الوطنة بتعمر المحركات ف الصانة الخاصة بنا لنصبح الشركه الوحده بالشرق األوسط المتخصصة

بتعمر المحركات كما ستم افتتاح أكبر مبنى صانة لشمل مكاتب للمهندسن والفنبن وورش تصلح بمطار

على الطراز الحدث لتسهل العمل وستم افتتاحه ف نهاه الشهر الجارى 3



فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


مصر للطران تم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ جمعا لمساندتها مسلم

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن حادثة الطابرة األخرة القادمة من بارس والتى

سقطت فى ماه البحر المتوسط لم تؤثر على الشركة الوطنة موضحا أن مصر للطران شركة عرقة ولها

تارخ وسنستطع التؽلب على الظروؾ الصعبة التى نمر بها خاصة إننا وجدنا دعم هابل من الشعب المصرى

بمختلؾ طوابفه من فنانن و فرق مصرة ومواطنن لعلمهم الكامل

وأضاؾ خالل حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي نشر بعد قلل أن الشركة تم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ

جمعا للمرور بتلك األزمة ولكن بالتأكد الظروؾ التى تمر بها البالد نظرا لضعؾ الساحة أثرت على حركة

الطران ونسب امتالء الطابرات

وأشار إلى أن المتعارؾ عله عالما وأن الحادث قد حدث فى شركات طران كبرى ونحن تصنفنا عالما

جد ونسب حدوث الحوادث ال تذكر


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا فى الفترة

المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها 30 ملون جنه

لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة

العالة ونظافة الوجبةوأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد فى المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخرة للمواطنن خاصة المخبوزات المتنوعة التى تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


تأخر طفؾ ف إقالع رحالتنا ألسباب خارجة عن إرادتنا ربس مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران الوم الجمعة إن هناك تأخرا طففا ف مواعد إقالع

بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من صانه وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا

إلقالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باإلضافة لكثافة التشؽل ف الفترة األخرة على رحالت العمرة

البوابةوأضاؾ مسلم ف حواره لـ نوز أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا تتمثل فى وصول طابرات

متأخرة بسبب الحالة المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكن هذه التأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست

متكررة الننا نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


طابرات جدده تنضم ألسطول 9 البوابة نوزربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران لـ

واألولى من طراز بونج ف دسمبر المقبلالطابرات ف عام واحد

حنان عز الدن

وكافترات للمواطنن تحمل شعار الشركة ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات 30مطبخ إلى بتكلفة -

والشعب المصرى دعمنا لتخطى الفترة العصبة نستطع التؽلب على ظروفنا الصعبة -

ملون 100وتطور هنجر للصانة بتكلفة مالن جنه 6أتوبسات جدده للركاب بــ 3 -

نتواصل مع أهال ضحاا الطابره المنكوبه الستفاء التعوضات المالة المستحقة -

أكد صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن الشركة تستعد خالل الشهور المقبلة الستقبال أول

طابرات جدده متطوره 9طابرات أسطول مصر للطران الجدد وتم استكمال باقى االسطول والذي سبلػ

وبتقنات حدثه ومطابقه لمواصفات السالمة الجوة وجاء األمر بالتعاقد مع أحد البنوك االسثمارة الدولة


وأضاؾ مسلم أن الطابره الجددة األولى من طراز البونج تتسلمها الشركة ف أول شهر دسمبر المقبل لتبدأ

التشؽل الفعلى وتنضم السطول الشركه وتتسلم الشركه باقى االسطول من طرازات البونج واالرباص على مدى

عن خطة القادم نظرا لضعؾ التشؽل ف فصل الشتاء 2017عام كامل لتصل آخر طابرة جدده ف صؾ

التقت البوابة نوز التطور وفكره اؼالق بعض الخطوط عدمه الجدوى االقتصاده وعالج العاملن بالشركة

ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران وكان معه هذا الحوار


فماذا عن كفة مواجهة تلك األزمة حادث الطابرة المنكوبة بالتأكد أثر على الشركة

مصر للطران شركة عرقة ولها تارخ وسنستطع التؽلب على الظروؾ الصعبة الت نمر بها خاصة إننا -

وجدنا دعما هابال من الشعب المصرى بمختلؾ طوابفه من فنانن وفرق مصرة ومواطنن لعلمهم الكامل أن

الشركة تتم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ جمعا للمرور بتلك األزمة ولكم بالتأكد الظروؾ الت تمر بها البالد

نظرا لضعؾ الساحة أثرت على حركة الطران ونسب امتالء الطابرات

أما عن حادثة الطابره فاألمر متعارؾ عله عالما وقد حدث ف شركات طران كبرى ونحن تصنفنا عالما

جد ونسب حدوث الحوادث الحمد هلل ال ذكر

وماذا عن أهال الضحاا وكفه التعامل معهم

نحن على تواصل مستمر مع أهال الضحاا قامت الشركة بالتنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع -

الحادث باستفاء كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وتلق أة استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم أه خدمات ألسر ضحاا الحادث وذلك من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى

وتعمل هذه الخدمة على مدى 28 ساعة للدخول اضؽط هنـــــا

تعددت األعطال وتأخر الطابرات ف الفترة األخرة فماذا عنها

هناك تاخر طفؾ ف مواعد إقالع بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من -

صانة وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا القالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باألضافه لكثافه التشؽل ف

الفتره األخرة على رحالت العمرة كما أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا وهى وصول الطابرة متأخرة بسبب

الحاله المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكنها تأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست متكررة ألننا

نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


ماذا عن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة الت تلقتها الشركة

نحن نعلم جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبه ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة ووضعها ف -

االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابره جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ ألن مهمتننا ه سالمة الراكب

وحرصنا الدابم أن صل بأمان لذلك نقوم بتلك اإلجراءات أما باقى اإلجراءات وتتمثل ف معرفة الجانى فبالفعل

ه مسبولة الجهات األمنة الت فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات والوصول لمصدر البالغ

هل هناك نة لؽلق خطوط تابعة لمصر للطران طالما إنها عدمة الجدوى

فكره ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا ولكن تم اتباع عده إجراءات للخط قبل اتخاذ قرارا بؽلقه ومن -

ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر

ا وهو مثل مرتبط بشبكه لؤثر فور ؼلقه على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه نهاب

عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة فلما االستمرار فه رؼم أنه ال خدم أي خطوط إستراتجة للدولة

متى تلجأ الشركه إللؽاء رحالت ومة

عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة مثل قرار لس بسهال على الشركه ولكن نتخذه ف عدم تحقق جدوى للرحله اقتصادا

بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم امتالء الطابره أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسه للدوله المراد الوصول الها وتم

على الفور توفر انتقاالت واقامه وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم إخطاره باألمر وتلك اإللؽاء ال حدث اال ف

اضق الحدود وكثرا من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة

لو تحدثنا عن خطة تطور الشركة ف الفترة القادمة فماذا عن الخدمات الجوة خاصة أنها من أهم الموارد


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى

ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر 30واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها

على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة العالة ونظافة الوجبة كما ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد ف المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخره للمواطنن خاصه المخبوزات المتنوعة الت تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


وماذا عن شركة الخدمات األرضه والت ما زالت تحتاج إلى الكثر من التطور

بالفعل شركة الخدمات األرضة نظرنا لها بعن االعتبار وستم تدعمها ف الفتره القادمة حث تعاقدنا على

مالن جنه لضمها لمعدات الشركة وذلك تسهال لعملة نقل الحقابب وتحملها 3كونتر بمزانه قدرها 400

من وإلى الطابرة توفرا للوقت وحتى نتؽلب على تأخر إقالع الطابرات بسبب استؽراق مدة أطول ف تفرػ

الكونر إلعاده استخدامه

مالن جنه لتنضم ألوبسات الشركة 6أتوبسات جددة للركاب بتكلفة قدرها 3كما أننا بالفعل تعاقدنا على

ماذا عن الصانة بشركه مصر للطران

ونو الجارى على أن تتم االبدء ف 30وستم االفتتاح الرسمى له 7000تم تطور المرحلة األولى من هنجر

ملون جنه للمرحلتن على أن تم تطور 100المرحلة الثانة لتم التسلم بعد ثمانى اشهر بتكلفه إجمالة

الهنجر لكون من أحدث الهناجر ف صانة الطابرات بالشرق األوسط

هناك بروتوكول جدد بن مصر للطران وشركة المتخصصة ف تصنع محركات الطابرات بشأن أن تقوم

الشركه الوطنة بتعمر المحركات ف الصانة الخاصة بنا لنصبح الشركه الوحده بالشرق األوسط المتخصصة

بتعمر المحركات كما ستم افتتاح أكبر مبنى صانة لشمل مكاتب للمهندسن والفنبن وورش تصلح بمطار

على الطراز الحدث لتسهل العمل وستم افتتاحه ف نهاه الشهر الجارى 3



فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا فى الفترة

المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها 30 ملون جنه

لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة

العالة ونظافة الوجبةوأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد فى المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخرة للمواطنن خاصة المخبوزات المتنوعة التى تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


تأخر طفؾ ف إقالع رحالتنا ألسباب خارجة عن إرادتنا ربس مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران الوم الجمعة إن هناك تأخرا طففا ف مواعد إقالع

بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من صانه وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا

إلقالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باإلضافة لكثافة التشؽل ف الفترة األخرة على رحالت العمرة

البوابةوأضاؾ مسلم ف حواره لـ نوز أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا تتمثل فى وصول طابرات

متأخرة بسبب الحالة المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكن هذه التأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست

متكررة الننا نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


طابرات جدده تنضم ألسطول 9 البوابة نوزربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران لـ

واألولى من طراز بونج ف دسمبر المقبلالطابرات ف عام واحد

حنان عز الدن

وكافترات للمواطنن تحمل شعار الشركة ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات 30مطبخ إلى بتكلفة -

والشعب المصرى دعمنا لتخطى الفترة العصبة نستطع التؽلب على ظروفنا الصعبة -

ملون 100وتطور هنجر للصانة بتكلفة مالن جنه 6أتوبسات جدده للركاب بــ 3 -

نتواصل مع أهال ضحاا الطابره المنكوبه الستفاء التعوضات المالة المستحقة -

أكد صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن الشركة تستعد خالل الشهور المقبلة الستقبال أول

طابرات جدده متطوره 9طابرات أسطول مصر للطران الجدد وتم استكمال باقى االسطول والذي سبلػ

وبتقنات حدثه ومطابقه لمواصفات السالمة الجوة وجاء األمر بالتعاقد مع أحد البنوك االسثمارة الدولة


وأضاؾ مسلم أن الطابره الجددة األولى من طراز البونج تتسلمها الشركة ف أول شهر دسمبر المقبل لتبدأ

التشؽل الفعلى وتنضم السطول الشركه وتتسلم الشركه باقى االسطول من طرازات البونج واالرباص على مدى

عن خطة القادم نظرا لضعؾ التشؽل ف فصل الشتاء 2017عام كامل لتصل آخر طابرة جدده ف صؾ

التقت البوابة نوز التطور وفكره اؼالق بعض الخطوط عدمه الجدوى االقتصاده وعالج العاملن بالشركة

ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران وكان معه هذا الحوار


فماذا عن كفة مواجهة تلك األزمة حادث الطابرة المنكوبة بالتأكد أثر على الشركة

مصر للطران شركة عرقة ولها تارخ وسنستطع التؽلب على الظروؾ الصعبة الت نمر بها خاصة إننا -

وجدنا دعما هابال من الشعب المصرى بمختلؾ طوابفه من فنانن وفرق مصرة ومواطنن لعلمهم الكامل أن

الشركة تتم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ جمعا للمرور بتلك األزمة ولكم بالتأكد الظروؾ الت تمر بها البالد

نظرا لضعؾ الساحة أثرت على حركة الطران ونسب امتالء الطابرات

أما عن حادثة الطابره فاألمر متعارؾ عله عالما وقد حدث ف شركات طران كبرى ونحن تصنفنا عالما

جد ونسب حدوث الحوادث الحمد هلل ال ذكر

وماذا عن أهال الضحاا وكفه التعامل معهم

نحن على تواصل مستمر مع أهال الضحاا قامت الشركة بالتنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع -

الحادث باستفاء كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وتلق أة استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم أه خدمات ألسر ضحاا الحادث وذلك من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى

وتعمل هذه الخدمة على مدى 28 ساعة للدخول اضؽط هنـــــا

تعددت األعطال وتأخر الطابرات ف الفترة األخرة فماذا عنها

هناك تاخر طفؾ ف مواعد إقالع بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من -

صانة وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا القالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باألضافه لكثافه التشؽل ف

الفتره األخرة على رحالت العمرة كما أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا وهى وصول الطابرة متأخرة بسبب

الحاله المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكنها تأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست متكررة ألننا

نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


ماذا عن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة الت تلقتها الشركة

نحن نعلم جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبه ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة ووضعها ف -

االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابره جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ ألن مهمتننا ه سالمة الراكب

وحرصنا الدابم أن صل بأمان لذلك نقوم بتلك اإلجراءات أما باقى اإلجراءات وتتمثل ف معرفة الجانى فبالفعل

ه مسبولة الجهات األمنة الت فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات والوصول لمصدر البالغ

هل هناك نة لؽلق خطوط تابعة لمصر للطران طالما إنها عدمة الجدوى

فكره ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا ولكن تم اتباع عده إجراءات للخط قبل اتخاذ قرارا بؽلقه ومن -

ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر

ا وهو مثل مرتبط بشبكه لؤثر فور ؼلقه على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه نهاب

عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة فلما االستمرار فه رؼم أنه ال خدم أي خطوط إستراتجة للدولة

متى تلجأ الشركه إللؽاء رحالت ومة

عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة مثل قرار لس بسهال على الشركه ولكن نتخذه ف عدم تحقق جدوى للرحله اقتصادا

بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم امتالء الطابره أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسه للدوله المراد الوصول الها وتم

على الفور توفر انتقاالت واقامه وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم إخطاره باألمر وتلك اإللؽاء ال حدث اال ف

اضق الحدود وكثرا من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة

لو تحدثنا عن خطة تطور الشركة ف الفترة القادمة فماذا عن الخدمات الجوة خاصة أنها من أهم الموارد


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى

ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر 30واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها

على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة العالة ونظافة الوجبة كما ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد ف المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخره للمواطنن خاصه المخبوزات المتنوعة الت تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


وماذا عن شركة الخدمات األرضه والت ما زالت تحتاج إلى الكثر من التطور

بالفعل شركة الخدمات األرضة نظرنا لها بعن االعتبار وستم تدعمها ف الفتره القادمة حث تعاقدنا على

مالن جنه لضمها لمعدات الشركة وذلك تسهال لعملة نقل الحقابب وتحملها 3كونتر بمزانه قدرها 400

من وإلى الطابرة توفرا للوقت وحتى نتؽلب على تأخر إقالع الطابرات بسبب استؽراق مدة أطول ف تفرػ

الكونر إلعاده استخدامه

مالن جنه لتنضم ألوبسات الشركة 6أتوبسات جددة للركاب بتكلفة قدرها 3كما أننا بالفعل تعاقدنا على

ماذا عن الصانة بشركه مصر للطران

ونو الجارى على أن تتم االبدء ف 30وستم االفتتاح الرسمى له 7000تم تطور المرحلة األولى من هنجر

ملون جنه للمرحلتن على أن تم تطور 100المرحلة الثانة لتم التسلم بعد ثمانى اشهر بتكلفه إجمالة

الهنجر لكون من أحدث الهناجر ف صانة الطابرات بالشرق األوسط

هناك بروتوكول جدد بن مصر للطران وشركة المتخصصة ف تصنع محركات الطابرات بشأن أن تقوم

الشركه الوطنة بتعمر المحركات ف الصانة الخاصة بنا لنصبح الشركه الوحده بالشرق األوسط المتخصصة

بتعمر المحركات كما ستم افتتاح أكبر مبنى صانة لشمل مكاتب للمهندسن والفنبن وورش تصلح بمطار

على الطراز الحدث لتسهل العمل وستم افتتاحه ف نهاه الشهر الجارى 3



فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


تأخر طفؾ ف إقالع رحالتنا ألسباب خارجة عن إرادتنا ربس مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران الوم الجمعة إن هناك تأخرا طففا ف مواعد إقالع

بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من صانه وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا

إلقالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باإلضافة لكثافة التشؽل ف الفترة األخرة على رحالت العمرة

البوابةوأضاؾ مسلم ف حواره لـ نوز أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا تتمثل فى وصول طابرات

متأخرة بسبب الحالة المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكن هذه التأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست

متكررة الننا نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


طابرات جدده تنضم ألسطول 9 البوابة نوزربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران لـ

واألولى من طراز بونج ف دسمبر المقبلالطابرات ف عام واحد

حنان عز الدن

وكافترات للمواطنن تحمل شعار الشركة ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات 30مطبخ إلى بتكلفة -

والشعب المصرى دعمنا لتخطى الفترة العصبة نستطع التؽلب على ظروفنا الصعبة -

ملون 100وتطور هنجر للصانة بتكلفة مالن جنه 6أتوبسات جدده للركاب بــ 3 -

نتواصل مع أهال ضحاا الطابره المنكوبه الستفاء التعوضات المالة المستحقة -

أكد صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن الشركة تستعد خالل الشهور المقبلة الستقبال أول

طابرات جدده متطوره 9طابرات أسطول مصر للطران الجدد وتم استكمال باقى االسطول والذي سبلػ

وبتقنات حدثه ومطابقه لمواصفات السالمة الجوة وجاء األمر بالتعاقد مع أحد البنوك االسثمارة الدولة


وأضاؾ مسلم أن الطابره الجددة األولى من طراز البونج تتسلمها الشركة ف أول شهر دسمبر المقبل لتبدأ

التشؽل الفعلى وتنضم السطول الشركه وتتسلم الشركه باقى االسطول من طرازات البونج واالرباص على مدى

عن خطة القادم نظرا لضعؾ التشؽل ف فصل الشتاء 2017عام كامل لتصل آخر طابرة جدده ف صؾ

التقت البوابة نوز التطور وفكره اؼالق بعض الخطوط عدمه الجدوى االقتصاده وعالج العاملن بالشركة

ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران وكان معه هذا الحوار


فماذا عن كفة مواجهة تلك األزمة حادث الطابرة المنكوبة بالتأكد أثر على الشركة

مصر للطران شركة عرقة ولها تارخ وسنستطع التؽلب على الظروؾ الصعبة الت نمر بها خاصة إننا -

وجدنا دعما هابال من الشعب المصرى بمختلؾ طوابفه من فنانن وفرق مصرة ومواطنن لعلمهم الكامل أن

الشركة تتم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ جمعا للمرور بتلك األزمة ولكم بالتأكد الظروؾ الت تمر بها البالد

نظرا لضعؾ الساحة أثرت على حركة الطران ونسب امتالء الطابرات

أما عن حادثة الطابره فاألمر متعارؾ عله عالما وقد حدث ف شركات طران كبرى ونحن تصنفنا عالما

جد ونسب حدوث الحوادث الحمد هلل ال ذكر

وماذا عن أهال الضحاا وكفه التعامل معهم

نحن على تواصل مستمر مع أهال الضحاا قامت الشركة بالتنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع -

الحادث باستفاء كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وتلق أة استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم أه خدمات ألسر ضحاا الحادث وذلك من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى

وتعمل هذه الخدمة على مدى 28 ساعة للدخول اضؽط هنـــــا

تعددت األعطال وتأخر الطابرات ف الفترة األخرة فماذا عنها

هناك تاخر طفؾ ف مواعد إقالع بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من -

صانة وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا القالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باألضافه لكثافه التشؽل ف

الفتره األخرة على رحالت العمرة كما أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا وهى وصول الطابرة متأخرة بسبب

الحاله المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكنها تأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست متكررة ألننا

نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


ماذا عن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة الت تلقتها الشركة

نحن نعلم جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبه ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة ووضعها ف -

االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابره جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ ألن مهمتننا ه سالمة الراكب

وحرصنا الدابم أن صل بأمان لذلك نقوم بتلك اإلجراءات أما باقى اإلجراءات وتتمثل ف معرفة الجانى فبالفعل

ه مسبولة الجهات األمنة الت فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات والوصول لمصدر البالغ

هل هناك نة لؽلق خطوط تابعة لمصر للطران طالما إنها عدمة الجدوى

فكره ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا ولكن تم اتباع عده إجراءات للخط قبل اتخاذ قرارا بؽلقه ومن -

ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر

ا وهو مثل مرتبط بشبكه لؤثر فور ؼلقه على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه نهاب

عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة فلما االستمرار فه رؼم أنه ال خدم أي خطوط إستراتجة للدولة

متى تلجأ الشركه إللؽاء رحالت ومة

عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة مثل قرار لس بسهال على الشركه ولكن نتخذه ف عدم تحقق جدوى للرحله اقتصادا

بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم امتالء الطابره أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسه للدوله المراد الوصول الها وتم

على الفور توفر انتقاالت واقامه وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم إخطاره باألمر وتلك اإللؽاء ال حدث اال ف

اضق الحدود وكثرا من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة

لو تحدثنا عن خطة تطور الشركة ف الفترة القادمة فماذا عن الخدمات الجوة خاصة أنها من أهم الموارد


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى

ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر 30واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها

على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة العالة ونظافة الوجبة كما ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد ف المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخره للمواطنن خاصه المخبوزات المتنوعة الت تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


وماذا عن شركة الخدمات األرضه والت ما زالت تحتاج إلى الكثر من التطور

بالفعل شركة الخدمات األرضة نظرنا لها بعن االعتبار وستم تدعمها ف الفتره القادمة حث تعاقدنا على

مالن جنه لضمها لمعدات الشركة وذلك تسهال لعملة نقل الحقابب وتحملها 3كونتر بمزانه قدرها 400

من وإلى الطابرة توفرا للوقت وحتى نتؽلب على تأخر إقالع الطابرات بسبب استؽراق مدة أطول ف تفرػ

الكونر إلعاده استخدامه

مالن جنه لتنضم ألوبسات الشركة 6أتوبسات جددة للركاب بتكلفة قدرها 3كما أننا بالفعل تعاقدنا على

ماذا عن الصانة بشركه مصر للطران

ونو الجارى على أن تتم االبدء ف 30وستم االفتتاح الرسمى له 7000تم تطور المرحلة األولى من هنجر

ملون جنه للمرحلتن على أن تم تطور 100المرحلة الثانة لتم التسلم بعد ثمانى اشهر بتكلفه إجمالة

الهنجر لكون من أحدث الهناجر ف صانة الطابرات بالشرق األوسط

هناك بروتوكول جدد بن مصر للطران وشركة المتخصصة ف تصنع محركات الطابرات بشأن أن تقوم

الشركه الوطنة بتعمر المحركات ف الصانة الخاصة بنا لنصبح الشركه الوحده بالشرق األوسط المتخصصة

بتعمر المحركات كما ستم افتتاح أكبر مبنى صانة لشمل مكاتب للمهندسن والفنبن وورش تصلح بمطار

على الطراز الحدث لتسهل العمل وستم افتتاحه ف نهاه الشهر الجارى 3



فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


طابرات جدده تنضم ألسطول 9 البوابة نوزربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران لـ

واألولى من طراز بونج ف دسمبر المقبلالطابرات ف عام واحد

حنان عز الدن

وكافترات للمواطنن تحمل شعار الشركة ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات 30مطبخ إلى بتكلفة -

والشعب المصرى دعمنا لتخطى الفترة العصبة نستطع التؽلب على ظروفنا الصعبة -

ملون 100وتطور هنجر للصانة بتكلفة مالن جنه 6أتوبسات جدده للركاب بــ 3 -

نتواصل مع أهال ضحاا الطابره المنكوبه الستفاء التعوضات المالة المستحقة -

أكد صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن الشركة تستعد خالل الشهور المقبلة الستقبال أول

طابرات جدده متطوره 9طابرات أسطول مصر للطران الجدد وتم استكمال باقى االسطول والذي سبلػ

وبتقنات حدثه ومطابقه لمواصفات السالمة الجوة وجاء األمر بالتعاقد مع أحد البنوك االسثمارة الدولة


وأضاؾ مسلم أن الطابره الجددة األولى من طراز البونج تتسلمها الشركة ف أول شهر دسمبر المقبل لتبدأ

التشؽل الفعلى وتنضم السطول الشركه وتتسلم الشركه باقى االسطول من طرازات البونج واالرباص على مدى

عن خطة القادم نظرا لضعؾ التشؽل ف فصل الشتاء 2017عام كامل لتصل آخر طابرة جدده ف صؾ

التقت البوابة نوز التطور وفكره اؼالق بعض الخطوط عدمه الجدوى االقتصاده وعالج العاملن بالشركة

ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران وكان معه هذا الحوار


فماذا عن كفة مواجهة تلك األزمة حادث الطابرة المنكوبة بالتأكد أثر على الشركة

مصر للطران شركة عرقة ولها تارخ وسنستطع التؽلب على الظروؾ الصعبة الت نمر بها خاصة إننا -

وجدنا دعما هابال من الشعب المصرى بمختلؾ طوابفه من فنانن وفرق مصرة ومواطنن لعلمهم الكامل أن

الشركة تتم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ جمعا للمرور بتلك األزمة ولكم بالتأكد الظروؾ الت تمر بها البالد

نظرا لضعؾ الساحة أثرت على حركة الطران ونسب امتالء الطابرات

أما عن حادثة الطابره فاألمر متعارؾ عله عالما وقد حدث ف شركات طران كبرى ونحن تصنفنا عالما

جد ونسب حدوث الحوادث الحمد هلل ال ذكر

وماذا عن أهال الضحاا وكفه التعامل معهم

نحن على تواصل مستمر مع أهال الضحاا قامت الشركة بالتنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع -

الحادث باستفاء كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وتلق أة استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم أه خدمات ألسر ضحاا الحادث وذلك من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى

وتعمل هذه الخدمة على مدى 28 ساعة للدخول اضؽط هنـــــا

تعددت األعطال وتأخر الطابرات ف الفترة األخرة فماذا عنها

هناك تاخر طفؾ ف مواعد إقالع بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من -

صانة وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا القالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باألضافه لكثافه التشؽل ف

الفتره األخرة على رحالت العمرة كما أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا وهى وصول الطابرة متأخرة بسبب

الحاله المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكنها تأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست متكررة ألننا

نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


ماذا عن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة الت تلقتها الشركة

نحن نعلم جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبه ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة ووضعها ف -

االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابره جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ ألن مهمتننا ه سالمة الراكب

وحرصنا الدابم أن صل بأمان لذلك نقوم بتلك اإلجراءات أما باقى اإلجراءات وتتمثل ف معرفة الجانى فبالفعل

ه مسبولة الجهات األمنة الت فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات والوصول لمصدر البالغ

هل هناك نة لؽلق خطوط تابعة لمصر للطران طالما إنها عدمة الجدوى

فكره ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا ولكن تم اتباع عده إجراءات للخط قبل اتخاذ قرارا بؽلقه ومن -

ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر

ا وهو مثل مرتبط بشبكه لؤثر فور ؼلقه على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه نهاب

عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة فلما االستمرار فه رؼم أنه ال خدم أي خطوط إستراتجة للدولة

متى تلجأ الشركه إللؽاء رحالت ومة

عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة مثل قرار لس بسهال على الشركه ولكن نتخذه ف عدم تحقق جدوى للرحله اقتصادا

بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم امتالء الطابره أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسه للدوله المراد الوصول الها وتم

على الفور توفر انتقاالت واقامه وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم إخطاره باألمر وتلك اإللؽاء ال حدث اال ف

اضق الحدود وكثرا من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة

لو تحدثنا عن خطة تطور الشركة ف الفترة القادمة فماذا عن الخدمات الجوة خاصة أنها من أهم الموارد


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى

ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر 30واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها

على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة العالة ونظافة الوجبة كما ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد ف المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخره للمواطنن خاصه المخبوزات المتنوعة الت تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


وماذا عن شركة الخدمات األرضه والت ما زالت تحتاج إلى الكثر من التطور

بالفعل شركة الخدمات األرضة نظرنا لها بعن االعتبار وستم تدعمها ف الفتره القادمة حث تعاقدنا على

مالن جنه لضمها لمعدات الشركة وذلك تسهال لعملة نقل الحقابب وتحملها 3كونتر بمزانه قدرها 400

من وإلى الطابرة توفرا للوقت وحتى نتؽلب على تأخر إقالع الطابرات بسبب استؽراق مدة أطول ف تفرػ

الكونر إلعاده استخدامه

مالن جنه لتنضم ألوبسات الشركة 6أتوبسات جددة للركاب بتكلفة قدرها 3كما أننا بالفعل تعاقدنا على

ماذا عن الصانة بشركه مصر للطران

ونو الجارى على أن تتم االبدء ف 30وستم االفتتاح الرسمى له 7000تم تطور المرحلة األولى من هنجر

ملون جنه للمرحلتن على أن تم تطور 100المرحلة الثانة لتم التسلم بعد ثمانى اشهر بتكلفه إجمالة

الهنجر لكون من أحدث الهناجر ف صانة الطابرات بالشرق األوسط

هناك بروتوكول جدد بن مصر للطران وشركة المتخصصة ف تصنع محركات الطابرات بشأن أن تقوم

الشركه الوطنة بتعمر المحركات ف الصانة الخاصة بنا لنصبح الشركه الوحده بالشرق األوسط المتخصصة

بتعمر المحركات كما ستم افتتاح أكبر مبنى صانة لشمل مكاتب للمهندسن والفنبن وورش تصلح بمطار

على الطراز الحدث لتسهل العمل وستم افتتاحه ف نهاه الشهر الجارى 3



فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

فماذا عن كفة مواجهة تلك األزمة حادث الطابرة المنكوبة بالتأكد أثر على الشركة

مصر للطران شركة عرقة ولها تارخ وسنستطع التؽلب على الظروؾ الصعبة الت نمر بها خاصة إننا -

وجدنا دعما هابال من الشعب المصرى بمختلؾ طوابفه من فنانن وفرق مصرة ومواطنن لعلمهم الكامل أن

الشركة تتم محاربتها وجب أن نتكاتؾ جمعا للمرور بتلك األزمة ولكم بالتأكد الظروؾ الت تمر بها البالد

نظرا لضعؾ الساحة أثرت على حركة الطران ونسب امتالء الطابرات

أما عن حادثة الطابره فاألمر متعارؾ عله عالما وقد حدث ف شركات طران كبرى ونحن تصنفنا عالما

جد ونسب حدوث الحوادث الحمد هلل ال ذكر

وماذا عن أهال الضحاا وكفه التعامل معهم

نحن على تواصل مستمر مع أهال الضحاا قامت الشركة بالتنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع -

الحادث باستفاء كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وتلق أة استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم أه خدمات ألسر ضحاا الحادث وذلك من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى

وتعمل هذه الخدمة على مدى 28 ساعة للدخول اضؽط هنـــــا

تعددت األعطال وتأخر الطابرات ف الفترة األخرة فماذا عنها

هناك تاخر طفؾ ف مواعد إقالع بعض الطابرات نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل وإنهاء اإلجراءات الالزمة من -

صانة وتجهز الطابرة وتأمنها استعدادا القالعها وهى إجراءات متعارؾ علها باألضافه لكثافه التشؽل ف

الفتره األخرة على رحالت العمرة كما أن هناك أمورا خارجة عن إرادتنا وهى وصول الطابرة متأخرة بسبب

الحاله المناخة ف البالد القادمة منها ولكنها تأخرات ال تتجاوز ساعتن كحد أقصى ولست متكررة ألننا

نوفر دابما طابرة بدلة على أرض المهبط للطوارئ للحفاظ على راحة الركاب


ماذا عن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة الت تلقتها الشركة

نحن نعلم جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبه ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة ووضعها ف -

االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابره جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ ألن مهمتننا ه سالمة الراكب

وحرصنا الدابم أن صل بأمان لذلك نقوم بتلك اإلجراءات أما باقى اإلجراءات وتتمثل ف معرفة الجانى فبالفعل

ه مسبولة الجهات األمنة الت فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات والوصول لمصدر البالغ

هل هناك نة لؽلق خطوط تابعة لمصر للطران طالما إنها عدمة الجدوى

فكره ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا ولكن تم اتباع عده إجراءات للخط قبل اتخاذ قرارا بؽلقه ومن -

ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر

ا وهو مثل مرتبط بشبكه لؤثر فور ؼلقه على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه نهاب

عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة فلما االستمرار فه رؼم أنه ال خدم أي خطوط إستراتجة للدولة

متى تلجأ الشركه إللؽاء رحالت ومة

عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة مثل قرار لس بسهال على الشركه ولكن نتخذه ف عدم تحقق جدوى للرحله اقتصادا

بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم امتالء الطابره أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسه للدوله المراد الوصول الها وتم

على الفور توفر انتقاالت واقامه وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم إخطاره باألمر وتلك اإللؽاء ال حدث اال ف

اضق الحدود وكثرا من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة

لو تحدثنا عن خطة تطور الشركة ف الفترة القادمة فماذا عن الخدمات الجوة خاصة أنها من أهم الموارد


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى

ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر 30واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها

على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة العالة ونظافة الوجبة كما ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد ف المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخره للمواطنن خاصه المخبوزات المتنوعة الت تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


وماذا عن شركة الخدمات األرضه والت ما زالت تحتاج إلى الكثر من التطور

بالفعل شركة الخدمات األرضة نظرنا لها بعن االعتبار وستم تدعمها ف الفتره القادمة حث تعاقدنا على

مالن جنه لضمها لمعدات الشركة وذلك تسهال لعملة نقل الحقابب وتحملها 3كونتر بمزانه قدرها 400

من وإلى الطابرة توفرا للوقت وحتى نتؽلب على تأخر إقالع الطابرات بسبب استؽراق مدة أطول ف تفرػ

الكونر إلعاده استخدامه

مالن جنه لتنضم ألوبسات الشركة 6أتوبسات جددة للركاب بتكلفة قدرها 3كما أننا بالفعل تعاقدنا على

ماذا عن الصانة بشركه مصر للطران

ونو الجارى على أن تتم االبدء ف 30وستم االفتتاح الرسمى له 7000تم تطور المرحلة األولى من هنجر

ملون جنه للمرحلتن على أن تم تطور 100المرحلة الثانة لتم التسلم بعد ثمانى اشهر بتكلفه إجمالة

الهنجر لكون من أحدث الهناجر ف صانة الطابرات بالشرق األوسط

هناك بروتوكول جدد بن مصر للطران وشركة المتخصصة ف تصنع محركات الطابرات بشأن أن تقوم

الشركه الوطنة بتعمر المحركات ف الصانة الخاصة بنا لنصبح الشركه الوحده بالشرق األوسط المتخصصة

بتعمر المحركات كما ستم افتتاح أكبر مبنى صانة لشمل مكاتب للمهندسن والفنبن وورش تصلح بمطار

على الطراز الحدث لتسهل العمل وستم افتتاحه ف نهاه الشهر الجارى 3



فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

ماذا عن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة الت تلقتها الشركة

نحن نعلم جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبه ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة ووضعها ف -

االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابره جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ ألن مهمتننا ه سالمة الراكب

وحرصنا الدابم أن صل بأمان لذلك نقوم بتلك اإلجراءات أما باقى اإلجراءات وتتمثل ف معرفة الجانى فبالفعل

ه مسبولة الجهات األمنة الت فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات والوصول لمصدر البالغ

هل هناك نة لؽلق خطوط تابعة لمصر للطران طالما إنها عدمة الجدوى

فكره ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا ولكن تم اتباع عده إجراءات للخط قبل اتخاذ قرارا بؽلقه ومن -

ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر

ا وهو مثل مرتبط بشبكه لؤثر فور ؼلقه على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه نهاب

عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة فلما االستمرار فه رؼم أنه ال خدم أي خطوط إستراتجة للدولة

متى تلجأ الشركه إللؽاء رحالت ومة

عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة مثل قرار لس بسهال على الشركه ولكن نتخذه ف عدم تحقق جدوى للرحله اقتصادا

بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم امتالء الطابره أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسه للدوله المراد الوصول الها وتم

على الفور توفر انتقاالت واقامه وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم إخطاره باألمر وتلك اإللؽاء ال حدث اال ف

اضق الحدود وكثرا من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة

لو تحدثنا عن خطة تطور الشركة ف الفترة القادمة فماذا عن الخدمات الجوة خاصة أنها من أهم الموارد


الخدمات الجوة ستشهد تطورا كبرا ف الفترة المقبلة فستم االستؽناء عن طرق إعداد الطعام الدوى

ملون جنه لتجهز الوجبات من خالل جهاز معد لذلك مر بسر 30واالستعانة بالمطبخ اآللى بتكلفة قدرها

على مراحل إعداد الوجبة بدون تدخل دوى لضمان الجودة العالة ونظافة الوجبة كما ستم خالل الفترة المقبلة

عمل سلسلة كافترات تحمل شعار مصر للطران للتواجد ف المناطق الحوة بالمحافظات المصرة لتقدم

وجبات فاخره للمواطنن خاصه المخبوزات المتنوعة الت تتمز بها الشركة والقهوة وؼرها من الصناعات

الؽذابة والمشروبات وتتم عمل دراسة حالة لتورد منتجات الشركة إلى شركات طران عالمة


وماذا عن شركة الخدمات األرضه والت ما زالت تحتاج إلى الكثر من التطور

بالفعل شركة الخدمات األرضة نظرنا لها بعن االعتبار وستم تدعمها ف الفتره القادمة حث تعاقدنا على

مالن جنه لضمها لمعدات الشركة وذلك تسهال لعملة نقل الحقابب وتحملها 3كونتر بمزانه قدرها 400

من وإلى الطابرة توفرا للوقت وحتى نتؽلب على تأخر إقالع الطابرات بسبب استؽراق مدة أطول ف تفرػ

الكونر إلعاده استخدامه

مالن جنه لتنضم ألوبسات الشركة 6أتوبسات جددة للركاب بتكلفة قدرها 3كما أننا بالفعل تعاقدنا على

ماذا عن الصانة بشركه مصر للطران

ونو الجارى على أن تتم االبدء ف 30وستم االفتتاح الرسمى له 7000تم تطور المرحلة األولى من هنجر

ملون جنه للمرحلتن على أن تم تطور 100المرحلة الثانة لتم التسلم بعد ثمانى اشهر بتكلفه إجمالة

الهنجر لكون من أحدث الهناجر ف صانة الطابرات بالشرق األوسط

هناك بروتوكول جدد بن مصر للطران وشركة المتخصصة ف تصنع محركات الطابرات بشأن أن تقوم

الشركه الوطنة بتعمر المحركات ف الصانة الخاصة بنا لنصبح الشركه الوحده بالشرق األوسط المتخصصة

بتعمر المحركات كما ستم افتتاح أكبر مبنى صانة لشمل مكاتب للمهندسن والفنبن وورش تصلح بمطار

على الطراز الحدث لتسهل العمل وستم افتتاحه ف نهاه الشهر الجارى 3



فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

وماذا عن شركة الخدمات األرضه والت ما زالت تحتاج إلى الكثر من التطور

بالفعل شركة الخدمات األرضة نظرنا لها بعن االعتبار وستم تدعمها ف الفتره القادمة حث تعاقدنا على

مالن جنه لضمها لمعدات الشركة وذلك تسهال لعملة نقل الحقابب وتحملها 3كونتر بمزانه قدرها 400

من وإلى الطابرة توفرا للوقت وحتى نتؽلب على تأخر إقالع الطابرات بسبب استؽراق مدة أطول ف تفرػ

الكونر إلعاده استخدامه

مالن جنه لتنضم ألوبسات الشركة 6أتوبسات جددة للركاب بتكلفة قدرها 3كما أننا بالفعل تعاقدنا على

ماذا عن الصانة بشركه مصر للطران

ونو الجارى على أن تتم االبدء ف 30وستم االفتتاح الرسمى له 7000تم تطور المرحلة األولى من هنجر

ملون جنه للمرحلتن على أن تم تطور 100المرحلة الثانة لتم التسلم بعد ثمانى اشهر بتكلفه إجمالة

الهنجر لكون من أحدث الهناجر ف صانة الطابرات بالشرق األوسط

هناك بروتوكول جدد بن مصر للطران وشركة المتخصصة ف تصنع محركات الطابرات بشأن أن تقوم

الشركه الوطنة بتعمر المحركات ف الصانة الخاصة بنا لنصبح الشركه الوحده بالشرق األوسط المتخصصة

بتعمر المحركات كما ستم افتتاح أكبر مبنى صانة لشمل مكاتب للمهندسن والفنبن وورش تصلح بمطار

على الطراز الحدث لتسهل العمل وستم افتتاحه ف نهاه الشهر الجارى 3



فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران أن فكرة ؼلق أحد الخطوط ه األسوء بالنسبة لنا

ولكن تم اتباع عدة إجراءات للتعامل مع الخط قبل اتخاذ قرار بؽلقه ومن ضمن تلك اإلجراءات عمل عروض

تسوقة وتروجة ومتابعة مستمرة لمردوده وجب أضا أن كون ؼر مرتبط بشبكة حتى ال ؤثر فور ؼلقه

على باقى الخطوط األخرى خاصة إذا كان الخط ال ؽطى تكالفه ومثل عببا كبرا على الشركة الوطنة

وأضاؾ ف حواره لـالبوابة نوز والذي سنشر بعد قلل أنه عندما نلجأ إللؽاء رحلة فهذا أضا قرار لس

بسهل على الشركة ولكن نتخذه ف حالة عدم تحقق جدوى للرحلة اقتصادا بسبب قلة عدد الركاب وعدم

امتالء الطابرة أو الظروؾ المناخة أو الساسة للدولة المراد الوصول الها وتم على الفور توفر انتقاالت

وإقامة وسفر بدل وخدمات للراكب وتم اخطاره باألمر وذلك اإللؽاء ال حدث إال ف أضق الحدود وكثرا

من الشركات الخاصة والعالمة حدث بها إلؽاء للرحالت نظرا لظروؾ التشؽل الحالة


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


البالؼات ضد الشركة كاذبة ونتعامل معها بحققة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركة القابضة مصر للطران إن البالؼات الكاذبة المتكررة والتى تعرضت لها

الشركة أنهم علمون جدا واستباقا أن تلك البالؼات كاذبة ولكن جب علنا أن نتعامل معها بجدة شددة

ووضعها فى االعتبار وعلى الفور تم تفتش الطابرة جدا وتعقمها فور وصول اإلبالغ مؤكدا أن مهمة

الشركة فى األساس سالمة الراكب والحرص الدابم على أن صل بأمان

وأضاؾ مسلم فى تصرحات البوابةلـ نوز الوم الجمعة أنهم قومون بتلك اإلجراءات وأن باقى

اإلجراءات تتمثل فى معرفة الجانى بالفعل ومسبولة الجهات األمنة التى فور وصول اإلبالغ تقوم بالتحرات

والوصول لمصدر البالغ


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


نتواصل مع أسر ضحاا الطابرة المنكوبة مصر للطران

حنان عز الدن

قال صفوت مسلم ربس الشركه القابضه مصر للطران إنهم على تواصل مستمر مع أهال ضحاا الطابرة


وكشؾ عن التنسق مع شركة التأمن المعنة بالتعامل مع الحادث لتلبة كل متطلبات أسر الضحاا فما تعلق

بالتعوضات المالة المستحقة لهم ف هذا الشأن

وأضاؾ ف حوار تنشره لـالبوابة نوز مساء الوم الجمعة أنه تم تلقى أي استفسارات بهدؾ تقدم خدمات

wwwflight804comألسر ضحاا الحادث من خالل تفعل موقع الكترونى ساعة 24على مدى الـ


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


وصول وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن بكندا مطار القاهرة

حنان عز الدن

استقبل مطار القاهرة الوم الجمعة المجموعة الثانة من وفد العلماء المصرن المقمن ف كندا على مصر

الطران القادمة من مونخ

ضم الوفد الدكتور مروان حسن أستاذ وربس قسم الهندسة المكانكة بجامعة جولؾ الكندة بأونتارو

المتخصص ف انشاء وتأمن وسالمة المفاعالت النووة والدكتور عاطؾ مهنا استاذ مساعد بجامعة اونتارو

الكندة والذي ساهم ف انشاء وتشد عدد من المشروعات الحوة بكندا منها المفاعل النووى

وتعد ه الخطوة األولى لفرق األحالم المصرى الت أطلقته وزارة الهجرة بالتعاون مع هبة تنشط الساحة الت

أبدت ترحبها الستضافة عقول مصر النابؽة وكان ف استقبالهم نسرن عثمانلى مدر مكتب تنشط الساحة

بالمطار وممثلو هبة تنشط الساحة محمود الجنزورى ومحمد جمال


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


laquo اللوبraquoنفتقد وشعبة الساحة القرار ف د بوتن وحكومته حلقة laquoروسا تؽازل مصر بعودة الطرانraquo

الساح للضؽط على صناع القرار

محمد االسكندرانى ndashكتب

شعبة الساحة

قرار عودة الطران الروسى إلى مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة

الساحى للضؽط على صناع القرار بروساlaquo اللوبىraquoنفتقد

استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد الفتاح السسى


laquoبوتنraquoوفى د laquo ساسraquoقرار عودة الساحة الروسة

واالنطالق نحو األسواق الواعدة عدم االعتماد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

عبد اللطؾ

تصرحات عودة الساحة الروسة شتاء نوع من المؽازلة

الساحة أصبحت تشكل ضؽطا على القرارات الساسة

قال عمارى عبد العظم ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إن قرار عودة الطران الروسى الى

مصر ال ملكه ؼر القادة الساسة الروسة مشرا إلى البدء الفعلى فى إجراءات تأمن المطارات المصرة

بشكل احترافى وإشادة دولة من الخطوات المتبعة فى ذلك ولكننا لم ننته مما ؤخر قرار روسا بعودة رحالتها

لمقاصدنا متوقعا أن تشهد حركة الساحة تحسنا بالموسم الشتوى المقبل حال عودة سابحى روسا


الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

الساحى الذى شكل ورقة ضؽط على صناع القرار اللوبىإلى افتقاد مصر لـlaquo صدى البلدraquoوأضاؾ عمارى فى تصرح لـ

الساسى الروسى على ؼرار تركا التى استطاعت أن تستخدم التواجد الكثؾ لشركاتها الساحة بروسا لرفع حظر الطران إلى

مقاصدها الساحة مطالبا بالتوجه الفترة الراهنة الى دعم كانات االستثمار الساحى المصرى المتواجدة بالخارج وتوسع

قاعدتها عبر منظومة متكاملة ومرتبطة بمصالح مصر

وأشار ربس شعبة الساحة والطران بالؽرفة التجارة إلى ضرورة استثمار انعقاد المجلس األعلى للساحة برباسة الربس عبد

3الفتاح السسى لتكون خطوة حققة التخاذ قرارات سرعة وحاسمة لعودة القطاع والقضاء على مشكالته مناشدا بانعقادة كل

أشهر نظرا للمتؽرات الساحة السرعة التى واجهها القطاع الساحى 6أشهر بدال عن كل

ولفت باسم حلقة ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة الى ان إعالن نابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة

دمترى جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل خطوة اجابة أتورفى روسا

نحو عودة المؤشرات الساحة الى طبعتها

أن قرار عودة رحالت الطران الروسى كمن فى د الربس الروس فالدمر بوتن laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد حلقة فى تصرح لـ

متسابال لماذا لم صدر حتى الوم تكلؾ ضخ الحركة مرة أخرى الى شرم الشخ علما بأن هناك زارات لوفود أمنة من روسا

وبرطانا والعدد من الدول االخرى للوقوؾ على حالة أمن المطارات المصرة التى القت إشادة بالمستوى األمنى العالى

بمطارتنا طبقا للمعار الدولة

وتابع ربس المجلس التأسسى لنقابة الساحن المهنة أنه من الضرورى أال نعتمد على الساحة الوافدة من روسا وانجلترا

فقط مطالبا باالنطالق نحو االسواق الواعدة مثل الهند وإندونسا والابان والصن على أن واكب ذلك تعاون حققى من الشركة

مع وزارة الساحة القتحام تلك االسواق بقوة وتسر رحالت الها بشكل منتظم مصر للطرانالوطنة

وقال الدكتور عاطؾ عبد اللطؾ ربس جمعة مسافرون للساحة والسفر وعضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم

دمترى أتورإن هناك تساؤالت عددة واصفا التصرحات األخرة لنابب ربس اتحاد منظم الرحالت الساحة فى روسا

جورن عودة تنظم الرحالت الساحة الروسة إلى مصر ف فصل الشتاء المقبل كنوع من المؽازلة حث إن القرار ساسى

بحت باإلضافة إلى عدم وجود ترتبات عودتها من الحجوزات وتسوق البرامج

أن الساحة أصبحت تشكل نوعا من الضؽط على القرارات الساسة مرجعا عودة laquo صدى البلدraquoوأكد عبد اللطؾ فى تصرح لـ

رحالت الطران من روسا إلى تركا نتجة للمصالح المشتركة بن الدولتن منها شق ساسى رتبط بأوضاع المنطقة من الدور

الروسى والتركى بسورا وأخرى ساحى عبر الكانات الساحة التى تشكل لوبى ساحا بروسا باإلضافة إلى وصول حجم

وفقا آلخر احصابات ملار دوالر 60التبادل التجارى بن البلدن لـ

وأبدى عبد اللطؾ تعجبه من استمرار فرض روسا لحظر طرانها على المقصد الساحى المصرى خاصة ان االرهاب ضرب

كثرا من دول العالم المتقدمة مطالبا وزارة الخارجة بتكثؾ مجهوداتها خالل الفترة الراهنة والضؽط على الجانب الروسى

بورقة عودة الطران الى مطارات تركا على الرؼم من وجود تفجرات بمطار اتاتورك

وتابع عضو جمعت مستثمري جنوب سناء ومرسى علم ان الشركة الوطنة مصر للطران أوقفت رحالتها من جاكرتا

االندونسة الى القاهرة مما خالؾ الساسة المتبعة خالل الفترة الراهنة لفتح أسواق جددة والتوجة نحو دول آسا



سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


سلطات مطار القاهرة تعلن حالة االستنفار القصوى الستقبال المعتمرن

الجمارك والجوازات والحجر انتشار رجال المباحث خارج الصالة الموسمة

الصحى دفعون بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط لتسهل إجراءات الوصول

كتب محمد طنطاوى تشهد الصالة الموسمة بمطار القاهرة الدولى كثافة عالة ف التشؽل ووصول الركاب تزامنا

مع عودة المعتمرن من األراض المقدسة وأعلنت سلطات المطار حالة االستعداد القصوى إلنهاء إجراءات

وقامت سلطات المطار بالتنسق مع كافة اإلدارات العاملة فى المطار والممثلن للوزارات العاملة فى وصولهم

ودفعت بأعداد إضافة من ضباط المطار بوضع خطة الستعاب األعداد الكبرة التى تصل من المعتمرن

الجوازات إلنهاء إجراءات الوصول باإلضافة إلى ضباط التأمن لتنظم استقبال المستقبلن خارج الصالة فضال عن

انتشار رجال البحث الجنابى لضبط اإلقاع األمنى داخل وخارج الصالة كما انتشر رجال المرور للعمل على تنظم

وانتشر رجال المفرقعات والحماة المدنة داخل الصالة حركة السارات ومنعها من االنتظار فى الطرق المخالفة

الموسمة وخارجها مزودن بالكالب البولسة المدربة وأجهزة الكشؾ مع المرور الدابم والمسح الشامل لساحة

كما عززت سلطات انتظار السارات مع وجود مالحظن للتعامل الفورى مع أى مواد شتبه بها أو حقابب مهملة

الجمارك الصالة الموسمة بفرق إضافة من مأمورى الضبط والتفتش منعا لحدوث أى تكدس داخل الصالة كما

قامت إدارة الحجر الصحى بتزود الصالة بعدد من المراقبن والمالحظن لمتابعة الحالة الصحة للمعتمرن

وف الساق ذاته نظمت سلطات المطار العابدن والكشؾ الفورى على أى راكب عانى من اضطرابات صحة

انتشار الموظفن التابعن للعالقات العامة لتقدم التسهالت الالزمة للركاب والعمل على مراقبة توفر عربات دفع

الحقابب بالتنسق مع شركة الخدمات العاملة ف هذا المجال مع الدفع بمبات العربات الخاصة بنقل الحقابب لتفادى

مشكلة نقصها مما ؤدى إلى حدوث تكدس داخل الصالة


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


مساع مصرة لنقل حطام طابرة من تل أبب إلى القاهرة

أعلنت لجنة التحقق ف حادث تحطم الطابرة المصرة الوم الجمعة عن بدء عملة التنسق مع الجانب

اإلسرابل لنقل قطع الحطام الت عثر علها بالقرب من الشواطا الفلسطنة المحتلة إلى القاهرة

وأضافت اللجنة ف بان لها أن لجنة التحقق الفن ف الحادث ستقوم بالتأكد من أن تلك القطع خاصة

ماو الماض فوق البحر المتوسط بعد أار 19 والت تحطمت ف مصر للطرانبالطابرة التابعة لشركة

30شخصا بنهم 66الدخول إلى المجال الجوي المصري بعشرة أمال قادمة من بارس وعلى متنها


تم العثور على أجزاء من وكان مكتب ربس الوزراء اإلسرابل بنامن نتناهو كشؾ أمس الخمس أنه

رجح جدا أنه عود لطابرة مصر للطران الت سقطت ف البحر حطام على شاطا مدنة نتانا اإلسرابلة

المتوسط خالل رحلتها من بارس إلى القاهرة

وفقا لإلجراءات وبحسب بان المكتب فإن نتناهو أوعز إلى الجهات المختصة بتسلم مصر الحطام وتابع

الدولة تم إطالع مصر على التفاصل كما تم إبالغ فرنسا باألمر ألن الطابرة أقلعت منها


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


اتفاق بن مصر للطران والخطوط التركة على تقسم المسافرن

اتقفت شركة مصر للطران مع الخطوط الجوة التركة على تقسم أعداد المسافرن بن القاهرة وأسطنبول

لمواجهة الخسابر الفادحة بسبب نقص أعداد المسافرن

مركة ألوجاء التنسق بن الشركتن عبر تحالؾ الطران الدول الذي تقوده ألمانا والشركات الكبرى ا


وبدأت مصر للطران ف نقل المسافرن المتجهن إلى تركا لحساب الخطوط التركة وف حالة زادة الركاب

عداد المتزادة ألتشارك الخطوط التركة ف إعادة الركاب للقاهرة إذا لم تستوعب طابرة مصر للطران ا


وتواجه الشركتان خسابر مالة فادحة مع انخفاض أعداد المسافرن بن البلدن


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


إخالء طابرة مصر للطران المتجهة لجدة لالشتباه ف أحد الركاب

حنان عزالدن

أكد مصدر مسبول بمطار القاهرة الدول أن السلطات األمنة بمطار القاهرة الدول تلقت اتصاال هاتفا

الوم السبت من قابد طابره مصر للطران باالشتباه ف أحد الركاب بعد أن ابلؽه طاقم الضافة وجود سلك

المتجهة إلى جدة 665معدنى بحوزته على متن الرحله رقم

50وأفاد مصدر أمن بمطار القاهرة أنه تم سحب الطابرة إلى ممر l وتم إنزال جمع الركاب وانتظارهم

وعلى الفور تم استدعاء خبراء المفرقعات لتمشط الطابرة بالكالب 3بالصاله الموسمه بمطار رقم

البولسة وأجهزة الكشؾ عن المفرقعات للتأكد من البالغ

مشرا إلى أن اإلجراء جاء احترازا لسالمه تم التأكد من سلبة البالغ وعدم وجود أي مخاطر وأضاؾ

الركاب وأدي ذلك إلى تأخر إقالع الرحلة نحو ساعتن


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


األمركن المصرنمصر للطران ترعى رحالت شباب للعام الثالث

استمرارا لدور مصر للطران ف دعم التواصل بن األمركن من أصول مصرة ف المهجر األمرك

ووطنهم مصر رعت مصر للطران للعام الثالث عل التوال سلسلة رحالت شباب الجل الثان والثالث الذن

لم سبق لهم زارة مصر من قبل حث قام المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران ف نوورك بالتعاون مع

بتنظم سلسلة رحالت لشباب الجامعات األمركة من ذوي األصول المصرة إل المؤسسة المصرة األمركة


وقد ؼادرت مجموعة من الشباب مطار جون كندي ال القاهرة وقد نظم مكتب ومحطة مصر للطران احتفاال

NYUبالمطار بالشباب وهم من نخبة الدارسن بجامعات سان جونز وستون برووك وكونز كولدج و حث

JFKكان ف وداعهم أمن السمري مدر عام إقلم أمركا بمصر للطران و عمرو المرس مدر محطة و

ECEFبر جرجس ربس المؤسسة المصرة األمركة والسفر أسامة عبد الخالق نابب المندوب الدابم

لمصر باألمم المتحدة

وقد حرص الشباب عل ارتداء تشرتات تحمل علم مصر وشعار مصر للطران والمؤسسة المصرة


وقام القطاع التجاري وإدارة الدعاة بمصر للطران بتنظم استقبال لمجموعة الشباب بمطار القاهرة حث

وجة األستاذ صفوت مسلم ربس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطران بتقدم التسهالت الالزمة ودعم

الزارة من خالل إدارة العالقات العامة وذلك لمجموعة الشباب الذن زورن مصر للمرة األول

ذكر أن المكتب اإلقلم لمصر للطران قد تبن عدة مبادرات بالتنسق مع القطاع التجاري لدعم التواصل بن

الجالة المصرة بالمهجر األمرك ووطنهم مصر من خالل الناقل الوطن مصر للطران حث قدمت مصر

للطران أسعارا خاصة مخفضة ألبناء الجالة إل مصر وذلك ف إطار المسبولة الوطنة والمجتمعة



European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


European Commission gets go-ahead for euro67 billion investment

in transport projects

The EU Member States today formally approved the list of 195 transport

projects that will receive euro67 billion of EU funding under the 2015s

calls for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This list had been put forward by the Commission on 17 June (see

Press release MEMO and press conference ) Along with the

Commissions Investment Plan the CEF is instrumental in bridging

the investment gap in Europe and stimulate the EUs economy The

investment confirmed today by the Member States will unlock additional

public and private co-financing for a combined amount of euro96 billion

and is expected to create up to 100000 jobs by 2030

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said I am glad we have the support of the Member States for our multi-billion investment in 195 priority transport projects The bulk of this funding has been allocated to central and eastern Europe which will help bridge the deployment gap between EU regions In doing so the Connecting Europe Facility contributes to better greener and safer transport all across Europe Individual project grant agreements will now be prepared by the

Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and signed with

the project beneficiaries by the end of the year


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


SWISS targets 25 savings on unit costs with CSeries

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is targeting a 25 savings on unit

costs with its Bombardier CSeries 100300 aircraft CEO Thomas Kluumlhr

told ATW on board the first passenger flight of the SWISS CS100 on July


SWISS took delivery of its first CS100 on June 29 The Lufthansa

subsidiary originally ordered 20 CS100s and 10 CS300s plus 30 options

but then converted five 100s to the 300 variant

―Everything we have experienced so far with our test flights have fully

lived up to the expectations we had when we decided to buy the plane

Kluumlhr said

SWISS will reduce the average age of its medium-haul fleet to nine years

when all 30 CSeries aircraft have been delivered

Kluumlhr said it is challenging to add two new aircraft typesmdashthe Boeing

777-300ER and CSeriesmdashto the fleet at the same time

―Our Boeing 777-300ERs are delivering highly satisfying operations

Regarding the start of commercial CSeries flights I am absolutely

confident it will take place according to schedule We are very well

prepared for entry into service he said

SWISS will take delivery of six 777-300ERs (from nine on order) and nine

CS100s in 2016 (15 CS100s and 15 CS300s on order) ―Also several new

Airbus A320 family aircraft are expected to join the fleet in the coming

years Kluumlhr added

He said the outlook for SWISS this year remains challenging especially

as terrorist attacks have had an impact on certain routes ―Also

competition remains tough The environment in which we operate needs

considerable effort from our side but I remain confident that 2016 will

again be a successful year for SWISS


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


Air France-KLM CFO to leave in November

Air France-KLM Group has announced the resignation of CFO Pierre-

Francois Riolacci effective Nov 4 when he will become CFO at Danish

facilities manager ISS AS

The move comes as Jean-Marc Janaillac took over as chairman and CEO

July 1 succeeding Alexandre de Juniac who will replace the retiring Tony

Tyler as IATAlsquos DG and CEO Sept 1

Riolacci joined the Group in 2013 The company said a ―reliable and

transparent recruitment process will be implemented to appoint a


Air France-KLM Group reported a first-quarter net loss of euro155 million

($1753 million) narrowed from a euro559 million net loss in the year-ago

period The Group indicated at the time its 2016 outlook remains highly

uncertain regarding fuel price and unit revenue due to geopolitical and

economic fluctuations as well as the continuation of the industrylsquos

overcapacity situation on several markets

The latest pilot strike on June 11-14 over Air Francelsquos mid-term fleet

development and investment plan has cost the French carrier over euro40

million ($452 million) Air France said


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


Farnborough Airshow industry expects fewer aircraft orders

The worlds aerospace and defence industry descends on a small town

about 30 miles west of London this week for what is the biggest event in

the industrys calendar

But the biennial Farnborough Airshow - it alternates with the Paris

Airshow - may not be the blockbuster festival of orders of previous years

With about 1500 exhibitors and some 100000 trade visitors

Farnboroughs pulling power remains huge

However the event is very unlikely to see a repeat of the record $204bn

(pound157bn) haul of aircraft and engine orders announced at the 2014 show

Boeing and Airbus will as usual compete for headlines so its a fair bet

that both planemakers will have stored up deals to unveil at the show

Nevertheless Phil Seymour president of the consultancy International

Bureau of Aviation predicts a quiet Farnborough for contracts

A slowdown in orders is likely with operators moderating growth

delaying or cancelling orders and manufacturers facing production

challenges he says There is concern amongst investors that some

airlines have been expanding their fleets too fast―

Airlines in Asia and the Middle East especially Emirates Airline Qatar

Airways and emerging budget carriers have fuelled much of the order

growth over the past decade But many airlines are pausing for breath

while they absorb existing contracts

Also the production lines of Airbus and Boeing are booked for years

ahead A report published last week by Alix Partners a global advisory

firm estimates that these two manufacturers have a 13400 order backlog


Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

Eric Bernardini head of the aerospace and defence (AampD) division at

Alix says the oil price collapse and strengthening dollar - the industry

trades in dollars - have provided tailwinds for the global AampD sector

However strong airline demand especially for narrow-body aircraft is

putting historical pressure on the commercial aircraft manufacturers

who are now trying to work through record backlogs―

Post-referendum politics may not help either It was thought that the UK

government might use Farnborough to put the finishing touches to

some big defence contracts including possible deals to buy maritime

patrol jets and attack helicopters

But sterlings plunge against the dollar compounded by the current

political uncertainty may mean that bean counters at the Ministry of

Defence re-run their slide rules over these contracts

On the defence side the big noise - literally and symbolically - at

Farnborough will be displays by the F-35B Lightning II jet which will be

the mainstay of Americas combat fleet and is being bought by the UK

for use with the RAF and on the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers

One of the worlds most expensive warplanes its also known as the

Joint Strike Fighter The F-35 has been plagued by technical problems

and cost over-runs the estimated final budget of the project is now

reportedly between $400-540bn


The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

The Lockheed Martin-built F-35 was due to fly at Farnborough two years

ago but that appearance was cancelled after the entire fleet was

grounded when an engine caught fire during a training exercise in the


Lockheed and the US government are desperate to convince the world

that the F-35 is back on track and Farnborough will see a bigger

presence than usual from Pentagon top brass and US officials to bolster

support for the programme

It will also be a big show for Boeing The US giant celebrates its 100th

anniversary on 15 July and is planning to showcase its past present

and future

For those who love nostalgia a B-17 Flying Fortress B-25 Mitchell DC3

Dakota and a P-51 Mustang will be flying as part of a huge Boeing

heritage festival

And for a glimpse of the future Boeings new 737 Max a revamped

version of its best-selling aircraft and due to be delivered to the first

customer next year will make its air show debut

Not to be outdone Airbus will pitch to the same sector with its A320neo

as the European planemaker battles with its rival for dominance in the

market for the next generation of narrow-body aircraft

Airbuss big beast the A380 super-jumbo will also be flying with the

company trying to convince potential buyers that a viable market still

remains for such a huge aircraft

The A380 is in a sales slump and Airbus is weighing up interest from

airlines for a revamped version


Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

Outside the Boeing-Airbus duopoly there will be plenty of products on

sale from the next tier of planemakers Brazils Embraer continues to

make in-roads into new markets and will have aircraft from across it three

business units on show

And Canadas Bombardier will show its C-Series aircraft a programme

whose ballooning costs and technical problems took the company to the

edge of disaster

Yet after years of scepticism about the C-Series viability - in a few days

the aircraft makes its regular commercial debut with airline Swiss and

later this year with Air Baltic

Bombardier and Embraer and others are trying to chip away at the

Boeing-Airbus duopoly Despite a slowdown in orders from some

traditional big buyers of aircraft the market generally remains strong

Mr Seymour of the International Bureau of Aviation says India is

growing fast Iran whose airlines and airport infrastructure need

upgrading after years of sanctions is also potentially a strong market

And he says Chinas aviation market is still looking bright

Indeed China has its biggest ever presence at Farnborough underlining

the countrys aerospace ambitious growth strategy and ambitions to

challenge Boeing and Airbus

Chinese firms have doubled the amount of space taken on 2014

according to the Farnborough shows organisers

Chinese firms exhibiting include state-owned aircraft manufacturer

Comac which last year unveiled its C919 passenger jet marking a major

step into the market for large airliners since a failed attempt in the 1980s

In addition to building its own aerospace manufacturing industry China

has expansion plans that include building another 300 airports by 2020

more than doubling the current number in the country This investment

is to satisfy the huge growth of Chinese airlines over the next couple of



However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

However one country that wont be at Farnborough in any official capacity

is Russia after years of deteriorating relations and visa embargoes

Although individual Russian companies plan new product launches

Sukhoi for example is displaying an intriguing new luxury jet aimed a

sports teams The plane is kitted out with diagnostic seats and all sorts

tech to assess players and athletes in the air

But according to the Tass news agency last month Russias industry and

trade minister Denis Manturov Farnborough is not what it used to be

As for Farnborough our participation will be rather formal I should say in

recent years our manufacturers have lost great interest in that event But

to some extent Russian companies will take part in the show to remind

them that we exist the minister told Tass

Its a reminder that although the Farnborough Airshow is a mammoth

marketing event the aerospace and defence industry will always be bound

up with geo-politics



Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


Kenya Airways sends home 80 staff in retrenchment plan targeting 600

Kenya Airways Friday sacked 80 employees in one of the cost-cutting

measures expected to yield Sh10 billion in savings a year

About 500 more workers would be sent home in the ongoing redundancies

following reduction of the airlinelsquos fleet amid mounting losses Managing

Director Mbuvi Ngunze conveyed the heart-breaking but anticipated news

in a statement sent Friday morning

―I want to thank our people affected in this process for their commitment

and hard work and wish them every success in their future endeavours

Mr Ngunze said adding that it was a painful but critical decision

―The decision communicated above is not made lightly he added

It is unlikely that any of the affected employees are pilots whose powerful

union forced out group Human Resource Director Alban Mwendar among

other senior managers after staging a crippling strike Ngunze adds that

his firm had issued a retrenchment and redeployment notice on March 31

2016 as required by law before notifying the employees a month later after

intense consultations with all parties involvedlsquo



bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


bullState will not sell KQ stake says Transport CS James Macharia

bullTreasury silent on Uchumi promises to revive KQ and Mumias

bullKQ managers escape with light sanctions despite hefty losses

It would be the second time in four years that the airline will be downsizing its

workforce after an earlier one in 2012 that ended up in court where the firm

successfully defended retrenchment

In that round 447 workers mostly cabin crew were sacked before their jobs were

outsourced to a third party called Career Directions Limited

The retrenched workers won a temporary reprieve in the protracted legal suit after

the firm was ordered by the Industrial Court only for the Court of Appeal to

overturn the ruling in favour of the company A three-month salary in lieu of notice

was among the benefits paid out to the sacked workers in addition to a severance

package of 20-day pay for each completed year of service

Top managers anticipated that the retrenchment would yield savings Sh13 billion

a year The airline code-named KQ has sunk into heavy losses in the recent years

including 201516 whose operating results are expected in a fortnight

High operating costs tied to expensive fuel and a huge wage bill have been

blamed for the heavy losses In the financial year ended March last year KQ

reported Sh25 billion in after tax losses in an unprecedented announcement that

shocked investors in the stock market Again the high operating and financing

costs were cited to have driven the losses A slump in the value of the Kenyan

Shilling against major global currencies specifically the US dollar is expected to

compound KQlsquos troubles

Expenses paid for in the foreign currencies including fuel rises sharply in Kenyan

Shilling terms even when the amounts in the paying currency remains the same

Several of the airlinelsquos jets have either been sold or leased to rivals in the last 12

months to help repair the cash flow problems

Costs associated with paying for aircraft acquisition have presented a major

headache for the airline considering that some are grounded because the firm has

not secured enough profitable routes

Ngunze said the job cuts are only among the initiatives taken to slash the

operating costs with others such as a review on the food served to passengers

expected to yield savings in the longer term KQ had also renegotiated some

contracts the chief executive said which were however not identified in his Friday


―We are on track with our plan having successfully implemented some of the

initiatives such as the sale and sublease of aircraft the reduction of waste in

catering and renegotiation of some contracts he said of the turnaround strategy

dubbed Operation Pride whose anticipated revenues is an additional Sh20 billion

($200 million)



Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


Lufthansa extends internet services

In October of this year the first Lufthansa short- and medium-haul

aircraft will take off with broadband internet on board

Lufthansalsquos entire A320 family fleet is expected to have the innovative

technology installed by mid-2018 Other airlines in the Lufthansa Group

will follow at a later date

Passengers will be able to access the internet using their own mobile

devices via Wi-Fi In addition to basic surfing and e-mail other more

sophisticated applications will be possible including video streaming At

a later date passengers will be able to use their mobile phones for SMS

and data transfer via their own mobile accounts

FlyNet has been available on all 107 long-haul aircraft in the Lufthansa

fleet since June 2015


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


New FAA Policy Encourages the Use of Safety Equipment

In an effort to encourage the use of non-required safety equipment in

general aviation airplanes and helicopters the FAA has taken further

steps to make the installation of such equipment less expensive to the

end user Previously all equipment installed in the airplane had to

through arduous certification processes making the barriers of bringing

new equipment to market very expensive

The intent of a new policy statement named Approval of Non-Required

Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) which was published earlier this

spring is to allow a greater number of pilots access to equipment that

makes flying safer but where a failure condition of the equipment is

minor The policy statement is an expansion of the simplified design

approval and installation requirements for angle of attack (AOA)

indicators which was published in 2014

But NORSEE goes far beyond the initial focus on AOA which helps pilots

recognize an imminent stalled condition Equipment under the new policy

includes traffic advisory systems terrain awareness and warning

systems attitude indicators fire-extinguishing systems autopilot or

stability augmentation systems and more

Equipment approved under NORSEE will be published on the FAAs



IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


IATA Terrorism amp Brexit Will Stymie Global Air Demand Growth

Global air travel demand increased 46 percent year over year in May

outpaced by a 55 percent growth in capacity according to the International

Air Transport Association

Air travel demand growth should remain moderate in the coming months

due to factors like continuing terrorist activity and the fragile state of the

global economy IATA CEO and director general Tony Tyler said in a

statement Neither bode well for travel demand and the shocks of Istanbul

and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make it difficult to see an early


The shocks of Istanbul and the economic fallout of the Brexit vote make

it difficult to see an early uptick

International Air Transport Association CEO Tony Tyler

International air travel demand increased 43 percent year over year in May

down from 5 percent growth in April May was the third consecutive month

that demand growth decreased Airline load factors were down in every

region except Latin America where demand and capacity growth were in


Domestic demand rose 51 percent in May up from 4 percent in April

Domestic year-over-year demand growth decreased from the previous

month in Brazil Russia and Japan but rose in the United States Having

gone through a soft patch over the past six months in line with softening

indicators of business confidence demand appears to have resumed its

upward trend according to IATA


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


British Airways Flight Turns Around After 6 Hours In Air

The flight was en route from London to Tokyo

Long-haul flights are bad enoughmdashbut imagine being on a plane for

nearly 12 hours sniffing stale air and shifting behind a reclined seat all

to end right back where you started A British Airways flight from

Heathrow airport to Tokyo did just that on Thursday when it was forced

to turn around due to a ―technical glitch The flight was about halfway

into its trip when it made the U-turn touching back down in London

after traveling 6000 miles

Flight BA7 was cruising over northern Siberia when it was directed to

turn around The plane landed at Heathrow around midnight about an

hour after it was due to arrive at Tokyolsquos Narita Airport A spokesman for

British Airways claimed that the Boeing 777 ―returned to Heathrow as a

precaution after a minor technical issue though the airline hasnlsquot

disclosed specifics about the glitch

On their return to Heathrow stranded passengers were given hotel

rooms paid for by British Airways and eventually got out the gatemdashfor

real this timemdashat 1030 am Friday morning But the trouble may not

end there for British Airways Due to EU rules mandating passenger

compensation for flight delays over three hours the company could get

slammed with an additional fine of up to pound300000 (about $388380)mdash

which includes a payment of euro600 (about $663) to each passenger on

board along with those who were stranded in Tokyo awaiting their

return flight to London

Add in the cost of room and board for the Narita passengers along with

the wasted fuel and the company is poised to lose big bucks on the


This hasnlsquot exactly been a banner week for BA Thursday morning prior

to the London-Tokyo delay an IT glitch at Heathrows Terminal 5 check-

in station caused massive delays for hundreds of passengers inciting

Twitter rage One passenger PR manager Shivani Ashoka tweeted

―British_Airways you utter shambles 2hr+ wait 7-lane queue for Club

bag drop Desks unmanned ppl missing flights Shambles indeed


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


ICAO June 2016 Air Transport Monthly Monitor

ICAO produces an Air Transport Monthly Monitor which provides a

snapshot and analysis of key economic and aviation indicators An

overview of the performance of the air transport industry each month


Global passenger and freight traffic volumes over a one year horizon with

year-on-year growth trend

Outlook of capacity changes in the following month

Top 15 performing airports and airlines each month with changes in


Highlight of regional capacity offered by region


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


Turkish Airlines to launch direct all-year-round flights

between Cape Town and Istanbul

Cape Town - Turkish Airlines has confirmed that it will be launching a direct flight

between Cape Town and Istanbul come November 2016

Previously the airline launched seasonal direct flights but as of 31 October the airline

will operate an all-year-round flight between the two destinations - meaning travellers

wanting to explore the Turkish Basilica Cistern the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar are

now able to catch a flight seven times a week from South Africa or Turkey

Istanbul to Cape Town summer flight schedule from 31 October 2016

Flight TK 45 departs CPT 1800 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Istanbul to Cape Town Winter flight schedule from 26 March 2017

Flight TK45 departs Cape Town 1705 arrives Istanbul 0450

Flight TK 44 departs Istanbul 0140 arrives Cape Town 1155

Tourism to the country has been hard-hit by recent terror attacks with the countrys

recent tourism ministry figures released showing that 175 million foreigners had arrived

in Turkey last month down from 243 million visitors recorded in April 2015

Following the attack Sharmila Ragunanan Flight Centre spokesperson said―We donlsquot

anticipate many customers wanting to change or cancel their bookings as South Africans

have proved themselves to be very resilient travellers who are unlikely to change their

travel plans as a result of a terror attack But travellers in Turkey should remain

extremely vigilant and follow any instructions given by police tour operators and hotel


Turkey is a growing tourism market for South Africans with approximately 48 000 SA

citizens having visited the country in 2015 according to the airline In a recent poll

Turkish airlines as passengers what their thoughts are on travelling to Turkey

Out of the 484 respondents the airline says 16 said they were concerned about

safety compared to 64 who said Turkey remains a bucket list destination for

them while 20 said they might consider visiting once things had settled down

Turkish Airlines is a member of Star Alliance flies to 115 countries more than any other

airline and has a fleet of over 330 aircraft The airlinelsquos Africa network includes 48

destinations and now Cape Town is set to be included as a permanent direct connection



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران



الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران