前言 Foreword - cwcc.edu.hk...Thursday. The act ivities of tongue twisters, word finds and puzzles...

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Transcript of 前言 Foreword - cwcc.edu.hk...Thursday. The act ivities of tongue twisters, word finds and puzzles...


前言 Foreword




The May issue of Cheng-chung Newsletter is finally out. Thanks to good collaboration between all of us,

the edition is rich and varied in content, covering all work, reports on activities organized both in and out

of school, etc. by the Academic Committee, Guidance Committee, various subject departments and the

Religious Studies, Ethics and Civic Education Committee. To foster a more thorough understanding of the

school, we welcome any comments and suggestions for improvement.


Editorial Board

英文周 English Week English Week was marked with great events and English-filled activities that were enjoyed by staff and

students. My thanks go out to the English Department and the English Club members who banded

together to make the week a wonderful event.

Aalia and Moona, the chair and vice chair of the English Club, took the helm each day as our assembly

MCs with great finesse. Additionally, all the English Club members played a significant role in maintaining

an English rich atmosphere. They kept the school community informed of all the daily activities and

motivated the students to join in the fun.

Ever popular were the song dedications and game stalls. We held teacher, guest and students sharing

sessions. The sharing sessions were kicked off on Tuesday by our Principal, Mr. Chan. In his talk he shared

his thoughts on Gratefulness and the need to be grateful for everything we have and to cherish and be

thankful for each day.

On Wednesday, Ms. Ng spoke of the deeply embedded Chinese tradition of Yum Cha. She explained its

origin and why the tradition is a family favourite today, detailing the different types of dim sum to eat

and teas to drink and share.

Students, Diya Lalwani and Luis Marin Salazar from 1B shared their insights into learning a new language.

Their heartfelt insights were appreciated. They spoke of acquiring the skills of their own languages,

Tagalog, French, Spanish and English and the difficulties with learning Chinese.

The theme of loving kindness or metta was explored by Ms. Saccone on Friday. She led a meditation

session where students were asked to focus on loving thoughts toward themselves and others.

With the promise of food vouchers as prizes we held Game Stalls at lunchtime on Wednesday and

Thursday. The activities of tongue twisters, word finds and puzzles are always a favourite with students.

Song dedications, Monday and Friday at lunchtime remained a popular activity as the art of song binds

us together. Most students dedicated their songs to our Secondary 6 students soon to face the HKDSE


and also the victims of the recent earthquake in Taiwan.

Students also participated in an Advertising Competition, Poster Design and Classroom Board displays,

where prizes were given to the winning entries.

Our English Week has come to a close but English acquisition is a life-long process. We hope that such

activities as a week of English will inspire our students to take up the challenge for ever. English is an

important skill which can enhance students’ future possibilities. Let’s make every day an English

speaking day.

Ms. Ng’s Talk about Yum Cha Thumbs Up for Games Stalls Song Dedications Team

通識及人文周 Liberal Studies and Humanity Week

參觀馬寶寶社區農場 Visit to Mapopo Community Farm



Mapopo Community Farm is located in Ma Shi Po Village. Through visiting Mapopo Community Farm,

students have learned more about the farmers’ and villagers’ lives. They have also learned about the

importance of farming activities.


科學周 Science Week

「雞蛋撞地球」比賽 Egg Drop Competition





Students needed to design a device that would keep a fresh, raw, large grade-A egg intact when it was

dropped from the 3rd to the 1st floor of the school campus for the preliminary round; and the 4th to the

1st floor for the final round. Participants competed to design a device with the lightest weight, the

shortest landing time, and the most accurate landing on the Drop Zone target.

The competition was so exciting. The participants and other students enjoyed it so much.

科技周 Technology Week 科技周於五月上旬舉行並順利完成。同學積極參與各個活動。活動包括:班際問答比賽、打字比賽、

app inventor 程式編寫、企業 logo 知多少攤位遊戲、及「壽司刺身食用須知」的展覧。

Technology Week was held successfully in early May. Students participated actively in all activities. The

activities included Fun Technology Worksheets, Chinese-typing Competition, App Inventor Workshop,

Enterprise Logo Game Stall, and an exhibition of “Points to Note for Eating Sushi and Sashimi”.

同學以 App Inventor,編寫程式,製作一個屬於自己既手機程

式 Students create their own mobile phone app with App Inventor.

企業 Logo 知多少攤位遊戲

Enterprise Logo Game Stall


輔導委員會 Guidance and Counselling Committee

「共融文化日」Multicultural Integration Day





The Multicultural Integration Partnership provided a platform for Form One students with different

cultural backgrounds to better understand each other and to build team spirit through working together

for the Multicultural Integration Day in December. Students shared their fruits of labor in the event.

Activities such as morning assembly, a multicultural exhibition, video appreciation sessions and hall

games were included. With participation from all teachers and students, the event helped in building a

multicultural campus.

「Teen。戲」劇場 The “Teen。Drama”




The “Teen。Drama” Programme offered opportunities for students to participate in drama workshops,

allowing them to take up various roles and experience different changes in life. The event aimed at

initiating their reflection on life. The “Teen。Drama” theatre was launched on April 22. It allowed

participating students to promote positive behaviour and messages in the community. It also encouraged

students to strengthen their learning and appreciate outcomes.


Multicultural Integration Day


The “Teen。Drama”



Religious Studies, Ethics and Civic Education Committee

初中靈修日 Junior Form Spirituality Day (1/2/2016)

第一站 :參觀西貢白沙澳聖母


1st station: Visiting the Immaculate

Heart of Mary Chapel and Ho

Ancestral Hall in Pak Sha O, Sai


第二站 :參觀將軍澳聖安德肋堂

2nd station: Visiting St. Andrew’s

Church in Tseung Kwan O.

第三站 :參觀將軍澳明愛白英


3rd station: Visiting Caritas

Institute of Higher Education and

the chapel.

Sharing from Rubbi (3C)

The journey was long. Some of our schoolmates had motion sickness on the way to Sai

Kung. It took more than a hundred years to build the ancient church. An old gentleman

had spent three months repairing the church; it must be God’s will. We visited St.

Andrew’s Church and Caritas Institute of Higher Education in Tseung Kwan O

afterwards. We had a lot of fun on that day. Even though the weather was poor, we

overcame the situation together.


升學及就業輔導委員會 Career Guidance Committee

參觀旅遊服務業培訓發展中心 Visit to the Hospitality Industry Training and

Development Centre 為讓同學了解旅遊服務業的就業前景,本校安排中四同學參觀位於薄扶林的旅遊服務業培訓發展中



To understand more about career prospects in the hospitality industry, S.4 students visited the

Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre located in Pokfulam. The teacher guided our

students to visit the training restaurants, front office training lobby, mock-up guest room, and

housekeeping cleaning studies room. Our students could enhance their team spirit and communication

skills through the learning environment and practical operation simulation.


Accommodation service training


Napkin folding training


Usage of cleaning equipment

學生活動委員會 Student Activities Committee

校內活動 Activities on Campus 校外活動 Inter-school Activities


振中滿天聲 歌唱比賽(決賽)

CWCC Singing Contest 2015-16

5/2 聖第 51 屆香港學校舞蹈節甲等獎

51st Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival

(Jazz & Street Dance) Merit



Hong Kong Schools Drama Festival



Award for Outstanding Stage Effects


Award for Outstanding Cooperation

24/4 暑期活動展繽紛 2016

“Summer Youth Programme 2016” opening


「第四屆明愛中學聯校創藝展 2016 塈


The 4 t h Caritas Secondary Schools Creative Art Show 2016

cum Hong Kong Primary Schools Drawing Competition


間明愛中學於 2016 年 4 月 22 日至 24 日在香港大會堂舉辦「第四屆明愛中學聯校創

藝展 2016 塈全港小學繪畫比賽」。

香 港 明 愛 總 裁 兼 教 育

服務部長 閻德龍 神父致 辭

教育 局副局 長楊潤 雄先 生致辭


育局副局長楊潤雄先生 (Mr

Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, JP,

Under Secretary for


長許曉暉女士 (Ms Florence

Hui Hiu-fai, SBS, JP, Under

Secretary for Home Affairs)擔




本校在展覽中一共展出 41 件高中及中初學生的視覺藝術作品,當包括繪畫、攝影、







高中視藝學 生創作

學生學習作 品裝錶 技 巧

視藝老師與 學生在 展場裝 置展品

黎穎昕同學 與嘉賓 分享作 品

黎穎昕同學 接受明 報記者 訪問

家長校董覃 愛娟女 士親臨 支持展覽

本校小畫家 4A 陳巧瑤 同 學和 3C 吳 莉雯同學

2B、 3A 及 3C 班到 香港大 會堂參觀 展覽

5A 班 Aal ia 為 初中同 學介 紹展品

校長、老師 、家長 和服務 生合照

教育局副局 長楊潤 雄先生 與本校校 長師生 合照


學校資料 School Information 校監 Supervisor:郭偉祥先生 Mr. Kwok Wai Cheung

校長 Principal:陳新亨先生 Mr. Chan Sun Hang

辦學團體 Sponsoring Body:香港明愛 Caritas – Hong Kong

創校年份 Year of Commencement of Operation:1967

校訓 School Motto:忠誠勤樸 敬主愛人

Be Faithful, Diligent and Stay Simple; Love God and One Another

地址 Address:香港薄扶林羅富國徑 8 號 8 Northcote Close, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

電話 Phone: 28172318 電郵地址 Email: cwcc@cwcc.edu.hk

傳真 Fax: 28172320 互聯網址 Website: http://www.cwcc.edu.hk

直達校舍的公共交通 Direct public transportation to School

巴士 Buses 乘搭以下路線可於瑪麗醫院站下車後步行前往 Stop at Queen Mary Hospital ․ 4、4X、7、30X、37A、37B、37X、40、40M、40P、43A、71、71P、90B、


乘搭以下路線可於域多利道下車後步行前往 Stop at Victoria Road ․ 43M、47P、971、A10

小巴 Minibuses 乘搭以下路線可於瑪麗醫院站下車後步行前往 Stop at Queen Mary Hospital ․ 10、22、22S、23、23M、31、54、55

乘搭以下路線可於沙宣道下車後步行前往 Stop at Sassoon Road ․ 8、8X、28、28S

乘搭以下路線可於域多利道下車後步行前往 Stop at Victoria Road ․ 58、58A、59